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Attribute of my personality!

When I was a little girl I would perform concerts on the beach. I would turn my big purple pail
upside down, stand on top, and serenade the passersby with my famous rendition of Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star. Admittedly, I wasnt very good. I had no formal training in proper vocal
technique and had no idea that my pink and orange swimsuit clashed atrociously with the
bucket. But I would stand on top of that bucket and sing my heart out. !

Throughout my life, the attribute that has served me best has been my passion. I have a wide
array of things I love - dance, science, music, writing, theatre, math, reading, learning - and I
throw myself wholeheartedly into every single one. When I was three and discovered my
passion for dance I began classes in jazz, tap, ballet, and theatre dance which I have continued
through my senior year in high school. When I was five and discovered the beauty of books, I
read the entire Nancy Drew series and have since read thousands of works ranging from
Rowling to Shakespeare. When I was seventeen and discovered the wonders of string theory, I
watched all the Leonard Susskind lectures I could find and filled almost an entire notebook with
information. !

I dont believe in doing things half-baked. Why do anything if you arent going to give it your all?
Just like singing on top of my purple bucket, I put my whole heart and soul into everything I do. !

Describe the world you come from!

I have lived on the same suburban corner in the same suburban town since I was born. I know,
eighteen years is seemingly insignificant on the cosmic scale of things; but if a five meter long
wire in a Gausss Law problem can be be considered infinitely long, then so can eighteen
years. Im fortunate to have the scholastic and community resources that are available to me,
but when I think of the world around me I dont think of the pizza parlor ten minutes away or the
family down the street who assembles extravagant Christmas decorations every year or the
multiple computer labs in my school.!

I think of books. !

My world is part Dursley residence on 4 Privet Drive and part Jays extravagant West Egg
mansion. It is part Elsinore Castle and part Dunsinane Hill. Living on the same street corner
for eighteen years is never boring because I have learned to live in turning pages and winding
sentences. I create a world around me with words.!

These words have been the puzzle pieces that have formed my dreams and aspirations. I strive
to be as knowledgable as Hermione. I yearn to be as kind as Phoebe Caufield and as
questioning as Clarisse McClellan. Every time I pick up another book I add to my list of dreams
and aspirations. The books I read complete my world.!

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