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Stockholm School of Economics

Finance department (Bachelors thesis)

Spring 2013

Time-ar!ing "orrelation and the Benefits of
"ross-#sset "lass $i%ersification

22242 Tobias Lideus

22343 Rikard Engberg


In this thesis, return data on the US stock and corporate bond markets together ith go!d and "TI#
$rude %i! prices o&er the period '()* + 2,'2 ere used to e-amine the time#& corre!ations
and bene/its /rom cross#asset c!ass di&ersi/ication0 It conc!udes that corre!ations &ar. distinct!. o&er
time and an a!!#e1uit. in&estor bene/it /rom ha&ing positions in the bond market, as in&estment
grade bonds ha&e shon a genera!!. !o or negati&e corre!ation ith the stock market during crises0
2or an in&estor, it cou!d there/ore be cost!. to ignore the bene/its that the bond markets pro&ide0
3o!d is shon to be a good source /or di&ersi/ication during se&ere /inancia! crises, e&en i/ the
&o!ati!it. in returns are higher than /or in&estment grade bonds0


T'tor( 5ssistant 6ro/essor 7ichae! 8a!!ing
)e!*ords( $orre!ation, 9i&ersi/ication, In&estment 7anagement, $orporate bonds, Sharpe ratios
#ckno*ledgements( "e ou!d !ike to thank our tutor 5ssistant 6ro/essor 7ichae! 8a!!ing /or his
&a!uab!e input0 "e ou!d a!so !ike to thank $itigroup and :rummer ; 6artners /or pro&iding us
ith the data needed to conduct our stud.0 2ina!!., e are grate/u! /or the he!p/u! remarks gi&en b.
<achar. =rumme at the /ina! stages o/ riting0 5!! errors ere our on0

'0 Introduction0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
'0' %b>ecti&e ........................................................................................................................................ 2
20 Theoretica! /rameork 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3
20' Risk#return re!ationship ................................................................................................................... 3
202 The 7arkoit? 6ort/o!io Se!ection 7ode! ........................................................................................ 4
30 6re&ious !iterature 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 @
30' Internationa! stock markets corre!ation ............................................................................................. 6
302 Stock marketsA corre!ation ith bond markets ................................................................................... 8
303 Stock marketsA corre!ation ith other asset c!asses ............................................................................. 8
304 5cti&e &s0 passi&e port/o!io management and per/ormance e&a!uation ................................................ 9
30B 7omentum in asset returns ............................................................................................................ 10
40 9ata 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '2
40' Stock market ................................................................................................................................. 12
402 :ond markets ................................................................................................................................ 12
403 $ommodities markets .................................................................................................................... 13
404 %ther data .................................................................................................................................... 13
40B $rises de/initions ........................................................................................................................... 14
B0 8.potheses 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 'B
@0 7ethodo!og. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '@
@0' Cee.#"est standard errors .......................................................................................................... 16
@02 Testing /or constant corre!ation o&er time, '()@ + 2,'2 .................................................................. 16
@03 Testing i/ the corre!ations are una//ected during crises periods ......................................................... 17
@04 Testing i/ the corre!ations are una//ected b. market /actors .............................................................. 18
@0B $ase stud.D 5ssessing the bene/its o/ di&ersi/ication ........................................................................ 18
@0@ Robustness test ............................................................................................................................. 20
@0* 6rob!emati?ation ........................................................................................................................... 21
*0 Resu!ts 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 22
*0' $onstant corre!ation test resu!ts ..................................................................................................... 22
*02 The e//ect o/ crises periods on corre!ation ...................................................................................... 23
*03 The e//ect o/ market parameters on corre!ation ............................................................................... 24
*04 $ase stud. resu!ts .......................................................................................................................... 25

*040' Summar. statistics................................................................................................................... 25
*0402 The port/o!iosA per/ormance during crises in genera! ................................................................. 26
*0403 9i&ersi/ication bene/its during the 9otcom crisis ..................................................................... 26
*0404 9i&ersi/ication bene/its during the Subprime crisis .................................................................... 27
*0B Robustness test resu!ts ................................................................................................................... 28
)0 5na!.sis 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2(
(0 $onc!usion 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 32
(0' Suggestions /or /urther research ..................................................................................................... 32
',0 2igures and Tab!es 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 33
Re/erences 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 B*
5ppendi- 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 B(


1+ ,ntrod'ction
The idea o/ di&ersi/ication is an o!d one and the phrase EdonAt put a!! .our eggs in one basketF
e-isted !ong be/ore modern /inance theor.0 The princip!es o/ di&ersi/ication in the /inancia! markets
as /irst pub!ished b. 7arkoit? G'(B2H and earned him the Cobe! 6ri?e in Economics in '((,0
5ccording to Modern Portfolio Theory G76TH, an in&estor is on!. concerned about risk#return
re!ationships, and that b. di&ersi/.ing into assets ith a !ess than per/ect corre!ation, the o&era!! risk
o/ the port/o!io i!! be !oer0 8oe&er this theor. rest on the assumption that corre!ation is in /act
constant, !eading to possib!e disasters /rom an in&estment management perspecti&e i/ changes in
corre!ation are not taken into consideration G:odie et a! 2,,)H0
Se&era! studies ha&e been conducted to e-amine the changes in corre!ation beteen
internationa! stock markets o&er time and during e-treme conditions, see Longin and So!nik G2,,'H
and $ampbe!! et a! G2,,2H0 $oaker G2,,@H ana!.ses ho the return corre!ations beteen di//erent
asset c!asses &aries o&er time, but !itt!e has been ritten about ho the corre!ation &aries during and
beteen speci/ic crises, in order to understand ho the actua! di&ersi/ication bene/its changes and
hat the under!.ing reasons behind these changes are0
This stud. takes the &iepoint o/ an e1uit. in&estor and ana!.ses the historica! bene/its o/
di&ersi/ication b. in&estigating ho corre!ations ha&e changed o&er times o/ crises, more speci/ica!!.
the 9otcom#crisis in the ear!. 2,,,As, the Subprime#crisis in 2,,*#,) and the So&ereign debt crisis in
2,''#'20 The asset c!asses studied against the stock market are corporate bonds Gboth in&estment
grade and high .ie!d bondsH together ith to o/ the most common!. traded commoditiesD "TI#
$rude %i! and go!d0
To reach the conc!usions, a top#don approach i!! be taken b. /irst con/irming pre&ious
research that corre!ation is in /act time#&, /o!!oed b. an ana!.sis on ho the di//erent assetsA
corre!ations ith the stock market ha&e changed be/ore, during and a/ter the speci/ic crises0 This i!!
be /o!!oed b. a case stud. that aims to 1uanti/. the bene/its o/ di&ersi/ication o&er the past 2B
.ears, !inking the corre!ation changes to in&estment management0 5s i!! be presented in Section 2,
a rationa! in&estor is on!. concerned about returns in re!ation to its risk, and the risk o/ a port/o!io is
the sum o/ its co&ariances0 This is in turn direct!. determined b. the assets corre!ationD 5n increase
in corre!ation imp!ies an increased risk0 To capture this, the case stud. compares the Sharpe ratio o/
a ide set o/ di//erent port/o!ios o&er time, as it is a /unction o/ both the port/o!ioAs risk and return,
and thus pro&ides an indication o/ the actua! bene/its o/ di&ersi/ication /or in&estors0

