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front yard - day

Police car parks in front of MALIM house. POLICE 1 and POLICE 2 exits the car. POLICE 1
get an identity card and a license out of a book of his.
POLICE 1 is watching MALIM house and the identity card earlier for several times. POLICE 1
and POLICE 2 opens the gate and walks toward MALIM's front door. POLICE 2 stops midway
to inspect MALIM's car condition that have a little indent on the door handle. Whilst POLICE 1
is still walking toward the front door. POLICE 1 knocks MALIM's front door.
continue room - day
MALIM who is in the living room in lying face position, jolted up from his sleep. MALIM is
nagging whilst walking to the front door. MALIM opens the front door.
police 1
Assalamualaikum. Are you Mr. Malim Deman bin Malim Faizal?
Ye...yes. That's me.
When POLICE 1 start to give identification card and license to MALIM,POLICE 1 half
extended hand is being pulled back as POLICE 2 is calling for him from his back. POLICE 1
walk toward POLICE 2, who begin to whisper urgently to POLICE 1. POLICE 1 steal a glance
at MALIM's car and then POLICE 1 look back at MALIM.
(In suspicious tone)
Mister, is that car yours?
(glances at the car)
That's mine, alright.

Mister, can you come with us to the police station? To help with our investigation regarding a
drug dealer case...
What do you mean, officer?! I haven't done anything! It's not my fault, it's really wasn't me!
cut to
EXT.outside the disco - night
MALIM drunkenly exits the club.
(monologuing with himself whilst rubbing his head)
Awww..shoot. I need to go to the office tomorrow. I'm feeling too busted up to go... arrgh...
Out of nowhere, a MYSTERY MAN is running desperately from the back direction. The
MYSTERY man is holding a bag. The MYSTERY MAN is colliding with MALIM. MALIM is
screaming colorful obscenities to the MYSTERY MAN as MYSTERY MAN is running away
from MALIM. As MALIM staggers to his car in the parking lot, he stumbles over something.
MALIM unthinkingly grab that thing and chucks it away in his briefcase as he get in the car.
cut to
int.inside malim's car
CLOSE UP: the car's meter speeding up to 140km/h
follow: the car zooming past other cars in the road.
cut to
MALIM's car screeching loudly as the car swerves to a stop in MALIM's front yard. MALIM
gets out of the car,walk a few steps to his front door when he goes back to the car to get his
briefcase in the passenger's seat. MALIM open the front door to his house and goes in.

MALIM throw away his briefcase blindly once he is inside. MALIM trips over his own feet a
few times before finally collapsing on the living room carpet. MALIM is out cold.
back to the present
INT.foyer - DAY
MALIM slowly retreating backwards to make an attempt to close his front door. POLICE 2 stops
MALIM attempt by pushing his right shoulder inside the door. MALIM and POLICE 2 gets into
a light scuffle when POLICE 2 tries to explain the situation while MALIM tries to escape.
Accidentally, one of them knocks over MALIM's briefcase over. White powders pours out from
the briefcase.
police 2
(shocked, reaching to the powders, sniff it and licks the stuff)
WHAT! Didn't you say you know nothing about the drug? But this is cocaine! In your
possession! You, mister, are in a world of trouble! You are under arrest!
(Struggling in the policemen hold)
MALIM is being guided to the police cruiser.
CLOSE UP:malim's sullen face in the car
follow:police 1 driving the car UNTIL IT EXITS THE FRAME.
(smirks evilly)
Luck is truly on my side... Not only the idiot didn't see my face last night, drop his wallet which
make it's easy as pie to trace him (and my cocaine) but he took the blame for me too! And I can
easily stealsthe cocaine back later on...

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