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Semantic feature analysis (SFA) is an effective strategy for demonstrating relationships among

concepts within a category, as well as the uniqueness of each word (Pittelman, Heimlich,
Berglund, & French, 1991). It can be used with individuals or with groups of students using
expository or narrative text. The semantic features analysis strategy may be used:

develop motivation;
develop vocabulary conceptshe students list each word under the appropriate category;
develop and activate prior knowledge;
summarize and review information.

The following steps are used in the SFA strategy:

1. Select a category.
SFAs can be constructed for most categories of words. With students new to this procedure, it
best to select categories that are concrete and familiar. The category word can be a vocabulary
word or it may be one of the major topics of the story or selection. Write the category in the to
left-hand box of the grid.

2. List words in the category.

List three or four words that name concepts or objects related to the category down the left sid
of the grid.

3. Add features.
Write three or four features (traits, characteristics, properties) of the category across the top o
the grid. Start with only a few features and allow students to add more later.

4. Determine feature possession.

Guide students through the matrix, asking them to decide if the word on the left of the grid ha
each of the features listed across the top. If the students decide that it usually has a feature, p
a plus (+) sign in the box; if it does not usually possess that feature, put a minus (-) sign in th
box. If the students are unsure, put a question mark in the box. The question mark serves as
place holder, allowing discussion to continue while marking an area that will require investigati

5. Add more words and features.

Students add more words that fit the category and features that apply to those words. Add the
to the grid.

6. Complete the grid.

Students complete the grid either individually, with a learning partner, or in a small group. The
can use reference books and other sources to find the answers for the boxes marked with
question marks.

7. Discuss the grid.

Students examine the completed grid carefully, noting the similarities and differences among t
words. Ask them which words in the categories seem to be the most alike (share the most
common features) and which ones seem to be the most different. Guide them in making
generalizations as well as in noting the unique features of words.

Discussion is an integral part of this procedure. As students examine and discuss the
finished grid, they make judgments about the words. Once the students are familiar with this
technique, the teacher can serve as a facilitator, allowing the students to do most of the
completion and analysis of the grid and eventually to take an active role in planning the grid a
selecting the words and features to be compared.

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