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Forward Lunges

Kneel on the left leg, placing the right

leg forward at a right angle. Lunge
forward, keeping the back straight.
Stretch should be felt on the left groin.
Hold for five seconds.
Repeat three to six times.
Repeat on opposite leg.

Sit with legs spread, placing both

hands on the same shin or ankle. Bring
the chin toward the knee, keeping the
leg straight.

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

1. Lying on one side grasp
your ankle and pull your heel
towards your buttocks.

Hold for five seconds.

Repeat three to six times.
Repeat exercise on the opposite leg.

2. Keep your back straight and

the other leg bent.
3. Do not grab your foot. Grab

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just above the ankle joint (the

Seat Stretch

bottom of your leg).

4. Keep the thigh in line with

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Side Lunges
Stand with legs apart, bending the left
knee while leaning toward the left.
Keep the back straight and the right leg

Sit with the legs together, feet flexed,

and hands on the shins or ankles. Bring
the chin toward the knees.

your body. To increase the

stretch push your hips forward
(only a slight movement).
5. Repeat for the opposite

Hold for five seconds.

Repeat three to six times.


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Hold for five seconds.

Repeat three to six times.
Repeat on opposite leg.
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Stand with legs crossed, keeping the
feet close together and the legs
straight. Try to touch the toes.

Knees to Chest
Lie on the back with knees bent. Grasp
the tops of knees and bring them out
toward the armpits, rocking gently.

Classic Quadriceps Stretch

1. Standing one leg, grab your
opposite ankle and pull your
heel into your buttocks.
2. Your bent knee should sty

Hold for five seconds.

Repeat three to five times.

parallel with your standing leg

rather then being pulled
3. Push your hips out to

Hold for five seconds.

Repeat three to six times.
Repeat with the opposite leg.
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Standing Quad Stretch

Two Leg Hamstring Stretch

increase the stretch and

1. With both feet together and

remember not to grab the

legs fully extended, reach

ankle joint.

forward with both hands

4. Repeat for the opposite

towards your toes.


2. Tuck your chin towards your

chest to increase the stretch.

Stand supported by holding onto a wall

or chair. Pull the foot behind to the
buttocks. Try to keep knees close

3. Keep your toes pointed

towards the sky.

Standing Groin Stretch

1. Stand with your legs wider
than shoulder width apart.

Hold for five seconds.

Repeat three to six times.
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Seat Straddle Lotus

Sit down, placing the soles of the feet
together and drop the knees toward
floor. Place the forearms on the inside
of the knees and push the knees
toward the ground. Lean forward from
the hips.
Hold for five seconds.
Repeat three to six times.

2. Shift your weight onto one

Hamstring Split Stretch

side as you bend your knee.

1. Bending on one knee,

3. Reach with one hand

extend the other leg out in

towards your outstretched

front of you.


2. Reach with both hands

4. You should feel the stretch

towards your outstretched

right down the inside of your


outstretched leg.

3. Keep your toes towards the

5. Repeat for the opposite

sky and tuck your head to


increase the stretch.

Remember to breathe!
4. Repeat for the opposite

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Seat Side Straddle

Sitting Groin Stretch

1. Sit with knees bent at 90

2. Place the soles of your feet

and raise them.

together to 'splay' your knees

4. From this position bend


forward from the waist also

3. Gently use your hands or

tucking your head towards

elbows to push your knees

your chest.


5. Hold this position for the

recommended amount of

Lower Back Stretch

1. Sit with the legs straight out
in front of you.

Shoulder Stretch

2. Bend the right knee so the

1. Place one are outstretched

sole of your foot is flat on the

across your chest.


2. Place the hand or forearm of

3. Turn your upper body

your other arm on your

towards your right knee and

outstretched elbow to apply

place your right hand on the


floor for support.

3. Gently pull your

4. Place your left forearm on

outstretched arm closer to

the outside of your right knee

your chest, keeping it as

and gently pull your knee

straight as possible.

towards you.
5. Resist with your knee and
left hand to feel the tension in


your lower back.

Position your body in front of

a wall as shown and lean
forward to stretch.

6. Repeat for the opposite


Standing Calf Stretch

1.Using a wall or bar to
support you, place one leg
outstretched behind you.
2. Keeping the other leg bent
lean against the wall to apply
pressure to your beg leg.
3. Make sure you keep your
back heel flat on the ground.
4. Repeat for the opposite

Chest & Back Stretch

1. This stretch can be
performed kneeling or
standing. Take your boots off
if you kneel.
2. Clasp your hands behind
your back, keeping your arms
as straight as possible.
3. Try to straighten your arms


Place your foot on a sturdy

box or bench as shown, then
lean forward from the hips
until you feel a stretch.

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