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Cheat Sheet

Consult your physician and follow all

safety instructions before beginning this or
any exercise and nutrition program.!
If you have neck, back or any other
physical limitations, please consult your
doctor prior to performing the exercises
listed in this book.!
Any exercise, health or nutritional advice
provided in this cheat sheet is NOT to be
construed as medical advice. !
The only medical advice you should follow
is that of your personal physician.

How Abs Are Created & Uncovered!

Everyone wants to know which ab moves they need to do to get that crazy, sexy 6-pack.
However, by asking that question, theyre only getting half of the information the need.
Heres the deal. !

There are TWO important parts to getting that coveted six-pack....ready.....!

Part 1: Exercise. This includes ab exercises, as well as specifically designed

cardiovascular activity.!

Part 2: Nutrition. This is the hardest part and often the most ignored. !

Without BOTH in place, you WILL NOT get the six-pack you want. If it only took doing
crunches, then everyone would have a six-pack. So, repeat after me....To create and
uncover my abs I need proper exercises and nutrition. !


Step 1: Water, Water, Everywhere

Water is KEY. Did you hear me? Its the absolute KEY to your 6-pack success! If you
dont drink it, you wont see the definition in your tummy. Water does two things:!

1. Reduces Bloat & Water Weight: Your body NEEDS water. If you give your body
plenty of water, your body will release the water. If you dont give your body water
often, it will hold onto every drop it can- causing bloat. Yes, youre gonna pee a lot.
Youre supposed to! Youre also gonna do #2 more. Why? Because water flushes the
crap (total double entendre) out of your body and keeps your colon healthy! People
have lost 5-10 lbs JUST drinking water. So.drink up!!

2. Hydrates your Muscles: With the extra training youre going to be doing, you need
those muscles well hydrated in order to have peak performance! You dont want
cramping, dry muscles doing the crazy exercises youre about to learn! !

So how much water should you drink? !

For most people, its 1 to 1.5 gallons Start with a half-gallon and
work your way up! No excuses, no exceptions (unless of course your doctor tells you
not to, in that case do as directed). !

2: Nutrition Basics
Timing Your Meals: Meals should be spaced 2-3 hours apart during the day.

Number of Meals Per Day: The nutrition plan includes 5-6 meals because we find
that the average person is awake for 12-16 hours per day. If you happen to be awake
a shorter amount of hours, you may only get 5 meals in per day (skip meal 5).
Conversely, if you are awake longer, you may need to add a 7th meal (repeat meal 6).

Pre-workout Nutrition: Pre-workout nutrition sets the stage for how you will feel in
the gym. Obviously you want to have lots of energy and not feel weighed down by a
heavy, greasy meal. You want protein, natural complex carbs, fruit and/or veggies.
You want to skip the fats for this meal.

Post-workout Nutrition: Post workout nutrition is important and pretty much the
same as post-workout. This basically means protein, complex carbs, fruit and
veggies. You want to avoid fats post-workout as they may slow the digestion and
absorption of the protein and carbs that your body needs to begin to re-feed and
repair those hungry, tired muscles! You may need to shift the meals around a bit to
get proper post-workout nutrition.

Coee & Tea: On the JSB plan, we suggest using water as your main beverage.
However, we also understand that our peeps want to drink some coee and tea as
well. We have no issue with coee and caeinated tea, its more about what goes in
them. If youre loading your drinks with sugar, cream etc... then those calories do add
up. If you can get by with black coee and plain tea great, if not, try to use skim or
soy and try to limit sugar intake. Note- coee and tea do no count toward your daily
water goals. De-caeinated however does!

Meal Replacements: As its slightly annoying and time consuming to have to cook
and eat 6 meals every day, replacing a 1-3 meals with a shake, snack etc... is okay.
Just make sure you are still following the plan. If you need some ideas, check out the
Protein Shakes & Snacks eBook on our website!

Protein Powder Recommendations: Weve tested and tasted all of the protein
powders that your local store has to oer. We suggest getting vanilla as its the most
versatile. Shoot us an email at and well give you our
brand recommendations based on your goals!

Healthy Fats: Not all fats are bad! In fact, your body absolutely needs fat to function.
Your hair, skin, nails will look like crap without it! The goal is to obtain these fats from
high-quality sources and in proper portions. Try sticking to fat oils, olive, coconut,
Udos, flax seed, macadamia etc... and DO NOT rely on nuts or nut butters!!!!

