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Seventy-Ninth Year

Whole N~mber 6788



Mary L. Edward,

'-- --_ .. - ,- -- - - - f' 1 Tot

Many Steps

David Evans

nehind~----~4. ~

.......................... '

State . Caoital

Intereatinr Item.
David Evan s, so n of the Inte Joel
and Elizllbeth IIttcrthwaiLe ' Evans,
from the
was born in Way nesvi lle, Ohio, on
the 4th da y of 12th month. 185 1. and
lived to lhe age of more than seventy-fh'e and II half yeurs, passing uway
on the 12th day of Sth month, 1027,
: '.:\:'J"
at 3 o'clock in the, morning. He wa~
the youngest of a family of four chi!dren, his twin brolher having died
Columbua epc rter
in infuncy.
Dur ing his long life David knew
but one homing spot, und he was ever
tenaciously attached Lo Waynesville,
on the little Miami, with deep-roote d polilicians at fhst refused to think
interest and pl'ide in the hi story and that President Coolidge meant what
development of the olel plnce, in spite he said when he made hili famoua
of th e quickwilled quips with which "choose" statement at Rapid City.
he was wonl to meet all comers lind t rend of opinion has changed decidregale hi~ nearest friends. His brief edly. and now everybody hu come
sojourns from Waynesville were al- to the belief that he is through, and
ways period s of homesickness and will not even be drafted for anotber
restlessness, even in the day s of his term. All of which places Oblo in
the position of having Republlcanl
He. was e.ndowcd. With a pal'ltcular- pretty evenly divided u to wbom
ly bright mrnd, which would hav~ de- shall be supported at the next Navelope~ wond~rfu!ly under the hl!,~er tional convention.
Both Senato1'!l
educatIOn whIch It was the ambition Fess and Willis and Republican leadof his pnrents to furnish him. But er8 in general' were outspoken for
his life at Swarthmore college was Coolidge for a~other term, and were
rendered unhappy by the dread n08- as much Burprised as any at the te1'lle
ta~gia, and his educational career was statement. Were the Ohio deleratlon
bhghted by the untimely death of to the National convention lIelected
his . mother. His sai nte~. mother, today it would go divided. Longbearrng the effects of invahdlsm from worth has hi s friends, but hardly
the day8 of young womanhood, had enough to control the Ohio delegation
al:-vays prayed the Lord th~t she Dawes wiJI get support from tbis, his
might be ~pared to rear hcr c~lldren. nativc state, while complimentary
and she died .on the d~y on which h ~r votcs will be lut for both Fels and
'Yo.ungest chIld, DaVid, reached hIS Willis. A lot of flreslde c.onferencell
twenty-first birthday.
are being held ' right now amonlr ReDavid was 'ul).married. He was by publican leaders, and efForts will be
trade a carpenter-by profession he made to reach some decision which
--:as widely acknowledged to be a par- will not result in a Ipllt deleptlon,
bcularly flne surveyor, and up to but so far little has been accompliah-;
the .t lme. of his failing eye-?ight his ed. The action of Coolldp ill de~-::=-~~f. J\,G:J
services III the latter capacity were clining to run again will In no wa,a
mu~h in demand.
affect the Ohio gubematorl4l conteat
He has lived to Bce a third genera- next year None of the candldatel
tion, subsequcnt to hi s own, grow to had prop~sed t4) attempt rldlnlr in
maturity in Wayne township, where office on the coat tails of the Prellhe was known by all, and he wu dent but expect to run on their' 0_
hailed by many as Uncle Dave, with merits and whether Coolldp chaQPa
'_ " (' ()cz.~
real affection, Fellow townsmen pay his mi~d or not, it ian't roing to make
him the high tribute of having a particle of difl'erence.
. they .told
on Sunday evening,
him he would fall over the .edge of
Her children gave her the most
lived that he hadn't an enemy in, the
G. F, Schlesmrer, director of highthe ocean.
te nder and devot~d care, and never
world except himself. He bad a fond- ways and. public worD, allftoune!!1
When the Pho?mcl an~'h nn~t~stors left her bedside for a moment during
A loos.ely played game betwee!1 t~e
Eleven Poultry meetinrs a~d cull- ne8B for pets, and dogs and cats .al- tohfat ustablticlstrlocaa ..c_omofPithlede buYntl~~dBSUtare:
of ma'!y enorre tic J ow III. CI lzons, her lati t days, and she never failed B
d th M
ns d in him a fTiend
lIrst .ailed from the Mediterranean. to reoognize them by a smile or hand owersvi e eam. ~n
Miss Lucy Emley wall the dinner ing demonltrations will be held next ways ~e e

I department of a!rriculture, IboWI that

through' the Straits of Gibraltar, past clasp.
took place at Fruzler 8 ~ar~ last S~m- guest of Mrs. Charles ,Anderson, lut week by Arent Class and his poul- . DaVId wall self-con~lned, se f- Ohio ranks second In ' th. Unl~
d .
h A
day afternoon, t he MIamiS getting undo
try' co-operators. ThOle attendlna' WIlled and Ind4!pendent, keen ~nd
h '
I 1II'face mil
the girantic rock an mtq t e tShe left besides her four children. the best end of t he bargain, the score
the meetings can learn how to pick clever, but at heart kind and umm- Statell m t e to~ I t the
lantic Ocean, friends tbought that four grandchildren and five peat- being 1S to 4.
Mrs. R. H. Hartsock, assisted by out the laYing hens and to ' eliminate bittered and loyal up to hili last days. on . the State IIYSThm : t ft e~t!.
wall the end of. them.
grandc~ildren, The write r with old Pummell pitched for the Miamis, Miss Esther Hendi!nOn, entertained the culls or unprofitable bird II. Be- He will be mlB8Cd. He is a picturesque ~he y~ar 1920.
II::" eV~ll
school friends, of her children , will and made a very crcditeble showing, with a birthday party Tuesday after- sides culling the diBcusaions will also character gone from our mid8t. He III the o:~r Of. to:;
Now crossing the ocean Is like 11'0- always hold in loving. remembrance Only seven hits were made off hill noon . in honor 'of Wilton's 6th birth- include the ~88ential points of breed- was a birtbright Quaker, and it wa~ a ar: aS 509~~~'T ew 9 2:8'8. 'Pell~inr from New York. to Chicago. You the many happy occasions spent un. slants; one home run, two two-bag- day anniversary. The invited guests ing feeding housinlr brooding and late request by him that he be buned 0 10, .9' 843'96e;'!, ~ In' .; CIO 4"
hea1' from your friends on both aide. der Mrs. Edwards' root, No matter gers and .the rest singles. "Buck" were Bernard and Billy Melloh, Bob- rai~ing pulleb .anitaiion and the con from the Meeting House of his fath- 8y1vama"l'
' f Isconl
of the ocean. BU81n~tIS messsges how big the crowd, nor how gay, they Orane was at t h' hot corner, and, as by Hyman, Charlell and Harold An- trol of poultrY diseases;' Insects and er a:n~ mother, His earthly, body wi1\ In the m~eare 0 n:;;;oaO\do euil)'
com" from the United States lIide, were always welcomed by her with usuRl, showed up well. His three- derson Phyllis Anne Cole, Charlotte pesta.
be laid to rest in the long ago chosen during t e y~ar
to.... (if
other mellSllre s from the ~uropean her sweet smile and quiet dignity, bagger in the !lCventh brought In Rye H.'arry Matthew Turner, M\ldred
ntustrated maps ' charts and dIa- spot beside his mother, in beautiful takes ft~lt .Pa~:1
. ! "when 1 000 miles from shore . an d we 0 f th a t genera' tl on, f ee I we three runs. All the boys f attene d snd ' Ronald Salisbury,
an d gramll prepared
by' our ltate agrlcul- U",lam
I cemet ery.
- . ml ell. .... nnelO
d WileD ,or
have lost a valued friend. Her pass- their batting average considerably. Sara Miller, Mary Eva LeMay, Don: tural college specialists will show the
But the Teal Davi
as gone on to
. d wlt~th1::~1 es an
Sclenca hu ' conquered this 'little Ing is one of deepest sorrow to
The Bellbrooks shut out James- pld Kerrick, Earl Earnhart, Earl economic developments' and trendsln take his bearings, make a new .sur- thlr , WI ,
ocean, InteUigence has made It famll- U8, but we know that one who trav- 'town, Sundoy, Michaels allowing but Fife, Mary Carolyn Lukens. Kenneth the poull;ry industry throulrhout the vey and a fresb start, w~th . an un .

