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Ampere's circuital law.....11 duality of J and D............. 8 magnetic energy ..............12 shunt stub ........................ 4
Ampere's law ................... 6 E electric field................. 5 magnetic field .................11 single-stub tuning............. 4
angstrom .......................... 2 electric field..................... 5 at the center of a circular Smith chart ...................... 4
Avogadro's number........... 2 electron mass ................... 2 wire ........................11 Smith charts..................... 4
B Ampere's circuital law 11 electron volt ..................... 2 central axis of a solenoid space derivative ............... 8
Biot-Savart law ...............11 electrostatic ...............................11 sphere .............................. 8
Boltzmann's constant........ 2 force ............................ 5 due to a finite straight standing wave ratio .......... 4
capacitance ...................7, 8 potential ...................... 5 conductor................11 static magnetic field ........11
between coaxial cylinders electrostatics .................... 5 due to an infinite straight stub length ....................... 4
................................ 7 elipse ............................... 8 conductor................11 surface charge density ...... 6
between concentric Faraday's law ..............6, 12 magnetic field intensity ...12 time average power .......... 5
spheres .................... 7 flux density...................... 6 magnetic flux ..................12 vector differential equation8
between parallel plates. 7 force magnetic force.................11 volume energy density...... 7
between two conductors 7 electrostatic ................. 5 magnetization..................13 wave
characteristic impedance .. 2 magnetic .....................11 matching transformer forward-traveling ......... 5
complex conjugate............ 1 Gauss' law........................ 6 inline – reactive load.... 3 wave equation .................. 2
complex notation.............. 1 geometry.......................... 8 inline – resistive load... 3 wavelength....................... 2
conductance ..................... 8 grad operator.................... 8 mathematics ..................... 8 We potential energy......... 7
conductivity ..................... 8 H magnetic field intensity12 Maxwell's equations......... 6 we volume energy density 7
semiconductor.............. 8 impedance mutual inductance ...........12 X reactance ..................... 3
conservative field law....... 6 short-circuit ................. 2 nabla operator .................. 8 Zin line impedance ........... 3
constants .......................... 2 induced voltage permeability..................... 2 Φ electrostatic
continuity equation........... 8 due to changing magnetic permittivity ...................... 2 potential ...................... 5
coordinate systems ..........10 field........................13 phase constant.................. 2 Γ reflection coefficient .... 2
coordinate transformations10 due to conductor motion13 Planck's constant .............. 2 Ψ magnetic flux .............12
coulomb ........................... 1 Faraday's law ..............12 Poisson's equation ............ 6 λ wavelength................... 2
Coulomb's law.................. 7 slider problem.............13 potential energy................ 7 ρs surface charge density . 6
cross product...................10 inductance.......................12 power σ conductivity ................. 8
curl .................................. 9 J current density.............. 7 with phasor notation..... 5 ∇ del............................... 8
current ............................. 8 joule ................................ 2 reactance.......................... 3 ∇× curl ........................... 9
current density ................. 7 Laplacian ......................... 9 reflection coefficient......... 2
∇· divergence................ 9
D flux density ................. 6 Lenz's law .......................12 resistance ......................... 8
∇2 Laplacian ................... 9
del ................................... 8 light, speed of .................. 2 Rydberg constant.............. 2
divergence........................ 9 line impedance ................. 3 self-inductance ................12
dot product....................... 9 linkage ............................12 series stub........................ 4


A unit of electrical charge equal to one amp second, The complex conjugate of a number is simply that
the charge on 6.21×10 electrons, or one joule per number with the sign changed on the imaginary part.
volt. This applies to both rectangular and polar notation.
When conjugates are multiplied, the result is a scalar.
(a + jb)(a − jb) = a 2 + b 2
( A∠B°)( A∠ − B°) = A 2
ae jb = (a∠b)
Other properties of conjugates:
where b may be in radians or degrees (if noted).
( ABC + DE + F )* = ( A * B * C * + D * E * + F *)
(e − jB )* = e + jB