1+1 -&.ecti%e
This thesis studies ho the corre!ation in returns beteen the stock market and other asset c!asses
&aries o&er time in genera! and during crises in particu!ar0 It i!! discuss ho di&ersi/ication bene/its
/rom e-panding the in&estment hori?on into other asset c!asses changes ith market trends0
The thesis ob>ecti&e is summari?ed as /o!!osD
Study how return correlations between the stock market and other asset classes changes during crises, and
what the implications of that are on the benefits of cross-asset class diversification.




2+ Theoretical frame*ork
:odie et a! G2,,)H out!ines the /undamenta! steps in a port/o!io managerAs in&estment processD GiH
Capital allocation beteen a risk. port/o!io and a risk#/ree asset, GiiH sset allocation beteen di//erent
asset c!asses and GiiiH Security selection ithin each asset c!ass0 This process is deri&ed /rom I7odern
6ort/o!io Theor.A G76TH that as de&e!oped in the '(B,s originating ith 7arkoit? G'(B2H, gi&ing
rise /or the E7arkoit? 6ort/o!io Se!ection 7ode!F hich i!! be presented in greater detai! in this
section, a/ter the readers is pro&ided ith an intuiti&e understanding about the bene/its o/
di&ersi/ication0 5n important point is the /act that the 76T assumes constant corre!ation beteen
di//erent assets G:odie et a!, 2,,)H0
2+1 /isk-ret'rn relationship
9epending on an in&estors risk a&ersion, he i!! a!!ocate a!! o/ his /unds beteen a risk. port/o!io,
and a risk#/ree asset Ggenera!!. e-pressed as T#bi!!sH creating a comp!ete, risk. port/o!io0 5!! possib!e
combinations beteen the risk#/ree asset and the risk. port/o!io are graphed be!o and ca!!ed the
in&estment opportunit. set0 This straight !ine is knon as the capita! a!!ocation !ine G$5LH and
e1ua!s the increase in e-pected return o/ the comp!ete port/o!io per unit o/ additiona! risk0 The s!ope
is the reard#to#&ariabi!it. ratio, a!so knon as Sharpe ratio0 SD
S =
E10 G20'0'H
%ther things being e1ua!, in&estors pre/er as steep#s!oping a $5L as possib!e, because this means
higher e-pected returns /or each !e&e! o/ risk0 Th's the o&.ecti%e is to ma1imi2e S0

2igure G20'02H

5s in&estors care about returns in re!ation to risk, the risk#return combinations /rom the set o/ assets
shou!d be identi/ied0 The e-pected return o/ a port/o!io e1ua!s the eighted a&erage o/ the e-pected
return o/ the indi&idua! assets in the risk. port/o!ioD
) = w


E10 G2020'H
The risk o/ the port/o!io hoe&er is main!. determined b. ho the assetsA returns mo&e re!ati&e to
each other0 Thus, the port/o!io &ariance is not the eighted a&erage o/ the &o!ati!it. on the indi&idua!
assets, rather it is the eighted sum o/ co&ariances, and each eight is the product o/ the port/o!io
proportions o/ the pair o/ assets in the co&ariance termD


E10 G20202H
5s shon in the /ormu!a be!o, the co&ariance is computed through the corre!ation coe//icient GpH,
and the standard de&iations Gi0e0 &o!ati!itiesH /or each pair o/ assets0 This .ie!ds an e-pression /or
port/o!io &ariance depending on corre!ation, and the &o!ati!it. o/ the assets0

) = p

----- o
= _


E10 G20203H
The corre!ation coe//icient can take continuous &a!ues beteen #' and J'0 I/ the corre!ation is J',
the corre!ation is said to per/ect!. positi&e, and the returns /rom the assets i!! e-act!. /o!!o each
other0 The opposite is true hen the corre!ation is #', and a corre!ation o/ ?ero indicates that the
asset mo&ements are comp!ete!. random in re!ation to each other0 The e3'ations a&o%e re%eals
that the lo*er the correlation0 the lo*er the portfolio %ariance0 and the possi&ilit! of a higher
Sharpe ratio+ It /urther re&ea!s that the standard de&iation o/ the port/o!io i!! a!a.s be !ess than
the eighted a&erage o/ the asset &o!ati!ities, un!ess the assets are per/ect!. positi&e!. corre!ated0 This
imp!ies that the !oer the corre!ation beteen assets, the greater is the di&ersi/ication bene/its
GSiege!, 2,,)H0
2+2 The 4arko*it2 5ortfolio Selection 4odel
5/ter identi/.ing the risk#return opportunities /or the set o/ assets, these can be summari?ed b. the
minimum-variance frontier, i!!ustrated be!o in 2igure 2030'0 The minimum-variance frontier shos the
!oest attainab!e &ariance, gi&en an e-pected port/o!io return0 5!! the port/o!ios that !ie on the
minimum#&ariance /rontier, abo&e the global minimum-variance portfolio, pro&ide the best risk#return
opportunities and are said to !ie on the efficient frontier.


