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Pearl M,


2831 Nuraana Road

Honolulu 17 Hawaii

March> 1963
Dear Co-Workers in Christ:

Since this is my first letter of the New Year let us look for a
'little while at the happenings of the past year.

During the early part of the year we were "busy with trying to
"build attendance at the Kalihi services through every means possible.

This included many,.many long walks up and drown the steep hills and
the long flights of steps as we called door-to-door Inviting the
people of the thickly populated neighborhood to attend the Kalihi ChCi?ch
of Christ. I also crossed town every Sunday until September to the
Palolo Valley Church and taught a class and helped in every possible way.
On March 4 Brother Still suffered a Slight stroke and since Mrs.,
Still had been in ill health for sometime, they viere advised to go to
the mainland for a period of recuperation. They left

on May 5^ and returned 6n' September 16.

Please pray

for them, that God will give them

strength to do the work they well.

The Luttrell's arrived on July 9
to take care.of the work at Palolo Valley,

and help'ed greatly with the Kalihi work,

especially during the absence of the

For my summer "vacation" I went to'

the Sunset Beach Christian Service Camp,

teaching a class of 10 year olds "How To

Use Your Bible" and helping in other ways




Following camp I spent the greater

part of the time contacting children t6
attend our first Vacation Bible School,

which was our outstanding event of the

It was held the last week of July,
and we had an enrollment of 53 and an

average attendance of 45*

"It was important to hold these young

people that we had contacted through our
"VBS, and so I

started a story-hour, meet

ing every Thursday after school, using in

connection with i t ' a contest between the

_!'blues" and "reds", which created much


They are eager to learn facts

pertaining to the Bible.

I have used

lannelgraph 'stories from the Old Testathat will be a background for the

New "^stament stories which I have begun

t^ pAsent'now. I am giving the life of
and following Resurrection

Sund:^ wll3r^gifve the history of the

^&TTd'-^acK them how to become

ans. /^We/open each class with en-

astic s'ingihgrhave the lesson,

ll3,'""'~HTiS-^ometime3 close with a

Ik to bring out an important

This class has required a great deal of thought, study, and prepa
ration In order to appeal to these children who have not had Bible
Instruction in their homes. One mother said that her children had

learned more about the Bible than she had in a parochial school.

Since Mr. Still "has returned to take over the preaching at Kallhi,

he has had occasional assistance from two Pilopino young men who are
serving In the armed forces and are stationed here. They were capably
trained in the Manilla Bible Seminary In the Philippines.
We have had two additions by baptism- this year. One was a nine
year old girl and the other an elderly gentlemen. Both stepped out
from Catholicism.

Very recently we have been able to be relieved of buying the prop

erty on contract by obtaining a mortgage, and we thank God for this

If you are interested in making a study of missions in'Hawaii, I

will be glad to send slides and items of Interest. Just let me know in

plenty of time so that I can get the materials to you.

The mails are


Following is my financial statement for I962.



Balance on hahd," January'!, I963

Receipts (monthly sup^iort from churches and
"individuals, special offerings)



Received to repay deficit from previous year


Total Receipts


Total Expenses











-Travel . _
- 69.65
Promotion & Supplies 89.42'


Doctor and drugs

" 98.01

Income Tajc and Social

Security for I96I 394.72

Balance on hand, December 31, 1962



Your interest, concern, your prayers and your financial assistance

the past year has been appreciated. You are having a definite part in
the Hawaiian work too.

As we look forward to the 'remainder of this year, I^ covet your

daily prayers that the^Lord will direct the Kalihl work that it may
grow in grace and"knowledge of our Lord and and Saviour Jesus the Chrat.

May Christ be lifted high where you are and together we will be ambas
sadors for Him Is my prayer.
Yours in Christian love.

The Palolo Valley Church of Christ


1713 Tenth Avenue


Honolulu 16, Hawaii


Pearl M.


