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Experiment No.

1. Objective(s):
This activity aims to
1. introduce the modeling and simulation tools of MATLAB and LabVIEW to the students;
2. equip the students with the skills and knowledge in using MATLAB and LabVIEW to model and
simulate systems; and
3. equip the students with the skill to measure the major performance indicators of a control system,
namely: time response parameters, error performance and stability.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
At the end of this activity, the student shall be able to
1. create MATLAB and LabVIEW programs that will simulate electrical, mechanical and position
control systems; and
2. determine the effects of component values to the systems time response parameters, error and
stability of dynamic systems.
3. Discussion
One of the steps involved in the design of a control system is to model the system itself from its schematic.
The systems model is very important since it will provide information on the systems various parameters,
such as time response, error and stability information. These parameters will then help the designer to
come up with a control system that would make the system perform at its desired state. Thus, modeling
and simulation is an important step in the design of control systems.
Systems can be modeled as transfer functions using the Laplace transform of the differential equation
representing the system, or as state-space models which expresses the system in terms of state and
output vectors. Solutions of both models can be highly simplified by the use of computer aided tools, such
as MATLAB and LabVIEW. In this activity, MATLAB and LabVIEW are to be used to model and simulate
dynamic systems after obtaining their transfer functions.
MATLAB has the control system toolbox which can be used to create transfer function s-domain models of
dynamic systems and plot and obtain information on the systems step response. In the same manner,
LabVIEW has the control design and simulation module which can be used to simulate dynamic systems.
This activity will demonstrate how these tools can be used to model and simulate dynamic systems.
4. Resources:
To perform this activity, a computer workstation with MATLAB R2012a or higher and LabVIEW 8.6 or
higher installed is required. For MATLAB, the control systems toolbox is required and for LabVIEW, the
control design and simulation module.
5. Procedure:
Activity 1.1 Modeling and simulation of a series RLC electrical network.


Consider the simple series RLC circuit shown below. This circuit will be modeled in s-domain and will
be simulated using LabVIEW.Let L = 1 H, C = 1 F and R = 1 . For the questions to follow, write
the solutions onto separate sheets of paper.

Q1.1(a) For this circuit, find the transfer function ( ) = ( )/ ( ).

Q1.1(b) For a step input, find an expression for the output capacitor voltage.
Q1.1(c) Using this expression, plot the output capacitor voltage and roughly sketch the plot below.

MATLAB. The transfer function can be created in MATLAB by creating a row vector matrix containing
the coefficients of the numerator and the denominator of the transfer function. For the transfer function
of the form
N(s) a s + a
++a s+a
G(s) =
b s +b s
++b s+b
where n > m, create a row vector num equal to
a a ]
num = [a
and a row vector den equal to
b b ]
den = [b b
in the workspace. Then create the object sys which contains the transfer function whose numerator
and denominator coefficients in num and den by using the command tf() in the following format
>> sys = tf(num,den)
In defining numerator and denominator coefficients, the command poly() is also useful. Type in
the command help poly() for more information on this function and how can it be used.


To plot the step response of the system whose transfer function is sys use the command
step()in the following format:
>> step(sys)

Q1.3(a) Roughly sketch the plot of the transfer function of the above circuit. Use this graph to
determine the time response and error of the system.


LabVIEW. Build the front panel (FP) and the block diagram (BD) as shown below, calling this VI
In the BD, place a Simulation Loop. Right-click on one of the boundaries of the loop and choose
Configure Simulation Parameters. Change the Simulation Times Final Time to 20.
Place a Step Signal, a Transfer Function, a Build Array and the SimTime Waveform functions
inside the simulation loop. Configure the transfer function block to contain the transfer function
obtained from Q1.1(a).
In the FP, a Waveform Chart will automatically be placed. Configure the Legend on the top right
part of the chart and name them as Input and Output as shown. Right click on the chart and
choose X Scale >> Properties. In the Display Format tab, choose Type as Floating-point, then
click OK. Change the scale of the x-axis of the waveform chart to 0-20.

Q1.4(a) Use the VI to plot the step response of the circuit above. Roughly sketch the plot below and
label the necessary time response and error information in the plot. The plots obtained in the
previous steps must be the same.
Q1.4(b) Based on the plots obtained, is the system stable? Why or why not?
Q1.4(c) Change some of the parameters of the RLC circuit and obtain a new transfer function.
Simulate this new transfer function. Use both MATLAB and LabVIEW. Conduct several trials (at
least ten trials) and plot the step response of the system in each trial. Comment on the effect of the
values of the resistor, inductor and capacitor on the output capacitor voltage.
Q1.4(d) Discuss the different timing options in the Configure Simulation Parameters of the

simulation loop.
Q1.4(e) Create a virtual instrument using the control design and simulation module and
MathScriptnode of LabVIEW to simulate the electrical network below. Provide a screenshot of the
block diagram and the front panel of the VI on a separate sheet of paper. Plot the step response on
the space provided below.

Activity 1.2 Modeling and simulation of mechanical systems.

1. In this part of the activity, the response of the mechanical system such as the one shown below to a
step input will be simulated.

( ) = ( )/ ( ) and
( ) = ( )/ ( ). Fill up the
Q2.1(a) Find the transfer functions
spaces provided below.
Q2.1(b) Compute for the output displacement of the system ( ) and ( ) to a step force input
and plot them on the space provided.
2. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 of Activity 1.1 to simulate the mechanical system given.
Q2.2(a) Roughly sketch the plot of ( ), ( ) and the step input as seen in the waveform chart on
the space provided.
Q2.2(b) Interpret the waveforms. How does the position of the masses vary as a step force is
applied to the system at ( )? (Hint: what happens when you apply a step force to the system
Q2.2(c) Determine what happens when the surface at which the masses moves on has friction
which is =
/ for both masses. Plot the new response on a separate sheet of paper and
interpret the results.
Q2.2(d) Simulate the rotational mechanical system below, plotting the responses ( ) and ( )
with respect to an input step torque.

Q2.2(e) Interpret the waveforms. How does the angular position of the inertia vary as a step torque
is applied to the system at ( )?

Group No.:
Group Members:

Experiment No.:
Date Performed:
Date Submitted:

6. Data and Results:

Q1.1(a) For this circuit, find the transfer function ( ) =

( )/ ( ).

Q1.1(b) For a step input, find an expression for the output capacitor voltage.

Q1.1(c) Using this expression, plot the output capacitor voltage and roughly sketch the plot below.

Q1.3(a) Roughly sketch the plot of the transfer function of the above circuit. Use this graph to
determine the time response and error of the system.

Q1.4(a) Use the VI to plot the step response of the circuit above. Roughly sketch the plot below and
label the necessary time response and error information in the plot. The plots obtained in the
previous steps must be the same.

Q1.4(b) Based on the plots obtained, is the system stable? Why or why not?
Q1.4(c) Change some of the parameters of the RLC circuit and obtain a new transfer function.
Simulate this new transfer function. Use both MATLAB and LabVIEW. Conduct several trials (at
least ten trials) and plot the step response of the system in each trial. Comment on the effect of the
values of the resistor, inductor and capacitor on the output capacitor voltage.

Q1.4(d) Discuss the different timing options in the Configure Simulation Parameters of the
simulation loop.
Q1.4(e) Create a virtual instrument using the control design and simulation module and MathScript
node of LabVIEW to simulate the electrical network below. Provide a screenshot of the block
diagram and the front panel of the VI on a separate sheet of paper. Plot the step response on the
space provided below.

Q2.1(a) Find the transfer functions

spaces provided below.

( )=

( )/ ( ) and

( )=

( )/ ( )

( )=

( )/ ( )

Q2.1(b) Compute for the output displacement of the system

and plot them on the space provided.


Plot of

( ) and


( )=

( ) and

( )/ ( ). Fill up the

( ) to a step force input

Q2.2(a) Roughly sketch the plot of

the space provided.
Plot of ( ) and

( ),

( ) and the step input as seen in the waveform chart on

( ) in MATLAB


Plot of

( ) and

( ) in LabVIEW

Q2.2(b) Interpret the waveforms. How does the position of the masses vary as a step force is
applied to the system at ( )? (Hint: what happens when you apply a step force to the system
Q2.2(c) Determine what happens when the surface at which the masses moves on has friction
which is =
/ for both masses. Plot the new response on a separate sheet of paper and
interpret the results.

