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ECE 572
Outline of Talk to be presented on Dec. 1 2014
Nanotechnology is defined as the manipulation of matter on an atomic,
molecular, and supramolecular scale. Any size-dependent properties can be
analyzed on highly granular level to affect the very core of that matter. These
properties affect all areas of engineering and science, for example: Mechanical
strength, electrical resistivity, reactivity to chemical reaction, reavtivities to light,
thermal conductivity, melting point and solubility, ability to enhance or deter
chemical reactions, viscosity and surface tension, the list goes on and on. In this
presentation however, well focus on the effects of nanotechnology on medicine,
which is called Nanomedicine.
Biomedical applications of nanotechnology can be used for in vivo real time
health monitoring, having drug or treatment delivery in vivo to happen over time,
on a chip of some sort. Other applications could be involved in DNA sequencing,
because the focus of this area of engineering is to work with matter on an atomic
and molecular level. This also could help with artificial limb, bone or joint
replacement. The limits of Nanomedicine and biomedical applications are endless
simply because we are working with the fundamental building blocks of what make
up biological material.
Some specific examples of this at work, and the nanotechnology revolution
that is happening today in medicines cane be seen in advanced drug delivery. A
few examples of advanced drug delivery are liposomes (nanoscale spheres
composed of a lipid layer surrounding the drug), nanosuspensions, as well as
polymeric nanoparticles (nanosized solid particles or capsules which consist of
natural or synthetic polymers), polymer therapeutics, nanoparticles for gene

ECE 572
Outline of Talk to be presented on Dec. 1 2014
delivery against viruses. Nanomedicine truly does impact all aspects of medicine.
There are also many therapies coming out of this field for cancer such as
phototherapy, magnetic fluid hyperthermia, or magnetic nanoparticles for cell
therapy. When you can work with the matter at an atomic or subatomic layer, you
may have the ability to repair any damaged or diseased parts to treat all types of
diseases and viruses; the potential is endless.
Nanomedicine also opens up the field of medical imaging. MRI, Nuclear
imaging, ultrasound imaging, optical imaging; these imaging techniques are done
on the outside of the body, but with nanotechnology this may be expanded to being
done inside the body directly over the troubled area. The benefits of this are a more
targeted approach to imaging, but also there is less interference from skin and other
tissues. Better imaging leads to better diagnostics. One challenge that is created
from this is the area of biomaterials and biosensors. Using nanotechnology we can
have hard tissue implants, bone substitute materials, dental restoratives, soft tissue
implants, antibiotic material to fight off infections of the tissue as they come. You
can also have active implants such as devices that mimic the retina, cochlear
implants, cardiac implants, etc The possibilities of medicine are endless when it
comes to nanotechnology. This can lead to healthier more prolonged life.

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