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... through Bertha Dudde

Filial love.... Paternal love....
Become like little children, then you ill !e a!le to love "e like a
child love# it# Father. Don$t o%%o#e "y ill !ut let "e guide you&
take hold o' "y Fatherly hand and 'ollo "e ithout re#i#tance and
ith total con'idence that ( ill guide you correctly. (n that ca#e you
ill !e a!#olved 'rom all re#%on#i!ility, 'or the Father ill not hold
)i# child to account i' it alay# remain# clo#e to )im and, ith
childlike o!edience, acce%t# the Father$# ill.
*hen ( ill care 'or "y children ith greater than great love, ( ill
dra them to "y heart and ill never let them go 'rom "e again,
'or then they ill !e "y On 'orever. ( a#k 'or nothing el#e !ut their
love, and i' you regard "e a# your Father, i' you 'eel like "y
children, love ill indeed !e kindled in you and you ill ant to
!elong to "e and thu# al#o 'ul'il "y ill.
*he child kno# that it ill 'ind the right %rotection ith it# Father,
it kno# that it ill !e atched over and %rovided ith everything it
need#, 'or the Father$# love ill not leave it# child in adver#ity, and
!ecau#e the child kno# that it i# loved !y )im it ill love )im in
*hi# i# hy ( ant you to recogni#e "e a# your Father, !ecau#e (
long 'or your love and ant to in you over 'or "e. +ou have
!elonged to "e #ince the !eginning, yet only hen you hand
your#elve# over to "e ill you !e "y children in truth, otheri#e
you ill merely !e "y living creation#, you certainly came 'orth
'rom "e !ut you are not united ith "e in love.
Only love ill turn you into "y children to hom ( ant to !e a real
Father.... Only love 'or "e ill e#ta!li#h the right relation#hi% and
thi# love i# hat ( #eek to attract 'or an in'initely long time.
, child ho love# "e ith all it# heart ill 'ind a!#olute !li## at "y
Fatherly heart, 'or thi# !eat# in ardent love 'or thi# child and
anyone ho %o##e##e# "y love i# ha%%y !eyond mea#ure, even i'
the !ody doe# not 'eel it a# yet hile it #till live# on earth.
-everthele##, the #oul 'eel# the #trength o' "y love and, in
con#tant longing, turn# to "e.
(t #trive# toard# "e and de#ire# "y Word.... For love #eek# the
union, and #ince the earthly child cannot #ee "e, it ant# to hear
"e and there'ore attentively li#ten# to "y Word #ounding in it#
,nd ( ill #%eak Word# o' love and o' com'ort to "y child, Word# o'
#trength and o' grace.... ( ill give to it hat it de#ire#, light and
#trength.... #o that it #hall gro #trong and it# love #hall !ur#t into
a !right 'lame. *hen ( ill dra clo#e to it and %ull it u% to "e....
( ill li't it 'rom the realm o' darkne## into the kingdom o' light a#
#oon a# it no longer de#ire# anything el#e on earth other than "y
then it ill !e ready 'or the #%iritual kingdom, 'or i' it ha# love, it
ill have !ecome like "e and need never #e%arate it#el' 'rom "e
again, !ecau#e it ill !e united ith "e 'or all eternity #ince it ill
have kindled it# love 'or "e in it# heart.
,nd #o you #hall look u% to "e like children, then you ill al#o !e
a!le to love "e like children and de#ire "e ith all your heart, and
then "y Fatherly love ill !elong to you and you ill !e !li##'ully
Pu!li#hed !y 'riend# o' ne revelation# o' God . (n'ormation,
donload o' all tran#lated revelation#, theme/!ooklet# at0

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