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Humphrey United States History

Unit 4: Closing the Frontier
Wounded Knee Massacre Web Quest
1. Save as a copy of this assignment into your US History folder
. !isit the "e#site: http:$$"""."$
&. Clic% on the teepee la#eled Exhibits
4. 's you navigate through the museum( ans"er the )uestions #elo"
for a #etter understanding of this critical event.
*. Finally( return to our +oodle page and su#mit your completed
assignment on ,
Clic% on the #lac% portion of the medicine "heel: Smothering the
Seven Fires
1. .hat treaty esta#lished #oundaries around /a%ota territory for
the 0rst time1
The Fort Laramie Treaty of 181 estab!ished boundaries
around La"ota Territory for the #rst time$
. Ho" "as the 2ed Cloud .ar ended1
The %$S$ &overnment agreed to abandon the 'o(eman Trai! and
three forts$ The La"ota secured their right for their hunting
grounds a!ong )ith the *o)der +iver$
&. .hat happened in 134* that triggered "ar1
The %$S$ &overnment triggered )ar by ordering the La"ota to
abandon the *o)der +iver hunting grounds$ &o!d )as a!so
discovered in the '!ac" ,i!!s- causing )hite miners to invade
the area- brea"ing the 18.8 treaty$
4. Ho" "as the 1353 treaty #ro%en1
&o!d )as discovered in the '!ac" ,i!!s- causing )hite miners to
invade the area$ The government/s res0onse )as to annex the
'!ac" ,i!!s$
*. .hat sacred land "as ta%en a"ay from the people in 13451
The *o)der +iver ,unting grounds$
Clic% red portion of the medicine "heel: Wovo"a/s &host 1ance
5. .hat "hite name did .ovo%a ta%e1 Ho" long did he live in the
"hite "orld1
,e too" the name 2ac" Wi!son and he !ived in the )hite )or!d
unti! he )as 34 and his visions began$
4. .hat did .ovo%a6s 0rst vision tell him to do1
,is #rst vision to!d him to 0reach that 0eo0!e )ere a!! brothers
and must not #ght or stea! but shou!d be good to each other$
3. .hen did .ovo%a have his 7reat !ision1
,e had his &reat 5ision during a so!ar ec!i0se on 6e) 7ear/s
1ay in 1888$
8. .hat happened at the 9ance of the Spirits1
Men and )omen danced together singing and dancing )ith
hands 9oined in a 0ecu!iar )ay- "nuc"!e to "nuc"!e going round
and round- "ee0ing it u0 for a !ong time$
1:. .hat ne" interpretations "ere added to .ovo%a6s
Wovo"a had seen the Son of &od- )ho sho)ed Wovo"a
the scars from ,is cruci#xion- 0roof that the )hites had
re9ected ,im$
,e )as no) the &od of the :ndians and )ou!d 0unish the
)hites for their in9ustices$
:n the s0ring of 1881- ,e )ou!d return to bury the )hites
under a !ands!ide- resurrect a!! the :ndian dead- and bring
bac" the bison and other game$
11. -n "hat "ays did "hites respond to the dance1
They thought the dancing signa!ed the 0ossibi!ity of a La"ota
u0rising and they 0etitioned the federa! government for
0rotection )ith increasing urgency$
Clic% on the yello" portion of the medicine "heel ;.ords that <illed=
1. .hat role did the ne"spapers and >ournalists have in this
They )ere eager to #nd evidence of La"ota treachery and
)hen they cou!dn/t #nd any- they made them u0 and editors
0ub!ished them$ The 9ourna!ists 0ortrayed the :ndians as the
;bad guys< and as it s0read- The =hicago 1ai!y Tribune began
;ne)s0a0er )ar< on >ctober ?8- 1884$
Clic% on ;+ore ?@hi#its=
Clic% on the #lac% portion of the medicine "heel ;.ounded <nee
1&. 9escri#e the scene at the .ounded <nee encampment on
9ecem#er 3( 138::
The La"ota )ere surrounded by )hite so!diers and forced to
set u0 cam0 at Wounded Knee$ They set u0 cam0 in the !ate
afternoon and )hites issued rations of co@ee- sugar- hard tac"-
and bacon to the band for an evening mea!$ The rest of the
cam0 extended to the base of a sma!! hi!!- a distance of ?4
yards$ The cava!ry set u0 cam0 about 144 yards northeast of
the :ndian cam0$ The )hites send s0ecia! guards to ma"e sure
that the La"ota had no chances to s!i0 a)ay in the night$
Clic% on the red portion of the medicine "heel ;Aeaceful +ornings=
14. Using the information and )uotes provided contrast the t"o
perspectives B/a%ota people and US militaryC of "hat happened on
9ecem#er 8( 138:. Ho" are they diDerent1 .hat factors do you
#elieve played a role in the confrontation that resulted1
The La"ota )ere scared that the )hites )ere going to do
something bad to them )hi!e the )hites thought that the
La"ota didn/t sense any evi! coming from them$ They/re
di@erent in the sense that the )hites thought of the La"ota as
ignorant )hi!e the La"ota )ere a!most certain that the )hites
)ere going to cause them harm$
The factors that 0!ayed a ro!e in the confrontation that
resu!ted )as the )ea0ons search$ The )hites demanded that
the La"ota dro00ed a!! their )ea0ons and even after they did-
)hites did a 0hysica! search to see if they carried any
)ea0ons$ The )hites tried to ta"e the riAe of a deaf man- )ho
didn/t )ant to give it u0 and during the strugg!e to ta"e the
riAe a)ay- the riAe )ent o@$
1*. 2ecord & things you learned a#out .ounded <nee from your
The )hites forcefu!!y removed the La"ota from their !and and
too" it for themse!ves$
The La"ota actua!!y )anted to get a!ong )ith the )hites- but
the )hites )ere too high and mighty for that$
To get the government to get rid of the La"ota :ndians- )hite
9ourna!ists and ne)s0a0ers 0ub!ished head!ines of La"ota
treachery that never ha00ened$

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