Q2.2(d) Simulate the rotational mechanical system below, plotting the responses ( ) and ( )
with respect to an input step torque.
Plot of ( ) and ( )

Q2.2(e) Interpret the waveforms. How does the angular position of the inertia vary as a step torque
is applied to the system at ( )?
7. Conclusion:


8. Assessment:
1. Create a MATLAB program or a LabVIEW virtual instrument that will interactively simulate electrical
and mechanical system. System configuration is your choice, just provide the schematic. The interface
must contain controls to adjust the parameters of the components of the system. Build one program or
VI for each of the system (electrical, translational mechanical and rotational mechanical). Graphics can
be integrated into the program. Using these programs or VIs, investigate the effect of the component
values to the time response, error performance and stability of the system.
2. A position control system can be represented by a block diagram shown below, where K is a constant
gain and G(s) is the transfer function of the plant, which takes the form
G(s) =
s(s + a)
whereK and a are constants. (Note that G(s) has the same form as the transfer function of a

Create a MATLAB program or a LabVIEW virtual instrument to implement and simulate the position
control system as shown. Using this simulator, investigate the effect of the constants K, K and a to
the time response, error and stability of the system.


Assessment rubric for the activitys intended learning outcomes


Create a
A program for
program that
electrical system was
will simulate the
created but does not
performance of
work or results vary
significantly from
(MP 1)
Determine the
effect of
values of
system to the
performance of
the system
(MP 1)

An investigation was
made but contains
insufficient data or
limited trials.

Create a
A program for
program that
will simulate the
mechanical system
performance of
was created but does
not work or results
vary significantly from
(MP 1)

The program works

but the results are
doubtful or are
inconsistent when
trials are repeatedly

The program works,

the results are
credible but the
interface is difficult to

The program returns

results that are
expected and with
little or no variation
from reality and with
user friendly

A sufficient amount of
data were gathered
but was not
synthesized properly.

The data gathered

was analyzed but
does not support the
conclusions made.

The data gathered

was analyzed very
well and valid
conclusions were

The program works

but the results are
doubtful or are
inconsistent when
trials are repeatedly

The program works,

the results are
credible but the
interface is difficult to

The program returns

results that are
expected and with
little or no variation
from reality and with
user friendly interface



Determine the
effect of
values of
system to the
performance of
the system
(MP 1)

An investigation was
made but contains
insufficient data or
limited trials.

Create a
A program for
program that
rotational mechanical
will simulate the
system was created
performance of
but does not work or
results vary
significantly from
(MP 1)

A sufficient amount of
data were gathered
but was not
synthesized properly.

The data gathered

was analyzed but
does not support the
conclusions made.

The data gathered

was analyzed very
well and valid
conclusions were

The program works

but the results are
doubtful or are
inconsistent when
trials are repeatedly

The program works,

the results are
credible but the
interface is difficult to

The program returns

results that are
expected and with
little or no variation
from reality and with
user friendly interface

Determine the
effect of
values of
system to the
performance of
the system
(MP 1)

An investigation was
made but contains
insufficient data or
limited trials.

A sufficient amount of
data were gathered
but was not
synthesized properly.

The data gathered

was analyzed but
does not support the
conclusions made.

The data gathered

was analyzed very
well and valid
conclusions were

Create a
program that
will simulate the
performance of
a position
control system
(MP 2)

A program for a
position control
system was created
but does not work or
results vary
significantly from

The program works

but the results are
doubtful or are
inconsistent when
trials are repeatedly

The program works,

the results are
credible but the
interface is difficult to

The program returns

results that are
expected and with
little or no variation
from reality and with
user friendly interface

Determine the
effect of
values of
position control
system to the
performance of
the system
(MP 2)

An investigation was
made but contains
insufficient data or
limited trials.

A sufficient amount of
data were gathered
but was not
synthesized properly.

The data gathered

was analyzed but
does not support the
conclusions made.

The data gathered

was analyzed very
well and valid
conclusions were

Total Score


Mean Score = (Total Score /8)

Percentage Score = (Total Score / 32) x 100%

Assessment rubric for the conduct of laboratory experiments

Performance Indicators
Conduct experiments in
accordance with good and
safe laboratory practice.

Operate equipment and

instruments with ease

Analyze data, validate

experimental values against
theoretical values to
determine possible
experimental errors, and
provide valid conclusions.

Members follow good

Members do not follow
and safe laboratory
good and safe laboratory
practice most of the time
practice in the conduct
in the conduct of
of experiments.
Members are unable to
operate the equipment
and instruments.

The group has

incomplete data.

Members are able to

operate equipment and
instrument with

Members follow good

and safe laboratory
practice at all times in
the conduct of
Members are able to
operate the equipment
and instruments with
ease and with minimum

The group has complete

data, validates
The group has complete
experimental values
data but has no analysis
against theoretical
and valid conclusion.
values, and provides
valid conclusion.
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score /3)
Percentage Score = (Total Score / 9) x 100%



Experiment No. 02
1. Objective(s):
This activity aims to
1. demonstrate the use of computer aided tools to determine the poles and zeros, and the response
of the system to various inputs of dynamic systems;
2. equip the students with the knowledge and skills in obtaining the pole-zero plot, time response plot
and information, and determining the relationship of the time response parameters of the system in
relation to its pole location; and
3. provide the students with the knowledge of designing component values to meet time response
objectives and simulating the design to verify its correctness.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
At the end of this activity, the students shall be able to:
1. determine and, on the complex s-plane, plot the poles and zeros of a dynamic system;
2. plot the time response of, and interpret the time response characteristics of dynamic systems
represented as transfer functions; and
3. design components of dynamic systems to achieve time response parameter objectives.
3. Discussion
After obtaining a model of the system, the system is analyzed for its transient and steady-state responses.
It was learned in the discussion that the response of the system is highly dependent on the location of the
system poles. Thus, the location of the poles gives a vivid picture of the form of the response, as well as
how fast the response is.
For first-order system, or system with only one pole and no zero, the response has only one form and is
given as
c(t) = A + Be
whereA and B are the residues of the partial fraction expansion of the rational Laplace transform of the
response of the system. In the discussion, the parameters time constant, rise time and settling time are
defined, which are all dependent on the pole location a.


For second-order system, the response depends on the location of the poles also. In the discussion, a
second-order system with no zeros can have an overdamped, underdamped, undamped, or critically
damped response depending on the location of the poles. Two related specifications: the damping ratio and
the natural frequency are defined in order to relate these to the type of the response of the system.
Higher-ordered systems containing dominant complex poles as well as with zeros can be approximated as
second-order system when certain conditions are met. These approximations can be validated using
computer aided tools. This activity shows the use of MATLAB and LabVIEW in obtaining the time response
parameters of dynamic systems.
4. Resources:
To perform this activity, a computer workstation with MATLAB R2012a or higher and LabVIEW 8.6 or
higher installed is required. For MATLAB, the control systems toolbox is required and for LabVIEW, the
control design and simulation module.
5. Procedure:
Activity 2.1 Poles and Zeros
1. MATLAB. Use the command pzmap()to determine the poles and zeros, as well as plot the polezero map of a system whose transfer function is defined in the object sys. Use the following format:
>> [p z] = pzmap(sys)
and MATLAB will return the location of the poles in vector p and the zeros in vector z, as well as a
figure will show the pole-zero map.
2. LabVIEW. Create a VI called Build the FP and BD as shown below.


