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ED 4353-501


` Fall 2005

Instructor: Nancy Coffman Van Home Phone: 972-289-5454

Office Phone: 972-883-4408

Office Hours: Monday: 3 P.M.- 5 P.M.

Tuesday: 10:30 A.M.- Noon.
Wednesday: 10:30 A.M.-11:30 A.M. and 4:30-5:00 P.M.
Thursday 3:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M.
Teacher Ed. Office

Alternative appointment times available. Make an appointment in

advance to insure a meeting or call for a phone conference.


This course is to make you aware of the various issues associated with
the art of teaching other then content. You rarely hear a person’s a
good teacher because he/she “knows” the subject matter. Many other
adjectives are used to describe a good teacher. Virtually all lists of
exemplary qualities include appropriate classroom management and
instructional skills including reading in the content areas. We will
examine these qualities and how the pre-service and new teacher can
acquire them.

REQUIRED TEXT: Richardson, Judy and Raymond Morgan. Reading to Learn

in Content Areas, 5th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson and Wadsworth, 2003.


You are required to be on time to each class. Two tardies (or leaving
class early) are considered an unexcused absence. Homework due on a
day you are absent is still due on that day. Otherwise, a 50 point
deduction will be assessed. If you have extenuating circumstances,
call as soon as possible.


I want all students to participate. Personal experience concerning

class management techniques, reading activities you observe, and your
opinions add to classroom discussions. However, I will not allow one
student or small groups of students to dominate class discussions.
This is considered disrespectful to your peers and will not be

Homework assignments are to be typed and professional in appearance.

Please use Courier New font, size 12.

All assignments have a window of time for turning them in so that

procrastinators will not turn in work the final class period. Because
I allow for re-writes and returning them to you in a timely manner in
case you need to re-re-write, this policy will be enforced.
I do not accept assignments the last class meeting.
“Window Closes” means that is the final day that the assignment is
accepted. It is to your advantage to turn in something and have an
opportunity to redo an assignment; otherwise, you will receive a zero
and have no opportunity to make up the assignment. You may re-do up to
3 assignments for a higher grade (full credit); however, if you opt to
re-do one, you must turn in that amended assignment with the graded
original one within 2 class meetings. If redo assignments are turned
in 3 or more class periods from original due date, I will assess a 50
point deduction.


To receive credit for this course you must

Attend class
• Pass mid-term and final exams with a score of 75 or
• Complete all assignments

Attendance (absences and tardies) and Class Participation 25%

Reading Guides and In Class Activities 25%

Mid-term Exam and Final Exam 50%

97-100 A+ 89-87 B+
96-94 A 86-84 B
93-90 A- 83-80 B-


The University of Texas at Dallas, Office of Teacher Education, does

not discriminate on the basis of disability in the recruitment and
admission of students, the recruitment and employment faculty and
staff, and the operation of any of its programs and activities, as
specified by federal laws and regulations. The student has the
responsibility of informing the course instructor of any disabling
condition, which will require modification to avoid discrimination
CLASS 1---
• Introduction
• Activities
Get Acquainted Activity
Primer for Reading Exercise
Fry Readability Formula and Graph (p.107)
SMOG Formula pp. 457-58
Evaluation of Evidence
“Poison Spreads” Turn in at end of class

***Window closes Class 2***

• HW: “Murder at St. Mary’s Hospital” Handout
Read Ch. 1 pp. 19-29, Chapter 2, and pp. 180-187

For Classes 3-6: Please bring either a secondary textbook in your

content area or an article you could actually use.

• Teaching 3 Levels of Comprehension
• Activities
• Levels Guide: Handouts
“Aesop’s Fable” Read and complete in class. This is guided
practice and in not handed in for a grade. Use it for a model for
next assignment.

In triads construct a levels guide for “The Case of the Missing

Ancestor.” The guide must have directions (use handout I gave you),
5 statements per level with one of the statements a distracter. In
top right corner of notebook paper, group members must sign their
names. On the first and second blue lines of the guide, please
write the title of the article and the kind of guide you group is
writing. Thank you.