Fake Sugars: Good rule of thumb- if it comes in a pink, blue or yellow packet- its
crap. Try Stevia and Stevia based products like Truvia! But artificial sweeteners have
been known to BLOAT, so use sparingly.

Step 3: Eat Your Greens


Eat Things That Are Green. Mom was right! Eat those veggies! Green veggies are
important for many reasons. First, they are low in calories. Second, because theyre
low-cal you can eat a greater volume of them to keep you full longer. Third, they high in
critically important nutrients and antioxidants. Its like putting premium fuel into your car,
as opposed to the cheapest economy gas you can find. Also, there is a ton of studies
and evidence that show that plant-based foods help to control food cravings and
overeating. So, when in doubt, veggie-load!!

4: Secret Food Tricks
There are some foods that definitely create more gas and bloat than others. As foods
eect everyone dierently, this will kind of be an experiment. If youre not leaning out
as fast as you think you should be and you want to try a few tricks, remove one or
more of the foods below from your diet and see if you look and feel less bloated, more
lean etc...

Dairy: Many people have a sensitivity to dairy. This includes milk, yogurt, cheese,
cottage cheese etc.. Often it bloats you and you may not even know that its the dairy
thats doing it. Dont worry about calcium, broccoli, kale, seaweed, brussels sprouts,
beans, tofu, bok choy, spinach and peas have as much or MORE calcium than milk..

Oats & Rice: For some people, oats and rice make them retain water. Think about it,
when you add water to oatmeal or rice, they soak it up and get puy. But if you add
water to a sweet potato, it doesnt. For some people, this with cause water retention,
especially in the low-handle area. So- remove the oatmeal or rice and replace it with
other non-processed, natural carbs in the last two weeks prior to your vacation or

Turkey: This is another one of those lovely foods that create excess gas in the tummy
for the unfortunate few. The leaner the turkey the less bloat, but some people just cant
get rid of bloat while eating turkey. If youre bloating a lot and you eat lots of turkey, try
lean beef, fish or chicken instead.

Eggs: Yep, bloating again! Eggs definitely produce some serious gas. If it doesnt eect
you, perfect, but if you find yourself a little puy - skip the eggs in the last two weeks
prior to your vacation or event.

Fruit: When youre looking to de-bloat, limit yourself to berries. Blackberries,

strawberries, blueberries are lower in sugar and high in antioxidants!


5: Use Reward Meals
Yes, reward meals have a place in your nutrition plan! Jet Set Body has 1-3 reward
meals per week depending on where you are in the program.

Most Important Reward Meal Rule: They MUST be Planned! If you plan your reward
meal each week, know when youre having it gives you something to work for. If you
dont plan it, youll just take it when you feel like it and end up over doing it!

6: Journalling to Success
Youve probably heard this before, but the best way to make sure youre staying faithful
to your nutrition plan is to write everything down that you eat and drink- yes, drinks
count too! If you have to write down that sneaky handful of chips, or extra brownie,
youre less likely to over-indulge as you wont want to see see it on your journal.

Also, if you are having any issues with your progress, its easier to see where youre
slipping up if you have a record. Conversely, when you find what works, its nice to
have the exact plan you followed written down (just in case you ever need to refer to it

7: HITT Cardio Schedule

HIIT cardio burns that fat, and will help get you lean without burring o tons of hard
earned muscle. Do 3 Days per week of HIIT Cardiovascular Training, with a rest day in

Treadmill Notes!
Sprint: !
Full out, balls to the walls, as fast as you can go. Usually 8mph or higher.!
Recovery:! Fast walk. Usually around 4mph.!

Note: To increase the intensity, in crease the speed and/or increase the incline to 3-5%.!

Elliptical Notes!
Sprint: !
Full out, balls to the walls, as fast as you can go on a resistance of 12-18.!
Recovery:! 50% less speed & 50% of the resistance. If sprint is at 18, recovery is a 9.!

!HIIT Sprints Beginner:!
Warm Up!
!5 15minute
second Sprint!
45 second Recovery!
Repeat for 20 minutes!
5 min Cool Down!

HIIT Sprints Intermediate:! HIIT Sprints Advanced:!

5 minute Warm Up!

10 second Sprint!
20 second Recovery!
Repeat for 20 minutes!
5 min Cool Down!

5 minute Warm Up!

8 second Sprint!
12 second Recovery!
Repeat for 20 minutes!
5 min Cool Down

Step 8: Change Up Your Ab Routine


Plateau (is defined as): To reach a state of little or no change after a time of activity or
Doing the same exercises, without changing them, over and over is useless. Youve
gotta shape those abs, challenge them, and trick them into looking the way you want
them to! This way, when you remove the fat layer, youve really got something to show!!