For the Pole-Zero Map, set the upper and lower limits of the imaginary axs to +10 and -10
respectively, and the real axis from +10 to -20. Then disable the autoscaling of the plot.
Manually compute for the poles and zeros of the transfer function given in the table below, then plot
them on the complex s-plane. Complete the table below.
Transfer Function
Poles and Zeros
Pole-Zero Plot


G(s) =


s + 2s + 2
s + 6s + 4s + 7s + 2

Use MATLAB and LabVIEW to determine the poles and zeros and to plot them on the complex splane. Record the results below.
Transfer Function
Poles and Zeros
Pole-Zero Plot

G(s) =

s + 2s + 2
s + 6s + 4s + 7s + 2

G(s) =

s + 2s + 2
s + 6s + 4s + 7s + 2


Q1.4(a)Complete the table below, using MATLAB and LabVIEW. Verify the results using hand
calculations on separate sheets of paper.
Q1.4(b) Using the poles and zeros obtained in the previous questions, write the general form of the
step responses of the system whose transfer functions are given below.
Q1.4(c) How does the location of the poles and zeros relate to the general form of the step response
of the system?
Activity 2.2 Time Response of Dynamic Systems
1. MATLAB. To obtain the step response parameters of systems represented by transfer function sys
use the command step() and stepinfo()which plots the step response of the system, and
provides the step response parameters of the system such as the settling time, rise time, peak time
and percent overshoot. Enter the commands in the following formats
>> step(sys)
The command damp()gives information on the poles of the transfer function, as well as the
associated damping ratio and natural frequencies. Enter the command in the following format
>> damp(sys)
The command ltiview() can also be used to plot the time response of linear systems. On the
command window, type in
>> help ltiview
for more information on this command. In this case, use the following format


to display the step response, as well as the pole-zero map of the transfer function sys.
LabVIEW. Replicate and name the other copy as Add components as
shown below.


Q2.1(a) Use the MATLAB commands and the LabVIEW VI to complete the table below. On a
separate sheet, roughly sketch the time response of each of the system.
Q2.1(b) Comment on the results for the system (a) and (b). Check the values obtained using the VI
with the results of the formula. Are the values for the damping ratio and the natural frequencies
valid? Comment also on the validity of the values for the peak time and percent overshoot.
Q2.1(c) Comment on the results for the systems (c) through (f). Determine the form of the response
with respect to the value of the damping ratio.
Q2.1(d) Systems (g) through (i) have additional real poles, aside from two complex poles. Comment
on the results. Which exhibits a near second-order response? What is the relationship between the
dominant complex poles and the real third pole for a third-order system to exhibit an approximate
second-order response?
Q2.1(e) Systems (j) and (k) have zeros. Which of the system exhibit non-minimum phase behavior?

Discuss the non-minimum phase behavior based on the time response plot.
Q2.1(f) Systems (l) through (o) are systems with additional poles and with zeros. Which of these can
be approximated into a second-order response using pole-zero cancellation? What general rule can
be established which will allow such approximation?
Q.2.1(g) Plot the responses of systems (a) through (o) on separate sheets of paper. Screenshots for
such plots may be provided.
3. Complex systems can also be modeled and simulated in MATLAB and LabVIEW. As an example the
system whose block diagram is shown below has the transfer functions G(s) =

and H(s) =

4. MATLAB. To obtain the closed-loop equivalent the above transfer function, use the command
feedback(), as in the following format
>> T = feedback(G,H)
whereT is the object representing the closed-loop transfer function, G is the forward transfer function
and H the feedback transfer function. Read more on the commandsfeedback(), as well as on the
commands parallel() and series() by using the help command of MATLAB.
Q4.1(a) Using MATLAB, determine the poles and zeros, plot and analyze the time response
characteristics of the system given above. Complete the table below.
5. LabVIEW. Modify and rename this as Add a CD Construct Transfer block to define H(s) and connect G(s) with H(s) using the CD Use the
Help to obtain more information about the Model Interconnection palette.
Q5.1(a) Using LabVIEW, determine the poles and zeros, plot and analyze the time response
characteristics of the system given above. Complete the table below.
Experiment No.:
Group No.:
Group Members:
Date Performed:
Date Submitted:
6. Data and Results:
Q1.4(a)Complete the table below, using MATLAB and LabVIEW. Verify the results using hand
calculations on separate sheets of paper.
Transfer Function
Poles and Zeros
Pole-Zero Plot


G(s) =

G(s) =


(s + 3)(s + 6)


G(s) =

G(s) =

G(s) =

(s + 10)

s + 7s + 24s + 24
s + 10s + 35s + 50s + 24

s + 2s + 10
s + 38s + 515s + 2950s + 6000

Q1.4(b) Using the poles and zeros obtained in the previous questions, write the general form of the
step responses of the system whose transfer functions are given below.
Transfer Function
General Form of the Step Response

G(s) =

s + 2s + 2
s + 6s + 4s + 7s + 2


G(s) =

G(s) =

(s + 3)(s + 6)

G(s) =

G(s) =

G(s) =


(s + 10)

s + 7s + 24s + 24
s + 10s + 35s + 50s + 24

s + 2s + 10
s + 38s + 515s + 2950s + 6000

Q1.4(c) How does the location of the poles and zeros relate to the general form of the step response
of the system?
Q2.1(a) Use the MATLAB commands and the LabVIEW VI to complete the table below. On a
separate sheet, roughly sketch the time response of each of the system.
Damping Ratio
Time Response Parameters
/ Natural
Transfer Function


G(s) =


G(s) =

s + 20

G(s) =

s + 6s + 144

G(s) =

s + 9s + 9

G(s) =

s + 100

G(s) =

(s + 15)


G(s) =

s + 4s + 24.542


G(s) =

(s + 10)(s + 4s + 24.542)

G(s) =

(s + 3)(s + 4s + 24.542)

G(s) =

s + 3s + 36

G(s) =

s + 3s + 36


G(s) =

(s + 2)(s + 3s + 10)

G(s) =

s + 2.5
(s + 2)(s + 4s + 20)

G(s) =

s + 2.1
(s + 2)(s + s + 5)


G(s) =

s + 2.01
(s + 2)(s + 5s + 20)

G(s) =

s + 2s + 10
s + 38s + 515s + 2950s + 6000

Q2.1(b) Comment on the results for the system (a) and (b). Check the values obtained using the VI
with the results of the formula. Are the values for the damping ratio and the natural frequencies
valid? Comment also on the validity of the values for the peak time and percent overshoot.
Q2.1(c) Comment on the results for the systems (c) through (f). Determine the form of the response
with respect to the value of the damping ratio.
Q2.1(d) Systems (g) through (i) have additional real poles, aside from two complex poles. Comment
on the results. Which exhibits a near second-order response? What is the relationship between the
dominant complex poles and the real third pole for a third-order system to exhibit an approximate
second-order response?

Q2.1(e) Systems (j) and (k) have zeros. Which of the system exhibit non-minimum phase behavior?
Discuss the non-minimum phase behavior based on the time response plot.
Q2.1(f) Systems (l) through (o) are systems with additional poles and with zeros. Which of these can
be approximated into a second-order response using pole-zero cancellation? What general rule can
be established which will allow such approximation?
Q.2.1(g) Plot the responses of systems (a) through (o) on separate sheets of paper. Screenshots for
such plots may be provided.
Q4.1(a) Using MATLAB, determine the poles and zeros, plot and analyze the time response
characteristics of the system given above. Complete the table below.
Closed-loop Transfer Function
Poles and Zeros
Pole-Zero Plot


Time Response Characteristics


Time Response Plot

Q5.1(a) Using LabVIEW, determine the poles and zeros, plot and analyze the time response
characteristics of the system given above. Complete the table below.
Closed-loop Transfer Function
Poles and Zeros
Pole-Zero Plot

Time Response Characteristics


Time Response Plot


7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment:
1. In typical conventional aircraft, longitudinal flight model linearization results in transfer functions with two
pairs of complex conjugate poles. Consequently, the natural response for these airplanes has two
modes in their natural response. The short period mode is relatively well-damped and has a highfrequency oscillation. The plugoid mode is lightly damped and its oscillation frequency is relatively low.
For example, in a specific aircraft the transfer function from wing elevator deflection to nose angle (angle
of attack) is (McRuer, 1973)
26.12(s + 0.0098)(s + 1.371)
(s + 8.99 10 s + 3.97 10 )(s + 4.21s + 18.23)
a. Determine the poles and zeros of this system and plot them on the complex s-plane.
b. Sketch the step response of the wing elevator deflection to a step nose angle input. Determine the
time response parameters.
c. On the plot of the response, label which is the short period mode and which is the phugoid mode.
Which of the poles cause the short period and the phugoid responses, respectively?
2. Assume that the motor whose transfer function is G(s) =

is used in a position control system.

a. Obtain the systems pole-zero plot, the type of the response of the system to the step input, the plot
of the step response, and obtain the systems damping ratio and natural frequency, and if
applicable, the settling time, percent overshoot, rise time and peak time.
b. It is wanted that the time response of the position control system be improved. In order to do just
that, an amplifier and a tachometer are inserted into the loop, as shown in the figure below.
Investigate the effects of the addition of the amplifier and the tachometer on the response of the


c. Find the values of K and K to yield a16% overshoot and a settling time of 0.2 seconds.
Determine the rest of the time response parameters.

