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Centro Integral de asesora al inmigrante

Servicios que se van a ofrecer con la estructura

Asesora integral 360al inmigrante
Servicios migratorios
Capacitacion y educacin
Investigaciones de mercado
Consultoria general
Asesora legal
Ensamblaje de negocios
Agencia Publicitaria 360
Fundaciones sin fines de lucro
Captacin de nuevos talentos
Fuentes de trabajo
Charlas motivacionales

Equipo y colaboradores

Founder and CEO of Despierta Venezuela

Funder and CEO of ICONIKOS
Colaborador in more than 19 ONG
Colaborador at ISHR ( International Solidarity for
Human Rights)
Business & Administration Degree
Advertising Degree
2010 Best of Doral Award winner in the Home
Improvements category by the US Commerce
Better Business Bureau Code of Ethics
Better Business Bureau
Philantropist and Altruist

Jonathan Massiani Born in Venezuela, Jonathan was raised in

Venezuela where his family and friends owned several different
businesses . His mother was an interior Designer and his
grandfather an entrepreneur, Jonathan grew up learning as much
as he could about his grandfather including the value of ethics,
honesty and to be respectful of others. Jonathan became part of a
community of very influential people, entrepreneurs, and industry
pioneers. Jonathan has an extraordinary ability for garnering
relationships. Jonathans skills and penchant for presenting great
business opportunity soon attracted a long line of clients seeking
help to rejuvenate their businesses. In the early 1990s, he began
working with major brands in Latin American and other countries
in the world, developing a very important and successful business
Our mission is to become a leader in business consulting by
providing our clients with services that help them become more
successful. We will continue to improve and develop to become
the premiere, professional consulting organization, providing our
clients with world-class quality services customized to meet their
unique needs. Achieving our mission will demand a sense of trust,
support, and interdependence among these three vital elements
of our business.
Our Customers are the main reason for our existence and we
intend to keep them thoroughly satisfizo by operating in a manner
that furthers their business interests. By constantly listening and
providing continuous feedback to our customers, we identify their
needs and effectively translate these into customer-specific
services. As our highest priority, our work will fully support our
clients' business objectives
The cornerstone of our organization is the dedication and integrity
demonstrated by the people we work with. We value our human
resources as the major driving force of the business, and provide
them with the best available resources to encourage professional
and personal growth

Elizabeth Sanches Vegas

International Solidarity for Human Rights
December 2008 Present (6 years)

Founder & Director

Step by Step Foundation, Inc.
2004 2008 (4 years)
Step by Step Foundation, Inc. is a registered 501 (c) (3) not-forprofit organization incorporated on September 2004 in the City of
Hallandale, Florida. Its mission is to enhance the lives of
underprivileged children up to 14 years of age by creating and
supporting, health, nutrition, education and wellness programs
worldwide. We worked towards achieving the United Nations
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the year 2015 by
creating and supporting social programs that improve the lives of
children around the globe. We developed a series of programs
to aid to eradicate hunger, allow children to achieve Primary
Education by creating schools for under privileged children,
promote Gender Equality reduce child mortality by providing
ORS rehydration salts combat diseases through education .
I personally created and developed #1 Water, a water
awareness and conservation program that serves to educate
the public about the scarcity of water and the importance of its
conservation. In order to achieve our mission bottles of water
were designed and labeled with educational messages.

International Solidarity for Human Rights is a Nonprofit

Organization 501(c)(3) established in the State of
Florida, which primary mission is to educate and
promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
through the various art forms. We believe that art is
one of the most powerful means to educate and
enlighten, as well as being a tool for inclusion and an
effective way to generate participation.

Latin Grammy Awards
2002 2003 (1 year)
4th Annual Latin Grammy Awards Kick-Off, Miami,
Generated production schedules and
coordinated all production logistics with venue
I worked with local organizations and corporate
sponsors to produce the event.
I established and retained relationships with
customers and potential customers, focusing on
generating incremental revenue for the company
and maximizing clients PR investment.

