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3 Fictional Stories That Later Came TrueDetails Eerily Similar

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times | November 13, 2013

Last Updated: December 17, 2013 12:26 pm
An engraving of the
Titanic by Willy Stwer
An engraving of the Titanic by Willy Stwer titled "Der
Untergang der Titanic." (Wikimedia Commons)
1. Edgar Allan Poe Seems to Foretell Death of Richard Parker by
Edgar Allan Poe (U.S. Library of Congress)
In the 19th century, Edgar Allan Poe wrote The
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym about a cabin boy
named Richard Parker who was killed and eaten by his
three shipmates after their ship sank.
In 1884, almost 50 years after the book was written, the
yacht Mignonette set off from Southampton, England, for
Sydney, Australia. A cabin boy named Richard Parker
embarked on this voyage with three shipmatesjust as
in Poes story.
The Mignonette sank en route, and poor Parker had the
same fate as his fictional counterpart.
Turtle meat initially sustained the Mignonette crewmen,
as it had Poes characters. When the turtle meat ran
out, however, and Parker was weakened after drinking
sea water, his crewmates killed and ate him.
A file photo of a yacht . (Shutterstock)
2. Morgan Robertson Seems to Fortell the Sinking of the Titanic
Author Morgan Robertson wrote of the sinking of a
fictional ship he called the Titan in 1898, which bore a
remarkable resemblance to the Titanic. The Titan sank
under almost the exact same conditions 14 years after
the book, titled Futility was written.
The Buffalo News summed up the similarities in a 1998
article posted on the University of Buffalo website:
Robertsons Titan was 800 feet long, the Titanic
Both ships were all steel with three propellers and two
Each was built to carry about 3000 people.
The gross tonnage of the Titan was 46,328, the
Titanic 45,000.
The Titans horsepower was 40,000, the Titanics
Each was described as the largest passenger ship
ever built.
Both were considered unsinkable until they went down
in the North Atlantic.
There were far too few lifeboats on either ship.
The Titan was traveling at 24 knots, the Titanic 22.5.

Both wrecks were in the month of April.

Both stuck an iceberg on the starboard side near
3. Philip K. Dick Meets His Characters Real-Life Counterpart
A drawing of Philip K. Dick. (Wikimedia Commons)
Popular science-fiction author Philip K. Dick wrote a
book titled Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, in
1970. He wrote it really quickly, carried by strong
inspiration .
He later met a woman who had the same name as one
of his characters. She was the same age, and her
boyfriend had the same name as the characters
boyfriend. Further, she was involved in a crime ring like
the character in the book, but later revealed that she
was having an affair with a police officer, also like the
character in the book.
The mystery goes further, as Dick describes in his 1978
essay titledHow to Build a Universe That Doesnt Fall
Apart Two Days Later.
Certainly, these are odd coincidences. Perhaps I have
precognition. But the mystery becomes even more
perplexing; the next stage totally baffles me.
One afternoon I was talking to my priestI am an
Episcopalianand I happened to mention to him an
important scene near the end of the novel in which the
character Felix Buckman meets a black stranger at an
all-night gas station, and they begin to talk. As I
described the scene in more and more detail, my priest
became progressively more agitated. At last he said,
That is a scene from the Book of Acts, from the Bible!
Dick checked and found the events matched up in great
detail and even the names were repeated in his story
and in the Bible.

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