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Lovely Rainbow Patch Knitted Socks

Spring is here, but the weather is still not that great, so you will need to keep yourself warm and avoid
getting sick. For this we have a great and creative solution for you. By knitting a pair of these cute and
warm socks, the confusing weather of the beginning of spring will do you no harm. They are so colorful you
can almost mistake them for rainbows. Make sure you will avoid the dullness of winter and get cozy with
your colorful spring socks. Here is the list of materials you will need for this DIY project:
yarn (in different colors);
knitting needles;
To make these socks you will need to use the Entrelac knitting technique that will result in those nice
patches that you see in the picture. Take the yarn and the needles and let the pictures guide you. You will
probably need a little bit of help at the heels, just follow the pictures and you will get those interlaced
rectangle shapes. You can also create any other pattern you like, get creative and let your imagination lead
you. At the end you will have a beautiful and warm pair of rainbow socks for the spring season.

Cozy Slippers Tutorial

This next cozy slippers tutorial is perfect if you are looking for a birthday gift or just want to surprise
yourself with something cute. They are perfect for the spring weather especially if you choose some vivid
yarn as the basic colors for the slippers. The tutorial is similar (more)

Blooming Onion Recipe

This next recipe just too good to be true! For those of you, who just love onion rings the Blooming Onion
recipe will be a delight. Its more an appetizer than an actual dish, but it tastes great and can be consumed
by vegetarians too. It is called the Blooming Onion because it looks just like a blooming flower. So to make
it, you will need:

canola oil;









Take one onion and start peeling them, then cut off the side without the root, closer to the half of the onion.
After they are peeled, place them under water to clean them. Dry them using a paper towel, and start cutting
the onion in 16 or 32 equal pieces (cut diagonally). Now to achieve the flower look, you will have to gently
separate the onion pieces. You should place it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, this will help you in the
process. Take out a bowl and combine the salt with the flour, the peppers and the herbs. Pour the flower on
the onion and make sure to cover between the buds too. Combine the milk with the eggs and put the onion
in the mixture and cover it again with the flour. Pour oil into the frying pan and place the onion inside.
Make sure to add enough oil to cover the whole onion. Place the onion upside down in the pan and fry for 23 minutes, until it becomes golden brown. Now turn it on the other side and fry again for 2-3 minutes. Place

it on a paper towel and remove the center of the onion, using a sharp knife. The dipping sauce will be placed
here. You can add any kind of dip you like, just place it inside the onion and enjoy this cool appetizer.

How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in 4 Sq Feet

Every time when you think of gardening you are also struck by the fact it requires space? You shouldnt be!
With all these DIY solutions out there, having your own garden in the balcony is very simple. One way to
accomplish this is through the vertical handmade small garden suitable for growing 100 pounds of potatoes.
You will need:

6 pieces of 26 boards of 8 ft long;

one piece of 22 board of 12 ft long;

96 pieces of 2 and 1/2 wood screws;

The first step is cutting the 22 inches board into pieces of 33 inches in length; four pieces will be enough.
Then, take the 26 boards and cut those into 12 lengths of 21inches and 12 lengths of 24 inches. Make some
screw holes in these and attach the bottom row on the 22 boards. Place this part of the vertical garden over
the soil, fill with mulch and plant potatoes about 4 inches deep. Remember that each layer which you plant
must have its sides boarded up. Now, let them grow a bit.
When the vines reach some 12 inches above the soil, its time to add another set of boards and fill the space
with dirt. Make sure you dont cover more than a third of the plant. Do the same for each layer until you
finish the box. In order to harvest your potatoes, take out the screws from the bottom board. With your
hands reach in the box and grab your potatoes. Replace boards and soil and the layer is good to go again.
After the necessary time, remove the second board and have yourself a handful of potatoes. Read some
more off the internet about planting potatoes to make sure you do it right.

How To Help Restore The Bee Population

The decreasing number of bees in the world is a problem that scientists and especially biologists are trying
to solve. Even if we think of bees as pests, it seems like their increasing scarcity affects the surrounding
natural world, and a possible extinction of bees will trigger a chain reaction that could lead to the extinction
of all human kind. But dont panic! There is a little everybody could do to handle this issue. Planting! Yes,
planting particular types of plants will help the bees to multiply more often and easily. So, dont just stand
around while people disappear from the face of the Earth after the bees become extinct. Plant these,
according to your possibilities:

perenntals: crocus, buttercup, aster, hollyhocks, anemone, snowdrops,
annuals: calendula, sweet asylum, poppy, sunflower, zinnia, cleome, or heliotrope;



In this struggle, every plant counts. Caring after some plants will result in the safe return to what scientists
call regular numbers of bees that will restore balance to the natural life and cause benefits to the
environment as well. Choose a plant youd like to see in your balcony or yard and save the planet!