Actualmente Devorah Sasha recide

en Miami, Florida y es Directora de
International Solidarity for Human
Rights una Fundacion sin fines de
lucro que educa sobre Derechos
Humanos a traves de las artes y es
poseedora de un Record Guinness

El artista es un individuo que ha desarrollado tanto su creatividad como la
capacidad de comunicar lo sentido. Yo siento lo que canto con toda intensidad.An
Artist is a person who expresses themselves through a medium, mine is music, I feel it
Devorah Sasha artistic Summary :
Devorah Sasha was born on December 5th in the parish of San Jos, Caracas,
Venezuela. She received her first musical influences from the hand of an aunt, a
lyrical singing teacher. Devorah, traveled to the United States to complete her
studies, obtaining a Major in Animal Science. Returning to Venezuela prompts
Devorah to explore her artistic side and join the music world under the name of
Devorah Sasha. Holding a beautiful gift and filled with passion and determination,
Devorahs voice has captured the hearts and admiration of audiences in Venezuela
and around the world. Her singing career has enjoyed the credit of various hits like
"All my love for you" 1992 and "Especially Romantic" in 1993. In February of that year,
Devorah Sasha shared the stage with famous Brazilian singer-song writer Roberto
Carlos, and they delighted audiences during a series of concerts held on the
occasion of Valentine's Day. During the early 1990s she also shared stage with
various Hispanic talents and performed on television specials while she was also
awarded for her talent and continuous trajectory. She received the Special Time
Award 1993, for her live special in front of a large audience, the Mara de Oro 93,
issued by the Maracaibo Press Association, for her album "Especially Romantic," also
Best Romance CD of 1992. In 1995 Devorah releases the album "Hard Love," "Songs of
Yesterday" in 1996 and "Venezuela is mine" in 1997. In the year 1998 she brings to her
audiences an album dedicated to her Venezuelan roots "As we used to sing." And in
2000 produces the album From the Caribbean to South followed by the precious
"Something Different" in 2001. It is not until 2003 that Sasha pleases her fans with a live
album "Devorah Sasha Live and a jewel for the young at heart "Playful" in 2008.
Currently, and since 2009, Devorah Sasha is living in Miami, Florida and is the Director
of International Solidarity for Human Rights, a nonprofit organization that educates
and promotes human rights through the various expressions of art, which under her
wing has also become the holder of a prestigious Guinness World Record.

Nelly Guinand
CEO and Partner
May 2009 Present (5 years 7 months)Miami/
Fort Lauderdale Area
We are a company specialized in the
strengthening of Entrepreneurs, Athletes, Artists,
Small companies, Non profit organizations,
Talent promotion, Speakers booking, Personal
Branding and Project development by using
Consulting, Coaching and Public Relation tools.
National Operations Manager
May 1997 May 2006 (9 years 1 month)Caracas
Organizacin que afilia a 1200 empresas
Venezolanas y extranjeras de Venezuela, en su
mayoria Americanas, por 9 aos responsable de
todas las operaciones, organizar eventos,
conferencias, talleres y reuniones mensuales de 32
comites de trabajos fundar y supervisar las oficinas
regionales y de nuevos productos y servicios.

