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It has crippled the evangelistic potency of the church.

It has sapped the

church of its intercessory compassion and vocation. It has devastated all the
institutions of God namely, traditional marriage and family, heterosexuality
and complementary and differentiated gender-rooted life roles for males
and females. It is one of the root causes of the unprecedented abortionslaughter of unborn babies, tens of millions of whom have been butchered
in large part because of the devastating consequences unleashed in society
by the egalitarian doctrine and its secular sister, feminism. What is more,
this doctrine is the chief cause of the emasculation of males in the church
and in the larger world, a widespread emasculation and marginalization of
males and fathers that is resulting in the flooding of nations with bestial,
murderous fatherless mother-ruled humanity.
And the astounding thing is that this flood is issuing from the church.
And the open floodgates through which this destructive flood is surging
out is the egalitarian doctrine. God is now bringing this Luciferian doctrine
and its purveyors under judgment, and will in the years ahead purge out
this matriarchal doctrine from the true churches of Christ, separating true
patriarchal Christianity from apostatizing egalitarian matriarchal bibleclaiming spiritualities. This book heralds the foundational core distinctives
of the true church of Christ, Patriarchal Christianity.


9 780979 346132

m a n d at e h o u s e

ISBN: 978-0-9793461-3-2

The Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity

God is about to carry out one of the most extensive works of cleansing of
doctrinal errors and heresies in the Christian church. And one of the main
aspects of this divine work is the purging of the egalitarian doctrine from
the church, a false doctrine that has been one of Satans most effective and
devastating weapons in his warfare against the church. Over the past several
centuries, this doctrine has flooded the church --- and the larger world --with homosexuality, abortion, divorce, idolatries, witchcrafts, adulteries and
all manner of sexual and hedonistic lawlessness.

The Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity

The Set of Doctrinal Beliefs

that Will Separate and Distinguish the True
Patriarchal Churches of Christ From the
Apostatizing Paganizing Matriarchal Churches

The Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity:
The Set of Doctrinal Beliefs
that Will Separate and
Distinguish the True Patriarchal
Churches of Christ From
the Apostatizing Paganizing
Matriarchal Churches

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

Copyright 2008 Chikeluba Kenechukwu

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, or
mechanical inculding photocopying, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
Published by Mandate House Publishers
A Division of Zimakor Communications Company, LLC
Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: What is Patriarchal Christianity? ..............................3

Chapter 2:

The General Core Theological and Doctrinal

Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity .....................7

Chapter 3: The Core Distinctive Beliefs of Patriarchal

Christianity In Regard to Mary, The Earthly

Mother of Christ ........................................................13

Chapter 4: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity In Regard to the Effects of the Fall

of Mankind into Sin on the Male and

Female Respectively....................................................19

Chapter 5: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity on Gender Roles

for the Human Male and Female..............................31

Chapter 6: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity on the Relationship Between the

State, Nations, Human Societies and God................37

Chapter 7: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity on Marriage ..........................................45

Chapter 8:

The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Sexuality

and Human Reproduction.........................................63

Chapter 9: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity on Witchcraft and Sorcery....................81

Chapter 10: The Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Human Dressing..............91

Chapter 11: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Sports..............................101

Chapter 12: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to the Human

Race and the Relationship Between

Ethnic Groups............................................................105

Chapter 13: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Work...............................107

Chapter 14: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Human Settlements . ....113

Chapter 15 The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Science

and Technology ........................................................115

Chapter 16: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Human

Life and Medicine.....................................................123

Chapter 17: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Education.......................127

Chapter 18: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Trade...............................129

Chapter 19: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Angels.............................133

Chapter 20: The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal

Christianity in Regard to Inheritance.....................135

Chapter 21: Which are the Matriarchal or Feminist

or Egalitarian Spiritualities from Which

Evangelical Patriarchal Christianity Must

Immediately and Officially Dissociate from?.........141

The following distinctives are the foundational distinctives
of Protestant Evangelical Patriarchal Christianity or more
simply Evangelical Patriarchal Christianity or even more
simply Patriarchal Christianity. Patriarchal Christianity
follows in the tradition of the true Christianity of its Lord
and Founder, Jesus Christ, the first patriarchs he appointed
to lead the church such as the apostles Peter, John and Paul,
later patriarchs such as Saint Augustine as well as the patriarchs Martin Luther and John Calvin whom the Lord used
to separate true evangelical Christianity from matriarchal
paganizing bible-claiming spirituality. As guided by the
wisdom and inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the Word
of God the distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity will be
refined and expanded in the course of time.

chapter 1
What is Patriarchal Christianity?
What is patriarchal Christianity? To answer this question
we will go by way of elaborating the distinctives of patriarchal Christianity: that is to say, the distinctive beliefs that
distinguish it from non-patriarchal Christianity. However
in detailing the distinctives of evangelical patriarchal
Christianity we will not do it the traditional way that the
church has often used in establishing creeds and statements of belief. Traditionally in establishing its creeds and
statements of belief the church has usually limited itself
to making creedal statements mostly on spiritual issues
of bible doctrine such as the divinity of Christ, the Virgin
Birth, the resurrection, justification, sanctification, eschatology and so forth. It was not typical and common for the
church to go beyond these doctrinal biblical issues and to
make bible-based statements of belief on practical issues of
life such as politics, education, medicine, science and technology, trade, sports, human dressing, war and diplomacy.
Traditionally, the churchs creeds and statements of belief
were purely spiritual. We believe that this has been a huge
and dangerous mistake. Why? Because God did not create
human beings as solely spiritual beings. He created the

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

human as a tripartite being: spirit, soul and body. He created

us as spiritual, soulish and material beings. It is not just the
spiritual that determine the eternal destiny of humans. The
soulish and material aspects of life also play central roles in
determining whether human beings will ultimately end up
in heaven or in hell. For example, education determines how
people see God and whether they will receive his rule and
his offer of salvation through Jesus Christ or not. The case
of Charles Darwin tells us that much. The teaching of his
God-hating ideas on the evolution of mankind in elementary schools, secondary schools and universities as science
has over the past several generations played a huge influence
in hardening the hearts of hundreds of millions of people
toward God, transforming vast numbers of humans into
atheists and agnostics and at the logical end of it all, sweeping
multitudes of evolution-theory atheists and God-haters and
God-despisers to hell.
The wisdom of formulating authoritative statements of
beliefs on practical issues of life such as education, science
and technology, sports and even human dressing is that it
enables the church to formulate Scripture-based deeply
insightful and farsighted positions on these issues which the
church can use to advance and influence the will of God in
the making and implementation of national constitutions,
laws and policies and mount effective defense against the
attacks of pagans against the institutions of God and Gods
moral laws. Yes, whenever controversies erupt on these practical issues of life individual Christian scholars and ordinary

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

Christians have often risen up either on their own personal

accounts or in the name of the individual organizations they
head or represent to make their own defense on behalf of
themselves or their denominations or their organizations.
But such scattered and uncoordinated responses while
clearly very helpful, needed and necessary have rarely been
and will rarely be effective and sufficient enough to mount a
successful defense against the often very sophisticated, coordinated, relentless and extremely determined attacks of the
churchs and Gods pagan enemies. The church needs a more
common and coordinated approach and response.
Another wisdom for formulating authoritative statements of
belief on practical issues of life is that such well-formulated
statements of belief can be used as the basis for arming ordinary believers worldwide with biblically sound, wise and
concise positions that they can use to establish very sound
and church-sanctioned personal positions on these matters
and counter effectively the extremely powerfully deceptive
arguments launched against believers (and society as a whole)
by pagan theorists and promoters of wicked ideas through
the media, the educational system and through other means.
Thus in addition to detailing the distinctives of evangelical
patriarchal Christianity on some core biblical doctrines, we
will also detail the distinctive beliefs of evangelical patriarchal
Christianity on practical issues of life such as female dressing,
sports, medicine, education, science and technology. But we
would like to state that the distinctives expressed in this book
are not exhaustive. This is merely the starting point and by

Gods will and grace there will be more elaborations in the

future as we are guided prayerfully by the Lord.

chapter 2
The General Core Theological
and Doctrinal Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity
a. We

believe that true bible-based

God-ordained Christianity is that in which
the Patriarch, God the Son Jesus Christ,
came to the world in the flesh, atoned for the
sins of the world on the cross, and through
his crucifixion, death and resurrection,
effected a salvation work that through faith
working by grace provides for sin-alienated
humanity a bridge back to God the Father,
the Supreme Patriarch through the empowering and regenerative work of the Holy
b. We believe that true bible-based
God-ordained Christianity is that in which
the Supreme Patriarch, God the Father,
mandated earthly patriarchs to be the exclusive rulers and teachers in the Christian
Church and to serve as the spearheading

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force of the worldwide preaching of the

gospel of Christ and discipleship of the
masses of the earth.
We believe that any belief system purporting
itself to be based on the Christian bible
which recognizes any other Savior,
redeemer and mediator between mankind
and God apart from Jesus is not true
Christianity. On this basis, therefore, any
belief system purporting itself to be based
on the Christian bible which recognizes
dead humans or angels or any other created
beings as heavenly mediators between
mankind and God is not true Christianity.
We believe that any belief system purporting
itself to be based on the Christian bible
in which Mary, the earthly mother of
Jesus Christ, is claimed to be a redeemer,
co-redeemer, mediator, co-mediator, intercessor or co-intercessor between mankind
and Christ is not true Christianity.
We believe that any belief system purporting
itself to be based on the Christian bible in
which females are allowed, in contradiction to the express and eternal prohibition
of God as revealed in the Christian bible,
to exercise bible teaching authority in the
church or rulership is not true Christianity.
We believe that any belief system purporting

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

itself to be based on the Christian bible in

which females are allowed, in contradiction to the model established by the Lord
Jesus Christ himself, to be the spearheading and main force of evangelization
and discipleship, is not true Christianity.
True Christianity that biblically originates
from the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Christ and his Great Commission is
that which in obedience to the model established by the Lord Jesus, has males as its
spearheading and major workforce of local
and world evangelization and discipleship.
There is not a single instance in Scripture
when the Lord Jesus Christ commissioned
females to be evangelists and church
planters. Their work in evangelism, church
planting and general missionary work was
limited mostly to that of non-ruling and
non-authoritative teaching helpers.
g. We believe that any belief system purporting
itself to be based on the Christian bible
in which females, in contradiction to the
eternal gender-rooted roles established by
God in Scripture, are recognized as having
the same gender-rooted life roles as males
in marriage, family, church and general
society is not true Christianity. The immutable and eternal roles ordained by God for

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

both the male and female are distinctively

different and complementary. Because
of sin and its effects on humans and their
societies, God in his permissive will, may
allow females in some exceptional circumstances to assume male gender-rooted roles
such as primary breadwinners in families
such as when circumstances such as accidents, illness, death and the engendering
of fatherless out-of-wedlock children result
in the lack of males (such as husbands and
fathers) to assume these roles. However
despite Gods allowance of this reversal of
gender roles in exceptional circumstance,
the original and unchanging will of God is
that the gender-rooted, differentiated and
complementary roles of males and females
are immutable.
h. We believe that any belief system purporting
itself to be based on the Christian bible
in which females, in contradiction to the
eternal order of relationship established
by God in Scripture between the male and
female, are recognized by law or social
custom as the egalitarian equal of the male
in authority and rulership in marriage,
family, church and general society is not
true Christianity.
i. We believe that in true Christianity, in true

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

patriarchal Christianity, the immutable

and unchanging order of relationship as
established by God between the male and
female in marriage, the home, the church
and general society is thus:
i . Male: provider, protector, ruler, judge
and teacher, discipler (or mentor)
ii. Female: subordinate, helper, dependent, disciple


chapter 3
The Core Distinctive Beliefs of
Patriarchal Christianity In Regard to
Mary, The Earthly Mother of Christ
1. We believes that Mary, the mother of Christ

was a virgin woman who had known no

man when she conceived and bore the Lord
Jesus Christ
2. We believe that she was a holy, chaste,
obedient, submissive woman of God,
obedient and submissive to God and
obedient and submissive to her espoused
husband, Joseph, and we believe that it was
because of her obedience, virginity, chastity, holiness and submissiveness that God
ordained her to be the mother of Jesus
3. We believe that God has greatly blessed her
for being a holy vessel he could use for the
most noblest of noble purposes, the vessel
through whom the savior of the world was
brought forth into the world
4. We believe that although Mary lived a

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holy life as was required under the laws of

God that prevailed during the Mosaic law
dispensation under which she lived she was
not sinless. We believe that like all humans
descended from Adam and Eve that she
was born in sin and needed Gods grace to
be delivered from the power of sin.
5. We believe that subsequent to the birth of
Jesus Christ that Mary had a full marital
relationship with the earthly adoptive
father of Jesus and her husband, Joseph.
We believe she sexually consummated her
marriage with Joseph after the conception
and birth of Jesus. We believe that through
her sexual union with her lawfully wedded
husband, other male and female children
were born to her and to her husband. We
believe that Marys marital sexual union
with her husband does not in any way deny
or negate the sinlessness of Jesus Christ
who was begotten in her by the power of
the Holy Spirit.
6. We do not believe that Mary was translated alive to heaven because Scripture has
no such record of such a translation. We
believe that Scripture indicates that like
most other humans she lived out her life
on earth and eventually died by means of
which we are not told but which cannot fail

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

to conform to the normal means by which

most humans die: death by old age or death
by illness.
7. Although Mary was chosen by God as the
earthly means of begetting the incarnated
savior, Jesus Christ, we do not believe that
she is more special or honored or loved in
the eyes of God than any other holy child
of God and disciple of Christ. We believe
that Christ himself indicated that Mary
must not be considered a special figure
of honor or adoration or veneration and
that he considers all women who are holy
and obedient to God as she was as equally
honored and loved by God.
Rejection of The Veneration and Deification
of Mary
1. We take note of the centuries-old practice

by different religious groups to venerate

and deify Mary and to regard her in terms
such as Co-Redemptrice with Christ. We
utterly reject such beliefs and practices.
2. We do not believe that Mary or any other
dead human can serve as a heavenly intermediary or mediator between mankind
and God. Scripture affirms with irrefutable
authority that there is only one heavenly

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

mediator and intercessor between mankind

and God, Jesus Christ.
3. We consider that the Mary to whom these
religious groups worship and pray to is not
the Mary, the virgin, whose body God used
to incubate and birth the Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. On the contrary, we consider
that the Mary whom these religious
groups venerate and pray to is in reality a
demonic or demonic entities who deceive
humans to sin against God by worshiping
beings other than God the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit who alone deserve the worship
of humans.
4. We consider all prayers offered to dead
persons or through dead persons as idolatrous prayers offered to demonic entities.
No dead person, apart from the Son of
God, Jesus Christ, can act as intercessory
agent between living humans and God.
5. We believe that all religious practices
necessitating the offering of prayers to
and through dead persons is the work and
promotion of Gods and our enemy, Satan.
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity on the
Veneration of Mary and True Faith
1. In the light of authoritative biblical assertion

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

that there is only one Savior, One Redeemer

and One heavenly mediator and intercessor
between mankind and God, the Son of God
and Son of Man, Jesus, we do not believe
that anyone who believes that Mary or any
other figure is a Co-Redeemer alongside
Christ is a true believer in Christ and a true
child of God.
2. We believe that for anyone who holds such a
view (that Mary or any other figure, human
or angelic, is a Co-Redeemer alongside
Christ) to become a true believer in Christ
and child of God that person must disavow
and repudiate that belief any other beliefs
contrary to sound doctrine regarding true
salvation and that to be saved the person
must acknowledge their sinfulness and
need of salvation by faith working through
grace, believe in their heart and confess
with their mouth that Jesus is the Son of
God, that he came to the world in the flesh
as a male, that he was crucified on the
cross, shed his blood, died on the third day
and rose again from the dead, ascended to
heaven to be with the Father and is the sole
sufficient savior of mankind, is the sole and
sufficient heavenly mediator, advocate and
intercessor between humans and God.