lar, cleared out sea serpents, taught elled 80 splendidly life's highway one it in the game. The Bellbrook Joseph, Sarah, Katherine and Loul.s e various agTicultural section. of the doubted developmen~ of bill nch natOhio banken who have been ra~.
us we need not put wax in our ears t~r'Pugh eighty-Beven years . Is now team will. play at Waynesville next Hartsock, and GraUan Bloch.
United States. An Ohio map will re- ural talents, in a higher and better er tardy in realilinr the bendts Of
to ahut out the singing of sirens, eon- With her beloved who ' have paBl!Cd Sunday. The score :
. '
veal poultry production and increaaea wod.d,
trust fund organlzatlona, luch ~
vlnced us, to our sorrow, that no mer beyond,
Miss Clara LtlCi and MIS! May by counties The future outlook fol'
HIS motber, brother Jobn and fath- have been 80 lIucceuful throqhou~.
maids are waiting to pick U8 up when
A. U. B.
Bowersville ............ .. ........ _.4
7 9 Wright were charming hosteMes at a local poult~ production will be con .. er having preceded him by many many foreirn countrl~l, are bePD- r we fall overboard. AU fear and IIU -.
Miamis .......... , ................ IS 20 3 card party at Mrs. Hathaway'll tea sidered and the enentlal points for years, he leaves one sister', R. Car- ning to realize the need f~r
pentition arc gone from these fioatroom on Tuesday afternoon. The profitable returns will be pointed out. rie Brown, a niece Susan E.Brown, companie" In Ohio, The Int' of thIa.
' Ing cities. A preacher on board does
1 2 3 4 6 6 ,7 8 9games were followed by a two-course All poultrymen fann women anti and four grand-nephews and nieces, kind 'which hall met with tbe appro,,not worry the sailors-there arc no
Bowersv ille .0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0- 4 lunch, attractiv'ely served. The guest boys and girls interested in poultry Robert W. , Ruth L.. Marion R., and al of the rigid blue-eky law dlputsailo~. .
Joseph W. Hisey, the son of Rev. Miamis ... ,.. 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 9 x-1S list includ~~ Frank Taylor, of are Invited to attend one 'or more Grace A. Brown, together with a host en~ ill the First Ohio InvNtmel;'t Co.
Our oceans and our lo~d have been and Rachel Hisey, was born JMluary
San Francls~o; Mrs. D. P. Clagett, of places. Air forenoon meetin8'll will of other relatives aad friends.
formed by a number of weUltno_
cleared of . ~lJ l upcntitlons, unreal 6,1849, not Car from where he died.
Suada,.'. R.aulta
Nogales, Arl2:ona; Mrs. C. W, Bar- begin at 9:80, and the aftemoon ap_.
bankers and flnanclen of columbas
horro"!, chimeras, hydrll1l a~d gor- All of his life has been spent in this ' Bowersville, 4; Miamis, 18.
!lett, lIln. E. V. Bllrn.ha~t, ~~. Elo- pointments .at 1 :3 0 o'clock. The comand Central The l~ pnera1.
Ironll dire, _
. community. He was reared up in a
Ja~e~~own, 0; ~el1brook, 6.
Ise . Thomp~?n, of ClDcmnati, Mrs. plete schedule and approximate locaassembly prOVided f~r the .0~Jlia.
Christian home, surrounded by ChrisWilmlllgton-Spnng Valloy - wet Edith HaTTIs, Mrs. Laura Mosher, tion of the demonstrations are:
lion of such companlell undlr COII1I1~t hu taken men all of the million tian influences, and these helped to grounds.
Mrs. Ronald Hawke" Mrs. Bert HartMonday, AU&'\Ist 22, 9:30 a. m.lions which make lnvelltn\enta lIe\U'lo
years they have lived on earth to lay the foundation for the strong man
sock, Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mrs. Kate Robt. S. Witham miles lIOuthwest
Claude Meeker, well-know C.o lumb.1
chanre from c~vement cannibals to ly character which was developed in
L.a.u. Staadialr
Coleman, Mrs. Fredl Henderson, Mrs. of Muon
financier, ill handling tbl iItoclt, and
modem explolte1'll of their felloW men him, He received his education in
W L Pct. D .. L. Crane, ~rs. Lester Gordon,
1 :30 P: m.- Geo, Harter, 2 miles
advance applications Indicate that
and to get rid of earthly supersti- the common school.
Miamis ... _.,,' .. , .,. "'" ,.. ,10
6 .600 lIhs,s Martha 0 N~ial1,
A. T. e,a st of Mason.
Extensive plans are being made by th.e ' entire issue will be aubecribed
. On September 5, 1871, he was uni- Bellbrook .... ,... ... ,,, .... ,.. 9
7 .540 WrIght, Mrs. J . O. CartwTlght, Mrs,
Tuesday, August 23, 9:30 a. m.- committees in charge of a big home Within a ~ew weeks. The pnf.mel
Ma~y haven't ~ven done ~hat yet. ted in maniage to Miss Ella Cres- Bowersville .................... 7
7 .500 S. D. Henkle, Mrs .. F. R. Moomaw, Mrs. Robert Davis, 2 miles aouth of comin'g celebration to be held in stock .carrle~ with It unita of the com
Eventually we IIball get nd of all well, in the Flat Fork neighborhood. Wilmington ...... ,....... ..... 7
7 .500 Mrs, Fred. Cole,. ~rs. Keller Hoke, Maineville.
Spring Valley on Saturday" Septem. mon',. 10' addition to a lIb~ ,dIYldlnd"
the 'lUpentitiona and look forward .~ For forty-seven years they lived very Spring Valley ......... ,...... 6
7 .462 Mrs: Ameha WlIllllms, . Mrs. C. M. ' I :30 p .. m.-Roy J. Rosa, 8 miles ber 3 and from all indications the and IS enmpt from tautloll ill Ohlo.
death and tbe voyqe that comea af- happily together and two children Jamestown .. ,..... :~ .. ... , ..... G 10 .361 Robltz~r, Mrs. Ralph MII!er, ,Mrs. D. east of Pleasant Plain. '
event 'Will eclipse ariy other e\'er held
ter It u calm17 u we now prepaTe were bo~n to this union; Mary Earl
R, Smith, Mrs.' W, E. 0 Neall, M~s.
Wednesday, AU&'\lst 24, 9 :30, a. m, in the neighboring village.
It was not at . an aUrprillq UIat
for a trip across the little A.tlantlc., died when but three ye!l1'll old, and
S. S. Ellis, Mrs. W. H. Allen, MISS -Fred Mummert 1 mile north of
B L Ad
is general chairman immediately upo~ the return of Oea.
~~. Margaret H. Shutts, the surOl!ve Allen, lr,frs. Julia Donovan, Mrs. Morrow,
. '
of the' com~:tec on arrangements eral Leona"! Wood, and tben apia
AI people IrO to Parll and cQme Vivtng daughter, has made her fathEhzabeth Bady, lr,fn, J. \t. Chapman,
1 :80 p. m.-Albert Urton, S mUes and it' is expected to make this one following hiS sudden death. . that
back nllne the wone for tbe trlp, 'and ~r's last years happy and cheerful.
As Mrs. Anna Sheehan's new house Mrs. George J . Smlt.h, Mn. J. W. Ed- southwest of Clarksville.
of the most enjoyable of the like af- when.ever the. ~m~rlcan TePreMlltatake up their actiyitlea again, many His beloved wife and companion o.f is nearing completion, the prospec- wards,. Mrs. James McClure~ Mrs.
Thu1'llday, AU&'\lst 25, 9:30 a, m.- fairs which have been held in the live In the Phlllpptnel wu diIcuaMd
believe tho that take the voyare of life passed to ' her reward on April tive occupants .will give their wed- Cynthia Evans, Mrs. L. A, ~Imme.r- William Lukens, one-founh mile east village in the last few yea~. It is the flame oC Carmi A. Tbom~ aldeath come back from that trip to 2, 1918,
ding to the public next Saturday ev- man, Mrs. H, E. H~thaway, MI8I Tril- of Harveysburg, '
the first homecoming to be held in ways came Ilrst, Col. ThomplOa
earth and . take up their work about
Early In life he united with the .cning August 20th at 9 o'clock lena ~~wa~ds, M~IS. ~arga~~ ~
1:80 p. m.-EmelltButterwortli, 2 Spring Valley since ' 1924.
went to Manila all a penonal,.!-PN..
where they dropped it.
Free Will Baptist church, at ,F lat prom~t. While the b~lde is a charm- d8, ISS .el g way, 181. milell. southwellt of Waynesville.
With Mr. Adams on the general sentative of President Cooli_l. ,
To them it aeems reasonable to Fork, and he remained a memller of ing youn~ lady of this community we 111.0 .Brown, ,MISS ~'llme Br~wn, MISS
Friday, August 26, 9:80 a, m,- committee are: Mrs, C. A. S01lers, probably one of , the beat pOtted
credit Eternal ,.J ustice with wise econ tha~ church doring' his life time. He hope the people here will soon ~ake LI.lhe Benha"!, MillS ~n:.letta Mc- M1'!I, Paul Mitcbell, one-fourth mile J. M. Smith, Miss Edna Elam, Mrs. Americans today on ~ondltlonl that
omy, and It would .seem useless waste was a member of the Indenpendent the grollm feel at home in our midst. Ktnsey and Mlsa MlLry a m.
east of SPl'inll:boro,
C. M. Fulkerson, F. M. Hiatt and G: exist. there. I.t Is alao known , that of time to send billions of imperfect Ord~r ot Odd Fellows lodge at WayWhile they make a little 't our
The pleasant country home of Mr.
.1 :80 p, in.-'-Mn: C. C. Easton, 1 Val Sims.
p:esldent Coolidge bolds him in. "~
creatures to work in another corner nesVllle.
. .
througp the East, the finishing and Mrs. S. D. Henlkle was the scene mile eut of Franklin.
Mss. Sollers is chai~a~ of the pr~- high regard, snd would b. rlad, ~ . ,
of the universe when the work hel"e Is
On August' 9, 1927, hlB eorthly pH- touches will be put on ~he house ready of an ejoyable socilli affair laat SatSaturday, August 27,. 9:80 a. m,- gram committee, She IS III commum- would accept the POlt. ,No~. ~ ,
grlma,e . j:ame to a close very su~- for return, A cousin of the 'urday afternoon whim Mn. J . O. Cart Mrs. McClure Ralston, 6 miles Ilorth- cation ~th several persons who have com~ o.fficlally from Col. t{.l1l~~. ;
. not finished.
We oJ:e only twelve thousand yeal'l\ denl~ Without th~ suffering of pam bride will officiate at the wedding, wright and Mrs. Henkle jointly en- west of Lebano'!. _
been invited to participate in tbe pro- but ~t III well lmown that ~ ...'BAi- !
from the late Stone Age, not two to hlmllelf and Without long anx~ety asaisted by local talent. An out-of- tertained a 'large cc.mpany with Five
publtcan leaden,. who haft ~ uat,
bundred years from the stage coach to !Ithers. He wu in his seven-nmth town orchestra will furnish the mu- Hundred as the divenlon. Misses

A table committee has been named int~rests of the party .at heut, an
and .ailboat.
y,e ar when the lIummons came. He sic. Russell Bentley. 'assisted by Ed Evelyn Cartwright and Elizabeth
g e VIce
consisting of Mrs. Arch Copsey, Mrs. trymg to draft h~ in~ the. pberA simple Idea like putting the eye leaves to mourn his going a daugh- Thomas and Lyman Day, will 'see the Henkle presided oyer the punch bowl.
Ralph Houston, Mn. M, M. Douglass, natorial ra~e next year. No ~ Is
ot a needle In the point instead 'of ter, three gr.andchl!d~en and three wedding party ret started safely on Ten tables were In play and after the The Wayneaville M. E: churcb bls Mrs. J. R, Peterson and .Mrs. Lester more lamihar with ltat~ ~aip ....
t~e thick end made the sewing ma- gTea~grandcblldran, and many other their trip.
gemes a deligbtful half hour. wu been underlrOinlr deeoratlDg and will Peterson. F . S. Eva'!s IS chal,~an the former secretaQ' of ~.., .
chine pOllllible and freed milliona of rel(ltlVes and a hOllt of friends.
By permi8llion ' of the mayor the spent, with refre.shments of ice be open fpr services on Sabbath, of the finance committee. WillIam has won fame and fortune iatIM ~
women from ,slavery. We should beWith Whi~tier he could sing:
atreet will be roped for the guests. cream and cake. Those invited were Augullt 21.
Copsey, Herman Blair and Webb Wil in!!SII. world. He w~uld
lien thJtt" other Ideas will free us from "I k
t h
h' I la d rft
Proceeds for the benefit of the local Mrs E V Ba.mhart Mr8 C W BarThe re&'\llar ~bbath School wil be klnson compose the music committee. candIdate for the r O " " ' A - =
the silver)' of lIupl1'lltition which has
T:~w fno
dere I 18 S ~ s I
Grange. Everybody welcome.
nett' of Cincinnati.' Mrs' P . D 'Clalr- held at 9 :16. We hope to Bee 2~0
The home coming will be an all- year, and if he qain en~ p

driven U8 hard t~ro~gh the centuries 1 onl elrkn~:' l~ ca:~:~~~ft r,

Music, entertainment and refresh- ett.' of Nogales, A,rlzo~a;' M~, W. Icholar.:- present. The~ tbe rel'Ular da~ aft,air w!th thll entire progTRm life, it ~ould not be.~ D_ ~ '
and caused more brutality, fear, cruB/on'd ia loVe and C:a~.
ments, 15c and 26e,
H. Allen, Miss Olive Allen, Mn, ElI!:- preach'!lg aervlce at 10.30, witb spec- taking place .111 a. reler:red section of see him enter the Cllill ..... -~
elty and murder than all 'other causell Ad' '" ~d th ' II
abeth Baily Mn. J. B. Chspman, lal mUlllC by tbe choir. The Epwort~ streets. A bIg picnic dIDner at noon. ~ll the tal1t .about h~ f.U~:..""
tOlrB ther
n IOtes ~ efBll ent sea,
, _.
Mn, J. W. 'Edwards Missel Trillena League Mrvice ~t 6:'6, with Robert speeches, music ond other features In ma' on the .colonll II b~ N7if ..
N I h}'Va t f
ll)bi~ e oar,.
d M -aret EdW'~rds Mrs. .Edith Vandervort u leader. The topic Is, the aftemoon are planned,
land the next NatloDal ~i_
arm rom m , can come to ,me,
"What Should Determme 14y Life '
convention for Cllvlluci.
Tennyson helped would, be no' , On ocean 01" on ahore."
Harrla, Mn. Loura .Mollher, M1'II. Ron Worlt."
. .

' . -: ......,;;-.;;_,..
moanlq at the bar when he put out .
- ald Hawke, Mn. Kiite Coleman" Mrs.
The emln
~ IUn I8rvI
to lea, and pre~tUy~ro~ about fI,T~I_
Card o'f ThaDk.
The churChell of Christ '.~n Green Fred B. Hender.:son, M1'II. D. .L. Cran~ be. 'at 7:80. gIll ' the :eople ~i tbe
~~TfIS '"
light and 8Venmr star. Typical ml~W.e wish to expresa our apprecla- c~unty held an all-day meeting at the IMrs. A. T, ~rlght, M1'II. W. E . . Cor toWn and communitx are cordlally
Th Y F M Playen of this
VI!ltorla~, t~at last trip worried him. tion to o.ur nelrhbon and frl~n~ fol' coud house in Xelli~ last Sunda~. 'n~Il,Mrs, M. A, Co'm ell, Mrs. Ralp~ Invited to the.. ,services and to lie lace e are' r~pari~g to rive ~ threeDavid Ev~, !'" Ufaloq Md . ,..
Earth s cltlsens of the ,ear 10,- the map)' acts of kindness and words There was a fine attendance and the Miller, Mra. JalJl es M"Clure. M1'II. Jo tbe new. decoration
, d p titled "Cyclone 8alIy" f Wa nemne died UrIr' ~
OOO,~~() may think as little about that of Bympathy at" the time of our be- interest ~a~ manifest at b~th S~II- el Stokes, Mrs, Cynthl,a Evans, M1'II.
:\~:mG y, :: FrIday evenlnlr, Aq.. ~oml~. He ~ th. lOll of ' 11M
"1_ jou!"ey, feel as sur,e abopt It Te8vement, ' . Th~ Family. siona, Prof. R. C, FOllter, of Clncm- H. E. Hathaway, M1'II. Fred M. .Col!!,
st 20urn Th y will prileat thl.r I
d Bllaabeth
as a .modem thlnks , and feell a~opt "
. ' _ '.
l natl Bible Seminary, was the apealt. Mrs,
L. A, Zimmerman, Mrs, Carl
t" H ' :YllbUrK Celiterville oe an
hll trip to Paris now;
"I .,
ar of the day and fll:ought thrllli~g Duke, M1'II. John R.ich, Mra. Am!lla
. .
P arl'l ~
a'd probabiy
the Lab: II
sp III oro an
mell.ageil.ln a very earnest manner. William., Mn. Emeat Butterwonb, .
,n .
a 10
The meeting .next year III to be on Mrs. Bert Hartsock', Mn. 0, J\rt RobTbere
be a 1lI.loa at ,St. Aac- anon Ope~a h!,uI~.
_ il
th ft t S 'd y in:A
to t X
)(n ~J U DOnovan lin. 0.0 Uatinl'. Catholic ~l11'Cb J)erlnhlnr
Thll comedy will be. prellnted -~, M."tiq :~~iil'il
a.... "
~ .
Judge Dechant ha~ appointed Mra.
e n
un a _ :gull a
en . j ~~Itb M! aF
1I00000, Aapst~, 191'7, at 10 a..Ill. tb4! pl.,an for ~e ~f~' ed- anil ...
< ~ d d th
~cJiaelr Harding, of F"nklln', ' ''' pr~. . '
, . Claren~8' Rye, M~, S. S. EIl~ )(no S.rvlces"m be at 10 a. m. and '7 :80 ucatlon of a ' T.o..... m!'~tatil rb'l of ..,latl.....
_~rre' c!!.~::e:\~\ha ~" ~ batiiln 'oftlcer for Wanen count,.
Charles EIliI, 1111'11. W. , E. O'Neall, p, ... on. Monday, WedlleadQ and Tbe .Y. F. K~... Is ,~qf _~onl!
............ con"f' I . # .
Mni, If'~dl~ ....ceuds - M1'II, WUIarcl '
Mn Earl HoCkett, lIlra. Kaller Hoke, FridA" Aupat II, '14 ad 28.
eacb ,ear for woe p
0 ....uca..
~cJ.~:. S:r:::l~~~':,t J, Wrltht; .nd 1fIh "ume her dutiea Servi~ell Dut Lord'i Da, at '80 'Kra: Fred GoIII, lin. Qalllcy 00111, Eftl'J, on. . . . . . . .- III ....rbIe ;q a moUD~~
thh.,0bJ;t ~
teI1IOim, Be'~ Tr;,lor wu Uliltea oa Octoblll'11. ~ -.;
. ,
CommuniO!) and iermon b, the
)(1. Hennetta IlcB:lIlHJ; IIIaa Clara, Oatbouc~. ~Id II
li~f0thecotoWILI ':~chm~ terD~
On April 3, IS40, in the old family
homeHtelid on Main stroot, Waynesville, Ohio, Mal'y Lela h Wright, ~ec.011\1 oIulIghtel' of Osc ar J. und Susan
~ lItlcl't hwlli t6 W'l"ight, callle to gladden their h C llrt~ , and remllin a loving
comfort to lhem as long as they lived
MIII'y Leah Wright cume of sturdy
prancer sl ock and thl'ough several
gencl'ations the names of Wright and
Sattcrthwaite have been closely associuted wilh the industries growth
and sociul activit ies of the village of
Wa yncsv ille.
PI'ide of fumily was a dominant
cRossn-ic THE OCEAN
DEATH AND A TRIP TO EUROPE trait of her chal'lIcte r, and she was
ever I'clldy to encollragc and stimuNEWS FROM BOTH SIDES
late hel' own children, nol only to
reach the plane of theiL' forefalhers,
but to take a step beyond.
Mury Leah Wright attended the
public schools in Wayncsville and
Written on the Aquitania on the was ulways an active membe r of the
way to Paris, by way of Cherbourg, Old School Association as long as it
leaving New York just after midnight was an organization. She was later
yesterday morning.
a student of Greenmount college,
No matter how ' often you cross on Richmond, Ind .
big ships likc thi s, or little oncs, you
,On September 8, 1869, she was
ore reminded that lh" long trip called married to J. Wilson Edwards. This
doaUI und nn oc .. un voyuge arc ~ot unusually happy couple wel'e t he paunlike.
rents of Oscar J . Edwards of this
village; Mra. Alice E. Russum mid
You take 'your last " dinner" In Mis~es Tl'iIIena and Margare t W. EdNew York, friends ure more or less wurds. of Dayton. all of whom sursorry to sce you go. That's the dellth. vive her.
On board ship yo u sail t hrough
Mr. Edwards Tlll.~sed beyond on Ju
space some thousand miles , with on- Iy 25, 1!l1l3. his widow. although nevwater all around you.
That's the er ceasing te) miss the companionship
trip from here to the next world.
of her husband, continucd her life in
In due time YOll land in that next the same ha ppy, cheery ho pitablc
world, to find it different from this, manner t hat had characterized their
and .very interesting.
li ves togethe r.
If you go to Paris-the writer is
She was t rain ed in the Quaker
going there-you reach , what many faith on her mother's side, but on
Americans conalder a fairly good im- September ' S, 1895, she was co nfirmItation of heaven.
ed in St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal
The .afety in crossing our llttle church, and wus ever afterwards a
most consistent and devoted member
ocean, the certainty of landing on the of
the church, and as long as health
other IIde, Ihould make 118 worry leM and st rength permitted attended its
abo\!t the bilr crossing over the ocean services. Her last sick ness was of
of .ther.
sevcral months' duration" her splenOllce we \mew
did constitution waft not encroached
Atlantl~ c:;ossin r .~, we know now upon by any disease, but a gradual
about tlie . final trip that each muet wearing away of life. until she fell

