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-------------------------------# Synchronicity Paper

Synchronicity and causality
Although considered, superficially, an antithesis of causality,
synchronicity represents a unique way in which the phenomena
already assembled and through which reaches matches correspondences
significant. The law of synchronicity does not contradict, in any way, the
Law of cause and effect Drawing up a parallel between both laws will state
that they are not contradictory, but that they can be considered perfectly
complementary the law of of karma is the law of causes or of the
inherent connections of manifestation; while the law of synchronicity
can be viewed as the law of divine causes and miracles.
The theory of synchronicity suggests a mysterious world, a-causal (non-causal),
located in another order of reality, beyond material conditions;
beyond the categories of space and time. at this level ,her discover the engrama
s grow the archetypes that are reflected in the unconscious
They discover engrams are the archetypes that are reflected in the unconscious
collective (...).
In his autobiography, Jung writes: "My constant concern
(note: he refers to a psychology of the unconscious processes) my obligation
to look for another explicative principle aside from causality. Causality
seemed to me incapable of responding to some surprising phenomena of the
psychology of the unconscious. I found parallel psychological phenomena
that could not be causally connected with each other, but could
be, differently, by developing other events. This
connection of events seemed essential to me.
It seems that the time, far from being an abstraction, is a continuity
specific energy It includes some fundamental qualities and conditions.
that manifest simultaneously in different places, with a

degree of parallelism that the principal of causality cannot explain.

Synchronicity does not have anything more mysterious than, for example, the disc
displayed in quantum physics.
The inexplicable not from the fact that the cause is unknown, but our intellect
is not used to thinking this way.
A series of extraordinary, historical, and anecdotal cases of coincidences
Three men were condemned to death for murdering Sir Edmond
Berry Godfrey in his Greenberry Hill residence, close to the capital. It seemed
comical that the names of the three murderers were Green, Berry and Hill!
Two monozygotic twins (monoovularios), Jim Lewis and Jim Spencer,
born in Ohio (USA) were adopted soon after birth by two
different families, who did not know each other and living a great distance,
in different cities. In 1979 (after 39 years apart) were found
and they noted with astonishment that both James were called and they said Jim t
the two had studied law; they liked the technical design and
woodworking. Both were married and had a child with identical
Name: James Alan. His first wife was called Linda. Both of them were
divorced and remarried, and their new wives were called Betty.
They had a dog named Toy. They used to go on vacation to the beach
St. Petersburg in Florida and although they were very similar, never had
On a beautiful spring day in 1958, the newlyweds, Mr.
and Mrs. Sullivan ( married the day before in New York) reached
Miami to spend their honeymoon. At the same time, arrived at the hotel a
too young couple, also newlywed from New York and
came straight from the airport. They also signed in under the name of
Sullivan. So a second identification was required. That was how
astonishment was increased when they validated that both were named Donald P. Su
had 23 years, had gone to the same university and had lived in

his childhood in the same neighborhood, but so far had not met! All
ended in a celebration with a bottle of champagne in the hotel bar.
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-------------------------------ORIGINAL TEXT
-------------------------------# Libro Sincronicidad
Sincronicidad y causalidad
Aunque considerada, de modo superficial, una anttesis de la causalidad,
la sincronicidad representa una manera singular en la que los fenmenos se
ensamblan y a travs de la cual se llega a coincidencias y a correspondencias
significativas. La Ley de sincronicidad no contradice, en modo alguno, la
Ley de causa y efecto. Haciendo un paralelo entre ambas leyes constataremos
que no son contradictorias, sino que pueden ser consideradas perfectamente
complementarias. La Ley del karma es la ley de las causas o de las
conexiones inherentes de la manifestacin; mientras la Ley de sincronicidad
puede ser vista como la ley de las causas divinas y de los milagros(..).
La teora de la sincronicidad sugiere un mundo misterioso, a-causal (nocausal),
situado en otro orden de la realidad, ms all de las condiciones
materiales; ms all de las categoras de espacio y de tiempo. A este nivel, se
encuentran los engramas de los arquetipos que son reflejados en el inconsciente
colectivo (...).
En su obra autobiogrfica, Jung escriba: Mi preocupacin constante
(nota: se refiere a la psicologa de los procesos inconscientes) me oblig
a buscar al lado de la causalidad otro principio explicativo. La causalidad
me pareca incapaz de responder a algunos fenmenos sorprendentes de la
psicologa del inconsciente. Encontraba fenmenos psicolgicos paralelos
que no podan ser conectados causalmente unos con otros, pero s podran

serlo, de un modo diferente, por otro tipo de desarrollo de los sucesos. Esta
conexin de los eventos me pareca esencial.
Pareciera que el tiempo, lejos de ser una abstraccin, es una continuidad
energtica concreta. l incluye algunas cualidades o condiciones fundamentales
que se manifiestan simultneamente en lugares diferentes, con un
grado de paralelismo que el principio de la causalidad no puede explicar.
La sincronicidad no tiene nada ms misterioso que, por ejemplo, la discontinuidad
desplegada en la fsica cuntica.
Lo inexplicable no proviene del hecho de que se ignora la causa, sino de que nue
stro intelecto no est habituado a pensar de esta manera.
Una serie de casos extraordinarios, histricos y anecdticos de Coincidencias
Tres hombres fueron condenados a muerte por asesinar a sir Edmond
Berry Godfrey en su residencia Greenberry Hill, cerca de la capital. Pareca
burlesco que los nombres de los tres asesinos eran Green, Berry, Hill!
Dos gemelos monocigotas (monoovularios), Jim Lewis y Jim Spencer,
nacidos en Ohio (USA) fueron adoptados al poco tiempo de nacer por dos
familias diferentes, que no se conocan entre s y que vivan a gran distancia,
en distintas ciudades. En 1979 (tras 39 aos de separacin), se encontraron
y constataron con asombro que ambos se llamaban James y les decan Jim;
que los dos haban estudiado abogaca; que les gustaba el diseo tcnico y
trabajar la madera. Ambos estaban casados y tenan un hijo con idntico
nombre: James Alan. Sus primeras esposas se llamaban Linda. Los dos se
haban divorciado y vuelto a casar, y sus nuevas esposas se llamaban Betty.
Tenan un perro llamado Toy. Acostumbraban ir de vacaciones a la playa
San Petersburgo en Florida y, aunque eran muy parecidos, jams se haban
En un precioso da de primavera del ao 1958, los recin casados, el Sr.
y la Sra. Sullivan (se haban casado el da anterior en New York), llegaron a
Miami para pasar su luna de miel. Al mismo tiempo, arribaba al hotel una
joven pareja tambin de recin casados, proveniente de Nueva York y que

venan directo desde el aeropuerto. Se registraron tambin bajo el nombre de

Sullivan. Fue necesaria, entonces, una segunda identificacin. As fue como
el asombro fue mayor al corroborar que ambos se llamaban Donald P. Sullivan,
tenan 23 aos, haban ido a la misma universidad y haban vivido en
su infancia en el mismo barrio, pero hasta el momento no se conocan! Todo
termin en un festejo con una botella de champagne en el bar del hotel.
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