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Of Gold, Gods & Aliens

Gold 2015 – MOAR Anesthetics, or Cold Turkey?

#gold, #silver, #brics, #trx, #jim-willie, #buckreef, #bre-x, #deflation, #nwo, #globalist, #martin-

December has proven to be another dreadful close to another gloomy year for gold and silver.
Like other recent years, hopes and expectations were built up for the seasonal factors of open
interest or GOFO rates to produce explosive results. And like other recent years, no apologies
have been or will be issued for the hypberbolic forecasts - of $2000 gold or "COMEX/LONDON
defaults. Hot air balloons such as the 'SWISS GOLD REFERENDUM," or [fill in your favorite
European nation here] REPATRIATES THEIR GOLD!!! have all crash landed in muddy fields
of MOAR HYPE, and their black boxes indicate pilot error is again to blame!

If that wasn't bad enough news, the recent spate of public controversy over Tanzanian Royalty
Mining is the blackest of bad news swans on the potential horizons of next year... the pet project
of "MR GOLD" himself is alleged to be on the edge of running out of operating cash, after
several years of failing to actually materialize on the plans to mine the Buckreef gold project.
Were this emblematic flagship of the goldbugs elder statesman to go the way of all flesh, the
damage to the image of the precious metals in general -and mining stocks in particular - would
be incalculable. Twenty some years after the gold mining scandal that rocked the TSX, could a
mini-Bre-X loom for early 2015?

In the midst of all this gloom, it's only fitting that the one analyst who has made a habit of correct
calls on the metals for the past few years weighed in with his own forecast. In what will likely be
his final comment on gold for this year, Martin Armstrong today delivered another gut punch to
the beleaguered forces of metaldom.
Gold continues to reflect the real deflationary trend that has engulfed the entire world...Gold is
fading into the distant memories of so many investors that its luster is nearly gone outside the
diehard believers. A year-end closing below 1227 will signal we will see new lows next year. A
year-end closing BELOW 1155 will guarantee that drop below $1,000 is coming. The main
support next year lies well below the market between $778-$618.

Ouch! As one of those 'diehard believers,' with way too much invested in the metals to simply
roll over and die... I have to say that's a harsh pill to swallow - even though I know that putting in
a low somewhere near that kind of crazy price is a NECESSARY prelude to the inevitable rise
from the ashes that will follow. See, apropos of nothing much(let's just say a lil birdie told me!)I
am willing to posit that only when the majority of those who still hold a stash of gold and/or
silver have finally been so shell-shocked by market action so contrary to their suppositions as to
HEAD FOR THE EXITS will we see the metals rise from the ashes. In this next round of deeper
drops, the inevitable crescendo of calls about 'manipulation' will continue - but this time the pain
will simply be too deep - and many, if not most will be finally ready to cede. Ironically, only
those who are 'all in,' or those whose entry point was pre-2008 will be left.

For the rest - who refused to psychologically prepare themselves for the blowout, instead
munching on the poisoned candy of happy hype from the Hamelin hucksters...

It’ll be last polka time. Shmenge Style.

At this point, really, one can only resort to humor, in order to keep perspective, yes?

Alternatively, since that particular quality seems always in short supply in Goldburg, I suppose
you could always

bring on the Aliens!

Which is exactly what the Big Kahuna of Gold Punditry has decided to do! “Dr” Jim Willie
needs no introduction for anyone who follows the subject of precious metals… he’s everywhere
– podcasts, videos, blogs, and of course his own newsletter reports. Back in
November, I divined that continued downwards pressure on pm prices was making gold/silver
punditry a tougher and tougher sell – folks who are feeling poorer and poorer have less and less
cause to shell out for more and more hype from people whose permabull calls seem less and less
timely! Supposing this bit of speculation is accurate, in the face of declining interest in one’s
musings, I guess it only makes sense to ‘go nuclear’ - as in announcing that the Russians have
benevolent “White Hat” aliens onboard to assist them in swinging the balance of power away
from the Evil Empire!

Readers bored with gazing at charts and graphs purporting to ‘explain’ what’s going on with the
metals can now, with this considerable upping of the ante, amuse themselves with getting
updated monthly on the progress of extraterrestrial new sheriffs in town rounding up Bushey
Bandits and assorted villains – while a new era of global peace and prosperity is ushered in by
the friendly folks who run “the BRICS”…[skeptics need not apply… their unwanted critical
thinking skills!]