chapter 4
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity In Regard
to the Effects of the Fall
of Mankind into Sin on the
Male and Female Respectively
1. We believe that for much of the history
of the human race that there has been
a greatly inadequate understanding of
how sin affected and affects the male
and female respectively and how the
way the Fall affected the male and
female respectively affects human societies, and has a bearing on the eternal
destiny of multitudes of humans.
2. We believe that it is of the most urgent
importance for governments, the
church, religious leaders and individual
human beings to acquire a much better
understanding and insight regarding
this matter. This is because without

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adequate understanding and insight in

respect to this issue, it will be well-nigh
impossible for governments and human
societies to make and enforce laws that
adequately anticipates and addresses
the sin-induced lawless propensities of
the carnal human nature.
3. We believe as taught us by the Holy
Spirit of God through the spokesmen of
God that the first human transgressor,
murderer, sinner, criminal, adulterer,
idolater, liar, deceiver, false teacher,
rebel against God and ally of Satan, was
the first human female, Eve, and we
believe that the female being all these
has a great bearing on human societies
and most importantly on the eternal
destiny of humans.
4. We believe that God created the male
in his image to be his son and to be a
strong, wise, loving and courageous
leader of the female and all mankind
but that Satan (working through the
first female) used his sin nature to
transform the male into a coward and
abdicator and we believe that only the
truths of God and the Holy Spirit of
God can enable sin-enfeebled males
to have enough self-sacrificial love,

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

strength, power and wisdom to operate

effectively in the capacity of spiritualmoral teacher, leader and savior of
mankind as ordained for him by God.
5. We believe that God created the female
in his image to be his daughter and
to be wholly good and to be a perfect
helpmate to the male but that Satan
used his insinuation of his sin nature
into her to transform her into a sinner,
rebel against God and subverter of the
6. We believe that the female was the sex
that was directly deceived by Lucifer and
directly inherited his evil and lawless
nature and that the male inherited the
evil and lawless nature of Lucifer indirectly through the female, his direct
deceiver and instigator to lawlessness.
We believe that following the pattern
in which the male and female inherited
the evil and lawless nature of Satan (she
directly from Satan and him indirectly
through her) that the female, whether
in a direct or indirect way, will always
be the leader of mankind in sin, evil,
wickedness and rebellions against the
truths, will and rule of God with the
male being her follower in sin, evil,

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wickedness and rebellions against God.

We believe that this was the deliberate
pattern that Satan sought to achieve and
establish by his deliberately deceiving
the woman first and directly and then
using her to indirectly deceive the male
and lead him into sin and rebellion
against God.
7. We believe that the most important
reason why Satan thus caused the female
and male to fall into sin in that order
and in that pattern is to use the leadership of the female in sin, evil and wickedness to subvert the God-ordained
spiritual and moral leadership of the
male, and that Satan schemes and
wills to use that female subversion of
male moral and spiritual leadership to
program both the male and his primary
agent of lawlessness, the female, to use
their sins and rebellions against the will
and rule of God to damn themselves to
an eternity of torment in hell, where
Satan by the immutable decree of God,
will spend an eternity of torments,
sufferings and humiliations for his own
rebellion against the will and rule of
8. We believe that Satan carries out his

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

most massive harvests of damned

human souls for hell whenever the
male allows the female to subvert
his moral and spiritual leadership of
humanity and to usurp his leadership
roles in human society, and whenever
the male allows the female to lead him
in sin, evil, wickedness and rebellions
against the will, truths and rule of God
such as we witnessed during the feminist era when females led mankind in
multifarious rebellions against the will,
truths and rule of God.
9. Likewise, we believe that the most
massive harvests for heaven are effected
when the leadership order ordained by
God --- the male as the moral, spiritual and overall leader of mankind and
human societies and the female as his
submissive and obedient follower --are observed by the male and female in
marriage, families, the church and the
general society.
10. However, we believe that the fall of the
first male and human leader, Adam,
into sin has so innately weakened all
males that without the supports of wise,
good, insightful and farsighted laws
in human societies --- in marriages,

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

families, church, religion, and the

general society --- the male cannot be
enabled to be strong enough to serve
effectively in his God-ordained role
as primary spiritual-moral teacher,
protector and savior of humanity. We
believe that it is in full knowledge of this
fact that Satan has always worked to use
bad and perverse laws and traditions in
human societies to weaken the leadership strengths and capacities of the
male and illicitly empower the female
to use insurgencies to overthrow the
rule of the male and wrench from him
his leadership roles in human societies
so that he, Satan, could deceive her to
employ those usurped male ruling
prerogatives as the means of destroying
both herself and the male both in this
life and eternally.
11. This is why we believe that it is of the
utmost importance for the male to
always very rapidly confront and defeat
all the insurgencies of the female in
their nascent, earliest stages to save both
her and himself from the hell-damning
conclusions of her insurgencies. For
history (such as that of the insurgencies of Queen Jezebel in ancient Israel

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

and the feminists of the 20th and 21st

centuries) has clearly shown that whenever the male is slow to respond to the
insurgencies of the female and to crush
them and allows such insurgencies to
be prolonged that it often becomes wellnigh impossible to halt or defeat such
full-fledged rebellions until they have
run much of their extremely destructive course. In this particular case, the
sayings that a stitch in time saves nine
and that prevention is better --- and far
easier --- than a cure could not be truer
or more applicable.
12. We believe that unless humans recognize these aforementioned truths and
employ them wisely that we cannot
save ourselves from Satans incessant
scheming to employ the female as his
primary and most effective agent in the
cursing and destroying of mankind.
13. We also believe that although Satan
used sin to transform the female into
his primary human agent of lawlessness and ensnarer of mankind that
there still remains in her a residue of
the extremely beautiful nature given
her in original creation by God which
sin despite all its debasing and defacing

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

effects on her has not erased. And we

believe that if the male refuses to yield
to his own sin-rooted cowardly and
abdicating tendencies and her frequent
insurgencies against his rule and Satans
incessant attacks against him and uses
the truths of God to make himself
strong, that he can be strong enough to
mold the female into the blessed, beautiful and good image that God willed
and wills her to be and enable her to
be a faithful, loving, joyful, submissive
and obedient companion, helper, wife,
sister, and mother to him even as willed
by God.
14. We believe that the female was created
from the male and for the male and
that God has given the male the power
to name and mold the female to be a
best-fit companion and helper to him
in accordance to Gods will. But we also
believe that Satan also wants to name
and mold the female to be a best-fit
helper to him in his malicious warfare
against God and Gods human creation
and particularly Gods ordained leader
and savior for mankind, the human
male, and that there is a perpetual
struggle and rivalry between Satan and

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

the human male for the loyalty of the

female and for the right to name and
mold her.
15. We believe that when the male allows
himself to be enabled and empowered
by the truths of God and the Holy
Spirit of God and names and molds
the female with a hand that is both
strong, sensitive and loving that he
can name and mold her to be a bestfit companion and helper in all his
God-given assignments, and that he can
use that wise molding of her to make
her a holy, blessed, good, loving, joyful,
kind, giving, generous, submissive and
obedient partner in marriage, family,
the church and the general society.
16. However, we also believe that when
the male abdicates his God-mandated
naming and molding role in the life
of the female and allows her or Satan
to name and mold her that she will be
molded in the wicked, evil, destructive, ensnaring, lewd, whorish image
of Satan and will become a most loyal
ally of Satan and a relentless emasculator, usurper, subverter, ensnarer
and destroyer of the male in every
facet of his being and in every of his

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God-ordained calling.
17. We believe that one of the major
reasons why for much of the history of
the human race the female has instead
of being the males loving, loyal and
submissive helper has often been his
bitter enemy, subverter, emasculator,
usurper and opposer in marriage,
family, the church, religion and general
society is because (1) the male named
her with a harsh and cruel mouth and
molded her with a heavy, insensitive,
cruel and oppressive hand (2) the male
named her with a quivering, fearful
mouth and weak and cowardly hands
(3) the male allowed her to name and
mold herself. We believe that God has
made the female to be like clay to the
male --- albeit clay corrupted by the
impurities of sin --- and that if the male
employs the fullness of the strength,
love, patience, wisdom, authority,
insight and foresight provided him by
God in naming and molding her that,
although he cannot completely erase in
the female her emasculating, usurping,
opposing, ensnaring and subverting
tendencies, he can with that wise
molding of her so repress these evil

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

aspects of her and recover and activate

the God-created beautiful part of her
nature that she would be a good and
loyal companion and helper to him in
human society.
18. In this respect, we believe that given that
God has provided him full authority to
name and mold the female to be a bestfit life helper and companion having
the requisite qualities of love, loyalty,
submissiveness and obedience that
whenever the female tends to the opposites of what God designed her to be
to the male, that the male has nobody
but himself to blame. We believe that
the historical tendency for males to use
books, songs and other means to point
to the negative aspects of the nature of
the female and to resent her (and even
hate her) and indict her for her natural
tendencies towards evil, immoralities and subversion of him without his
employing his God-mandated authority
to actually re-mold and re-transform
her from those evil images that he so
loathes into a good and blessed image
is both an imbecilic waste of time and
energy and a classic manifestation of
those foolish abdicating impulses the

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

male inherited from his first father,

Adam. We believe that the simple
truth of the matter is that whatever
the female is, is what the male allows
her to be. God has given the male the
fullness of authority to name and mold
the female. It is entirely up to the male
what he does with that authority.
19. We believe that God has given the male
the right to strongly rebuke and terribly
punish the female whenever she obeys
the instigations of Satan and her carnal
lawless nature and launches her insurgences that are so destructive both to
herself and to the male. But we believe
that beyond rebuking and punishing
the female the male is bound by the will
and wisdom of God (who in regard to
the rebellions of mankind against him
says I wound and I heal) to emulate
God by using a strong, loving and
sensitive hand to remold her from that
wicked and destructive image that he so
rightly detests into a good and blessed
image, which remolding and redemption of her is the truest evidence of the
males love for his creational sister, the

chapter 5
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity on
Gender Roles for the
Human Male and Female
1. We believe that God created mankind

as a complementary creational unity. He

created generic man or mankind as male
and female. He first created the male as a
physical, soulish and spiritual being and
then from the male he created the woman
as a physical, soulish and spiritual being,
made from and for the male.
2. We believe that God created the human
male and female to be in his image
3. We believe that God used the precedent
creation of the male and the subsequent
creation of the female from and for the
male to eternally establish the primacy
and leadership of the male over the female
and the eternal subordination and dependency of the female on the male for her

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God-imaging. We believe that the female

can only be what God originally designed
and created her to be through her subordination to the male and dependency on
him. We believe that the more the female
subordinates herself to, helps and depends
on the male the more she is God-imaged
in holiness, righteousness, blessedness,
love, faith, kindness, compassion, peacefulness, gentleness, beauty, and graciousness.
We also believe that the more the female
opposes or challenges the male, undermines him and attempts to be independent
of him the more she is Lucifer-imaged.
4. We believe that gender connotes more
than sexual-biological identity and functions. We believe that apart from its differentiation of humans into two sexes, into
two sexual-biological complementary
opposites, the male sex and the female sex,
that God uses gender (male or female) to
establish eternal roles. We believe that in
the human world God uses male gender
to eternally and immutably establish roles
such as ruler, legislator, teacher, provider
and protector and savior. And we believe
that in the human world God uses the
female gender to eternally and immutably
establish roles such as dependent, helper

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

and subordinate.
5. We believe that this God-established
eternal and immutable roles of the male
gender and female gender is most perfectly
established and illustrated by the relationship between Jesus Christ (the spiritual
male) and the Church (the spiritual female)
in which Christ is the ruler, legislator,
teacher, provider, protector and savior and
the Church is the dependent, disciple and
6. We believe that God designed and created
marriage between the human male and
female to illustrate and conform to the spiritual union between Christ and the Church
in terms of their respective gender-rooted
roles and relationship with each other: in
the marriage between the human male and
female, the male, the husband in his malerooted Christ-imaged spousal role is ruler,
teacher, provider, protector and savior and
the wife, in her female-rooted Churchimaged spousal role is the dependent,
helper and subordinate.
The Core Distinctives of Evangelical Patriarchal Christianity
on Gods Will Regarding the Relationship Between the Human
Male and Female

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
1. We believe that although God has designed
and created the human male to be the leader of
the human female and all humanity, that God
loves the human female as much as he loves the
human male
2. We believe that although God has mandated the
male to rule the female that God will not in any
wise leave the male unpunished for oppression
and exploitation of the female in any form be
it sexual, spiritual, psychological, economic or
otherwise. We believe that God being a just and
righteous God who judges with perfect impartiality between the leader and the subordinate
has always punished males for their evil treatment of females and will never fail to judge
and punish them for such evil treatment in all
3. We believe that God wants the male to rule the
female firmly but gently and compassionately
and with self sacrificial love the way Christ rules
the church firmly but gently, compassionately
and sacrificially.
4. We believe that God desires the male and the
female to be joyful partners in marriage, church
and society, each faithfully and humbly carrying
out their God-assigned complementary genderrooted roles and using such roles to graciously
and lovingly minister to each other as doing it
onto the Lord.

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

5. We believe that God having made the female
from and for the male has given the male the
mandate and authority and ability to name
and mold the female spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, sexually and otherwise
so as to make the female conform best to her
God-designed and God-purposed complementary helper roles for the male. We believe that
the extent to which the male discharges wisely
and in obedience to the will of God this naming
and molding mandate and authority given by
God in regard to the female is the extent to
which he can enjoy a mutually joyful, peaceful
and harmonious relationship with her. We also
believe that the extent to which the male abdicates from this responsibility is the extent to
which his relationship with the female will be
marked by curses, tension and disharmony and
the extent to which she will oppose and undermine him and side with Satan in Satans warfare
against Gods ruling representative on earth, the


chapter 6
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity on the
Relationship Between the State,
Nations, Human Societies and God
1. We believe that the state or government is an
institution created by God and that it is the
God-mandated duty of the government to be
a minister and enforcer of Gods will in human
society through good laws and social policies
2. We believe that God wants Godly or good, wise
men to rule societies benevolently but also
firmly in justice and fairness for the blessing of
all who are under their rule and for the furtherance of Gods plans and purposes on earth
3. We believe that it is Gods preference for men
who rule nations to have a personal relationship
with God through his Son, Jesus Christ, but that
lack of such a relationship between national
rulers and God does not prevent him from
using and working through rulers to execute his

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plans and purposes on earth.
4. We believe that the mandate of rulership of all
earthly rulers, whether they be monarchs or
heads of democratic republics or other forms
of government, comes not from the will of the
people but from the will of God. By this we
do not mean that evil and bad rulers acquire
power and govern by the deliberate will of
God. Rather, by this we mean that the office of
governor, regardless of the moral character of
whoever that occupies it, is an office established
by God himself. Thus because the authority and
mandate of earthly rulership comes from the
will of God rather than of the masses, all earthly
rulers owe their highest allegiance, service and
accountability to God and not to the masses.
5. We believe it is Gods will for nations to strongly
enshrine in their national constitutions that
the mandate of rulers originates from the will
of God and does not come from the will of the
masses. And we believe that nations that so
honor God by constitutionally acknowledging
and enforcing this truth will be greatly blessed
by God for he promised that whosoever honors
him will he honor.
6. We believe that all earthly rulers will ultimately
answer to God for their ruling stewardship and
that it behoves wise ones among them to yield to
the rule of God in their lives through a personal

