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Fibt U ::ly 16, I`_68

'•i()NTF'LY = ;F. {'ORT

Fcbruary 1968
Charles G . Pheil

The bactericidal and/or bacteriostatic effects at 30 and 55°C of a

glucose-fructose syrup (25% alkali conversion, pH 4 .8, 68% solids) were
evaluated . The syrup was inoculated with known concentrations of the
following microorganisms : Saccharamyces rouxii, xero lillic fungi-M-2 ;
S . aureus, L . mesenteroides, E . coli, B. sub-tiTis, vegetative celis) ;
and Ps. fluorscens. After the im t al number of organisms was determined,
the sealed tubes Tiere incubated at 30 and 55°C . The number of viable cells
were determined at periodic intervals up to 10 days . The results in the
following table indicate that the syrup stored under these conditions
was bactericidal to all organisms except B . subtilis (at 30°C) and M-2 .
The syrup was bacteriostatic to B . subtilis at 30°C and M-2, in that a
two slope curve was observed ; a fast initial rate (up to 3 days) followed
by a bacteriostatic effect (slight reduction in viable numbers) .

Incubation Temperature

Initial number D-vaTuel 55°C
Test _ Ol-qanism per ml (hrs) (hrs)l

S . rouxii 3 .3 x lOs 14 .9 est . 13 .02

M-2 1 .3 x 10'' 48 .2 44 .8

S . aureus 8 .4 x 107 est .3 9 .1 est . 9 .1

L . mesenteroides 6 .6 x 70'' est . 14 .1 est . 14 .9

F . coli 7 .0 x 107 est . 9 .2 est . 9 .2

18 .3 (to 1 day) 35 .8
1 .6 x 105
-B . -
subtiles 415 . (1-10 days)
Ps . fluorscens 3 .4,x 106 20 .4 est . 11 .0

1 D value is defined as time to reduce,viable population one log cycle or

90% D _ time (hrs)
logNo - logNt

2 Since the viable counts were less than one/ml at time, t, these values are
rough approximations and these values may be much lower .

The effects of various concentrations of G-F syrups (55-65% solids) at

other storage temperatures (35-50°C) will be evaluated as soon as the
alkali-converted G-F syrup is available .

The effect of bagasse xylose on glucose-isomerase production by

actinoraycete (S-2) and a fungi (M-4) was evaluated . The enzymatic activity
with S-2 was approximately equal to the control (RJR 2453-2) using 1 & 2%
bagasse xylose (<200 uU/ml at 60°C and <400 uU/ml at 75°C) . The fungi M-4

exhi lbi ed 150, 770, ~and 630 I>U/m1 at 75"C t :i i.h 2 .0, 1 .0 -? ;,,d 0 . 5% ',. ;asse
xylo-~e, i , :pectively . However, the enzyT,atic activity ;rith f1-4 .•!as <?00
uU/ml at u0°C at these concentrations of bagasse xylose .

The effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (10 ug/mg of cells) on

the enzymatic activity of Arthrobacter RJR 2453-2 cells in a 214 glucose
syrup buffered at pH 7 .0 with phosphate buffer was determined at 75°C .
The enzymatic activity of the cells and the percent conversion of glucose
to fructose was evaluated . The initial enzyme activity of the cells was
3 .6 and 5 .1 uU/mg of cells with and without SDS, respectively . After 24
hours at 75°C, the enzymatic activity was 6 .0 and 5 .8 pU/mg with and
without SDS, respectively . The % conversion of glucose to fructose was
14 .3, 20 .7 and 25 .4%, with no cells, cells alone and cells + SDS,
respectively . These results indicate that the SDS will stimulate enzymatic
activity thereby increasing the % conversion of glucose, on a laboratory
scale .

Recomimendations for the treatment of starch wastes from the Penick &
Ford starch plarit are just about completed . The high daily BOD load with
a very high hydraulicload eliminates many conventional types of treatment .
The basic recommendations involve a primary settling tank followed by a
roughing medium to remove a large weight of BOD/unit volume of medium
(50-70% rePioval), and a sludge settling tank with the treated effluent
going to the sewer . The exact specifications as to size, volume, feed-
rates, cost, etc . will be given in a future report .

~ Char es G . Pheil

CGP :vIb

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