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Shot List
Members: Fiona, Kolchuma, Frankie, Liam and Sophie
Director: Fiona Producer: Kolchuma
Screenwriter: Frankie Cinematographer: Sophie
Editor: Liam
Title: Unknown
Main character: Charlie the Dog
Other characters: Mother, father, baby.


1A- Camera is sideways in DOG BASKET in LIVING ROOM. Upon
hearing the door and keys, camera does a quick tilt shot so it
is no longer sideways. Camera moves forward, out of basket and
moves to front door (all at same low level). When it reaches
the door, the camera tilts upwards and appears to jump up at
the door.

1B- Through the upward tilt you see MUM and DAD enter, holding
something in their arms. DAD bends down to stroke CHARLIE
(slight shaking of camera as fur/head is ruffled.) A tracking
shot then follows, at low level, capturing the legs as they
walk into LIVING ROOM. Baby starts crying.

2A- 3
person view of scene. Wide mid shot of MUM and DAD holding
BABY. Making cooing noises to shush the BABY. CHARLIE is not to been
2B Back to CHARLIES P.O.V. He stands at doorway and observes the
scene through a panning shot from left to right, then right to left
when he sees BABY in MUMs arms the camera zooms in and shifts
down slightly so audience knows BABY is centre of CHARLIES focal
point. Zooms out again, and camera moves forward till it reaches
sofa. Tilt up, jump up slightly DAD ignores him. Camera jumps
back down again and moves to other end of sofa. Tilt up and jump up
again possibly see paws on MUMs lap. Tilt up again to MUMs face.
After a few seconds, she swipes at camera to get down zoom out as
camera jumps down.
2C- Camera does 180 degree turn and camera moves forward to
fireplace. Another 180 degree turn to face family, then camera is
placed on floor to suggest CHARLIE is lying down, whilst watching
new family. BLACK OUT
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2D FADE back in, same position of camera. MUM asks DAD to get box.
Camera tilts up and follows DAD go out of room. Camera appears to
run after dad, still at low eye level. Low angle shot from doorway
half doorframe still in sight, as if CHARLIE is peering round
corner. Camera zooms in slightly as DAD retrieves BOX from bag left
on hallway floor. Tilt up as DAD approaches LIVING ROOM, and this
tilt remains as camera spins round to follow DAD going into LIVING
ROOM. When camera is facing LIVING ROOM again, tilt down slowly till
dog eye level.
2E- 3
person view. Dirty shot of MUM holding BABY whilst DAD walks
in front of camera and sits down on sofa. Mid shot of DAD holding
out BOX to BABY. Then close up as DAD opens BOX and lullaby starts.
CHARLIE hears noise and its back to dogs P.O.V. Camera which was
at doorway and showed a wide shot of family now bounds (camera goes
forward whilst moving up and down slightly) to sofa and again tilts
up and jumps up to music box. MOTHER tells CHARLIE to get down
(Camera jumps down, zooms out). Camera backs up as MOTHER and DAD
get up and walk across room with BABY (camera moves forward again
and whilst tilting up, jumps up at legs) then camera stops jumping
but still tilting up as adults walk across the room. As they
approach door, camera rushes forward, now at dogs eye level (tilt
down) but door slams in cameras lens i.e. CHARLIEs face. One final
tilt up the door then stop. FADE OUT.
Scene 3 RED BOX
3A FADE into footage, but sound of whining can be heard through
blackness. Maybe show the dog jumping up at door? (mid shot/long
shot). Camera then goes to dogs P.O.V. and shows a close up of
door, then as dog backs away, so does camera, slight zooming out.
Camera then does a slow 180 degree turn till the camera stops at the
red box left on the table. Zoomed in shot of the red box so audience
definitely know that is the dogs focus. Back to previous shot
before zoomed in. Camera then bounds up to red box, moving up and
down slightly as before, then once at table, tilt up to edge then
slow tilt down to focus in on the cloth hanging over the edge. The
camera will then move forward (where someone will grab cloth but not
in view of camera) and keep moving back and forth slightly to
insinuate the action of tugging.
3B- As cloth begins to fall, camera tilts up in time to see cloth
falling over camera goes dark. Sound as everything is knocked to
the floor inc red box. Camera pans from left to right, right to left
and moves forward until red box is in a close up and the camera will
push the box forward till it has crawled out of the fallen cloth.
Tilt up and pans room to make sure no one is about, and then tilt
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down to red box, where someone will hold box just under camera to
give the impression CHARLIE is holding it in his mouth. Low eye
level again now, and with top of red box just in view, camera moves
forward out of LIVING ROOM, down hallway, all at same level, till
he/it reaches kitchen. Then move around kitchen (still at same eye
low eye level) till find cat flap. Then camera will move rapidly
forward and will appear to jump out of cat flap (I will move
camera forward whilst someone holds cat flap open but out of view).
Scene 5 - EXT. GARDEN
5A Camera continues to move forward out of cat flap and goes
straight to flower bed (camera will turn slightly in order to face
flower bed). Tilt down to see soil, then camera remains there but
moving slightly as dog digs (will possibly get paws in view to show
digging.) Red box is still partially in view. Once hole is dug,
camera will lean over hole and whoever is holding red box will let
go. Camera revolve around 180 degree back to house to check no one
is watching. Satisfied, another 180 degree turn back to hole and
then paws shown slightly again and dog covers back up hole. (mid
close up). Camera then slowly revolves around back to house and
moves forward in a steady line till it gets back to cat flap. Then
person view seeing the real dog jump through cat flap (side wide
shot view from outside, then straight on close up from inside the
kitchen.) Back to dogs POV, camera back at dog eye level. Camera
moves back through kitchen and hallway till back in living room.
Camera moves to dog bed and will rotate a few times (like dogs do in
order to get settled) till it is placed on the dog bed whilst facing
the fire. BLACK OUT.
Scene 6 Panic. Int. Bedroom.
6A- FADE IN. Camera is at lowest possible level, in new setting,
HALLWAY UPSTAIRS/LANDING. Dimly hear MUM shouting, which then gets
clearer and clearer until you can hear perfectly. Camera remains
stationary, looking at bedroom door. As its from dog eye level,
only can see MUMs legs rushing around. Continues like this for
about 10 seconds. MUM and DAD converse about BOX. Finally
dog/camera, gets up (eye level now bit higher) and camera follows
MUM from room to room (only seeing legs still). Dog/camera follows
MUM into their bedroom and camera tilts up to show MUM frantically
searching through her clothes on the bed. MUM rushes out of room,
camera bounds after her into bathroom. Same thing happens, camera
tilts up and follows MUMs searching actions. As MUM comes towards
bathroom door where CHARLIE is, she looks down at camera and shouts
at dog to move out the way. Camera follows MUM down corridor (tilt
down, again just seeing MUMs legs) till get to BABY bedroom. Camera
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stays at doorway whilst through a wide shot we see MUM pick up a now
crying BABY whilst saying that they will find the music box. CHARLIE
begins to bark (camera does quick starts as the movement of the bark
pushes head forward). MUM calls to DAD to take dog outside. A
whistle is sounded and camera revolves around to stairs, camera
bounds downstairs (I walk down stairs with camera as low as possible
whilst tilting it up and down as descending stairs). Camera moves
forward rapidly at dog eye level towards DAD (in kitchen.) Tilt up
to see DAD pick up camera and carry it towards door (now eye level
is same as humans quick 360 degree view of kitchen) and then as
back door is opened, audience can see DADs arms slightly around
lens to suggest carrying. Door opens and can now see garden at human
level. DAD walks to middle of garden and places dog/camera on ground
(now back at dog level). Camera revolves around to see DAD going
back inside house and locking door and cat flap.