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

saving relationship with Gods Son, Jesus Christ,
and to do their best to rule firmly, justly, wisely
and benevolently those entrusted to their rulership by God.
7. We believe that the wisest and best earthly
rulers are those who have a strong reverential
fear of God and who are constantly conscious
of the fact that one day they will die and that
he will judge them even as they judged others
during their time of rulership
8. We believe that God created the state to be an
institution that pools together the wisdom and
knowledge of the public fathers of the nation
and that it is an institution that God designed
and created to be all-male. We believe that any
form of human government, be it monarchy
or democratic republics, in which the female
serves as a ruler of men is a rebellion against
God and perversion of his will.
9. We believe nations should strongly and irrevocably establish it in their constitutions and laws
that the roles of ruler, judge and legislator are
roles God has assigned exclusively to the male
and that females are forbidden these roles
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity on the State
and the Sanctity of Human Life
1. We believe that God has given governments

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the authority to use the fullness of the power
of the state to defend the sanctity of all human
life, from conception to death and to punish all
those who advocate the murder of humans or
actually carry out such murder through means
such as abortion and euthanasia. We believe
that the destruction of fetal and embryonic
human beings is every bit murder as those of
more fully developed humans. We believe that
fetal and embryonic human beings are as fully
persons and humans as more fully developed
human beings.
2. We believe that it is the God-mandated duty of
governments of every nation to use their constitutions to establish and protect the sanctity of
all human life from conception.
3. We believe that God has given governments
the power to use capital punishment to punish
humans who murder humans.
4. We believe that it is the most urgent
God-mandated duty of governments of every
nation to use national laws and constitutions
to prohibit the use of scientific research or
other means to destroy human life in any form,
including fetal and embryonic human beings,
and we believe that to ensure the fullness of
obedience to this divine mandate that every
state should use the death penalty to kill any
scientist or other people who employ scientific

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

research or other means to destroy any human
life, including fetal and embryonic human
5. We believe that whenever governments and
earths masses allow the wanton shedding of
innocent blood such as through the killing of
fetal and embryonic human beings to go unpunished that God always will hold entire nations
and human societies and communities responsible and will always use means such as wars and
decimating diseases to unleash terrible retributive justice against such guilty nations, societies
and communities.
6. We believe that it is the duty of governments to
use mandatory certifiable classes on the Sanctity
of Human Life to ensure that every citizen in
the nation from children to its oldest adults are
provided saturation, systematic and comprehension education on the sanctity and inviolability of all human life.
7. We believe that one of the chief reasons why the
modern world has experienced such unprecedented wanton shedding of defenseless humans
such as fetal and embryonic human beings
is because humans were allowed to instigate
other humans to regard such human beings
as non-human and non-persons and expendable, and we believe that if governments had
not allowed such instigation to happen that

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
many of the hundreds of millions of fetal and
embryonic human beings killed would not have
been destroyed. Therefore, we believe that it is
the most urgent God-imposed duty of governments of every nation to ensure that national
constitutions and laws are used to establish all
instigation to murder --- including all instigation to murder or destroy fetal and embryonic
human beings --- as liable for punishment with
the death penalty and other severest forms of
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity on the Origin
of the Human Race
1. We believe that human beings were created by
2. We disavow the theory of the evolution of
humans beings from nature and believe it is
contrary to straightforward biblical teaching on
the matter.
3. We believe the theory of evolution is a doctrine
that originated from the mind of Satan and
worked its way through his deceived human
agents into societies with a view to promoting
widespread godlessness, immorality, oppression, exploitation and wickedness.
4. We believe that governments as created institutions of God and agents of Gods will should

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

strongly enshrine in national constitutions the
fact that humans and the earth were created by
5. We believe the church must employ every
resource provided it by the Lord to discourage
belief in the theory of evolution and its
6. We believe that it is the God-mandated duty of
governments of every nation to ensure that the
truth that God created humans and the universe
is taught mandatorily to every generation of
citizens, from the elementary school level to the
university level


chapter 7
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity on Marriage
1. We believe that God created and owns the institutions of marriage and family. It is his property.
It belongs to him. It does not belong to humans.
Men are merely Gods custodians or stewards
of this institution and they will like all custodians or stewards ultimately render account to
him for how they managed it for its creator and
owner, God.
2. We believe that the only form of marriage that
receives Gods perfect sanction is that between
one man and one woman.
3. We believe that God wants marriage between a
man and a woman to last their lifetime in the
fullness of sexual and emotional fidelity.
4. We believe that the primary, most important
reason why God created the institution of
marriage is to use it to beget godly human children through godly fathers and mothers who
have personal saving relationships with Jesus

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Christ, the sole Savior and Lord.
5. We believe that apart from its highest function, the begetting of godly seed for God, that
God also designed marriage to provide a way
of escape from sexual immorality for men and
6. We believe that the male is the one mandated
by God to bless marriages and join men and
women in holy matrimony.
7. We believe that marriages officiated by females
do not conform to the will of God.
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity on Adultery
1. We believe that the first sin that cursed all
mankind is adultery, which we define as
most fundamentally the spiritual union
(the reception of the falsehoods of Satan)
between the first husband with Satan, and
the first wife with Satan
2. We believe that physical adultery (sexual
infidelity by a husband or wife) is only the
physical and secondary aspect of adultery
and that adultery in its most fundamental
essence, as evidenced by the sin of the first
husband and wife, Adam and Eve, is spiritual infidelity: the rejection of the truths of
God and spiritual disunion with God and
the acceptance of the falsehoods of Satan

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

and spiritual union with Satan
3. We believe that the first human to perpetrate the sin of adultery was the first wife
and woman, Eve. We believe that the first
original transgression that a human perpetrated, Eves eating of the forbidden fruit
offered by her Lucifer, was essentially a spiritual act of adultery in which by rejecting
the truths of God, held in custodianship
by her husband, Adam, and which served
as the bonding basis of her matrimonial
union with him, and accepting the seductive falsehoods of Satan, she entered into
spiritual union with Lucifer and became
one with him spiritually.
4. We believe that the sin and crime which
of all sins and crimes is the greatest curser
of mankind is the sin and crime of adultery. We believe that as terrible as may be
the effects of all other sins and crimes on
mankind, that the sin of adultery is the
mother-sin and mother-crime of all sins
and crimes, because it is the mother-source
of all other human sins and crimes such as
murder, hatred, homosexuality, jealousy
and so forth.
5. We believe that for much of the history
of the human race that humans have
greatly and dangerously lacked adequate

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
understanding of the central role which
adultery plays in the cursing of humanity
with different kinds of curses, and that this
is one of the reasons why human societies
and governments have historically failed
to employ all the powers of prevention,
punishment and dissuasion needed to
maximally repress and minimize adultery.
We believe that historically humans have
viewed adultery only as the breaking of
sacred covenantal vows and the hurting of
a spouse and some other people involved
but that humans have rarely understood
that beyond this that adultery is the greatest
activator and generator and perpetuator
of curses that blight human societies and
families not just in the generation of the
adulterer or adulterers, but across multiple
generations --- curses that carry across that
affected genealogical line, cursing (to one
degree or another in one way or another),
children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren and on and
6. We believe that it is this lack of understanding and insight as to how adultery
is the mother-source of all human curses
that human governments historically have
dangerously failed to criminalize it, and

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

even when they have criminalized it mostly
failed to prosecute and punish it either at
all or with as much rigor as they do crimes
such as murder, robbery and tax evasion.
7. We believe that historically humans have
failed to adequately understand why the
Word of God says that God hates adultery
with such passionate hatred and why he
commanded the ancient Israelites to use
the most terrible of punishments such as
capital punishment to punish it. We believe
that historically people have tended to take
issues with God on the terrible punishments such as the death penalty that he
prescribed and commanded for adultery,
believing that in comparison to crimes such
as murder, adultery as traumatic as it may
be to the people wronged, is not heinous
and destructive enough to attract punishments as terrible as the death penalty or
long prison sentences. But on this as on
every single issue of life God is absolutely
right and wise and humans are absolutely
wrong and unwise. For the simple reason
why God in the perfection of wisdom and
his love for human beings prescribed such
terrible judgments for adultery, is because,
unlike human beings, he perfectly knows
and understands that as heinous as crimes

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
such as murder may be that adultery is even
more heinous and destructive because, in
every single case of adultery perpetrated
in human society, there is always the activation and generation of curses (spiritual,
emotional, psychological, mental, physical,
intellectual, etc) which kill, destroy and
curse in multifarious way not just those
involved in the generation of the perpetrator or perpetrators but in the generations of their children, grand children,
great grand children, great great grandchildren and on and onUnlike humans God
perfectly knows and understands that since
the adultery of the first husband-father and
wife-mother, Adam and Eve, that there has
never been and there will never be a single
case of adultery in which entire genealogical lines were not cursed with multifarious
curses on a perpetuating cross-generational
8. And we believe that it is precisely because of
his deep love and solicitude for sin-loving
and self-destructive humans, it is precisely
to minimize the tragic tendency of children
and grand children and great grandchildren and so on suffering the terrible consequences of the wicked adulterous sins and
crimes of their forefathers and foremothers

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

that God prescribed terrible punishments
for it such as the death penalty, with the
aim that the terribleness of the punishments for the crime would make that sin
and crime, as perversely pleasurable as it
may be to perverse humans, not worth the
cost of death or long prison sentences in
which the punished, so desirous of sexual
gratification that he or she would invade a
body belonging to another man or woman
shall for years and even decades have
neither the right to licit sexual gratification with lawfully wedded spouses or illicit
sexual gratification via adultery with other
peoples wives or wives-to-be.
9. Although both the male and female human
inherited from the first human parents the
latent nature of adulterousness we believe
that the female as the original transgressor,
the sex who directly committed adultery
with Lucifer and inherited from him his
adulterous nature is the human sex more
latently predisposed toward adultery. We
believe that historically this truth and
reality has been masked by the fact that for
much of human history the male is the sex
more associated with adulterous propensities and sexual lawlessness and the female
the sex more associated with a weaker

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
tendency toward sexual lawlessness. We
believe that this historical understanding
is incorrect and that the seemingly greater
adulterous and sexual-lawlessness propensities of the male was based artificially on:
(1) the fact that for much of human history,
he has had a far greater freedom of movement and association than the female, and
as a consequence enjoyed a greater social
freedom to indulge in sexual lawlessness (2)
the fact that for much of human history, the
male has been the supervisor and regulator
of all human sexuality including female
sexuality and has used that regulatory role
to minimize the expression of female adulterousness and sexual lawlessness (3) the
fact that for much of human history, the
male (as father, husband, religious instructors etc) whether in societies where God is
worshipped in truth or in pagan societies,
has been the chief religious and moral
molding agent of the female, using that discipling role to minimize the manifestation of
her latent sexual lawlessness etc. However,
we believe that the era of feminism (as well
as eras in older times when females were
provided the authority to name and mold
themselves) when that patriarchal molding
and supervisory authority over females

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

was largely destroyed in most of the world
and females were allowed unprecedented
powers of autonomy to mold and name
themselves, to move as freely and associate
as freely as they want, clearly demonstrated
that provided the same autonomy as males
and enabling social and legal environments, that females are greatly more viscerally adulterous and sexually lawless than
males. This is not misogyny as many would
inevitably charge, but the blunt truth and
reality of the effect that the original sin of
the first female, first wife and first mother
had on the carnal nature of females.
10. We believe that it is to the best interest of
mankind, present and future, that we recognize this unfortunate reality and truth of the
latent sexual lawlessness of the female, and
that it is to the best interests of humanity
that foolishly macho males bow to the
wisdom of humility by recognizing that if
provided the same enabling environments
as him, the female has by far a greater voracious and insatiable lust for all illicit sex
and a far more powerful propensity for all
sexual lawlessness, and that in comparison
to the sexually unhinged carnal female, the
male is but a neophyte in sexual lawlessness and lustfulness and destructiveness.

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The humble recognition of this truth and
reality will equip the male with the wisdom
to wisely regulate female sexuality so as
to minimize Satans ability to use it as the
floodgate to inundate mankind with floods
of sexual depravities and immoralities
that would sweep multitudes of males and
females alike to perdition.
11. We believe that it is to the best interests of
humanity, present and future, that governments and human societies take into full
consideration this extreme latent sexual
lawlessness of the female in the making
of constitutions, laws and social policies
regulating marriage, sexuality and moral
order. This is because when governments
and human societies in making of laws and
social policies do not take into full and wise
consideration of the way sin affected the
male and the female respectively, laws and
social policies made on the basis of insufficiency of insight into the respective fundamental natures of the male and particularly
the female will woefully fail when tested by
time, to adequately work to anticipate and
minimize the expression of human lawlessness in general and female lawlessness in
12. In light of all this, we believe that it is a most

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

urgent God-commanded duty of governments in every single nation on earth to use
the fullest powers of national constitutions
and laws to maximally criminalize adultery
a. routine punishments such as the
death penalty and
b. long prison sentences
c. revocation of civic rights such as
the right to vote
d. compensation in one form or
another by the perpetrator to the
wronged party
e. Etc
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity on Divorce
1. We believe that God instituted marriage between a
man and a woman to symbolize in a deep, profound
and multifarious ways the relationship between the
Lord Jesus Christ and the Church. In this regard,
we believe that the marriage between a man and
a woman should reflect as closely as possible the
relationship between Christ and the church in the
following ways:
a. As Christ is the head of his church so should
the husband be the head of his wife
b. As Christ is the self-sacrificial savior and
protector of his church so should a husband

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be the self-sacrificial savior and protector

of his wife
As Christ is the sole and indispensable
source of joy and blessing to his church so
should a husband be the primary source of
joy and blessing to his wife
As Christ Is the exclusive provider of all the
needs of his church so should the husband
be the primary provider of all the material
needs of his wife
As the church owes her Lord, Christ,
complete loyalty, obedience and submission so does a wife owe her lord and
husband complete loyalty, obedience and
As Christ is the exclusive teacher and discipler of his church so should the husband
be the primary spiritual, moral and overall
teacher and discipler of his wife. The pastor
(or any other man for that matter) should
not be the primary spiritual and moral
teacher of another mans wife
As the church worships the husband as
her Lord so should a wife reverence her
husband as her lord (while alongside this
reverential submission to and love for her
husband, a husband owes it as a duty to
treat his wife with tender, self-sacrificial,
protective love and to consider and treat

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

her as his cherished lover and maintain a
companionate relationship with her based
on reciprocity of dignity, selflessness,
consideration and service). The husbands
lordship of his wife does not in any way
connote tyranny or selfishness. Rather
as exemplified and illustrated by Christs
sacrificial Lordship over his church, the
husbands lordship over his wife must
always be characterized by tenderness,
sensitivity and self-sacrificial love.
h. Etc
2. We believe that hitherto the church has failed to
more fully comprehend the symbiotic relationship
between the marriage institution and the church. We
believe that for much of history Christians have failed
to fully understand that it is not merely a symbolic
relationship that exists between the church and the
marriage institution, and that more fundamentally
that there exists an organic relationship between
the church and the marriage institution. In other
words, the churchs spiritual health is dependent on
the health of the marriage institution. Whenever the
marriage institution weakens for whatever reasons
the church will also ultimately and unavoidably
weaken as a direct consequence.
3. This is one of the reasons why we believe that it is a
most dangerous thing for the spiritual health of the
church for Christians to allow the enemies of Christ,

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the church and the marriage institution to weaken

the marriage institution through their incessant
assaults on it, and most particularly through the
liberalization of divorce as happened during the
feminist era and even before its full modern advent.
We believe that the will of God who established,
governs and owns the marriage institution is that
marriage should be a union between one man and
one woman for life. We believe as affirmed by the
Lord Jesus Christ that Gods immutable will is that
once a man and a woman are joined together in holy
matrimony that they must never be disjoined.
However as affirmed by the Lord Jesus Christ, we
believe that God in view of the hardness of the hearts
of men has provided some extremely rare biblical
grounds when the matrimonial union between a
man and a woman can be disjoined such as adultery,
particularly female adultery.
But apart from these very rare grounds for divorce,
we believe that Gods unchanging will is that once a
man and a woman are married it must be for life and
for better or for worse, and that no human government or agent has the authority or power to disjoin
matrimonial unions.
We believe that divorce is one of the greatest cursers
of human societies and destroyers of human bonds.
We believe that while a man has the God-approved
authority and power to divorce a wife under
extremely rare grounds such as adultery a woman