Tom Penick 10/22/2000 Page 1 of 13

Γ L REFLECTION COEFFICIENT [V/V] Z sc = jZ 0 tan(β l )
The reflection coefficient is a value from –1 to +1 where: Z 0 is the characteristic impedance
which, when multiplied by the wave voltage,
determines the amount of voltage reflected at one 2π
β = ω LC = is the phase constant
end of the transmission line. λ
ZL − Z0 1 + ΓL l is the length of the line [m]
ΓL = ρe jψ = and Z L = Z 0
Z L + Z0 1 − ΓL
where: Z L is the load impedance CONSTANTS
ΓL is the load reflection coefficient Avogadro’s number
ρ is the reflection coefficient magnitude [molecules/mole] N A = 6.02 × 10 23
ψ is the reflection coefficient phase
Boltzmann’s constant k = 1.38 × 10 −23 J/K
Z0 = is the characteristic impedance = 8.62 × 10 −5 eV/K
Elementary charge q = 1.60 × 10 −19 C
THE COMPLEX WAVE EQUATION Electron mass m0 = 9.11 × 10 −31 kg
The complex wave equation is applicable when the Permittivity of free space ε 0 = 8.85 × 10 −12 F/m
excitation is sinusoidal and the circuit is under steady
state conditions. Permeability constant µ 0 = 4π × 10 −7 H/m
d 2V ( z ) h = 6.63 × 10 −34 J-s
= −β 2V ( z ) Planck’s constant
= 4.14 × 10 −15 cV-s
2π R = 109,678 cm-1
where β = ω LC = is the phase constant Rydberg constant
The complex wave equation above is a second-order
kT @ room temperature kT = 0.0259 eV
ordinary differential equation commonly found in the Speed of light c = 2.998 × 10 8 m/s
analysis of physical systems. The general solution is:
1 Å (angstrom) 10-8 cm = 10-10 m
+ − jβ z − + jβz
V ( z) = V e +V e 1 µm (micron) 10-4 cm
where e
− jβ z
and e
+ jβ z
represent wave propagation 1 nm = 10Å = 10-7 cm
in the +z and –z directions respectively. 1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J
The same equation applies to current: 1 V = 1 J/C 1 N/C = 1 V/m 1 J = 1 N· m = 1
C· V
I ( z ) = I + e − jβz + I − e + jβz
V e − jβz + V − e + jβz
I ( z) =
Z0 vp = velocity of propagation (2.998×108 m/s
λ= for a line in air)
where Z 0 = L / C is the characteristic impedance f f = frequency [Hz]
of the line. These equations represent the voltage
and current phasors.

Tom Penick 10/22/2000 Page 2 of 13

TRANSFORMER – resistive load XC = reactance [Ω]
For use with a purely resistive load that does not match the
−j XL = reactance [Ω]
line impedance. The load is matched to the line by XC = j = −1
inserting a ¼-wavelength segment having a characteristic ωC
impedance ZQ. ω = frequency [radians]
λ /4 X L = jω L C = capacitance [F]
L = inductance [H]

Z0 = characteristic impedance of the Zin LINE IMPEDANCE [Ω]

transmission line [Ω]
l = distance from load [m]
λ = wavelength [meters]
Z Q = Z 0 RL RL = resistance of the load [Ω] Z L + jZ 0 tan β l j = −1
Z in = Z 0 β = phase constant
ZQ = characteristic impedance of the Z 0 + jZ L tan β l Z0 = characteristic
¼-wave matching segment [Ω]
impedance [Ω]
ZL = load impedance [Ω]
¼ -WAVELENGTH INLINE MATCHING The line impedance of a ¼-wavelength line is the inverse
TRANSFORMER – reactive load of the load impedance.
For use with a reactive load. The load is matched to the Impedance is a real value when its magnitude is
line by inserting a ¼-wavelength segment having a maximum or minimum.
characteristic impedance ZQ at a distance l from the load. l
is the length of transmission line required to produce the
1+ ρ Z0 = characteristic
first voltage maximum—closest to the load. If the load is Z max = Z 0 S = Z 0 impedance [Ω]
inductive, the first voltage maximum will be closer than the 1− ρ S = standing wave ratio
first voltage minimum, i.e. within ½ wavelength.
Z0 1− ρ ρ = magnitude of the
λ /4 l Z min = = Z0 reflection coefficient
S 1+ ρ
Z0 ZQ Zin Z0 ZL

First find the reflection coefficient in order to determine the

value of ψ. Then find the length l of the line that will
convert the load to a pure resistance, i.e. produces the first
voltage maximum. Find this resistance (Zin) using the line
impedance formula. Then determine the impedance ZQ of
the ¼-wavelength segment that will match the load to the
ΓL is the load reflection
jψ ZL − Z0 ψ = phase of the reflection
ΓL = ρe =
ZL + Z0 coefficient [radians]
ρ = magnitude of the
i.e. ΓL = ρ∠ψ (radians) reflection coefficient [Ω]
Z0 = characteristic
ψ ψλ
l= = impedance [Ω]
2β 4π β = 2π / λ
λ = vp/f wavelength [m]
Z + jZ 0 tan βl Zin = impedance (resistive)
Z in = Z 0 L
Z 0 + jZ L tan βl of the load combined
with the l segment [Ω]
Z Q = Z 0 Z in ZQ = line impedance of the
¼-wave matching
segment [Ω]