0ptimal iisky poitfolio
ulobal minimum-vaiiance poitfolio
Efficient fiontiei
of iisky assets
Inuiffeience cuive
poitfolio Inuiviuual assets
The second part o/ the se!ection process in&o!&es the risk#/ree asset, and as abo&e it is
desired to /ind the $5L ith the highest Sharpe ratio Gi0e0 steepest s!opeH0 The steepest possib!e $5L
supported b. the set o/ assets is tangent to the e//icient /rontier, and is knon as the capital market line
G$7LH0 This tangenc. point is the best combination o/ risk. assets, and knon as the optimal risky
The /ina! step is to a!!ocate the /unds beteen the risk#/ree asset and the optima! risk.
port/o!io, depending on the in&estorAs indifference curve, hich is gi&en b. his risk a&ersion0 8ence, the
optima! a!!ocation is gi&en b. the optimal complete portfolio on the $7L0

2igure G2030'H

3+ 5re%io's literat're
The &ast ma>orit. o/ the !iterature on ho corre!ations &ar. o&er time is /ocused on the internationa!
stock markets, and ho corre!ations &ar. conditiona! on e-treme returns0 In this section these
/indings are presented, a!ong ith an e-tensi&e cross#asset c!ass corre!ation stud. done b. $oaker
G2,,@H0 To support the case stud., an o&er&ie o/ some !iterature on passi&e &s0 acti&e port/o!io
management, per/ormance e&a!uation and momentum strateg. is a!so be presented, and together the
resu!ts /rom these papers are used to put this thesis into perspecti&e0
3+1 ,nternational stock markets correlation
Longin and So!nik G'((BH in&estigated the corre!ation beteen internationa! stock markets during the
.ears '(@, + '((,, using month!. e-cess return data and /ound that corre!ations had genera!!.
increased o&er time and a!so that the. tended to increase in times o/ high &o!ati!it.0 This acted as the
basis /or their ne-t paperD Longin and So!nik G2,,'H, here the. app!. a bi&ariate /rameork to
stud. the US stock market separate!. against /our internationa! stock markets during the period '(B(
+ '((@0 The. /ind that corre!ations are dependent on market trends and not market &o!ati!it. per se,
and conc!ude that correlation increases during bear markets, but not during bull markets. To reach this
conc!usion the e-treme &a!ue theor. GEKTH
is used to stud. the dependence structure o/ the
di//erent e1uit. indices and estimate the conditiona! corre!ation on increasing, pre#determined
thresho!d !e&e!s o&er a mu!ti&ariate return distribution0 These thresho!d !e&e!s are determined as LM
percentage points aa. /rom the empirica! mean /or each countr.0 Using their approach, as the
thresho!d !e&e!s increases, the corre!ation o/ !arge returns shou!d as.mptotica!!. go to ?ero0 The.
sho that corre!ation o/ !arge negati&e returns does not con&erge to ?ero, but tend to increase ith
the thresho!d !e&e!, hi!e /or positi&e returns the corre!ation decreases and con&erges to ?ero as the
thresho!d !e&e!s increases0 Thus, the assumption o/ mu!ti&ariate norma!it. can be re>ected hen
returns are negati&e, but not hen returns are positi&e0 This pro&ides e&idence that corre!ation
increases during /inancia! stress0
$ampbe!!, =oed>ick and =o/man G2,,2H reached a di//erent conc!usion and state that e&en i/
corre!ation is time#&, it does not imp!. that corre!ations depend on the si?e o/ market
mo&ements, and that corre!ation studies conditiona! on si?e, such as Longin and So!nik G2,,'H
presented abo&e, a!ong ith Ramchand and Susme! G'(()H,, et a!0 G'((*H and Lorethan and
Eng!ish G2,,,H i!! a!! su//er /rom a theoretica! estimation bias0 This bias i!! arise /rom the choice

2or more in/ormation on EKT, see Tan G'())H

o/ e-treme returns, Gi0e0 the nature o/ the conditioning on the si?e o/ the >oint returnH but a!so on the
assumed under!.ing >oint return distribution0 et a!0 and Lorethan and Eng!ish condition their
corre!ation estimates on one component o/ the bi&ariate return distribution, and then estimate the
truncated conditiona! corre!ation /or bi&ariate return obser&ations in the cases here one o/ the
returns e-ceed a certain thresho!d !e&e!0 $ampbe!! et a! G2,,2H criticise this approach, arguing that
truncating a >oint return distribution ith constant corre!ation !eads to a donard bias /or
increasing thresho!d !e&e!s, ith the imp!ication o/ an increase in ho o/ten the assumption o/
constant corre!ation can be re>ected0 Longin and So!nikAs G'((B and 2,,'H methodo!og. is s!ight!.
di//erent as the. on!. consider the cases here both return series e-ceed pre-determined thresho!d
!e&e!s, creating a E1uadrantF o/ re!e&ant return obser&ations0 "hen mo&ing /urther into the bi&ariate
tai!, the conditiona! corre!ations i!! as pre&ious!. discussed con&erge to ?ero0 8oe&er, $ampbe!! et
a! G2,,2H c!aim that this approach gi&es rise to a theoretica! bias simi!ar to that o/ et a!0 and
Lorethan and Eng!ish0
Instead o/ ad>usting the conditioned corre!ation estimates /or this theoretica! bias G/rom
either a truncated or 1uadrant conditioning approachH $ampbe!! et a! G2,,2H take a port/o!io
managers &iepoint and condition their corre!ation measure in a a. consistent ith the port/o!io
Ka!ue#at#risk GKaRH0 5s described b. Linsmeier and 6earson G2,,,H, KaR is a statistica! measure o/
possib!e port/o!io !osses resu!ting /rom Inorma!A market mo&ements, such that the corre!ation
estimates are conditioned on port/o!io returns /a!!ing be!o a pre#speci/ied orst#case port/o!io
1uanti!e, instead o/ being conditioned on the returns on either one or both assets /a!!ing be!o a
particu!ar thresho!d !e&e!0 Through the KaR methodo!og., estimations can be made on the
probabi!it. o/ a port/o!ioAs return /a!!ing be!o a thresho!d KaR#return ith a speci/ied con/idence
!e&e!0 I/ constant corre!ation is assumed o&er the >oint return distribution, the probabi!it. o/ the
port/o!io return /a!!ing be!o the KaR#!e&e! e1ua!s the eighted a&erage o/ the indi&idua! assetAs
probabi!it. o/ /a!!ing be!o the same KaR#!e&e!0 5s con/idence !e&e! increases, return mo&es /urther
into the tai!s Go/ the >oint port/o!io distributionH, and the KaR increases0 I/ at the same time, the
corre!ation beteen the assetsA return ere to increase + the port/o!ios KaR i!! e-ceed the eighted
a&erage KaR o/ the indi&idua! assets, and the corre!ation changes can be pro&ed0 Using the same
e1uit. markets as Longin and So!nik G2,,'H, ith more /re1uent samp!ing but during a shorter time
period, 7a. '((, + 9ecember '(((, Linsmeier and 6earson G2,,,H obser&e an increase in the
conditiona! 1uanti!e corre!ation during both bull markets and bear markets0 This goes against the /indings