ta~~~e~o~~m~u~ s:~~:

A~:~~ ~,SI;~g7.






CULLING METHODS !::!t :;r~~~I~~~;leh~::;g !::~t h~


r y t ,s&::
with .

Joseph Wo Hisey





Public Wedding


Reopemon S r

"'-"n:r.1tl*ftII ,

All D " Mee.tIng

"Cyclone Sally'"

Catholic Million .

.. -',..' . .
," " Prob:l.t
Se"":ce Well ttend





Ferry Chdrch Sunday.


:~ce~r..!:;, ~~m La"~




. . . . . fa . . . . . .

v:: ,~~~

g&tl~ . =~. T~I= .~~ .~- ~:'J:'

II. . Aanie





~ l'N~ to ~ the ..-q. ~ x-..


WIlli m D. Corwin LUti j bll

BToI., a Panuenblp. for money only.


Judee advlaed that Edna COwQn is
a Auill1ble person lol' treatment at
the Dnyton bCl!lpltal lind ordcl'Il(1 that
applica t ion b made ror her . ndmissian illt
that institution.
was 'advised that Edna . owen could
h r (. iv('d lit the Da yton hospital
I,tnd order ed thllt a warra nt f or he r
can\' yune be issued.
ourt fo und James Cann on incometent a nd orders that a g uardinn .be

Pigs Grow Faster

.When Fed the Wayne Way -


o urt { \.I nd B essll~ May t~ guilty

o ~ extreme (!Jlty a nd granted Oro.
1.7., Il dh'l>rce.
In the ca e of n enty E-: Deckenis a carefully planned
back v~. Robert eld. the d ~fe~and tested combination
du~t w
grant d 30 days . wIt hin
'~hlch to file ans wer to caus of ae- ~PI)ointed.
of clean, pure ingredients
t IOU.
Rolph B. Pn rks \\, 118 UJlpointcd lh
In the easo C)!. Robert Carothers uardian of JIIII1 S II nn on by t he
which insure
and Hlliph G. GorOlh('1'lI vs. Geor ge ~ourl
Moyer, j u(~~enlt wa$ r nd ored in faRniph B. Parks accepted th e
vo r of plamtlffs.
lut d.
wilh lerror.
. en.t was r ende r.ed In f avor oJ
ra E. Hu lt, n.dlllillis~rlltri x of
After hl'r e ~ c np e frolll Pa 1""0 n
' \' ou 1".cri d 1\1 ""'nn ru
h "I
nDing IS ~h e itJ.~s~~e ompn11Y \~l E e ~tS~ 0 th e ('sta le of 8\'olin e Boge r. fil ell . inl\ ("lIn !:J y- a n ~cllpe which l;h ~lill IOllgu' o\'er hi~ iip~'''' ,
Bou ..d to the North
crpdit d to Lowe\i-Jcnnne r('turned
" Yas. Defe;,d Y~ urselr. I ' m go- e
RJe5 I
0 .. \'5.

con \"' lItory un d appra isement.

