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SAT Subject Test Biology E/M

Uses of isotopes
I-131: Diagnose and treat certain diseases of the thyroid gland
C-13: Act as tracer; incorporated into molecules of CO2 and used to track metabolic pathways
1g releases 4 calories when burned
1g releases 9 calories when burned
1g releases 4 calories when burned
Glucose + Glucose -> Maltose + Water
Glucose + Fructose -> Sucrose + Water
Glucose + Galactose -> Lactose + Water
Nucleic Acids
Purines Adenine, guanine
Pyrimidines Thymine, cytosine, uracil
Cofactors (minerals)
Coenzymes (vitamins)
Optimum pH for gastric enzyme: 4
Optimum pH for intestinal enzyme: 8
Misfolded and infectious proteins that cause several brain diseases, including mad cow
The Cell
Cell size
Eukaryotes: 10 100 m, eg. Red blood cell 8 m
Prokaryotes: 1 10 m
1. Chloroplasts photosynthesis
2. Leucoplasts storage of starch
3. Chromoplasts storage of carotenoid pigments
1. Microtubules thick hollow tubes forming cilia, flagella and spindle fibers
2. Microfilaments made of actin; support the shape of cell; enable

Animal cells to form cleavage furrow during cell division

Amoeba to move by sending out pseudopods
Skeletal muscles to contract by sliding along myosi filaments

Active transport
Receptor-mediated endocytosis enables a cell to take up large quantities of very specific
Magnification = Magnification of eyepiece x Magnification of objective lens
Image is upside-down and backward from the actual specimen placed onto the slide
Cell Division
Cell cycle
Interphase G1 , S, G2
Mitosis Prophase (longest), metaphase, anaphase (shortest), telophase
Synapsis pair up
Crossing over homologous chromatids exchange genetic material
Light dependent reaction (in grana)
Photolysis of water: 2H2O -> 4H+ + 4e + O2
Electrons flow through ETC
ATP released through photophosphorylation
Photolysis of water replaces lost electron from chlorophyll a and provide H2 for dark reaction
NADP is reduced
Light independent reaction (in stroma)
Carbon fixation incorporation of CO2 into sugar
Calvin cycle
Enzyme: Rubisco (ribulose biphosphate carboxylase)
3-carbon sugar produced: G3P/ glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate/ PGAL
ATP is used
Other types of photosynthesis
1. C-4 Photosynthesis for dry environments; Hatch-Slack pathway; leaf Kranz
anatomy; eg. Corn, sugarcane, crabgrass
2. CAM plants crassulacean acid metabolism; for dry conditions; stomata close during
the day and open at night
Cellular Respiration
Adenosine + 3 Phosphates
Anaerobic respiration
1. Alcohol fermentation yeast

2. Lactic acid fermentation skeletal muscles

Aerobic respiration
1. Glycolysis in cytoplasm
1 Glucose + 2 ATP -> 2 Pyruvate + 4 ATP + 2 NADPH
2. Krebs Cycle/ citric acid cycle in matrix of mitochondria
Each turn produces 1 ATP and FADH2 + 3 NADPH, CO2
3. Electron transport chain
Proton gradient created
Produces most ATP during cellular respiration
4. Oxidative phosphorylation & Chemiosmosis
Classical Genetics

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