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Control Procedures for Production Supervisors

Prepared By : Mohammad Ali

Job Status Tracker

The Job Status Tracker displays information about job records in a format. This includes job-related information such as
assemblies, materials, related labor transactions, and so forth. You cannot add or edit records in this Tracker.
This dashboard is based on the Job Header table. It shows links, assemblies, operations, materials, and documents that
are related to the selected job. It also shows the related transaction. You can filter jobs that are Not Firm, Not Released,
Active, Complete, Closed, or All.

Filter Criteria. You can apply

several filters to you search
based on Job#, Part#, etc.

List of all the Jobs with

relevant details. You can
easily track the Production
Qty and Completed Qty for
any particular Job or list of

Job Status Tracker Operations

Use Operations Tab to see the list

of all the operations for the
selected job. You can track
important information like Qty
Completed of each operation,
Actual Hrs spent on each
operation, etc.

Job Status Tracker Materials

Use Materials Tab to see the list

of all the materials for the selected
job. You can track important
information like Qty/Parent,
Required Qty and Issued Qty.

Job Status Tracker Labor Trans

Use Labor Trans Tab to see all the Time and

Expense transactions reported against each
operation of the selected job. Important
information can be tracked for e.g. Quantity,
Labor Hours, Burden Hours, Employee ID who
has reported the Time and Expense, Clock In
Date, Clock In and Clock Out.

Job Status Tracker Part Transactions

Use Part Transactions Tab to see all types of

transactions made against all the parts involved
in the selected job. Important information is
available for e.g. Part, Description, Quantity,
Amount, Warehouse, Bin, etc.

Job Tracker
Use the Job Tracker to review information about a job, such as demand links, operations, materials, labor transaction,
Use the tracker to review current information about a selected record. You cannot add or edit records in a tracker.

Job # or Routing Card #

Planned Production Quantity of the Job

Job Completed Qty. This Qty relies

on the last operation completed
qty. For e.g. Operation completed
qty for operation1 and operation is
100 each and operation completed
qty for last operation is 50 then, Job
Order Completed Qty is 50 only.

Part # or Drawing #

List of Operations
and Materials

If demand link is Make to

Order then, it specifies Part,
Quantity, WIP Qty and
Received Qty. Quantity is
the qty to be produced.
WIP Qty is the qty that is
still in process which is not
yet booked into stock.
Received Qty is the qty
that is booked into stock.

Specifies the Demand Link whether

the job to be produced is Make to
Stock, Make to Order or Make to

Specifies Required By Date, Start

Date and Due Date. Required By
date is the date on which job is
required to be finished. Start date is
the scheduled date for the job to be
started. Due date is the date on
which job is due.

Job Tracker Job Details Materials List

Use Material List Tab to track all

the transactions of all the material
involved in the Job. Important
information can be tracked for e.g.
Qty/Parent, Required Qty,
Issued Qty, Est. Cost, Act. Cost,

Job Tracker Job Details Operations

Completed Qty of the

Operation. Completed Qty of
the operation will get
updated when the Time and
Expense has been reported
against the operation

Est. Hours and Act. Hours. Est.

Hours are calculated by the
system through Prod. Std and
Prod Qty. Act Hours are the
hours that you report in Time
and Expense Entry.

Job Tracker Job Details Operations Labor Transactions

Use Labor Transactions Tab to track all the Time

and Expense transactions made against the selected
Operation. Important information can be tracked for
e.g. Labor Quantity, Clock in, Clock Out, Labor Hrs,
Burden Hrs, Employee, Employee Name, etc.

Labor Edit Report

Use Labor Edit Report to view all the labor transactions made during a specified period of time.

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