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Surrendering to the Will of God

1. Brief History
1. Islam has always existed; Religious roots:
Judaism- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
Christianity- Abraham- Moses- Jesus
Islam- Adam-Abraham-Ishmael
Islam/Shalom- S-L-M: Peace or surrender
Islam is the peace that comes from total surrender to God
Muslim- M-S-L-M: one who surrenders to the will of God
Allah- al + llah: The God
The Basics
Islam surrender or submission
Mohammad Gods final messenger
Allah The God
Abraham ancestor to Jews, Christians, Muslims
A. Life in Mecca (mid 6th century)
In time of Muhammad: Ignorance
Poverty, robbery rates high
Social Chaos The Wild West
Corruption in government of Mecca
Demons (Jinns): personifications of peoples fears; did not lead to change in amoral
B. Muhammad
the Seal of the Prophets (570-632 AD)
Born into the leading tribe of Mecca: the Koreish. Muhammad= highly praised
Father died before his birth; mother died when he was six, grandfather died when 8.
Adopted by Abu Talib, uncle, a trader.
Developed compassion from losses; called The Upright for sensitivity to suffering
throughout life.
Early adulthood
Disgusted by general immorality, isolated himself from others.
Adulthood (age 25)
Entered caravan business
Married Khadija (wealthy and 15 years older)
Married 15 years, four children, all theirs, later: more wives. Khadija first convert.
Spirituality- personal encounter
Mount hira: monthly retreats for prayer
Allah- introduced to Arabic creator deity worshipped by hanifs (mystics)
Muhammads religious experience began with La ilaha illa llah there is no god but

The Night of Power (Al-Qadir)

In the cave, he heard, Proclaim from the angel Gabriel and the Book was
opened to him
Went back to Khadija: she became first convert preached for 23 years:
persecuted, insulted, outraged and a few converts
o Never claimed to be God; only his messenger. Not founder of Islam
o Early teachings
Allah is present in the miracle of creation
One god
People will be judged
Care for poor
o Reaction by Mecca
o Negative
Threatened polytheistic beliefs, revenues
Moral demands challenged amoral society
Challenged an unjust social order: Democratic, equality before God
Muhammad greeted with ridicule
In 3 years, only 40 converts
In 10 years, there were a few hundred families
Three battles
o Last battle decisive win over Mecca
o Muhammad entered the Kaba ( a cubicle temple believed to have been
built by Abraham) in Mecca
o All of Mecca converted
o Died 632
o Caliphs- Successors to Muhammad
1. Abu Bakr
2. By the 4th Caliphs- tensions developed over who should rule
Medieval Period
o Golden Age of Islam- Baghdad was intellectual center
o Muslim scholarship sought to reconcile reason and faith which led to
advances in:

The Nation of Islam

Founded by WD Fard Muhammad in 1930 in Detroit
Calls for separate African-American homeland
Elijah Muhammad- next leader- spread to other cities, focus on poor and a
moral lifestyle
Separatist practices do not represent Islam
1) Sacred Stories
a) The Quran- recitation
i) Most sacred book for Muslims
ii) A collection of the revelations Muhammad received directly from God
iii) Contains Gods infallible words, uncorrupted by human intervention
iv) Literally means recitation
v) Divided into 144 surah
Koran is center of faith; not Muhammad
Koran is like the incarnation of God in letters and sounds
Revelations from Gabriel to Muhammad over 23 years
Muhammad became trance like, spoke, companions would memorize words,
later write it down
God revealed Gods oneness- Abraham
God revealed 10 commandments- Moses
God revealed Golden Rule-Jesus
God revealed how to practice Golden Rule- Quran via his prophet
HAFIZ- someone who has memorized Quran
The Sunnah
Second authentic source of authority for Muslims
Contains Muhammads words and deeds as well as what he approved and
It is Muhammads way of life
It goes hang in hand with the Quran because one needs to fully understand
and live as a Muslim
HADITH= story. Sayings and stories of Muhammad that are meant to as a guide for
living out religion, Collected from people who saw and heard Muhammad
SHARIAH: Islamic Law; open to interpretation
Beliefs and Practices
Beliefs- God is all, loving, powerful, knowing, merciful, present
Creation: Deliberate act of Allahs will. All creation is Good. All is Muslim
Human Existence: Good, No original sin only Ghaflah- forgetting diving
origin and must be reminded

Belief in one God is central belief of Muslims

We show gratitude for all creation
Life is brief opportunity to do well
God is the judge of all and determines who will spend eternity in heaven or
God is very involved as a guide in human affairs
Free will is an integral of part of being human
God gives life and takes life away
Heaven and Hell are actual places
Divine providence
Muslim Beliefs about JESUS
A prophet called Son of Mary
Virgin birth
Jesus comes directly from God but not God
One of perfect men in history with a superlative relationship to God and
A prophet of lesser status second only to Muhammad
Jesus did not die on cross but was rescued through divine intervention and
brought directly to heaven
Jn 16: 7-14 predicts coming of the Prophet Muhammad
The Five Pillars
1. Shahadah
2. Salah
3. Zakah
4. Sawn
5. Haji
Five Pillars
1) Confession of Faith: the Shahadah
a) There is no god but God, and Muhammad is His Prophet
b) Stating the creed freely and with conviction makes a person a Muslim
c) Should first words heard and last words said before death
2) Prayer- Salah
a) Five times daily, facing Mecca
b) Wudu- ritual washing preceding prayer
c) Ends in the prostrate position
d) Symbolizes the fetal position (rebirth)
e) Friday is a special day of prayer, not Sabbath
f) Jumah- second prayer time of day in Mosque
g) Imam- prayer leader, gives sermon
3) Charity- Zakah- an obligation
a) 2.5% of all income and holding for Sunni (those who own more than 3 oz of
pure gold

b) UMMAh- Islamic community

4) Fasting- Sawm
a) During Ramadan 10th lunar month
b) Remembers Muhammads first revelation
c) NO: food, drink, cigarettes, sex from sunrise to sunset
5) Pilgrimage to Mecca- The hajj
a) Remembers rituals and actions performed by Abraham and family
b) Takes about 15 days for all who are physically able and can afford it, once in

ECONOMICS- profits is ok did away with primogeniture

WOMEN- gives free consent before marriage. Polygamy allowed up to 4
wives provided each wife has own quarters and equal amounts of love and
RACE RELATIONS: Quran stresses racial equality
RIGHTEOUS WAR: must be defensive or to right a wrong
Jihad- exertion or struggle not holy war coined by Christians for crusades
=Physical defense of Islam when persecuted: the lesser Jihad
=Inner personal struggle to be better Muslim. This is greater jihad

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