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ANSYS Workbench for LS-DYNA
Version: 2.0

Date: 09.03.2007
Authors: Stefan Gotthold & Matthias Hrmann
by CADFEM (2007)

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007

- The Interface ANSYS Workbench for LS-DYNA has been developed for ANSYS
Workbench V11.0. It also runs within DesignSpace licenses, whereby meshing
functionalities are greatly improved for ANSYS licenses Structural and higher
- The Interface should work on all operating systems for which ANSYS Workbench is
available, but has been mainly tested for operating system Windows 32bit
- ANSYS, ANSYS Workbench and any and all ANSYS, Inc. product and service names
are registered trademarks or trademarks of ANSYS, Inc.
- LS-DYNA and LS-PrePost are registered trademarks of Livermore Software
Technology Corporation (LSTC)

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007

ANSYS WB & DM with Interface ANSYS Workbench for LS-DYNA

generate middle surfaces, shell and solid meshing,
write node, element, material, contact, boundary, load, control,
and database definitions for jobname.k



Abstract Workflow


reads jobname.k


ASCII Result Files

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007

Optional LS-PrePost
preprocessing for specific
LS-DYNA features;
writes enhanced jobname.k

binary d3plot
Binary Result Files
similar to jobname.rst

binary d3thdt
Binary Result Files
similar to jobname.his

General Workflow
Model Generation in WB

Customization in GUI

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007

Solving with LS-DYNA

Writing of LS-DYNA file

in LS-PrePost
in LS-PrePost

About Interface Elements

Following Workbench Elements are supported:
Solid Elements:
- Linear Tetrahedron with 4-Nodes
- Linear Hexahedron with 8-Nodes
- Linear Pentahedron with 6-Nodes
- Linear Pyramids with 5-Nodes
- Quadratic Tetrahedron with 10-Nodes
Shell Elements:
- Linear Triangle with 3-Nodes
- Linear Rectangle with 4-Nodes

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007

About Interface Elements

Automatic Change of Follow Element Types:
Solid Elements:
- Quadratic Hexahedron 20-Nodes to linear Hexahedron 8-Nodes
- Quadratic Pentahedron 15-Nodes to linear Pentahedron 6-Nodes
- Quadratic Pyramids with 13-Nodes

Linear Pyramids with 5-Nodes

Shell Elements:
- Quadratic Rectangle 8-Nodes to linear Rectangle 4-Nodes
- Quadratic Triangle 6-Nodes to linear Triangle 3-Nodes
ATTENTION: Pyramids are written as degenerated Hexahedrons
Not supported Elements:
- All Beam Elements
- Thick Shells
- Concentrated Point Masses
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007

About Interface Material

Following Workbench Materials are supported:
Isotropic linear elastic


Orthotropic linear elastic








- All materials which are not defined as ortho, biso or miso are defined as linear
elastic. True stress-strain curves for MISO are translated as well.
- User can switch any material model within Worbench GUI to rigid and can
apply support conditions in global directions for center of gravity.
- Any LS-DYNA material model which is not directly supported by Workbench
GUI can be added using comments with LS-DYNA Keyword commands;
Material IDs will be automatically changed and reported in the *MAT-definition
- Hourglass and Equation of State definitions for each part can be added with
comments as well; IDs and part definitions will be automatically adjusted
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007

About Interface Contacts

Following Workbench Contacts are supported:




- All other contact types are redefined to Frictional

- For asymmetric contact definition *CONTACT_ONE_WAY_ is written
- Slave-Master flipping is supported
- Contact definitions are part based (SSTYP=MSTYP=3), if part to part is supposed
in contact. Part-set definitions are also available if several parts are defined on
slave or master side. SOFT=1 is used by default
- Input for LS-DYNA optional contact cards A, B and C can be defined as well
- Any LS-DYNA contact definition which is not directly supported by Workbench
GUI can be added using comments with LS-DYNA Keyword commands; care has
to be taken for proper numbering
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007

About Interface Boundaries and Loads

Following Workbench Boundary Conditions are supported:
- translational and rotational fixed boundary conditions on solids and shells
Following Workbench Initial Conditions are supported:
- initial velocity conditions
- gravity loading (always for all parts)
Following Workbench Loads and Prescribed Motions are supported:
- transient single loads
- prescribed motions in terms of displacements;
switching to velocity or acceleration possible within Interface GUI

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


About Interface Other Features

- Any LS-DYNA Keyword command can be added using comments in Workbench
- Check on non-supported elements in the mesh and non-supported contact
automatic switching possibilities are offered
- Check on no Density input
- Highlighting syntax for warnings and errors
- Automatic end-time calculation based on time step sizes and number of time step
- Named selections, which are defined in Workbench, are automatically written into
the *.k file as *SET_NODE_LIST
- Definition of control and output settings for LS-DYNA; default values are given,
changeable and savable by user (template.rc)
- Project related GUI settings can be saved and reloaded with *.w2d file
- Generation of log-file during translation; added into keyword-file (version
information of interface and Workbench as well as warnings)
- Hot link to LS-DYNA Keyword Users Manual
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007


