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Directions are for Size 12. Changes for Sizes 14 and 16 are in parentheses.
Columbia-Minerva Knitting Worsted (4 oz skein) - 5(6-6) skeins
Columbia-Minerva Calypso Germantown Knitting Worsted (2 or 4 oz skein) - 22(24-26) ozs

Knitting Needles: 1 pair each "Boye" Sizes 4 and 8 and one "Boye" cable needle
Gauge: Pattern Stitch on Size 8 needles - 5 sts to 1 inch; 13 rows to 2 inches
BACK: With Size 4 needles cast on 89(93-99) sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 2(2-2) inches, inc'ing 10 sts evenly spaced
across last row - 99(103-109) sts. Change to Size 8 needles and work in pat as follows: Row 1 - Right side: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P
8, sl next 3 sts on cable needle and hold in back of work, K next 2 sts, sl 1 st from cable needle to left needle and P this st, then K 2
from cable needle for a cross-cable, P 8, K 3 *, P 2, K 2, then K 1, P 1 in moss st for 13 sts, K 2, P 2, repeat from * to * once, P
12(14-17). Row 2: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 8, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 8, P 3 *, K 2, P 2, then K 1, P 1 in moss st for 13 sts, P 2, K 2, repeat
from * to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 3: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 7, sl next st on cable needle and hold in back of work, K 2, then P st
from cable needle for back twist, P 1, sl next 2 sts on cable needle and hold in front of work, P 1, then K 2 sts from cable needle for
front twist, P 7, K 3 *, P 2, front twist, then P 1, K 1 in moss st for 11 sts, back twist, P 2, repeat from * to * once, P 12(14-17). Row
4: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 7, P 2, K 3, P 2, K 7, P 3 *, K 3, P 2, work 11 sts in moss st, P 2, K 3, repeat from * to * once, K 12(14-17).
Row 5: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 6, back twist, P 3, front twist, P 6, K 3 *, P 3, front twist, work 9 moss sts, back twist, P 3, repeat from
* to * once, P 12(14-17). Row 6: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 6, P 2, K 5, P 2, K 6, P 3 *, K 4, P 2, work 9 moss sts, P 2, K 4, repeat from *
to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 7: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 5, back twist, P 2, work popcorn as follows: K 1, P 1, K 1, P 1 in next st, **
with point of left needle draw 2nd loop over first loop, repeat from ** twice, P 2, front twist, P 5, K 3 *, P 4, front twist, work 7 moss
sts, back twist, P 4, repeat from * to * once, P 12(14-17). Row 8: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 5, P 2, K 7, P 2, K 5, P 3 *, K 5, P 2, work 9
moss sts, P 2, K 4, repeat from * to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 9: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 4, back twist, P 7, front twist, P 4, K 3 *, P 5,
front twist, work 5 moss sts, back twist, P 5, repeat from * to * once, P 12(14-17). Row 10: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 4, P 2, K 9, P 2, K
4, P 3 * K 6, P 2, work 5 moss sts, P 2, K 6, repeat from * to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 11: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 3, back twist, P 9,
front twist, P 3, K 3 *, P 6, front twist, work 3 moss sts, back twist, P 6, repeat from * to * once, P 12(14-17). Row 12: K 12(14-17), *
P 3, K 3, P 2, K 11, P 2, K 3, P 3 *, K 7, P 2, work 3 moss sts, P 2, K 7, repeat from * to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 13: P 12(14-17),
* K 3, P 3, K 2, P 2, work popcorn in next st, P 5, work popcorn in next st, P 2, K 2, P 3, K 3 *, P 7, front twist, K 1, back twist, P 7,
repeat from * to * once, P 12(14-17). Row 14: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 3, P 2, K 11, P 2, K 3, P 3 *, K 8, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 8, repeat from
* to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 15: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 3, K 2, P 11, K 2, P 3, K 3 * P 8, sl next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in
back, K 2, sl 1 st from cable needle to left needle and K this st, K 2 from cable needle for cross-cable, P 8, repeat from * to * once,
P 12(14-17). Row 16: Same as Row 14. Row 17: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 3, front twist, P 9, back twist, P 3, K 3 *, P 7, back twist, K
1, front twist, P 7, repeat from * to * once, P 12(14-17). Row 18: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 4, P 2, K 9, P 2, K 4, P 3 *, K 7, P 3, K 1, P 3,
K 7, repeat from * to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 19: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 4, front twist, P 7, back twist, P 4, K 3 *, P 6, back twist, P
1, K 1, P 1, front twist, P 6, repeat from * to * once, P 12(14-17). Row 20: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 5, P 2, K 7, P 2, K 5, P 3 *, K 6, P 2,
then K 1, P 1 for 5 sts, P 2, K 6, repeat from * to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 21: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 5, front twist, P 2, popcorn, P
2, back twist, P 5, K 3 *, P 5, back twist, work 5 moss sts, front twist, P 5, repeat from * to *, P 12(14-17). Row 22: K 12(14-17), * P
3, K 6, P 2, K 5, P 2, K 6, P 3 *, K 5, P 2, work 7 moss sts, P 2, K 5, repeat from * to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 23: P 12(14-17), * K