o/ Longin and So!nik G2,,'H ho cou!d on!. obser&e an increased corre!ation in bear markets0 This
indicates that di&ersi/ication bene/its erode hen the. are needed the most0
3+2 Stock markets correlation *ith &ond markets
$oaker G2,,@H studies the &o!ati!it. o/ corre!ation and its imp!ications /or asset a!!ocation decisions
b. ana!.sing the simp!e ro!!ing corre!ation o/ 'B di//erent asset c!asses against the S;6 B,, in one#,
three#, /i&e#, and ten#.ear time series o&er a 3B#.ear period G'(*,#2,,4H, using month!. return data0
8e a!so ana!.ses the di&ersi/ication bene/its in .ears hen the S;6 B,, dec!ines0 8e /inds that the
corre!ation o/ in&estment grade corporate bonds ith the S;6 B,, &aries distinct!. o&er time, but
that the. ha&e pro&ided high di&ersi/ication bene/its0 In a!! o/ the eight .ears ithin the samp!e
here the S;6 B,, dec!ined, the bonds earned positi&e returns, ith a 3B#.ear corre!ation o/ ,023
and a high o/ ,0B* /or an. B#.ear period0 9uring the !i/etime o/ the high .ie!d inde- used, the
corre!ation beteen high .ie!d bonds and the S;6 B,, is ,0B,, and out o/ the /our times the S;6
B,, has dec!ined the high .ie!d bonds ha&e dec!ined three times0 The corre!ation beteen the S;6
B,, and high .ie!d bonds is genera!!. stronger and !ess &o!ati!e o&er time than the corre!ation
beteen the S;6 B,, and in&estment grade bonds, indicating that there are greater di&ersi/ication
bene/its /rom in&estment grade than high .ie!d bonds0 This conc!usion is consistent ith the
/indings o/ Rei!!. and "right G2,,'H ho conc!ude that there are e&en stronger corre!ations beteen
high .ie!d bonds and the S;6 B,, than beteen high .ie!d and in&estment grade bond markets0
2o!!oing Rei!!. and "right G2,,'H and $oaker G2,,@H it is shon that in&estment grade
bonds is a better source /or di&ersi/ication that high .ie!d bonds0 This might be e-p!ained b. the
phenomenon E2!ight#to#1ua!it.F as studied b. :aur and Luce. G2,',H, hich is the /!o /rom stocks
into in&estment grade bonds hen there is turmoi! in the /inancia! markets0 8oe&er the researchers
on!. studied short periods o/ up to 2, trading da.s /o!!oing a stock market donturn Gan e-amp!e
being the September ''
terrorist attacksH0 Together the research imp!ies a potentia! bene/it /rom
di&ersi/ication /rom the bond markets0
3+3 Stock markets correlation *ith other asset classes
In the paper b. $oaker G2,,@H the corre!ation beteen the S;6 B,, and natura! resources
as ,04(
or !ess /or a!! B#.ear periods, and negati&e in '* out o/ the past 3B .ears, ith a 3B#.ear corre!ation o/
,0,'0 Catura! resources earned positi&e returns in si- out o/ eight .ears hen the S;6 dec!ined0

3o!dman Sachs $ommodit. Inde-, Geighted on the basis o/ !i1uidit. and or!d market productionH,
httpDNN0go!dmansachs0comNhat#e#doNsecuritiesNproducts#and#business#groupsNproductsNgsciN co!!ected 2,'3#

:O.OkPahin et a! G2,,)H use simp!e ro!!ing corre!ations a!ong ith a d.namic conditiona!
corre!ation G9$$H methodo!og. as de&e!oped b. Enge! G2,,2H to e-amine the corre!ation beteen
the same commodit. inde- as abo&e in three di//erent sub#periods depending on trading &o!umes
and economic conditions0 The sub#periods areD 7a. '((2 + Qune '((*, Qune '((* + 7a. 2,,3 and
Qune 2,,3 + Co&ember 2,,)0 Co corre!ation trends cou!d be /ound b. either the simp!e ro!!ing
corre!ation method or b. the 9$$ method0 2urthermore the. use a methodo!og. simi!ar to that o/
Longin and So!nik G2,,'H to ana!.se stock and commodit. !inkages hen returns on the respecti&e
indices both take &a!ues in a gi&en tai! o/ their respecti&e distributions0 2rom '((' to 7a. 2,,),
corre!ations are negati&e in the >oint !oer tai!, high!ighting the di&ersi/ication bene/its o/
commodities0 8oe&er, hen inc!uding the returns /rom the summer and /a!! o/ 2,,), corre!ations
are positi&e in both the upper and !oer tai!0 This indicates that the di&ersi/ication bene/its o/
commodities decreases during /inancia! distress0
3+6 #cti%e %s+ passi%e portfolio management and performance e%al'ation
"i!!iam 20 Sharpe G'(('H discusses the arithmetic o/ acti&e management and argues that the return
on acti&e!. managed port/o!ios must on a&erage e1ua! the passi&e port/o!ioR that is the market
port/o!io0 This statement can a!so be sca!ed don to a particu!ar asset c!ass0 The !ogic is &er. simp!e,
and at /irst to in&estor t.pes are c!assi/iedD I6assi&eA that ho!d the market port/o!io, and I5cti&eA
hose ho!dings di//er /rom the market port/o!io0 %&er an. speci/ied time period, the market return
must e1ua! the eighted a&erage return on a!! securities in the market, and as the passi&e in&estor
i!! obtain precise!. that return, it is impossib!e /or acti&e in&estors in aggregate to de&iate /rom the
market return0 5s the /irst to returns are the same, the third must be a!so0 That !eads to his /irst
assertionD E:e/ore costs, the return on the a&erage acti&e!. managed do!!ar i!! e1ua! the return on
the a&erage passi&e!. managed do!!arF0 This direct!. imp!ies his second assertionD E5/ter costs, the
return on the a&erage acti&e!. managed do!!ar i!! be !ess than the return on the a&erage passi&e!.
managed do!!arF0 2urthermore he suggests that the best a. to e&a!uate the per/ormance o/ an
acti&e port/o!io is b. comparing it ith a /easib!e passi&e a!ternati&e0
In another paper, Sharpe and 6ero!d G'((BH e-amines and compares a set o/ d.namic
strategies /or asset a!!ocationD I:u.#and#8o!dA, I$onstant#7i-A, I$onstant proportion port/o!io
insuranceA and I%ption based port/o!io insuranceA0 This thesis sha!! /ocus on the /irst to strategies0
5 I:u.#and 8o!dA strateg. is a passi&e strateg. characteri?ed b. an initia! mi- o/ assets that are
bought and he!d ithout reba!ancing, in contrast to the I$onstant#7i-A strateg. that is acti&e in the
sense that it maintains the same proportion o/ assets o&er time0 Each strateg.As per/ormance is