Maria Alejandra Lugo

*Everly Christmas,Actriz de Reparto Mss. Gibson:Andrades Productions & Films USA*La Mujer
de la Noche, Actriz de Reparto: Lorena, Acceon FilmsTELEVISION
*Burn Notice: Figurante. USA Networks*Mujer: Casos de la Vida Real, Principal Venevisin
Productions*Sbado Gigante: Modelo Univisin*Pecados Ajenos:
Figurante. NBC
Telemundo*Promos Principal: Telefutura*El Cuerpo del Deseo. Figurante. NBC
Telemundo*ELAL Hijacking 1968: Actriz de Repartto: Discovery Channel - CBS News*Un
Cuento de Navidad: Principal. RCTV Radio Caracas
*Doral City Map. Presentadora y Reportera Brainwaive Advertising
*Muy de Cerca y Personal: Presentadora y Reportera. Zone Vision Romantica Europa*Sabor Tropical: Presentadora y Reportera. Viva Miami Entertainment Miami
TEATRO*Espacial, Principal: Las Voces Blancas de Elisa Soteldo
*Direct TV USA
*Farmers Insurance USA
VOICEOVERS*Casa De Campo,Principal: A to Z Films and Videos
ENTRENAMIENTO / EDUCACION*Presentacion de TV con Telepromter y Acento Neutro Frank
Carreo, Voces de Marca, Miami, FL
*TV/Film Auditioning Weekend Workshop Lori Wyman, North Miami Beach, FL
*Sistole & Diastole, tcnica Grotowski entrenamiento fsico y voz, Director Jess
Quintero*Acting for Film Uta Hagen Object Exercises Hollywood, Fl Marc Durso *Tcnicas de
actuacin para TV (Telenovelas) 300 Horas Taller Telemundo Actores 2007, Adriana
Barraza, Miami Dade College, Fl*Clases de Actuacin Mtodo Verdad Sin Esfuerzo CIFALC
School for The Performing Arts, Miami, FL*Taller de Actuacin para Teatro y TV Flavio
Caballero-Roxy Theater, Miami FL*Actuacin y Tcnicas de Improvisacin Kinnard
Academy, Caracas Venezuela*Taller de Actuacin para Teatro Actors Arena Workshop,
Design District, FL*Acento Neutro y DiccionRubn Camelo, Miami, Fl
cumbia, samba, moderno, tap, jazz Deportes: natacin, montar a caballo, ciclismo,
patinaje sobre hielo, esquiar en nieve, aerobics, tennis, canto, bowling, Otros: acento
neutro, improvisacin con Teleprompter.