Assessment rubric for the activitys intended learning outcomes




Determine and,
on the complex
The student was able to
s-plane, plot
The student was not
The student was able to
determine and plot the
able to determine and
determine and plot the
the poles and
poles and zeros of the
plot the poles and zeros
poles and zeros of the
zeros of a
system but there are
of the system.
some errors.
(MP1a, MP2a)
Plot the time
response of,
and interpret
the time
of dynamic
represented as
(MP1b, MP1c,

The student was not

able to plot and
interpret the time
characteristics of the

The student was able to

The student was able to
plot the time response
plot and interpret the
characteristics of
time response
systems but was not
characteristics of
able to interpret the

components of
systems to
achieve time
(MP2b, MP2c)

The student was not

able to design the
components of systems
to achieve objectives.

The student was able to The student was able to

design some of the
design component
component values but values of systems and
does not achieve the
achieves design
design objectives.

Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score /3)
Percentage Score = (Total Score / 9) x 100%

Assessment rubric for the conduct of laboratory experiments

Performance Indicators



Conduct experiments in
accordance with good and
safe laboratory practice.

Operate equipment and

instruments with ease

Analyze data, validate

experimental values against
theoretical values to
determine possible
experimental errors, and
provide valid conclusions.

Members follow good

Members do not follow
and safe laboratory
good and safe laboratory
practice most of the time
practice in the conduct
in the conduct of
of experiments.
Members are unable to
operate the equipment
and instruments.

The group has

incomplete data.

Members are able to

operate equipment and
instrument with

Members follow good

and safe laboratory
practice at all times in
the conduct of
Members are able to
operate the equipment
and instruments with
ease and with minimum

The group has complete

data, validates
The group has complete
experimental values
data but has no analysis
against theoretical
and valid conclusion.
values, and provides
valid conclusion.
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score /3)
Percentage Score = (Total Score / 9) x 100%


Experiment No. 03
1. Objective(s):
This activity aims to
1. demonstrate the use of computer aided tools in analyzing the stability and steady-state error of
linear systems; and
2. equip the students with the skills and knowledge in designing systems with the aid of tools to
achieve transient response and steady-state error requirements of systems while ensuring stability.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
At the end of this activity, the students shall be able to
1. analyze the stability and steady-state error of dynamic systems described by transfer functions;
2. design component values of systems to meet steady-state error requirements while ensuring
3. Discussion
Stability is the most important requirement of any control system. If the system is unstable, it cannot be
designed for transient response and steady-state error. It also poses threat to life and property, as
instability can mean a motor that has uncontrollable speed, or too much heat produced by a heater. In the
discussion, two definitions of stability are offered:
A system is stable if the natural response approaches zero as time approaches infinity.
A system is stable if every bounded input yields a bounded output (the bounded-input boundedoutput or BIBO requirement).
It was also discussed that stability is also related to the location of the closed-loop poles. In the discussion,
the following were concluded:
A system is stable if all of its closed-loop poles are in the left-half of the complex s-plane.
A system is marginally stable if it has poles of multiplicity one at the j-axis.
A system is unstable if it has at least one pole on the right-half of the complex s-plane or has
multiple poles on a single location at the j-axis.
To find how the poles are distributed on the complex s-plane, the Routh-Hurwitz criterion is being used,
although tools such as MATLAB and LabVIEW can compute the exact location of closed-loop poles of a
higher-ordered system.
Steady-state error is the difference of the actual output to the desired output of the system. It can be
evaluated using the closed-loop transfer function or an equivalent unity feedback system. In the discussion,
the latter approach was preferred, since it also provides perspective on the static error constants which
relates to the error of the system.
In this activity, the analysis and design of systems related to stability and steady-state error using MATLAB
and LabVIEW will be explored.
4. Resources:
To perform this activity, a computer workstation with MATLAB R2012a or higher and LabVIEW 8.6 or

higher installed is required. For MATLAB, the control systems toolbox is required and for LabVIEW, the
control design and simulation module.
5. Procedure:
Activity 3.1 Stability via pole location
1. Use the Routh-Hurwitz criterion to determine the pole location distribution of the system whose
configuration is shown below. Complete the table.
Closed-loop pole distribution
(via Routh-Hurwitz criterion)


Right-half plane

Left-half plane


Q1.1(a) What can be said about the stability of the system?

2. MATLAB. The pole-zero map of the closed-loop transfer function can be plotted and from there, the
number of poles on the left-half, right-half and the j-axis of the complex s-plane. The command
roots()computes the roots of a polynomial whose coefficients are written as a row matrix. If the
polynomial has the form
P(s) = a s + a s
+ + a s + a
then the command is entered in the following manner
>> roots([an an-1 ... a1 a0])
Q1.2(a) Using MATLAB, complete the table below. Sketch the pole-zero plot of the closed-loop
transfer function. Indicate the number of poles, as well as the exact location of the poles under
each region of the -plane.
Q1.2(b) Does the results returned by MATLAB agree with the results generated by the Routh table.
Is the conclusion about the stability of system the same when the results generated by MATLAB
were interpreted?
3. LabVIEW. Build the VI as shown below. The VI analyzes the stability of the system whose
configuration is shown in the front panel.


Q1.3(a) Using the VI, complete the table below. Sketch the pole-zero plot of the closed-loop transfer
function. Indicate the number of closed-loop poles, as well as the exact location of these poles
under each region of the -plane.
Q1.3(b) Will you reach the same conclusions about the stability of the system when the LabVIEW
virtual instrument is used?
Q1.3(c) Use MATLAB and LabVIEW to complete the table below. Indicate the number of closed-loop
poles, as well as their exact location under each region of the complex -plane. Under Remarks,
tell whether the system is stable, unstable or marginally stable. On separate sheets of paper, sketch
the closed-loop pole-zero map of each of the systems. Verify the results using Routh table.
Activity 3.2 Analysis of steady-state error.
1. The steady-state error will be evaluated using the configuration below. Refer to the lecture on the
formulas to be used in evaluating the static error constants and the error for step, ramp and parabolic
test inputs.

Remember that the system must be tested first for stability before analyzing it for transient response or
steady-state error. Thus, the techniques learned in Activity 3.1 can be applied first before proceeding.
2. MATLAB. To use MATLAB, the object representing G(s) must be converted first to a symbolic object.
If G contains the transfer function object, use the following commands to convert G into a symbolic
object Gsym.

>> [num den] = tfdata(G);

>>syms s
>>Gsym = poly2sym(cell2mat(num),s)/poly2sym(cell2mat(den),s)
Gsymis now a symbolic math object. The function limit()can now be used to evaluate the static
error constants, which will be then used to evaluate the error for various test inputs. As an example, if
Gsym is the symbolic object representing the open-loop transfer function of the unity feedback system
as shown in step one of this sub-activity, then the static error constant K and the error due to the step
() are evaluated as
input e
>>Kp = limit(Gsym,0)
>>estep = 1/(1+Kp)
Q2.1(a) What does the following functions in MATLAB do: tfdata(), syms, poly2sym(),
cell2mat(). Discuss the syntax and the required arguments of each function.
Q2.2(b) Use MATLAB to evaluate the static error constants and steady-state errors of the systems
shown below. Complete the table. Verify the values obtained using manual calculations. For the last
system, assume that the input and output are the same quantity.
3. LabVIEW. Build the as shown below. The Array of Polynomial Coefficients to Formula
link: if you have an available internet connection.