e&a!uated in the case o/ /!at markets, bu!!Nbear markets and in the case o/ &o!ati!eN!ess &o!ati!e
markets0 5 I$onstant#7i-A strateg. imp!ies se!!ing assets as the. appreciate in &a!ue, and them
as the. depreciate, to keep the ratios constant o&er time0 In &o!ati!e markets ithout an. trend, this
strateg. i!! outper/orm as it takes ad&antage o/ Ese!!ing high and !oF0 8oe&er i/ there is a
bu!! or a bear market, the I:u.#and#8o!dA strateg. i!! be more success/u! as re&ersa!s are sma!! and
re!ati&e!. in/re1uent, and the margina! bu. or se!! ca!!s in the I$onstant#7i-A port/o!io i!! o/ten turn
out to be poor!. timed0 "hich strateg. is then the bestS The anser is that no strateg. can be said to
the best /or e&, as it depends on the strateg.As e-pected pa.o// compared ith the in&estorAs
risk to!erance and e-pectations0
There is much !iterature on hat the appropriate per/ormance e&a!uation measure is /or
predicting port/o!io returnsD <akamou!ine ; =oekebakker G2,,(H ackno!edge the common use o/
the Sharpe ratio based on the 7ean#Kariance theor. Gas presented in Section 2H, but a!so state that it
is a &a!id prediction measure on!. hen there can be an accurate measurement o/ the standard de&iation
o/ returns, together ith a norma! return distribution0 It is /urther discussed ho di//erent research
rep!aces the standard de&iation ith other measures o/ the port/o!ios risk, such as donside
de&iation or the concept o/ KaR0 5nother e-amp!e is 2orine!!i et a! G2,,)H ho use di//erent
per/ormance measures accounting /or non#norma!it. in returns in order to /ind the optima! measure
to predict returns.
2or the purpose o/ the case stud.D It is not intended to pro&e the prediction abi!it. o/ the
Sharpe ratio on port/o!io per/ormance, but instead ho di//erent port/o!ios ha&e per/ormed
according to the Sharpe ratio o&er time0 8ence, the Sharpe ratio i!! not be comp!emented b. other
per/ormance measures0 2urther there is a distinction made hether the port/o!ios are I5cti&eA or
I6assi&eA, ith a!! I5cti&eA port/o!ios being o/ the nature I$onstant#7i-A /o!!oing Sharpe and 6ero!d
3+7 4oment'm in asset ret'rns
2o!!oing the paper b. 9ebondt and Tha!er G'()BH discussing the stock markets o&erreaction to
ne in/ormation, Qagadeesh and Titman G'((3H used stock market data to document strong
momentum e//ects, /or e-amp!e as the inners in the past @ months outper/ormed the market b. an
a&erage cumu!ati&e return o/ (0B T p0a0 beteen the .ears '(@B + '()(0 Three .ears !ater, 2ama and
2rench G'((@H /ound support /or the /act that short#term inners tend to outper/orm the market0
5n e-tension o/ this that is high!. re!e&ant to the case stud. are the resu!ts o/ :!it? and K!iet G2,,)H
ho in&estigate momentum e//ects in terms o/ returns and Sharpe ratios across asset c!asses0 It is

c!aimed that the app!ication o/ momentum to g!oba! tactica! asset a!!ocation across '2 asset c!asses
Ginc!uding US in&estment grade and high .ie!d bondsH de!i&ers statistica!!. signi/icant abnorma!
returns0 It is a!so shon that a '2 minus ' month momentum strateg. Gin&esting in the best
per/orming port/o!ios in the past '2 months e-c!uding the most recentH .ie!ds on a&erage a return o/
*0( T p0a0 This approach resemb!es that o/ the acti&e port/o!io in the case stud., hich is presented
in greater detai! in Section @040


6+ $ata
The data consist o/ a stock market inde-, indices /or in&estment grade and high .ie!d bonds, the
price o/ "TI#$rude %i! and go!d0 The data set starts in '()@ or at the inception o/ the particu!ar
inde-, ranging through the beginning o/ 2,'30 5s an inde- is used to pro-. the stock and bond
markets, transaction costs are not inc!uded0
6+1 Stock market
5s a pro-. /or the stock market, the S;6 B,, inde- is chosen0 2irst pub!ished in '(B), the S;6 B,,
is a broad, &a!ue#eighted stock inde- consisting o/ the B,, !argest pub!ic!. traded companies in the
US and is the most ide!. used benchmark o/ stock market per/ormance in the industr.
0 This inde-
is pre/erred abo&e a or!d inde- such as 7S$I#"or!d since the stud. is /ocused on the US market0
The stud. uses month!. return data, co!!ected /rom "R9S0
In order to conduct a robustness test, to additiona! stock indices are usedD the Casda1
$omposite that consists o/ o&er 3,,, companies traded on the C5S95U stock e-change, and the
7S$I#US In&estab!e that consists o/ 2B,, stocks representing () T o/ market capita!isation in the
These to indices ere chosen o&er 9o Qones Industria! 5&erage G9QI5H since the. are both
&a!ue#eighted, compared to the 9QI5 that is a price#eighted inde- on!. containing 3, stocks0
:oth indices as co!!ected /rom :!oomberg0
6+2 Bond markets
The bond indices presented be!o represent a broad bond port/o!io and are rep!icab!e, either
through the bonds direct!. or through an E-change#Traded#2und GET2H0 This data as
co!!ected /rom the St0 Louis 2edera! Reser&e, and a more comprehensi&e description o/ these indices
is presented be!oD
GiH 7erri!! L.nch US $orp 7aster Tota! Return Inde- Ka!ue G7LI3H
Used as pro-. /or in&estment grade bonds in the US market0 The inde- inc!udes corporate debt,
treasuries, agenc. issued debt and asset backed securities0 The maturities o/ the bonds are mi-ed,
pro&iding month!. obser&ations /or the tota! returns in the period '()B + 2,'30
GiiH 7erri!! L.nch 8igh Vie!d 7aster II G7L8VH

G9e7ar?o, 2,,(H
co!!ected 2,'3#,B#,'