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity





does not have a God-granted authority or power to

divorce her husband under any grounds whatsoever
but that she can be permitted under extremely rare
grounds to be separated from her husband.
We believe that although God permits husbands to
divorce their wives under extremely rare grounds
such as adultery that God still requires governments
to ensure that men are not allowed to abuse this
authority to divorce and that it is accorded to them
very rarely.
We believe that the root origin of the spirit of divorce
is located in Satans rebellion against God and subsequent spiritual separation from Him.
We believe that the root human origin of the spirit of
divorce is located in the carnal nature of the female,
particularly in Eves spiritual separation from God
(and her husband) when she ate the forbidden fruit
and entered into spiritual union with Satan. We
believe that this act of Eve was the very first instance
when divorce occurred in human society and we
believe that this act of Eve established a perpetual
pattern: that is, that from that moment onwards
and throughout the history of the human race the
female will be the gender more prone to divorce, the
gender more prone to using one reason or another as
the basis for divorcing and destroying matrimonial
We believe that this is one of the compelling reasons
why God requires nations and governments to

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
deny the female the authority and power to divorce.
This is because, as the era of feminism richly bore
evidence, whenever females (with their welfare
being the animating concern of the state and society)
are granted the power and authority to divorce, they
have always employed this power and authority
for evil, for mounting vicious, merciless assaults
not just on the marriage institution itself but on all
the other institutions that God established for the
salvation and blessing of his human creation such
as the church, patriarchy, correct and complementary gender roles, heterosexuality, morality and so
forth. We therefore believe, in keeping with Gods
will, that it is in the salvation interest of mankind
in general and females in particular that we protect
them from themselves and the rest of mankind by
denying them that weapon --- divorce --- which they
have employed with such destructive consequences
in serving Satans evil plans against mankind.
13. We therefore believe that it is the God-mandated
urgent duty of governments and nations to immediately abrogate all constitutional provisions and laws
that empower women to divorce their husbands.
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity on the State
and the Marriage and Family Institutions
1. We believe that it is the God-assigned responsibility of the state to use the fullness of its

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

lawmaking and enforcing powers to defend all
the institutions established by God for the preservation, propagation and perpetuation of the
human race, namely the marriage and family
institutions. We believe it is the duty of the
state, as the minister of God, to dissuade and
punish all who attack and seek to destroy these
2. We believe that it is the God-mandated duty of
the government of every nation to use national
constitution and laws to establish the fact that
the marriage and family institutions were
created by God and therefore are Gods property and that humans are merely Gods stewards
of these institutions
3. We believe that it is the God-required duty
of governments to strongly and irrevocably
enshrine the protection of one man-one woman
marriages in national constitutions and laws
4. We believe that it is the God-mandated urgent
duty of governments of every nation to use
constitutions and laws to ban for perpetuity
homosexual marriages and unions and any
other kind of marriage that does not conform
to the one man-one woman marriage institution established by God


chapter 8
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in
Regard to Sexuality
and Human Reproduction
1. We believe that the chief purpose of human reproduction is to use the marital sexual union between males and
females to produce godly human children for God
2. We believe that God has commanded humans to
multiply and replenish the earth and that this is immutable divine law that humans must never try to subvert
because any subversion of this divine will shall not fail to
attract terrible curses upon humanity
3. We believe that according to Gods will human reproduction should only be done within marriage and we believe
that conceiving and bearing children outside wedlock
will unavoidably expose humans to spiritual, intellectual,
physical, psychological, emotional and mental curses for
the simple reason that whenever humans disobey any
of Gods moral laws including his laws on sexuality the
inevitable consequences for such disobedience to divine

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
will are multifarious and cross-generational curses.
4. We believe that only married people should be allowed to
adopt children and that homosexuals and lesbians must
never be allowed to adopt children and that nations and
governments must establish and enforce this through
their constitutions and laws
5. We believe that nations must immediately use their
constitutions and laws to prohibit single women from
being able to use Artificial Reproductive Technologies
and any similar techniques to have children
6. There are many who want to use various means (such as
abortion) to subvert this divine command and to artificially control earths population growth on claims such
as that the earth does not have sufficient resources to
adequately provide for large families and large national
populations. We believe that this is a very dangerous
rebellion against the will of God which is that humans
should multiply and replenish the earth. And contrary
to the claims of these opposers of Gods will we believe
that God the Creator of earth and its resources has so
designed the earth and willed it that no matter how big
the population of the earth grows earth will always have
sufficient resources to adequately take care of the needs
of its population as long as earths resources are used
judiciously and shared equitably by all its constituent
ethnic groups and geographical regions. We believe that
one of the reasons why certain regions of the world have
been underfed and under-provided for in terms of material needs is because of the greed and avarice of some

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

ethnic groups and world regions which proportionally
consume far more than is due them, who consume in
extremely wasteful and ostentatious ways and who rape
and pillage the resources of weaker ethnic groups and
world regions to feed their insatiable lusts. We also believe
that another reason why humans suffer serious scarcity
of some natural resources such as fossil fuels is because
of the way humans have developed their economic and
social systems in ways that are rebellious and contrary
to the way God wants human societies to be developed
economically and socially. For instance, we believe that
one of the reasons why there was such unprecedented
waste of earths resources during the feminism era was
because the widespread use of feminism and rapacious
ultra-capitalism (and their destructive byproducts such
as excessive rates of divorce and family fragmentation
and geographical dispersal) to develop the social and
economic systems of nations resulted in a massive fragmentation and dispersal of nuclear and external families
such that, for example, a single nuclear family because of
divorce-caused fragmentation and the foolish culture of
allowing young girls and women to leave the family home
to live apart from their parents even before marriage,
needed multiple units of dwellings, multiple vehicles,
multiple household appliances, etc, thus resulting in
multiplied wastage of earths natural resources. We
believe that if nations were to comprehensively reorganize their economic and social systems in conformity
to the will of God by using the constitutional banning

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
of divorce (except for rare grounds such as adultery) to
maintain long-lasting and cohesive nuclear and extended
family systems and by constitutionally requiring females
to live under the guardianship and familial homes of their
fathers (or other guardians) until marriage, that much of
the extreme waste of earths resources witnessed during
the eras of feminism and rapacious capitalism would be
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity in Regard to
1. We believe that in accordance to Gods will
that the most morally defensible way for
individuals and nations to promote and
carry out birth control is through natural
non-chemical methods such as natural
family planning or NFP.
2. We believe that given that God, the creator
of sexuality, has permitted its use only in
holy matrimony that governments and
nations are rebellion against the will of
God by allowing unmarried people to have
access to contraceptives
3. We believe that the invention of modern
contraceptives and governments permission for it to be easily available to the
masses, particularly to females, is one of
the greatest contributors in the explosion

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity





of sexual lawlessness, particularly female

sexual lawlessness, in human society and
the unprecedented rise of sexually transmitted diseases such as the HIV/AIDS.
We particularly believe that contraceptives
have been one of the greatest facilitators
and enablers of females in their worldwide insurgencies against the will of God
and roles that God has assigned them in
life such as wifehood, motherhood and
We believe that contraceptives played one of
the most central enabling roles in womens
ability to lock their wombs in rebellion
against Gods Genesis 1:28 command for
humans to be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth.
We believe that contraceptives greatly
aided females in their rejection of their
God-assigned life roles of wifehood, motherhood, and homemaker and in their insurgency against Gods will as evidenced by
their massive usurpation of male-specific
life roles such as economic production and
provision and community rulership.
We believe that contraceptives, particularly
abortifacients, have greatly enabled females
and their male accomplices in their ruthless and merciless genocidal assaults on

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
fetal and embryonic human beings.
8. We believe that the use of abortifacients described by an encyclopedia as a
substance that induces abortion is murder,
that it is as much a premeditated murder
as the deliberate use of poison to poison
to death an 18-year old girl or the use of a
knife to stab to death a 25-year old female
or the use of a gun to shoot to death a
40-year old woman.
9. We believe that it is against the will of God
for governments to permit unmarried
people to have access to contraceptives.
And we believe that one of the most urgent
tasks before governments and nations is
the use of constitutions and laws to effect
a comprehensive regulation of the use of
contraceptives on the following lines:
a. Using constitutions and laws to
ban the manufacture and sale of
all abortifacients
b. Using constitutions and laws
to ban all unmarried people
from being able to buy and use
c. Using constitutions and laws to
prescribe heavy punishments for
the use of abortifacients including
the death penalty and long prison

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

d. Using constitutions and laws to
prescribe terrible punishments
against individuals and companies
that manufacture and sell abortifacients including long prison
sentences and heavy fines
e. Using constitutions and laws to
prescribe terrible punishments
against individuals and companies
that manufacture and sell contraceptives for unmarried people
including long prison sentences
and heavy fines
f. Etc
10. And we believe that contrary to the claims
of governments and feminists and other
liars on the issue that the availability of
contraceptives to the masses of the earth has
not proved and can never prove effective in
significantly reducing and minimizing the
spread of sexually transmitted diseases and
unwanted pregnancies. We believe that
the only God-provided and effective way
to substantially reduce and minimize the
spread of sexually transmitted diseases and
unwanted pregnancies is through measures
such as:

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
a. The restoration of the rule of patriarchs in marriage, families and
the general society, which patriarchal rule has been and will always
be --- through the spiritual and
moral molding work and influence of patriarchs --- the most
effective way of repressing male
and female sexual lawlessness and
the diseases and pregnancies that
are the inevitable results of this
sexual lawlessness
b. The use of national constitutions and laws to prohibit illicit
sex such as premarital sex and
adultery, pornography and the
manufacture and sale of objects of
depravity called sex toys
c. The use of national constitutions
and laws to make would-be brides
to produce medically certified
evidence of virginity to intended
bridegrooms and their families
d. Etc
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity on Sexuality
1. We believe that God designed and equipped
the male and female with heterosexuality to

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

enable them to bond sexually and emotionally in marriage so as to use that bonding to
beget godly seed, propagate and perpetuate
the human race and at the same time enjoy the
God-designed and created spiritual and sensual
delights of marriage.
2. We believe that sexuality is a gift that God has
given to men and women solely for marriage so
that husbands and wives could use it to minister
to each other lovingly and joyfully and experience the fullness of marital oneness, excitement,
joy and adventure
3. We believe that God created humans to be
wholly heterosexual but that sin distorted
human sexuality and introduced perverted
forms of sexuality such as homosexuality and
4. We believe that homosexuality and bisexuality
and all other sexual dysfunctioning are the
results of different sin-rooted causes but that
one of the biggest causes of homosexuality and
bisexuality is the incorrect portrayal of genderrooted roles by males and females in marriage,
families, the church, religions and the general
society. We believe that the more humans obey
and conform to Gods will on the gender-rooted
roles of the male and the female in marriage,
family, religion, society the more heterosexual
bonding between males and females will be

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
strengthened. But we also believe that the more
gender-rooted roles are reversed in marriage,
family, religion and society the more heterosexuality will be weakened and the more perverted
sexualities such as homosexuality and bisexuality will spread and entrench themselves in
human societies.
5. We believe that the primary God-ordained
molder of the sexual and gender identity of
humans are fathers. For it is God, the father of
Adam and Eve, that created them and equipped
them with their sexuality. We believe that God
has ordained earthly fathers, his earthly patriarchal representatives, to act as his chief earthly
forger of sexual and gender identity of humans.
We believe that the stronger and more healthy
and loving the role of fathers in the parenting
of children the more humans, male and female
alike, will develop a strong, healthy sense of
their heterosexual identities. And we believe
the weaker and less healthy and loving the role
of fathers in the parenting of children, the more
humans, male and female alike, will develop a
weaker sense of heterosexual identity and form
homosexual and ambisexual ones.
6. We believe that it is the duty of the church to
teach married couples how to fully derive
God-provided spiritual, emotional and sexual
enjoyment of marriage in ways that fully accords

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

with holiness and decency.
7. We believe it is a most dangerous development
for the church to abdicate leadership on teaching
about sexuality to secular people. We believe
that history, especially the history of the past
several decades or so, has taught that whenever
the church abdicates leadership on teaching of
sexuality and its God-ordained roles to secular
people the result will be a widespread promotion of perverted sexualities and perverted use
of sexualities that will devastate marriages,
families, the church and society. We believe that
God wants the church to take the leadership in
the teaching of sexuality to mankind in a way
that fully accords with holiness and decency
and completely avoids prurience.
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity on Virginity
and Female Sexuality
1. We believe that Gods will is that the male and
female remain virgins till they marry, but that
this will of God has a more urgent and particular application on the female
2. We believe that God has a deliberate purpose in
wanting people to remain virgins till marriage.
We believe that particularly in regard to the
female that her role as the original transgressor,
fornicator and adulteress has rendered her the

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
sex more particularly susceptible to sexual
immorality and that one of the God-ordained
purposes of her remaining a virgin until
marriage is to maximize her ability to strongly
cleave sexually and emotionally to her husband
and remain sexually and emotionally faithful in
the bond of marriage.
3. We believe that God designed female virginity
and requires her to be a virgin till marriage in
order to maximize her ability to be sexually
fulfilled by her husband and by her husband
alone. We believe that God who designed the
male and female and equipped them with sexuality and knows perfectly the effects of sin on
them knows that pre-marital sex always diminishes the ability of the female to be sexually
faithful to her husband. We believe that in any
generation of mankind any growth in female
propensities for adultery is always connected to
an increase in pre-marital sex by females.
4. We believe that there is a direct and close
connection between female virginity and
females ability to submit themselves to the
gender-rooted roles ordained for them by God
in marriage, family, religion and general society.
We believe that the more females in a society
conform to Gods will for females to remain
virgins till marriage the more they are able to
submit to his will on gender roles and limit

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

themselves humbly to the roles he designed for
them, which roles are wifehood, married motherhood, helper-subordinate to the male, dependent of the male. We also believe that the more
females in a society rebel against Gods will on
virginity and commit pre-marital sex the less
able they will be to submit to his will in regard to
the gender-rooted roles he established for them.
In other words, we believe that female virginity
plays an indispensable role in females ability to
obey and submit to the rule of God and the rule
of men.
5. We believe that one of the most important
reasons why God wants females to be virgins
till marriage is because he has established a
connection between female virginity and the
spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological
well being of children.
6. We believe that female virginity does not just
play a sexual and social role in human society.
We believe that much more important than
these that female virginity plays a vital spiritual
role in Gods plans of salvation for mankind.
We believe that increase in female pre-marital
sexual immorality (and its fruit, the tendency
to extra-marital immorality) are sexual rebellions through which Satan works to instigate
and deceive females to trespass into divinely
forbidden spiritual teaching and ruling roles

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
in the church. We believe virginity helps to
serve Gods purpose of preserving truth, order,
discipline and harmony in his church because
it enables females to obey Gods will that they
humbly and graciously submit to the spiritual
rule of men in the home and in the church.
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity in Regard to
the State and Sexuality
1. We believe that it is the God-mandated duty of
the state or governments to regulate the use of
human sexuality to conform to Gods purpose
for creating it: for propagation and perpetuation of the human race within the institution
of marriage and for the bonding and sensual
enjoyment of marital partners
2. We believe that it is the God-required duty of
the state to strongly enshrine the protection of
heterosexuality and the prohibition of homosexuality and other perverted sexualities in
national constitutions and laws
3. In this regard, we believe that it is the
God-required duty of governments of every
nation to use constitutions and laws to specify
that the only sexuality approved by God and
man is heterosexuality and that other sexualities such as homosexuality and bisexuality are
deviant sexualities that must not be tolerated