Q2.3(a) Use the VI above to evaluate the static error constants and steady-state errors of the
systems shown below. Complete the table. For the last system, assume that the input and output
are the same quantity.
Experiment No.:
Group No.:
Group Members:
Date Performed:
Date Submitted:
6. Data and Results:
Q1.1(a) What can be said about the stability of the system?
Q1.2(a) Using MATLAB, complete the table below. Sketch the pole-zero plot of the closed-loop
transfer function. Indicate the number of poles, as well as the exact location of the poles under
each region of the -plane.

Closed-loop pole distribution

(via MATLAB)
Left-half plane Right-half plane


Pole-zero Map

Q1.2(b) Does the results returned by MATLAB agree with the results generated by the Routh table.
Is the conclusion about the stability of system the same when the results generated by MATLAB
were interpreted?
Q1.3(a) Using the VI, complete the table below. Sketch the pole-zero plot of the closed-loop transfer
function. Indicate the number of closed-loop poles, as well as the exact location of these poles
under each region of the -plane.


Closed-loop pole distribution

(via LabVIEW)
Left-half plane Right-half plane

Pole-zero Map

Q1.3(b) Will you reach the same conclusions about the stability of the system when the LabVIEW
virtual instrument is used?
Q1.3(c) Use MATLAB and LabVIEW to complete the table below. Indicate the number of closed-loop
poles, as well as their exact location under each region of the complex -plane. Under Remarks,
tell whether the system is stable, unstable or marginally stable. On separate sheets of paper, sketch
the closed-loop pole-zero map of each of the systems. Verify the results using Routh table.
Closed-loop pole distribution and location

T(s) =

s + 10s + 35s + 50s + 34



Q2.1(a) What does the following functions in MATLAB do: tfdata(), syms, poly2sym(),
cell2mat(). Discuss the syntax and the required arguments of each function.
Q2.2(b) Use MATLAB to evaluate the static error constants and steady-state errors of the systems
shown below. Complete the table. Verify the values obtained using manual calculations. For the last
system, assume that the input and output are the same quantity.
Static error constants
Steady-state errors
System (check if stable)



Q2.3(a) Use the VI above to evaluate the static error constants and steady-state errors of the
systems shown below. Complete the table. For the last system, assume that the input and output
are the same quantity.


System (check if stable)

Static error constants

Steady-state errors



7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment:
1. For the system shown below, do the following:
(a) At K = 10, is the system stable? Find the system type, the static error constant and the error of
the system at this gain, then plot and determine the time response parameters if possible.
(b) Repeat part (a) at K = 10 .
(c) Plot the value of the static error constant and the steady-state error as a function of the gain K for
the range at which the system is stable. What conclusions can be drawn from the plot?


2. The open-loop transfer function of a swivel controller and plant for an industrial robot is given as
G (s) =
(s + 10)(s + 4s + 10)
V (s)
where (s) is the Laplace transform of the robots angular swivel velocity and V (s) is the input
voltage to the controller. Assume G (s) is the forward transfer function of a velocity control loop with
an input transducer and a sensor, each represented by a constant gain of 3 (Schneider, 1992), do the
(a) Plot the value of the error of the system as a function of the gain K at the range of K for which the
system is stable.
(b) Design the value of the gain K to minimize the steady-state error between the input commanded
angular swivel velocity and the output actual angular swivel velocity. Show that the system is still
stable at the design point.
(c) For the chosen value of the gain at part (b), determine the system type, steady-state error and the
transient response of the system.

Assessment rubric for the activitys intended learning outcomes


Analyze the stability

and steady-state error
of dynamic systems
described by transfer
(MP 1)

The student was not

able to analyze the
stability and steadystate error of the

The student was able

to analyze the stability
The student was able
of the system but not
to analyze the stability
the steady-state error,
and steady-state error
or was able to obtain
of the system
the steady-state error
but did not check for



Design component
values of systems to
meet steady-state
error requirements
while ensuring
(MP 2)

The student was not

able to design the
component values of
the systems.

The student was able

The student was able
to correctly design
to design component
component values of
values but does not
the system that meets
fully meet the steadystability and steadystate error
state error
requirements or that
requirements and the
the design was not
design is correctly
Total Score

Mean Score = (Total Score /2)

Percentage Score = (Total Score / 6) x 100%

Assessment rubric for the conduct of laboratory experiments

Performance Indicators
Conduct experiments in
accordance with good and
safe laboratory practice.

Operate equipment and

instruments with ease

Members follow good

Members do not follow
and safe laboratory
good and safe laboratory
practice most of the time
practice in the conduct
in the conduct of
of experiments.
Members are unable to
operate the equipment
and instruments.

Members are able to

operate equipment and
instrument with


Members follow good
and safe laboratory
practice at all times in
the conduct of
Members are able to
operate the equipment
and instruments with
ease and with minimum


Analyze data, validate

experimental values against
theoretical values to
determine possible
experimental errors, and
provide valid conclusions.

The group has

incomplete data.

The group has complete

data, validates
The group has complete
experimental values
data but has no analysis
against theoretical
and valid conclusion.
values, and provides
valid conclusion.
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score /3)
Percentage Score = (Total Score / 9) x 100%


Experiment No. 04
1. Objective(s):
This activity aims to equip the students with the skills and knowledge in analyzing control systems using the
root locus approach.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
At the end of this activity, the students shall be able to obtain transient response, steady-state error and
stability information on feedback control systems using the root locus approach.
3. Discussion
Root locus is the graphical representation of the paths of the closed-loop poles as a parameter of the
system is varied. Commonly, this parameter is the forward gain of the system. A generalized root locus
approach was also presented in the discussion with which an open-loop pole was being varied and the
locus of the closed-loop pole was tracked.
The root locus gives the control engineer to analyze and design higher-ordered system in graphical
approach. The use of computer-aided tools such as MATLAB and LabVIEW will also simplify the analysis
and design process, since these tools will take away the laborious mathematics and have the designer
focus more on interpreting the results.
4. Resources:
To perform this activity, a computer workstation with MATLAB R2012a or higher and LabVIEW 8.6 or
higher installed is required. For MATLAB, the control systems toolbox is required and for LabVIEW, the
control design and simulation module.
5. Procedure:
Note: The following steps can be accomplished either in MATLAB or LabVIEW. In LabVIEW, the
MathScript tool can be accessed via the Welcome window on the Tools menu, then choose MathScript
Window. The Command Window of this tool works in the same manner as that of the MATLAB command
1. The unity feedback system shown below will be analyzed using root locus techniques. Note that the
root locus is the plot of the open-loop transfer function KG(s)H(s) as K or the gain is varied.

In this case, G(s) =




and H(s) = 1. Define these transfer function in MATLAB or

LabVIEW using the commands


>>Gnum = poly([3 5]); Gden = poly([-1 -2]);Hnum = [1];Hden = [1];

>>G = tf(Gnum,Gden); H = tf(Hnum,Hden);
Note that the variable K is not included in the transfer function G(s). This is because the root locus
command of MATLAB and LabVIEW automatically assigns K as being multiplied to G(s).
2. The rlocus() command plots KG(s)H(s) as the function of K. To get more information about the
command, type in help rlocus on the command window. In this case, use the command
which plots the root locus of the open-loop transfer function KG(s)H(s) from 0 < K < 1000 with
increments of 0.01 per point.
Q1.2(a) Sketch the root locus as shown in the plot generated by MATLAB or LabVIEW. Indicate the
location of the open-loop poles and zeros as applicable.
Q1.2(b) Based on the root locus, will the system break into oscillation at some gain ? Will it also
be unstable? Label on the sketch above these regions.
3. The root locus sketch contains important points and information. Use the command rlocfind()to
locate important points in the root locus. (Tip: you might want to zoom into the point of interest first
before using the rlocfind()command for better accuracy.) The format of the command is
>> [K p] = rlocfind(G*H)
whereG and H are the objects that represent the forward and the feedback transfer functions
respectively and K will contain the value of the gain at the selected point and p the location of the
closed-loop poles at that gain K.
Note: The command rlocfind()produces an interactive root locus graph for both MATLAB and
LabVIEW. In MATLAB, you will be allowed to choose a point on the root locus, and the value of the
gain and the closed-loop poles are returned by the command. In LabVIEW, you are allowed to select a
particular gain or drag the closed-loop poles (represented by red xs) into your desired location. Still the
command returns the gain at the chosen point and the closed-loop poles at that particular gain.
Q1.3(a) Using the rlocfind()command, find the following points as indicated in the table
below. Verify the values using manual calculations.
Q1.3(b) What is the range of gain so that the system is stable? Discuss how this can be obtained
in the root locus.
Q1.3(c) What are the rules for sketching the root locus that can be observed from the sketch?
Discuss each and how these rules are manifested in the sketch.
4. Sketch the root locus of the system shown below. This system is to be analyzed for transient response
and steady-state error. The system is to operate with a1.52% overshoot.


