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After 65 years of independence, India is still struggling to find a solution to many of its
problems and amongst all these problems, one problem which is at the crest and also the root
cause of many of the other problems is our age old and faulty education system.
If we date back to the Era of the British record, we could clearly understand why and
with what intensions Britishers introduced this system. It was not primarily meant to facilitate
Indians with the education; If that was the case till today we would have achieve 100% literacy
rates, which as of now only seems to be a dream, it was introduced by them just to fulfill their
policy of Divide & Rule and to spread religious bigotry; and through all these years we have just
been criticizing about the system, our attitude means just a few words of Grievance and zero
action. But if we would have been aware the condition might not be just so poor. But the
question arises what a common man with 9 to 5 job can do on this issue. Mere writing would not
do, some serious steps have to be taken, but What Steps, and I say all those steps which would
make our education system more practical & convenient.
Every step which could make education more than just attending schools. An average
Indians even today thinks that education is only going to school and at last and most importantly
getting A+ grade. And not just system our mind set has to be changed and education has to be
valued and considered more than exams and 90% marks.
Today we are not in any sort of dearth of people and learners who could get 90% but we
are really in paucity of people who could think of new things; their mind sets and scope of
knowledge is just limited to 300 pages of text book and this is where we lack.
President Bush once said Beware my countrymen surely and shortly, Indians are going to
take your position. But I doubt and believe that with the existing education system we would
only be able to produce calculators and not brains; which is obviously not desired!!!
But to some of you who are reading this article, above lines would appear to be a
quagmire, full of grievances, but my dear friends, there is no use of crying over the spilt milk.
But one thing which we can do is to inspire people around us to be more practical in their
thinking, but for that firstly we would have to improve our level of thinking. We would have to
work on the slogan that a nudge; could create a wave. For fulfilling the purpose of my writing of
the above 1 pages we would have to do the followings steps.
Firstly we would have to remove the fear from the mind of the students. We would have
to work in the direction of making education more than a just being homework and another daily
routine activity filled boredom and one thing which could do all these things is to make students
realize that marks do not matter, what ultimately matters is the knowledge of the subject. After
that our teaching methods need to more practical and of course a little less cumbersome, but
some of the teachers reading this article, would have their first reaction as How can you blame a

Teacher. But at this, I would like to add a point that I am not here playing any sort of a blame
game but simply suggesting a way to improve our education system.
Another thing which we could do is to improve our course, what we have to do by
reading about Battle of Panipat or who formulated Laws of motion, come-on lets be practical and
focus towards it. For that purpose our course needs to be more diagrammatic and less dramatic,
end condition is that it has to be more interesting; there has to be more practical session as
compare to now. And finally I suggest that our system, need to be more students friendly and I
think after doing nudges we can create a wave and eradicate this educational polio.


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