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Arsenal St., Clayton?

Formerly known as route 12 and route 12 E

By Phil Randazzo

The Clayton Town Board is now in the final process of modifying the zoning on
the north side of route 12 and route 12 E. They are changing many parcels from
Marine Residential to Marine Development in the name of economic development. I
am opposed to any reduction in Marine Residential. I'm further opposed to any
increase in zoning laws that encourage more business along the scenic corridor. More
traffic congestion and noise is not what Clayton is all about.
The process is moving far too quickly and as is a Clayton tradition, voting is
always done at a time when it's difficult for summer property owners to attend such
meetings. Changes of this magnitude should not be rushed through. Six or seven
months of discussion is simply not enough time. When downtown Clayton was
rezoned it was more than a two-year process. There were more than 20 meetings
utilizing workgroups. Input was solicited from as many people as possible, and the
results were amazing. I believe that the town's desire to hastily make the zoning
change is going to open Pandora's box. A couple of examples: In the new Marine
Development area they are adding farm wineries and farm distilleries as permitted
use. At the town meeting they supplied a definition of farm winery /distillery that they
say, comes directly from the state. There is no such definition; there is a definition for
farm wineries and there is a separate and different definition for farm distilleries. Farm
breweries were left out. Was it intentionally left out because we have too many
breweries? Was it left out inadvertently? Either way it's a problem and a result of
moving too fast.
Recently it was reported in the T.I. Sun at a board meeting a property owner
requested that the proposed law change wait until the summer property owners had a
chance to study it. He was told in that the meeting, by the Town Supervisor that the
town business cannot wait till summer property owners return. We must find a way to
include as many property owners as possible in major decisions that affect so many
people. The town follows state law regarding notice to property owners, by
advertising in the local newspaper. I think because of our unique mix of out-of-town
and in town property owners it would be prudent to look at changing our law in the
future regarding proper notice. The town has very little difficulty in locating all
property owners when it comes time to collecting taxes.
I have been personally criticized by several board members that the reason I
oppose this project is because I want to limit my competition. They are using this
argument to marginalize my comments. I am a strong supporter of
entrepreneurialism. I believe in the American dream. I believe every business owner
should have the right to succeed or fail. Let me be perfectly clear I am a huge
supporter of any farm-based business in our area, including all craft beverages. I
have no delusions of being the only winery in the Clayton area. Currently there are
approximately a half a dozen more winery projects slated for Jefferson County. Most

business owners would prefer not to have more competition in their immediate
marketplace. I guess I'm no exception. However I cannot ignore my vision of vines
growing throughout Clayton countryside. I am not thrilled with more competition but I
think Phil DeLuke should have the opportunity to open a winery. But quite frankly, the
proposed winery that Phil DeLuke wants to put in can be approved without a massive
zoning change. The Proposed Distillery on the sight of the Former Nunnery could be
handled with a special use permit just like they did for the previous restaurant
business. Unless it was illegal then and therefore is illegal now.
The Downtown Affect. The availability of more commercial property outside of
the downtown Clayton will injure the downtown business owners. I have been told
that downtown is full, therefore we need more commercial property out side of
the village. Even though Downtown properties are rented, there has still been
much turnover over the last couple of years. Because downtown is full does not
mean the stores are profitable. Still many downtown stores are seasonal and
supported with other family income. There is only a few months where business
owners can be profitable in Clayton. The season is very short we need to give the
village businesses a chance to succeed.
In the past Businesses that moved out of the Village downtown hub, or have been
relocated, have created a negative impact on the downtown businesses; I'd like
to cite two examples:
1. When the grocery store was closed and the business consolidated out of
the village.
2. When Kenny's drugstore moved out on Route 12.
Both of these moves had a huge financial impact on downtown stores. People
used to shop by boat, buy their groceries, visit other downtown stores and they
shopped locally. Lets work on building what we have instead of expanding
geographically. Lets not make our Downtown businesses suffer more in the name
of economic development.
Marine Residential is the Crown Jewel of Clayton and is what most people that
come here, come here for. Peace and quite free from noise pollution. The
proposed law does not address the noise issue at all. The Change from Marine
Residential (MR) to Marine Development (MD) will open more area to business
expansion and create more traffic and congestion. What next, more stop lights?
Lets leave The Marine Residential property zoning alone. At the last town board
meeting there was talk about maybe having a noise ordinance, In the Marine
Residential area soon to be converted to Marine Development, the use of decibel
meters to measure sound was mentioned. Decibel Meters! Decibel Meters!, Here
is the easy answer if you need decibel meter its too loud. How many decibels
does the sound of a jumping fish splash make? How many decibels does the
beating of a Herons wings make when they take flight from our dock? How many
decibels is the call of a Loon at sunset on a pristine summer night? How much
more is our town willing to risk? The town of Clayton does not need more
business development it need less.
Maybe the Town slogan needs to be changed to: Where the Tradition has been

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