Rather than ask whether gold n silver bugs will actually buy into this canard, the better question
is whether there is any upper limit to the appetite for disinformation? Circumstantial evidence
suggests there is not. Having manned the good ship HMS PEAK DECEIT through the peaks and
troughs of price action this far, they are not likely to abandon ship now that this new zeppelin has
arrived to pull their pinnace off of the rocky reefs of reality.

The appearance on the horizon of a world wide deflationary interlude

wars-to-avert-deflation.html] which sees commodity values sinking and dollar-based debt
increasing in lockstep – heralds some serious pain for anyone hanging on to ‘hyper-inflation’ as
the panacea to their portfolio woes. Countering this unpleasant truth - like staving off the grave
for Jim Sinclairs mining venture - is going to take some serious creativity. We shall soon enough
see whether these GODS of the World o' Gold can come up with more than just one last Hail
Mary before sinking neath the waves!

So now that we’ve gained some insight into the probable direction that the consensus
GOLDBUG narrative is going to take in 2015, - completely out of this world it seems - it’s time
to review the landscape, with an eye to thoroughly deconstructing the multiple conceits & deceits
of the ‘anti-cartel’ cartel.

TO WHIT - The price of gold/silver will go up because…

1. The USA government will be unable to avoid further money printing adventures –
leading to a hyperinflationary event – in reaction to which gold will perform its
traditional offsetting role.
2. The petrodollar will collapse – leading to the death of the $ as world reserve currency. A
global reset with gold as backing to new system will mean huge spike in price.
3. The nations of the world will demand their gold back from the USA – this ‘repatriation’
will lead to either a) proof that there is no gold left in official USA reserves, b)the
impetus to form new gold-backed trade arrangements to replace the $ hegemony. POG
will be set at much higher level.
4. Chinese, Russia, India and other nations will continue buying large supplies of gold,
further depleting world stocks, particularly London, and force a rise in price. There will
also be a dramatic shift in price discovery mechanism from London and NY to Shanghai
– allowing China to set and maintain a higher POG.
5. Low prices mean miners will be forced to shut down – leading to decrease in supply!
6. Finally, the perennial favorite…longs will stand for delivery on COMEX contracts, for
which gold will not be able to be found, forcing a ‘default’ and the end to price

Number 1&6 have been the mainstay of goldbug high hopes for years now; their power of appeal
has diminished as the years of fervent prediction about the forceful and imminent approach of
these “game changing” developments have worn on. Although they are still trotted out with
monotonous regularity, there has been a clear breach of support for such narratives lately –
members of the pundit class like Harvey Organ have tarnished their appeal by relying upon
predictions of price rises in order to bolster their short term staying power for the balance of
2014, at the cost of longer term credibility. It seems likely that these particular memes are on
their way out, along with the fortunes of those who most busily promoted them.

Numbers 2, 3, and 4 have been picked up by a later generation of pundits who, sensing the
staleness of the other, older memes, have looked further afield for fresh veins to work. The fact
of gold’s large scale removal from west to east has been parlayed into a rich mine of concocted
and projected ‘signals’ – all of which point to an overpowering of the criminal bankers cartel
price suppression games by an alliance of forces that wish to end financial corruption and return
the world to a more stable economic system . Once the west has ‘run out of gold,’ the economic
reset which will leave western metal holders winners in the midst of widespread bankruptcy has
to begin – the balance of power having shifted out of the hands of those who controlled the
markets for their own nefarious purposes.

While a full exploration of this theme must await another post, for now we can observe that it
has some difficulties - most particularly in the arrangement it makes with the BRICS in the role
of challengers to the 'western bankster' Evil Empire. While both the New Development Bank
(NDB) and the Contigent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) are played up as alternatives to the IMF
and austerity style programs, the truth is that they in no way deviate from continued use of the
$USD in their operational plans, nor replace it's model with something far different. Much of the
credits available from the major donor country[read China]may in fact be tied to contracts with
that countries suppliers for works that may be of dubious long term benefit for the recipient
nation... and in fact the official Peoples Daily organ of the CCP calls the two in actuality
supplement the existing global financial system....which helps stabilize global order. Not much
of a challenge seems contained in these pronouncements! Indeed, one wonders just how much
attention the pundits announcing this 'paradigm-changing' global re-balance have paid to the
mechanics of the process...

because in the rush and hyperbole of announcing it's 'stunning' arrival, they seem to have not yet
made time to explain just why and how it's good news for western precious metal holders!