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

and for which cures and preventive measures
must be found
4. We believe that it is the God-required duty of the
state to use the fullness of its powers to repress
and punish the practice of homosexuality. But
beyond repressing and punishing the practice of homosexuality we believe that it is the
God-mandated duty of the state to do all within
its power to find effective cures (psychological,
medical, social or otherwise) for homosexuality,
bisexuality and other sexual perversions.
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity in Regard to
Animals and the Relationship Between Humans and Animals
1. We believe that man was made in the image of God and
that animals were not made in the image of God
2. We believe that man did not evolve from animals but was
created by God in his image and that man is distinct and
superior to animals
3. We believe that God gave to humans the right to kill and
eat animals
4. We believe that God gave humans dominion authority
over all animals
5. We believe that human beings should treat domestic
animals well but we believe that it is a dangerous rebellion against the will of God for governments and nations
to use constitutions and laws to give animals the same
rights as humans as that would imply equality

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
6. We believe that it is a dangerous rebellion against the
will of God for governments and the masses of nations to
allow scientists to try to create human-animal hybrids of
any kind and for any purpose no matter how seemingly
beneficial to society
7. We believe that God created the human male to be the
primary physical protector of females and all human
beings but that Satan and his human agents are subtly
and progressively attempting to use changes in national
constitutions, laws and policies to displace the male (the
husband and the father particularly) as the primary physical protectors of females (and all human beings) and to
use animals such as powerful dogs to displace the human
male as the primary protector of females (and all human
beings). We believe that Satan is working secretly to ultimately use a worldwide insurrection of females (such as
the feminist insurgency) against patriarchy to subvert
the will of God in this regard by using animals such as
powerful dogs to totally destroy the God-ordained role
of the male (particularly the father and the husband) as
the primary physical protector of females (and all human
8. We also believe that Satan and his human surrogates are
secretly working to use animals such as cats and dogs to
ultimately displace human beings as the primary (and
in some instance sole )familial and social companions
and helpers of human beings. And we believe that the
primary human agent working on behalf of Satan in this
regard are rebellious carnal females who have in one

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

way or another rebelled against Gods design for them as
married mothers and command to mankind to multiply
and replenish the earth by using scientific and other
means to lock their wombs and are using animals to
replace babies and act as surrogates of babies.
9. We believe that humans are increasingly rebelling against
God in the matter of sexuality by shunning the rightful
use of sex in marriage and engaging more and more
in sexual relationships with animals and trying to use
animals to displace humans as sexual and emotional
10. We believe that Satan, as part of his objective to maximize the spirit of physical and psychological violence
on earth is subtly instigating earths masses to saturate
cities and urban areas with extremely savage dogs such
as rottweilers and pit bulls. We believe that this saturation of cities and urban areas with such savage dogs, will,
as programmed by Satan, result in the transformation
of these human settlements into extremely physically
and psychologically violent environments where brutal
jungle justice will reign, with most people depending on
personal savage armies of very powerful dogs for physical protection as against the state which God created for
that very purpose.
11. We believe that it is the duty of human beings to carefully
conserve their environment in a way as to maximize the
conservation of the natural habitats of wild animals such
as savannahs, forests, jungles, prairies and the like. We
believe that to achieve this objective that governments

must use wise and farsighted laws and policies to regulate the physical development of the earth, including the
spread of human settlements.

chapter 9
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity on
Witchcraft and Sorcery
1. We believe that the first human witch and
sorcerer was the first female, Eve, because
the pact she entered into with Lucifer in the
Garden of Eden was to sell her soul to him,
to enter into union and alliance with him
in exchange for receiving god-like power,
wisdom, knowledge and status from him.
2. We believe that the first occultic human
leader of mankind was Adam, the man
created by God to be the first leader of
3. We believe that right from the Garden of
Eden where he initiated Eve directly into
occultism and used Eve to initiate Adam,
the leader of humanity, into occultism that
Satan has always worked to entice leaders of
nations and human societies into occultism
through various ruses in order to use their

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
occultism to first and foremost undermine
and destroy the true knowledge and worship
of God and use the ensuing godlessness or
false spirituality to sweep multitudes into
hell and to also afflict human societies with
different kinds of curses.
4. We believe --- as attested by the fact that
Eve was the first human occultist and witch
--- that although history has always shown
that males have strong propensities for
occultism and witchcraft, that the female
is the gender with a far more powerful and
destructive propensity for witchcrafts and
occultism. And we believe that most males
who turn to occultism and witchcraft do so
in large part because of heavy feminization
of them spiritually and psychologically.
5. We believe that although there were witch
hunts and persecution of witches in times
past that were extremely cruel to females,
that modern society makes a greatly
dangerous mistake in not taking witchcraft
seriously and employing all the repressive
and punitive powers of the state to repress
and punish it. This is because occultism
and witchcrafts --- whether it is raw witchcrafts and occultism practiced with spells
and rituals or that cleverly disguised in
intellectual and political wrappings such

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity





as feminism --- is one of the greatest

subverters of moral order and activators
of all kinds of lawlessness in nations and
human societies.
We believe that feminism is fundamentally
and essentially witchcraft, and that it is one
of the most subtle, sophisticated, multifaceted, worldwide, hegemonic and organized
system of witchcraft ever fomented and
propagated in the history of the human
race. We believe that the intellectualism
and political activism that undergirds it
are simply the deceptive garbs that hide its
essential witchcraftry.
We believe that feminists are witches, every
bit witches as the witch of Endor and Queen
Jezebel of Israel were witches.
We believe that feminism is fundamentally
nothing less than an organized rebellion
by the masses of the earth, led by females,
against God and that it parallels the rebellion of the earths masses, in Biblical Babel,
against God, and that just as God defeated
that Babelian rebellion so also will he
utterly crush the feminist rebellion.
And we believe that the judgments with
which God will crush this feminist rebellion
will be of apocalyptic proportions, perhaps
provoking punishment by death by the

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
millions among the insurgent masses of the
earth and that it will result in the destruction of the present world feminist-capitalist
civilization as we know it.
10. We believe that one of the greatest and
most vulnerable casualties of the feminist
rebellion against God by the masses of the
earth led by females are hundreds millions
of dead fetal and embryonic human beings
slaughtered by the instigation of the feminists and women and in collaboration with
the masses of the earth. And we believe
that because the governments and the
masses of the earth rebelled against Gods
Genesis 9 command to mankind to refrain
from wanton wasting of human life and to
respect the sanctity of all human life, that
God will visit the nations and masses of the
earth with retributive wrath for every single
one of the fetal and embryonic human beings
murdered by the instigation of feminists and
women and in collusion with the masses of
the earth. And we believe that so terrible
will be Gods retributive vengeance against
women and the masses of the earth for this
genocidal warfare launched against unborn
human beings and babies that probably tens
of millions of humans are going to die by
the decree of God, through wars, diseases

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

and other decimating agents of Gods wrath,
in the years and decades ahead for God in
Genesis 9 clearly warned mankind that he
would retributively require a life for each
life that is wantonly wasted and murdered.
11. We believe that it is the urgent and
God-commanded duty of the masses
in every nation to rise up against feminism, overthrow and crush it and terribly
punish its spearheads. We believe that if the
masses of the earth continue to join cause
with feminists and their male enablers to
continue this insurgency against God and
his institutions or just simply allow them to
persist in their rebellions against the Most
High God and the moral order and the
institutions he has established, that God
will visit earth and its masses with curses so
terrible as to make some of the worst disasters in human history seem like nothing.
12. We believe that powerful men and women
belonging to occultic secret societies such
as the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians
Order are the secret hidden instigating
forces behind the insurgencies of feminism and secularism against God and his
institutions, and we believe that the most
important objective of these occultic agents
of Satan is to use these feminism and

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
secularist and other anti-God and antipatriarchy insurgencies to progressively
and cunningly corrupt and ultimately
destroy the true knowledge and worship of
the Patriarch-God and true faith on earth
and to replace true faith on earth with a
godless ecumenical amalgam of false beliefs
and spiritualities.
13. We believe that the secondary purpose
of occultic secret societies such as the
Freemasons and the Rosicrucian Order
is to use members of these secret societies powerfully placed in government,
religion, science and technology, finance,
trade, law and the judiciary, academia and
other facets of national life to progressively
and cunningly subvert the moral order
--- by the promotion of immoralities and
depravities such as abortion, pornography,
sexual promiscuity, homosexuality and
other types of sexual lawlessness etc --- in
nations so as to entrench and perpetuate a
controlled anarchic moral order that facilitates the perpetuation of the stranglehold
on power by occultists in various nations.
14. And we believe that one of the reasons why
the world over the past couple of generations has been experiencing such unprecedented levels of moral anarchy such as

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

abortion, homosexuality and different
kinds of harlotries is because a substantial
proportion of the intellectual, academic,
political, financial, legal, judicial, scientific and technological and other elites of
nations belong to occultic secret societies
such as the Freemasons and universitybased ones like Yale Universitys Skull and
Bones. We believe that it is in these general
and university-based secret societies that
would-be national leaders and actual
national rulers are cleverly and subtly
indoctrinated with occultic and anti-God
ideas and mindsets that program them to
use power and perverse laws and social
policies to attack the institutions of God,
most particularly its controlling institution,
patriarchy, and to promote Satans destructive agendas on earth.
15. We believe that unless the governments and
the masses of the earth attack and destroy
these occultic secret societies that any
attempt to defeat the present anarchic order
would only be met with ultimate defeat for
the simple reason that the root of the evil
tree, occultic secret societies, that bears the
corrupt fruits of feminism, homosexuality
and sexual lawlessness of all kinds was not
uprooted and destroyed.

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16. Therefore we believe that it is the most
urgent God-commanded duty of governments and nations to employ all means
necessary to uproot and destroy occultic
secret societies, means such as:
a. The use of national constitutions
and laws to prohibit all secret
b. The use of national constitutions
and laws to prohibit all schoolbased secret societies
c. The use of national constitutions
and laws to ban all elected and
appointed public office holders
and civil servants from the office
sweeper to the president of the
nation from belonging to secret
d. The use of national constitutions
and laws to make membership
of secret societies grounds for
impeachment and criminal prosecution of public office holders
e. The use of national constitutions
and laws to designate occultism
and witchcraft of all types as
subservice ideological enemies of
the state and nation
f. The use of national constitutions

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

and laws to prohibit occultism
and witchcraft
g. The use of national constitutions
and laws to prescribe the death
penalty and other terrible punishments to punish practitioners of
occultism and witchcrafts
h. The use of national constitutions
and laws to designate feminism
as witchcraft and feminists as
i. The use of national constitutions and laws to designate secret
societies such as Freemasons as
occultic and witchcraft societies
j. Etc


chapter 10
The Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in
Regard to Human Dressing
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity in Regard to
Male Dressing
1. We believe that males should dress in ways that distinguishes them as males and differentiates them from
2. We believe that males should dress in decent and ageappropriate ways
3. We believe that males as leaders of human society should
dress in respectable ways that sets an example in decency
for females
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity in Regard to
Female Dressing
1. We believe that the way females dress is not a mere matter
of personal choice but that it has deep and broad consequences on society and that therefore God has provided

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governments the power and authority to constitutionally and legally regulate female dressing to ensure that it
conforms to the highest standards of feminity, decency
and modesty and to minimize the promotion of lewdness and moral turpitude in society. When we talk of
female dressing conforming to the highest standards of
morality we do not of course mean that females should
be shrouded from head to toes in dowdy clothing that
negates and hides their feminine attractiveness. Rather
we mean that they should be compelled and taught to
dress in ways that are both decent and modest but also
very tasteful and attractive at the same time.
2. We particularly we believe that it is the will of God for
females to dress in ways that maximizes her feminity
and minimizes her outward masculinization because the
feminization of female dressing greatly contributes in
deepening healthy heterosexual attraction and bonding
between males and females whereas the masculinization
of female dressing, although it may elicit sexual lust, is one
of the greatest destroyers of deep, healthy heterosexual
attraction and bonding between males and females
3. We believe that female body if clothed in ways that
conform to high standards of feminity, decency and
modesty enables society and particularly males to develop
high regards for females and to treat them respectfully
and chivalrously
4. We also that when the female body is clothed in ways as
to sexualize it and render it lewd will unavoidably help
to promote misogynism and physical and psychological

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

violence toward females and tension and disharmony
between the sexes
5. We believe that one of the reasons why governments and
nations are mandated by God to regulate female dressing
to make it conform to the highest standards of decency
and morality is because lewd female dressing can greatly
cause or contribute to terrible social consequences. These
include extremely high levels of harlotry, extremely high
levels of sexual incontinence in males because of the
irrefutably established fact that the more lewdly females
are dressed in any society the more the sexual control
of males are subverted and weakened and therefore the
greater the manifestation of sexual lust and extremely
high levels of sexual lawlessness --- and by logical extension the higher the levels of sexual lust and lawlessness in
any society the greater will be the manifestation of deadly
and in some cases incurable and highly infectious sexually transmitted diseases which kill not only guilty and
non-guilty adults but completely innocent babies and
children as well.
6. We believe that God has given governments the authority
to employ its police powers to maximally repress and
punish lewd female dressing and that governments must
fully wield and use that power of repression and punishment upon transgressing females
7. We believe that it is Gods expressed will for the church
to take a spearheading role in teaching females worldwide on a sustained and systematic and comprehensive
basis why and how to dress in ways that maximizes their

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
feminity and modesty.
8. We believe that churches should have dress codes
that would make lewd dressing by females who have
been church members for some years subject to disciplinary action if they are privately admonished to stop
dressing lewdly and they stubbornly refuse to heed such
9. We believe that the era of feminism and the unbelievably
lewd and ugly dressing of females that characterized that
most unfortunate period of human history has clearly
demonstrated and proved the fact that it is patriarchy
alone that the God-given mandate and ability to mold
the female morally and spiritually to equip her with the
ability to both love and respect herself which self-love
and self-respect is always evidenced by the way she
dresses modestly and tastefully and carries herself with
grace, dignity and decorum in society. We believe that
the era of feminism when females had unprecedented
freedom and autonomy to name and mold themselves
has clearly and irrefutably demonstrated and proved the
fact and the truth that whenever females are permitted
such freedom to name and mold themselves that they
will always mold themselves in ways that maximizes the
manifestation and exhibition of their carnal ugliness as
particularly evidenced by the unbelievably lewd and ugly
manner females by the tens of millions dressed during
the feminist era. We believe that God has so designed
and willed it that it is only the loving but firm moral and
spiritual naming and molding of females by patriarchs

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

(fathers, husbands, spiritual leaders, etc) that can enable
females to activate and manifest the great and enormously pleasing feminine beauty and grace deposited in
them by God and which sin did not completely erase.
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity in Regard to
Human Beauty and Cosmetic Beauty Surgery and Ageing
1. We believe that human beings greatest and most desirable beauty is their inner beauty --- qualities such as love,
kindness, meekness, generosity, faithfulness, loyalty,
gentleness, courageousness, patience, forbearance etc --and not what is called external beauty, that is to say, how
the bone and muscle structures, skin color and tone and
other physical parts of the human body makes a person
look externally
2. We believe that it is in the best interests of every nation
and society to encourage people to put more importance
on improving and cultivating their inner beauty than on
their outward physical appearance although the outward
physical appearance should be well-cared for and is
necessary for developing human bonding
3. We believe that God in the perfection of his wisdom
designed human life to be divided into several broad
developmental stages such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, mature adulthood and old
age, and that his will is that humans live out each stage
naturally and as joyfully and fulfillingly and age appropriately as possible before transitioning into the next

