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Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 20:14:44 -0500

From: Peter Heimlich <>

Subject: blogger inquiry
Dear Mr. McElroy,
For my blog, I'm reporting an item about the segment and I have some quick questions for your wife. I
was unable to locate her e-mail address, hence this outreach. Would you please ask her to e-mail me?
Thanks for the pass-along and I look forward to hearing from Dr. McElroy.
Peter M. Heimlich
ph: (208)474-7283

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 22:09:19 -0500

Subject: sawbones
From: Sydnee McElroy <>
Mr. Heimlich,
What a pleasure to hear from you!
Sydnee McElroy

How can I help?

Subject: blogger inquiry

From: Peter Heimlich <>
Date: 12/2/2014 8:20 PM
To: Sydnee McElroy <>
Dear Dr. McElroy:
Thanks for your prompt reply to my e-mail yesterday and for your offer to help. As I explained in my
previous e-mail, I'd appreciate your answers to some quick questions for an item I'm blogging about your
11/25/14 podcast about my father and my family.
1) At time stamp 31:30, you said: And the weird thing about this is that at this point now that the
(Heimlich) maneuver I guess is less popular than it used to be, there's another guy who's trying to fight
(Dr.) Heimlich and saying, like, 'You took all the credit and this was partially my maneuver, he
wants credit for this unnamed maneuver now.
Would you please direct me to your source for that information?
2) At time stamp 30:50, you said: Here's the thing. I've read all about this now to try to figure out what is
their evidence for which is the best (treatment response for a choking emergency). Obviously, again
there's no studies on (back blows or the Heimlich maneuver), like no controlled studies 'cause you can't.
You can't force people to choke and then try to save them. So it's all based on our experiences with these
things and then theoretically.
Did you do a literature search via PubMed or another source? If so, would you please e-mail me the results?
3) Re: information you reported about my brother Phil and my sister Janet, did you source that from the
home page of my website? If other information in your story was sourced via my site, would you please
provide details?
4) At time stamp 25:20, you said: (Peter Heimlich) thinks that there's, like, a big conspiracy behind all
this, that there was a lot of money changing hands and powerful people and probably stuff that wasn't...I
don't know.
Would you please direct me to the information on which you based your assertion that I think there's "a big
conspiracy behind all this." Also would you please clarify what you meant by "all this"?
5) Would you please e-mail or fax me a copy of your most recent CV? Also, would you please send me copies
or links to any articles you've written about medical fraud and/or junk science?
Thanks for your time/consideration. I'd appreciate it if you'd get back to me by this Friday, December 5, but
if you need more time, I'll do my best to accommodate your schedule.
Peter M. Heimlich
ph/fax: (208)474-7283

Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:34:36 -0500

From: Peter Heimlich <>
CC: Sydnee McElroy <>
Subject: Re: blogger inquiry
Dear Mr. McElroy,
I appreciated you forwarding my 12/1 e-mail to your wife -- I received her reply e-mail later that night
(copied below my signature).
The next day I e-mailed her some questions, but I haven't received a reply so I don't know if Dr. McElroy
received my e-mail. Would you please check with her about that? (I'm not trying to rush her, I'm just trying
to make sure she received it.)
Thanks for your continued help.
Peter M. Heimlich
ph: (208)474-7283

Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 07:54:59 -0500

From: Peter Heimlich <>
To: Jesse Thorn <>
Subject: blogger inquiry
Dear Mr. Thorn,
I'd appreciate your help re: an item I'm reporting on my blog about a November 25 podcast by
Sydnee McElroy MD (and her husband Justin McElroy) about my father and my family that's
posted on your web site:
I had a handful of quick questions for Dr. McElroy but I was unable to locate her e-mail address, so
on December 1 I sent an e-mail to her husband (via his company e-mail) and asked him to forward
my inquiry to his wife. A couple hours later I received a friendly, encouraging e-mail from Dr.
McElroy. On December 2 I sent her my questions. By December 6, I hadn't received a reply, so that
day I sent a courtesy follow-up to the McElroys. Here's our correspondence to date:
I haven't received a reply to my follow-up, hence this outreach. Would you please contact Dr.
McElroy and let me know the status of my December 2 inquiry?
Thanks much for your time/attention and I look forward to your reply.
Peter M. Heimlich
ph: (208)474-7283

Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:55:41 -0500

From: Peter Heimlich <>
To: Sydnee McElroy <>
Subject: Re: blogger inquiry
Dear Dr. McElroy,
I'm unsure if you received my 12/2 e-mail with my questions or if my 12/6 e-mail to your husband found
you (I copied you).
If I don't hear from you by day's end tomorrow (Weds.), I'll assume you haven't received my e-mails and I'll
try to reach you via Marshall.
Peter M. Heimlich
ph: (208)474-7283

Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 21:39:24 -0500

Subject: Re: blogger inquiry
From: Sydnee McElroy <>
To: Peter Heimlich <>
Cc: Justin McElroy <>
Mr. Heimlich,
I'm sorry, but I just simply don't have the time to provide you with all the information you
requested. I work full time and I cannot research a show more than once. Our show is
a comedy podcast meant to provide entertainment. I do not keep lists of sources. It is
not a medical advice show, nor is it a comprehensive historical account. It is a comedy
show about medical trivia that people might enjoy. I'm sorry I cannot be of more
assistance than that.
Frankly, I am disturbed by the aggressiveness with which you have attempted to
contact me. I do not feel any further communication with me, my husband or Jesse
Thorn is necessary. Please do not contact me at my office either.
Sydnee McElroy

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