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1. Group - collection of people
2. Social group - any system of social relationships in which members,
united by a sense of emotional solidarity and of a common purpose,
have a culture which defines the roles and standards by which
members are differentiated from non-members
3. Status - position a person occupies in society by virtue of his age,
sex, birth, marriage, occupation, or achievement
4. Secondary group- characterized by impersonal, businesslike,
contractual, formal, and casual relationships. It is less inclusive than
the primary group, the relationship within the system are intensive and
long lasting
5. Social gesture - a motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to
express a thought or feeling
6. Dramaturgy - new perspective in sociology which views social
situations as scenes, complete with stages, actors, props, and
7. Clique - an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
8. Amalgamation - a biological interbreeding of two peoples of distinct
physical appearance until they become onstock
9. Disjunctive social process - those making for opposition, disunity,
disorganization and disintegration of the group
10. Ascribed status- position assigned to an individual without
reference to his innate differences and abilities
11. Competition- the process through which the distributive and
ecological order of society is created and maintained
12. Acculturation- the process an effect of significant change through
mutual borrowing and adoptions by people of different cultures in
contact with some continuity
13. Informal group- type of social group arises spontaneously by virtue
of interaction of two or more individuals resulting in the formation of
cliques, friendship groups, or gangs

14. Feral children- those whose mental, physical and social growth
have been cut off because of being reared in total, or nearly total,
isolation from other humans
15. Sex status- refers to male or female biological condition
16. Stereotype- a coventional conception or image
17. Accommodation- term used by sociologists to describe the
adjustment of hostile individuals or groups
18. Primary group- involved with the universal human relationship
19. Preliterate society- those do not have a written language
20. Race status- commonly marked by color distinction or geographical
21. Role- refers to the part the individual is expected to play in his
social group
22. Social control- process by which induces persons to comply with
the collective standards of action or belief even when alternative
patterns are available
23. Achieved status- individuals attain by means of their own abilities
or skills in the performance of their functions or tasks assigned to them
24. Gemeinsheft society- neither personal attachments nor traditional
rights and duties are important
25. Improvised role- role wherein you have to emphatize and put
yourself in the place of the other in order to understand the problem
26. Reference group- one which individual refers and with which he
identifies either consciously or unconsciously
27. Superordination- form of accommodation wherein it is accepted
only when conflicting groups are so unequal in power that continuing
the struggle seems futile
28. Conjunctive social process- those making for consensus,
cooperation, unification and integration

29. Formal group- used by sociologists officially prescribe and allocate

tasks, privileges and responsibilities thereby specifying how the
activity of a group is to be carried out
30. Structured or Patterned reaction- when two people quarrel and one
boxes the other, it is expected that the victim stikes back and returns
the blow
31. Social Process- repetitive forms of behavior which are commonly
found in social life
32. Out-group- a group to which we do not participate, one has a
feeling of indifference, strangeness, avoidance, dislike, antagonism,
and even hatred
33. Displacement- process of ending one conflict by replacing it with
34. Gesselsheft society- relatives are separated as people move about
and live among strangers
35. Looking-glass self- as time goes on the child learns to view himself
as others view him
36. Peer group- a powerful source of information and socialization
37. In-group- group to which an individual identifies himself and which
gives him a sense of belonging
38. Social status- position in a social hierarchy
39. Cooperation- form of social interaction in which two or more
individuals or groups work together toward a common end
40. Heterogenous- elements that are not of the same kind or nature
41. Pornography- no literary/ artistic value other than to stimulate
sexual desire
42. Animosity- a feeling of ill will arousing with hostility
43. Operari- Latin word meaning to work