Pre-Work & Starting the Interface

- Create a Workbench model using DesignModeler and Simulation Environment
- Chose desired material model either from Workbench Engineering Data suite or
define comment with LS-DYNA Keyword command; if needed, define part wise
*HOURGLASS and *EOS definition
- Define contacts and named selections if necessary
- Preview mesh on model with desired mesh options; use only solid and thin shell
- Define at least one analysis type and define boundary and initial conditions as
well as loadings and prescribed motions
Starting the Interface
- In simulation environment select the analysis type
for which the LS-DYNA Keyword file shall be written
- Go to menu Tools

Run Macro

- Select WBforLSDYNA.jse and interface will start

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface
The interface started after
the selection of the

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface PartInformation

- The table PartInformation shows used part-ids, part names and

related node and element count as well as used element types.
- The table is only for checking purposes. In order to change the
mesh in terms of element types and refinement level, the meshing
control settings of Workbench have to be used.

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface SectionSetting

- The table SectionSetting allows to set element formulation for all parts
or every part independently, e.g. reduced or fully integrated elements
- For shell elements the user can change number of integration points
across shell thickness (NIP) and shear correction factor (SHRFACT)
- Highlighting syntax shows warning whenever quadratic elements are
redefined (highlighted in orange); LS-DYNA Keyword file can be written
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface MaterialSetting

- The table MaterialSetting gives information on materials selected from

Workbench Engineering Data and on additional defined materials using
comments (both highlighted in yellow)
- To define rigid materials a quick definition in the comment is possible:
mat_rigid 111000
where the latter input corresponds to the support condition CON2 flag
(CMO=-1). Modification is highlighted in yellow. Density, Youngs modulus
and Poisson ratio will be taken from Workbench Engineering Data of that
- Any material model available in LS-DYNA can be input via comments
using LS-DYNA Keyword commands. The original material ID is listed and
added in the keyword definition for clarity
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface MaterialSetting

- New comment is added for the desired part

- Comment is composed of LS-DYNA Keyword; use proper unit system

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface MaterialSetting

- ANSYS Workbench GUI offers an inconsistent unit system in terms of
mass [kg] (highlighted in blue); for an ANSYS simulation this is considered
before executing the solve command
- The interface ANSYS Workbench for LS-DYNA accounts for this as well
and scales the density by a factor of 1e-03. The consistent unit system is
then [mm, ton, N, s]
- The density is only scaled for materials, which are defined in the
Engineering Data but not for those defined in comments. For the latter
ones the user has to use the proper unit system

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface MaterialSetting

- In case of missing material density, the highlighting syntax indicates an

error (highlighted in red)
- The interface will generate the LS-DYNA Keyword file anyway but with a
missing density for that material; the input file is not executable in

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Eos-/HourglassSetting

- *HOURGLASS and *EOS definition for

each part can be added as well
- Define comment for part with
corresponding LS-DYNA Keyword
command; can be combined with
*MAT definition
- IDs and part definitions will be automatically adjusted
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface ContactSetting

- The table ContactSetting gives information on defined contacts

- The table shows the Part-ID numbers for master and slave as well as the
contact type.
- ATTENTION: In this version only bonded and frictional contact types are
supported. All other contact types will be automatically changed to
Frictional (warning highlighted in orange).
- Contact definitions are part based (SSTYP=MSTYP=3), if part to part is
supposed in contact. Part-set definitions are also available if several parts
are on slave or master side
- For part based contact between two bodies it is sufficient to define one
surface for each part; the interface will automatically identify and use the
part-ID in the contact definition
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface ContactSetting

- Input for LS-DYNA optional contact cards A, B and C can be defined as

well (e.g. SOFT, SBOPT, DEPTH)
- Define comment for corresponding contact definition with contact_def
and define input for SOFT=2 or any other variable
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface ContactSetting

- Below is a list of supported optional contact commands of LS-DYNA
- Input must not be case sensitive
- Define one variable per line
Card A


Card B


Card C


Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007









The Interface BoundarySetting

- The table BoundarySetting gives information on defined boundary

conditions as well as on defined prescribed motions
- Single point constraints can be modified whereby changes are not feed
back into Workbench GUI; please save changes in session file *.x2d
- Boundary prescribed motion can be defined either in terms of velocity,
acceleration or displacement (VAD); the curve definition in Workbench is
used without modification, i.e. no differentiation is done

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface BoundarySetting

- Any constant input value in Displacement equals zero
or greater then zero will lead to a fixed DOF with
*BOUNDARY_SPC_SET ; prescribed motions have to be
applied as time vs. value or function definition
- Tabular Data input in Displacement will lead to a
- Free input in Displacement does not constrain DOF
- Displacements can be defined by components only
- Currently only global boundary conditions can be
defined; local coordinate systems are not supported
- Supported Workbench definitions are:
Fixed Support, Fixed Rotation (only shells),
Displacement; all other definitions will be ignored

