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English for Oral Communication is designed to acquaint learners with
important communication strategies for formal and academic interactions.
This course provided learners with the foundation for skills that will be
further enhanced in other courses as they progress in their programme of
study at OUM.
Communication is a process which begins when someone have a
message that he want to deliver to an audience. The message can be
anything that we wish to communicate to an audience. It may be an idea,
a thought or a feeling that we wish to share with someone else.
Oral communication is not just speaking. In oral communication,
information, thoughts and ideas are conveyed via a spoken language such







teleconferencing, oral presentations, and public speaking.

This assignment requires me to write a text of speech on parenting
tips for my speech during the open day of Brainy Montessori. To complete
the assignment, I had to get information from a variety of reference
sources, including information from the internet.


Thanks to the emcee. Assalamualaikum and good morning. Thank
you very much everyone, thank you for coming along today. I am as the
founder of Brainy Montessori willing to deliver a speech on Parenting Tips.
I am honored to be with you here today for the inaugural to share my view
on parenting. Im going to share my opinions on the difficulties of being
parents today and how to be a good parent, based on my own
observations, experience and knowledge.
It is very difficult to be parents today. Not only do we need to raise
our children, but we also need to make important decisions that will affect
the future development of our children. The traditional type of parenting
may no longer be suitable for us today but still we need as a reference.
Thus, it is of course important for us to know about the characteristics of a
good parent.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Parenting is a lifelong journey. As a parent, the first characteristict
that we must possess is responsibility. As a good parent, we need to
responsible to provide for basic needs such as a cozy home, clothing and
food. In addition, a good parent also responsible to provide the proper
education to the children.
A good parent also always prays for his/her children. One of the
greatest privileges we have as a parent is to pray for our children. We
must pray for our children in both the big and little things of life. We

pray for their protection against the evil one. Most of all, as a muslim we
must pray that they might come to love God and treasure him above all
To be a good parent we need to love our children. We should give
them love an affection. Sometimes the best thing you can give your child
is love and affection. A warm touch or a caring hug can let your child know
how much you really care about him or her. Don't ever overlook how
important a physical connection is when it comes to your child. Here are
some ways to show love and affection. A gentle cuddle, a little
encouragement, appreciation, approval or even a smile can go a long way
to boost the confidence and well-being of your children. Tell them you love
them every day, no matter how angry at them you may be. Give lots of
hugs and some kisses. Make your children comfortable with love and
affection from birth.
Unconditional love is the most important that is the key to being a
good parent. All parents love their children, but not all love is
unconditional. Don't force them to be who you think they should be in
order to earn your love. Let them know that you will always love them no
matter what. Some parents would not love their children if they had a
different opinions and views, or they had the different choices. You should
love your children whatever choices they make for themselves. Parents
need to love their children no matter what. If a child doubts a parent's
love for them, the parent is not being a good one.
The other characteristic of a good parent is happiness. Happiness is
not given to a chosen few, it's available to those who choose to make it a
part of their everyday life. Many people wait for things, events, and other
people to make them happy, but this is a mistake. Choosing to be happy is
a choice we can all make because it comes from within. It's a reservoir
that we can tap into whenever we choose. It's not designed to make
problems go away, although, sometimes it may. Happiness can help us

rise above our problems, and not just survive, but thrive, in spite of them.
Plus, it just feels good to be happy. Parents who practice happiness have a
greater chance of influencing their child's perception of happiness, and
their attainment of it, as well. Most children are naturally happy and enjoy
being around happy parents.
A good parent also creates an atmosphere of joy and laughter at
home. A good parent works to create a home that is a place of warmth,
acceptance, and laughter. Home should be a place where we look forward
to being at the end of the day.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The other characteristic of a good parent is builds an atmosphere of
encouragement. A good parent communicates that she believes in her