to the pluntlltion and rl'lllnined there. i n~ to kill you. 1>1 rga n!"
nell et nil.
ourt ordered t hat Ned Hicks be
Lowell ,,'as appalled a t th e ~wift Her military ~nre('r was ended . finThe two mp n slart.>d a t ench other . Coun fo~ nd 111 fovo r of Ama nda nppo il\led !:'unl'dion of Olift'ol'd
neD of Kennedy's deduction. Hp ished. But ~h(' dill think of Armi- wit h death in lheir jtlances.
M. Walker In lho case o f Am nnda M. Hicks a nd Albert C. Jlicks, min ors.
Ita red nervously O\'cr the Krill' ma n's taj!c constant ly. She was thi nking
.~ r mitage W /IS fi rst t o move. Hf Wlli ker vs. ~oy J .. Rose. et ul.
Ned Hicks accepted t he trust and
Correct feeding right from the start will ' grow
head at Armitage. Armitagl' elnl'd of him this "cry mo r ning as she SUddenly
rellliz('d , n doubtless MorRoy Perk ms, alllls Rtcha rd DaV IS. mt'd bond
. ~ool enough, but as II muller 6f fact
your pigs rapidly, so you can fatten them for the
MIIhe was in to e cl ut ch of 0 mild form
out fu ll y comprc:henrlinA' what it sig- sllti faction In steel : h e want ed to ing. wilh in lent to stcal \Va s~ n te~c . pie be appoinled rdia n of Virgil
Peak Market in August or September. Way ne .Pig
of hypnotism.
tear und ren d lind break yond er man d t
t less t ha fi\'e yean Imp rlS
wailing." said Kennedy. nifled.
Meal \:>uilds bigger profi.t s for you .
The Generul explain ed the itulltion with his two bare ha nds. And t his e
a no.
. - P. .Fr yb urger, minor. W. Chester
"Whi~h of you two t ook Jeann e bril' fly.
he and hI'\' aunts must desire becnme regist ered in his
o.nme nt In the OhIO State pel1lte n Muplc Ilccc pled th e lru ~t a nd filed
Soldb y
Beauford aWlly fro m mc?"
pr pnr e at once to lea\'e the hou$e.
now no morc agr eeable to look
t lary.
. bond.
"Kennedy," r etu rn d Lowell, "wc
"Then th e re will be battlc hcre?" t han Morgan 'H.
Co urt gr a nted Thelmll Carroll dl
Th e first und linal lIeC(lunt of '. E .
admit you to be t he shepherd of this asked J eann e.
.J eall ne tell somelh ing vllguely pri. vorce. f ro m J ohn CaTl'~1I on grounds Dunh ul1I . lId ministrn lol' of t he esflock: but som etimes yo u go a little
"Yes. And th is spot will be par- mO I'dial stir in her heart. She knew. of gross n egle~t of. du ty and g ranted tate of altl unth ll J. Ze ntm 'yer , WII S
lor. We' re nol under your ordr ly dangerous."
They were going to fig ht for her: custody of t heir chIld to Th elma Car- appro\'ed. allowed lind confll'med.
era, you kn ow. And yet yo u slonn ticula
J ellnne turn ed gravel to ward h er a nd l he victor wO\lld s ling her over roll.
Fi r~t li nd fin a l ncco un t of 1I01'acc
into thiB r oom lind dl' if
.W. H .. F ulker th .wns a ppolllted 1'1.'- L. Scl U.' mcyer. lltim inistl'lllor oC t he
you had a uth ori ty-t o know who a un L. " You two go. 1'a ke the Ihings h i~ shou lch'r and I11nke ofT with hc rlDatched J eAn ne D Rulor t out of your th~~B~~u Y~~~'~.'~rice! the nnn ls.
~~~~~~'i~~ ~e~'s~;~.IC\ flnd no means of celve r w~th a utho!lty t o ta k(' chnrge estate (I f Walter S. Wilkc)'!;on. W IIS
cJawa. She came in to the city, at th e
Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio
T he terr or in hl'T focI' r esolved it. of t~ e 1Il1erest. 10 the crops upon approved, nllowcd ond confi rmed.
riak of h<lr liCe, 101' no oth er purpo

~elf into sOInl't hi ng a ki n to eager pre mIses belong mg to the de.rend ~nl
First an d fi na l accou nt of ' hal'tel'$
than to ask me t.he name of the ma n
Boom I
ness. She dropped her ha nds I rom In the case of the P~ud en tlal .Llfe D. Ma ple, II dm in i~trllt r e!t' bo nis non
who married he1'. [re fused: bnt ]
J eanne saw II f ounlain of wa t er her ch('('ks ond ca ught hold of t~E Insuran ce Co., of Ame rl CII vs. George of the estate of usnn . Lewis was
pve her twelve hours in which t o
W. Orr et aI.
ap pro ved, all owed li ne! confirmed.
~~Ve the city.
I ~onsider that. I act;... s pring up f rom t he r iver wber e t he edge of thE' Illulc.
Armitage's blade r oe and f ell vio.(11red Van Dore n elected t o take
Fil'llt a nd fin al ucco un t of P. S.
cil : aii a gentleman and with honor, shell stluck.
She saw the negroes sClUTYing lent ly but ,,' it hout gaining any advan premises lit appraised value in ' the Harba ugh. admini strat or of t he eRmilitary or civil, whichever you will."
Offlce- Aman Bid
so uthward like u llock of frightened tllge. Mnrlron WlIS quite bis equa~ metter of : Al flre d Van. Dore n vs. tale of Cathe rine 1\1. Harbuugh was
"I. too," sold Armitage.
"Ah wins!'
Kennedy, chokin~ with insane 1'8ge . geese. She was al orle. Sbe we nt jf not hi s rnos~e r, wit h t he 'Sabre.
Maud Van DorllD, a WIdow et al. approved. allowed a nd co nfirll1('d.
whirled uN on Armitage. "You were back In to th e house and brought ou t
T hey pu , h d euch other backWArd Cou~ ordered the sheriff upon reFirst and finnl ncco unt of Helen
"Thr(!e ilCt'S,"
the man t
9 to 11 B. m. S to 5' p m.
bandages. basins, wate r and sponges. and f orwa r d,. Armit.age wanted his comng proceed:s of sa.le t o distrlb- L. Robi so n. U(11111n 'l.tra tri x of the cs.. ' 0 yu h doh '!"
Ah wins. "
The deep s o~nd cnme from the mll n with h l ~ uuek 10 .the fireplace.

"Yes. And I would do the same

7, to 9 p m.
tate of Callic Rob iso n, \VII S ullprov()d
"Whll t yuh got?"
thi~ over and over, as many times north again, one, twice, three times. Morglln was man eu'/I!fIng to crowd ute same an ~lIy certain ~ums.
al you contrived to catch her. Is
" T wo nines a n' n razor."
fendan ts be ":,a,de by publu!atlon!n
Second a ccoun t of O. S. Higgins,
tbat frank enough?" Armitage got
" Yuh sho do. How come you 80
up, throwing otf his dressing gown.
~he case of Wlhlon H . Rucker, odmlll g uardian of Margar et R. Sa bin, was lucl<y?"
"Let u's have the truth while we're
IIltrat.or of . the estate of John J. approved, allow d and confirm ed.
Warn"vill.. Ohl
.bout it. , Wh.t il! the North or
Rucker vs. Thornas E. GlaslI, et aI.
H. B. Thompso n, admini ~trato r of
Soutl) to mel so, long as I love Jeanthe estate of Finley Thompso n, was
ne B4aulort. '
authori zed by court to di tribll te ce rNoae oltl1em could ever recollect
h0l! ' it started, that 'terrlftlc ~on\est
Raymond Guttery VB. Howard T. tain stocks.
I N FOil ElOl.O VilE
wlilch carried all tbree of them here
Cook ,for money only.
Report of Milton S. Keever, execaJia there about the room, toppling
Elsie Bird VEl. W. E. Graham, et utor of the will of W. Oscar Keevchabi, beginc into bookcues, surgai, for money ~Inly.
er, was approved and confirmed.
111 bito ~~~n, two airalnaf one, ~he
Lewis Thomas vs. W. E. Graham,
Court orde red lhat Forest D.
ugh, filth~lng desper1 f or . money on Iy.
Haines, admisinistrator of the estate H. A. ero..
und R . O. Cro
ateb o4dl,
for their
at 11.
v .
. Elsie Bird \'S. Alfred Brant et al. of Esther Ball to sell certain real es- Th" Lebll l10n C ltl .~n . Nntlonnl
A~ l:r.t bru'd, panting and
tat e.
l~lln k lln a 'l."r Ulll 4..1 Cl rll.
, , '-J
tile,. drew
back from tbls
Cor money only.
Beo No. U7 30
B)' vir tue of n il ordor or 80J e. duly
... ~

troUl oold c.,url. In the abov e
enll quite u ~b1UPt1y al it had beRaines, administrator of the estate s ta ted e n oc. nlld to me d lrect~d. r will
.... ' Kenll~dy lIy.a:ered over to a
that I've got of Esther Ball, had carried out the off r to r sn \e. by 'W1l.y of public I\U Oelair and' fell ,i nto it, covered his
et yOU p:o lIgam, now
d h
. . lion. 'Il th o ,toor Or I h C:o urt Hou..
vou? What's the north or the south or er 0 court, or,dere. t at admlm~- In Leba no n. \ nr re n ('ounl y" OhI o. on
f ol- ~ . .. hla "an"- -nd wept!
trator PIlY cerlalO btlls before dill Monday. til H Ut.j y o( Depleml,er.
"Kenned,?'.' I&ld ArmItage.
lo you and me! "
,.. O. 19 U7. a t 10:80 o l bck n. moo on
"Yea. son I I...,-} cuellS I'm quite
"Son I"
. ~Ibutlon of. the proceeds of sale be sllhl 00. . thO (otlowl nlf d scribed real
ma~ .It Clme ove,: me with a rush
Parson Kenneidy lurche!1 ill through mude.
e'!jt~at :I~lt ih 'l'nwnshlp or Wllyne
. '. ,llw! to. do j -Quite mad I"
the shatte!,ed :Fr~nch win~ow. ~e . Charles Matter, pleaded guilty of In th
ounl1'. or Wl\tren una Stat.. of
K. .nefi~ hia bands from his
was a grIsly object, covered WIth driving a motor vehicle while Intox- uh lo. BtHI toeI ng pan ot \ilec. n. T.. NotLl b.t R.lla ..l. 'Se.... a
.Ieee.' ~' ~
t have IdUed you both.
wounds and tbte greenish pallor on .
$ '
n.. 1If. H. S. Beglnl)l"&, at a alon" In
V'In!, U'"
' auen f :a ee foretold that '"e Icate ,an ~a8 fined 25. an costa.
the cent r of th eo Inclnno.U and Xenia
hl'S unsh
~ny".ba I eoWdll't ,help it. rd

t d
d th t Mit
b TurnpIk e a t t il northweM I corllel' ot
Phone 81
. ~ .,. ~ "olMr"~UU~y.
stood on the Brink.
o~r or ere . . a
I on
oon e Mk>ho.el Ho.mllton torfl'J erl y Jobn nob..
, ~
M~," said La.well
"Jeanl)e Beaulort--"
apPolnt~d admmlstrator of the es- " rl'8 Ib.nd...a id . tan J.o,vlnll' b.en 10 1
" __ 'd
~ I" Arm' t'~e ran toward tate oC Snrah 'Moon.
eh.\ceil b y Joel Eva ne. 8ur"oyor. un,.. -T'~ed.Y
aft and
th0 MOoIon
t rm . ot
een ~=========::=::=::~
IiP~:ecf, UD
hIS bat
left the
the gray man, but ennedy wave(l
Milton Moon accepted the trust. d0r
(or compr.
Su, anomla"
'''--tl': ........,-- hili head.
him lIIJide.
Court appointed W. H. Berger, A. John . Roherts In Cft No. U1. Wur.n .
- .. 'I'"'\~
COllnty Common Plea. ' Court. IIond run.
Oil a ' eUtatn' IIJIr~ momin,g , Mor"I am dying!.' A s~nge, gen e- D. Barkalow and George E. Milia as nlng . th nce S. U 15' E . 40.o, chalna
~: ' rod. ~ 111011 the pike toness. formed about hlB mout~ and appraisers of the estate of Sarah ~~ (h'8tlf~ tt}tI!':~"~! ttb".er\;:~~~C::C:f!~ '
w8d "b. Beaufort plantation. He
' '
eyes. "Jeanne Beaufort, forgive 1 I, Mo n
. .
lIne or
li nn 11 : th ellce "jtb Eaat
d.I.i DOt.aop ~til be re.ched the
". am ti ...d-" A.d ah. laid har,head alt Jail .1.....
who once preached of theLamb, han ' o.
B~ctlon line ot Sec. 11 N. 1 U' E. to
COlllRWldbur~1 tent.
lived as the "W01I . . Christ !IBId:
Court authorizedlOharlel ; . Con tl'l S. E. (\Orner of the ltolul" or J .
.. ~~ ~ e ~Id, "I have ' to re.- .It sbell burst ' in the prde". A tat- A'iiiiI~ against the table
'Forgive them, for they kn~w n~t over administrator of the estate. of ~~e~t.w:[f: El~I:'a::':illh~l:e~on6&+I'A~; '1
~ .~~, ~e , ~ea,) ten ,tbousand too rattled against the side of the which Jeanne Btood.
what they do.' And I- have -not - Mintha M. Irwin, to distribute cer- W. 3.2 4 eha: tllenco N. 8t' 46' W. U4
~~I Br4! Withjri A h.o ur I ~rcb, house. Schrapnel, Bhe thought.
"The bricks I" cried Jeanne, "Push way. known w'hat I did I ' . ' . Poor taln assets of the -eltate.
olla.lnll to !l, point In th e f",hanon a.n(l
~,,1ea. ~eir cavalry ~11 be Sbe experienced not the leut fear him_back.l.
child I"..lie.. bee~.oned to Jea!)ne, then
Court authorized admiJli
W~)I~~~ ~I~I:. tl~
Ih~n eo S. ~~~
, ~" .ui'iin half t~t tim!!. Their ob- Indeed her sensation WIIIJ o,ne of de- She wu w~thout mercy; she wanted to Armitage. "'Kneel, children. God th
f u th M I I to II Jlolea~ th ence S. , 60, W 7. U polea ;
jefct'1i' to \>1d1Iank US and eqt Ul! air tachment: she wos here an,d yet .not Morglln ~o die. ,
has given .you love; I will give you
e 0 ,.. r a . rw n
se thence S. 39 H' 1,' 7. chain,,; tbe .. ee
!rota jolntn, Lee."
here; it WIIIJ only her soul: bel' body
'''rhanks, IIweetheartl" said Mor- benediction. K.neel." ..
1 A I certa I~stocks. d
d th ~8' .~~. 6~. Vf . SIO ~ 'Il'a~~~),&~r;:;:Dl!'
cou approve an can nne e tOl'merly Ruth I8le(ldom'. Eut line;
, 'TIye or lix mllell awayl" cried the 'was elsewhere, and so nothing cqul\l gan.
Wohderingly the two me t. rm G~ ~nWted. . "I recllived In-. hurt her.
Kis . fury roused, to its
tage had never seen Kennedy'e face sale of certain property by Ownly thence 80utltwlth ,,"11 Olement.'. for1'....
f~.HI.~n ut 'n1tf1l~ 'tb&t the Yan- '
ht'ough the broken .window sbe pitcb by the BOund of
like this; never ba'd there been that Furman, guardian of Robert O. Fur- :':"~lr S~Fd~:I::'a r:,~~,it';l!~d~h'ih~n:.;
en satl in ,~p. thirty miles sa men in' butternut runiting, turn- and ~ its signficance. looped beyond benign note ill his .voice .. Jeanne man; a minor et al.
yo.ld Clement.' South line to tne Utica
...... S
. Q, O.
'In to tir.e WI they run:
the bounds of caution. For a few dropped to h,er knees In a bhnd wOllOwnly Furman, .... ardian of Rob- (K,lrby) ptke: th ence eutwnrdly ;wIth
.. 00.14 pIke to th o W~at ltne of a 10 acr. L _____________- '
h d all I b I
ve mare e
.. g ... II r.
pushed in through the moments Armitage WIIIJ hard put to er.Jeanne Beaufort. the man you ert 0.. Fu. rman, wu ordered to pay trnct 0.;' pJo.Jted In
8e No,' 6474 War- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
1 lI:Dow~Ule I marched with do
' bloody balidnge WIIIJ 'wound it to snve bimself. ' 1;Ie felt his legs
b II
ron Coonty. Ohio. Common PIllA. Reel.... _ . [
th b
d h' .' d
' .! h
H ki k d ba k
d married is deaC!. No, not Morgan," ceam I s"
ord"i thence SouthwBrdl,. wIth _Id
~...... ..
awa, . 'f' .e, arC!! aroun
18 Iiea at II r alUS ang e; touch a chair.
e c e
c war - liS Jeanne mechanically tumed her
The Lebanon-Citizens National \I ea. IIno of aal 60 " ore tra~t to the
be- head townrd the quiet form by the Bank !lnd, Trust Company, by C. C.
all1 a6oqer . 1 ve been inSIde their tiis revolver at the shadows pouring gall to force Morgan back, " so we table. "It wns Anns~ong, the man Eulass, trust oftlcer, executor of the nn,l all1lrulnr th e IlPllurtenaoou.
for. tliree .day&. I Was discov- nto the "moke. He t url;ed back to "ve n stoop to fo rging a bit of tatoo- who died in your garden. Presently estate of Adallne T White fil ed in- ' 'rh above <I orlole.d real C)ala.te I"'bll~l
.. discover ed Jeanne.
. .I~ e ' us b a th to. geth e.
r I' ventory and
. .. ,
80ld fr ee ond 0 co.r or""ny r If
b,. a man named Parson Ken- reload- und
ing, do we?"
God,,",,'w III JU"6,
II Ie o.n(l Interest clo.lm or I\en of .. I
. n~M. He seized tlle nearest musket
"Good in beaven, you here yet."
J ennne heard these words but the
Kennedy ' stretched out hIS hands,
Go rge E Fryburger administra- [",ba.. on- IU. n~ N",Uolllll Banlt and
~I\. c:orporo.tlon. aa 0011'\1 ....- __..,;.~...:..;:-,.______ _ _ _......._
, .,....- ..0 I e or me:
"Morgan" she murmured
pomt In them passed over her.
ere .one u ,!n
. '.
tor of the estate of Emma L. Fry- t ro.,t or Of tll o atate or n. Van T1'",,8.
t,* ~net .in tUne',to prevent ita goThe hou~e rocked. A rubble of was on Iy one clear though~ in
.masns's fli~o!!nC:~~, ~~~~cg~e~itu~l~ven- burger, flied first and final accou~t.. ~~~. a~o.~i-y E~i"';,oir~:."~~' a~O~t 8~~~ .LoANS on Chattels,Stoeb, Seeari:ina,:Uato my alp.tll. 1 )mocked him brick and mortar came piling int-o head- that Morgan sbould die at
neWhoen the la's' t word was spoken
Charles S. Mounts, execlltor of the o.nd treo nnd lear of any Dower
till and Second Mor.-.:..... Nolet
wjth. the bu~ Anybody got a the firepluce. A shell hnd struck the fee t.
d ' ti
t t
f S'
fil d . of the JUlia R o y Smtth, lbereln. 8a.ld be"
J h H bl "-J X 1_
dr.~p pf whi!lky'! I'm about done I" ehi~ey.
"She is mine I" ~aid Morgan
there came a 'eep 8Ullplra on.
e os a c a
usan ayner, e BUp- real estato haa been .-... ularl,. apur,.~ . o. n
at ne r.,
.11 ...
. He sat down on
camp-stoolt ac- "So you wouldn' L run a wny? . That's
"You lie I" She never wae a~d
hands slipped limply to ~is !qtees. -plemental and final distributive ac- pral.e(l und er ord~r of tbe Court at Ohio,
~Pted .. ftuk ~d drank rather aee.p- like' you!" Morgan laughed sardon- er will be yours!"
Bo~h JeIlnne and Armitage looked up count.
~~~ea~~a ~1~1~~i"h~.:~iOdO)fo~lJ:~.tl1=
I,. <forone who wiahed merely a tomc. ically. "We're beaten! But what of
Armitage returned no answer.
Court authotl7.ed M. H. Oswald, ad- L""1-tblrda of ...Id appra"ed valUe.

