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Sites that Help Classroom Teachers


101 + Teaching Tips (not much technology here, but some very interesting ideas)
150 Teaching Methods - Different Methods that can be used in the classroom.
4Teachers - the online space for teachers integrating technology into the curriculum
Aim High - Bloom's Taxonomy Breakdown
Annenberg Media - Video on Demand - registration required but it is free - Educational video
programs with coordinated Web and print materials for K-12 teachers. Most are for teacher
development rather than classroom instruction. You can search by discipline and grade.
6. Best Practices
1. Facilitating Cooperative Groups - Three key strategies in running successful
cooperative learning groups:
2. Library: Best Practices - PDF files on many resources 3. Redefining the Role of the Teacher - from Edutopia
4. Practices Evident in Good Models of Teaching with Technology (GMOTT) - Samples
are provided to illustrate this concept.
5. The Pedagogical Practice Behind the Technology in a Primary Classroom - How first
and second graders and using technology.
6. Effective Teaching - Harry and RoseMary Wong
7. Students at the Center - Intel
8. The Wired Classroom - From Now On Journal
7. Best Teacher Description - Do these attributes match you?
8. Best Teaching Practices - what to look for in a best practice teaching classroom
9. Bob Bowman's List of Educational OnLine Tutorials
10. Brainstorming - Learn how to brainstorm effectively using this online training.
11. Classroom Terminology - key terms from Teaching Children Science (close to 300 terms
defined, most apply to all classrooms, not just science)
12. Counselor/Teacher Articles - Many suggestions for guidance counselors.
13. Creating Technology Enhanced Student-CenteredLearning Environments - An in-depth article
with many ideas and suggestions on how to turn a classroom into a student centered learning
environment. Teacher roles are modeled and discussed, giving suggestions all along the way.
14. Critical Thinking Sites and Activities
1. Mission Critical: Critical Thinking activities from San Jose State University
2. A Field Guide to Critical Thinking from the Skeptical Inquirer magazine
3. Critical thinking exercises evaluating web sites on one of three topics; Mayan
Calendar, The Sixties, and Eggs and Cholesterol
4. Critical thinking exercises in math from
5. Higher Order Thinking Skills Help Site - These are the skills that every educator needs
to develop in his or her teaching every day! Click on each of the levels of Bloom's
Taxonomy and get some ideas for asking better questions and preparing better lessons.
Excellent site for beginners in the field of education!
6. Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric produced by Facione and Facione
15. Curriculum Standards for Subjects with End-of-Course Tests from the state of Tennessee
16. Discipline/Classroom Management
1. 11 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline 2. Anger Management - Articles and advise on how to deal with an angry child
3. As Tough as Necessary: Countering Violence, Aggression, and Hostility in Our Schools
4. Behavior Management Advise Site - This site offers thousands of tips on managing
student behavior and step-by-step directions for implementing a great number of