Regardless of their age, children need parents who are

encouragers. For example, encourage your children to have a healthy

lifestyle. It's important to make sure that your children eat healthy food as
much as they can, that they get plenty of exercise, and that they get
enough rest every night. You should encourage positive and healthy
behavior without harping on it too much or making it seem like you're
forcing your children to eat or act a certain way. Let them come to these
conclusions on their own while helping them see the meaning and
importance of a healthy life. One way to encourage them to exercise is to
get them to play a sport early on in life, so they find a passion that is also
If you start over-explaining to the child that something is unhealthy or
that they shouldn't get it, they may take it the wrong way and feel like you
are insulting them. Once this happens, they will no longer want to go out
to eat with you, and they will feel bad eating around you, which could
make them want to sneak and hide junk food from you. When trying to
enforce healthy eating habits, start it at a younger age. Giving rewards of

candy to children may create a bad habit, because once they get older,
some may feel they should reward themselves which can lead to obesity.
While they are young, start them out with healthier snacks.
Parents should respect their child's interests and get involved in their
life. They should participate in activities that they all can enjoy. Parents
should try out new things that their child likes. A good parent is respectful
to their child, even when disciplining. Children first learn respectful
behaviors from their parents and caregivers, so a child who is consistently
treated respectfully by a parent is more likely to develop a healthy selfrespect, and a respect for others, including their parent. Parents should
keep in mind that it is possible to be respectful and firm at the same time.
We also need to respect their privacy as much as we want them to
respect our privacy. For example, if you teach your child that your room is
out of boundaries to them, respect the same with their room. Allow them
to feel that once they enter their room they can know that no one will look
through their drawers, or read their diary. This will teach them to honor
their own space and to respect the privacy of others. If your child catches
you snooping through his or her things, then it may take him a long time
to be able to truly trust you again.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Confidence also is one of the characteristics of a good parent. Parents
who are confident don't have all the answers, but they are confident in
their abilities to do the best they can. When they don't know the answer,
they look for it. Rather than dwell on their own mistakes, confident
parents are willing to admit them, learn from them, and make better
choices in the future. They see problems as opportunities to learn and
grow. As a result, they're in a better position to help their child develop
self-confidence, as well.

A good parent is gracious. Her children see the way their mom treats
people. They see her graciousness in the way she talks with the person.
They witness graciousness in the way mom or dad relates to their friends.
These children see graciousness in the way their parents relate to one
another. No smart aleck talk between mom and dad. No put downs. These
parents exude grace. Good parents understand that kids first learn about
the grace of God not in theological explanations but in lives of their mom
and dad.
Other than that, praising your children is an important part of being a
good parent. You want your kids to feel proud of their accomplishments
and good about themselves. If you don't give them the confidence they
need to be out in the world on their own, then they won't feel empowered
to be independent or adventurous. When they do something good, let
them know that you've noticed and that you're very proud of them. Make
a habit of praising your children at least three times as much as you give
them negative feedback. Though it's important to tell your children when
they're doing something wrong, it's also important to help them build a
positive sense of self. If they are too young to fully understand, praise
them with treats, applause, and lots of love. Encouraging them for doing
everything from using the potty to getting good grades can help them
lead a happy and successful life.
A good parent takes advantage of opportunities to allow their child to
make age-appropriate decisions, thereby, instilling a level of trust in the
child's ability to do so. Entrusting a child to make certain choices is a great
way to empower a child, and ultimately help a child learn how to become
responsible. When parents try to control too many things in a child's life, it
sends the message, "I don't trust you to make the right decisions, my way
is better." Consequently, the more control a parents uses, the less
cooperation they will get.

Avoid comparing your children to others, especially siblings. Each

child is individual and unique. Celebrate their differences and instill in
each child the desire to pursue their interests and dreams. Failure to do so
may give your child an inferiority complex, an idea that they can never be
good enough in your eyes. If you want to help them improve their
behavior, talk about meeting their goals on their own terms, instead of
telling them to act like their sister or neighbor. This will help them develop
a sense of self instead of having an inferiority complex. Comparing one
child to another can also make one child develop a rivalry with his or her
sibling. You want to nurture a loving relationship between your children,
not a competitive one.

