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After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
Describe the five steps to helping clients achieve more.
Understand positive psychology and the importance of setting goals.

Key Terms

Root cause analysis

Introduction to Positive Psychology

How to Use the New Science of Success to Help
Clients Achieve More

uccessful health and fitness professionals have not only mastered

exercise science, they also have a working knowledge of psychology (or
the science of behavior and mind). They can keep clients motivated,
they understand the psychology of peak performance and they can help clients
make lasting lifestyle changes, both inside and outside the gym. Fortunately,
psychology has more tools and techniques to offer health and fitness
professionals than ever before. Psychologys century-long, Freud-inspired focus
on deficits and dysfunction is increasingly giving way to positive psychology
(the scientific study of happy, successful, highly achieving people).
This chapter synthesizes the latest research on positive psychology in a
very practical way. It presents a straightforward, science-based, five step
process that health and fitness professionals can use to help their clients
achieve more. At each step, it offers proven tools and techniques for enhancing
performance and facilitating lasting lifestyle changes.

MODULE 17-1: Step One Vision

The Science of Clarifying Your Ultimate Ambitions
Successful people know what they want from life. Their lives are
characterized by a sense of passion, purpose and meaning. Research confirms


Optimum Performance Training for the Health and Fitness Professional

the physical and psychological benefits of the vision thing. Those who are
certain about what they want to accomplish are up to six times more likely to
successfully make life changes than those who are less certain.1 Conversely,
those with conflicting goals, or those who are ambivalent about their goals, are
significantly more likely to:2,3
Experience depression and anxiety;
Be less happy and less satisfied with their lives;
Have more physical illnesses and doctors visits;
Be indecisive, uncertain and rebellious;
Be easily distracted and procrastinate;
Spend more time thinking about their goals; and
Spend less time taking action toward their goals.
Successful health and fitness professionals, therefore, must be adept at
helping clients clarify what they really want, both in and out of the health club.
When asking clients about their goals, health and fitness professionals must be
able to break through top-of-mind answers, such as get in shape, that arent
helpful to health and fitness professionals or inspiring to clients.They must also
be able to reinterpret unintentionally misleading responses. Many clients, for
example, will say their goal is to lose weight and emphasize their need for
cardiovascular workouts, when in fact they really want their bodies
proportioned differently and need a regimen more focused on weight training.
Clarifying a clients ultimate objectives will lead to longer, more mutually
satisfying relationships for health and fitness professionals and clients alike.

A method of asking
questions on a stepby-step basis to
discover the initial
cause of a fault.


Helping Clients Achieve More by Helping Them Figure out

What They Really Want
Keep Asking Why?
This process, sometimes called root cause analysis, helps uncover the
true motivations underlying superficial answers. Its simple: just keep asking
why. Consider the health and fitness professional with two new clients, each
of whom says their goal is to lose weight. When asked,Why? Bob answers,
So Ill look better. The health and fitness professional may then ask Bob,Why
do you want to look better? to which he might answer, So Ill get more
dates. When asked why she wants to lose weight, Karen answers,So Ill have
more energy. The health and fitness professional may then ask Karen,Why do
you want more energy? to which she may answer, So I can play sports with
my kids and go hiking in Peru this summer. In this very simple example,
differences in motivation and orientation become clear after asking why just

Behavior Modification

twice. The benefits are obvious. The health and fitness professional is now
better equipped to customize the fitness programs (emphasizing toning and
bulk versus stamina and energy). He can better target the fitness-related
articles that he regularly e-mails to his clients. When the going gets tough, he
can more effectively motivate clients by reminding them of their ultimate
ambitions. He can also communicate the benefits of additional sessions more
persuasively. The list goes on.
Vision Quest-ions
In addition to asking why, try asking Vision Quest-ions like these:
What would you try to accomplish if you knew you couldnt fail?
What would you do if you won the lottery?
Who are your role models?
What kinds of experiences do you find so engrossing that, when you
engage in them, you forget about everything around you?
A few clients may find questions like these odd, so start by asking
permission to pose a few outside the box questions and communicate the
proven benefits of the vision thing.