Queen of Kings fu fundada en Miami en el 2009 por dos cantantes: Claudia Mara and Kike Orozco, creadores
de un estilo de msica muy original, el cual describen como: Latin, funk, lounge.
Claudia, venezolana, nacida en el Estado Gurico, tierra de llaneros, caballos y msica folklrica, desde los 5
aos empez a tocar el CUATRO (instrumento tpico de Venezuela). A lo largo de su carrera empez a mezclar
estilos, combinando los instrumentos no tradicionales con msica pop americana. Luego sigui con la guitarra,
despus trabaj como corista y bailarina con reconocidos artistas de la Industria musical, posteriormente como
solista y directora de diferentes Shows. Artista multi-talentosa, quien ha desarrollado su arte, no solamente en la
msica sino tambin en diferentes reas como: la fotografa, modelaje, diseo grfico y asesora de imagen,
entre otros.
Kike, mexicano, nacido en el D.F. Desde muy pequeo se abri las puertas en el medio artstico, participando en
Concursos de Televisin donde nunca perdi ninguna competencia, ganndose la admiracin del pblico con
su talentosa y carismtica voz, la cual no pas desapercibida para Univision Music, quienes lo firmaron y lanzaron
inmediatamente en todo el territorio mexicano con un do llamado Os, el cual lleg en los primeros lugares de
Billboard, lo cual los llev a una gira por los Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico y Mxico. El xito de Os los llev a grabar
el tema oficial de la Copa Amrica 2007, la cual se convirti en un Himno futbolstico.
Ambos con carreras exitosas como cantantes, compositores, msicos y productores, recorrieron un camino
desde muy jvenes con la idea de adquirir experiencias en las artes escnicas, recorrieron muchas bandas,
shows, ciudades y culturas diferentes, hasta que el destino los junt, y como por fruto de su pasin por el arte,
surgi Queen of Kings.
Las noches de Miami necesitaban una nueva inyeccin de energa la elegancia y la magia deban
fusionarse. La ciudad estaba pidiendo a gritos un precedente artstico nocturno. Despus de muchos aos de
trabajo sin descanso en el mundo de la msica, estbamos ansiosos por crear un espectculo diferente, que se
apartara un poco del estndar de la msica en vivo; fue as que decidimos hacer una banda de top 40's que
paseara por muchos estilos y ritmos musicales. Fusionando as las canciones americanas con ritmos latinos y
viceversa, llenando de talento, dinamismo y estilo, la vida nocturna de la ciudad mas sexy del mundo.
El xito del Show, los llev a grabar. "Sobamos con grabar y as un da compusimos nuestro primer sencillo
"Nobody Loves Me" el cual, nos di la oportunidad de trabajar con los talentos de Yasmil Marrufo y Juan Cristbal
Losada. Ambos ganadores de premios Grammys: "La verdad ha sido un gran privilegio trabajar con personas a
quienes admiramos y queremos profundamente. El video fu producido por el reconocido Director: Alain Maiki,
actualmente el video se encuentra en rotacin en el canal ms importante de la msica latina: HTV.
Ahora se encuentran en la pre-produccin del video de su segundo sencillo: "Magic", aqu lograron reunir el
"Dream Team": Eddie Montilla, Patrick Ingunza, Dj Mike Weils y Tommy Ruiz, 4 talentos excepcionales. "Magic" ser
lanzado al principios de 2015.
Han sido considerados como los mas verstiles performers y entertainers del espectculo en Miami, ya que
pueden desenvolverse perfectamente en muchos estilos musicales. La necesidad de sobrevivir los llev a
aprender a cantar todo tipo de msica. Siendo adolescentes, con el fin de ganarse la vida como cantantes,
tuvieron que tocar en muchas bandas, todas con diferentes estilos. No en vano cuentan con la experiencia de
haber estado en los mejores escenarios y tarimas de Latinoamrica y Estados Unidos trabajando en sus mltiples
facetas, con los ms importantes artistas de la Industria Musical, tales como Ricardo Montaner, Jorge Luis Chacn,
Plcido Domingo Jr., Wycleff Jean, Run DMC, Camila, Kumbia Kings, Divine, Mara Conchita Alonso y Jos
Feliciano entre otros.
Queen of Kings ha tenido el immenso honor de hacer el Opening, para la leyenda de la msica latina, El Sonero
del Mundo: Oscar D'Len. Tambin han tenido la responsabilidad de abrir el Show en Miami de la Sper Banda
de Venezuela: Guaco y Los Amigos Invisibles.
Queen of Kings quera encontrar una nueva forma de incorporar entretenimiento con clase y buen gusto al
escenario, por sa razn Queen of Kings mucho mas que una banda.... es un Show.
Entre nuestros clientes se encuentran: Microsoft, UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), Miami Dolphins, Sunlife Stadium,
W Hotel Miami Beach, W Hotel Fort Lauderdale, Waldorf Astoria Boca Raton, Eden Roc Spa, Fountainebleau Hotel,
Mandarn Oriental Hotel, Ritz Hotel Coconut Grove, Grove Isle Hotel and Spa, Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach
Botanical Garden, Brightstar Corporation, LifeWatch Company, Damas Salesianas, Cisneros Group, Gulfstream,
World Atlantic Airlines, Coral Gables Woman's Club, Pakin Entertainment's, La Jolla Ballroom, Tops Events Miami,
Bsocial Events, Forever Events, Richard Grille Events, LifeStyle Magazine, Aloft Hotel, Doral News, Flamingo Theater,
Bar, Kukaramakara, Budare Bistr Restaurant La Scala de Brickell, Spazio Nero, Irish Pub Brickell, The Hoxton
Miami, Blue Martini, Sr. Frogs, Flamingo Theater, Mex I Can Foundation, Doggi's Restaurant and many more

Gustavo Ghersi ( outsourcing advisers)

Ceo And Founder
Ghersy Group Global
February 2012 Present (2 years 10 months)United States
Ceo & Founder
Grupo 361 Integrated Marketing
January 2012 Present (2 years 11 months)Delray Beach, Florida
Integrated Marketing Group of Companies for Latin America and US
Hispanic markets
Ceo And Founder
Grupo 361
January 2012 Present (2 years 11 months)
Integrated Marketing Group of Companies for Latin America and US
Hispanic markets
British American TobaccoStrategic Ally
British American Tobacco
1995 Present (19 years)
January 1999 March 2013 (14 years 3 months)
Retail Communications Latin America
2007 2012 (5 years)
Managing Director - Venezuela
Grupo Ghersy
1992 2012 (20 years)
Grupo Ghersy Comunicaciones Integradas, C.A.
1992 December 2010 (18 years)
Took the agency from No. 9 to No. 1 in the Ad Ranking 2010.
General Manager South Latin America
PepsiCo Restaurants International
1996 1997 (1 year)
Procter & GambleBrand Manager
Procter & Gamble
June 1987 October 1992 (5 years 5 months)