Finally, there's number 5 - a favorite topic of pundits for most of 2014, this is rather a double-
edged sword. MR GOLDS Tanzanian venture is a text book example of the perils of mine
development in a low price environment; if the goldbugs get their wish, and we see widespread
closures and/or bankruptcies in the mining sector, TRX will be one of the first to go. As
mentioned above, that would be the signal for a massive Jonestown-like response from those
who have held on with the grim determination espoused by the Guru himself. Toppling from the
throne would be sure to take down any spluttering life from the sector still left. One is reminded
of the maxim - be careful what you wish for!

Thanks to the pioneering work of “DR” Jim, the current world view of the western metallist is
girded by the underlying theme of a globalist “NWO” team of dirty tricksters vs. a BRICS clean
team, pitted in a tag team cage match with an audience of billions! In essence, no more
sophisticated than the kind of wrestling card that once brought in the great unwashed by the
thousands to North American arenas and coliseums! Ironically, many if not most of the punters
caught up by this ploy would define themselves as being ahead of the curve, better educated
investors, whose wider range of knowledge about current affairs gives them access to better
choices than the average joe – a self-conceit that is by no means discouraged by the predatory
pundit class. Most cult-like groups operate with a built-in tendency to view themselves as
insiders to a truth which outsiders cannot grasp.

In the same way that penny stock promoters relied upon an aura of having ‘insider information’
to reel in their marks, the contemporary ‘hard money’ promoters need their audience to believe
they are getting an inside scoop not available to the masses. But the message requires constant
reinforcement to be capable of drowning out the grating whispers of doubt that accrue from the
failure of previous prophecies to pan out… that is the role of many and various gold n silver
blogs which have sprung up to minister to the faithful. Like ducks in a carnie shooting gallery,
the same talking points pop up over and over, on a treadmill of hyped expectations for imminent
REGULATERS… MANIPULATION!!!! Rinse and repeat, there's a winner every minute!

All of these forecasting signals revolve around the axis of the much anticipated "Death of the
Dollar. Like a millenialist cult that has set an apocalyptic end to civilization as the centerpiece of
its theology, the removal of the banking cartels ‘extraordinary privilege’ is supposed to be the
moment of rapturing for the chosen few who hold gold. As all burns up around them, these lucky
folks will somehow rise up above the carnage of a collapsing society… to a better place!

Perhaps the most bizarre tenet central to this theology is the notion of release being gained via
the agency of foreign powers of the Asian kind! It’s never been yet quite explained how the
collapse of one’s own civilization through intervention by another works out to one’s personal
advantage – the long annals of history generally work to counter such a happy scenario…

perhaps that's where the 'benevolent extraterrestrials' thing comes in!

Supposing we put that puzzling non-sequitur on hold for the moment, an equally confounding
paradox looms: although the bankster cartel has been all powerful in taking market manipulation
to extraordinary lengths, apparently their power stops at certain defined boundaries – and
excludes major parts of the globe[like about ¾ of world population]- which are now out of the
grasp of their influence! China, Russia, the rest of the BRICS, are all opposing the globalist
NWO – therefore - ARE IN NO WAY A PART OF THAT ORDER – or so we must assume, in
order for this storyline to carry weight. Funny thing, that: how all the ill-gained loot these dark
forces have gained via their fraud and chicanery has not been put to use in buying the loyalties of
foreign politicians and agents in the same way that it manifestly has been employed in the
western polities! That would have been A RATHER LARGE OVERSIGHT… if it were true.

In summation we now have an ‘alternative media’ discourse dedicated to talking down the
western powers – and talking up the eastern ones… while at the same time, the ‘mainstream
media’ has launched a barrage of propaganda against Russia in particular, and a string of self-
serving storylines about events in the Middle East which advance only the interests of western
corporate imperialism.

Our ‘freedom’ consists of being able to choose between the two?!?!? …

hmm, something doesn’t seem quite right about this set up. Methinks we may need proceed
further down this rabbit hole!

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