Q1.4(a) What is the damping ratio that corresponds to the operating overshoot of the system
above? This will be your
MATLAB. Superimpose the d line that corresponds to the operating overshoot of the system using
the command sgrid(dr,wn) where dr is the one computed above, and wn equals zero, so that
the circle will be suppressed.
LabVIEW. With the rlocfind() called, the complex s-plane grid is automatically displayed. You
might have to zoom and drag repeatedly to find the d line.
Once the d line is drawn, locate the intersection of the line to the root locus.
Q1.4(b) The root locus and the
line will intersect at three points. Find each of those points, then
determine the gain and the closed-loop and open-loop poles for each case. Fill up the table below.
Q1.4(c) In each cases, explain which case has a valid second-order approximation.
5. With the gain in each case known, the closed-loop transfer function can now be computed. From here,
the step response parameters and the steady-state error can now be obtained.
Q1.5(a) Use MATLAB or LabVIEW to complete the table below. The programs and techniques
deployed in the previous activities can be used to complete the table.
Q1.5(b) Use the control design and simulation module of LabVIEW to simulate each of the cases
above and plot their step responses on separate sheets of paper.
Group No.:
Group Members:
6. Data and Results:
Q1.2(a) Sketch the root locus as shown in the plot generated by MATLAB or LabVIEW. Indicate the
location of the open-loop poles and zeros as applicable.


Q1.2(b) Based on the root locus, will the system break into oscillation at some gain ? Will it also
be unstable? Label on the sketch above these regions.
Q1.3(a) Using the rlocfind()command, find the following points as indicated in the table
below. Verify the values using manual calculations.
Closed-loop poles
Gain at the point of
Point of interest
at the point of
Breakaway point from
the real axis
Break-in point into the
real axis
The point at which the
system is oscillating
Q1.3(b) What is the range of gain so that the system is stable? Discuss how this can be obtained
in the root locus.

Q1.3(c) What are the rules for sketching the root locus that can be observed from the sketch?
Discuss each and how these rules are manifested in the sketch.
Q1.4(a) What is the damping ratio that corresponds to the operating overshoot of the system
above? This will be your

Q1.4(b) The root locus and the

line will intersect at three points. Find each of those points, then
determine the gain and the closed-loop and open-loop poles for each case. Fill up the table below.
complex closedClosed-loop zero
closed-loop pole
loop poles
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Q1.4(c) In each cases, explain which case has a valid second-order approximation.
Q1.5(a) Use MATLAB or LabVIEW to complete the table below. The programs and techniques
deployed in the previous activities can be used to complete the table.
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Dominant complex closed-loop

Third-order closed-loop pole
Closed-loop zero
Second-order approximation
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant
Q1.5(b) Use the control design and simulation module of LabVIEW to simulate each of the cases
above and plot their step responses on separate sheets of paper.
7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment:
1. The block diagram of a six-degree of freedom industrial robots swing motion system is shown below. If
K = 64,510, use the root locus to predict the time response and steady-state error parameters of this
system (Hardy, 1967).


2. It is important to precisely control the amount of organic fertilizer applied to a specific crop area in order
to provide specific nutrient quantities and to avoid unnecessary environmental pollution. A precise
delivery liquid manure machine has been developed for this purpose (Saeys, 2008). The system
consists of a pressurized tank, a valve and a rheo-logical flow sensor. After simplification, the system
can be modeled as a closed-loop negative feedback system with a forward-path transfer function
2057.38K(s 120s + 4800)
G(s) =
s(s + 13.17)(s + 120s + 4800)
consisting of an electrohydraulic system in cascade with the gain of the manue flow valve and a
variable gain K. The feedback path is comprised of
10(s 4s + 5.333)
H(s) =
(s + 10)(s + 4s + 5.333)
(a) Sketch the root locus of the system.
(b) Find the range of the gain K for closed-loop stability.
(c) Find the value of K that will result in the smallest settling time for this system.
(d) For the value of the gain K found in part (c), determine the time response and steady-state error
specifications of the system.


Assessment rubric for the activitys intended learning outcomes

Obtain transient
error and
information on
feedback control
systems using
the root locus
approach. (MP 1)
Obtain transient
error and
information on
feedback control
systems using
the root locus
approach. (MP 2)

The student was

not able to sketch
the root locus of
the system

The student was

The student was
able to obtain
able to use the
The student was some parameters
root locus of the
able to sketch the of the system from
system to obtain
root locus but
its root locus but
its transient
cannot obtain any some of them are
response, steadyparameters from
incorrect and the
state error and
student was not
able to interpret

The student was

not able to sketch
the root locus of
the system

The student was

The student was
able to obtain
able to use the
The student was some parameters
root locus of the
able to sketch the of the system from
system to obtain
root locus but
its root locus but
its transient
cannot obtain any some of them are
response, steadyparameters from
incorrect and the
state error and
student was not
able to interpret
Total Score

Mean Score = (Total Score /2)

Percentage Score = (Total Score / 6) x 100%



Assessment rubric for the conduct of laboratory experiments

Performance Indicators
Conduct experiments in
accordance with good and
safe laboratory practice.

Operate equipment and

instruments with ease

Analyze data, validate

experimental values against
theoretical values to
determine possible
experimental errors, and
provide valid conclusions.

Members follow good

Members do not follow
and safe laboratory
good and safe laboratory
practice most of the time
practice in the conduct
in the conduct of
of experiments.
Members are unable to
operate the equipment
and instruments.

The group has

incomplete data.

Members are able to

operate equipment and
instrument with

Members follow good

and safe laboratory
practice at all times in
the conduct of
Members are able to
operate the equipment
and instruments with
ease and with minimum

The group has complete

data, validates
The group has complete
experimental values
data but has no analysis
against theoretical
and valid conclusion.
values, and provides
valid conclusion.
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score /3)
Percentage Score = (Total Score / 9) x 100%



Experiment No. 05
1. Objective(s):
This activity aims to
1. demonstrate the operation of proportional-integral (PI), proportional-derivative (PD) and
proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control.
2. equip the students with the skills and knowledge in using root locus techniques to design a
cascade compensator to improve the transient and steady-state response of a system.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
At the end of this activity, the students shall be able to design PI, PD and PID cascade compensators, as
applicable, to improve the transient response and steady-state error performance of feedback control
3. Discussion
The transient response and steady-state error performance of a given control system can be improved by
compensating the system, either in cascade or in feedback. This activity focuses on the cascade
compensation of the system.
In the discussion, a constant gain cascaded to the plant provides faster transient response and improved
steady-state error performance. This is called proportional control or proportional compensator. This is
because the constant gain amplifies the error or actuating signal which drives the plant faster, making its
output follow the input faster. However, further improvements in the transient response and steady-state
error can be achieved when differentiators and integrators are used.
To drive the error to zero, a pure integral term can be multiplied to the plant, which increases its system
type. Such can be accomplished via a cascade compensator which is a parallel combination of a pure gain
and an integrator. This compensator is called a proportional-integral (PI) controller. It drives the steadystate error to zero but does not generally improve the transient response of the system.
Improvement in the transient response of the system can be achieved by cascading a parallel connected
pure gain and a differentiator. The differentiator causes the error between the input and the output, whose
difference is largest at the start, to be differentiated. The process of differentiation produces the slope of the
function, which is very large when the error is also large. Thus the output of the differentiator is large when
the error is large, which, in addition to the proportional gain, drives the plant faster than when there is only a
pure gain in the loop. This method of control used to improve the transient response is called a
proportional-derivative (PD) control. This method of control does not generally, although in most cases it
does, improve the steady-state error performance of the system.
To improve the steady-state error and the transient response performance of the feedback system, both
methods are used simultaneously. This leads to a method of control called the proportional-integralderivative (PID) control.
The use of PI, PD and PID controller changes the root locus of the system. This allows more flexibility in