standard interventions. It also has a bulletin board on which you can post your
disciplinary concerns and receive suggestions from teachers around the world.
5. Classroom Management - Articles and advise on how to manage your classroom
6. Classroom Management for new teachers - Many ideas in this article
7. Classroom management ideas
8. Behavior Problems & Discipline - If you have a child with behavior problems, the
articles and resources on this page will help.
9. Developing a Discipline Plan for you - The Key Ideas of Seven Models of Discipline.
10. Discipline Help -A discipline model for handling over one hundred different
11. Federal Resources for Educational Excellence - Numerous ideas on all subject areas.
12. Handling Difficult Situations - Six tips to help prevent aggressive incidents in your
13. Managing your Classroom - Striking a balance between freedom and discipline is a
skill that can make all the difference between a well-run classroom and classroom
chaos. Here are some techniques educators are using to achieve such a balance.
14. A Primer on Behavior Management - Entertaining article on behavior management
15. Responsive Discipline - The Responsive Discipline on-line course will lead you
through a series of lessons about discipline for your own personal study. All the
information you need is contained in the linked pages to the course.
16. Rewards - Rewards that Motivate
17. Sponge Ideas - Fill in the spare 10 minutes with these game ideas.
18. Stages of Discipline - Set up a consistent system for classroom discipline that will be
appropriate for students functioning at all stages
17. E-Letters - Keep current with educational news with these! Middle School e-newsletters 18. Education News - a page of links to on-line journals, some dealing with instructional
19. Effective reading instruction in first grade .pdf version - Presented by Steve Stahl at the 2002
Michigan Reading Recovery Conference.
20. Fact Monster - Everything from Atlas, Almanacs, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, World News,
Sports and other facts. Quizzes and games online.
21. Free Email Address Directory - a guide to choosing a free Email service
22. Free OpenCourse - a free and open educational resource (OER) for educators, students, and
self-learners around the world.
* Is a publication of MIT course materials
* Does not require any registration
* Is not a degree-granting or certificate-granting activity
* Does not provide access to MIT faculty
23. Grants - where to find grant information
24. Grade book - Engrade - Online grade book that is a free resource. Engrade's online grade book
suite includes custom grading scales, weighted assignments, attendance tracking, homework
calendar, printable student reports, online student reports, and many more features.
25. Hyper Studio - take look at Roger Wagner's home page for HyperStudio
26. Icebreakers and Energizers - Activities that are just plain fun
27. Icebreakers, games and activities - This site features instructions to several playtested, high
quality icebreakers, games, and team building activities
28. Innovation Odyssey a world tour of innovative uses of technology in education
29. Instructor Idea Exchange - The August, 2000 topic was "What are your favorite ways to kick
off the new school year?" You enter your response or read what others wrote. There is an

archive of previous topics.

30. Layered Curriculum - Differentiate your classroom
31. Learn the Net - put a human face to cyberspace
32. Learning Differences - Library of PDF files that address NCLB
33. Learning Disability Web site - Many on-line inventories to give your students; Cognitive
Processing Inventory, LD terms and Definitions, Parent Support and more.
34. The Lexile Framework for Reading - Download resource kit for free!
35. Lexile Framework - Understanding the Framework
36. Literacy, Information and Technology in Education
37. Memorization Help - Can you remember long lists? your students' names? Try this site for
38. Middle Grade Links and much more
39. Middle School Teacher Guide - many ideas
40. Motivating Moments - A wonderful site to peruse when you need a picker-upper.
41. NASA Educator Resource Center at Utah State University
42. Netfiles is an award-winning public television series designed to help teachers integrate the
Internet into their classrooms. They are compiling a list of video links to their episodes. Go to
this page to view an episode or simply just a segment from their show. You will need Real
Player G2 to see these clips.
43. The New Teacher Page - links designed to assist new teachers.
44. On-Line Ordering System from the U. S. Department of Education - This new system is
intended to help you identify and order U.S. Department of Education products.
45. Free On-Line Workshops
1. Concept to Classroom - a collaboration between Thirteen Ed Online (WNET New
York) and Disney Learning Partnership.
1. Tapping Into multiple intelligences
2. Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning
3. Teaching to Academic Standards
4. Why the Net? An Interactive Tool for the Classroom
5. Cooperative and Collaborative Learning
6. Inquiry-based Learning
7. Assessment, Evaluation, and Curriculum Redesign
8. WebQuests
9. Making Family and Community Connections
10. Interdisciplinary Learning in Your Classroom
11. After-school Programs - From Vision to Reality
2. Other collaborations by Thirteen Ed Online (WNET New York)
1. Digital File Management in the Classroom
2. Managing Students With Computers
3. Annenberg/CPB List of Workshops and Courses - Too many to list individually, each
requires access to a weekly broadcast. Graduate credit is available for a fee.
4. Learning Math - a series of five multimedia, college-level courses designed to teach
mathematics content to elementary and middle school teachers
46. Powertolearn - Cablevision's nationally recognized education initiative, empowers K-12
learning in the tri-state area by making technology in the classroom useful and by facilitating
the home-school connection
47. Professional Resources from Scholastic's Educator magazine - Find information on classroom
management, assessment, grants and more.
48. Questioning ToolKit - Learn how to make the most of your questions while teaching!
49. Questions - Deep Questions - Questioning Strategies
50. Reading/Literacy Resources for Present and Future Teachers - From alphabetics to