$onsists o/ corporate debt issued in the US ith a credit rating /rom 7ood.AsNS;6 !oer than
:aa'N::J or :a'N:::J0 It is an inde- used b. the St0 Louis 2edera! Reser&e as benchmark /or
the high .ie!d bond market pro&iding month!. returns in the period '()B + 2,'30
6+3 "ommodities markets
There is a ide range o/ natura! resources acti&e!. traded in the /inancia! markets, and this stud. uses
to o/ the commodities most common!. tradedD "TI#$rude %i! and go!d0 These are chosen due to
their high re!ati&e eights in the 3o!dman Sachs $ommodit. Inde- G3S$IH that is /re1uent!. used
to pro-. the commodities market, and since go!d is the main /ocus /or one o/ the or!dAs !argest
ET2s0 In&estments in these assets can be either ph.sica! or non#ph.sica! &ia /utures contracts or
ET2s0 This data as co!!ected /rom :!oomberg0
6+6 -ther data
2or the purpose o/ this stud., the /o!!oing data is used in order to in&estigate the dri&ers behind
the changes in corre!ationD
!i" $itigroup Li1uidit. inde-
5 measurement o/ market !i1uidit.D the higher the &a!ue, the !ess !i1uidit. on the market0 The
measurement takes &a!ues beteen , and ', and the /ormu!a behind the inde- is /ound in the
5ppendi-0 This inde- as co!!ected /rom :!oomberg0
!ii" S;6 B,, Ko!ati!it. Inde- GThe KIM inde-H
The KIM inde- is based on imp!ied &o!ati!it. o/ the S;6 B,,, or more speci/ica!!. the risk
neutra! e-pectation o/ the S;6 B,, &ariance o&er the ne-t 3, da.s0 The measure is 1uoted as
annua!i?ed standard de&iations, and the data as co!!ected /rom "R9S0
!iii" Risk#/ree interest rate
In order to accurate!. ca!cu!ate the Sharpe ratios in the case stud., a pro-. /or the risk#/ree
interest rate as co!!ected /rom "R9S under the databaseD E2ama#2rench 2actorXsF and it is
the annua! return rate on a three#month T#:i!!0

6+7 "rises definitions
In order to stud. ho corre!ation &aries ith the onset o/ crises, the /o!!oing crises de/initions are
(i) $otcom crisis
This is de/ined as the bear market /rom !ate 7arch in 2,,, unti! the S;6 B,, reco&ered in
%ctober 2,,20 7ore speci/ica!!.D #$ March #%%% & ' (ctober #%%#.
(ii) S'&prime crisis
This period is considered to start in mid#summer 2,,* as the subprime crisis begins to un/o!d
and /inancia! institutions and companies around the or!d begin to de/au!t0 The crisis period is
de/ined to !ast unti! mid#2,,(, hen the stock market shoed signs o/ reco&er.0 7ore
speci/ica!!.D ) ugust #%%* & +% ,une #%%'.
(iii) So%ereign de&t crisis
This period is considered to start hen 3reece is dongraded to >unk bond status b. Standard
and 6oorAs during Qune 2,''0 The period is /or this thesis de/ined as +% ,une #%)) & +) -ec #%)#.
To supp!ement the periods abo&e, the /o!!oing pre# and post#crisis periods are de/ined in order
to stud. the actua! e//ect hen the crises hit0 These periods are de/ined to ha&e appro-imate!.
the same duration as the crises periods0
iH 6re 9otcom crisis
) ,anuary )''.- #$ Mars #%%%
iiH 6ost 9otcom crisis
' (ctober #%%#- +) -ecember #%%$
iii" 6re subprime crisis
) ,anuary #%%/ -+% ,une #%%*
i&H 6ost subprime crisis
+% ,une #%%'- +% ,une #%))


7+ 8!potheses
This thesis uses a top don approach, here the corre!ation stabi!it. in returns on the S;6 B,, and
the bond indices and the return on the S;6 B,, and the commodities are /irst ana!.sed o&er the
entire samp!e period, '()@ + 2,'3, to determine hether the /irst h.pothesis can be re>ectedD
8!pothesis 1( The correlation in ret'rns &et*een the stock market and the specified asset
classes is constant thro'gh 19:; < 2013+
2o!!oing a re>ection o/ 8.pothesis ', a c!oser e-amination is made o/ the stabi!it. o/ this
corre!ation during periods o/ crisis, as de/ined in Section 40B0
8!pothesis 2( The correlation in ret'rns &et*een the stock market and the specified asset
classes is not affected o%er crisis periods+
2o!!oing 8.pothesis 2, the 9otcom and Subprime#crises i!! be ana!.sed in more detai! in order to
in&estigate i/ an. o/ the /actors de/ined in Section 404 can e-p!ain potentia! changes in corre!ation
during times o/ crisis0 This !eads to the ne-t h.pothesisD
8!pothesis 3( The correlation in ret'rns &et*een the stock market and the specified asset
classes is not affected &! market li3'idit! or changes in market %olatilit!+
These three h.potheses are /o!!oed b. a case stud., hich aims to 1uanti/. the actua!
bene/its o/ cross#asset c!ass di&ersi/ication during the period '()* + 2,'20 5s speci/ied, an increase
in the corre!ation o/ asset returns i!! direct!. increases the risk o/ the port/o!io0 2rom Section 20' it
/o!!os that an in&estorAs ob>ecti&e is to ma-imi?e his Sharpe ratio Gs!ope o/ the $5LH that is returns
in re!ation to risk0 I/ the return corre!ations ere constant, the Sharpe ratio o/ di//erent port/o!ios
ou!d be predictab!e, and there/ore it ou!d be possib!e to see a c!ear pattern on hen to reba!ance
the port/o!io0 The case stud. i!! e&a!uate the per/ormance o/ the indi&idua! asset c!asses compared
to a set o/ acti&e port/o!ios in terms o/ their .ear!., rea!i?ed Sharpe ratios, in order to 1uanti/. the
historica! di&ersi/ication bene/its o/ the di//erent assets o&er time in genera!, and during crises in
"ase st'd!( E%al'ate the historical cross-asset class di%ersification &enefits o%er time
in general and d'ring crises in partic'lar0 in terms of the portfolios Sharpe ratios+