choosing the operating points of the system compared to the use of a pure proportional gain as controller,
which limits the operating point within the root locus of the system.
This activity first demonstrates the effect of proportional, PI, PD and PID controllers in a feedback system
then proceed with the computer aided design of cascade compensators.
4. Resources:
To perform this activity, a computer workstation with MATLAB R2012a or higher and LabVIEW 8.6 or
higher installed is required. For MATLAB, the control systems toolbox is required and for LabVIEW, the
control design and simulation module.
5. Procedure:
Activity 5.1 Proportional, PI, PD and PID controllers.
1. LabVIEW. Build the front panel and the block diagram as follows. Name this VI as

Set the Configure Simulation Parameters as shown.


Set the Pulse Signal Configuration parameters to start time to 0, amplitude to 2, offset to -1,
duty cycle to 50 and period to 200.
Set the default values of Kp, Ki and Kd as 1, 0, and 0 respectively.
Configure the Waveform Chart so that you can clearly see the input, output response and the
error plots.
MATLAB. Setup the system as shown in the VI above. In MATLAB, you will check the stability and
transient response information of the system first before implementing it in LabVIEW.
2. The proportional control will be explored in this step. Run the Set the Switch button to
True. Determine the error and the step response parameters of the system when Kp = 1 and Ki and
Kd are zero. Record the results below.
Kp = 1, Ki = 0, Kd = 0
Dominant complex closed-loop
Higher-ordered closed-loop
Closed-loop zero/s
Second-order approximation
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant


Q1.2(a) Adjust the proportional gain while maintaining Ki and Kd to zero. What happens to the
transient response and steady-state error of the system? Make sure that the system is still stable
when you record your observations.
Q1.2(b) Using the root locus of the system, determine the value of the gain when the system
operates with a damping ratio of
= .
for its dominant complex conjugate poles. Also
determine the rest of the time response and steady-state error performance. Sketch the step
response below.
Q1.2(c) Discuss the effects of proportional gain
to the transient response and steady-state error
performance of the system.
3. The proportional-integral (PI) control can be accomplished by adding a pole at the origin and a zero
nearby. The transfer function of the PI controller is
G (s) = Kp +

= Kp

Q1.3(a) If the transfer function of the PI controller to be used in the system is

( )=

determine the value of

so that the system has a damping ratio of
= .
Complete the table below and sketch the step response of the system.
Q1.3(b) What was the effect of PI control to the steady-state error of the system? How was it
Q1.3(c) What was the effect of PI control to the transient response of the system? Are these
observations generally true?
Q1.3(d) Place the Switch button to False to control the input manually. Turn the Input Position knob
and observe the Output Position knob, as well as the plot of the response. Take note of the time
response parameters such as overshoot and settling time, as well as the error. Comment on your
observations. Place the Switch button back to True after drawing your observations.
4. Set the Ki to zero. The proportional-derivative (PD) controller has the transfer function
G (s) = Kds + Kp = Kd s +
The PD control will be applied to the unity feedback system whose forward transfer function is G(s) =



. Change the parameters in the VI accordingly.

Q1.4(a) Determine the required

so that the system will have a
= . . At this
, determine
the transient response and steady-state error performance of the system. Also sketch the step
response of the system.
5. Compute the required Kds and Kps when a compensator zero is to be placed at 2, 3 and 4.
Then adjust the value of Kd accordingly.
Q1.5(a) Complete the table below, which corresponds to the performance of the PD compensated
Q1.5(b) Discuss the effects of PD control to the system to the transient response and steady-state
error performance of the system based on the data gathered above.

6. The PID controller has the transfer function

Kd s + s +
+ Kds =
which puts two zeros and a pole at the origin. In this step, the effect of PID control on the unity

(s) = Kp +

feedback system whose forward transfer function is G(s) = (



is to be explored.

Q1.6(a) Determine the value of the proportional gain so that the system above has an overshoot of
%. From here, determine the step response and steady-state error performance of the system
with just the proportional gain.
7. A PID compensator is to be cascaded to the plant having the transfer function G (s) =


. )

. Determine the values of Kp, Ki and Kd to implement such controller.

Q1.7(a) Adjust the values of

accordingly. Evaluate the PID compensated system
performance and complete the table below.
Q1.7(b) Observe the effects of the PID compensator to the feedback system. Is there an
improvement in the transient response and steady-state error performance of the system with only
the proportional gain? Discuss.
Activity 5.2 Design of a PID compensator
1. A PID controller is to be designed for the unity feedback system shown below. The desired operating
point of the compensated system should be two-thirds of the peak time of the uncompensated system
with 20% overshoot and zero steady-state error for a step input.
MATLAB. Use the variable G to define the forward transfer function.

Then open the SISO Design GUI of MATLAB by typing in

in the command window. In the Control and Estimation Tool Manager, set the Control Architecture
to the default as shown,


In the System Data menu, select the system G to be imported from the workspace (you should have
defined G as a transfer function prior to this step), by clicking the Browse button and choosing the
available transfer function model for G. Set the rest of the parameters to unity.
In the Graphical Tuning tab, set the options to the ones shown below.

then click the Show Design Plot button. This will now show the root locus of the system. To determine
the required gain so that the system will exhibit an overshoot of 20%, right-click on the root locus then
choose Design Requirements >> New. Choose the Design requirement type as Percent overshoot
and type in 20 under the Design requirement parameters. Click OK. The 20% overshoot line
appears on the root locus. Drag the closed-loop poles towards the intersection of the line and the root
locus (you may need to adjust the limits of the axis to see the intersection right-click on the graph
then choose Properties, then adjust the limits on the Limits tab; you may also want to zoom into the
intersection so that you can pinpoint it more accurately just use the Zoom In and Zoom Out tools on
the tool bar).
Store the design by clicking on Store Design button. Export the design to the workspace by clicking on
File >> Export. Choose all the variables, choose the correct design to be exported in the
Designpulldown then click Export to Workspace. Just click OK when a prompt to overwrite a model
appears. Notice that there are now objects C, F, and H in the workspace.
Q2.1(a) Determine the required proportional gain so that the system operates with % overshoot.
Determine the rest of the parameters and record the results below.
2. A PD controller is to be designed to meet transient response specifications. The design must include
the zero location and the loop gain. The compensator zero is to be added so that the PD compensated
root locus intersects the required operating point.
Q2.2(a) What will be the new complex dominant poles of the PD compensated system to meet the
transient response requirements?
Q2.2(b) Locate the compensator zero so that the root locus of the compensated system passes
through this new operating point.
3. Add this compensator zero to the root locus by right-clicking on the root locus, then choose Edit
Compensator. On the Compensator Editor window, right-click on the Dynamics pane and choose Add

Pole/Zero >> Real Zero. Choose the location of the zero as specified above. Take note of the change
in the root locus.
Q2.3(a) What is the transfer function of the PD compensator?
Q2.3(b) Simulate the compensated system. Determine the time response parameters of the
compensated system. Were the objectives of the design met?
4. After designing the PD compensator and meeting the transient response requirements, the PI
compensator is to be designed. Add a pole at the origin and a zero near the origin so that the steadystate error will become zero because of an increase in system type.
Q2.4(a) Write down the transfer function of the PI controller you will deploy for the given system.
Q2.4(b) Simulate the PID compensated system and complete the table below. Were the
requirements met?
Q2.4(c) What is the transfer function of the PID compensator used to achieve the requirements set?
From there, determine the value of the proportional, integral and derivative gains of the controller.
Q2.5(c) Plot the step responses of the uncompensated, PD compensated and PID compensated
systems on a separate sheet of paper. Put the plots on a single graph and then compare.
Experiment No.:
Group No.:
Group Members:
Date Performed:
Date Submitted:
6. Data and Results:
Q1.2(a) Adjust the proportional gain while maintaining Ki and Kd to zero. What happens to the
transient response and steady-state error of the system? Make sure that the system is still stable
when you record your observations.
Q1.2(b) Using the root locus of the system, determine the value of the gain when the system
operates with a damping ratio of
= .
for its dominant complex conjugate poles. Also
determine the rest of the time response and steady-state error performance. Sketch the step
response below.
= .
, Ki = 0, Kd = 0
Dominant complex closed-loop
Higher-ordered closed-loop

Closed-loop zero/s
Second-order approximation
Proportional Gain
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant
Step response plot

Q1.2(c) Discuss the effects of proportional gain

to the transient response and steady-state error
performance of the system.
Q1.3(a) If the transfer function of the PI controller to be used in the system is

( )=

determine the value of

so that the system has a damping ratio of
Complete the table below and sketch the step response of the system.
= .
, Kd = 0
Dominant complex closed-loop
Higher-ordered closed-loop

= .


