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Our Active Advisory Circle Members

45 involved men and women: physicians, midwives, nurses, doulas, public

health practitioners, teachers, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, healers,
attorneys, business advisors, parents & grandparentsrepresenting many cultures.
We meet in working retreats to initiate and further projects that the board and
staff work on throughout the year.

Our Founder, Suzanne Arms

Since 1970, Suzanne has made birth and the wellbeing of women & babies
her focus. She is a practical visionary, educator, speaker, teacher and authorphotojournalist of 7 acclaimed books on pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding
and adoption. Immaculate Deception was named a New York
Times Best Book of the Year. Suzanne co-founded one of
the nations model free-standing birth centers and first
resource center for pregnancy, birth and early parenting.
She is co-producer/director of a TV special: BIRTH, and
co-produced the educational film Giving Birth.

Our International Directors

Betty-Anne Daviss ( Canada ) Community Midwife, international
midwife educator and community organizer
Francoise Freedman PhD ( France/England ) Medical Anthropologist,
midwife, yoga instructor, herbalist and researcher of Amazon forest tribes
Frank Ferranti (US) Webmaster and attachment-style parenting father
Ken Johnson PhD ( Canada ) Epidemiologist and Researcher focusing
on health & safety issues in birth
Sobonfu Som ( Burkina Faso/US ) International teacher, Author, and the
Keeper of the Rituals for her African Dagara tribe
Sherry Dress ( US ) Licensed rural community midwife and homeopath
Sandra Cox MD ( US ) Practicing Psychiatrist with a focus on attachment
parenting, postpartum depression and single mothering
Selita Rios ( Mexico/US ) Womens health specialist, birth educator, doula
and community organizer
Special Consultant
Michael Schwab ( England/US ) Dr. PH, Public Health Physician,
Community Health Specialist and program evaluator 970.884.4005

Who are We?

We are men and women from all walks of life who feel that major change is
urgently needed in the education, support and care for mothers and babies. We are
a multi-disciplinary team, multicultural and international. Our scope is broad and
deep. We support and build upon what NGOs and other nonprofits are already
doing wellincluding lowering maternal mortality, stopping genital cutting,
making breastfeeding the normstopping hazardous practices worldwide.

What makes us different?

Our synthesis of wisdom from around the world, blended with up-to-date
science, and our focus on mind, body & spirit. We recognize that every motherbaby is one biological systemfrom conception to age one.

Birthing The Future

A 501(c)3 Colorado Not-for-profit

Our focus how best to welcome babies into

the world and care for women & babies.

We gather ideas and practices around the

world, blend scientific evidence with
ancient wisdom, create model projects,
and put on international events.

Our goal to inspire progress in

The business of Birthing The Future

behavior, practices and policies.

is to create a new paradigm, based in prevention and healthy, costeffective solutions.

Our activities include:
International Symposia: The Roots of Love and Violence
Filmed, edited highlights of these symposia on DVD for
worldwide distribution and public education
Projects that galvanize grandmothers and grandfathers into action
Models for birthing sanctuaries in birthing centers and hospitals
The Single Mothers Model Project
The Great Dads Project
Inspiring educational materials for professionals, parents and
For over 30 years weve been listening to mothersthe real
expertsand professionals in health, education, science and social
service. Weve looked closely at how societies treat the motherbaby pair. Weve gathered the wisdom from around the world,
synthesized and now we share it.

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Why? Because every

baby-mother pair is
one biological whole
system, and the quality
of their lives shapes the
future: their lifelong
health, their ability
to love, trust and
cooperate, the quality of
all their relationships.
Their bond shapes society.

Imagine a world where every motherbaby pair has all that they need for the full
development of mind, body and spirit.

From conception to womb life, during birth

and the first year, each baby forms core neuropsychological

patterns which will endure a lifetime. Self-esteem and ability
to regulate ones emotions result from birth and parenting
practices where the mother-baby are held in a tranquil, loving
environment. Although progress has been made toward this
goal, current approaches to prenatal care, birth and aftercare
still too frequently involve chronic stress, fear, drug and surgical
intervention, separation of baby from motherdisrupting
healthy bonding and development. In addition, we now
have many man-made chemicals, as well as drugs, that the babys
developing body must cope with.