.' 'l1IIe aide who bad otfered the whis t~t" s weetheart? While there's life every oun ce of skill and Btrength
Parson ' .John . enne Y ~h s o~J ministrator of the estate I1f .J ohn H.
'1'el'll\8 cub. ALFRl!lD C BRANT
IQr had.eeen men drink thil! way when there's hope 1''' He laughed again.
possessed. be succeeded in driving sHoUlb had fPEastesed 'tOyut into
e q
Holzlin,. to sell certain securities.
Sberlff of Warr .... Cou.. ty. 01.10. F4nD8ra of . WlIJT8n . and ad.lolnln.
qaey 80\J8ht for 1I0methmjt caned, In the face of this new danger Morgnn among the fallen bricks by ar or a
I!v W. H. FuUterth, ])eputy.
binI ~
Jeanne forgot all about that outside. the fireplace.
(The End)
(Continued on poge 3)
Dean E. ,Btanle,., Atty. '
I-IOIt eoan ' ea malo ta mone::,.~o.:;.~o:;:n~.!......_ _....Morc~ returned the ftuk, ripped The man was battle-mad, shorn of
MUl'gan lowered his point . and ran
time 10al'll, at 15 per cent IDte"""
tJi~ sl!-leve from hla left arm and D!a!l:e civiJizati9n'e veneer, reckless and to' the left. In his endeavor to fol-~ --,- I

Cost of senrlnc the .am. hi VJ raa.

a ' rude bandage for the cot on blS premordlal.
low up the advantage, Armitage ran S'MATT.ER POP
Tough Gang Too t
.B y C~ M. P~ YNE IOnable ,throurh
Federal Lad
I ");fenry Morgan- "
af~ul his own trap, tripped over a
Sanj{. For furth Info~
' atlo~
__ II
'l!he General wu . alreJ!.dy . i8I1ui!1f: ' "Yes, I understand. You've found brtck uud clime to hlB knees.
ordera. The ba~erle8 were III POBI- out the truth. Yes, 1 was there in
Before ho could arise, Morgan
'On or addre. ... O. DRA . Tn...
ti.on alld a thousand .men were to re- Richmond that night. I ' was one of whirled and was upon him, death
'u hr, phone 8UI-X, Lebanon, Oblo.
~n.. with the guna to hold .the 'Onion the eleven . Can't ,you guess which his smile of assurance.
fOfC\!B in check until ~he httle army one? What then?"
. J eanne cried out and leaned .forwere beyond the danger of a flankHe walked over to her. She step- wllrd'. And then a miracle happened.
in~ move~ent.
ped behind tho table. She WlI S un- There came a shatteHng of glass
'}fajor' Morgan," ealled the Gen- IIrmed; and she was no longer with- fr om th e .window behind Jeanne.
LOST- Near the M. E, chureb, a
eral, "will you take command of .. out fear.
At the same moment Morgan spun
b~ttery? . This bll~ guards the
"Do you know why 1 am here, on his heels, his face twisted with
Greek, jeweled IOrorlty pin. Reriver. I want an hour.
Jeanne? Haye I not t old you a thou thnt expl'(JssiOll of intense lIt1rprise
w.rd, Finder please leave . at quette
"You shall have it, ,sir-that is, if sand times that you were mine, which always accomp.a nies a mortal
they don't blow us out," Morgan sa- mine? Bah! Let the iools eut each stroke. Be tried to speak; his ilaber
other's throats; you and I wiU begin slipped f rom his fingers; he stacF~~ R,ENT
the honeymoon I"
gered backwurd and fell headlong in
He threw out his hand unexpected- f ront of the table, at 'J eanne~s feet.
Iy and caught her by the wrist, dragOu t of the ruck of fighting beyond
FOR RENT-Desirable farm of 100
tring her from behind the table. "It lhe hou~ e, Fate had marked 11 wild
acres, I)ear Centervilie, Motj~mer:v
llf I, sweet wife, I. Henrr, Morganl bullet as her own and had directed
c'o unty, Ohio. W. A. Malabary, 'So~th
Homo sum ; I am the man I '
it at Morgan' s breast.
qharlellton, Ohio.
' .~~,
She struggled fiereely to release
"What is it?" asked Jeanne. still
her wri8~nd ' saw the symbol on in the dark.
the 'man'8 forearm 1
"A chanee bullet through the winWANTED
Outaide were blue-clad figures, dow."
among them one she knew.
Jeanne was still the woman these
WANTED-Home for.a 16-year-ol<l,
Tueaclay. 9 a.m. 3lp.rn
Morgan was pressing her head two men bad fought for. She erept
bqy in the .c ountry . Mra.. PrlacUIa'
black to kiss her lips, when she around the tab le and silently caught
Saturday.8 a.m. 7 p~m screamed_
, '.
Armitage's arm _in her tense hands
Harvey, Ha~eY:lbur&'" O)lio.
"John Johnl"
"He is dead1"
Armj~ge came in through the bro"Yes."
ken window, grim and disheveled. It
"I am tired." And she laid her
took him but an instant to understand head against his sleeve. .
He . seized Morgan and flunR' him
His saber cllltt.ered to the floor,
FOR SALE--250 bUllliela
cOrlw: .In:
aralnst- the wall. Jeanne rim back , and he did what- the stone-age man
quire of Flora Bern'hill, ' 2127 Into the table again here eyes wide would have dOlle: took the woman in
diana Av'l., Colu'm bal, Ohio ',al''-'
his IIrms and kissed her. And Jeanne returned that kiss.
FOR SALE--Thr'1e pui'.b~ed Anrua ~
Boom. Boom, Boom! They
male yearllnc calves.
Qn t1Ie
sending shells across the river, whithWedgely'Farm, R. D. 2; Spriq
er the gallant gray lads were making
ley, Ohio. , I
. ',- , .al' ,'.
th eir last s tand. The tumult about
the house had ceased. '
POWER 'EQUIPMENT "Jeanne . how ' could I help loving
. shafting, haugen; Nt eol1arti, beltyou? How could any man? But
ing. />abbl~. met:al. el\Cble ad boner ' .
you shall not live in dread and doubt
any longer, oath or no oath. I was
Ohlo/ '
CO., ,'16 W, Mabi , "
not the man w!to stepped out and
Earl, for- Your~. nat
first offered to marry you. It was
SA:LE:-Load of-' ItOCke ea~..
Morgan. He knew ;who , you wer.e ."
Satlsf.c-tioft 01' . Chari Nothinl~ .
J. A. ' 11a.,Il, P~"D.
"But--the mark on his arm I"
Burlil1tton Oblo, .
, . .
'lIt WIIS .made recently. God knows
w.ha~ark iaeit-he had i,n. .l)lind. BePiPE, 'VALVE& ":.AND .

, U.
'.... 109
SIdes, the mark Isn't qUite identical
(or. ali purPo....
Phcm. NO. 320
. to ,the true Olle. Sec I" . He jolled
, . up MOl'lJ'an's al~eve.
'&;..;;;.-...- ...-----~~~~-~--------....
"Girl, do fOU think that l'n



10' 1

"CASH IN" -on Pea k Mark e t


Waynesville. Farmers'
Exchange Company



c. W.



- ----


- -.\oIl


Dr. W. E. Frost




HmeJshurg' .F-..a!':-

w ..