;+ 4ethodolog!
In this section, ho the di//erent h.potheses are tested and ho the case stud. is per/ormed is
presented in greater detai!0 To get a better understanding o/ ho the di//erent regressions are run, a
description i!! /irst be presented o/ the a. in hich autocorre!ation amongst the error terms as
;+1 =e*e!->est standard errors
5s i!! be presented !ater in this section, mo&ing and ro!!ing estimation indos are used /or the
return corre!ations, hich gi&e rise to the prob!em o/ autocorre!ation, that is that the corre!ation in
period C is a//ected b. the corre!ation in period C#'0 5 method to reduce this e//ect as de&e!oped
b. Cee. and "est G'()*H, hich uses a positi&e, semi#de/inite, heteroskedasticit. and
autocorre!ation#consistent co&ariance matri- to reduce the autocorre!ation /rom an ordinar.#!east#
s1uare G%LSH regression0 The %LS#regression rests on se&era! assumptions, hich can be partia!!.
reso!&ed b. using this a!ternati&e approach0 The Cee.#"est standard errors are ca!cu!ated
dependant on a choice o/ ma-imum !ag, hich is ca!cu!ated /rom a distributed !ag o/ the %LS#
residua!s, and this is chosen to match the actua! indo !ength hen per/orming the tests0 The use
o/ Cee.#"est standard errors i!! be robust to arbitrar. departures /rom homoskedasticit., hich
is one under!.ing assumption in %LS#regressions0 This i!! in /act bring higher standard errors to
the regressionsR hoe&er the resu!ts i!! be more re!iab!e0
;+2 Testing for constant correlation o%er time0 19:; < 2012
<i&ot and "ang G2,,3H discuss the common use o/ ro!!ing ana!.sis o/ time#series data, and assert
that i/ parameters are tru!. constant, that the estimates o&er a /i-ed si?e ro!!ing indo shou!d then
not be too di//erent0 This method is used b. $oaker G2,,@H to stud. corre!ation &o!ati!it. o&er time,
and i!! be used in this stud.0 5nother method discussed as common in the ana!.sis o/ /inancia!
time#series data in particu!ar is the use o/ a mo&ing indo Gor mo&ing a&erage indoH, here the
indo is s.mmetric around the particu!ar obser&ation, and here the estimate is the aggregate
corre!ation ithin the indo0 To reach a stronger conc!usion, both non#o&er!apping ro!!ing
indos o/ '2 months, as used b. $oaker G2,,@H, and mo&ing indo corre!ation estimations are
graphed and ana!.sed0 5s the si?e o/ the indo has a strong impact o/ the resu!ts, particu!ar!. in
the mo&ing indo corre!ation estimations, three di//erent indo si?es are usedD @, 24 and @,
months, to high!ight the di//erencesR hoe&er the main /ocus i!! be on the 24 month indo0

In order to 1uanti/. these resu!ts /urther, the /o!!oing regression ith Cee.#"est
standard errors is run ith the corre!ation beteen the stock market return and asset returns GMH as
the dependent &ariab!e, and .ear!. dumm. &ariab!es co&ering the entire time#series, to see i/ there are
certain periods that more strong!. a//ects the corre!ationD

Stock mukct;X
= o + [
- ummy1 + [
- ummy2 ++ e G@020'H
I/ the corre!ation is constant, no indi&idua! dumm. ou!d pro&ide more signi/icant resu!ts than
another0 The regression is run ith corre!ation &a!ues /rom a '3 months mo&ing indo, hich is @
months be/ore and a/ter each indi&idua! obser&ation0 Thus, the !ag speci/ied as @ months0
5!! regressions in this thesis are run ith a indo and !ag as speci/ied abo&e0
;+3 Testing if the correlations are 'naffected d'ring crises periods
5 regression ith Cee.#"est standard errors is run ith corre!ation as the dependent &ariab!e on
three c!ustered dumm. &ariab!esD 5 I$risisA dumm. consisting o/ the obser&ations during a speci/ied
crisis, and simi!ar!. the periods be/ore and a/ter crises periods are grouped into the dumm. &ariab!esD
E6re $risisF and E6ost crisisF, respecti&e!.0 This regression pro&ides the /irst insight into ho the
di//erent asset c!asses return corre!ations changes ith the onset o/ crises, and hat asset c!asses
appears to be more a//ected than others0 The regression be!o is run /or a!! asset returns
corre!ations ith the return on the stock marketD
Stock mukct;X
= o + [
- Prc Crisis + [
- Crisis + [
- Post Crisis + e G@030'H
5s the particu!ar crises are studied in more detai!, a regression ith Cee.#"est standard errors is
run simi!ar to @030' but ithout grouping the periods0 2o!!oing this regression, it can be high!ighted
i/ an. particu!ar periods more strong!. a//ect the corre!ation in returns beteen the stock market and
the asset c!asses0 The regression is speci/ied asD
Stock mukct;X
= o + [
- Prc otcom+ [
- otcom+ [
- Post Jotcom+ [
Prc Subprimc + [
- Subprimc + [
- PostSubprimc + [
- So:crcign + e G@0302H
The regression is accompanied b. a graphica! i!!ustration o/ the mo&ing indo corre!ations during
the time be/ore, during and a/ter the speci/ic crises, to i!!ustrate i/ the corre!ation remains at a certain
!e&e! throughout the crisis periods0

;+6 Testing if the correlations are 'naffected &! market factors
In !ine ith the methodo!og. presented /or testing 8.potheses ' and 2, a regression is run ith
Cee.#"est standard errors ho!ding the corre!ation beteen the stock market and asset returns as
the dependent &ariab!e, and the month!. change in the parameters /rom Section 404 as the
e-p!anator. &ariab!es0
The !i1uidit. !e&e! is ca!cu!ated as the mo&ing a&erage o&er the same indo as the mo&ing
corre!ation, that are using @ months be/ore each obser&ation and @ months a/ter0 The changes in
&o!ati!it. is ca!cu!ated in to steps, /irst b. creating a mo&ing a&erage o/ &o!ati!it. using the same
indo as abo&e, and then b. creating return b. di&iding obser&ation C ith obser&ation C#'0 This
methodo!og. so!&es the prob!em o/ comparing a spot price ith a mo&ing a&erage, as on!. mo&ing
a&erages are compared0 It is a!so emphasi?ed that this approach might resu!t in regression
coe//icients abo&e ' or be!o #', seen in [
and [
be!o, but gi&en the sma!! number on the
Li1uidit. !e&e! and the change in &o!ati!it., the corre!ation i!! a!a.s remain in the range o/ #' to '0
The regression is speci/ied asD