In-womb, birth and the first year set the

tone, neurologically, psychologically and
physiologically for life, impacting our society
with each child that is born.
Do we want a society born of fear and
chronic stressor one born of love and trust?

Unfortunate hallmarks of modern birth:

Lack of sex education, family life education in schools and family
planning services resulting in of all pregnancies being unplanned

2 Little-Known Facts
1. The U.S. today leads the modern world with 1 out of 8 of
our babies born prematurely or low-birth-weight.* These
two problems are the primary cause of infant death and later
disabilities and health problems.
* Source: Centers for Disease Control, 2005 Statistics

2. The U.S. spends more money per baby on medical prenatal care
and high-tech birth than any country in the world.* Birth in the
U.S. is a 150-billion dollar profit-driven industry. This care is
costly yet ineffective.
* Source: Thomas H. Strong Jr., MD, Expecting Trouble: The Myth of Prenatal Care in America,

Fear-based, high stress pregnancies for women from all walks of life,
resulting from our societys emphasis on preparing for problems and
disaster rather than fostering well-being and trust
Lack of public education on the value of natural, vaginal birth
Due to lack of funding from insurance companies and public
assistancecostly, risky high-tech emergency care takes the place
of preventative wellness care
Nurses in labor & delivery must care for 4 or 5 women at a time
Lack of education for mothers about safe alternatives to artificial
induction, narcotics, epidurals and scheduled cesarean surgery
Refusal of hospitals to support or allow vaginal birth after cesarean

Did You Know?

U.S. infant mortality ranks higher than 28 other countries that
spend less on birth than we do, including Cuba. Our maternal
mortality is rising as welland underreported*. 30% of women have
cesarean surgery for birth and many others have dangerous drugs to
induce their labor.
* Sources: WHO and the Centers for Disease Control
According to a Vol 95 2005 article of the American Journal of Health, 38-50% of US maternal
deaths are not listed as maternal deaths.

Immediate cutting of the babys umbilical cord before it stops pulsing

60% of baby boys subjected to the risks and trauma of circumcision
Newborn nurseries and ICUs without mother-baby beds or adequate
breastfeeding guidancereliance on artificial formula
Lack of support for midwives, birthing centers and home births
Full-time infant daycare and pumping stations for mothersrather
than time for women to be with their baby during the work day
No postpartum homecare. No universal paid maternity leave.
Inadequate well-woman, well-baby and well-family care. 970.884.4005

Who protects normal birth?

The focus of midwifery is in preventing problems
and protecting normal birth. The focus of obstetrics
has become medical intervention and 90% of births
and in many places obstetrics is driven by liability
concerns and fear rather than safety and longterm
health. Midwives in many countries are also vulnerable
over liability issues. Since 90% of birth in many countries (e.g. the U.S.) are
conducted by doctors, it is imperative to support and protect normal birth in
all settings. We must change the paradigm.
We work with organizations, policymakers and health professionals,
show the rationale for and evidence of the safety and cost
effectiveness of low intervention birth, including
birth at home and in birth centers. We believe it
essential to reward obstetricians and midwives who
strive to normalize birth.

The Primal Time

All of the experiences a woman has
everything she takes into her body and mind
is also experienced by her growing baby.
Environmental toxins that babies come in contact
with are new concerns. In addition, cellular and
neurobiology has proven that a womans overall
feeling of anxiety or ease directly shapes her babys
developing nervous system and brain. The bond
between a mother and baby is the foundation for
every future relationship this child will have. Their
full development depends upon the strength and
quality of their bond. Minimizing interference with
this bonding process should be our goal.

Birth-Related Trauma
Unnecessary shock and trauma are now common
at the very start of life. That costs us all dearly. Is it
any wonder we have epidemic levels of anxiety and
depressionrage, violence and suicidelearning
disabilitiesobesity and eating disorders
addictions & drug abuse in adults and children
as young as toddlers?

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