t~~ ~~ ~:~fr;.~rd~~tif!r h}~ 'W: ra!mt~ ~~e b~~do:ll!n~P~~IP~~~4 :1!'~S~~~i~e s~13,e:a




~~~: :f IIL"n'ft~n;;:~f ~~n~~':.ln~lt116.3'


Fa rmers Atten.ti on!










F.. T.



Jesse Stanley


Btl; x.nIa,


B....... t--O
on, ' .








.Katend .. til, Poatoftlce at W~ynelV ille, 0" u Second C1aii MaU Matter
D. L. CRAM. E.utor P.bllA.r. Wa,_...w.. CHito
Subscription PrIce, 11,60

per ,ear.



The r'enson
orli cfforts arc a
op" is
Mr. Tex Ricknl'd will Bo~ie lillY
write an enllghtoning book on prize they'r~ batj~d on "bunk." '
- 4 )flgh~ing and prize flghterlr-Tafter lie
A couple of Ili\Ots got in a fight
gets through with ~oth. JUBt. now during an :a!rpilln e flight in Kansas
he fee ls that the radio takes part of
his profits. At the last milliondollar - the mach me craKhing.
t his is the ultrll i n everything to lose
fight there' was one 'seat unsold, un til
qui to late in the afternoon. Mr. - nothing to gain.
-?Hicknrd 8Uggests that listeners-In on
Pro hibi t ion Chi ef Lowman says
th o radio should pay twenty-five cents
each lor the pleasllre of enjoying Uncle Sum hRS enough whis~y .O!l
years for medlclhllnd
I to IU Rt Beven
h h' still newlI for
fight details. That would prpduce a
five or ten milllOil dollar fight. and na purposes, W IC IS
enable Mr. Rickard to begin, sooner, tho bootleggers.- 0 writing his book, "Gloves I Have Put
1'he National Dentists' association
on Othera."
. is told that thel'e are only 20 aets of
Some, unsympathetic, 8uggest th~t, perfect natura' teeth! in all of Amer811 the Government .c an control r!ldlo.
ieu which indicates t h',lt t he dental
it should forbid broadcasting brutlll
and bloody detail. of prize fiehting !n business is n ho,,":Un g bIg success.
millions of homes. Government WIll ....
New York now has Its ~hlte w,ay
not allow movine pictures of prize cops
.dresse dln t uxedo dmn er BUltS.
lights to be carried from one State to We Ju.s t know 80me hu.morou8 so ul
another. Why allow the story, by
radio, to be. carried into. every State. in R OIght .club br~wl WIll so~ncr or
It i8 the broadcas ting of prize figh ts later conceIve the Idea of lossmg unthat eventually will stop prize fight corked catsup bottle8.
In,. Clel'lrYmen, listenin, in, will
combine to stop the brutality, and
they will be able to do it. The
The diner had not enjoyed his meal
wonder is that they have not. done at oil. A nd. in accordance with t he
so already. Prize fighting Is a real instructio ns on the menu "kindly remoral issue. mora Important t~an Jo- pOIt IIny dissatisfllction to tbe mannah and the whale, or DarWin Ilnd ageme nt," he called t he head waiter
_ _ __
to his tab le.
"I have a serio us complaint--" beTRAVELING NOW AND THEN gan the diner. but was interrupted.
"Then why don't you try a hospitThis country, aa everybody kn ows, a l, sir."
baa more miles of talkoad track than
any other country in t he world.
Somethin, that ought to make railroad IIUUlBiera and their stockhold
She- "If you remember 1 wasn't
era think I. the fact that "common 80 anxious to marry you. I refused
carrier" motor omnibus lines have you six times."
more miles of bus routes than railHe-"Yea; and then
my luck had
road. have of rail linea. Two hun to &ive out."
dred and Mlventy thouaand miles for
the bUIes, 257',000 miles for tile rail

----.. -----



alrplanel begin competing

with. the railroads and buses t he sit
uation win be more complicated .
. Children in the iChoola now will tell
their children: "I remember when
my. lather used to travel lone . dis
tanees In the railroad train. When
he went: to OaUf\lrnla he had ' to sleep
f~ur nlehta on the train."






The aven,. youn, flapper quite
. often ,eta mad, quarrels and cries-but they lOon "make-up."

J\: I,

S ..._C


The Cflnterville Limestone

W" E"" (bOd!//P M~~.,.$
Co., atone, $43.66: Hugh Bevan, lItone
(',055IP 'rtiE "op II\...T"
and land, $34.10: Bevan and Stingly.
same, $136.60: Grol8 & Basore, cement, $3: Franklin Vulcanizing a.nd
Tire 00., repairs, $1; 'Herschel T.
James, tl'uck repair, $1.70; John Law
Marie R. HUlll8berge.r to John F. &: Son, repair .o n su rveyor 's carN.
Carey, lata In l~anklln.
$27.4 6: J?hn Donnell, labor. $25:
R. Weisman. 1.0 the Ohio Bell ~el- saDlo, estima,te o n contract. $128.
one Co., to COn9~()t bnes The International Harvester Campaproperty 111 Mason .
ny repairs for tru ck, $2.26;
ROBS to the Ohio Bell H.' S. Conover. supplie s. $2.:1 0; .Ino
ne Co., right to construct Gunckel. welding. $1; L . J . P 'n ' C,
over prope,rty in Mason.
slllllc. $2.5 0; The Ge m City Blu e
Mary J. Lowe to the Ohio Bell Print and SUIJIIl y Co., lllu u prints.
Telephone Co., . right to cons'!uct $2.62; Ba nham Motor Co. " rcpllirs
over property In Maso n.
for county ca rs f or surveyo r. $24.28;
Bell and Jo~n Zim
Ed Meloy. bridge repair, $ J 4.2 0 ; W .
He had fallen rn r her. Thl'Y
. al., to Emerson Dill . 26 tow n A. Scott. same. $7.20 Th e Frank were ill cln ~~(' loget her but ~h E' did
ID Mt. Holly.
Sherwood Co., s upp1i e~. $23.0 1 ; The not ~f1(, llk to him , ny <i e"IJl'ru le
C. A. Yund~sl to J . W. a nd Osie Morrow Lumber Co . cement, ~e\\'or mean s h ~ finall y IHllt hl' !' . Thoy were
A. Sne ll. lot 1111 Harve~s~urg.
pipe and lu mber. $ 13.09: Littlejohn alonc. Iii ~ dream hlld cvmc tru e'.
"How'!; your Malh ?" s he afiked.
Esther Rail, by admin istrator. to Bros . cement. $ 11 6.00; C. C. Em"Good." h rep li"c!. " H ow 's yuu ..
George E. Hull, lot in Franklin .
. monR. labor on road. $ 17.85; Monroe
Eugene W. Hughes ' and Carrie & Johnso n stakes for s urv eyor. Anatomy?"
J" h
t W ' " II h i t ' S

.. ug es 0 .... . ug es. 0 In a $22,50: The B!l~rett Co . . tnrvla de. . "I think you 're hurrid !" Mhe exclaimed.
10 111 Tp.
li vered and appllcd . $4!l5.50.
Ja mes T. and Mary Helms, of
Morrow . to Woodrow Hughe s, lot in
- ..
Ca8sie BalemD,", of Ra minon Co. .
"I'o! fn ee h eli iLself Lo marry th ut
to Mrs. Suruh T. Ledford, .50
Lorrl Bnbhington was inslruclinp: gir l, A rc hiliald.u s."
. .
t own ucre8 in Wurre n county.
the n ew ~olored servaot in his du o "Yo u WIll. Il""l cIll U~, WUlt till you
Mllry It Githens to State of Ohio. ties. add ing : "Now, Zeke. when I meet her moth<!r."
.027 ~own acres in Clea rcreek Tp.
ring fol' YOll, you must answer me by !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!~
Allison Taylo r to State of Ohio saying. "My lord. what will you
1.226 town acres in Clearcreek Tp.
have? "
Stanly L. and Dorothy E. And erA fcw hours afterwards. having
Bon to State of Ohio .844 town acres occasion to summ on the serva nt. his
in Clearcreek 1'".
lordship was a sto ni shed with the fol .
Henry KiBSinger to State of Ohio lowing :
.496 town acres: in Clearcreck Tp.
"My Gawd. what does you wan t
P. L. and O. IP: Getts to State of now?"
Ohio . 9 14 to;wn acres in Clearcreek
_ _ __
Anna al\d Ru lth Nntt to State of :l/O'J' Jf'Jll FUll A IJJ.l f'A I JHN . F Ull
I' Il'l' IFU; A'I'E f .... 1"1111.10 ( UN"F.
Ohio. 1,262 town acres in Clearcreek .. . C:-i1F.:-iCi1
AND :-i1'X'Ellll l 'I'" '1'0 01'township.
f:JlATEl 'A MOTlln TllANSrOn'l'A.
'I' IU N ( 'OMI"AS\I.
P. and Marion. A. Hayes. to State
Public n o tice ~eh)' g l"e n 'h "t
Ohio .631 tOWIII acres in Clearcreek
P. L. HOll gh haB fli e d wit h the Pul, lI e
tow nship.
UlI llti eH COl1lml u lon or Ohio nn nppllPerry E. and Mary I. Wade, to (!R tf o n tor n ce rtltl C' nl o or public co nvcntL~lce Ilnd
n ece ~u~ lty
to 0 0 ra t P hR
Stat.e of Ohio ,,744 town acres in mo
t o r transportation .company tor t e
Clearcreek Tp.
trnn epo rtntlo n or prop e rly .ove r the
following .. out e. t o_oil. Irrogulnr.
C. H . Githen s to State of Ohio. Number of tr ips 10 b e mnd e doll y wllJ
1.693 town #Icresl in Clearcreek Tp. b"N::;~'i,~~I~'i' motor v ch lc l es lo be u s e d
Harry Gris t t(ll Edward and Sarah
l ll( IJ:lrll~B Inl eresl e ll non y obtain InCrist, lot in Mation.
rormn tl on as t o limn nnd 'Placf' of h rnr
OW1t:1ey Furman. ,Victor E. and lng upon Bam apptl cHlt o n by nddrctu-dn2'
Robert O. Furman to Robert H . the Public UtlglteK ommls.lo n or Oh io
at Co lu mbus. hl o.
F . l... trOUO H.
ones. lot in Lebanon.
Stree t. " ' llyn e." IIl . Ohio.
Lydia R. Bunnell aDd Paul C. Lane 8- 17 Third
-3 t
to Tine Roberta, lot in Franklin.
Tine Roberta to Claude Milton,
CA'I'ION_~~,.,~ .
in Franklin.
t"lEnTIl"IC ATE OF l u nl.lC
Charles F. Myers to GeorlO
.mATIil A MO'I'OI1. ... 'ANSI0I1
Catheryn M. Dugan, lot in

M. C. Gordon spcnt the weekend
in Centerville and Dayton.
Walter A. Ra p, paper manufaeturG. B. Davis fell on the street, Tues- er of Franklin, and Martha Loulae
iniurlng his face painfully,
Pardee, at Franklin.
Sam Kirbey is the guest of Mr. . and
Mrs, C. E. Gordon and tamily.
T his community was well repre
sented at the Wilmington fair last
woek .
D r. and Mrs. Earl Fros~ a!o ehter
nlng t:o of Mrs. Frosts nlcces, for
wo wee s.
.Th Woman's Civic League
With Mrs. Howal'd Graham Saturday
Re latives from. this vicini ty were in
a ttendance at the Collett-McKay pi
nic. Saturdny.
Miss Mlll'ie Paul hus gone to Cillclnnati. where she will enter high
8chool this full.
A fcw from here attended the.
f th FI 'l l b
D' t . t f
nlC 0
I 5 oro III rIc 0
M. F.: . church lit Harmo n pal'k,
M.r. and l\il's. A: Z. lI ~l'~sock
famIly, of Clurksvlllc. vl Rltcd
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W . T. Jordan.
The 4-H club girls li nd boys. with
the gir! H' .Ien der. Mi ss Helen Randall.
nr~ enJ oY ing cllmp life at Camp Ross
thiS week .
M,.~. H erbert File and Jun e Ellen .
W 8~hillgton C. H . nrc vi siting
Mrs. Fite's parents, Mr. a nd Mrs.
Frunk Wil so n. . .
Mr. and Mrs. B. Bnrtone and Mr.
and Mrs. Vance, of t he Ideal Comedy
Co., called Oil IIfl'. and Mrs. J. C.
Gray. Sunday.

Miss Winnifred Starr and brothers

Lester. Vcpnoll Lawrerlcc nnd Elmer.
of Spring Vu lley. culled on relati ves
here Su nday afternoo n.
Mr. and Mrs. Jo e Heisey. of Dayton, were guests this week of Mr.
Heisey 's sister, Mrs. Mary Finch, and
on Friday helped her celebrate
83rd birth date.
When food boiled over on an oil
stove cau8ing ,it to blaze uP. t he
home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Emery
caught fire Friday. Mrs. Ross
ed heroically and had the
most exti ng uished by t he time
unteers from town arrived.
- - -- - - - - JUST AS EASY



ProCeBSor A-flDo you know, I

find it difficult to remember the nges
oC my children'?"
Professor B- "I have no
trouble. I was born twenty-three
dred years alter Socrates, my wife



Aug. 29 - Sept. 3
A Million DollAr Llvc Sto4
World', Pint Auonaudcal
Old' time DUlcinl and Old
time Plddlinl Conte
World', Greate.t CAD.

Sbeep and HorK Show.

A Half'Million Dollar Dol
Farm Machinery Exhibit.

HUJe Exhibitt of Fum Uld

Pactory ProduCtl.
International Rodeo

Five Day of Ho~ ~~.

Grute.t L&'&w'
Day CeleGration.

America '.

Au,. 26-ROD~'


Dr. John W .. Miller



the.R,.... ...,."n


B.... '8la"
nlotor vehicl es to be
All(Jp ... rU cs Interes ted< may 0 bt a I n I no,
formaLlo;, 1\8 to time and p l nce 0

hearlnl{ up o n enId npplicatlon by addre ln t he Public Utllltiea Comml.

elon o(,-Ohlo at Colllmhu8. Ohio.
W. B . SQumms.
Mnln Street. W.sncllv llle. Ohio.

.. - ..----


Trustees of Public Affairs,

and gas, $4.02; 88me, water
$6; same, wa.r rent, $4; The
-Bon &: Watson Co., record of Willa
"A Chicken," said the colored par. for probate court, $81; Bell Preu,
8On, "a mde mos'usemullest animule supplies for Soldiers' Relief Commie.
dat am made. Yo' c'n eat him before sion, $4: C. J. S.:hwartz, supplies for
~.A_. UL--'
he am bohn an' acter he am daldl" Court H.ouse, $1.; The Office
II.! A..,..-W\ei
- - -... -
ters' Repairs on typewriter, .. .I.I.DU:I
. PWI~'."" "''''I.-II-I-Rj,--p,..t....--fto
"t t pte)
The W. H. Andelllon Co.,
"Stop! What wa88P;~~r ~orldlY ~ Service ~o~ 1927, ~7.60: The Dm-D~lDMDU. _~""'ICM.w.N
Chmc, medIcal stllvice at jail,
Spirit-" I was a traffic cop!'
; C. J. Watkins, supplies for
....,8'\lIUIr<~ IWIIRISt. P.eter-flGo."
$1: John La,W' &: Son, cas and
=====';'=========I f.o r sherifr's county cars, $18.61;
..-r .... ItAOWI'IMOOfl "....OAI
lery Atkill8On, ill bar on county
auf \8 ~ ~ ~
$1; Ruth and Anna ":':i.~'~d."~
and dama,e for Pi
Pracdrol PCJt;fem
$278.10: Amanda r. .........nlf'
$86: AnUllnda Zellers, lame,
No.. 1150
: F. A . Burnett. lame, $116 Clara
Stacey, same, UI0: Allison Tay.
same, $122 Oliver E. and EliaaKin" same, $180; stanley L.
~d Dorothy,Anderaon. same, $76: W
A. Surface, et a18, lame, $200"; J8II
. P. .nd Marion IIIa.ys, lame $100;
E. and Mary I. Wade, same,
P. L. and O. P. Getts, same,
C. H. Gltihena, 88me, $332;' C"D<lon.
Kesalngel', lame, $240; Frededcka Feum, same, $60: J. L. and
~. A. Kenrick, same, ,76: G. W. Sine
lame, '145: A. II. Brackney,
$286; M. S.lIal'lall, lame, $136;
~~ d Hattie Newben,.. lame. $260;
Mary E : Githens, $6 Geofge W. Lar.
ljickj salary 8S jarllt~r, $20.
The Columbus :Ellanlt Book Co., In.
ventOry Record, ,76; Ohio Central
Phone Corporatiolll, phone rent, $48 .
5'0 lame, tolls for "arious offices, saO.
60 : L . M. Sea veld, supplies for court
hOUse, 50c: E. S. Worley, labol' and
sup,plles on ' count" can, $116.5'0 :




- ---


two thouaand ye.o rs after the

trance into Rome of Tlberius ~emDrol
nlus Gracchus for the relemlCtmE
the ledges of Liciiue, and our
da flfteep hundred years
beginning of ' the
k.-.w n~I"'l'iin"'_
thaf i8 perfectly simple, you see."



bridle repair material, $81.71: The

Gordon ia on the sick llat.

~~~tee:f ~~:~~~ Y~:!:ar~f~~~


In a banlt vault in Tokio lies

,600,000 wortla of 80Jld IrOld, nobody
know. who owns it, nobody claim. it.
Many a younc man wll) say, "1 would
do an,tbllllr to pt t,hlat '600,000,
BOld, that lIobody c1aiml....
Younc pntlemen should , ",member that in their .own lirain., In
tbelr ruoure" of' patience, common
. .DIe ~ ~
,600,000 in real
mOl!t1 and more may be lount\ If
thei WaDt work. They needn't do
"an'lthiq" to p~ it, JIIIt work and
!je ateadJ.
_ ___

acre, brld,e material, $60: lame.

M8IIon Lumber Co . lIame, $60.24: J.
. D. Adams .&: Co., ~epai1'8
!truder, J t':-,.........,.---:-:-:-=---::..:==~-'1

WEDNESDAY , 'AUGUST ' 17, 1927


Auto Supply Co 86e; Harlan Whit- . -:U~i'l


v. nuAX. DIrIo!-

Natloaal BaDk
Will. DrawD .......... E.tat S.ul...


'W alter McClure

J. E. McClure '

WayDeaYill.. Ohio



GRANllluUrERJ tebanon




. .:30 aad 8 :30 p. m.


Fully Equipped for Good

Large Display Room.
A~bulaDee 8eme.


W .YDeaville,

E . .M~er, expenses, '4.40i Fred

Q_ . " " '.......

del', payroll, $875.50: W, W. 'I'ft,~ .... I

~nB, same, $388.25: F. M. Collina,
$189.26: Eden Terry, lame, $156.46;
same, $229; A. T. Rettig, same
$197.40; Charles E. Bradbury, same,
$195.90: Joe W. navis, same, $496.50
P. B. Monee, lame, $160.20; W. S.
'G raham, $182.60: E. W. Quimby,
Same, $187.80: S. E. Cutler, same,
$11.25; Harlan Whitacre . lame.01.60; Blair & Leroy, cement, $15;
Ohio Corrugatad Cu.lvert Co., CDtltallb1t
4 sewers, $273.10; W .E. Ber,dall, ,:.,~:1~tl:~~:ltb~~f,~t!.~~';'1;~~4~~!~!q
surveyiq, $7; S. D. Henkle. lame
and .inapection. " 2; Jennie E. Ironl,
on inawranee, U6.75: The
tSI;andal'd Oil Co., Iras and all, $817.65
''''AnOIl. navel, ,3: C. b . Wat".20; .The Oregonia 1':!~.~~:"I';:'i.""~;,~,
ltor bridges, $68.tIi .
bridge, '$119.74;
$3'42 Speneer and
' in, and Iqadlnj:
same, same, .89.63: ="'.__ ..-:;:--.......
'SlireneY. ame, . ,443.70,; W.
lame, '259.25;
HOlllard Cook. fUlmillh-1
.lan.d, ,2.65; same. I 0(11!~~'~1~~K: :1.~1~'.~iG!!~ ,.
loadin, stone, U;
'fumlahln, and loadlq "'l'~" U"l~_~!"__ ~

Ilton.elf,. '~11l


. ..' and
for keepllllr

IlriJlOblSn. ....... O.U'1f i






If you buy on Price


We'll sell you a quality tire that will beat mail

order prices.

If you buy on Quality

,. ' ..

We'll sen you tires that will beat the pr~ce,aqd :

out-run the mileage of other fint grade tir~ ~: Ii,

If you. want t~e Qest


We'll sell you tires that. ar~ beyond compariso.!l:


L. . Zimmenu'.n wal In Columbu


o Dayton

Or. P. A. (lUTtlt' r. chiropractor, 1I1 i$. H nrlotta McKinley was in Dr. P. A.

