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This is Part 2.

Two indents are worth perusing @ the end [one, a tongue-in-cheek essay about American
Emigrants and, the other, an update on blogging that again illustrates the comprehensive nature of the
way Israel is being dissed by BHOs Dems and how it is necessary to oppose such deceit+.
Explaining the anti-Semitic Leftie Blogger
[by a childhood-friend]
One key factor in folks like DD having such a negative view of Israel is that they rely on
the English language coverage, where Israel's transparency is on display and its warts
magnified out of proportion, while the Arabs are able to sanitize their language to fit the
media narratives.
Whereas, if one were to view the Arab language press and see the overwhelming and
incessant demonization of Israel and Jews, especially the Palestinian press, the false
equivalencies would be evident as a willful denial of reality.
Of course for those with Israel Derangement Syndrome, there is likely no desire to
consider contrary facts given how satisfying is the catharsis and self-exoneration that
comes out of the moral fervor of anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism. There's nothing like an
ongoing Auto-da-F against a self-doubting scapegoat to warm the heart of the
postmodern leftist.

NYT: White House 'Tested Limits of Powers' Before Action on Immigration
Obama Used First Person Singular ['I,' 'Me,' 'My'] 91 Times in Speech
Fight brewing over Social Security benefits for illegals

BHOs Statism, combining a lame war against Islamism and Big Government
WIRE: For Obama and Pentagon, an uneasy relationship
Former al Qaida hostage [Matt Schrier, 36, a freelance photographer] encountered a nightmare dealing
with FBI; after he escaped, [1]the FBI waited six months to produce a wanted poster, [2]the
government forced him to reimburse the State Department $1605 for his ticket home, and [3]when
he had no means to rent an apartment, FBI Victim Assistance recommended he go to a homeless
Ponzi: Treasury Issued $1T in New Debt in 8 WeeksTo Pay Old Debt
Senator Ted Cruz: It is imperative we stand together united in protecting the Bill of Rights!

BHOs Intimidation
During the past few years under Obama, allegations of cover-ups or retaliation have been leveled
against Washington's Tame Inspectors General at a half-dozen Cabinet-level agencies; embarrassing

information has been purged from investigative reports and investigators inside several IG offices have
faced retaliation for reporting internal wrongdoing or attempting to bury embarrassing findings.

According to the [lib] New Yorker, Mia Love, elected to Congress this month, is a black woman and a
first-generation American; she belongs to a political party that has little appeal to either.

The Beygency - Saturday Night Live
A dancing montage was painstakingly created.

Americas Porous NORTHERN Border

c/o The Manitoba Herald:

The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in
the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration.
The Republicans winning the Senate is prompting an exodus among left-leaning citizens
who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, and live according to the Constitution.
Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology
professors, global warming activists, and "green" energy proponents crossing their fields
at night.
"I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood
producer huddled in the barn," said Southern Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose
acreage borders North Dakota. The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. He
asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have
any, he left before I even got a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?"
In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals
scaled them. He then installed loudspeakers that blared Rush Limbaugh across the
fields, but they just keep coming.
Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the
Canadian border, pack them into electric cars and drive them across the border where
they are simply left to fend for themselves after the battery dies.
"A lot of these people are not prepared for our rugged conditions," an Ontario border
patrolman said. "I found one carload without a single bottle of Perrier drinking water.
They did have a nice little Napa Valley cabernet, though, and some kale chips."

When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that
they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating about plans
being made to build re-education camps where liberals will be forced to drink domestic
beer and study the Constitution.
In recent days, liberals have turned to ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some
have been disguised as senior citizens taking a bus trip to buy cheap Canadian
prescription drugs. After catching a half- dozen young vegans in blue-hair wig disguises,
Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed
senior citizens about Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney to prove that they were alive in
the '50s. "If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we
become very suspicious about their age," an official said.
Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organicbroccoli shortage, buying up all the Barbara Streisand c.d.'s, and renting all the Michael
Moore movies. "I really feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just
can't support them," an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one
country need?"
Trying to reassure his liberal base and get them to return to the U.S., President
Obama reiterated what he said in his press conference following the beating the
democrats took in the last election: "I heard from the 1/3 of the electorate that voted,
but I also heard from the 2/3 that did not vote." Who knew the president was
He also said the reason the Democrats got their asses whipped wasn't because of HIS
policies, but rather because the Dems did not get his message out to the people. Ya
gotta love a guy who takes responsibility when something goes wrong.

More back-and-forth blogging with the lib/Dem/progressive/BHO-defender [chilling]:

Reader Poll: Do You Approve of Attorney General Kathleen Kanes Job Performance?
defend little Israel from being destroyed by the surrounding nations Thats a laugh.
Israel has hundreds of nukes, top U.S. fighter jets, and other advanced weaponry. They
are the dominant military power and the bullies in the region, not poor and defenseless.