B. Personages

1. Brinkershoff- described culture as the total way of life shared by

members of a society
2. Linton- refers to it as the place in a particular system which a certain
individual occupies at a particular time
3. Ferdinand Tonnies- a German sociologist, noted that in small
homogenous societies members interacted with one another on an
informal person to person basis and that tradition dictated their
4. Persell-described culture as "all the socially learned behaviors,
beliefs, feelings and values the members of a group or society
- stated that persons in the group must have a common goal
5. Shibutani- speaks of a role as "participant's contribution to an
organized enterprise"
6. W.W Cole- refers to social processes as "consistent patterns of social
behavior or interaction which can be identified in a society"
7. Edward Taylor- defined culture as "that complex whole which
includes knowledge, beliefs, art, law morals, customs, and other
capabilities acquired by man as a member of society"
8.Simmel- classifies conflict into (1) war (2) feud or struggle between
factions (3) litigation or legal battle (4) conflict of impersonal ideals
9. Dobriner- claims group as "a complex issue and one that is not
entirely answered today"
10. Henderson- considers conflict as the "rivalrous interaction which
emphasizes the difference between people and minimizes their
11. Horton &Hunt- refers social process as repetitive forms of behavior
which are commonly found in social life
- stated that culture "is an elaborate system of
standardized expected ways of feeling and acting which the members
of society generally acknowledge and follow"
12. Shakespeare- he gave "As You Like It, Act 2 Scene 7", used theater
as a metaphor for social life we view our behavior as guided by social

13. Charles H. Cooley- provided a classic description of this

phenomenon called "looking glass self"
14. Ogburn &Nimkoff-defined accommodation as an adjustment to
conflict, past, present and incipient

C. Enumeration
A.) 5 Ways of Representing Conjunctive Social Process



B.) 5 Principal Characteristics of a Secondary Group


casual relationships

C.) 4 Agents of Socialization



Peer Group
Mass Media

D.) 8 Significant Socializing Process that Takes Place in the

The Social Values of:
(1) love
(2) honesty
(3) charity
(4) hope
(5) truth
(6) fairness
(7) respect for elders
(8) worship of God

E.) 6 Different Levels in the Age Group


peer group of children

school group
adolescent peers
marriage peers
family peers
peer group of the aged

F.) 5 Stages of An Infant's Span of Life


Old age

G.) 6 Virtues which are Applicable to Society


Public service
Obedience to laws
Respect for authority

H.) 5 Different Levels of Age Peer Group


how to take turns

to share toys
to fight fairly
to deal with adults
prepare for the next stage of growth

I.) 5 Effects of Watching TV


powerful Influence in socializing the young

chidren spend more time in watching tv than they spend in school
influence of violence
increases the chance that a child will be aggressive
sex and pornography

J.) 5 Ways To Which School Prepares Individual To Perform

Roles Successfully

(1) teaching the children the behavior acceptable in public life

(2) how to get along with friends
(3) how to work in groups
(4) how to compete
(5) teaching of public virtues( public service, patriotism, citizenship,
sportsmanship, obedience to laws, and respect for authority)

K.) 6 Ways on How Peer Groups Affect Our Attitudes

Towards Others

manner of speaking
manner of dressing
relationship of the opposite sex
job choices
recreational activities

L.) 3 Functions of School as a Socializing Agent

(1) They are expected both(society and school) to help children
develop their potential as individuals and to mold them into social
(2) The school teaches its formal curriculum of academic knowledge
and skills.
(3) The school teaches a "hidden curriculum", training students to be
patriotic, to believe in the society's cultural values and to obey its laws.

M.) 16 Differences Between Human Beings and Animals

8 Human Beings:
(1) Human behavior is primarily learned and only man has the
capability to learn through language and gestures.
(2) Human infant has long period of dependency.
(3) Human infant is born at a less developed stage than other animal
(4) Human has a long span of life compared to that of animals.
(5) Human mind both require and permit social life is at birth a bundle
of potentials.
(6) Human behavior is not comparable to that of bees, birds, or other

(7) Humans survive, build houses, work, mate, enjoying pleasure in a

variety of forms not through instinct but by learning.
(8) Man can transmit his knowledge and wisdom to his fellowmen
through symbolic language.

8 Animals:
(1) Animals do not possess language.
(2) Animals do what they do from time immemorial without
improvement in their way of life.
(3) Animals cannot teach their offspring what they learn.
(4) Animals can be trained to do certain tricks or behavior.
(5) Animals has shorter span of life compared to that of human beings.
(6) Most animals after birth can fend for themselves.
(7) Animals has more developed stage than humans.
(8) Animal responses are purely instinctive.

N.) 4 Types of Societies Existing Today


Preliterate Society
Historical Society
Modern Society
Agricultural Society

O.) 4 Classifications of Group


Primary Group
Secondary Group
Informal Groups
Formal Groups

P.) 4 Essences of Gesselsheft Process


absence of emotion
regard for the other persons

Q.) 3 Functions of Ethnocentrism

(1) It contributes to group loyalty and therefore promotes group

(2) It promotes conformity and therefore becomes a form of social

(3) lt promotes nationalism

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