Closed-loop zero/s
Second-order approximation
Proportional Gain
Integral Gain
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant
Step response plot

Q1.3(b) What was the effect of PI control to the steady-state error of the system? How was it
Q1.3(c) What was the effect of PI control to the transient response of the system? Are these
observations generally true?

Q1.3(d) Place the Switch button to False to control the input manually. Turn the Input Position knob
and observe the Output Position knob, as well as the plot of the response. Take note of the time
response parameters such as overshoot and settling time, as well as the error. Comment on your
observations. Place the Switch button back to True after drawing your observations.
Q1.4(a) Determine the required
so that the system will have a
= . . At this
, determine
the transient response and steady-state error performance of the system. Also sketch the step
response of the system.
= . , Ki = 0, Kd = 0
Dominant complex closed-loop
Higher-ordered closed-loop
Closed-loop zero/s
Second-order approximation
Proportional Gain
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant
Step response plot


Q1.5(a) Complete the table below, which corresponds to the performance of the PD compensated
= . , Ki = 0,
= . , Ki = 0,
= . , Ki = 0,
Dominant complex closedloop poles
Higher-ordered closedloop pole/s
Closed-loop zero/s
approximation ok?
Proportional Gain
Derivative gain
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant
Q1.5(b) Discuss the effects of PD control to the system to the transient response and steady-state
error performance of the system based on the data gathered above.
Q1.6(a) Determine the value of the proportional gain so that the system above has an overshoot of
%. From here, determine the step response and steady-state error performance of the system
with just the proportional gain.
= , Ki = 0, Kd = 0
Dominant complex closed-loop
Higher-ordered closed-loop
Closed-loop zero/s
Second-order approximation

Proportional Gain
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant
Step response plot

Q1.7(a) Adjust the values of

performance and complete the table below.

accordingly. Evaluate the PID compensated system


Dominant complex closed-loop

Higher-ordered closed-loop
Closed-loop zero/s
Second-order approximation
Proportional gain
Integral gain
Derivative gain
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant


Step response plot

Q1.7(b) Observe the effects of the PID compensator to the feedback system. Is there an
improvement in the transient response and steady-state error performance of the system with only
the proportional gain? Discuss.
Q2.1(a) Determine the required proportional gain so that the system operates with % overshoot.
Determine the rest of the parameters and record the results below.
Uncompensated System
Dominant complex closed-loop
Higher-ordered closed-loop
Closed-loop zero/s
Second-order approximation
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant
Q2.2(a) What will be the new complex dominant poles of the PD compensated system to meet the
transient response requirements?

Q2.2(b) Locate the compensator zero so that the root locus of the compensated system passes
through this new operating point.

Q2.3(a) What is the transfer function of the PD compensator?

Q2.3(b) Simulate the compensated system. Determine the time response parameters of the
compensated system. Were the objectives of the design met? ________________________________
Uncompensated System
PD Compensated System
Dominant complex closed-loop
Higher-ordered closed-loop
Closed-loop zero/s
Second-order approximation
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error constant
Q2.4(a) Write down the transfer function of the PI controller you will deploy for the given system.

Q2.4(b) Simulate the PID compensated system and complete the table below. Were the
requirements met? ____________________________________________________________________
PD Compensated
PID Compensated
Dominant complex
closed-loop poles
closed-loop pole/s
Closed-loop zero/s

approximation ok?
Percent overshoot
Settling time
Peak time
Rise time
Static error
Q2.4(c) What is the transfer function of the PID compensator used to achieve the requirements set?
From there, determine the value of the proportional, integral and derivative gains of the controller.
PID Controller Transfer
Proportional Gain Kp
Integral Gain Ki
Derivative Gain Kd
Q2.5(c) Plot the step responses of the uncompensated, PD compensated and PID compensated
systems on a separate sheet of paper. Put the plots on a single graph and then compare.
7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment:
1. The block diagram below shows the droop control of an ac/dc conversion and power distribution
system to stabilize the dc-bus voltage. Here, G (s) is the transfer function of the controller, G (s) is

the transfer function of the controlled plant, which is a conversion and power distribution unit and H(s)
is the feedback low-pass filter. Evaluate the performance of the uncompensated system when the
controller is a simple gain block, i.e. G (s) = K, at 4.4% overshoot. Then design a cascade
compensator so that the compensated system will operate with a percent overshoot of at most 4.4%, a
peak time 20% smaller than that of the uncompensated system and zero steady-state error.
Summarize the transient response and steady-state error performance of the uncompensated and the
compensated systems, as well as produce a plot of the time response of both systems. (Nise, 2008)

2. The transfer function for an AFTI/F-16 aircraft relating angle of attack, (t), to elevator deflection,
(t), is given by (Monahemi, 1992)
(s + 23)(s + 0.05s + 0.04)
G(s) =
(s) (s 0.7)(s + 1.7)(s + 0.08s + 0.04)
Assume the block diagram shown above for controlling the angle of attack , design a cascade
compensator to yield zero steady-state error, a settling time of about 0.05 sec and a percent
overshoot not greater than 20%.


Assessment rubric for the activitys intended learning outcomes


Design PI, PD
The student was
and PID cascade
able to design a
The student was
PID compensator
as applicable, to
able to obtain
The student was
which meets the
improve the
some of the
able to design a
The student was
parameters of the PID compensator
not able to design
improvements in
response and
PD or PI but
but was not able
the transient
cannot design the to meet the design
response and
PID compensator
steady-state error
performance of
as a whole.
performance of
feedback control
the system.
systems. (MP 1)
Design PI, PD
The student was
and PID cascade
able to design a
The student was
PID compensator
as applicable, to
able to obtain
The student was
which meets the
improve the
some of the
able to design a
The student was
parameters of the PID compensator
not able to design
improvements in
response and
PD or PI but
but was not able
the transient
cannot design the to meet the design
response and
PID compensator
steady-state error
performance of
as a whole.
performance of
feedback control
the system.
systems. (MP 2)
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score /2)
Percentage Score = (Total Score / 6) x 100%



Assessment rubric for the conduct of laboratory experiments

Performance Indicators
Conduct experiments in
accordance with good and
safe laboratory practice.

Operate equipment and

instruments with ease

Analyze data, validate

experimental values against
theoretical values to
determine possible
experimental errors, and
provide valid conclusions.

Members follow good

Members do not follow
and safe laboratory
good and safe laboratory
practice most of the time
practice in the conduct
in the conduct of
of experiments.
Members are unable to
operate the equipment
and instruments.

The group has

incomplete data.

Members are able to

operate equipment and
instrument with

Members follow good

and safe laboratory
practice at all times in
the conduct of
Members are able to
operate the equipment
and instruments with
ease and with minimum

The group has complete

data, validates
The group has complete
experimental values
data but has no analysis
against theoretical
and valid conclusion.
values, and provides
valid conclusion.
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score /3)
Percentage Score = (Total Score / 9) x 100%



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