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About the Typewriter Series

The Typewriter Series started in an antique shop in Helena, Montana,

when Tyler Knott feel in love with a $2 Remington Typewriter and
typed the first poem right there, using a page of a broken book.
Every poem in this book was, at first, typed on a typewriter, using
scraps of paper of any kind, without being planned of edited.


What if all we have ever wanted

isnt hiding in some
secret and far away dream
but inside of us now
as we breathe one another
and find home in the way
our arms always seem to fit
perfectly around the spaces
between us?
What if all this we are the answer
and love was the question?
What if all this time
it was us you were supposed
to find?
I am filled with wonderings
questions and doubt
but of one thing I am certain:
it will always be you
that gives flight to the
butterflies inside me,
calm to the sea I have become
and hope to the darkness
all around us.
It is you and it has always
been you
You that soothes and excites
and spreads joy like rainfall
on the already damp earth;
You that pulled me from the longest
sleep and kissed my tired eyelids
If life is a question mark,
then you my love,
are the proud and bold period
that is typed with certainty.

Typewriter Series


Some days, to the world,

I feel like
the fake drawers on bathroom cabinets
or the false pockets
on a suits vest;
a reasonable addition
that looks like it belongs,
but what possible purpose
will I ever serve?
Some days, to the world,
I feel like
a thunderstorm with too little thunder
and too much rain
and no fathomable idea
what to do with all the lightning
growing inside me.
Some days, to the world,
I feel like
a book with no cover and a title page
that is torn;
I am filled with words
but only those that care to read
will ever understand
what I am about

- Tyler Knott Gregson -


Come here
and take off your clothes
and with them
every single worry
you have ever carried.
My fingertips on your back
will be the very last thing
you will feel
before sleeping
and the sound of my smile
will be the alarm clock
to your morning ears.
Come here
and take off your clothes
and with them
the weight of every yesterday
that snuck atop your shoulders
and declared them home.
My whispers will be the soundtrack
to your secret dreams
and my hand
the anchor to the life
you will open your eyes to.
Come here
and take off your clothes.

Typewriter Series


I have never wondered

why you always seem
to be surrounded
by sunlight
but not a day goes by
where I do not
wonder if the only
reason it finds me
at all
is for the tiny
and breathtaking
to warm your skin


Why is it only cats

blessed with 9 lives
before they are through?
Why is it not me
and why cant I
spend them all
with you?

- Tyler Knott Gregson -


Why do we all wait

for undeniable proof,
and terrifying confirmation
that we are in fact dying
and our time precisely
to lay down our excuses
and exorcise the fears
that haunt our wishes
and hold back our bones
from living every single moment
as if it just may be
our very final one?
Why do we all wait
to reach out with both exhausted arms
and squeeze tight
to our racing hearts
the ones we need the most?
To celebrate the effort stained
beauty of all we have
and dance slowly to the sound
of our shared
Stop holding my name so safely
in your mouth
and dare, finally
to scream it at the top of your
frightened lungs.

Typewriter Series


Oh passion,
spread like wildfires
and leap
across the river
of sheets between us.
Spread like wild flowers
and decorate our skin
with your loneliest
So long we have waited
to be scorched
and set aflame
by you.


One day
you will come to
the bitter
and awful
realization that I
am the man
of your dreams,
I whispered
through grinning

- Tyler Knott Gregson -



I care not of the miles, the borders, or the oceans that

may come between us.
I will sail on the seas of your happiness, and I will
travel across the perfect
geography of your skin. I will study the constellations
of your freckles
and fill my life with the passport stamps from every
corner of your body.
I will explore you and I swear on the breath you will
steal that not a soul
on earth will find more to love.

I hold my breath
every moment
I am away from you
and I tell you now
I miss the sweetness
of air.
I miss the taste
of Springtime.
Come back to me
and let me taste
the rain

Typewriter Series


Can you see that we are what love is?