Nothing for me to atone for. Israel is working against U.S. interests, as well as basic
human rights and decency. There is no obligation to support them. You put blind
obedience to Israel ahead of the U.S., so maybe you should move there and renounce
your U.S. citizenship. Israel has much to atone for.
Again, rather than admit error, you emit another unfounded accusation: Israel is
working against U.S. interests.
Provide your best example of how the only Democracy in the Middle East is hurting
Americaor add this charge to the list of those you should rescind.
Several ways Israel is working against US interests:
1) Israels settlement expansion interferes with the peace process, and raises
tension/violence in the region. This hurts US interests in the region, as well as requiring
more time/resources from us to maintain stability.
2) Our public support of Israels behavior (even though we clearly disagree with it
privately) hurts our diplomatic efforts with other countries. We keep blocking votes in
the UN to sanction them properly, and lose our moral authority.
3) Support for this new nationality bill undermines democracy in Israel. It it passes,
Israel will cease to be a democracy and become a theocracy.
4) Israels brutal occupation of Palestine hurts US credibility in going after other abusive
5) The US has pledged about $400 million for Palestinian relief and rebuilding efforts.
This is after having spent money that Israel used to cause the suffering and damage.
6) Israels nuclear capabilities are fueling the desire for countries like Iran to want
nuclear defenses in case of Israeli attack. They fear Israel more than Israel fears them.
Each of your examples is derivative of the model that BHO promotes, namely, that the
fundamental conflict in the Middle East is the Arab war against Israel; BB, on the other
hand, views the greater concern to be Iran and by extension the Islamic State [for
both are variants on Islamism+.
This conflict emerged years ago when the two sat in the White House and, with all due
respect, BHO was upbraided in his presence [unprecedented before and since];
subsequent events have borne-out the veracity of BBs paradigm over that of BHO, for it
is impossible to conceptualize what is transpiring [for example] in Iraq/Syria as having
anything to do with Israel [or, specifically, the half-dozen bullet-points you raised].

This is why you would be best-advised to rethink your assumptions for, once you see
the light *namely, the existential dangers of Islamic Terrorism and how these monsters
are still fighting the Crusades], you will perceive the presumed schisms you distilled as
models that BB has established for BHO to emulate.
Kathleen Kane Tells CNN Pornographic Emails Included Pictures of Children
Rep. Wilson was an incredible @sshole. No surprise you are proud of him.
Likud is the one that built the fence where it crossed into Palestinian territory, violating
international law. The illegal crossing sections are on them, not those who proposed the
wall along the legitimate border.
Once the Palestinians get their own state, maybe they will build their own wall to keep
the Israelis out, and from encroaching on their land.

First, Rep. Wilson was correct, aware the lies emanating from BHO that subsequently
have been confirmed, particularly regarding ObamaDontCare.
Second, you falsely claim Likud is the one that built the fence where it crossed into
Palestinian territory, violating international law.
Judea/Samaria were never Palestinian territory and, thus, Israel violated no
international law.
Third, there is no legitimate border for, actually, you refer to a cease-fire line.
AGAIN, you have attempted to divert from admitting error; it is now necessary to add
[to your list of lies] your claim that Israel is not acting in the interests of America.
You attack, I repair, you move to another topic without acknowledgingthis is your
You may wish to check-out a partial listing of BHOs lies, along with that which
perturbed Rep. Wilson:

Perhaps an effort to trigger sensory-overload [via overwhelming data] will jar you into
admitting your errors; you can start with how I called-you-out with regard to the fact
that the policies that led to the security-barrier were originated under Labor [and not
Ariel Sharon became Prime Minister in March 2001. He was Likud party when the wall
was being built, therefore in charge.
The UN and international courts determined that Israel did violate international law for
some sections of the wall.
I accept you apology.

Again, I referred to the POLICY and not its implementation so, again, you are remiss;
your vague citation of Israel having violated international law does not suffice.
Again, this is a diversion, for you have yet to rectify the fundamental questions, now
including your claim that Israels policies undermine Americas interests.
And you have yet to wriggle-out from the other conclusions, for you invoked your
concern with Likud regarding Israels behavior as a Jewish State AFTER I pointed-out
that this had been established in 48.
Thus, it is clear why you feel Israel shouldnt exist *and indeed shouldnt have existed
since 48+, for she is somehow blocking what you consider to be the interests of the
And, noting the linkage between Hamas and the Islamic State, you will have difficulty
explaining how you support the rationale of the former while [presumably] opposing the
behavior of the latter.

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