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Restoring a Vision Evangelizing Nations


January 17, 2015

Importance of Walking
in Love

Page 2

A Message From Raven

Happy New Year friends!
I don't know about you, but I'm excited about what God has done, is
doing, and will do in 2015! I'm expecting a mighty harvest in Jesus'
name! I'm standing on Psalms 65:5,11. It says, "You faithfully
ANSWER our prayers with AWESOME deeds. You crown the year
with a bountiful HARVEST." Other translations say, "You crown the
year with Your GOODNESS." If by chance like me, you in 2014 sowed
many tears, went through deep waters and rivers of difficulty, stayed
faithful to the Lord, endured persecution, experienced restoration in
some areas, and last, but certainly not least, grew spiritually; I'm
thanking God in advance that you and I not only will reap in joy, but
also experience a bountiful HARVEST. Oh yes, this harvest is full of
LASTING fruit (John 15:16) and is drenched in joy, peace, love, and
faith! Friend, what I'm about to say is not JUST to your pastor, mentor,
best friend at church, or anyone else. It's to YOU! God has not
appointed YOU to mediocrity, but to a life of profound HARVEST.
He has ordained YOUR life to bear MUCH fruit (John 15:8, Galatians
5:22-23)! His plan for you is rooted in His FAITHFULNESS, guaranteed
by His ETERNAL WORD, and undergirded by all the riches of HIS
GLORY (Philippians 4:19). I'm believing and expecting God to "not JUST
meet our expectations, but to explode our expectations with
IMMEASURABLY MORE (Ephesians 3:20 NIV)!" Hallelujah! I believe
that what HE has for US and will do THROUGH each and everyone of us
will surpass our wildest dreams and I am excited about it!
*Praise break




Issue #19

The Importance of
Walking in Love
Housefires II

J.J. Hairston
The Blood Still Works

Catherine Mullins
O Mighty Ones, Hero,
and Joy

Donnie McClurkin
I Call You Faithful, and
Great and Mighty

Love. If you're like me, you love LOVE, Amen! But here's the
question that Jesus has laid on my heart to ask you, "Are you
loving like Him?" Listen friend, we can preach every day, post
scriptures on Facebook, go to church, speak in tongues, be
anointed, etc., and many would think that we are not only saved,
but really growing spiritually and being used of God. But if we are
walking in bitterness, unforgiveness, and/or offense we are not
only stunting our spiritual growth, but also hindering what God
wants to do in, for, and through us in this world.
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 shows us the importance of love.
"If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels,
but didnt love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a
clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I
understood all of Gods secret plans and possessed all
knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move
mountains, but didnt love others, I would be nothing. If I
gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my
body, I could boast about it; but if I didnt love others, I
would have gained nothing."
The key indicator of spiritual growth in the life of a blood
bought believer is not speaking in tongues, being gifted, getting
deep revelations from the Word, faith, or giving (although all of
these things are WONDERFUL and each child of God should
desire and walk in these things), it is, however, his or her love
walk. As the body of Christ we have to yield our hearts
completely to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to produce the kind
of fruit only He can produce in our lives.
"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
Galatians 5:22-23 NLT
Not just for our sakes, but for the sake of this world. You see,
"the preaching that this world needs are the sermons in
shoes who are walking WITH and LIKE JESUS." As people
who have been saved, we are Jesus' hands and feet in this
world. We all have been given the great commission to go
out there, share the Gospel and make disciples, but I feel
that that the greatest hindrance to our "talk" is indeed our


Issue #19

The Importance of Walking in Love

The Key indicator of Spiritual Growth in the life of

a blood bought believer is his/her love walk.
"walk." We say we are His disciples and that
we love Him, but do we really (John 14:21,23
& Matthew 22:36-40)? Can this world look
at us and tell by the fruit of the Holy Spirit
on our lives that we are His disciples or do
they see someone who yes, maybe a
Christian, but is mean, hateful, bitter, and
unforgiving? John 13:34-35 NLT says,
"....Love each other. Just as I have loved
you, you should love each other. Your love
for one another will prove to the world that
you are my disciples."