MODULE 17-1 Summary

Successful people are certain about what they want from life and have
grasped the vision thing. Thus, health and fitness professionals must be able
to help clients clarify what they truly desire, both in and out of the health club.
This can be done through asking why? in a process called root cause analysis,
which uncovers motivations behind superficial answers. In addition, ask outside
the box questions about clients vision. Clarifying a clients real objectives will
lead to longer, more mutually satisfying relationships for health and fitness
professionals and clients alike.

MODULE 17-1 Quiz

1. Those who are certain about what they want to accomplish are up to
_______ times more likely to successfully make life changes than those
who are less certain.



2. In the process of root cause analysis, a health and fitness professional

can uncover the true motivations underlying superficial answers by asking
clients what question about their goals?

Optimum Performance Training for the Health and Fitness Professional

MODULE 17-2: Step Two Strategy

The Science of Turning Lofty Ambitions into
Consistent Action
Success requires a strategy for making ones vision a reality.Flexible thinkers
who engage in higher-level visionary thinking, as well as lower-level strategic
thinking, accomplish more than those who consistently think at either level alone.
These flexible thinkers also tend to be physically healthier, with lower rates of
drug and alcohol abuse.4 In contrast, a lofty vision without a compelling strategy
is associated with perfectionism, procrastination, and labels such as a hopeless
romantic. Properly set, personal goals channel effort, boost motivation and
enhance performance, but perhaps most importantly, they intensify the broader
process of strategy refinement.After setting challenging goals, people think longer,
harder, and more creatively about how to accomplish them.5
The challenge with the goal setting literature is separating fact from fiction.
Consider this goal setting study described by many popular self-improvement
experts. The 1953 graduating class at Yale was interviewed, and three percent
had written specific goals. When re-interviewed 20 years later, the three
percent who wrote goals were worth more, financially, than the other 97
percent combined. Its a compelling story, with one drawback: this study was
never conducted.6 It is a self-improvement urban legend, repeated uncritically,
until accepted as truthful. In recent years, the legend has morphed; the bestselling popular fitness manual Body for Life recently recounted this legend as the
Harvard study of goals.
Urban legends get repeated because they convey deeper truths and there
are, in fact, hundreds of real studies documenting the beneficial effects of goals.
To maximize performance, it is best to help clients understand and use the six
principles of effective goal setting summarized by the acronym SMAART.
Helping Clients Achieve More by Helping Them Set SMAART Goals
More than 100 published studies document that specific, challenging goals
result in better performance than easy goals, no goals or simply trying to do
your best.7 Encourage specific goals based on the number of workouts per
week, the amount of time engaging in cardiovascular exercise, etc.


Measuring progress toward goals allows one to ascertain whether the
strategy is working.8 Measurable goals also encourage steady progress by

Behavior Modification

minimizing the tendency to conceptualize success in all-or-none terms, a

tendency that leaves clients vulnerable to the snowball effect or letting a
minor setback snowball into a major relapse and a total collapse.9
People who set aggressive goals tend to accomplish more than those
setting more modest goals.10 Setting achievable goals at the upper end of a
clients ability will inspire more effort, and build more confidence when
Client goals should focus on desired ends to move toward, rather than
negative states to avoid. Avoidance goals conjure up memories of accidents or
failures, and people with many avoidance goals are less happy, healthy and
motivated than others.11,12
Goals should be relevant in the sense that they are consistent with a
clients own ideals and vision. People strive toward relevant goals with greater
interest and confidence, leading to enhanced performance, persistence,
creativity and self-esteem.
Set expectations for daily performance and outcomes.These should be as
specific as the execution of each exercise to how a client desires to feel at the
end of each workout. The client should understand how each session and
exercise is relevant to his/her higher vision of what he/she desires to achieve.
Explain how each component of the OPT model is progressing the client
toward his/her highest health and fitness aspirations, one exercise at a time.
Time-bound means that the health and fitness professional should assist
clients in setting a specific timeframe around their plan for achieving health and
fitness goals, both short- and long-term. Supplementing a long-term vision with
near-term, proximal goals leads to better performance, as well as a heightened
sense of confidence, determination and happiness.12,13 A client who resolves to
lose 20 pounds in the next year, for example, should set more proximal eating
and exercise goals that can be reached in a week or two.
Finally, goals should be inspirational in the sense that they are consistent
with a clients own ideals and ambitions. People strive toward inspirational goals
with greater interest and confidence, leading to enhanced performance,
persistence, creativity and self-esteem.13