2b31 Numaha'Road

Honolulu 17, Hawaii




Pearl M. Nicholson

2851 Numana Road

Honolulu 17, Hawaii

November 1965

My Bear Co-Workers in Christ:

It has been my desire to come into your home v/ith Mission News
of the Kalihi work - but the months seem so short, when we
busy. Please pardon the long delay in writing to you.
Even tho it is November now in Hav/aii as I


am writins - you

will probably receive this News Letter during the Christmas Season.
May I wish You end Yours the Seasons Best Greetings, We are remind

ed of God's greatest gift to mankind, as He sent His Son into the

world to bring Salvation to all men, who would accept Him as their
personal Saviour,

I am grateful, that the Lord granted me the opportunity of con

ing to Hawaii over four years ago, to tell this wonderful message
of love to all who will listen. You, too have a definite part by
sharing financially, and I appreciate your assistance#
I have had a greater responsibility lately due to the illness
of Brother and Sister Still. I am happy to say that they are in'-

proving, yet Mrs. Still has not recovered sufficiently to be re

leased from the hospited. V.hen she has fuXly recovered, they ex^
pect to work with I-lr and Mrs Boh Both and the Hauula Church.
Wc needed a Minister to take over-the v;crk

at Kalihi, and God

directed Leo R, Douglass, of San Jose, California to malco a special

trip to Hawaii, the first part of Septonber to see personally the

possibilities. j\fter being here a week, Brother Douglass returned

to San Jose to make the necessary preparation to return to Hawaii.

Brother Douglass, wife Mildred, and son David, arrived Saturday No

vember 9th to begin his Ministry November 10th, with the Kalihi
Church. V/e,too, feel that the Lord directed them here and we are
looking forward to a very fruitful Ministry, God answers prayers,
.'diat a loving Heavenly Father we have!
So far this year, we have had nine added to the Kalihi Church
by transfer of membership. Pour adults - Brother Douglass, wife,
and son.

Then about a month ago Julio Lubag and wife placed their

membership. Brother Lubag, who is located with the- Coast Guards

has been preaching for us each Lord's Day,prior to the arrival of
Brother Douglass.

Brother Luttrell, Minister of the Palolo Valley Church has

assisted us especially each Wednesday evening, presenting a fine

study of the Bock of Acts - along with our prayer service.

Each Wednesday oftarnoon follov/ing school, I conduct a Story

Hour, for tho boys and girls in this area, They are showing in
terest and increasing in numbers. Some of the children attending,
cone from hones that claim they are either Catholic, Congregatioh-

alists or Episcopion - yet with teaching God's Wordj v/c trust to

tear down those walls ox divisons and b one in Christ.

Please ooin

ne in prayer that they will obey God's Word, and let Jesus cone in
to their lives, and be their personal Saviour - influencing their
-bpnes for Christ and His Church,

Yes, Hawaii has tho material things of life just as you have on
the Mainland, but the need of Christ in their lives is so great#

They seem so self satisfied - yet with prayer and constant teaching
we hope to win some#

Ju^t tv/enty blocks fron the Kalihi Church of Christ, a Buddhist

Tenple,. is being erected, They had a carnival" and bazar tp raise

i-Tinds toward their building prograii. This gives us a greater-chal

lenge ^to contact nore ^pnes In this area, for Christ.

Many of the

Buddhist follov/ers idb ho^t -ImQw, why they are Buddhist - only their

parents were Buddhist, It nalces us realize, if nore p'ar.ents were

Christians, the future generation night be easier to reach for

Christ, and His Church. So our task is great, to continue sowing

the seed of the Gospel of Christ, to so nany, who are walking in ^

If your Mission Group is interested in making a study of Missons in Hawaii, I would be glad to supply you with slides and itens

of interest. I can supply you with a tape recording of a travelogue

visiting the Missions on the Oahu Island of the Pacific,

Your interest, your prayers and financial assistance this year

has been appreciated. Thanks so much. You ore having a definite

part in the Hawaiian work too, and God will bless you abundantly,
How, as we look forward to the Hew Year, nay 1964 grant us

nany opportunities to witness for Christ, and that souls nay be won
for Him,

May God bless the work where you are, that together nany souls

nay be won for Him, is my prayer.

V/ith ChrisJ^ian Love,

4- /U;. "

/ 1;

Kalihl Church of Christ

29^2 Kalihi St..,

Pearl M.Hioholson

^^51 Hunana Rdfr"

lipnoiulu, Hawaii




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