It's not by how many scriptures you know;

satan knows them too (Matthew 4:1-11). It's
not by how many times a week you go to
church (even though we should go to church
<Hebrews 10:25>), but, It's by your love for
people that this world will know that you

are truly God's disciples! 1 John 4:7-8 says,

"Dear friends, let us continue to love one
another, for love COMES from GOD.
Anyone who loves is a child of God and
knows God. But anyone who does not love
does not know God, for God is
love." LOVE is important in the life of a blood
bought believer! It shows that we are children
of God and that we KNOW GOD! "Well
Raven, I love people, I just don't really like or
fool with some......"
Let's stop here: Friend, we are called to
love, live, walk, and talk like Christ in this
world. We are called to live by what the
Word says. Condoning anything that goes
against God and His Word is NOT loving
someone or showing love to that person.
The Bible tells us to preach the Word and
to be prepared whether the time is
favorable or not to correct, rebuke, and
encourage with good teaching (2 Timothy

Issue #19
The Importance of Walking in Love (continued)

3:16-17, 4:2 NLT). LOVING someone does not mean we sit

around, quiet when we see that they are either doing
something wrong or heading in the wrong direction
because we are afraid that they may either dislike us or
accuse us of judging them. Friend, as God leads you He
will not only open the door for you to minister (correct,
rebuke, encourage) someone, but He will also give you
the words to say. No, they may not receive what you have
to say or change the next day because of it (only God can
truly change someone), but your words will be a seed and
then God will use someone else to come along and water
it and then one day God will cause the seed to grow as
the person chooses to surrender and draw close to Him.
"After all, who is Apollos? Who is Paul? We are only
Gods servants through whom you believed the Good
News. Each of us did the work the Lord gave us. I
planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it,
but it was God who made it grow. Its not important who
does the planting, or who does the watering. Whats
important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who
plants and the one who waters work together with the
same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own
hard work. For we are both Gods workers. And you are
Gods field. You are Gods building." 1 Corinthians 3:5-9
So you may say that you love everyone, but don't really
like or fool with some. Listen, at times I believe that in the
body of Christ we can be very "clicky." If someone is not in
"our circle," we don't bother to be kind, let alone show love to
them. If someone did something to us 8 years ago, we SAY
that we forgave that person, but we not only drop them, but
also refuse to be kind or show love to them. This attitude does
not please God. It's true, everyone is not going to be or
stay the best of friends. Times change, people change,
and things change. It's also true that God at times will
lead you to separate yourself from someone, but one
thing that should always be constant in our lives if we are
Christians is love. So what are the characteristics of love
and how can we show it?

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful
or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is
irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It

pride starts.

If I am your
SOURCE, why am I
the LAST ONE you
come to? I long to
be gracious to you.
Look to and
depend on Me. I
you need. -God


Issue #19
The Importance of Walking in Love (Continued)

does not rejoice about injustice but

rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love
never gives up, never loses faith, is
always hopeful, and endures through
every circumstance." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Whew! There it is. Love is patient and kind,
not just to your circle, but also to those
outside your circle. Matthew 5:46-47 NLT
says, "If you love only those who love you,
what reward is there for that? Even
corrupt tax collectors do that much. "If
you are kind only to your friends, how are
you different from anyone else? Even
pagans do that." If we're only loving or being
kind to our friends, how are we different from
this world and/or the people who don't know
Jesus? Love is not jealous or boastful, proud
or rude, not just in "Christian settings," but
everywhere we go. Love does not demand it's
own way, is not irritable, and keeps NO
you are still telling everyone and their
momma what that person did to you in
great detail, you aren't walking in or
showing love. Love does not rejoice about
injustice, but rejoices when the truth wins out.
It never gives up or loses faith, it is always
hopeful and endures through every

circumstance. Satan can't love or show

love for love is not in him. This agape love
can only be displayed through and lived
by true children of God. You can't fake this
type of love for long, whatever is in you, will
eventually come out. "Well Raven, I love
people, but some people are just really
mean and nasty." Friend, I understand.
Growing up in Martinez, Georgia, I'm not
ashamed to say that I was very sheltered and
naive. lol! I was raised in a saved household,
got saved at 13, and thought that as long as I
was nice to people, they would be nice to me.
But when I went off to college, I encountered
many mean folks. I had two choices, I could
be like them and be bitter, nasty, rude,
hateful, and mean or I could be like my
Father, and forgive, let it go, and CHOOSE to
walk in LOVE. It wasn't easy, matter of fact
there are still people who are not very nice to
me, but what's important is that I did and
continue to do what God called me to do and
that is to show love. I've learned to not
pretend to love others or just say that I do,
but to really love them (Romans 12:9-10 NLT)
by walking, talking, living, and yes, loving
them like Christ loves them. Matthew 5:44
has become one of my many mantras:

Simple Distractions.
SIMPLE distractions can prevent you from hearing God
speak. Distractions like your TV playing in the background,
your computer opened to 5 different social media sites, and
your phone permanently attached to your hand.
Sometimes we have to shut it all off, FOCUS, and get in the
Word so that we can hear Him clearly. So if you are feeling
distracted, impatient, bitter, irritable, in need of
encouragement, or just need to hear His voice... grab your
Bible and get alone with God! He has a word for YOU!