Optimum Performance Training for the Health and Fitness Professional

MODULE 17-2 Summary

Vision is important. But, more important is the strategy to make that vision
a reality. Those who think on both levels tend to achieve more and be
physically healthier. Strategy (and goal-setting) channels effort, boosts
motivation and enhances performance.
There are six useful principles of effective goal setting, summarized by the
acronym SMAART.
S Specific goals result in better performance.
M Measurable goals let a client know if the strategy is working.
A Aggressive goals tend to create greater performance than
modest ones.
A Approach to goal setting should be on desired ends to move
R Relevant goals maintain focus and motivation by demonstrating
how each component of the OPT model correlates with the
clients overall goals.
T Time-bound proximal, short-term goals raise sense of
confidence and determination.

MODULE 17-2 Quiz

1. What was the flaw with the success study done of Yales 1953 graduating

2. What does the acronym SMAART stand for?

3. Setting achievable goals at the __________end of a clients ability will

inspire more effort, and build more confidence when accomplished.



Behavior Modification

MODULE 17-3: Step Three Belief

Science of Minimizing FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)
Clients must truly believe that they can implement their strategies and
achieve their visions. Belief comes in many flavors, including self-confidence,
self-efficacy, sense of control and hope. Regardless of the label, the findings are
clear: belief is one of the most powerful predictors of change and success.
Those who truly believe they will be successful are more likely to:14

Work harder, achieve more and perform better in many domains

(from academics to sports to keeping their New Years resolutions).
Be happy, while more effectively tackling problems of depression,
anxiety, burnout, alcoholism, smoking and obesity.
Set more goals and set them more effectively.
Persist vigorously in the face of obstacles and view setbacks as a
source of motivation.
Attribute failures to changeable causes (e.g., poor strategies) rather
than unchangeable ones (e.g., not being smart enough).
React better to difficult circumstances, including bad test scores,
career setbacks, stressful jobs, paralyzing accidents, and chronic
Use more effective coping habits, such as humor, regular exercise,
and preventative care.

Helping Clients Achieve More by Helping Them Believe

in Themselves
Think Baby Steps
Encourage clients to start with modest goals and increase them in small
increments. Remember that goals should be challenging, but attainable.
World-class athletes are routinely trained to visualize performing well in
competitive situations, and research suggests that mental practice can help
everyday athletes as well.15,16 Visualization must be vivid and detailed to be
effective. Envisioning broad ends like being thinner or feeling stronger may
temporarily boost motivation, but greater benefits (reduced anxiety, greater
confidence and enhanced performance) result from envisioning the specific
means to those ends.17
Of course, one must also visualize proper form and technique.
Visualization enhances the performance of elite athletes, but can hamper the


Optimum Performance Training for the Health and Fitness Professional

performance of novices because they mentally practice the wrong skills (e.g.,
novice basketball players mentally rehearse poor form in free throw
Schedule Negativity
Many techniques can help clients battle the negative thoughts and attitudes
that often undermine belief. Suggest scheduling negativity, perhaps setting
aside time from 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. for self-doubt. If they find negative thoughts
recurring during workouts, they should remind themselves that there will be
plenty of time to plague themselves with self-doubt at 8:00 p.m. Another
variation involves limiting negativity to a very specific location. Although these
techniques may seem out there, research has shown that anxiety can be
lessened by limiting it to 30 minutes a day and only in a worry chair; similarly,
smoking can be reduced by limiting it to an inconvenient and uncomfortable
smoking chair.19

MODULE 17-3 Summary

Belief is extremely important implementing strategies and achieving
visions. It is one of the most powerful predictors of change and success. Those
who truly believe they will be successful are more likely to be happy, work
harder, perform better, set more effective goals, persist in the face of obstacles,
handle failure better and achieve more.
Belief can be fostered by having clients start with modest attainable goals,
increasing them in small increments. They should also use vivid and detailed
visualizations of success. Visualizing proper form and technique is important
too. Finally, it may help to schedule negativity or confine it to a specific

