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Write/correct the
description in here to match

The description
comes from here

Accented characters to
copy & paste for nonClick here when its
Click here if there is a
Major Defect with the
page on the left
Click here if the page on
the left is not suitable as
a description

Description checks are worth 10-30 points in your earnings.

Descriptions up to 1999 characters are worth 10 points. Between 2000-2999
are worth 20 points. 3000+ are worth 30 points.
On the Description Check your job is to correct the text in the large text
box on the right side of the screen to match what is written in the left side of
the screen. In some cases it will already be correct, in other cases it will be
slightly wrong, and in some cases it will be completely wrong. You need to
correct all of the details and then click Done.
The image can be enlarged by clicking on it.

The purpose of the description corrections is to create an accurate

representation of the book, based on the information provided on the left
page. This description is what makes readers get a sense of what the book
contains or what type of book it is. This is why dedications, list of illustrations
errata, etc., not offering much insight on what is inside a book, are
unsuitable as descriptions.
If the image on the left is unsuitable (description of unsuitable page will be
provided below) then click This page is unsuitable.
Or if the description page is defective, i.e. completely garbled and impossible
to read, then click Major Defect.


Copy or correct the description of the book from the left side of the screen
into the text form. You also need to correct for paragraphs with double enter.
If it is already correct then you can click Done, otherwise make the
corrections in the form (which could be one thing wrong or everything wrong)
There is a 10 digit number at the bottom of the page called the PIBN, this is
the unique identifier for the book. If you have to ask me a specific question
or report a problem with the site then you can quote this number so I know
Most are in English but there are some titles in French, German, Spanish,
Italian & Latin. While these might be a little more difficult, it is not important
that you understand the language in order to make the corrections. You can
copy and paste the accented characters listed on the page if you do not
know how to make these accented characters with your keyboard.

Punctuation marks should be transcribed/corrected to the right side text form
exactly the way they are found on the original description on the left side.

If the image on the left contains text written in Old German (Gothic),
impossible to decipher, click This page is unsuitable.

The description must contain only text, without headings, even if the
description page on the left side contains headings. The exception to this

rule is made in case it makes sense with the heading (E.g. a page full of
cooking recipes when multiple recipes are displayed on a page; the
description is poem and the heading is the title of the poem, etc.).

Do not copy footnotes or endnotes, including footnote or endnote markers. If
these are present in the version you see in the form then delete them.

Sometimes you will see a heading on the original description page called
Advertisement. Sometimes this is about the book you are writing about,
but sometimes its advertising another book. The description must be read
carefully to determine if it is about the book you are writing about or another
book. If the content is about another book, click This page is unsuitable.

If the image on the left contains a poem, the poem should be correctly
written on the right side, keeping the same format, the same punctuation
marks, with double enter between verses. This is a correct example:
A Considerable Speck
With which the modern world is being swept.
But this poor microscopic item now!
Since it was nothing I knew evil of
I let it lie there till I hope it slept.
I have a mind myself and recognize
Mind when I meet with it in any guise
No one can know how glad I am to find
On any sheet the least display of mind.
Poem by Robert Frost

If the image on the left is the contents page of a book then write each
chapter name down, separated by a semicolon (;) but without the (.) in
between each and ignoring the labels chapter, description, etc.


Should be written as:

Somnambulism and Psychic Phenomena; The Hypnotic, Mermeric, and The Pshychic
States; Hypnotism A Curative Agent; The Sixth Sense; Dreams, Premonitions;
Double and Psychic Consciousness; Evidences of the Soul Within Us

If the image on the left is a list of illustrations, members, people, errata or
any kind of list, then it is unsuitable as a description, therefore you must click
on " This page is unsuitable ", except if it is Table of Contents or a list that
explains what is inside the book.

If the image on the left is the title page of a book, click This page is

If the description of the left side contains/is a quotation, marked with
quotation marks and followed by the name of the originator, then the name
should come after the quotation and followed by a period. For example,
If the image on the left side of the screen says:
"For they are yet ear-kissing arguments. "
William Shakespeare

Then you write this into the form as:

"For they are yet ear-kissing arguments. " William Shakespeare.

If the description contains a signature at the end (of the author, publisher,
editor, etc.) or/and a date and it is not a quotation marked by quotation
marks, do not include it in the description. The description should only
contain the text.

Start the description at the beginning of the first sentence. So if the page has
a sentence that has been continued from the previous page then ignore this
and start from where the first sentence starts (with a capital letter) on this

If the description on the left page ends with an incomplete sentence/phrase
continued on the next page, do not include it on the right side description.
Stop at the end of the last sentence [with the period (.), exclamation mark (!)
or question mark (?)].