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stage, and that each stage of development, according to
Gods wise design serves a wise purpose in the overall
full development of the human potential and God-willed
destiny. Therefore in light of this, we believe that it is
both a dangerous mistake and a rebellion against the will
of God, the designer and creator of the human being,
for humans to try to use artificial means such cosmetic
beauty surgeries to seek to either perpetuate a certain
stage of development beyond its natural lifespan or to
hold back the natural progression of physical ageing.
4. We believe that old age is a beautiful stage of human
development, designed by God himself and serving great
benefits to human society, and therefore we believe that
governments and the church should use every educational
means possible to educate the general citizenry to greatly
love and respect and honor old men and women, and to
appreciate and accept old age when it comes and use it to
serve both God and human society fruitfully
5. We believe that it is a most urgent duty of governments
and the church and other stakeholders in society to
employ all the resources of wisdom necessary to recover
the love and respect for old men and women which
human society lost during much of the modern industrial age.
6. In this regard we believe that it is the most urgent duty
of governments, the church and other stakeholders in
society to use every educational resource available to
teach the young to recover all the filial love and respect
and honor and protective obligations they owe their

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

fathers and mothers
7. We believe that a society that does not greatly love, honor
and respect its ageing or old men and women is a greatly
foolish society whose foolishness and disregard for the
old will not fail to attract Gods judgments
8. We believe that governments, policymakers and earths
masses as a whole are yet to adequately comprehend the
great dangers that a massive recourse to cosmetic beauty
surgery could pose to human society, and we believe that
cosmetic beauty surgery is not an issue that should be left
to the personal choices of individuals but is a matter that
has great implications and dangers for human society as
a whole and its stabilizing institutions, particularly the
marriage institution
9. And therefore we believe that the state has the God-given
right to regulate the resort to cosmetic beauty surgery by
10. We believe that the massive resort to cosmetic beauty
surgery in human societies will ultimately greatly harm
human societies by promoting vanity and destroying
human beings ability to appreciate and love other human
beings as they are naturally
11. We also believe that another danger of a massive recourse
to cosmetic beauty surgery in human societies is that it
would ultimately promote a highly destructive culture
of hedonism as humans, knowing that they could use
it to repair any physical damages done by a deliberately debauched life of hedonism and self-abuse, plunge
without restraint into all manner of sexual licentiousness

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
and deliberately indulge in abuse of body-destroying
chemicals such as alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, heroin and
so forth. In this regard we fear that the female is most
likely to be the sex more prone to this abuse.
12. We believe that some of the ultimate terrible dangers of
a massive recourse to cosmetic surgery in human society
include a) the general social marginalization of people
who have not the means to use beauty surgery to look
attractive and therefore desirable in the eyes of many
as social partners b) marginalization of some people in
the matter of choosing of marital partners as those who
can afford to use beauty surgeries and who actually use
them to look attractive will be preferred over those who
could not or did not use beauty surgeries to make themselves look handsome or beautiful
13. But beyond the above, we have great justification to fear
and believe that a massive world industry of cosmetic
beauty surgery could help prepare the ground for some
wicked members of human society who, like the Nazis,
would want to establish human societies and civilizations
in which physically perfect looking people or people who
meet some pre-determined racial physical characteristics or physical aesthetic characteristics are designated
as first-class humans while others who do not meet
these standards are designated second-class humans and
therefore exploited and dehumanized as a result. And
worse still, we fear that such wicked elements in human
societies could use these artificial physical standards as
part of an ideology of mass killing and culling of those

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

not deemed to have met the set standards. We believe the
history of the human race particularly that of the Nazis
and the proponents of eugenics wisely teaches us that this
is not a wide-eyed fantasy or unnecessary fearmongering
but a very probable reality.


chapter 11
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in
Regard to Sports
1. We believe that sports is necessary for the healthy physical, psychological and mental development of humans
2. Although sports is necessary for the wholesome development of humans we believe that if wrongly used it can be
employed to pervert and distort the gender-rooted identities of males and females
3. Despite its potential usefulness we believe that sports can
be employed by Satan and his surrogates as a particularly
effective weapon to thwart Gods complementary gender
designs and roles of the male and female
4. Also despite its potential usefulness we believe that
sports can be used to promote a culture of physical and
psychological violence that can be extremely destructive
to human society. Satan used sin to engender a propensity for destructive aggression and violence in the human
nature, and we are reliably informed by Scripture that
this sin-engendered physical and psychological aggression and violence was manifested so destructively and

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pervasively during the days of Noah that human societies were literally transformed into brutal murderous
jungles and that the violence that obtained so pervasively
in those days made life in human societies so unlivable
and immoral that God saw fit to totally destroy that
then world. We believe that God caused that story to
be included in the bible to warn all future generations
of mankind of the extremely destructive depths of the
sin-engendered violent nature of humans so that governments in all dispensations of time would use wise laws
and policies to limit as much as possible the manifestation of the aggressive and violent nature of humans
5. More precisely as evidenced by recent history, we believe
that it can be employed by Satan and his human agents
to androgenize males and females: that is to say, it can
be used to destroy the feminity of females and masculinize them physically, psychologically, emotionally
and mentally; and it can be used --- through forced
unisex sports --- to feminize males and diminish their
6. We also believe that unless wisely regulated by the state,
that sports can be used by the agents of Satan to subvert
the moral order in society by using it to promote sexual
lawlessness and other kinds of lawlessness such as
homosexuality, lesbianism as well as psychological and
physical violence in the general society
7. We believe that in view of its potential to be used destructively against society that it is the duty of the state to
use the fullness of God-endowed wisdom, insight and

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

foresight to develop laws and policies that will regulate
professional and amateur sports
8. More particularly we believe that it is the duty of the state
to use the power and authority of the constitution and
the laws of the nation to explicitly forbid the use of sports
for the following:
a. Promotion of physical androgyny: that is to say
the physical masculinization of females or the
physical feminization of males
b. Promotion of psychological and mental and
emotional androgyny: that is to say, the psychological, mental and emotional masculinization
of females and the psychological, mental and
emotional feminization of males
c. Promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality and
other perverted sexual identities and deviances
d. Promotion of sexual lawlessness such as male
and female sexual submission wrestling and
e. Promotion of a culture of physical and psychological violence in the general society (such as
was witnessed during the feminist era when
extremely violent forms of sports entertainment such as mixed martial arts such as cage
fighting were shown on television and videos
of all kinds of physical brutalities were posted
on Internet videos which promoted a culture of
brutality, gratuitous psychological and physical

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Promotion of unisex sports: that is to say, sports

in which males and females compete against
each other
g. Promotion of aggressive and violent unisex
sports of kinds: that is to say, sports such as
boxing or wrestling or driving in which males
and females compete against each other
h. Promotion of greed and avarice


chapter 12
The Core Distinctives
of Patriarchal Christianity
in Regard to the Human Race
and the Relationship Between
Ethnic Groups
1. We believe that all human beings, irrespective of their
color and ethnicity, are the children of the first human
father and mother, Adam and Eve
2. We believe that irrespective of color or ethnicity or level
of development that all human beings are created equal
in the eyes of God and have equal God-given rights to
dignity and respect and to the use and enjoyment of all
the resources God endowed the earth with
3. We do not believe that any human ethnic group is superior in any regard whatsoever to any other
4. We believe that God has commanded ethnic groups
to treat other ethnic groups with the same dignity and
justice that they would like to be treated with, and we
believe that God, as the Righteous Judge of the earth,
will always visit retributive justice upon any ethnic group

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that exploits and dehumanizes other ethnic groups and
these divine retributive punishments will be meted out
either upon the generation that carried out this wickedness upon other ethnic groups or upon the generations
of their children and seed.
5. We believe that most wars that erupt between ethnic
groups are rooted in and provoked by greed, selfishness
and lust, and we believe that such wars and tensions can
be minimized if ethnic groups learn to live and to let
live, to share resources equitably and to forgive crimes
and offences committed against them by other ethnic


chapter 13
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in
Regard to Work
1. We believe that the greatest God-ordained purpose of
work is the spiritual salvation of mankind and not merely
the provision of the material needs of humans
2. More particularly we believe that God, with the full
pre-creation knowledge of the fall of mankind into sin,
created work for the following spiritual purposes:
a. To use the rigors, daring and dangers inherent
in work to deeply instill, condition and activate
in males the self-sacrificial, wise, daring and
courageous spirit needed to equip and enable
him to maximally carry out his God-ordained
duty as the primary spiritual and moral savior
of mankind from sin and Satan
b. To use the spirit of submissiveness required
of subordinates in the hierarchical leadership
structure of work to deeply instill in humans the
spirit of meekness and submissiveness needed
to humble oneself to receive Gods gift of eternal

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salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ, and to
humbly and obediently and faithfully and fruitfully serve God in spiritual works of salvation as
his children and bondservants
c. To use the subordination inherent in work to
deeply instill in males a courageous, humble
and meek spirit to counteract the proud and
cowardly spirit which Adam inherited from
Eve and which Eve inherited from Lucifer so
as to use this humble and meek spirit to counteract and deliver males from the pride- and
cowardice-enabled eternal damnation willed
for them by Satan
d. To use domestic work and servanthood to their
husbands and children and others to deeply
instill in females a humble and meek spirit to
counteract the proud, vain Luciferian spirit they
inherited from Eve so as to use that domesticwork enabled humble and meek spirit to deliver
females from the pride- and stubbornnessenabled eternal damnation willed for them by
3. We believe that God with deliberate wisdom specialized
work on a differentiated, complementary and equally
valued basis for males and females.
4. We believe that it is urgently imperative for governments
and nations to use their national constitutions to clearly
define the primary God-ordained gender-rooted life roles
for the male and the female on the following biblical order:

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

a. For males: 1. Community ruler, legislator
and law enforcer 2. Community and family
economic provider and protector 3. Spiritual
leader and teacher in marriage, homes, religion
and the general society 4.Marital head 5. Family
head 5.
b. For females: 1. Married motherhood 2.
Wifehood 3. Homemaker 4. Helper to the male
primarily within the home
5. We believe that one of the main reasons why females have
often been historically tempted and instigated to usurp
male gender-rooted work (such as legislator, lawmaker
and ruler, spiritual teachers and leaders, economic
providers etc) is because of the historical widespread
wrong assumption that male gender-rooted work is more
prestigious, rewarding and valuable than female genderrooted work.
6. Although male gender-rooted work (such as public governance and teaching roles in the church and the general
society) may be more visible and seemingly more prestigious and valuable in the eyes of society than the less
visible gender-rooted work of females (married motherhood, wifehood, homemaking), we believe that the Word
of God affirms with the fullness of divine authority that
the work and roles of the male are in no wise more valuable to human society or to God than the work and roles
of the female.
7. We believe that governments and nations owe it as
an imperative duty to God and to the human race to

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enshrine this truth in their constitutions that in the
eyes of God, the Creator of human males and females,
the God-ordained specialized gender-rooted work and
roles of the of females (married motherhood, wifehood,
homemaker) have as much value before God and human
society as the work and roles of the male (married fatherhood, husbandhood, spiritual ruler and teacher, protector
and provider, legislator, king and law enforcer).
8. We believe that it is the urgent and imperative duty of
governments and patriarchal leaders of society (husbands,
fathers, church leaders and teachers, society leaders) to
ensure that every educational resource is used to teach
entire citizens of every community or nation the truth
that male gender-rooted work and roles are in no wise
more valuable and honorable than female gender-rooted
work and roles.
9. We believe that it is of urgent necessity for governments
and nations to use the authority and power of constitutions to establish one day in the week as a mandatory
work-free day except for emergency services. We believe
that this is absolutely imperative because Scripture
reveals that this is the command of God for mankind
in all dispensations of time. For Scripture makes it clear
that after God used six days to create the world he rested
on the seventh and sanctified it, setting it apart as a
special day dedicated to communion fellowship and rest
with God, family and friends. Evidently God never gets
fatigued and we believe that God used his rest on the
seventh day to symbolize his will and wisdom on this

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

matter which is that because of the physically, mentally
and psychologically onerous and backbreaking nature of
work that humans need at least one day in the week to
rest from work so as to replenish themselves spiritually,
mentally and psychologically. We believe that the chief
reason why God wants this one day consecrated to the
replenishment of the human soul, spirit and body is to
further his salvation plans for mankind, because without
such regular rest and spiritual and physical and psychological replenishment human beings will become alienated from each other and from God, and that the likely
results for multitudes could include progressive spiritual
alienation and hardening of heart toward God, the use of
the material acquisitions obtained from work to replace
God as the object of worship, hedonism --- and that the
ultimate consequence of such a life of materialism and
godlessness for many would be eternal damnation in


chapter 14
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in Regard
to Human Settlements
1. We believe that the present rapid and massive urbanization of the world is not happening according to the will of
God but rather according to the secret wicked designs of
Satan to use it to unleash extremely destructive spiritual,
social, psychological and other consequences on human
2. We believe that governments, the church and the general
society have greatly under-appreciated the great dangers
that a continuing rapid urbanization of the world will
pose to human societies
3. We believe that one of Satans chief objectives in instigating this rapid and massive spread of urbanization
worldwide is to use it to greatly and fatally weaken all the
institutions of salvation, stability and blessing God established for human beings such as the marriage and family
institutions, the church and their supervisory institution,
4. We believe that Satans chief aim in secretly promoting

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this rapid and massive urbanization of the world is to use
it to ultimately greatly weaken patriarchy and patriarchal societies if not to completely destroy them so as to
replace them substantially if not entirely by matriarchy
and matriarchal societies
5. And we believe that the grand objective of Satan in all
this is to use this total destruction of patriarchy and
patriarchal societies and their replacement with matriarchy and matriarchal urban societies to unleash unprecedented levels of immorality, lawlessness and violence
on earth that would enable him to reap his most massive
harvests ever of rebellious, father-hating, God-hating,
God-rejecting and damned souls for hell
6. We believe that it is the will of God that governments
worldwide use every means, urgent and necessary, to
greatly diminish the speed and spread of urbanization,
and we fully believe that if governments and the masses
of the earth try to disregard or disobey Gods will on this
matter and continue to promote this rapid and massive
urbanization of the world that God, as the Creator and
Owner of this earth, and the One whose will can never
be thwarted by humans or by Satan, will use means such
as apocalyptic world wars, endless years of economic
disasters and famines, decimating diseases and any other
means he so desires to employ to halt, roll back or slow
world urbanization to levels in conformity to his will and
salvation purposes for mankind and to compel governments and the masses of the earth to fully obey and
submit to his will on this matter.

chapter 15
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in
Regard to Science and Technology
1. We believe that as part of his common grace kindness to
mankind that God endowed humans with the ability to
use science and technology to facilitate life and work
2. However we also believe that as we move more and more
toward the end times that Satan will employ science and
technology as one of his most destructive and effective
weapons in his general warfare against humans
3. We also believe that as we move more and more toward
the end times that Satan will employ science and technology as one of his most destructive and effective
weapons of deception, enslavement and ensnarement in
his spiritual warfare against Gods people
4. Also as abundantly demonstrated before and during the
era of feminism, we believe that science and technology,
if not adequately, vigilantly and diligently and farsightedly regulated by governments can be employed to attack
and greatly weaken Gods institutions of salvation and
blessing such as the marriage and family institution.