MODULE 17-3 Quiz

1. Those with a high level of belief view setbacks as a source of motivation.



Behavior Modification

MODULE 17-4: Step Four Persistence

The Science of Drive and Determination
Research confirms the conventional wisdom that successful people work
hard, and rebound from setbacks. In short, they persist. People who successfully
maintain their New Years resolutions for two years report an average of 14
slips, but they use those setbacks to strengthen their commitment.20
Persistence is obviously crucial to weight loss, but it drives weight gain as well.
The average person gains only one pound during holiday season, and only a
pound and a half over the course of a whole year. The problem is persistence:
weight goes on each year, typically staying on permanently, leading to a 10pound weight gain in only seven years.21
Helping Clients Achieve More by Helping Them Persist
Reward Success
Rewarding oneself for success is a rarely used, but powerful technique
for change. It has proven effective in aiding weight loss, smoking cessation,
battling depression, boosting self-efficacy and adhering to prescribed medical
regimens.22,23,24 It can start as simply as clients treating themselves to
smoothies if they work out individually before their next session with you.
Increase the goals and rewards gradually. For a more formal system, try the
deposit-and-refund technique. A client who wants to lose ten pounds could
write a check to a friend for $500. The friend refunds the deposited money at
the rate of $50 per pound lost. This self-reward system makes instant
gratification a positive force for change (If I lose just one pound, Ill get an
immediate reward), and can facilitate lasting weight loss, even after the formal
reward period ends.25
Facilitate Networks of Excellence
Those with supportive friends and family achieve more, live longer and feel
happier than those who are more isolated.26,27 They also exhibit greater
persistence, as supportive people close to them reward their progress, help
celebrate successes and aid in recovery from setbacks.28,29 Encourage clients to
ask for support from friends and family.They should also attempt to surround
themselves with excellence, perhaps by finding equally committed workout
partners (the deposit-and-refund method described above is even more
effective when done as a group).30 This will also encourage clients to publicly
commit to goals, which is another potent predictor of success.

Optimum Performance Training for the Health and Fitness Professional

Have a Strategy for Setbacks

Encourage clients to expect success, but prepare them for setbacks. A
setback plan might involve identifying a friend to call in the event of a slip.
Another technique involves carrying a reminder card. Smokers who lapse
while trying to quit, for example, are encouraged to look at a reassuring card
which reads (in part): Just because you slipped once does not mean that you
are a failure, that you have no willpower or that you are a hopeless addict. Look
upon the slip as a single, independent event, something which can be avoided
in the future with an alternative coping response.31

MODULE 17-4 Summary

Successful people succeed by working hard and rebounding from setbacks.
In short, they persist. Persistence can by encouraged by rewarding success.
Rewards for change may start out simply and gradually increase as goals do. A
more formal system is the deposit-and-refund technique, which is best
achieved with friends and groups.
Tell clients to ask for support from friends and family and find equally
committed workout partners. Publicly committing to goals is another potent
predictor of success. This will aid in persistence, achievement and happiness.
Their supportive network can reward their progress, help celebrate successes
and aid in recovery from setbacks. While expecting success, clients should
prepare for setbacks.To help, a setback plan is useful.The plan might be to call
a friend in the event of a slip or to carry a reminder card.

