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HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is still a relatively new phenomenon in

the fitness world, some people claim it is the quickest and most efficient way
to lose fat fast, while others still prefer going for a light jog or a walk.

What Is HIIT
HIIT stands for high intensity interval training, which means you perform a
high intensity interval (+80% max heart rate) followed by a low intensity
interval. The most common HIIT technique is a 30 second sprint followed by
a 1 minute walk. The intervals are usually repeated for 10-15 minutes. A light
warm up is recommended due to the increased chance of injury associated
with high intensity activity, a 5-10 minute warm down is also recommended.

Benefits of HIIT Over Traditional Cardio:

EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption

Also known as the after-burn, in recovery, oxygen EPOC is used in the
processes that restore the body to a resting state and adapt it to the exercise
just performed. These include: hormone balancing, replenishment of fuel
stores, cellular repair, innervation and anabolism. Post-exercise oxygen
consumption replenishes the phosphagen system. EPOC burns extra calories
up to 48 hours after your HIIT session, depending how hard your HIIT session
was. One experiment found EPOC increasing metabolic rate to an excess
level that decays to 13% three hours after exercise, and 4% after 16 hours.
So performing HIIT can help you burn more calories all day long even when
youre not exercising, which will help you shed fat faster.

Hormone Release
HIIT dramatically increases growth hormone, catecholamines and
epinephrine. These are all fat-incinerating hormones, that have been shown
to enhance fat mobilization release from both subcutaneous and
intramuscular fat stores. To maximize hormone release dont eat
carbohydrates 1-2 hours before your workout, the insulin response from
carbohydrates will limit the growth hormone release. Growth hormone puts
the brakes on the bodys primary fat storage enzyme Lipoprotein Lipase

Very Time Efficient

HIIT is very time efficient, most workouts are anywhere from 12-25 minutes
long, as opposed to traditional cardio, which are usually 45-90 minutes long.

Can Be Done Anywhere, With Any Equipment

HIIT can be done in and outside the gym. The most popular form of HIIT is
sprinting, which can be done on the pavement, the football pitch, or on the
running track. A more intense version of that, is hill sprints, where sprinting
up the hill is followed by a light jog down.
Other HIIT methods include kettlebell swings, skipping, squats, high jumps
and spinning.

Increased Vo2 Max

VO2 max (also maximal oxygen consumption, maximal oxygen uptake, peak
oxygen uptake or maximal aerobic capacity) is the maximum capacity of an
individuals body to transport and use oxygen during incremental exercise,
which reflects the physical fitness of the individual. HIIT is known to increase
an individuals vo2 max much faster than traditional cardio. If you are an
athlete, increasing your vo2 max is essential.

Conditions Both Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems

While performing the high intensity portion of the workout (sprinting) you are
working the anaerobic system, while performing the low intensity portion
(walking) you are working the aerobic system. By working both systems you
burn glucose and fat, getting the best of both worlds.

Your Metabolism Wont Adapt To HIIT

Our bodies are built for survival. A 30 minute jog that burns 400 calories
probably wont burn the same amount of calories 6 months later. Your body
will adapt to the activity and use its fuel more efficiently, which means it will
burn less calories, and you will reach a fat loss plateau quickly.
HIIT on the other hand is unpredictable and there are so many variables,
such as equipment and interval length.
High-intensity track sessions move the muscles through the full range of motion, improving elasticity
and enhancing coordination between your nervous system and muscles. With time, you'll develop a
more efficient stride at all your paces, says McConkey.
HIIT IT: Begin with two 100-meter accelerations that include 40 meters at top speed, with two to
three minutes of walking or jogging between. Build to 6 x 150 meters hard, including 80 meters at
top speed, with three to four minutes jogging or walking rest. Over time, increase the number of
repeats to 10, lengthen reps to 300 meters (running nearly the entire distance at top speed), or
reduce the rest interval to one minute.

It adds to the challenge, but running fast over softer, less-groomed terrain like bridle paths, trails, or
grass can increase agility and athleticismor your ability to run with the "precise amount of power,
speed, and coordination needed for efficient movement," McConkey says.
HIIT IT: Because of the terrain and potential strain on your leg muscles, ease into off-road
workouts. Do five 30-second pickups at a moderate intensity during an easy 20-minute run, and
build up to ten 60-second near-all-out bursts during a 40-minute run. From there, progress to
running five cycles alternating 30 seconds of all-out running with 90 seconds jogging, then to 10
cycles alternating one minute easy with one minute superhard. Just be careful not to trip.
Inclines are a great venue for superfast speedwork. Compared with a flat surface, hills reduce the
impact on your legs and limit your range of motion, thereby lowering the risk of strains and pulls.
Plus, hill repeats build muscle power, which helps you run more efficiently on level ground, says
HIIT IT: On an incline, start with three 30-second moderate repeats and walk down the hill for
recovery. When this becomes comfortable, progress to 4 x 1 minute near all-out efforts with a
downhill jog and an additional 30 to 60 seconds jogging or walking rest. Over time, add additional
reps, extend effort length up to two minutes, and aim for steeper hills, says McConkey.

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