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5. We believe that science and technology, if not adequately,
vigilantly and diligently and farsightedly regulated by
church leaders can be employed by Satan and his human
surrogates to subtly and progressively destroy fraternal
bonding between believers, weaken local churches and
pastoral authority, and generally hinder the carrying
out of the Great Commission. This has been abundantly
evidenced by the promotion by some Satan-deceived
church leaders such as the Korean minister David Yonggi
Cho of Internet Churches which encourage believers
to neglect physically and regularly assembling with other
believers for mutual edification, rebukes, encouragement,
discipline and instruction in righteous living --- which
neglect of physical fellowship isolates believers spiritually
(as well as socially) and renders them extremely vulnerable to the attacks of Satan and his demons, the world
and the subversive carnal tendencies of the flesh. We also
believe that science and technology, if not adequately and
farsightedly and vigilantly regulated and used by church
leaders can deceive Christians into neglecting the most
effective Christ-mandated model of soul-winning and
worldwide evangelization --- comprehensive house-tohouse, street-by-street, neighborhood-by-neighborhood,
city-by-city footwork and direct face-to-face evangelization --- and to rather displace this Christ-mandated
model with apparently easier options such as reliance on
communication technologies such as radio and television
and the Internet for the broadcast of sermons and teachings. We believe that these communication technologies

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

are if used very wisely can greatly help in the work of the
Great Commission, but only if they are used as necessary
supplements to footwork face-to-face direct evangelization and discipleship rather than as replacements.
6. We also believe that science and technology, if not
adequately, vigilantly and diligently and farsightedly
regulated by governments can be employed to perpetrate
murder, genocide as well as physical and psychological
violence on ever-increasing massive scales. This has been
abundantly and irrefutably evidenced by the fact that it
was science and technology that greatly facilitated the
slaughter in the hundreds of millions of unborn fetal and
embryonic human beings during the feminist era
7. We believe that science and technology, if not adequately,
vigilantly and diligently and farsightedly regulated by
governments can be employed to attack and weaken
heterosexuality and promote homosexuality and other
sexual deviances
8. We believe that science and technology, if not adequately,
vigilantly and diligently and farsightedly regulated by
governments can be employed by Satan and his human
surrogates to enable the female to subvert Gods ordained
gender-rooted life roles for her and his biological design
of her and to mount a fullscale assault against his design
and rule of her body and every aspect of her being. This
has been abundantly and irrefutably evidenced by the fact
that it was science and technology, during the feminist
era, that enabled tens of millions of females worldwide
to rebel against Gods command to mankind to greatly

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
multiply and replenish the earth by using surgical
abortions, contraceptives and abortifacients, artificial
reproductive technology (ART) and other scientific and
technological means to either avoid bringing to birth
babies conceived in their wombs or to altogether lock
their wombs against having babies. It was also science and
technology that was employed by rebellious mankind in
general and females in particular to attempt to subvert
Gods biological design of the female as seen in the invention of a pill that can now enable females to stop menstruating (otherwise termed menstrual suppression).
9. We believe that science and technology, if not adequately,
vigilantly and diligently and farsightedly regulated by
governments can be employed by Satan and his human
surrogates to render the female bestially and barbarously
and murderously vain. This has been abundantly and
irrefutably evidenced by the fact that during the feminist
era it was science and technology that was employed to
kill and cannibalize embryonic human beings and use
their parts to carry out cosmetic beauty surgeries on
behalf of increasing numbers of females worldwide
10. We also believe that science and technology, if not
adequately, vigilantly and diligently and farsightedly
regulated by governments can be employed by Satan and
his human surrogates to greatly attack the maleness of
the male so as to maximally enfeeble him physically, spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, intellectually and
mentally so as to use this maximum enfeeblement of the
male to prevent him from discharging his God-entrusted

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

responsibilities as the spiritual leader and savior of
mankind, and mankinds ruler, provider and protector in
every single area of life. This has been abundantly and
irrefutably evidenced by the use of video games filled
with emasculating, dehumanizing and mind-twisting
images to greatly emasculate (intellectually, emotionally, affectively, psychologically and even physically)
increasing numbers of males, old and young worldwide,
thus greatly weakening the ability of males to be stable,
intelligent, loving and strong leaders in marriage, the
home, religion and the general society.
11. We believe that science and technology, if not adequately,
vigilantly and diligently and farsightedly regulated by
governments can be employed by Satan and his human
surrogates to establish highly intrusive, oppressive and
totalitarian environments in human society. This has
been abundantly and irrefutably evidenced by the use
of security cameras to render nations such as Britain
into pagan Big Brother societies where a massive and
pervasive deployment of security cameras (Britain alone
is estimated to have more than 4 million closed-circuit
security cameras and Police say the average Briton is
on as many as 300 cameras every day, usually unaware.)
into every single nook and corner of villages, towns,
cities is now robbing humans of the ability to have private
moments and enabling perverted agents within and
outside governments with the tools to track and excessively control people. We do not believe that the massive
and pervasive deployment of security cameras is a wise

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
and effective way to combat aggression, violence and
crime in society. We believe that the explosive increase
in aggression, violence and crimes in societies witnessed
during the feminist period is rooted fundamentally in
feminisms and capitalisms destruction of the stabilizing
and civilizing institutions of society and the human
mind, namely traditional marriage and family, heterosexuality and correct gender-rooted life roles for males
and females --- and the central God-ordained institutions that governs these other institutions, patriarchy.
We believe that the crushing of the feminist insurrection,
the restoration of wise, loving and strong patriarchy and
patriarchal rule in marriages, families, religion, sports,
education, law, trade, and public government and every
other aspect of life are the most effective God-provided
ways to diminish aggression, violence and crimes in
human societies.
12. We believe that science and technology, if not adequately,
vigilantly and diligently and farsightedly regulated by
governments can be employed by Satan and his human
surrogates to unleash excessive and extremely destructive and addictive levels of lust, materialism and consumerism in human society, rendering humans into slaves
to material things and subtly and progressively robbing
them of the ability and capacity to love and bond deeply
with other humans --- and with God.
13. In light of all these we believe that it is the God-commanded
duty and responsibility of governments in every nation
and society to use the full power and authority of national

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

constitutions and laws to prohibit the following:
a. The use of science and technology to attack and
weaken Gods institutions, namely the traditional marriage and family institution, heterosexuality, morality, correct gender-rooted roles
for males and female
b. The use of science and technology to attack and
weaken the governing institution of all the institutions of God on earth --- patriarchy
c. The use of science and technology to promote
the spiritual, physical, emotional, psychological
and intellectual androgynization of males and
females: that is to say, the use of science and
technology to promote the spiritual, physical,
emotional, psychological and intellectual
masculinization of females and feminization of
d. The use of science and technology to commit
murder or genocide such as the use of surgical
abortions, chemical abortions and ART to kill
fetal and embryonic human beings
e. The use of science and technology to attempt to
create hybrids of humans and animals
f. The use of science and technology to carry out
scientific experiments that destroys life (nascent
life such as fetal and embryonic human life)
g. The use of science and technology to carry out
the killing, destruction and cannibalization
of human life (including fetal and embryonic

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
human life) to obtain cures for diseases or to
carry out cosmetic surgeries of any kind
h. Etc


chapter 16
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in Regard
to Human Life and Medicine
1. We believe that God has given sanctity of life to humans at
every stage of their existence including from conception
2. We believe that it is the God-commanded duty of
governments to use the fullness of the power and
authority granted them by God to maximally repress and
terribly punish (including through capital punishment)
all murder of human life such as carried out through
surgical and chemical abortion, abortifacients, scientific
research and destruction of embryonic and fetal life.
3. We believe that by the biblical command of God that
governments must constitutionally recognize the use of
abortifacients that kill nascent human life as murder that
must attract the death penalty
4. We believe that by the biblical command of God that
governments must constitutionally recognize the use of
surgical and chemical abortions as murder and that it
must be punished with the death penalty
5. We believe that by the biblical command of God that

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governments must constitutionally recognize the use of

scientific and technological research to kill or destroy
embryonic and fetal human life as murder that must be
punished with the death penalty
We believe that by the biblical command of God that
governments and nations must use the fullness of the
power and authority of the constitution to establish the
death penalty for any doctor or health care personnel or
other person who uses surgical or chemical abortion to
kill fetal and other types of human beings.
We believe that by the biblical command of God that
governments and nations must use the fullness of the
power and authority of the constitution and national laws
to establish the death penalty for any female who uses
surgical and chemical abortion or allows others such as
doctors to use surgical and chemical abortion to kill their
unborn or born babies.
We believe that by the biblical command of God that
governments and nations must use the fullness of the
power and authority of the constitution and national laws
to establish the death penalty for any person who advocates the legalization and use of abortion to kill human
We believe that by the biblical command of God that
governments and nations must use the fullness of the
power and authority of the constitution and national laws
to establish the death penalty for any person who advocates the killing and destruction of embryonic human
life for any purpose whatsoever however beneficial to

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

10. We believe that failure by governments and the masses
of the earth to ensure the maximum protection of the
life of all human beings (including fetal and embryonic
human beings) will periodically --- and in every single
generation --- attract the fullness of the retributive wrath
of God upon the inhabitants of earth, and that God in his
righteous and retributive wrath can employ means such
as decimating incurable and communicable diseases,
natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes and
world wars to exact vengeance in the millions or even tens
of millions against the inhabitants of earth for their abetting and participating in the wanton wasting of human
lives. We believe that if government and the masses of
nations ensure that national constitutions and laws and
law enforcement agents are used with maximum fearfulness and effectiveness to deter and punish such wanton
wasting of lives but that some individuals continue to
perpetrate such wanton wasting of lives, that God in his
righteous justice will not punish the obedient whole for
the sin of the disobedient part but that the righteous fury
of God will fall on the particular individuals involved.
11. We believe that the most effective way to diminish and
minimize the wanton wasting of human lives through
the killing and destruction of embryonic and fetal life is
not only through constitutional and legal prohibitions
and terrible punishments such as the death penalty but
also through a mandatory, systematic, comprehensive
and continual education of the elites and masses of each

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
nation on the sanctity of all human life. And we believe
that the state and the church and other institutions of
society should use every resources obtainable (such as
systematic lessons on the sanctity of human life in church
doctrinal classes, the systematic teaching of same in all
private and public schools from pre-school to the university level, special sanctity of life lessons for adults through
adult education classes, etc) to carry out this mandatory
and systematic education on the sanctity of life of all
human life. And we believe that the best way to maximize the participation of the masses of a nation in these
mandatory and systematic education on the sanctity of
all human life is to ensure that certificates of completion
of such classes would be necessary to obtain privileges
and benefits such as the right to receive health insurance,
drivers licenses, the right to vote and the right to receive
pensions etc.


chapter 17
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in
Regard to Education
1. We believe that God provided human beings the intellectual and mental ability to learn so we can use education to discover the developmental laws and principles
established by God and develop human societies in ways
that conform to Gods laws and will and that maximizes
his salvational purposes for human beings.
2. We believe that the chief God-ordained purpose of
education is not to equip human beings with the ability
to provide for their material needs, although this is a very
important aspect of it, but rather to use it to serve Gods
plans of salvation for perishing mankind. The primary
purpose of education, all education is the spiritual salvation of children, women and men. The secondary purpose
of education is to provide other needs of mankind such
as their material and psychological needs.
3. We believe that God designed and willed all education
for the male and the female to be complementary and
differentiated in accordance to his wise gender-rooted

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
specialized roles for the male and female. In accordance to
this therefore, the education of the male right from childhood is to equip him with all the wisdom, knowledge,
understanding, insight and foresight needed to excel and
to be maximally fruitful in all his God-assigned genderrooted life roles such as spiritual leader and teacher to
mankind male and female alike, husband-leader to his
wife, father-leader to his children, community leader, law
maker and law enforcer, as well as family and community economic provider and protector; and also in accordance to this divine will we believe that the education
of the female right from childhood is to equip her with
all the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, insight and
foresight needed to excel and to be maximally fruitful
in all her God-assigned gender-rooted life roles such
as married motherhood, wifehood, homemaker and
domestic helper to her husband.
4. We believe that the current modern system of education that sees boys and girls being educated in the same
secondary school classrooms and young men and young
women in the same university classrooms, and males and
females for the same careers and vocations is extremely
contrary to the biblically revealed will of God, subversive
to his moral and spiritual ordering of human society, and
highly subversive to his plans of salvation for all mankind,
males and females equally alike.


chapter 18
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in
Regard to Trade
1. We believe that trade is necessary for humans to obtain
goods and services to meet their needs
2. We believe that God wants trade to be conducted on the
basis of needs and not lusts
3. However we believe that bible clearly teaches that God
wants free trade between humans and between communities and between nations but that he wants trade to be
wisely regulated by governments to minimize as much as
possible greed, avarice, lust, cheating and exploitation.
4. We believe that the commodification and commercialization of sexual immoralities and bestial violence is rebellion against God and that God commands nations to use
their constitutions and laws to prohibit this
5. We also believe that God has commanded governments
to mete out the most terrible punishments --- including
the death penalty --- to those who commodify and
commercialize sexual immoralities and bestial violence
6. We believe that God wants the human male to be the

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
gender primarily and preponderantly involved in trade
and that he wants the role of the female in trade to be
minimized as much as possible. This is for the simple
reason that as the more materially lustful, idolatrous and
acquisitive of the two genders, any heavy involvement of
females in trade always results in the unleashing of excessively destructive levels of lust, idolatry, materialism and
consumerism in human society --- which excessive levels
of lust, idolatry, materialism and consumerism greatly
enables Satan to lure multitudes of lust-enslaved humans
to hell.
The Core Distinctives of Patriarchal Christianity in Regard to
1. We believe that advertising has proved during the era of
feminism and rapacious capitalism to be one of the effective weapons of Satan in his war to destroy Gods human
creation spiritually and physically and the institutions of
salvation and blessing established for humans by God.
Through pervasive advertising merchants, including
extremely amoral ones, have rendered hundreds of
millions of earths inhabitants slaves to lust, materialism
and consumerism.
2. We believe that these excessive levels of advertising and
the lusts they engender in the human heart have greatly
contributed in diminishing human beings ability to love
God and other human beings and develop deep and
durable bonds of blessing with both humans and God.

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

3. We believe that Satan is very deliberately employing these
excessive and addiction-engendering levels of advertising to enslave humans to all kinds of lusts and to use
this enslavement to lusts to program and drag multitudes
of humans to hell.
4. We believe that it is the God-mandated duty of governments to use the power of constitutions and laws to
tightly regulate advertising to minimize its harmful
effects on humans and the institutions that protect and
bless humans
5. We believe that God commands it of governments and
nations to employ the full power of constitutions and
laws to prohibit the use of advertisement to market and
sell sexual lewdness of any kind, pornography, obscenity,
violent and abusive language.
6. We believe that God commands it of governments to
use the severest punishments including capital punishment to punish anyone who uses sex and pornography
or obscenity and violent language to advertise any goods
or services.


chapter 19
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in
Regard to Angels
1. We believe that angels are beings created by God and are
Gods servants and that as created beings they must never
be worshiped for worship belongs alone to God
2. We believe that in terms of their non-biological gender
functions that angels are wholly male and must never be
represented as females in any shape or form
3. We also believe that contrary to widespread popular
belief and portrayals that angels are never represented
biblically as infants or children, and that when they are
represented in human form they are always represented
as mature adult males, and that it is therefore to preach
and teach false doctrine and to rebel against God by
representing them as children.
4. We believe that the incorrect representation of angels
as females or small male or female children is rebellion
against God and is tantamount to preaching and teaching
false doctrine because representing them gender-wise in
ways that are contrary to the biblical gender representation

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
of them --- wholly male.
5. We believe that the incorrect representation of angels
as females whether knowingly or unknowingly done
enables Satan in his scheme of spiritually and psychologically androgenizing males and females and using that
androgenization to attack and weaken heterosexuality,
patriarchy, correct gender roles for males and females
and the marriage and family institution.
6. We believe that churches and denominations must as
a matter of the greatest urgency undertake systematic,
comprehensive and repeated teachings on the correct
roles and gender representation of angels in order to
maximally correct the ages-long incorrect representation
of their roles and gender
7. We also believe that churches and denominations must as
a matter of the greatest urgency undertake and spearhead
a comprehensive purging ( in books, sculptures, paintings, etc) of all false representations of angels in terms of
their gender and roles.


chapter 20
The Core Distinctives of
Patriarchal Christianity in
Regard to Inheritance
1. We believe that for much of human history that humans
have deeply misunderstood the purpose of passing down
family inheritance from one generation to another and
that this misunderstanding is the chief reason why human
societies have often established and practiced inheritance
customs and patterns strongly contrary to the will of God
and subversive to his salvation plans for humans
2. For much of history human beings have believed that
the primary importance of passing inheritance from one
generation to another is to perpetuate the ownership of
family material estates and to provide coming generations with the material resources needed for life here
on earth. But we believe that although this is one of the
God-established reasons for passing down inheritance
that it is not the primary God-willed reason for passing
down inheritance.
3. We believe that the primary God-designed and
God-established reason for passing inheritance from one