MODULE 17-4 Quiz

1. What is a good formal reward system?


Behavior Modification

MODULE 17-5: Step Five Learning

The Science of Making Course Corrections
Clients must learn whether they are persisting in the right direction, and
whether course corrections are necessary. The best tool for this type of
learning is a process psychologists call self-monitoring, which simply means
recording aspects of behavior and measuring progress toward goals. Keeping
records of eating and exercise habits, for example, is one of the few predictors
of lasting weight loss.32 Similarly, students who keep records of their studying
get better grades than those who dont. In clinical situations, self-monitoring
has reduced alcohol consumption, smoking, disruptive classroom behavior, nail
biting and even hallucinations!33,34 Simply recording behavior has modest effects
that diminish over time, but it can be a powerful performance-enhancing tool
when combined with the first four steps of the process.35
Recording progress serves as a small reward when clients are doing well
and as a gentle, but thought-provoking punishment when they are doing poorly.
It encourages clients to celebrate success and counteracts the natural
tendency to overlook progress (as when dieters focus on times they broke
their diets, overlooking all their successes). It enhances accountability and
keeps clients focused on their ultimate objectives. But most of all, selfmonitoring enhances learning by providing feedback on whether a clients
strategy is taking her toward her vision, and it makes clear whether course
corrections are necessary.
Helping Clients Achieve More by Helping Them Measure
Their Progress
Use What You Already Have
Virtually all health and fitness professionals already record the amount of
time clients spend doing cardiovascular workouts, or the amount of weight
lifted in various exercises. However, most would admit they could spend more
time sharing and discussing this information with clients. Jointly reviewing past
data helps clients build confidence by seeing the progress they have made, and
helps motivate them to achieve more. Try creating charts and graphs of a
clients data that display progress visually. All the data in the world wont help
clients if it only exists on a health and fitness professionals clipboard. It needs
to get in clients heads on a regular basis.


Optimum Performance Training for the Health and Fitness Professional

Go Further
Encourage clients to take their self-monitoring to the next level by
recording progress toward each of their goals on a zero-to-10 scale every day,
with zero denoting no progress and 10 representing outstanding progress. This
intuitive technique works with any kind of goal and is ideal for computer
Focus on Controllable Behaviors
Initially measure behaviors and avoid tracking physiological outcome
measures, such as changes in weight, blood pressure, body fat or medication
needs.These measures are obviously important, and should be tracked over the
long-term as appropriate, but they dont change immediately. Clients who
measure these variables daily can quickly become discouraged and lose selfefficacy. For clients trying to lose weight, for example, encourage them not to
weigh themselves for two or three weeks after beginning exercise programs.
Analyze the Data
Analyzing a clients progress data helps them to quickly ascertain which
goals they are progressing toward, and which goals require new strategies or
additional effort. Examining trends over time may reveal additional patterns
such as weekend snowballs (or making solid progress toward eating and
exercise goals during the week, but letting one slip snowball into periods of
inactivity and overeating on weekends). This knowledge enables course
corrections; on weekends, a client can redouble his efforts to work out, or
cook healthy meals at home, rather than eat out. Goal-setting software
programs enable even more sophisticated analyses with point-and-click
simplicity, and simplify the entry of progress data as well.


Summing It Up
True success in life isnt rare due to the fact that people are weak or lazy
or lack willpower or fear success. Rather, true success is rare because too often
people use flawed strategies for success. Across different areas of life, from
weight loss to smoking cessation, from academic success to athletic excellence,
those who achieve more use the best processes for change.These individuals
identify more techniques for change, while using those techniques longer, more
frequently, more consistently, and more thoughtfully.36,37 The process outlined
in this chapter synthesizes the most powerful tools for change known to
science. Using them with clients, and with yourself, will lead to greater success
for all.

Behavior Modification

MODULE 17-5 Summary

It is important to know whether persistence is paying off or if course
corrections are necessary. Self-monitoring (by recording aspects of behavior
and measuring progress toward goals) is an excellent way to track this. Clients
should keep records of things such as eating and exercise habits and may even
want to take self-monitoring to the next level, by recording progress on a zeroto-10 scale every day. These steps encourage celebrating success and also
enhance accountability. Clients stay focused on their ultimate objectives and
know whether course corrections are necessary.
Health and fitness professionals should share recorded workout data with
clients. It may help to create charts and graphs of a data that displays progress
visually. Initially, measure behaviors and avoid tracking physiological measures,
since they dont change immediately. Analyzing progress data helps to quickly
ascertain which goals clients are progressing toward, and which goals require
new strategies or additional effort.

MODULE 17-5 Quiz

1. Self-monitoring involves recording aspects of __________ and measuring
__________ toward goals.
2. Jointly reviewing past workout data helps clients build confidence by
seeing the progress they have made and helps motivate them to achieve


3. Clients who are trying to lose weight should be encouraged not to weigh
themselves for how long?

4. Success in life is rare because most people are lazy, lack willpower or
have a fear success.



Optimum Performance Training for the Health and Fitness Professional

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Behavior Modification

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Optimum Performance Training for the Health and Fitness Professional

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