Tom Penick 10/22/2000 Page 3 of 13

First normalize the load impedance by dividing by the Example: Find the lengths of open and shorted shunt
characteristic impedance, and find this point on the chart. stubs to match an admittance of 1-j0.5. The admittance
An inductive load will be located on the top half of the of an open shunt (zero length) is Y=0; this point is
chart, a capacitive load on the bottom half. located at the left end of the Smith Chart x-axis. We
proceed clockwise around the Smith chart, i.e. away
Draw a straight line from the center of the chart through
from the end of the stub, to the +j0.5 arc (the value
the normalized load impedance point to the edge of the
chart. needed to match –j0.5). The difference in the starting
point and the end point on the wavelength scale is the
Anchor a compass at the center of the chart and draw an length of the stub in wavelengths. The length of a
arc through the normalized load impedance point. Points shorted-type stub is found in the same manner but
along this arc represent the normalized impedance at with the starting point at Y=∞∞.
various points along the transmission line. Clockwise Open stub of j .5
length .074 λ
movement along the arc represents movement from the matches an Towar d g ener ato r
.13 .14
admittance .11 .12 .15
load toward the source with one full revolution representing of 1-j.5 .09
.1 .16
1/2 wavelength as marked on the outer circle. The two .08

0 . 1
.07 Admittance
points where the arc intersects the horizontal axis are the (short)



Y= ∞


voltage maxima (right) and the voltage minima (left).


.074 λ
Points opposite the impedance (180° around the arc) are

admittance. The reason admittance is useful is because

admittances in parallel are simply added.


Γ( z ) = ΓL e j 2 βz z = distance from load


5 . 0

0 . 1

1 . 0


.49 0
e j 2βz = 1∠2β z j = −1

. 2 6 .2

Y =0
Z( z ) − 1 ρ = magnitude of the 5.

Γ( z ) =

reflection coefficient
Z( z ) + 1 β = phase constant .324 λ


Γ −1 Γ = reflection coefficient

Z .
Z= L

ZL = L


Z = normalized .3

ΓL + 1
3 2
Z0 impedance [Ω]

0 . 1
Shorted stub of .41 .35
length .324 λ
.4 .36 .37 .38 .39
matches an
of 1-j.5
SINGLE-STUB TUNING In this example, all values were in units of admittance.
The basic idea is to connect a line stub in parallel If we were interested in finding a stub length for a
(shunt) or series a distance d from the load so series stub problem, the units would be in impedance.
that the imaginary part of the load impedance will The problem would be worked in exactly the same way.
be canceled. Of course in impedance, an open shunt (zero length)
would have the value Z=∞ ∞ , representing a point at the

Shunt-stub: Select d d
right end of the x-axis.
so that the
Y0 Y0 YL
admittance Y looking
toward the load from
a distance d is of the
short Y0
form Y0 + jB. Then V I 1+ ρ
the stub l SWR = max
= max
susceptance is V min
I min
1− ρ
chosen as –jB,
resulting in a
matched condition.
Series-stub: Select d
so that the admittance Z0 Z0 ZL
Z looking toward the
load from a distance d
is of the form Z0 + jX.
Then the stub
susceptance is chosen
as -jX, resulting in a Open
matched condition. short

Tom Penick 10/22/2000 Page 4 of 13

LOSSLESS TRANSMISSION LINE [W] Ep = electric field at point
Equal to the power delivered to the load. The power p due to a charge Q
delivered to the load is maximized under matched or charge density ρ
conditions, i.e. ρ = 0, otherwise part of the power is 1 n r − rk′ [V/m]
reflected back to the source. To calculate power, it Ep = ∑ Qk
4πε0 k =1 r − rk′ 3
dE = an increment of
may be simpler to find the input impedance and use electric field [V/m]
P = I2R or P = IV. Q = electric charge [C]
V+ = the voltage of the 1 ˆ ρl (r ′) ε0 = permittivity of free
2+ dE = R dl ′ space 8.85 × 10-12
(1 − ρ ) 4πε0 r − r′ 2
V forward-traveling
P( z ) = 2
wave [V] F/m
2Z 0 ρl = charge density;
ˆ ρl (r ′) dl ′
Z0 = characteristic
P( z ) = Re{V ( z )
[ I ( z) ]*}
impedance [Ω]
ρ = magnitude of the
4πε0 ∫ R
r − r′
charge per unit
length* [C/m]
2 reflection coefficient dl' = a small segment of
Re = "the real part" line l*
Electric field from a potential: R̂ = unit vector pointing
E = −∇Φ from r' to r , i.e. in
POWER USING PHASOR NOTATION [W] the direction of r - r'.
refer to the NABLA notes on
S = power [W] r' = vector location of the
1 page 8.
S = VI * V = volts [V] source charge in
2 I* = complex conjugate of current [A] *NOTE: The l symbols could
relation to the origin
be replaced by a symbol for
r = vector location of
area or volume. See Working the point at which
V+ FORWARD-TRAVELING WAVE With … on page 9. the value of Ep is
Z inV0
V+ = ∇ = Del, Grad, or Nabla
(Z in + Z S )e jβl 1 + ΓL e − j 2βl ) operator

V+ = the voltage of the forward- β = phase constant

traveling wave [V] l = length of the line [m] Φ ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL [V]
V0 = source voltage [V] ΓL = load reflection
1 n Qk Φ = the potential [V]