comprehension to reading models to professional resources and lesson plans, this site contains
literacy links for present and future teachers.
51. Resources for Teachers - Assessment,Classroom Management , Lesson Plans, and Teacher
52. RHL School Worksheets for the following subjects: Reading Comprehension, English Basics,
Math Problem Solving, Research Skills, and Math Computation
53. Scholastic Teacher Resource Center
54. Special Education Page - This page contains special education-related links. General links are
at the top of the list; specific category links are at the bottom.
55. Sponge Activities - 10 Games- Ideas for occupying students for ten minutes.
56. Standards and Benchmarks database from McREL
57. Standards, Reform and Professional Development
58. Study Skills Self-Help Information from Virginia Tech's Division of Student Affairs suggestions on note taking study time, the SQ3R system and much more.
59. StudyStack - Using the StudyStack web site, you use your computer to display a stack of
"virtual cards" which contain information about a certain subject. Just like flashcards, you can
review the information at your own pace discarding the cards you've learned and keeping the
ones you still need to review.
60. Study tips can be found at the Augustine Club of Columbia University.
61. SurWeb - Media Shows for content areas already created! Plus a cache of picture to use for all
subject areas, vocational included! Great Site! Also a matrix that includes tests already created
by standards.Plus learning segment media shows already created with tests that go along with
62. Tammy's Technology Tips for Teachers
63. Teacher Resource Center from Scholastic - Get exactly what you need every day (pre-K to 8)
64. Teacher Resources from TeacherLINK
65. Teaching Methods - Multiple links on almost everything dealing with education from
curriculum theory to classroom management to cooperative learning. Abundant sources of
66. Teaching Practices at Apple Learning Interchange - Here you will discover a window into an
educator's classroom, through the extensive use of video to see and hear all facets of the
Teaching Practice.
67. Teaching Tips - Great site from Hawaii with loads of info for teachers.
68. Teaching with the Web - Thematic units with resources, online activities, off-line activities and
more! Activities categorized by grade level makes for simple navigation.
69. has a classroom resource finder which you can use to search for Internet
resources or lesson plans. And if you can not find what you are looking for there, a keyword
search is provided.
70. TEAMS Distance Learning for all K12 Educators (Caution! This site has been redesigned, and
now requires many more clicks to find resources).
71. Technology Curriculum Integration Ideas - ideas for each of the disciplines on how to integrate
technology into the classroom.
72. Technology Integration Made Easy - Education World offers 19 easy and painless ways to
integrate technology into your daily routine
73. Technology Tips for Differentiated Instruction -Many ideas on how to use technology to
enhance differentiated Instruction.
74. - Free Web sites& Email for Everyone in your School
75. Tips and Strategies for Co-Teaching at the Secondary Level - One tool being used by many
special and general educators to meet the needs of secondary students is co-teaching.
76. TrackStar - An on-line interface that helps instructors organize and annotate Web sites (URL's)
into lessons. The list of resources acts like a table of contents and remains visible throughout

the lesson allowing the user/student to easily browse through the lesson and stay on track.
77. Tutor Training Activities from NWREL
78. Video Clips of Classroom Technology Use
1. Edutopia - What's working for K-12 schools
2. Just In Time Technology Integration In service
3. Learning Math - a series of five multimedia, college-level courses designed to teach
mathematics content to elementary and middle school teachers (video clips included in
each course)
79. Weaving The Internet Through Your Elementary Literacy Curriculum
80. U. S. Department of Education see also the Tennessee Department of Education

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