Chikeluba Kenechukwu
generation to another is to facilitate the spiritual salvation of humans and to condition humans for eternal
inheritance in his heavenly kingdom
4. For Scripture makes it clear that there are only two ultimate destinations of abode and inheritance for humans:
the kingdom of God, heaven, and the eternal abode of
Satan, hell. And Scripture makes it clear that all humans
by mere reason of being born as sinners because of the
original sin of the first father, Adam are, the moment
they are conceived and born, sinners, and by virtue of
that state of sinfulness, therefore children of wrath and
inheritors of the wrath reserved for Satan and all who
have his sinful nature. Stated in other words, all humans
are by conception and birth de facto children of Satan
and therefore inheritors of the wrath reserved for him.
We believe that in accordance to whether humans
accepted or rejected Gods offer of salvation and sonship
to them through the New Birth in his Son Jesus Christ,
humans will either have an eternal inheritance of righteousness, love and blessings as sons and daughters of
God in his kingdom, heaven or an eternal inheritance of
evil and damnation as the sons and daughters of Satan
in his eternal abode, hell. Therefore, in this regard, the
God-established purpose of passing down earthly inheritance from one generation to another is to use that
custom to progressively condition humans to understand
the fundamental principle of inheritance: which is to say
that, normally a child does not have the right to inherit
the estate of another persons father but rather the estate

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

of his own father. The spiritual parallel and destination
of understanding of this is that a true son or daughter
of God shall by the adoption effected through the New
Birth in Christ, have the right to eternal inheritance of
Gods wealth of righteousness and love and blessings in
his kingdom, heaven but that the sons and daughters of
Satan (those who rejected Gods offer of salvation and
sonship) do not have that right of eternal heavenly inheritance because God is not their father, and that the only
eternal inheritance that they have is the eternal damnation in the eternal abode of Satan, whose fatherhood they
volitionally chose and preferred against the fatherhood
of God. Because God uses material, visible things and
realities to teach us about spiritual invisible things and
realities one of the chief purposes of the passing down
of earthly inheritance from one generation to another is
to enable and condition humans to understand deeply
enough the fact of eternal spiritual inheritance.
5. We also believe that for much of human history that
people have also had a great and dangerous misunderstanding of inheritance as it applies to the genders, to
males and females and that because of this long-standing
misunderstanding that humans have passed down inheritance from one generation to another in ways that are
subversive to Gods will, his ordering of human society
and his salvation plans and purposes for perishing
mankind. What do we mean by this? By this mean that
family estates are like mini kingdoms which like all kingdoms should be ruled by rulers. In teaching his disciples

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how to pray, the Lord Jesus taught us to pray that Gods
will shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven. The
heaven of God is a kingdom ruled by a King, God. It is
not a republic or better still a democratic republic. It is
a kingdom. Likewise Gods will is that human societies,
most particularly, the most fundamental base units
of human societies, nuclear and extended families, be
established and run as kingdoms ruled by kings: kings as
fathers, kings as husbands, kings as sons etc. Whether it
is a sprawling mansion with scores of rooms and extensive gardens and lawns of a tiny one-room home in a
poor city neighborhood, Gods will is for that home and
family to be ruled and run benevolently as a kingdom
by the males in it: males such as the father or the sons if
there is a father and sons, if not then by other family male
members. For God in all his rulership and kingly functions as the head of the heavenly kingdom is wholly and
totally male. And his will on earth is that every nuclear
and extended family be ruled and run as a mini kingdom
by the males in it because all rulership in heaven or on
earth is rooted in the male gender and all kingdoms in
heaven or on earth, by the immutable will of God, must
be ruled and run by males. Thus the God-designed main
purpose of passing down earthly estates and inheritances
from one generation to another is to ensure that most of
that inheritance will be owned, ruled and run by males
in each succeeding generation because sons are the
genealogical perpetuating agents of the rule and roles of

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

6. Thus in the light of this divine will and purpose for earthly
inheritance we believe that humans have been acting
wittingly or unwittingly in rebellion against the will and
purposes of God by using their constitutions, laws, policies, customs and traditions to establish the passage of
inheritance on an egalitarian basis between males and
females. For Gods will on this is biblically very clear: that
the bulk of the estate of each family must be passed down
or across mostly to the male members of that nuclear or
extended family even as the interests and welfare of the
females members are adequately and generously taken
fully into consideration.
7. This will of God is made abundantly clear in every era of
the biblical history including during the Mosaic period
when it appeared that God had instructed Moses to allow
daughters of sonless fathers (with the case of the daughters of Zelophehad serving as the originating precedent
case) to inherit the estates of their fathers. There has been
a major misunderstanding of the fundamental intent and
will of God when he instructed Moses to make a provision
in the developing law of the Hebrews allowing daughters
of sonless fathers to inherit the estate of their fathers.
And that misunderstanding is this. By this permission
God --- regardless of whether that family is sonless or
not --- never ever intended for the bulk of the estates of
any father or family to enter into the ownership of the
daughters or other females of that family. The reason
why he permitted Moses to make a provision in the law
allowing daughters to inherit the estates of their fathers

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was because Israel, by divine will, apart from its nuclear
families was based on tribes founded by the twelve sons
of Jacob, and each tribal family was ruled and run by the
fathers of that tribe and the estates (such as land) of each
tribal family were run exclusively by the male members
of that tribe and never by females. And by divine will,
the divinely allotted estates of each tribal family were
to stay within that tribal family from one generation to
another. They were not to be given over to other tribes.
The divinely allotted resources of each tribal family were
to be the perpetual property of that tribal family which
can only be managed by the male members of that tribal


chapter 21
Which are the Matriarchal or
Feminist or Egalitarian Spiritualities
from Which Evangelical Patriarchal
Christianity Must Immediately and
Officially Dissociate from?
We have, as we pointed out above, identified two broad
groups of bible-based matriarchal or feminist or egalitarian
spiritualities. They are:
Group One: The matriarchal or feminist or egalitarian spiritualities whose heresies on core doctrinal
issues such as gender roles, the divinity and humanity
of Christ and the use of sexuality have transformed
them either into full-fledged pagan religions or have
made them to trend significantly toward paganism.
Group Two: The matriarchal or feminist or egalitarian spiritualities whose heresies on core doctrinal
issues such as gender roles, although it may not have
gone deep enough to transform them into outright

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

pagan or paganism-trending spiritual organizations

is gradually pushing them toward that direction.
So which matriarchal or feminist or egalitarian spiritual
organizations fall under group one, the group from which
evangelical patriarchal Christianity must immediately separate from fraternally and officially? They include:
The Worldwide Anglican Communion headed by
the matriarch, Queen Elizabeth II of England, and
administered spiritually by a pagan and a promoter
of homosexuality, Rowan Williams.
The Episcopal Church USA
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Presbyterian Church USA
The United Church of Christ
The United Methodist Church
The Emerging Church
The above listed churches are merely representative of
this kind of apostate churches and denominations. They
are listed because they are the largest and most influential spearheads of this pagan attack on the Church of the
Lord. It will be up to the leaders of evangelical patriarchal
Christianity to undertake a thorough, comprehensive and
careful worldwide study of these matriarchal or feminist
spiritual organizations to determine which ones fall under
group one --- and then to issue a worldwide church-wide
call to believers to separate from these apostate, pagan,

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

matriarchal spiritualities.
Which are the Matriarchal or Feminist or Egalitarian
Spiritualities Which Evangelical Patriarchal Christianity
Must Issue an Official Warning that if They do Not
Completely Renounce Feminism There Will be Separation
of Fraternal Fellowship?
The second group includes denominations and churches
whose heresies on key doctrinal issues such as gender roles
have not yet transformed them into outright pagan matriarchal spiritualities but whose rebellions against the Lord on
gender doctrine are making them to point toward that direction. What helps define this second group as matriarchal
or feminist or egalitarian spiritualities? One chief defining
characteristic of this second group is that they have all officially accepted and sanctioned the ordination of women
and they allow women to exercise leadership and authority
roles over men and to preach and teach the Word of God
with doctrine-setting authority. These are the churches and
denominations where women are allowed to be ordained as
pastors or evangelists, head church departments and exercise authority over men in these departments, head Parachurch organizations, write authoritative doctrinal texts
such as annotated bibles, bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, books on systematic theology and other authoritative
doctrinal texts, serve as heads of evangelism and mission
departments, serve as domestic or foreign church planters
and trainers of pastors and other workers.

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

However, one major general difference between this second

group and the first is that while the first group has gone
deeper into rebellion against the Lord by not only sanctioning the ordination of women and homosexuals and
permitting homosexual marriage and civil unions but also
denying the foundational salvational tenets of the Christian
faith such as the divinity and humanity of Christ, the second
group has not gone this far on the road of rebellion. The
rebellion of the second group although no less destructive to
the Body of Christ has generally progressed only to the point
of rebelling against the immutable and eternal will of God
that the gender-rooted roles of the male and female should
never be overturned or reversed. Which are the denominations and churches that are generally representative of the
second group? They include:
The Assemblies of God Church
Four Square Gospels Church
Word of Faith Churches such as the Zoe Association
of Churches
The Salvation Army
Church of the Nazarene
These egalitarian churches have not gone as deep into heresy
or become outright pagan, homosexuality-promoting spiritual organizations like the UCC, the UMC or ELCA. But give
them a couple more decades and their embrace of matriarchal
leadership and authority roles and gender role reversals will
make them just as paganism- and homosexuality-flooded

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

as the group-one matriarchal spiritualities. A journey of a

thousand miles toward apostate matriarchal pagan spirituality starts with just one step in the direction of gender
egalitarianism. Many of these second-group matriarchal
spiritual organizations have not only taken that first step
toward gender egalitarianism, they are actually half-way to
the ultimate logical and unavoidable destination: apostate
matriarchal pagan spirituality.
How Will Evangelical Patriarchal Christianity Address
Its Action of Separation to the First and Second Group of
Bible-based Matriarchal Spiritualities?
What will differentiate the action of evangelical patriarchal
Christianity toward the first group and the second group?
The First Group
The action toward the first group will be an immediate and
official cessation of communion with them. There must be
no further attempts to plead or reason with them to stop
their feminist, pagan and homosexual insurgency against
the Lord. There must be no further conferences. There must
be no further efforts at finding a compromise. There must
be no further period of discernment. The Lord has already
provided them sufficient time to respond to the multiplied
calls for repentance. The only course of action left and
mandated by the Lord is immediate and complete cessation
of communion with them.

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

Evangelical patriarchal Christianity will regard them as organizationally and doctrinally heretical, apostate and pagan.
However, evangelical patriarchal Christianity will make it
clear that inside these organizational and doctrinally heretical, apostate and pagan matriarchal spiritualities that there
are many true Christians who although under the heretical
doctrinal teaching of these apostate matriarchal spiritualities have not embraced their falsehoods and still retain the
true doctrines that renders them true Christians. It is the
Christ-required duty of evangelical patriarchal leaders as his
under-shepherds to help rescue these true believers from
these apostate spiritual matriarchates by issuing a worldwide church-wide call to them to flee for their spiritual lives
before the deluge of paganism and Satan-inspired falsehoods
engulfs and drowns them eternally in hell.
2 Corinthians 6 (KJV): Be ye not unequally
yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?
and what communion hath light with darkness?
15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16And what agreement hath the temple of God
with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;
as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk
in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be
my people. 17Wherefore come out from among
them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and
touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

you. 18And will be a Father unto you, and ye

shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord

Corinthians 6 (Amplified): 14Do not be

unequally yoked with unbelievers [do not make

mismated alliances with them or come under a
different yoke with them, inconsistent with your
faith]. For what partnership have right living
and right standing with God with iniquity and
lawlessness? Or how can light have fellowship
with darkness? 15What harmony can there be
between Christ and Belial [the devil]? Or what
has a believer in common with an unbeliever?
16What agreement [can there be between] a
temple of God and idols? For we are the temple
of the living God; even as God said, I will dwell
in and with and among them and will walk in
and with and among them, and I will be their
God, and they shall be My people. 17So, come out
from among [unbelievers], and separate (sever)
yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch
not [any] unclean thing; then I will receive you
kindly and treat you with favor, 18And I will be
a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and
daughters, says the Lord Almighty.


Chikeluba Kenechukwu

Here the Word of God makes it clear why evangelical patriarchal Christians must break away from these pagan matriarchal spiritual organizations and why they must issue a
save-your-soul call to those inside them. God is a father, the
One who fathers spiritually through spiritual regeneration
in his Son Jesus Christ, and the only way those who profess
to be his sons and daughters can have access and full access
to his fatherhood is by a complete and definitive breakaway
from all idolatries and paganism --- whether it be the classical
idolatries of Buddhism and Yoga or the idolatries of materialism or the goddess idolatries and paganisms of spiritual
feminism as taught and found in these apostate pagan spiritualities. After evangelical patriarchal Christians have made
these rescue-your-soul calls to members of these apostate
matriarchal spiritualities it will be up to them as individuals
or as congregational groups (local churches) to flee for their
spiritual lives from these pagan or paganizing matriarchal
organizations. If they choose to remain in these apostate
spiritual matriarchates their spiritual blood will be upon
their heads and the hands of evangelical patriarchal leaders
will be clean. For they have fulfilled the duty required of
them of the Lord in regard to those who are walking on their
way to destruction, knowingly or unknowingly: the duty to
be watchmen and to sound the alarm of danger. For these
churches and denominations by their homosexual, feminist
and pagan rebellions against the Lord are already under his
curse. As synagogues of Satan, as the spawning grounds
of the anti-Christs that Satan will employ (and is already
employing) to attempt to destroy the true church of the Lord

The Distinctives of Patr iarchal Chr istian ity

they are doomed and destined for damnation and destruction by the curse of the Lord. Those who remain inside will
be destined for damnation and destruction if they persist in
resting in these accursed places. And whenever God dooms
a place for damnation and destruction he always sends his
messengers to warn those there to flee for their lives. He did
this when he destined the exceedingly sinful world of Noah
for destruction. And he also did likewise when he cursed
the homosexuality-plagued cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
God did not just go ahead and allow these accursed places
to be destroyed. He first sent messengers to issue warnings
to as many as would heed to flee. Likewise it is the duty of
evangelical patriarchal leaders to issue warnings to members
of these churches to flee before the flood of paganism, secularism, agnosticism and homosexuality destroys what is left
of true faith in them.
The Second Group
As to the second group, that is the group of which the
Assemblies of God church, the Word of Faith churches,
the Salvation Army, the Church of the Nazarene and Four
Square Gospels church are representative of, evangelical
patriarchal Christianity must give them a set period of time,
perhaps a year, perhaps two but not more than two, of spiritual reflection at the end of which if they do not completely
and unequivocally renounce Christian feminism or egalitarianism evangelical patriarchal Christianity must cease
communion with them knowing that they have deliberately

Chikeluba Kenechukwu

allowed themselves to be subverted by Satan. As in the case

of the first group, evangelical patriarchal leaders must issue
a worldwide church-wide save-your-soul call to members
of these second-group matriarchal spiritualities to flee
from these Shilohs and Bethels accursed of the Lord. This
is because just as the presence of the Lord eventually lifted
off Bethel and Shiloh because wicked priests had turned it
into a place of idolatries so also will the Spirit of the Lord
ultimately remove his presence from these matriarchal
spiritualities --- and once that void is created it can and will
only be filled by the deceiving demons of Satan. This is what
happened to once thriving branches of Puritan Christianity
in the US such as the Unitarian church whose rejection of
the basic tenets of the Christian faith such as the trinity of
God and acceptance of the falsehoods of Satan and practice
of gender role reversals transformed them from sanctuaries
of the Lord into full-fledged covens of witches.


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