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Better sports

- and without injuries!

Instructive warm-up program

Norwegian Handball

The warm-up program is made to get better performance and prevent
injuries in youth sports. The exercises goal is to improve running and
landing technique, neuromuscular control, balance and strength.
Optimal technique is of importance to get a good result of the
exercises. The coach has to get the athletes to be concentrated, and
motivate the players to do the exercises correct.
The program should be used as warm-up before every training session,
and some of the exercises can also be used before match (balance
exercises only before training). The program takes 15-20 minutes to do.

Basic program
1. Warm-up: Different types of running exercises 4-5 min. This part of
the program can be done outside the field, depending on the
conditions, before the training started in the hall (venue).
2. Technique: Plant-and-cut and landing exercises 4-5 min.
3. Balance 4-5 min: Under the technique part half of the players can do
the balance mat/wobble-board training (or all the players do the
balance exercises together after the technique training).
4. Strength and power 4-5 min.

1 Warm-up
Purpose: Prepare the players to further sports activity during gradual
warm-up of the muscles. Teach the players optimal running
technique, with the hip-knee-ankle position in a right line.
Focus on the knee-over-toe position. Total time 4-5 min.
Different running exercises WITHOUT the ball:
A) Jog line to line forward
B) Backward running with sidesteps
C) Forward running with knee lifts and heel strikes
D) Sideway running with foot crossings
E) Sideway running with arms lifted (parade)
F) Forward running with upper body rotations
G) Shuttle run
H) Speed run
Different running exercises WITH the ball (dribbling):
A) Running forward
B) Backward running with sidesteps
C) Forward running with heel strikes
D) Sideway running
Running exercises two and two together and throwing the ball
A) Jogging with one player running forward and the other running
B) Sideway running/jumping above each other (imaging)
Other warm-up exercises for variation:
A) Jumping and bouncing the ball in 8-figure
B) Step on the ball forward and backward
C) One leg jumping in cross (jumping paradise exercise)

2 Technique
Purpose: Teach the players optimal plant-and-cut and landing
technique to get an optimal plant-and-cut movement, two
legged landing and fall technique. Improve awareness and
control of especially the knee and ankle function/position.
Aim: Learn a movement with or without the ball that gives the player
the opportunity to either
1) get pass by an opponent
2) get in a shooting or passing position
Aim: Learn a landing after a jump shot on two legs to distribute the
forces on the knees and ankles in the landing, in addition also learn fall
techniques with rolling and gliding.
- Rhythm and speed
- Foot strike and leg position
- Body position and weight distribution
Especially focus on
- Knee-over-toe
- Flexion in the knee and hip, and lower the centre of gravity
- Hip wide distance between the feet
- Adequate arm and foot movements
- Speed and run adjusted to the players skill level
The starting point should always be taken from the players physical and
technical qualifications in the plant-and-cut and landing training. If the
plant-and-cut movement should be succeed in match, it is important to
have repetition and development over a long period of time. The
players techniques develop also by studying other players on higher
Chose one plant-and-cut or landing exercise on each training. The
exercises can be done with or without the ball. Start with a passive
opponent, for example cones or bars 1.5 m high. Further progression

with more and more active opponent, passing and finish with shooting
on the goal. Total time 4-5 min.
A) Outward plant-and-cut
B) Sparkover plant-and-cut with the ball
C) One leg plant-and-cut (left-right)
D) Two leg plant-and-cut (right-left)
A) Jump up with two leg landing
B) Jump shot with two leg landing
The landing exercise can also finishes with a judo roll or gliding on
the abdomen or side in the landing.

3 Balance
Purpose: Improve awareness, knee and ankle control and
neuromuscular control.
- Knee-over-toe
- The foot/shoe sole in contact with the board/mat
- Stabilization of the hip especially important in exercises on one leg
Chose one exercise on each training, on the wobble-board or balance
mat. Each exercise should be done for a minimum of three times
before going to the next exercise. Start with exercise A and go further
to exercise B, C, D and E. Variation in the exercises when finishing
exercise E. Total time 4-5 min.

A) Throwing two leg

- Two and two players on each board/mat
- Use always anti slide under the mat
- Throwing to each other in different
heights and speeds

B) Squats two or one legged

- Two and two players on each board/mat
- Start on two leg, then one leg
- Change leg after 10 seconds
when doing one-legged squats
- NB! Knee and hip position

C) Throwing one leg

- Two and two players on each board/mat
- Throwing to each other in different
heights, speeds and difficulty
- Change leg after 15 seconds
- NB! Knee and hip position

D) Bouncing the ball with eyes closed

Two and two players on each board/mat
Bounce the ball, try to keep eyes closed
Start on two leg, then one leg
Change leg after 15 seconds
when one-legged
- NB! Knee and hip position

E) Two- and one-legged fight

- Two and two players on each board/mat
- Try to push partner out of balance,
first two-legged, then one-legged
- Remember knee and ankle control
- Change leg after 10-15 seconds
when doing one-legged fight

4 Strength and power

Purpose: Improve the strength, power and neuromuscular control.
The exercises are divided into two groups. Chose one exercise from
group 1, while the group 2 exercise should be done on every training.
Total time 4-5 min.
Group 1:
Exercises for quadriceps muscles and neuromuscular control.
Group 2:
Exercise for hamstring muscles (eccentric training).

Group 1
A) 10-15 squats with partner on your back. Go done to maximum 80
degree of flexion in the knees. Knee-over-toes and straight back!

B) Sprunglauf long stabilizing jumps. Variation in number of steps

(3-7), length of each step and jump height. NB! Knee and ankle
position in the landing.



C) Forward jumps. 30-40 meters (1 hall length) jump with the ball
inside the legs. Landing with slight knee and hip flexion.

D) Jump up and simulate a shot without the ball. Controlled landing on

two feet. When control in the two-leg landing, use ball and finish
with shots on the goal.

Group 2
A) "Nordic Hamstrings". Start from a knee standing position with a
partner holding your ankles down. Then lean slowly forward with a
steady speed. The back and hips are held straight. The forward falling
is resisted with the hamstring muscles as long as possible, until balance
is lost and you fall on your arms. Push up with your arms. This exercise
is very hard, be careful in the start. Start with 2 series with 3-5
repetitions, gradually progression to 3 series with 10-12 repetitions.

Better sports and without injuries!

Warm-up (5 min):

Technique (5 min)

A) Jog line to line forward

B) Backward running with sidesteps
C) Forward running with knee lifts and
heel strikes
D) Sideway running with foot crossings
E) Sideway running with arms lifted
F) Forward running with upper body
G) Shuttle run
H) Speed run

Plant and cut

Jump shot landing

Balance mat/board (5 min)

A) Two legged and throwing the ball

Strength and power (5 min)

A) Squats
B) Nordic Hamstrings

Norwegian Handball

Address correspondence to: Odd-Egil Olsen, PT, MSc, Oslo Sports Trauma Research
Center, Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education, PO Box 4014 US,
0806 OSLO, NORWAY (e-mail:


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