3, P 6, front twist, P 3, back twist, P 6, K 3 *, P 4, back twist, work 7 moss sts, front twist, P 4, repeat from * to * once, P 12(14-17).
Row 24: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 7, P 2, K 3, P 2, K 7, P 3 *, K 4, P 2, work 9 moss sts, P 2, K 4, repeat from * to * once, K 12(14-17).
Row 25: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 7, front twist, P 1, back twist, P 7, K 3 *, P 3, back twist, work 9 moss sts, front twist, P 3, repeat
from * to * once, P 12(14-17). Row 26: K 12(14-17), * P 3, K 8, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 8, P 3 *, K 3, P 2, work 11 moss sts, P 2, K 3,
repeat from * to * once, K 12(14-17). Row 27: P 12(14-17), * K 3, P 8, cross cable, P 8, K 3 *, P 2, back twist, work 11 moss sts,
front twist, P 2, repeat from * to * once, P 12(14-17). Repeat Rows 2 through 27 for pat. Work until back measures about 10
inches above ribbing, ending with pat Row 12.
Armholes: Bind off 4(5-6) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each side every other row 6(6-7) times - 79(81-83) sts on needle.
Work until armholes meas-ure 7(8-8) inches straight above bound-off sts. Shoulders: Bind off 7 sts at beg of next 2(4-4) rows,
then 6 sts at beg of next 6(4-4) rows. Sl rem'ing 29(29-31) sts on st holder.
FRONT: Same as Back until armholes measure about 6 inches straight up from bound-off sts, ending with Row 2. Neck: Work
31(32-33) sts and sl on st holder for left side, work next 17 sts and sl on st holder for neck, work to end of row. Dec 1 st at neck
edge every row 4(4-5) times, then every 4th row twice AND AT THE SAME TIME when armhole measures same as on back, bind
off 7 sts at armhole edge once(twice-twice), then 6 sts at same edge 3(2-2) times. Work left side to correspond.
SLEEVES: With Size 4 needles cast on 59(61-63) sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 2(3-3) inches, inc'ing 1 st each side on last
row - 61(63-65) sts on needle. Change to Size 8 needles and work pat as follows: Row 1 - Right side: P 1(2-3), * P 1, K 2, then K
1, P 1 in moss st for 13 sts, K 2, P 1 *, K 2, P 7, work cross-cable, P 7, K 2, repeat from * to * once, ending P 1(2-3). Row 2: K 1(23), * K 1, P 2, work 13 moss sts, P 2, K 1 *, P 2, K 7, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 7, P 2, repeat from * to * once, ending K 1(2-3). Continue in
pat, moving sts, crossing cables and working popcorns as on back, inc'ing as follows: On 10th row above ribbing, inc 1 st in each of
the K 2 ribs next to pop-corn pat - 63(65-67) sts on needle. Work 9 more rows, having 3 sts in K ribs next to popcorn pat, then inc
1 st each side on next row - 65(67-69) sts on needle. Work 13 rows. Next row inc 1 st at inner edges of moss st pats, inc'ing in st
next to K 3 ribs - 67(69-71) sts on needle. Work 13 rows. Next row inc 1 st each side of popcorn pat in st next to K 3 ribs - 69(7173) sts on needle. Work 13 rows. Next row inc 1 st each side - 71(73-75) sts on needle. Work until about 14(13-13) inches
above ribbing, ending with pat row 14(12-10). Cap of Sleeve: Bind off 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each side every row 4
times, then every other row 12(13-14) times. Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows, then 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bind off rem'ing
13 sts.
Sew left shoulder seam.

COLLAR: With Size 4 needles K across 29(29-31) sts at back of neck, pick up and K 24(25-26) sts on neck edge, K across 17 sts
on st holder, pick up and K 24(25-26) sts on other side - 94(96-100) sts on needle. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 3 inches. Change to
Size 8 needles and work until collar measures 6 inches from start. Bind off loosely in ribbing.
Sew right shoulder and 3 inches of collar, then re-verse seam on last 3 inches. Sew sleeves in place. Sew underarm and sleeve
Be Sure Your Stitch Gauge Is Correct

Other great patterns fromThe Jubilee Collection!, Book No. 738.

Knitting Patterns
Cable Jacket
Lady's Shawl Collar Cardigan
Man's Shawl Collar Cardigan
Lady's Argyle Pullover
Man's Argyle Pullover
Raglan Cable Jacket
Cable Slipover
Lady's Ski Slipover
Man's Ski Slipover
Fringed Slipover
Raglan Cardigan
Satin Trimmed Cardigan
Bolero Jacket
Lady's Double Breasted Jacket
Man's Double Breasted Jacket

Two-Tone Jacket
Lady's Cable Turtle Neck Sweater
Man's Cable Turtle Neck Sweater
Lady's Cardigan
Man's Cardigan
Lady's Ski Sweater
Man's Ski Sweater
Raglan Cardigan
Lady's Hooded Cardigan
Man's Hooded Cardigan
Car Coat
Straight Skirt
Flared Skirt
Overskirt & Dirndl

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