Dieta tibetana este o dieta in care carnea este ultimul aliment din lista. Se poate spune ca este o dieta
vegetariana, in esenta, pentru ca se bazeaza mai ales pe consumul de fructe si legume.
In dieta tibetana sunt permise lactatele, ouale si carnea, dar acestea sunt consumate in cantitati mici si rar.
Dieta tibetana permite scaderea sanatoasa in greutate, este o dieta care poate fi respectata pe termen lung, iti
aduce o stare generala buna si iti ridica tonusul psihic.
Se poate spune despre dieta tibetana ca este o dieta de detoxifiere. Temelia dietei tibetane este regimul lactovegetarian si implica o alimentatie grupata pe categorii de alimente. O alta regula in dieta tibetana este aceea
de a manca incet, la ore fixe, cantitati mici de alimente.
Citeste si: Dieta chinezeasca
In prima saptamana, in dieta tibetana se pot consuma doar legume, fructe si cereale integrale, In a doua
saptamana sunt pemise cantitati mici de lactate si oua, iar din a treia saptamana se poate reintroduce in
alimentatie carnea si pestele. Ritmul alimentar din cea de a treia saptamana se poate pastra pentru alte doua
saptamani, dupa care se poate reveni la un regim normal.
Dieta tibetana poate fi respectata o data in fiecare sezon, regula impunand ca in saptamana in care se
consuma doar fructe si legume, acestea sa fie exclusiv fructe si legume de sezon.
In prima saptamana din dieta tibetana se consuma doar fructe si legume de sezon, crude, fierte sau sub
forma de salata. Se poate consuma miere , ulei vegetal (nu mai mult de doua linguri pe zi), condimente si
ierburi aromate, cereale integrale si fructe uscate precum si seminte crude (de dovleac, de floarea soarelui),
dar si nuci. Se beau cel putin 2 litri de lichide pe zi.
In a doua saptamana sunt indicate trei mese principale pe zi, doua gustari, formate din fructe sau lactate.
Dieta tibetana - variante de meniu

Mic dejun - un pahar cu lapte degresat si felie de paine din grau integral.
Pranz - fasole verde fiarta, leguminoase, un mar mare sau o portocala.
Cina - 500 grame salata de varza cu dressing de ulei de masline si suc de lamaie, o salata de fructe si
o cana de ceai din plante.

Citeste si: Dieta disociata, dieta monotona

O alta combinatie este poate sa fie urmatoarea:

Mic dejun - ceai din plante cu miere, o felie de paine cu unt si un mar mare.
Pranz - salata de linte cu legume, o ceasca de iaurt degresat, doua felii de paine din grau integral.
Cina - 500 grame felii de dovlecei la cuptor cu ulei de masline, doua rosii si 250 grame branza de
vaci proaspata.

Ai mai putea incerca si:

Mic dejun - un pahar de lapte degresat, doua felii de paine din grau integral.
Pranz - 250 grame de fasole verde fiarta, un cartof copt cu o lingura de smantana degresata, salata
verde si un mar.
Cina - un pahar de suc de legume proaspete, un mar, o ceasca de fulgi de ovaz cu fructe uscate si

In cursul celei de a treia saptamani, meniul din cea de a doua saptamana se completeaza cu 200 de grame de
carne de pui, vita sau curcan sau cu 250 de grame de peste, alternativ. Se consuma o singura data pe zi carne

(in zilele in care se consuma peste nu se consuma carne), praparata prin fierbere sau coacere. In meniul
zilnic se poate adauga un ou si un produs lactat suplimentar (iarut sau branza fermentata).

Salata de leurda cu ou

Vizualizare fotoPentru aceasta salata de primavara trebuie neaparat sa va

duceti la piata si sa cumparati leurda, plata intalnita mai ales in Europa de Est. I se mai spune si usturoi
salbatic, avand un miros asemanator.

Cum se prepara salata de leurda cu ou?

Ce ne place cel mai mult la orice salata este ca se prepara repede. Asadar, puneti ouale la fiert, sa nu fie
foarte tari, spalati leurda si castravetii si lasati-le la scurs. Tocati leurda iar castravetii ii taiati in cuburi.
Amestecati intr-un bol leurda, castravetii si iaurtul cremos, turnati si uleiul, potriviti cu sare si piper si
adaugati si ouale fierte taiate cuburi. Amestecati de cateva ori, pentru ca iaurtul si ouale fierte sa se
transforme intr-un sos cremos, ca maioneza. Puteti pune deasupra verdeata proaspata sau masline.
2 maini leurda
2 oua fierte
1 castravete mare
125 g iaurt cremos
sare si piper dupa gust
verdeata proaspata sau masline negre pentru decor
1 lingurita ulei masline

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