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface LoadSetting

- The table LoadSetting gives information on defined transient loadings

- Defined force is applied to each finite element node of the selected
surface, i.e. it is not a consistent surface load (see values in figures)

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007



The Interface LoadSetting

- Any constant input value in Force equals zero or
greater then zero will lead to no loading definition;
loads have to be applied as time vs. value or function
- Tabular Data input in Force will lead to a
*LOAD_NODE_SET definition
- Forces can be defined by vector or components
- Currently only global force conditions can be defined;
local coordinate systems are not supported
- Supported ANSYS Workbench definitions are:
Force; all other definitions will be ignored

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface InitialVelocitySetting

- The table InitialVelocitySetting gives information on defined initial

translational velocities
- Initial translational velocities have to be defined part wise (requirement
from ANSYS Workbench GUI)
- A distinction is done for deformable and rigid bodies in using
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface InitialVelocitySetting

- Initial translational velocities can be defined
only once within the ANSYS Workbench GUI;
for multiple definitions the user has to use
comments with LS-DYNA Keyword
- Vector and component definition of initial
condition is supported

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface LoadBodySetting

- The table LoadBodySetting gives information on defined body loads in

global x, y or z-direction
- Body loads are constant over time and will be applied to all bodies in the

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface LoadBodySetting

- Body loads are defined using Standard Earth
Gravity function of ANSYS Workbench

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface ControlSetting

- The table ControlSetting allows to set LS-DYNA control settings

- A template file template.rc is loaded with default values. The user
can change this file to account for company related control settings
- Not directly supported *CONTROL settings can be added using
comments with LS-DYNA commands

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface DatabaseSetting

- The table DatabaseSetting allows to set LS-DYNA database settings

- A template file template.rc is loaded with default values. The user
can change this file to account for company related database settings
- Using the DEFAULTSETTING function, the user can change for all
ASCII-files values DT and BINARY with one click on Accept
- Not directly supported *DATABASE settings can be added using
comments with LS-DYNA commands

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Writing Keyword File

- With Writing Keyword File the user has to define a path and a file name
for the LS-DYNA Keyword file
- By default the current working directory of Simulation Environment is
used as location for saving
- Buttons lead to following actions:

Preview Keyword-File in new window

Exit without write

Close the interface without writing

Exit with write

Write all information to the selected *.k file

and close the interface


Write all information to the selected *.k file

(without closing the interface)

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Preview Keyword File

- Preview is used to check

how ANSYS Workbench
input will be translated
into LS-DYNA Keyword
- Keyword commands can
not be modified
- Node and element
definitions are skipped for

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Disclaimer

Full text of disclaimer:

This is the ANSYS Workbench for LS-DYNA Interface. Neither CADFEM GmbH nor the authors
assume any responsibility for the validity, accuracy, or applicability of any results obtained
from this system. The user must verify his own results.
CADFEM GmbH endeavors to make the ANSYS Workbench for LS-DYNA Interface code as
complete, accurate and easy to use as possible. Suggestions and comments are welcomed.
Please report any errors encountered in either the documentation or results immediately to
CADFEM GmbH through your site focus
Copyright 2006/2007
All rights reserved
Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007
CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Navigation Menu

- The interface has an implemented navigation menu

Maximize all points of the tree
Minimize all points of the tree
Go to top
Go to bottom

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Pop-up Menu

- The interface has an implemented pop-up menu

- Move mouse to left border (blue beam) and menu
will open
- The functionalities are described in the following

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Pop-up Menu

Save and Load all Setting
- Save and load all settings, which have been done in the interface GUI (element
type, NIP, SHRFACT, VAD), into a *.w2d file. Saving is done project related.
- ATTENTION: The file is directly connected to the number of parts. Do not use
the file when number of parts has changed (e.g. suppressed part or split part).
Use instead reset, save and load function to load standard settings.

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Pop-up Menu

Reset, Save, Load Control
and Database Settings
The function Reset, Save, Load allows the user to:
- reset all control and database settings to default (from template.rc file)
- save control and database settings only into your own file
- load your own control and database setting file

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Pop-up Menu


The function Help allows the user to:


View version and built date of

ANSYS Workbench and interface


View license information (Customer_ID)

LS-DYNA Manual

Open LSTC LS-DYNA Keyword-Manual

(Adobe Acrobat Reader needed)

Interface Handbook

Open Interface Handbook

(Adobe Acrobat Reader needed)


Contact data of development team

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


The Interface Pop-up Menu


Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


Interface ANSYS Workbench for LS-DYNA

Currently unsupported features:
- Local coordinate systems in combination with local boundary conditions or load
- Pressure loading
- Displacement defined by normal to
- Segment sets in contact
- No beam elements, thick shells and point masses
- LS-DYNA Keyword input defined in Workbench Comments have to be column
based; no comma separation allowed

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


Interface ANSYS Workbench for LS-DYNA

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007


Interface ANSYS Workbench for LS-DYNA

Handbook Edition: 09.03.2007

CADFEM GmbH 2007

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