***Window closes Class 3***

HW: Read Ch. 8 pp. 225-228 and Chapter 11

CLASS 3---
• Continue with Levels Guide
• Introduction of Vocabulary Guides
In Triads:
ü Using “The Case of the Missing Ancestor”, develop 2
vocabulary guides (1 literal and 1 interpretive)
ü In triads, you wirll read another article and write a
levels guide with clear directions for each level and
vocabulary guides with clear directions for the same article
The levels guide must have 3-5 statements with one of them
a distracter. The vocabulary guides will include 5 words
from the article. Use the same 5 words for the literal and
interpretive vocabulary guides.

Window closes Class 3

HW: Using a secondary textbook in your content area or an
article in your subject area, develop a literal vocabulary
guide and an interpretive one plus a levels guide (5
statements per level with 1 distracter included in the 5).
***Window closes Class 4***
HW for Class 4: Read pp. 174-179
CLASS 4, 5, 6—
During class 4, you will share your content are guides with other
classmates so you will need to make 3 extra copies including the text.

During these classes, we will practice making structured

overviews for various articles done in class.

• More Strategies
Organizing Idea, Concept, Structured Overview, Pattern Guide
• Activities
In triads, complete “Today’s Stone Age Elephant Hunters”
Develop organizing idea, concept, structured overview, and
vocabulary guides (1 literal/1 interpretive for “Today’s…”

In triads, develop pattern guides for two handouts I give you in

class. Include organizing idea, concept, structured overview,
vocabulary guides (1 Literal and 1 Inferential) and the pattern
guide which will have the 3 levels of comprehension.

You will finish the first one in Class 4 and turn in handwritten

During class 5 you will again work in triads and create another
pattern guide for the second handout which will be due at end of
class 5.

HW: For Class 6 Develop a content area pattern guide (a

different topic) including O.I., structured, overview, concept,
vocabulary guides (literal and interpretive), and the three
comprehension parts. In other words Part I is the Pattern, Part II
interpretive statements, and Part III applied statements.
***Window closes Class 6***

• Anticipation/Reasoning Guides
• Activities
In triads, read and complete anticipation/reasoning guides. Turn in
for a graede.

Develop an anticipation and reasoning guide for the levels and

pattern guide you created for your content area.
***Window closes today***

CLASS 8---
You will be given 4 reading selections from which you will choose
one and develop O.I., concept, anticipation/reasoning guide, levels
or pattern guide, vocabulary guides (1 literal and 1 interpretive).
Please bring notebook paper.

HW: Read Chapter 12

CLASS 9---
Visual Tools
• English Language Learners (ELL)
• Multiple meanings
• Research Project for Class 10
Find information on 10 reading strategies to use with ELL
students in your content area and present your findings to the class.
Google is a good source to use. Please document your sources and after
your presentation turn in a written report
(at least 2 typed pages, double spaced, 1” margins, size 12 courier or
librarian font).


Create or “steal” 7 visual tools for your content area. You may work
in content area groups or individually.


CLASS 11—Research Project Presentation

I do expect professionalism on your part when you make your

Time Limit 5 minutes

HW: Read Chapter 9.

CLASS 12---
Summarization (on the final)-_handouts done in class
Concept Development (Yes/No Chart)—(on the final)
Writing Across the Curriculum
Diagnostic Assessment
Cut and Paste

Study Skills: Develop a study skills packet (at least 10

strategies) for your content area to present to class. Again, you
may “steal” ideas from reliable sources.

Class evaluations

HW: Read Chapter 10.

CLASS 13---
Presentation of your study skills packet and Yes/No Chart for
your content area
Bring transparencies of your chart and study skills strategies.
Or you may use power point.
Time limit—5 minutes

Class 14—Final exam

The instructor reserves the right to amend this syllabus

during the semester

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