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11/02/2014 22:08:00

The fall of the Monarchy

Louis in trouble because of his use of the veto
Jacobins- social club made up of delagets talking about politics

The vendee revolt
Attempted to join with the British

The national convention

Another group, another constitution

Establishes the first French republic
o Elections with near universal male suffrage
The committee for public safety
Vague job of policing enemies of the state
Maximillien Robespierre
o Elected leader of committee
o Not the most charismatic orator, but was well respected and
passionate about the rev
o Opposed the war initially

Metric system
Base ten time system
Rename the months
Change naming practices
The reaction of thermidor
The Directory
Constitution of year III
o Bicameral legislature
o Five-man directory providing executve functions
Military success
o Austrian netherlands
o Northern italy
o More

+ military success
o gives opportunity for military dictatorship
Napoleone Buonaparte
born in Corsica
studied at military academy in france

in 1795, helps to put down a popular uprising in paris

o whiff of grapeshot
very successful during a campaign in Northern italy
campaign in Egypt
o finds rosetta stone
Conspiracy against the directory
Napoleon at war
o Very high morale in the army
o Tactics
Careful planning
The central position
o Cuts off trade to Britain to try and starve them out
Napoleon at home
o Return to gold and silver coins
o Strict censorship
o Huge building program
o The civil code
After losing to Moscow he looks week so everyone joins up against
o He is defeated
o Gives up his throne
o Exiles him
The hundred days
o Napoleon returns from exile and builds army
o Gets sent further away
The new imperialism
o Social dfarwinism
o Robert baden-powell
Boy scouts
o Paradoxes

o Suez canal

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The first wave 1750-1830

The second wave 1860-1914

The main focus is great Britain
Natural resources
Scientific societies
Europe after Napoleon
Congress of Vienna
o A return to status quo
o The conservatism of the Vienaa System colored many later
o No major conflict until 1914
A century of Revolutions
Struggles for political liberty and rights do not stop with the
These ideas were passed outside Europe


Louis XVIII regains power after Napoleon

Revolution of 1830
Another upraising in 1848
o France establishes another rebublic with universal male
National workshops
o Calm people down by putting people to work
o But gov needed money for this so they had to raise taxes
Great Britain
Disagreement is who has the right to vote for parliament
The old way was you had to have a lot of land in order to vote
More push for universal male suffrage
o Drew up a huge charter
o It said they want all men to be able to vote
o Able to get a million signatures
o Present it to parliament

Progress-gradual and incremental changes; small gains


Generally associated with a sense of a people sharing a common

identity based on culture, language, and ethnicity
National identity
certain culture and certain beliefs that define people
Can not change them
An emphasis on pragmatism and power rather than ideologies
seeing an objective, and realizing what steps must be taken to
reach it
not about ideas
about action

Italian unification
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Nationalist and republican
Thousand volunteers
Goes to sissaly to over thro gov
German unification
Otto von bismark
Born noble fam
Elevated to prime minister by prussian king Wilhelm
Germany turns into a unified nation

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Catching up with Russia

Peter 1
o Peter the great
o Very tall
o Great modernizer
o Wants to westernize Russia
o Taking Russian ideas and ways of dressing. Changes to more
o Wanted to get an unfrozen port city
Created st.petersburg
Industrialization does not proceed as fast as it does in the west

Government giving land to the peasants and expect them to pay it


The duma
First representative body that rule along with zar
Not a lot of people can vote

Prime minister
Pyotr Stolypin
o All about public order

The majority

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Has much, much stronger racial overtones than Italian fascism

Use of street violence against these groups
Tried to make more German unity by putting down other people
Saying that Nordic people(Germans) were the master race
Saying that all other people were pollution the gene pool and
needed to be eliminated
Dealing with depression
The rise of the welfare state
o Social security in the US(1935)
o Socialist reforms in france
o Collective bargaining, paid vacations, family subsidies
A return to War
A new imperialism
o Japanese expansion into china
o Germany and the Lebensraum
o Italy and Ethiopia
Germanys increasing refusal to abide by the treaty of Versailles
o Rearming
o Military forces in the Rhineland
o Withdrawal from the league of nations

The Spanish civil war

German expansionism
Real spark to the war

Appeasement- just give in to Hitler a little so he will get what he wants and
leave Europe alone to avoid war.
A mobile war

Total war

Not just on battle fronts

Country against country
Target factories to reduce production of weapons
Attack cities
Us entrence
Japanese sneak attack on pearl harbor

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midterm forward
IDs: people, places ideas, ect.

Essay 3
both writing about capitalists
the bosuarzee
does capitalism benefit society?
o Smith
Advances society
Everyone works in self interest; this benefits society
due to competition.
Invisible hand
Creates opportunity for people to become a lot more
wealthy and in return bringing everyone else up
o Marx

Essay 1:
Differences between England and France
o England was a lot more stable than France
Greatly increase male suffrage and incorporation more
people into the old system.
o England has parliament; representative body. France does not
o France tries to create one
o England is able to role with the punches; no major revolutions
o France has constant government over throws and revolutions

Capitilism is not good because it makes the gap

between rich and poor bigger
Factories and unskilled laborers are forcing skilled
workers out of the market; takes pride out of work
Should the state regulate economic affairs?
o Smith
Doesnt think that government should have a role in
economic affairs
Markets will regulate themselves
Lieze fare economy; just let it be
o Marx
Abolishing private property
Everything should be communal to get rid of

Wants a central, very strong government that provides
a basic standard of living
Wants abolition of currency

People who are ethnically similar
People who speak the same language
Should all be part of the same nation
Way of competing with eachother

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