Zin = input impedance [Ω] coefficient
Φ= dΦ = an increment of potential
ZS = source impedance [Ω] 4πε0 k =1 r − rk′ [V]
1 ρl dl ′ Φ ab = the potential difference
4πε0 r − r′ between points a and b [V]
E = electric field
F ELECTROSTATIC FORCE 1 ρl dl' = a small segment of line l*
1 (r − r )
4πε0 ∫ r − r′ dl ′ dl = the differential vector
F12 = Q1Q2 2 1 3 = 9 × 10 9 displacement along the
4πε 0 r2 − r1 4πε 0 path from a to b
Potential due to an ε0 = permittivity of free space
electric field:
F12 = the force exerted by charge Q1 on Q2. [N] 8.85 × 10-12 F/m
r1 = vector from the origin to Q1 Φ ab = − ∫ E·d l Q = electric charge [C]
r2 = vector from the origin to Q2. a ρl = charge density along a
When finding the force on one charge due to multiple To evaluate voltage at line* [C/m]
charges, the result can be found by summing the all points. rk' = vector location of source
effects of each charge separately or by converting the charge Qk
Φ (r ) = − ∫ E·d l
multiple charges to a single equivalent charge and ∞
r' = vector location of the
solving as a 2-charge problem. source charge in relation
*NOTE: The l symbols
to the origin
could be replaced by a
symbol for area or r = vector location of
volume. See Working electrostatic potential Φ
With … on page 9. in relation to the origin

Tom Penick 10/22/2000 Page 5 of 13

Maxwell's equations govern the principles of guiding The net flux passing through a surface enclosing a charge
and propagation of electromagnetic energy and is equal to the charge. Careful, what this first integral really
provide the foundations of all electromagnetic means is the surface area multiplied by the perpendicular
phenomena and their applications. electric field. There may not be any integration involved.

∇× E = -
Faraday's Law ∫ ε E·ds = Q
S 0 enc ∫ D·ds = ∫ ρ dv = Q

ε0 = permittivity of free space 8.85 × 10 F/m -12

E = electric field [V/m]

∇ ⋅D = ρ Gauss' Law D = electric flux density vector [C/m2]
ds = a small increment of surface S
∂D ρ = volume charge density [C/m3]
∇× H = J + Ampere's Law*
∂t dv = a small increment of volume V
Qenc = total electric charge enclosed by the Gaussian
∇ ⋅B = 0 no name law, where: surface [S]
E = electric field [V/m] The differential version of Gauss's law is:
B = magnetic field [T]
∇·D = ρ or div (ε 0 ·E ) = ρ
t = time [s]
D = electric flux density [C/m2]
ρ = volume charge density [C/m3]
H = magnetic field intensity [A/m] GAUSS'S LAW – an example problem
J = current density [A/m2] Find the intensity of the electric field at distance r from a
straight conductor having a voltage V.
*Maxwell added the ∂ D term to Ampere's Law.
∂t Consider a cylindrical surface of length l and radius r
enclosing a portion of the conductor. The electric field
passes through the curved surface of the cylinder but not
POISSON'S EQUATION the ends. Gauss's law says that the electric flux passing
through this curved surface is equal to the charge enclosed.
∇2Φ = − 2π
ε0 ∫ ε0E·ds = ε0 ∫ Er lr dφ = Qenc = ρl l = ClVl
S 0
2π ClV
so ε0 Er r ∫ dφ = ClV and Er =
0 2πε0 r
ε0 = permittivity of free space 8.85 × 10-
ρ s = ε 0 En 12
F/m Er = electric field at distance r from the conductor [V/m]
En = electric field normal to the l = length [m]
E n = n·
ˆE surface [V/m] φ = a small increment of the cylindrical surface S [m2]
r dφ
ρl = charge density per unit length [C/m]
Cl = capacitance per unit length [F/m]
D FLUX DENSITY [C/m2] V = voltage on the line [V]
Q Q = electric charge [C] CONSERVATIVE FIELD LAW
D ≡ rˆ ε = dielectric constant ε = ε 0 ε r
4πr 2 ∇×E = 0
D = εE E = electric field [V/m] ∫ E·dl = 0
E = electric field [V/m]
ds = a small increment of length