Issue #19
"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that
hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."
Loving our enemies, blessing them that curse us, doing good to them that hate us and praying for
them which despitefully use and persecute us can be very hard. But Jesus did it and because the
same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in us (Romans 8:11), we can too! Yes, it's hard,
but it's worth it! It's worth growing spiritually and being free from the bondage of unforgiveness,
bitterness, and offense. It's worth showing love, planting or watering a seed in this world so that
they may one day either come to know Christ or grow in their personal walk with Jesus. It's worth
being "perfect" as Matthew 5:48 AMP says, "You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into
complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of
virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect." It's all worth it. I don't know about you,
but I don't want anything or anyone (including myself) to get in the way of what God wants to do in,
for, and through me. I truly want everyone to get saved if they're not, fall in love with Jesus,
and truly live for and like Him, but I've learned that the best way I can share the Gospel is by
walking in LOVE. Without it, I gain nothing and am nothing.
So friend, today I challenge you to first pray and ask God to show you, you. Ask Him to show you
anyone that you have not been kind to or showed love to. Ask Him to show you anyone who you
have not forgiven. When He does, repent and then sincerely pray for that person and pray that
God not only changes you from the inside out, but also perfects you in His love. Ask Him to help
you love like He loves, forgive like He forgives, and to see that person the way that He sees them.
And then, if God leads you to, SHOW LOVE and be kind to that person....reach out. It may
be in the form of an encouraging word, Facebook message, text message, card, small gift,
or a good ole fashion phone call. Don't be afraid to do this, God is on your side and is proud
of you for CHOOSING to walk in love!

Issue #19

Hey sister or should I say Kingdom woman! God has impressed upon my heart to start another
series and this one is dedicated to you! Each month, I will share one thing to encourage/inspire
you to be all that God has called you to be. As God leads, I will also share with you things that
YOU as a Kingdom woman should either start doing or continue to do. So let's get to it, shall we?

As a Kingdom Woman, your personal time with Jesus must be a priority in your life! Intimacy with
HIM is vital! For it is intimacy that releases power, faith, strength, joy, peace, wisdom,
discernment, identity, and destiny. And girlfriend, you need all of this to do what God has called
you to do, Amen! Listen, as Kingdom women we all have a lot on our plates. Some of us are in
school others are working full time jobs. Some are teachers others are nurses. Some stay at home
and raise Godly children, others work full time in the ministry. Some are newlyweds/married others
are patiently waiting for their man of God to find them. I'm sure you can add to this list, but do me a
favor and think about your daily schedule. When you first wake up in the morning what do you
do? Do you go straight to the kitchen, to the gym, or do you often aim to complete whatever it is
that is first on your schedule for work/school? Well, today I want to encourage you to......

Issue #19

God wants you to know Him intimately. He wants to share some things with you and teach you His
Word. But in order for us to grow spiritually, learn, and be the powerful women of God that
we are called to be we have to set our alarms, tell our flesh to hush, and make a decision to
spend time in prayer, in worship, and in the Word. Although our schedule may be full
depending on our individual obligations, often times it is simple distractions that result in a
lack of intimacy with our King. SIMPLE distractions can even prevent you from hearing God
speak. Distractions like your TV playing in the background, your computer opened to 5
different social media sites, and your phone permanently attached to your hand.
Sometimes we have to shut it all off, FOCUS, and get in the Word so that we can hear Him
clearly. Sister, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, that text, those emails, that paper work, etc., can wait.
So today, let's make a commitment that we will wake up 30 minutes to our hour earlier than we
usually do and spend some time with Jesus. Pray, turn on some praise and worship music and
dance before Him, get in the Word.....I promise your day will go a whole lot better when you start it
off with Jesus.

Dear Kingdom Woman,

Good MORNING! Get up, grab your Bible and get alone with
God! He has a word for YOU!

Issue #19


More Reading..
Guarding Your Heart

Eyes of Faith

Mirror, Mirror

Friend: A Covenant

Praying Gods Word


Complete in Christ

Thanking God in advance for a week of

sweet peace, great joy, uncontainable
blessing, supernatural strength,
unprecedented favor, unexpected
opportunities, and unimaginable
breakthroughs...... for YOU and I! AMEN!

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