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Prepared by K Inutsuka Sept. 16, 2014

AP/JP1000 2014-2015
Guidance Questions L1
These questions are designed to help you prepare for the lecture. Read them and try to answer the
questions (as much as you can) before you attend the lecture. You should learn the answers in the
lecture but, if not, please talk to your instructor to make sure that you understand the necessary
materials for the tutorials.

1. Look up the following 12 verbs in Japanese. Please refer to the vocabulary list.
(1) ask/listen
(2) understand
(3) drink
(4) do
(5) buy
(6) read
(7) study
(8) eat
(9) see/watch
(10) go
(11) come
(12) return

2. The affirmative ending for verbs (masu-form) is masu. What is the ending for negative? Say I
dont understand. in Japanese. (You may want to refer to the notes at

(Watashi wa) ____________________ .

3. What is the basic word order in Japanese? Choose the correct pattern. What is often dropped
(not mentioned) in Japanese?

4. What particle marks object in Japanese?
{ga, o, no, ni}

5. Say Tom studies Japanese in Japanese.

Tomu-san wa ( ) ( ) ( )
Subject (S) topic
object (O) object marker Verb (V)

6. Which sentence particle marks the question?
{ka, yo, ne, nee}
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Prepared by K Inutsuka Sept. 16, 2014
7. Where do we place the question marker in Japanese? Choose the correct number.
Subject (S) Object(O) Verb(V)





8. Say Does/will Tom study Japanese? in Japanese.

Tomu-san wa ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Subject (S) topic
object (O) object marker Verb (V) question

9. What is what in Japanese?
10. Say what does/will Tom study? in Japanese.

Tomu-san wa ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Subject (S) topic
object (O) object marker Verb (V) question

11. What particle marks direction to in Japanese?
{ga, o, no, ni/e}

12. Say I go to university in Japanese.

( ) wa ( ) ( ) ( )
Subject (S) topic
place direction marker Verb (V)

13. What is where in Japanese?

14. Say where does Tom go to? in Japanese.

Tomu-san wa ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Subject (S) topic
place direction marker Verb (V) question

15. The followings are time adverbials. What does each mean?
a. kinoo
b. kyoo
c. ashita
d. senshuu
e. konshuu
f. raishuu
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Prepared by K Inutsuka Sept. 16, 2014

16. Where do we place time adverbials in Japanese? Choose the correct number.
Subject (S) Object(O) Verb(V)





17. Say I go to university tomorrow in Japanese.

( ) wa ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Subject (S) topic
Time adverb place direction marker Verb (V)

18. Say Tom studies Japanese everyday in Japanese.

( ) wa ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Subject (S) topic
Time adverb place direction marker Verb (V)

19. What are the function of particles, mo, yo and ne(e)?

20. Talk about yourself in Japanese.
What is your name?
Where do you go every day?
What do you do every day?
What do you eat/drink?
What do you read?
What do you do over the weekend?

Try the following exercises in the Structure Exercises html/interactive column on your lecture notes.

L03 BQ2, BQ9
L04 BQ1 -10
L05 BQ1, 4, 5, 7, & 8
L1 IQ1-4, Q5, IIQ1-3

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