If the description on the left page is a poem, the poem should be correctly
written on the right side up to the last complete line on the page, and not
only up to the line ended with a period, exclamation mark or question mark.

Don't uppercase words even if they are uppercased in the original. For
example: "A BRIEF INTRODUCTION" should be written "A Brief Introduction".

Some words in the left side description start with a capital letter. You should
transcribe/write the word on the right side text form with a capital letter only
if it makes sense (e.g. book titles, article titles; names, surnames, names of
countries, regions, cities, streets; titles of people; scientific terms; days of
the week; words in poems capitalized by the author). Do not use first capital

letter on the right side text words (even if it is written like that on the left
side) for visual style, for emphasizing the importance of the word, to denote
areas of special importance to the writer, etc.

Punctuation marks should be transcribed to the right side text exactly the
way they are found on the original description on the left side.

In some books (both in English and German) the letter is used instead of
the letter s, so when transcribing/correcting the text to the right side, the
words Das will become Dass. The letter looks very similar to the letter
f so look very carefully when writing a word with an s instead of .

Do not add unnecessary space in the right side text form just because there
is space found in the left side description. For example:
The Portrait of a Lady is the story of a spirited young American woman, Isabel
Archer, who affronts her destiny and finds it overwhelming.
She inherits a
large amount of money and subsequently becomes the victim of Machiavellian
scheming by two American expatriates.

should become
The Portrait of a Lady is the story of a spirited young American woman, Isabel
Archer, who affronts her destiny and finds it overwhelming. She inherits a
large amount of money and subsequently becomes the victim of Machiavellian
scheming by two American expatriates.

What though that light, thro' storm and night,
So trembled from afarWhat could there be more purely bright
In Truth's day-star?
Edgar Allan Poe

should become
What though that light, thro' storm and night,
So trembled from afarWhat could there be more purely bright

In Truth's day-star?
Edgar Allan Poe

). These should be replaced with the common form of
an ellipsis, row of three periods ().
If there are words/sentences/phrases written in Italic on the left side page, do
not add quotation marks to the words/sentences/phrases on the right side
form, unless they also exist in the original version. In any other case, just
write the words/sentences/phrases as they are, ignoring the Italic style.
If the description in the form on the right of the screen is completely different
to what is written on the image on the left side of the screen AND if the
description that is written is actually better than the image THEN you can
just correct the spellings errors and punctuation and clean up the
description, instead of rewriting it to be the same as the image.
It is recommended to use Google Chrome as your web browser for doing this
job because it has an integrated spellcheck which will make it easier to see
which words need changing. But do not correct words to what it says in the
spellcheck, only to what it says on the original image.
Be sure to repair any speech marks or apostrophes that are missing from
the description.

Ch. BAUDELAlRE jug par Ernest FEYDEAU Le hasard dune Vente nous a permis dac
qurir un exemplaire des Paradis Articiels annot par Ernest Feydeau. Pour
bien se rendre compte de lintrt de ces notes, il importe tout dabord de xer
la situation littraire de Baudelaire et de Feydeau lpoque o les Paradis
furent publis. Actuellement, Ernest Feydeau peut tre considr
par nous comme un bon auteur moyen dont luvre, tout en tant vieillie, est
loin dtre morte. Ce quil a dit ou pens prsente donc de lintrt.

Le hasard d'une vente nous a permis d'acqurir un exemplaire des Paradis
Artificiels annot par Ernest Feydeau.
Pour bien se rendre compte de l'intrt de ces notes, il importe tout d'abord
de fixer la situation littraire de Baudelaire et de Feydeau l'poque o les
Paradis Artificiels furent publis.
Actuellement, Ernest Feydeau peut tre considr par nous comme un bon auteur
moyen dont l'uvre, tout en tant vieillie, est loin d'tre morte. Ce qu'il a
dit ou pens prsente donc de l'intrt.


If the description of the left side contains complex mathematical formulas, do

not include in the description the sentence/paragraph that contains the
complex formula.

Therefore, in the above example, the sentence "At a distance in the second
vessel nearly" should be removed.
If the description of the left side contains non-Latin characters, do not
include in the description the sentence/paragraph that contains theses nonLatin characters.

(Continues on the next page)


Therefore, in the above example, the paragraph "I have omitted the Guttural
verbs glancing at the Tables." should be removed.
If the image on the left is an acknowledgement, a dedication of the author or
a copyright protection note, then it is unsuitable as a description, therefore
you must click on "This page is unsuitable".
An example of a copyright protection note is: "Entered according to the act
of Congress, in the year 1864, By H. Cann, in the Clerk's office, Of the
District court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania."

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