Lehllnon, l hill . I'hl.nll 7. .
nu~' t o n , 1\Ionday.
Lebn n o~ Ohio,

J . S . hnl 11\1111, wh" \Vus tluite

Dr. P. A. GRrn er. chl rop ructor,
Lost- tring 'of light y Ilow beads.
Lebanon, Ohio. P hone, '78.
F lnner pi ase Ilenye III lh ls offi ce.
sick Ill. t \VIek. ,i ~ ut lIgll;n.
Wny ncsvill e W IIS \Y 0 11 l' pr sen ted
'rr . . Kllt~ R i<'k~ i~ "I'('Q\'~t;ing frol\)
Kn. Ra, KJlt. was in Oil toll tw. Lh ... ITe 'lM (If a. fall 11I~1 wt'!!k.
Ilt t he Wilmingt on fllir 188t week.
Mr. nnd Ir s. 1. L. .Pllrsholl w r ll
lInduy guests of 1\1 r. ..od Mrs.
lil' farga r el Hol<', of Dayton, W Mr. alld Ir~ . Arthur Anson, of
L. Hu wk .
Vn. Itarvey Rye lind 1ittJ dnugh- \'i iLing h r lIunt, !\Irs. W. . Sellr . 1[enlthy, ~p('nt ' un dny with r elatives
'-r an Ylt.ItiDgrellltiv 11 in Dolawn re.
her e.
lIfi LilJie Ne dry hilS retu r ned, Ilf.
1 ichttrtl ~ ei~ brlltlt, of SlIrdinia, i ~
ter spending tine winte r w ith r elaMr. IId Mt'l!. ).: hin Fires nnd I he ~\('st of '. !If . Hohitzcr antl
Mr. nn d Mrs. D. R . mi lh e njoyed ives nt Tro y..
Flossie Fir s ,-isil d rclaUvcs nt fllmily.
n rew Iluy,;' \lULI ng in Michigan last
J lllfenonvme, Tuesday.
:T he llllwk c "cu ll i n will
Mis" Itlrgnl'ct I'ri 'kelL; or Lewisat M~ m o r ill l Hull, Leba non, on S unWW Smith nnd his fri end , hnrlus I.ow n., Ill. , il' visiting her sillter , Ir s.
lI1;';.Q Ada S h u ll e~ is spendi ng the dllY, Au gn, L 28 .
Warner, lett ftlonday morn ing for E. L. 11111'1 1111,
w('(,k in Uuy ton, visi ting f r iends and
theJr home In Wamego, Ka n .. nf ler
re la t ives.
,ru ne lind son,
Mr. lind 1I1 1s. E.
IJIQdlng nearly two weeks wit h r elM E. and I\Irs. Weisbrodt. of ard iof Dllyt on, s pe nt ' un dllY wi lh Mr.
atlvee er e. Mr. Wnrner. visited 1'('1- nia, spent the weck-end with Mr . nnd
Miss Mnr i!' Williomson, of
a nd Mrs. D. L. rune.
atlves near London, Ohio.
Mrs. . 111. Robit ze r.
Vall ey. is Ihe guest of Mrs. J ohn
Whitn ker.
Miss Slcllu L"I1H1Wn \\'e l1 t to r'rank Mrs. Eloise T h onlP~on, of Cincin lin lusl week to n~ s llnw her duties n ~
nali, is fl Jl n ding th e w ek wi th hl' r
.r. C. F romm li nd Camily lilt nded cll mmu nity nunse.
the fun erul of a n' lnt h'e in Duyto n.
parents, Mr. an d Mrs. G. J. S mith.
lnst week.
1\1 rs. Nellie Kepler wus call1'ti to
Mrs. Mar ga r C'l E\'aM Cheney, of
Xcn iu on '1I'co unt of lite se ri ous illCincinna ti, wa~ a munA' the out-orW. 11. Allen a nd fo nti ly attended ness of !'IIrs. Me li5sa R"dfol'll.
3 .er.. , ..ood 1".Udln ... , frui t, clooe lown r ela tives who a Ill' ndml Lhe fu - Ih e Gi st annu lII Collett Mt;Kay 'plcnic
nern l of David EvanR, Saturd ay.
lust Saturday .
Mr. li nd I\[rs. M. A. Corn ell and
to .tora, '2,000.
Mrs. Rn lph Mi lKe I' attended thc CorNext to life itself eyesight is per1'CI(,f Demas and fami ly, of New noll r eunion nt T roy, Sunday.
wol1 im proved, electric
II...... o h.lf mile from W.yne.- Imps t he most precious possession of Vi ~ n n ll , s penL SU'HI" y wilh Olive r
nlankind. It pays t o have you r eyes Dll v i ~ un d ramil y.
Misses Donna an d Gilldys Di ll , of
~\lo. " ,000.
g iven IItt ention by lin eyesight specLe bun on, lire v isiling l heir !.'Tand'l'lIkc advllntnge of Ihe many Spec- mother, 1\Irs. Mll ry Hlltfil!l d.
ialist. Dr Ru dolph is here every
Tu e~ day lind SlIturda y. Examinat ion ials duri ng August ut Cory's J ewelry
Mr. lind 1I1rs. St Clair Fife and
is fre e. Cllry's J ewelry Shop, Leb- Sh(l p, Lebatlo n, Ohio.
P .... 79
W. yne."ilIe, Obio a non, Oh io.
child ren. of Wi lmington, s pt' nl ' unMr. li nd III rs. Elmer Shl'ehn n nt- dny ",iU, Mrs. S usan Wilkerson.
lended II reu ninn or t he Armor famil y, at Nil s. Mich., last week.
Lo~t - In \V nyncsville, II China
pood le, white wit h tun RPO ts. Len vc
Mis. Doris Hawke enter ta ined a in Wnynesville wit h J ohn F ra me.
fe w fr iends lit a swi mmi ng party at
l he Xenia poo l, Friday evening.
A closs of Iitltle folks of the M. E.
SundllY School, piclliced at Ho rmon
Mrs. L ' e Hawke a nd da ughters' a nd park, Lebano n, Illst FridllY IIIternoon.
l\li sH Mary !\Iargll ret Unglesby were
Ilam illon visit ors one day last week. 1\11'8. Ed Oxley a nd son s, Morris lind
Pau l, of Troy, visited with 1111'. and
~I rs . A. T. ,\Vright, Mr. und Mrs.
Mrs. Ray Mill , Sunday and l'tJonday.
Alfnd Wright, 1I1r. nnd Mrs. Ell iott
WriJ::ht were incinnuti visitors, 1I10nMiss E lsie Hawke li nd Mr. MIlYtl ay.
nard Weltz we re Sunday di nnel'
s of Mr. and airs. Willia m Weltz
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenne th E lzey li nd
of Oil Yto n.
bnby <Ioughter. of Dayton.
Tuesday wi lh Mr. and Mrs. Walt er
Little Miss Bar bar a Ann a nd Master
' Ibur Willill m8, of Kin gma n, spent
era I doys with t heir gra ndpare nls,
Miss Lilli e Pratt, who s pe nt I
Mr. .a nd Mrs. J. E. J a nney.
week lit th e home of her broth
I"w lind sister, li t lil t. Healthy, return
ed hOllie, Sunday.
!l o. m. to 3 :30 p. m., TuesdllY,
and !l a. m. un 8 p. m., Satur day.
1111'. li nd Mrs. I. N. Harris, of DIlY- Dr. Rudo lph, t he Eyesight S pecilllist ,
to n, an d t heir son, Joseph, of Wilkes- is at Cory's J ewelry Shop. Lebanon ,
barre, I'll., were gucsts on Monday of Ohio
Mrs. Alice McKinsey.
G. 1\1. Robitzer a nd family and t heir
Mr. Will E. Sm it h, of Wamego, guests, t he Wei!sbrodt 's, of Sardinia,
Ra n., spent th e week-end with Mr. and Fred M. Cole lind f amily visited
Robert Braddock and Mr. nnd Mrs. Russells Point a nd Ohio Caverns last
Frllnk Br oddock and 80n, Raymond. SundllY.
Don't miss tbis opportunity! Get a

- ton of coal for nothing! Do it today!

Mr. and M,r s. Allen B. Shaner enWhy do we sen so much silvertertained to dinner, Sundny, Mr . and
It's eaay t .lust come down t o the W ilIillm Keoppen and children, war e ? Because " Yourex Silverseal"
Store and deposit U for a membership
the best plated war e made by man
Gail Louise and E.ugene, of Doyton.
in our Heatroh, Free Coal Club, then
machine. See the beautiful patpay only
a week until Sept emper
'at Cary's J ewelry Shop, LebMr.
day on a motor trip through E astern II non. Ohio.
Ke ntucky. Mrs. L. B. Brlmnock and
Before cold weather comes, we'll send
Mr. and Ml:s. E. L. ,I Harla n enterdaughte r, Juanita, accompanied them
ned a t dinne:r lost Wednesday evton of coal to yot;J: house-free.
on the trip.
enin g the fo llowing guests : Mr. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright, of E. Smit h, of 'Wamego, Knn.; Miss
Also, we'll deliver
Philadelphia, Pa., and Mr . and Mrs. I\fargnret PrickE!tt, of Lewistown, III i
E lliott Wright, of Detroit, Mich., a re Mrs. Viola Harlan, Mr. E. P. Ha rlan,
visiting t heir parents, Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E(. N. Hough a nd Mr.
a nd Mrs. H. B. Earnhart.
A. T. Wright.




.~ .

:GrtIJ tluitfoe ton ifcool!

No chance

a&er Augustt.lO

Don't put
thiBoH- '
there are
not many


Your ,membership deposit and weekly

])ayments are applied on the purchase
of ,the lJeatrola; the Qalance ' can be
paid in terms to suit yourconvenience.

. Dr. J . ~. Ellis an d granddau ghters. An na O' Neall, Miriam and

F ra nces Ellis, are spending a few
days with Loren lIa dley ' and family,

CODle in today, or telephone. We

want tq show you the Heatrola. We
want to explain its many advantages.
We want to teU you how you may
have 'cozy 'furnace \ heat throughout
your whole house. We WBQt to cut
your fuel bills almost in half I


at Berlin Heights.

The many friends of Mr!\. W. O.

Rnpcr will be glad to learn .that she
---is improvi ng l'apidly a t her
here,afte r undergoing an operation
IcClellllnd hospital.

T he 37th Dh'iflion V I mns reu nion will mect in olum bus, Sl'p tember
3, 4 and 6. A rCIr Ullir progrllm hus
b en prepu ,' d for lhe IIN".i n lind
th e v"tel;lI ns w Ill Illwe plenty III clo.
utu l'I.llIY is for " Cg'i~l ration an d getlog thel' s ~~ i o n s.
II ntlny IIfte rnno
th I' \\; 11 be n nivil'ion me rn ori,,1
sef\'i e a Mcmorin l lI a ll, wil h \Ju r
old hupluin W. H. lI ughes In chll rge.
' un dny night th e ,I oo ,'~ uf the I!: l k~
hume wi ll swin!:, opt' n fll " n miLi nighl
I'('''cl, IIntl\ Y\Il1 kll ow wltat . thllt will
nll'lI lI . Mon day is tlt e r ('~ ul ll r Ill,si.
'H' ~X ~I' ssio n IIf lite 37 th Ui\'ision V ~t
l'I'a tl ~ associn liu n.
New uOlce ,''; will
be elected " nLi pinna lnid fo t' t hl) tri p
10 Fmn ce n<!xt yea r, li nd Ihe dedirn tionoC Ihe bnll ie nton unw nls.
Wrile t Rober t, S. Prench. ulumhll ~ Di ~ r H t rh Rla t i n ~ ",hal rill !' YI'"
wish to pay and I'csl'r"lIlion" wi ll he
mllde. Or you can reserv e Lh(' m direct fr oni l he h ot~ 1.

7lae free CoalOffe.r Caose

August 20th

waYne.~ille,. Ohio


.......... aRB Ar .... -8STAT'B .....




n llV, 11 . M. Zi I'cr, (.f C('ntcr vill e,

will I(i\'(' II luct ul'c of t heir tr!l ve l ~ .
Ih l'l) ugh J II[JIIII, hinu li nd ' thc PhilifJfline l ~ h"H l s, lit Lytle church FridllY evc ni nl( 0 [ this week; li n d ulso
~ hu w Jllntcr ll ~ lid c s in co l(II's of theBe
" llI('{'S, IInri h Hnrl his wif" w 'ar l he
"uslunt l' 'If Ih " Phi li llPino IRlllll cia.
T hi" is in"lrllclil'C! li s w(11 as (' lI t UI'tlli ni'n!. Adl1li ~s io n fr ee. Every une
welcllme .

1>1 rs. J.

Pickin allll Ro n nr'

in Ihe hllnt t' flf Mrs. A. II.
lI arin n.