Scene 7 Digging up the box. EXT.GARDEN
7A- Camera is in middle of garden, dog eye level. Camera rushes up
to back door and again tilts up and jumps up at door whilst being
accompanied by sounds of barking and clawing. After nothing happens,
camera backs down, turns 180 degrees and runs back to hole (all eye
level of a dog). Same as scene 5 but in reverse dog is now digging
up box instead of hiding it.
7B- When he has finished digging up box, CHARLIE brings box to back
door (eye level dogs, wide shot with red box at bottom) and with
box still in mouth, camera tilts up and jumps at again at back door.
Accompanied by whining, clawing. DAD comes and opens door, as cat
flap is now locked. Camera charges past DAD and moves rapidly into
hallway (pretty much 7A stairs part but reversed and now with red
box in view), then up the stairs and into BABYs bedroom where MUM
is sitting on a chair looking upset. Camera walks over to her and
lowers as dog sits. Camera tilts up to MUM and appears to jump onto
her lap. MUM looks up and sees box. She is relieved and holds out
her hand (tilt down to see hand) where the camera/dog will drop it.
MUM calls out to DAD that CHARLIE has found the box. Camera swivels
to view DAD now in doorway and DAD walks across room and kneels in
front of camera both same eye level. His hand ruffles Charlies
head (camera will move slightly from side to side).
Scene 8 Happy Ending. Int. Living room.
8A- The setting then changes to living room. The camera changes to a
POV shot from the babys point of view through the bars of the crib.
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You see the mother and dad stroking the dog, laughing and smiling
through a wide shot. The dog barks. You hear the sound of a baby
whining. Camera zooms in to CHARLIE, who then looks directly at
camera (from profile side shot to CHARLIEs face being frontal.)
Through a mid shot CHARLIE grins and winks (special effects).
Short film ends with this editing style (cant remember the name!)

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