Step 9: Do Weighted & Un-Weighted Ab

Abs, like any other muscles:

(1) They need to be challenged.

(2) They need a variety of exercises to truly build and sculpt the muscles

(3) They need rest. Do not perform these exercises daily. Muscle growth happens in the
repair process, not in the gym. You need to rest to repair. Youll slow down the
resting process and they wont grow!

Weighted ab exercises will provide the extra resistance that the muscles need to break
down so they can grow stronger and build.

Unweighted ab exercises will improve your core strength, and the endurance of the
abdominal muscles.

Both are needed to create the slamming six-pack you want.


Step 10: The Jet Set Body Ab Workout


Do 3 Days per week of Ab Training, with a rest day in between.!

Day 1

Wk 1 sets/reps

Wk 2 sets/reps

Wk 3 sets/reps

Wk 4 sets/reps

Machine Crunch!










Around the

4x15 ES

4x20 ES

4x25 ES

4x30 ES


Wk 1 sets/reps

Wk 2 sets/reps

Wk 3 sets/reps

Wk 4 sets/reps

Cable Oblique

4x10 ES

4x12 ES

4x15 ES


3-Way Plank

20 sec ES

25 sec ES

30 sec ES

35 sec ES

Single Leg
Gorilla Crunch

4x12 ES

4x15 ES

4x18 ES

4x20 ES


Wk 1 sets/reps

Wk 2 sets/reps

Wk 3 sets/reps

Wk 4 sets/reps

Pop n Press

4x10 ES

4x12 ES

4x15 ES

4x18 ES

Plank Knee to

4x15 ES

4x20 ES

4x25 ES

4x30 ES

Chair Tuck Ups

(with weight)





Day 2

Day 3

DB= Dumbbell

ES= Each Side

MB= Medicine Ball
SB= Stability Ball


Exercise Glossary

3-Way Plank: Hold plank on forearms for desired number of seconds, then without coming down from
plank position, turn your body so you are in a side plank on the left arm for desired seconds then turn
your body so you are in a side plank on the right side for the desired number of seconds.!

Around the World: Put one end of the Olympic bar in the corner to wedge it, add a 10-25lb weight on
the opposite end. Bend your knees, feet shoulder width apart, grab the end of the Olympic bar (the end
with the weight). Extend the bar straight out over your head, then bring down to right shoulder, extend
back out, bring down to left shoulder. Extend the bar out again, bring toward your waist on right side,
then back to the extended position and to the left side of waist.!

Cable Oblique Punches: On the cable cross over, using the handle attachments, set both cables
approximately shoulder height. Grab both cables and turn your body to face just one cable. With the
cable that is behind you, punch while holding the cable toward the direction you are facing while
simultaneously pulling the opposite hand. Finish one side and switch to the other side and repeat.!

Chair Tuck Ups (with weight): In the chair, place a dumbbell about 8-15 lbs on the floor below your
feet. While holding yourself up on your forearms, grab the weight with your feet. Tuck your knees into
your chest, contracting your abs, while holding onto the weight. Lower slowly. Repeat.!

Gorilla Crunch (single leg): Hanging on the bar, contract abdominals as you lift one leg straight and
bring the foot all the way up to touch the bar.!

Gravedigger: On the cable set-up, attach the rope attachment to one side and move the rope to the
lowest point. Facing the rope, feet shoulder width apart and a slight bend in knees, grab the rope with
both hands. With your arms extended, bring the rope over your right shoulder, creating a twisting
movement (like you are shoveling and throwing the dirt over one shoulder), then lower back down
(digging portion), and repeat on the other side.!

Machine Crunch: Using the weighted abdominal crunch machine, make sure legs are in place and
secured and the weight is selected. Slowly crunch in for a count of 2-3 seconds in, and slowly extend
back out for 2-3 second count.!

Plank Knee to Elbow: Hold a plank on hands. Bring left knee up to touch your left elbow, repeat on
other side.!

Pop n Press: Put one end of the Olympic bar in the corner to wedge it, add a 10-25lb weight on the
opposite end. Stand feet shoulder width apart at angle angle almost leaning into the Olympic bar.
Holding the top of the bar (weighted end) with slight bend your knees, bring the bar to the middle of
your chest (crunching and tightening your abs) and then extend it straight up (un-crunching your abs).


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