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∇·D = ρ ∫ D·ds = ∫ ρ dv
D = electric flux density vector [C/m2]
This also applies to a single conductor above ground,
ρ = volume charge density [C/m3]
where the height above ground is d/2.
ds = a small increment of surface S
C = capacitance
C= [F/m]
, where d ? a ε = permittivity of
ln d / a ) the material
The energy required to bring charge q from infinity to d = separation
a distance R from charge Q.
or C= (center-to-
Qq d center) [m]
We = qΦ = cosh −1 a = conductor
4πεR 2a radius [m]
1 1
We = ∫
2 V
ρΦ dv = ∫ D·E dv
Φ = the potential between q and Q [V] PLATES
q,Q = electric charges [C] C = capacitance [F]
ε = permittivity of the material εA ε = permittivity of the material
R = distance [m] C= d = separation of the plates [m]
ρ = volume charge density [C/m3] d
A = area of one plate [m2]
E = electric field [V/m]
D = electric flux density vector [C/m2]
C = capacitance [F/m]
for the Electrostatic Field ε = permittivity of the material
1 1 C= b = radius of the outer cylinder
we = D·E = εE 2 ln ( b / a ) [m]
2 2 a = radius of the inner cylinder
Φ = the potential between q and Q [V] [m]
ε = permittivity of the material
R = distance [m]
E = electric field [V/m] C CAPACITANCE OF CONCENTRIC
D = electric flux density vector [C/m2] SPHERES
C = capacitance [F/m]
CAPACITANCE 4πεab ε = permittivity of the material
b−a b = radius of the outer sphere [m]
C CAPACITANCE [F] a = radius of the inner sphere [m]

Q Q = total electric charge [C]

C= Φ = the potential between q and Q [V]
Φ Cl = capacitance per unit length [F/m]
ρl ρl = charge density per unit length [C/m] The amount of current flowing perpendicularly
Cl = 2
V V = voltage on the line [V] through a unit area [A/m ]
J = σE σ = conductivity of the material [S/m]
E = electric field [V/m]

I = J·ds
I = current [A]
ds = a small increment of surface S
In nc = the number of conduction band
semiconductor electrons
material: qe = electron charge -1.602×10-19 C
J = nc q e v d vd = a small increment of surface S

Tom Penick 10/22/2000 Page 7 of 13

∇·J + =0
ρl(r') means "the charge density along line l as a
J = current density [A/m2] J = σE
function of r'." This might be a value in C/m or it
ρ = volume charge density [C/m3] could be a function. Similarly, ρs(r') would be the
charge density of a surface and ρv(r') is the
charge density of a volume.
For example, a disk of radius a having a uniform
RESISTANCE, CAPACITANCE, CURRENT, charge density of ρ C/m2, would have a total
charge of ρπa2, but to find its influence on points
Where current enters and leaves a conducting
along the central axis we might consider
medium via two perfect conductors (electrodes) we
incremental rings of the charged surface as
ρs(r') dr'= ρs2πr' dr'.
σ σQ
I = ∫ J·ds = σ ∫ E·ds =∫ D·ds = If dl' refers to an incremental distance along a circular
S S ε S ε φ, where r' is the
contour C, the expression is r'dφ
J = current density [A/m2] J = σE radius and dφφ is the incremental angle.
E = electric field [V/m]
D = electric flux density vector [C/m2] D = εE
As a result of this, we have the following relation, GEOMETRY
useful in finding the resistance between two SPHERE ELLIPSE
conductors: Area A = πAB
Area A = 4πr 2
R = resistance [Ω]
ε 4 3 Circumference
RC =
C = capacitance [F] Volume V = πr
σ ε = permittivity of the material 3 a2 + b2
L ≈ 2π
σ = conductivity of the material [S/m] 2


1 I R = resistance [Ω] [+ m-1]
G= = I = current [A]
R ∆Φ Compare the ∇ operation to taking the time
∆Φ = voltage potential [V] derivative. Where ∂/∂t means to take the derivative
σ ∫ E·ds σ = conductivity of the material with respect to time and introduces a s-1 component to
= −
[S/m] the units of the result, the ∇ operation means to take
E·dl the derivative with respect to distance (in 3
dimensions) and introduces a m-1 component to the
units of the result. ∇ terms may be called space
σ SEMICONDUCTOR CONDUCTIVITY derivatives and an equation which contains the ∇
[Ω −1] operator may be called a vector differential
equation. In other words ∇A is how fast A changes
σ = conductivity of the material
as you move through space.
[S/m]G = conductance [Ω−1] ∂A ∂A ∂A
in rectangular
∇A = xˆ + yˆ + zˆ
σ ≈ q µe N d q = electron charge -1.602×10-19 C
µe = electron mobility [m2/(V-s)]
coordinates: ∂x ∂y ∂z
in cylindrical ∂A ˆ 1 ∂A ∂A
Nd = concentration of donors, and
coordinates: ∇A = rˆ +φ + zˆ
thereby the electron concentration ∂r r ∂φ ∂z
in the transition region [m ] in spherical ∂A ˆ 1 ∂A ˆ 1 ∂A
coordinates: ∇A = rˆ +θ +φ
∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ

Tom Penick 10/22/2000 Page 8 of 13

∇ 2 THE LAPLACIAN [+ m-2] ∇ × CURL [+ m-1]
in rectangular ∇ 2 A = xˆ ∇ 2 Ax + yˆ ∇ 2 Ay + zˆ ∇ 2 Az = 0 The circulation around an enclosed area. The curl of
coordinates: vector B is
∂2 ∂2 ∂2 in rectangular coordinates:
∇2 ≡ + + =0
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 curl B = ∇ × B =
in spherical and ∇ 2 A ≡ ∇ (∇·A ) − ∇ × ∇ × A  ∂B ∂B   ∂B ∂B   ∂B ∂B 
xˆ  z − y  + yˆ  x − z  + zˆ  y − x 
= grad (div A ) − curl(curl A )
coordinates:  ∂y ∂z   ∂z ∂x   ∂x ∂y 
for example, the ∂ 2Φ ∂ 2Φ ∂ 2Φ in cylindrical coordinates:
Laplacian of electro- ∇ 2Φ = + + 2 =0
static potential: ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z curl B = ∇ × B =
 1 ∂Bz ∂Bφ  ˆ  ∂Br ∂Bz  1  ∂ ( rBφ ) ∂Br 
rˆ  −  +φ  − + zˆ  − 
∇· DIVERGENCE [+ m ] -1
 r ∂φ ∂z   ∂z 
∂r  r  ∂r ∂φ 
The del operator followed by the dot product operator
is read as "the divergence of" and is an operation
performed on a vector. In rectangular coordinates, ∇⋅ in spherical coordinates:
means the sum of the partial derivatives of the 1  ∂ ( Bφ sin θ ) ∂Bθ 
magnitudes in the x, y, and z directions with respect to curl B = ∇ × B = rˆ  − +
the x, y, and z variables. The result is a scalar, and a r sin θ  ∂θ ∂φ 
factor of m-1 is contributed to the units of the result.
1  1 ∂Br ∂ ( rBφ )  ˆ 1  ∂ ( rBθ ) ∂Br 
For example, in this form of Gauss' law, where D is a θˆ  − +φ  − 
density per unit area, ∇⋅D becomes a density per unit r  sin θ ∂φ ∂r  r  ∂r ∂θ 
The divergence of a curl is always zero:

∂ Dx ∂ Dy ∂ Dz ∇·(∇ × H ) = 0
div D = ∇ ⋅ D = + + =ρ
∂x ∂y ∂z
D = electric flux density vector D = εE [C/m2] DOT PRODUCT [= units2]
ρ = source charge density [C/m3] The dot product is a scalar value.
A • B = (xˆ Ax + yˆ Ay + zˆ Az ) • (xˆ B x + yˆ B y + zˆ B z ) = Ax Bx + Ay B y + Az B z
In the electrostatic context, the divergence of D is the
total outward flux per unit volume due to a source A • B = A B cos ψ AB B
charge. The divergence of vector D is:
in rectangular ∂Dx ∂Dy ∂Dz xˆ • yˆ = 0 , xˆ • xˆ = 1 ψ A
div D = + +
B • yˆ = (xˆ Bx + yˆ By + zˆ Bz ) • yˆ = By
∂x ∂y ∂z A•B
1 ∂ ∂D
(rDr ) + 1 φ + ∂Dz
in cylindrical Projection of B
coordinates: div D = along â: B
r ∂r r ∂φ ∂z
in spherical coordinates: (B • aˆ )aˆ ψ
â ψ
1 ∂ (r Dr )
1 ∂(sin θDθ ) 1 ∂Dφ The dot product of 90° vectors is zero. â
div D = 2 + +
r ∂r r sin θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ The dot product is commutative and distributive:
A •B = B• A A • (B + C) = A • B + A • C

Tom Penick 10/22/2000 Page 9 of 13

A × B = (xˆ Ax + yˆ Ay + zˆ Az ) × (xˆ B x + yˆ B y + zˆ B z ) Rectangular to Cylindrical:
= xˆ ( Ay B z − Az B y ) + yˆ ( Az B x − Ax B z ) + zˆ ( Ax B y − Ay B x ) To obtain: A ( r , φ, z) = rA
ˆ r + φˆ Aφ + zA
ˆ z
A × B = nˆ A B sin ψ AB A×B
Ar = x 2 + y 2 rˆ = xˆ cos φ + yˆ sin φ
where n̂ is the unit vector normal to n y
both A and B (thumb of right-hand rule). φ = tan −1 φˆ = − xˆ sin φ + yˆ cos φ
A x
B × A = −A × B ψ z=z zˆ = zˆ
x×y = z y × x = −z x× x = 0 Cylindrical to Rectangular:
φ× z = r φ× r = − z To obtain: r ( x, y, z) = xxˆ + yyˆ + zzˆ
The cross product is distributive:
A × (B + C ) = A × B + A × C x = r cos φ xˆ = rˆ cos φ − φˆ cos φ
Also, we have: y = r sin φ φˆ = rˆ sin φ + yˆ cos φ
A × (B × C) = ( A ⋅ C) B − ( A ⋅ B) C z=z zˆ = zˆ
Rectangular to Spherical:

COORDINATE SYSTEMS To obtain: A ( r , θ, φ) = rA

ˆ r + θˆ Aθ + φˆ Aφ
Cartesian or Rectangular Coordinates:
Ar = x 2 + y 2 + z 2
r ( x, y, z) = xxˆ + yyˆ + zzˆ x̂ is a unit vector rˆ = xˆ sin θ cos φ + yˆ sin θ sin φ + zˆ cos θ
r = x2 + y2 + z 2 z cos −1
Spherical Coordinates: x2 + y2 + z2
P(r , θ, φ) r is distance from center θˆ = xˆ cos θ cos φ + yˆ cos θ sin φ − zˆ sin θ
θ is angle from vertical y
φ is the CCW angle from the x-axis φ = tan −1 φˆ = − xˆ sin φ + yˆ cos φ
r̂ , θ̂ , and φ̂ are unit vectores and are functions of Spherical to Rectangular:
position—their orientation depends on where they
To obtain: r ( x, y, z) = xxˆ + yyˆ + zzˆ
are located.
Cylindrical Coordinates: x = r sin θ cos φ
C(r , φ, z ) r is distance from the vertical (z) axis xˆ = rˆ sin θ cos φ − θˆ cos θ cos φ − φˆ sin φ
φ is the CCW angle from the x-axis y = r sin θ sin φ
z is the vertical distance from origin yˆ = rˆ sin θ sin φ + θˆ cos θ sin φ + φˆ cos φ
z = r cos θ zˆ = rˆ cos θ − θˆ sin θ

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due to an infinite straight conductor
F F12 MAGNETIC FORCE [N/m] May also be applied to the magnetic field close to a
due to a conductor conductor of finite length.
If the current in the two wires travels in opposite BP = magnetic field vector [T]
directions, the force will be attractive. µ0 = permeability constant 4π×10-7 [H/m]
µ0 I
F12 = the force exerted by conductor 1 BP = φˆ I = current [A]
carrying current I on conductor 2. 2πr r = perpendicular distance from the
xˆ µ 0 I1 I 2 [N/m] conductor [m]
F12 = µ -7
2πd 0 = permeability constant 4π×10
I = current [A] B MAGNETIC FIELD [T]
d = distance between conductors [m] due to a finite straight conductor at a point
perpendicular to the midpoint
µ0 Ia BP = magnetic field vector [T]
BP BIOT-SAVART LAW B P = φˆ µ0 = permeability constant
Determines the B field vector at any point P identified 2πr r 2 + a 2 4π×10-7 [H/m]
by the position vector r, due to a differential current I = current [A]
a a = half the length of the
element I dl' located at vector r'. r
BP = magnetic field vector conductor [m]
r = perpendicular distance
µ 0 I dl '×R
ˆ [T] I
dB P = µ = permeability constant from the conductor [m]
4πR 2 0
4π×10-7 [H/m]
µ I dl'×(r − r ') I dl' = current element [A]
BP = 0
4π C ∫ r − r'
3 R̂ = unit vector pointing
at the center of a circular wire of N turns
from the current
element to point P B = magnetic field [T]
ˆ = r − r'
R R = distance between the µ 0 NI µ0 = permeability const. 4π×10 [H/m]

r − r' current element and Bctr = zˆ N = number of turns of the coil

point P [m] 2a I = current [A]
a = radius [m]


Ampere's law is a consequence of the Biot-Savart B MAGNETIC FIELD [T]
law and serves the same purpose as Gauss's law. along the central axis of a solenoid
Ampere's law states that the line integral of B around µ 0 NI  (z + l / 2) − (z − l / 2) 
any closed contour is equal to µ0 times the total net B(z ) = zˆ 
2l  a 2 + (z + l / 2 )2 a 2 + (z − l / 2 ) 
current I passing through the surface S enclosed by 
the contour C. This law is useful in solving µ NI
and at the center of the coil: Bctr ≈ zˆ 0
magnetostatic problems having some degree of l
symmetry. B = magnetic field [T] l = length of the solenoid [m]
B = magnetic field vector, equal to µ0 = permeability constant z = distance from center of
B times the appropriate unit 4π×10-7 [H/m] the coil [m]
vector [T] N = number of turns a = coil radius [m]
µ0 = permeability constant 4π×10-7 I = current [A]
∫ C ∫
B·dl = µ 0 J·ds
dl = an increment of the line which
= µ0 I is the perimeter of contour C
[ m]
J = current density [A/m2] J = σE
ds = an increment of surface [m2]

Tom Penick 10/22/2000 Page 11 of 13

The magnetic field intensity vector is directly When a current in coil 1 induces a current in coil 2,
analogous to the electric flux density vector D in the induced current in coil 2 induces a current back in
electrostatics in that both D and H are medium- coil 1. This is self-inductance.
independent and are directly related to their sources.
NΛ N = number of turns of the coil
H = magnetic field [A/m] L11 = 1 11 Λ11 = the total flux linked by a single
H≡ −M B = magnetic field vector [T] I1 turn of coil 1 [Wb]
µ0 µ0 = permeability const. 4π×10-7 [H/m]
N Ψ I1 = current in coil 1 [A]