Kike San Martin

Kike comenz su carrera estudiando mrketing y publicidad. Trabaj en
una tienda de modas donde desarroll una estrategia de ventas que
inclua fotografas de gente normal que llevaba ropa de la boutique a la
escena de la vida nocturna en Argentina. Esas imgenes espontneas y
creativas capt el inters de un peridico regional, que lo contrat para
sus pginas sociales.
Desde este primer comienzo y hasta su llegada a Estados Unidos, el
trabajo de Kike en la industria editorial ha incluido fotografa freelance en
el peridico El Nuevo Herald; y retratos para cadenas televisivas en Miami
como Telemundo, Univisin, Mega TV5 y Amrica TeVe; y muchas de sus
obras fueron portadas de revistas como People en Espaol, Vanidades,
Maxim, Selecta, Men's Health, H magazine, Kena, Santo Domingo Times y
Venue, entre otras.
Muchas revistas de moda han solicitado sus servicios para ilustrar sus
pginas. Frente al lente de San Martn han posado muchas celebridades
y modelos famosas, incluyendo: el presentador de MTV Mario Lopez; la
actriz Roselyn Sanchez; Miss Universo Dayanara Torres; las cantantes
Gloria Trevi y Fanny L; el actor Eduardo Verstegui y el cantante Luis
Fonsi; actores de telenovelas Mauricio Islas, Miguel Varoni, Catherine
Siachoque, Ayln Mjica, William Levy,6 Jencarlos Canela, Mauricio
Ochmann, Gabriela Spanic, Margarita Henrquez y la ganadora
consecutiva de los Kids Choice Awards, Isabella Castillo entre otras
En la industria musical hizo varias portadas para lbumes de Ricardo
Montaner, Jos Feliciano, Jos Luis Rodrguez "El Puma", Willy Chirino,
Karime Lozano, Jerry Rivera "El Baby de la Salsa" , lvaro Torres, la
cantante rusa de msica pop Slava y el pianista Yanni, adems de la
portada del libro del productor musical Kike Santander.
Adems, San Martn particip en los medios de comunicacin como juez
del popular programa de Univisin "Sbado Gigante", conducido por el
legendario presentador de televisin Don Francisco, en un segmento
titulado "Academia de Reinas".

Andrena Zambrano
Andrena Zambrano directora general y fundadora de
LINKED MIAMI, reconocida empresa de relaciones
pblicas en la Florida.
Andrena es graduada con honores de la Universidad
Internacional de Miami, donde estudi Artes, Diseo,
Relaciones Pblicas y Entretenimiento Managment, con
ms de diez aos de experiencia en relaciones pblicas
y representando celebridades, personalidades del
mundo del espectculo, la poltica y los magnates de
los medios ms importantes de la ciudad. Su portafolio
de clientes de renombre incluyen:
Gobernador Henrique Capriles, Julio Borges, Guillermo
Dvila, Kimberly Dos Ramos, Chino y Nacho, Las 5
Grandes, Jorge Reyes, Adriana Catao, Elisa Rego, The
Queen of Kings y muchos ms..

Capital semilla que necesitamos

Costos Operativos x mes aprox
Creacin de empresa y licencias:2.000$
Sueldos(4 empleados): 5.000 $ mes x 4: 20.000 $
Oficina: 4.000 $
Utility Bills: 1200 $ x mes
Publicidad y Mercadeo: 5.000 $ x mes
Otros: 5.000 $
Total costos operativos: 355k$ x ano
Total Inversion :1.1mm $
Retorno: 100%
Tiempo: 3 anos
Sociedad 50%-50%
Nota: Los costos operativos pueden variar

Board of Directors
Mentors & Outsourcing

Publicidad y
Recursos humanos

Unidad social,non-profits
Grants,raising capital,research,

Gerencia general

Nuevos talentos

Dpto Cuentas

Dpto Creativo
Dpto de Seguimiento al cliente

Redes Sociales


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