need to be good listeners. It's

important that your

communication with your children goes both ways. They are sometimes
too quick to judge their children's actions and words that they do not hear
them cry for love, attention or help. Parents need to listen to their child's
feelings and reactions to things. Also, they need to let them have their
own opinions and voice them too. They should look at their child and show
them that they are listening to them. Understanding their point of view
and where they are coming from also will help one to be a good parent.
You shouldn't just be there to enforce rules, but to listen to your
children when they are having a problem. You have to be able to express
interest in your children and involve yourself in their life. You should
create an atmosphere in which your children can come to you with a
problem, however large or small. You can even set aside a time to talk to
your children every day. This can be before bedtime, at breakfast, or
during a walk after school. Treat this time as sacred and avoid checking
your phone or getting distracted. If your child says he has to tell you
something, make sure you take this seriously and drop everything you're
doing, or set up a time to talk when you can really listen.
Ladies and gentlemen,

A good parent also must be a good role model. If you want your child
to be well-behaved, then you should model the behavior and character
you hope your children will adopt and continue to live by the rules that
you set. Show them by example in addition to verbal explanations.
Children have a tendency to become what they see and hear unless they
make a conscious and concerted effort to break the mold. You don't have
to be a perfect person, but you should strive to do as you want your
children to do, so you don't look hypocritical if you tell your children to be
polite to others when they find you getting in a heated argument in the
It's perfectly okay to make mistakes, but you should apologize or let
your child know that the behavior is not good. You can say something like,
"Mommy didn't mean to yell at you. She was just very upset." This is
better than ignoring that you made a mistake, because that will show the
child that he or she should model this behavior.
If parents want their child to do what is right, I think that they need to
set an example by also doing what is right. Children should be taught how
to be responsible, caring, hardworking and patient from watching and
learning these traits from their parents.
A parent's main role in their child's life is to be a leader, someone the
child can model, and learn from, but most importantly, someone who will
keep them healthy and safe. Leadership in parenting requires being firm,
when necessary, and a willingness to put rules in place, even when those
rules are not readily accepted by the child. Parents, who are leaders,
accept that there will be times when their child will not like them for
putting certain limits in place, but they enforce them anyhow, knowing
that it's their job to do what's best for their child. In order to be a good
parent, you should be strict. It is important for the childrens own good.
They may not like it and do not understand while they are little but

children must learn dispicline. This provides great convenience for their
further life.
Making time and traditions for your family is another part of being a
good parent. True, many parents do have to work a lot to provide their
family with the things they need. Spoiling children does not mean parents
don't need to show love and spend quality time with their kids. Parents
should invest time, not money into their children. Children shouldn't have
to ask if they are important to their parents to know. They should just
know. The time a parent puts into their family and the traditions they have
will always be there.
Probably one of the hardest characteristics to develop in parenting,
but the most needed, is the characteristic of understanding. Many times it
can be hard for parents to deal with a child's misbehaviors, mostly
because they don't understand them. One of the worst things a parent
can do is take their child's misbehaviors personally. As part of their growth
and development, children are going to misbehave and do things that go
against the rules. Knowing this can help parents anticipate and redirect a
child toward more positive and acceptable behaviors, and avoid a lot of
unnecessary anger. Understanding can also lead to forgiveness.
If you want to be a good parent, you need to know your children well,
so you should spend time with them. I am not saying you must quit from
your job and stay at home with your babies all day. I am referring to
quality time that is good use of the limited amount of time. For example, a
small talk after dinner or a little story before bad may well perform. You
can be a businessman or a doctor, no matter how busy you are, you must
spare time for your children.
I think a good parent should have these characteristics that I
mentioned above. I learnt these qualities from my parents. I am a happy
child and have an orderly life thanks to them. I wish all children such

wonderful parents. A good parent realizes that one of the best gifts that
he can offer his children is himself.
To conclude, let me say that I hope this speech about parenting tips
proves useful to all of you. Finally, let me say that I am heartened to see
so many fellow parents here today, as it shows our interest and intent to
be better parents, to do what is really helpful for the healthy, happy and
holistic development of our children. I encourage all of you to continue
learning and growing with your child, through parenting resources and
programmes that are widely available in the community. Thank you. Best
wishes to you and your children.


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