∂D M = magnetization [A/m2] = 1 11 Ψ11 = the magnetic flux produced by

∇×H = J + J = current density [A/m ] J = σE I1 a single turn of coil 1 and linked
∂ t D = electric flux density vector by a single turn of coil 1 [Wb]


Ψ, Λ (,lambda) MAGNETIC FLUX, LINKAGE The mutual inductance between two coils.
Flux linkage Λ is the ability of a closed circuit to store N Λ N NΨ N = number of turns of
magnetic energy. It depends, in part, on the L12 = 2 12
= 2 1 12
the coil
physical layout of the conductors. It is the total I1 I1 Λ = flux linkage [Wb]
magnetic field due to circuit #1 passing through the I = current [A]
Neumann formula:
area enclosed by the conductors of circuit #2. The Ψ = magnetic flux [Wb]
text seemed to describe Ψ as the flux due to one turn µ 0 N1 N 2 dl 1 ·dl 2
and Λ as the flux due to all of the turns of the coil, but
L12 =
4π ∫ ∫
C1 C2 r − r'
r = vector to the point
of observation
was not consistent so be careful. r' = vector to source
Ψ12 = the magnetic flux passing
Ψ12 = ∫ B1 ·ds 2 through coil 2 that is produced
S2 by a current in coil 1 [Wb] Wm MAGNETIC ENERGY [J]
Λ 12 = N 1 Ψ12 Λ = total flux linkage [Wb]
Energy stored in a magnetic field [Joules].
B = magnetic field vector [T]
Λ = N ∫ B·ds N = number of turns of the coil
Wm = energy stored in a magnetic
S field [J]
ds = an increment of surface [m2] 1
Wm = ∫ µ
2 = permeability constant
B dv ' 0
2µ 0 V 4π×10-7 [H/m]
LENZ'S LAW B = magnetic field [T]
Induced voltage causes current to flow in the direction
that produces a magnetic flux which opposes the flux
that induced the voltage in the first place. This law is FARADAY'S LAW
useful in checking or determining the sign or polarity When the magnetic flux enclosed by a loop of wire
of a result. changes with time, a current is produced in the loop.
The variation of the magnetic flux can result from a
time-varying magnetic field, a coil in motion, or both.
L INDUCTANCE [H] ∂B ∇×E = the curl of the electric field
Inductance is the ability of a conductor configuration ∇×E = −
to "link magnetic flux", i.e. store magnetic energy.
∂t B = magnetic field vector [T]

Two methods of calculating inductance are given Another way of expressing Faraday's law is that a
below. changing magnetic field induces an electric field.
Λ where S is the surface
L= Λ = flux linkage [Wb] d
I I = current [A]
Vind = E·dl = −
C dt S C.

B·ds enclosed by contour
2W Wm = energy stored in a magnetic field
L = 2m [J]
(see also Induced Voltage below)

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The voltage induced in a coil due to a changing The induced magnetic dipole moment per unit
magnetic field is equal to the number of turns in the volume.
coil times the rate at which the magnetic field is Nq 2 a 2 B N = number of turns of the coil
changing (could be a change in field strength or coil M=− e qe = electron charge -
area normal to the field). 4me 1.602×10-19 C
dΨ N = number of turns of the coil χ B a = orbit radius of an electron [m]
Vind = − N Ψ = the magnetic flux produced by or M = m B = magnetic field vector [T]
dt a single turn of the coil [Wb] µ0 µ0 = permeability constant 4π×10-7
Vind = ∫ E·dl where [H/m]
Nq e2 a 2 µ 0 me = who knows?
χm = − χm = magnetic susceptibility
When conductors move in the presence of magnetic
fields, an induced voltage is produced even if the
magnetic fields do not vary in time. For the voltage
produced due to both a changing magnetic field and a
conductor in motion:
Vind = − ∫ ·ds + Ñ∫ ( v × B )·dl
S ∂t C

B = magnetic field vector [T]

v = velocity vector of the conductor [m/s]
ds = increment of the surface normal to the magnetic field
vector [m2]
dl = incremental length of conductor [m]


A frictionless conducting bar moves to the right at
velocity v produces a current I.
I d

R B0 v h

An expanding magnetic field area having a static

magnetic field directed into the page produces a
CCW current.
Vind = induced voltage [V]
B0 = static magnetic field [T]
h = distance between the conductor rails
Vind = B0 hv v = velocity of the conductor [m/s]
Fmag = magnetic force opposing slider
Fmag = xˆ B0 Ih x̂ = unit vector in the direction against
d conductor movement [m/s]
E = I 2R I = current [A]
v E = energy produced [J or W/s]
R = circuit resistance [Ω]
d = distance the conductor moves

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