I{ u e ~t~

Mr. nn,1 Mrs. W. D. Lllrki n li nd

No n. of Grccnihl d, spent last wcek
wil h Mr. IIIHI Mrs. T. C. Il ayduck IIl1 d
fa mil y.
Mr. anti ~ I r s . W. C. Smith. Huby
anll Rohl ,t Smilh un ll Miss ,/ 0 Kelch
attl'lId t'd Millmi VUUl'Y Chuuhlulj un
Illst \\'l'e k.
Lev i Shll' nhaug h, of Ihe U.S. Mori n('s. sud ioned il L (,h ll ri cs!o n. W.
\ '" ., n 're nt Iy s llI' nL 1\ few ,lays wilh

Girls Go Camping
The Wnk itliLin u
n mpfi ,c Girls,
their g ua rdill n, 1\'lrs. Mooma w, CH iliI'
moLher , lIlrs. RohiLzer, lind lhe r epr esenta t ive of th e co uncil. 1I1 rs. Zimm('rm un, jo urn <,ycd t o Ca lliI' Linge r
Ltln g-p r Monda y m o rnin ~ for 1\ short
cnm\li nl( Irip.
Tht' cookinJ.t n'HI nt inJ.t out -o C
do ors W ltti l1I uc h I1I Url' H u cce'~ fu l thi ~
time. The food tllsled so )ttlntl, CRpccially the Irish st ew lind fudg e.
SI'\'erul of t he girls pussetl swimming
t csls und hnd lots of fun with the
boal. Th(' most thri ll ing purl of th e
a dventure wus MOlldllY night, when n
strnl1l!'e mlln wulkerl inlo cump. Howev<, I', he proved 10 be n v<'ry innocent
gen llemlln inq uiring th e wily t o Cincinnati. WI' IhcII glilher'd aroun d
t he cllmp tire nnd sang so ngs a nd ute
wate rmelon . The night held severul
distu rbances but quick ly plI s.~e d . The
nmp broke up 'l'uj!sdIlY morn inl(.
Ill. L. E., cribc.


Our com mun ity was shockl'C1 Wednesdll}' c\'e ning by th e sudd en dellth
of J ohn Powe ll, one o f our mOA t
respected citi zens. He had not been
well fo r several years, but ha d not


Phon. 25

-Dry Corn Cobs


F ra ternal Picnic
Membe rs of the F. & A. M. and
O. E. S. lodges ond their fam ilies,
numberi ng ab out 65, enjoyed a picnic at Harmon park last F riday eveni ng. A big supper WIlS fo llowed
by vl1ri ous gllmes. T he pleasure of
the oeca io n WIIS marred to some extent when Marjo ri e, the li ttle dllughleI' of Ir. an d Mrs. J . W. E dwards,
who, with several other child ren, wos
pillying in t he Wilding pool. fe ll, t he
b}lck of her head str iking the cement.
The child was very sick f ol' Borne
time, but fo r tu nlltely t here have been
no serious r esul ts.

To close lin estatc, t he residence of

the Ilite Letitia McKay , situated on
T hil'd Stl'eet in Wayn esville. Modern
in every way. electric lights, f urnace
and bath.
P rices and t el'ms r easonahle.
Inspection at any t ime by apply- .
ing to


Mr. Orlll S urface is somewhat improved, after being very ill the post
Mr. and
tended t he
Robert Duke, of t he 4-H club, spent
last week at Cam p Ross, near Camp
Th e Smi t h r eunion was held Sunday at t he home of Mr. a nd Mrs .
Fronk Hess.
The Ladies Ai d had II called meeting at t he h ome of 1111'S. Ruth Savage
Mo nday evenin g.
The prellch ing ser vicc will be at 9
o' clock next . Sunday lind Sunday
School at 10 o'clock.
Mr . and . Mrs. Frllnk Kurfus and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke motor ed
to Kent ucky, SundllY.
. Mr. ond Mrs. George Gray and 80n
Lester , spent several days last week
with r elat ives in Kent ucky.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess. Harris and fom
i1y spent t he week-end wit h relatives
at GeorgetQwn , Brown county.
. 1'!fEl6ST8. Allen E.ririck and Samuel
Smith att ended the fun eral of J. W.
Hisey" in Waynesville, Thursday.
Mrs. Ada Chenowet h and granddaughter, Inez Pickering, spent Friday with Mrs. Meta RQgers a nd mother.
Mrs. Jeff Smith, Mrs. Nina St
John and daughter, of Waynesville,
spent Thursdoy wit h Mrs. Henry
Foulks . .

$1.00 for

Waynesville F'armen
Ex.c hange COmpJlDY


Phone 25

Kroger's Will
Pay For Eggs


Wllyneaville, Ohil

Per DozeD, From

Thors. Tdl MoD.

Large or Twin
1% lb loaf . . . . . . , .... .. .... _. .

Whol eWbeat ...........................: 8e

Pound Loaf .. .................. ............ 6c:






VieDn. ...... .............. ............. ,... 7c

R,e ................ .:.. -..................... IOc

Country Club
24 %lb. sack .. . ..... , . . . . .

Countr, Club, 12 ~ .Ib..,l. .. .. 56<:


Clifton, 24 ~ .Ib .c............. ,....11c

U. S. No.1 3
' 9c
Potato.s Cobblers,
Grade 15 lb . . : .. . ... .
Square Mason_, with Rinl.
Jars and
Caps, Dozen Quarts . . . ~~ .. D,~~
Sweet Pot.toe., 5 pouada .................... ........ .... .... :::: .................;....... 11.

Pinto, ,do a... .... ,.......................7<k

H.If. ... Ilon.., doa.n ................. l.1.

46e PresPI~m, j.~~~~~~~~~~~. 1'9'C,

Butter~::t.r..,...... ...

Cr.-mer" pound



8 ananas
~.~!~~~~~ . . . . .:. 200 Celery
rendered, Ib. 1 5 c

Ripe Fruit, " lb. .. .. ..... ..

Fr h t.nder Italk.,

Inor., 3 pl.,,".




F.n.,., B.rllett, 2

23c Hams

cao ..
Couatry Club, No'. 2 ~ c.n ...... 27c


R... ul.r. , Imolrocl wbolo,

Have you Hail Insurance?

. Rate., same a aat ye.r

Phone 61-2



Waynesville Farmers
Exchan'g e Company

vC l'snr y.

II!II....... J

Iliiiill....~jI. . . .II!I.~II!II!..~II!II~...II!II. . .

Th l' NEW Way ne 2G% mnkes It

\lrmt k ill 10 cumbine yO Ul' groufld
far rn g ra ins int..o ,lin economical
f U"IlI-mix
luyi ng mash of sup ,rior Clun li ty . It br ings you 12
.'ssentin l, high grade ingredients
(all bl ended logeth er ) that are
not p"oduced on the farm.

Mr. li nd Mrs. G. A. Ph ill i p ~ , B. II.

Mill " r und fnnt il y re t urned MOI1 I1 I1 Y
fro II tt'ip lo Wrrshinl(tu n U. C ..
li nd otlter Enst er n points.
Ir. nnd Mrs.' Wa lter Moore ente rtnin.. d tw cnly-three m!'mbers of the
fumi ly, SundllY, in honor of Mr.
Moore's mOl her's 7& th birthlillY unni-


at 8 P. M.

Solves Farm-Mix
Mash Problems

r C' ln l ivl!!o( IIII 1'(' .

P eople .who pile up billiop -dolJor

fortunes in thle steel business, in
banking, ' in a utomobiles , and other wise are supposed to be the greatest
adders to the wealth of t he country.
Some years ago, however, John
Cllry's J ewelry Shop is ,open ev.ery Ruskin Wl'ote a bout " The Veins of
evening un til 9 p. m. Come in and Wealt h,'" in im article in which he
thot t he true wealth of the no
see the mllny wonderful and unusual
gifts. You ar e always welcome at tion consisted n lOt in the yellow veins
of gold runninl~ through the earth,
this most interesting store.
but in t he blue veins of human blood.
In other words, men were worth
Mr. Will E. Smith, Mrs. Viola
more. to a eouti,try thlln notllral relon, Mrs. K. N. Hough 'and
B. Earnhart were guests of
Had the Pilgrim fat hers, who lande,t Bl'addock a nd Mr. and Mrs.
ed on the bleak shores of New EngBru dd ock ond son, lost Thursday.
land some years ago landed in MaMiss Trilleno E dwards, Miss
nilla, the Philippines would by this
gar et Edwar d ~ . Miss Annie Brown, time have been as prosperous as MaslIIiss Ma nte Brow n and Miss MIlY sachusetts. Take all the Philippines
Wl'ight were dinner g uests t oday of and transfer them to New England
Miss, Cleo Stacy return ed WednesMr. an d Mrs. Sta nley Sellers, at Leb- nnd in tbeir stead put New England
in the Philippine Islands, in a short day from 0 visit with Mr. olld Mrs .
time New Englund would be devas- O. A. Williams and Mrs. Melvoina
Will E. Smi th, Mrs. Viola Hllrlan, tated and the Philippines prosperous. Stacy, in Dayton,
It is men who moke the country.
Mrs. K. N. Ho ugh ond Mn. H. B.
Mr. and Mrs. RObertB urnett and
Eorn ha rt , together with Ml's. Homer . With this ' in ' view we consider Be- 80n, of Dayton, spent the past
Mc Colm, of Dayton, visited the new nbra E speridiona Chllvez 89 years with the form'e r's parents, Mr.
Wi lbur Wright field afld the Soldiers of age, of Los Angeles, :ocking the Mrs . . S.H. Burnett.
Home in Dayton, lost Friday.
cradle of her one hundred ond slxtyMr. and Mrs. A. E. White and son8
second dir ect descendant. She has
IIh. on d M,:,. Elmer Sheehan en- nine daught ers an d two sons and they of Par~ersburg, W. Vo., were weekend guests of Mr. and ?tJrs. Kesler
tcr t.u rn ed at d, nner S undllY, 1I1iss I.r- are all prolillc.
rna Moyer,of Troy. Mr. a nd Mrs. Wm
Mrs. Chavez b as therefol'e , lidded Graham and daughter.
Lesher , of neor Centerville, Mr. ond to the country more wealth than thlit
Mr. lind Mrs. Kesler Graham and
Mrs. Dearth Shee ban a nd daughter, ot John D. RockE~teller.
daughter, Bernice, were Sunday dinMr. li nd Mrs. Walter Sheehan.
Property has to he cared for and ner guests of Mr, and Mn. C. W.
property rights to be expected, but Albright, near Sprlngbo~o.
Mr. Will E. Smith, Mrs. Viola Har- the most Inestimable treasure of the
la n, Mr. li nd 11rs. K. N~ Hough' and land is its humarn beings . .
ert, left' for their home in FloTidll,
Mrs. H. B. Earnhart were in Cinelin'France is supposed to be decadent
nati, Wedn esday of last week and be~: au!IC the deat'h l'ate piles \1P and Sunday, after spending two weeks at
the h~me of' Mr. and Mrs. George
visited the Zoo and other interesting
rate is decreasing. On the Scott.
contrary, it la fac ed by prolific Ger- . Mrs, Mary Carmony,
many with a steadily increasing popwith Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Ca~mony ond
The eyes of every school child ulation. .
should be exam ined during
The most Important power in the .chlldren, of Springfield, and Mrs. W.
F. Clark, of Waynesville, Is spending
cat ion. Dr. Rud olph is im eV"81l1'htlearth is its otit-Ilopulating power.
This, in the end, wins more battles this week at Indian Lake. ..-:
specialist and gives special care
. M~: Frlin~ Kenty, ' of Columbus,
child ren 's eyes. Examination free, than armies or bllttleships.
Tuesday an'd Sat urday . ot Cary's Jew
The health and vig~r of a nation a,n d M~. Howard Archdeacon, ' of
elry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio.
is' a better defen8f' t o thot nation than Wa;y:nesvllle, called on Mrs. Charles
armies and eqllip,m ent.
'No mattel' Mullenix !lnd ~r. lind M,n. S. 11.
Mr. and Mrs~ H. B: Eornhart en- how many.ools you have, .It' takes ' Hahles and famIly, Monday.
. ' . ' , '. : ':Mr. !l.nd Mrs, W. M. Coleman and
t ertained in honor of Mr. Will E . men to )lBe tiiem,. . .
of Wamego, Kan., at .a
. No matter how . marvelous and ' com- MIBS Thelma, Mr. and .Mn. Harold
Mond~y evening of lost week,
. i. a locomotive, it Is ~lllueles8 ~elli~ and so~ 8,~tended the fune~l
follOWing guests : Ml'. Will E. Smith
1'0 expert: ej1gJneer. No mat- o( tbe fljrmer shalf brother Mr. John
af _W amegol Kan., Mr. a nd Mrs. Ho~
Jij)w -good your..,alip ane, You IlJlve ~. In' Cincinnati, TlIursday.
The Lacy reunion wall held Sun.
mer 1fJeColm, Mr s. Vern King, ot to have a Lindberg h to make It a sue
~Dayton; Mrs. Viola Harlan, Mr.
day at the. bome of Mr. and Mrs. Tim
P.. Harlan. Even ing callers
In the end, it. $a aIwap tlie buman' Barton" lJorth of tQwn. Mrs, Emma
Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hough, Mr.
and meG do well to coruse"e Lacy and Mr. and )In.. Clyde Wharlrfrs. E. L. Harlan. .
ton aDd famUy from here, a~cied.
Miss Rheo ' E llis spent last week
with I\fiss Doris Harvey, of Lebanon,
a nd Miss Harvey is the guest of Miss
E Uis lit her home south of Harveyshurg for this week.

Illven up work. Ue WU Oll ' Ia'way

home whrn be was I trlclce n. He Ia
'I urv ived By his wife and two daur h.
Itrs; a lso t wo brothera and "wo sll.

t UnI.
I,'uneral ~ervlc c 6 were held at
Mr'. lI n!1 Mr". D. II , BQ~kwn lt cor: t he ho nt ll FridRY u[tcrnoon, t he Ma.
IlC MHlllm<!.I ur/t, IU'~ gp~mhltlC' tillS '. 0111 loci
hu ving chorge of th
\'.!! k li t lh h me oC thcm dll uJ{IH 1'1" 1fu no ' 11 g
Nlrs. l\lItlTiR MilicI', cllring for the
t'hiltlroJ1, wllill' I,~. l\1ill(, I' !lpclldH
t he w\'l,k wit h lhe W II I'I' n 'uu llty la- - di I' at ('amI) n n~R.

Kin. Ednll Buhrnl.n a nd chl1dNn.

of near aborn. are IIplludlnjf this
week with h r parenl s, Mr. lIud lIlrt\.
hll d es Smilh.




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