That when your forehead
is pressed against mine
all I was and ever thought
it mattered to be begins to fade
and blur and evaporate
until it is replaced by something new,
something called into existence
by the sound of our smiles finding
their way onto our waiting lips.
Take a breath and fill your lungs
with the realization
that all you were and ever thought
it mattered to be will fade
and find itself turning back
into the air that will one day
be the exhale that lends soung
to the darkness that will surround
two new, lucky, and blessed souls
standing quiet
with their foreheads touching
and their tired eyes shut.
We are what love is made of
if only it had the courage
to stand up and scream
into the fog of what we were.

- Tyler Knott Gregson -


I am more than the brittle bones

and creaking joints
that move me with purpose
and something that once
resembled grace.
Rattle though they may
and ache where they will,
I am more than bones.
I am made of magic things
and the left over fire
of silently exploded


I promise to
seeds on your
so in time
can grow to love

Typewriter Series


Find me.
Because I am lost here without you.
Find me.
Because no matter the joy I will feel in being found,
it will not begin to compare with the perfection
you will experience in doing the finding.
Find me.
Because you could aimlessly throw one
million darts at dusty maps on
creaking walls, but
until you turn
one around
and force it
space between your
ribs and into the source
of all your boiling blood, you
will never understand where I have always
been waiting.
Find me.
Find me.

- Tyler Knott Gregson -


We worship money
not time
and invest minutes
like dollars
into some sealed,
secret, and future
savings account
that we are never
guaranteed to touch.
we just cannot
comprehend why
we all feel so

Typewriter Series


Hours could be spent explaining how

those veins carry that blood
to flush those cheeks
or how the sensation of
pleasure is carried with
lightning quickness from
your lips to your brain
and back down to the
tips of your toes.
We could spend
hours diagramming
and mapping out
the science of
your body with
mine, your skin
my skin, or
we could just
stop and make
love again.

- Tyler Knott Gregson -


You, are the wind in my sails and the

sea sleeping softly below my sinking ship.
You are the stars in the sky and the
reflection of moonlight scattered across
the surface of the stormy waters.


I promise
I will always come back
to you,
no matter how lost I become
and how tightly
I need to squeeze.
to me and I will come

Typewriter Series


How desperately I want to explore every line of latitude

and each lonely line of longitude. How desperately I want
your hand resting inside mine and your lips glued to
my skin at the intersection of them all. What will be the
coordinates of our longest kiss? Our deepest? What ocean
will bear witness to our sighs?


What if
when the dust settles
and the tide of time
has stopped washing upon these shores
all that remains of me
are the scars on my hands
and the millions of words
written only
for you?

- Tyler Knott Gregson -


I speak to you
every single night
before I try to force
my eyes shut.
I whisper
silent longings
and wordless offerings
od my Hope for you.
In the darkness
I will squeeze
tight these eyelids
and I will spill
it all.
Believe me
when I say
that when I pray,
I pray to you.

Typewriter Series


I have galaxies inside of me

and theyre all for you
I have the universe on my lips
and it wants to explore you too.


Sometimes you look up and there just seems to be so

many more stars than ever before.
More. They burn brighter and they shine longer and
they never vanish into your periphery when you
turn your head. Its as if they come out for us and to
remind us that their light took so long to come to us,
that if we never had the patience to wait, we never
would have seen them here, tonight, like this.
That as much as it hurts, sometimes its all you can
do, wait, endure and keep shining knowing that
eventually, your light will reach where it is supposed
to reach and shine for who it is supposed to shine for.
It is never easy, but its always worth it.

- Tyler Knott Gregson -


The sunlight
lit her hair
and I stood silent,
exactly how many
were walking around
with absolutely
no idea
of the wings
that are hiding
beneath their
own skin.


Maybe love
can be broken down
and simplified
to the wordless closing
of that last
haunted and tiny space
between your feet and mine
under the sheets.

Typewriter Series


I am convinced
that loving me
is an immeasurable
Thank you
handling it
I know I am
& always
have never

- Tyler Knott Gregson -


I know that some days

I seem like nothing more
than a box full of puzzle pieces
spilled out across the floor.
Please uncross your fingers
and promise me
you will not become so exhausted
flippling them all back over again
and frantically searching out
my borders
that you forget what picture
I once made, what I will
make again.


Last night
I dreamed I
I woke today and
wondered why there
was no longer that
beautiful taste of
salt in my tongue.

Typewriter Series

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