Stock mukct;X
= o +[
- IiquiJity + [
- A Iolotility + e G@040'H
;+7 "ase st'd!( #ssessing the &enefits of di%ersification
The aim o/ this stud. is to sho hat asset c!asses ha&e pro&ided the best di&ersi/ication bene/its
o&er the 2B .ear period '()B + 2,'20 5s shon in Section 2, the corre!ation beteen assets
u!timate!. determines the risk o/ the port/o!io, and i/ in&estors are assumed to act rationa!!., the. are
on!. concerned about return in re!ation to risk0 The Sharpe ratio measures this re!ationship, and is
chosen to e&a!uate the per/ormance o/ the set o/ port/o!ios, to understand hich port/o!ios that
pro&ided the best return in re!ation to risk on a .ear!. basis0 The resu!ts are ana!.sed through the
perspecti&e o/ the resu!ts /rom 8.pothesis ' + 3, to conc!ude the actua! di&ersi/ication bene/its /rom
di&ersi/ication as corre!ation changes o&er time, and during particu!ar crisis periods0 This measure
as chosen based on the assumption o/ in&estorsA rationa!it. Gabo&eH, and it is one o/ the measures
used b. :!it? and K!iet G2,,)H to e&a!uate the per/ormance o/ momentum strategies across asset
This stud. compares the per/ormance o/ a port/o!io that is acti&e!. reba!anced e&er. .ear,
based on the combination o/ asset c!asses that per/ormed the best in the pre&ious .ear, hich is a

modi/ied but sti!! simi!ar approach to that o/ :!it? and K!iet G2,,)H, ith the /o!!oing set o/ passi&e
Y6Z and acti&e I$onstant#7i-A Y$7Z port/o!ios, c!assi/ied on the basis o/ Sharpe and 6ero!d G'((BHD

iH 9i&ersi/ied port/o!io ith e1ua! eights G2,TH in stocks, in&estment grade and high .ie!d
bonds, oi! and go!d Y$7Z
iiH :ond port/o!io GB, T in in&estment gradeNhigh .ie!d bond port/o!io respecti&e!.H Y$7Z
iiiH Stock port/o!io G',, T in the S;6 B,,H Y6Z
i&H Stock and bond port/o!io GB, T in the Stock and :ond port/o!io respecti&e!.H Y$7Z
&H In&estment grade bond port/o!io G',, TH Y6Z
&iH 8igh .ie!d bond port/o!io G',, TH Y6Z
&iiH 3o!d port/o!io G',, TH Y6Z
&iiiH %i! port/o!io G',, TH Y6Z
i-H 5&erage optima! port/o!io G34 T in the in&estment gradeNhigh .ie!d bond port/o!ios
respecti&e!., ( T in the stock port/o!io and '2 T in the 3o!d and %i! port/o!ios
respecti&e!.H Y$7Z
The case stud. is carried out in E-ce!, and uses the month!. return data as speci/ied in Sections 40',
402 and 4030 5s Sharpe ratios are e&a!uated on a .ear!. basis, the month!. return is compounded to
get the .ear!. returns /rom each asset c!ass, and a co&ariance matri- is constructed on a .ear!. basis,
based on the return data in each .ear Gthat is 2B matrices in tota!H0 The stud. starts out b. /inding the
optima! eights in each asset c!ass e&er. .ear to produce the highest possib!e annua! Sharpe ratio0
2or this purpose, a second Ieighted co&ariance matri-A is set up /or each .ear, based on the /ormer
co&ariance matri-, and the eights in each asset c!ass0 The sum o/ this eighted co&ariance matri- is
the port/o!io &ariance, and the standard de&iation is the s1uare root o/ the port/o!io &ariance0 The
return o/ the port/o!io is the simp!e eighted a&erage o/ the asset returns, ca!cu!ated /rom the .ear!.
returns and the eights in each asset c!ass0 5s the Sharpe ratio uses e-cess returns, the a&erage risk#
/ree rate as ca!cu!ated on a .ear!. basis Gspeci/ied in Section 404H, and subtracted /rom the port/o!io
return, thus creating port/o!io e-cess returns on a .ear!. basis0 The Sharpe ratio is ca!cu!ated b.
di&iding this port/o!io e-cess return ith its standard de&iation0 To /ind the optima! port/o!io, the
So!&er /unction is used to ma-imi?e the Sharpe ratio direct!., b. changing the port/o!io eights, as
the. u!timate!. determine both the standard de&iation and return on the port/o!io0 5 constraint as

put on the eights to be in the range o/ , T + ',, T, and that the tota! eights had to sum up to
',, T, thus imp!ementing a short#sa!e and borroing constraint /or the port/o!io0
To /ind the Sharpe ratios o/ port/o!iosD i, ii, i& and i-, the same procedure ith a eighted
co&ariance matri- is constructed on a .ear!. basis, hoe&er ho!ding the eights in each asset c!ass
/i-ed Ghence a I$onstant#7i- port/o!ioH0 The sum o/ the co&ariance matrices constitutes the &ariance
on each port/o!io, and the Sharpe ratio is simi!ar!. the eighted a&erage o/ the .ear!. returns !ess the
a&erage .ear!. risk#/ree rate, di&ided b. the s1uare root o/ the port/o!io &ariance0
The Sharpe ratios /or port/o!ios ii, iii, &, &i, &iiH and &iii, is the .ear!. e-cess returns, di&ided
b. the .ear!. standard de&iations o/ returns0
To measure the per/ormance o/ the acti&e port/o!io reba!anced each .ear based on the
optima! port/o!io, a eighted co&ariance matri- is set up /or each .ear, using the eights /rom .ear
C#', and the e-cess return is ca!cu!ated using the same optima! eights /rom .ear C#', and the
return and risk#/ree rate in .ear C0
5s the stud. is per/ormed on a .ear!. basis, there is a need to de/ine entire .ears as crisis periods, as
e!! as pre# and post#crisis periods, in order to ana!.se ho the Sharpe ratios are a//ected o&er the
crises c.c!es0 The ne, broader de/initions are presented be!oD
aH 6re 9otcomD '(() and '(((
bH 9otcom crisisD 2,,,, 2,,'and 2,,2
cH 6ost 9otcomD 2,,3 and 2,,4
dH 6re SubprimeD 2,,B and 2,,@
eH Subprime crisisD 2,,* and 2,,)
/H 6ost SubprimeD 2,,( and 2,',
gH So&ereign debt crisisD 2,'' and 2,'2
In order to i!!ustrate the best di&ersi/ication bene/its, the month!. return on the port/o!ios ith the
highest Sharpe ratios during the speci/ic crises are graphed0
;+; /o&'stness test
In order to conduct a robustness test o/ the stud., 8.potheses 2 and 3 as re#tested ith ne
pro-ies /or the stock market0 5s the stud. takes the &iepoint o/ an e1uit. in&estor, it is determined
hether the resu!ts are robust in the sense that the same resu!t ou!d app!. to a broader set o/
e1uit. in&estors, e0g0 using a!ternati&e stock indices0 The ne pro-ies /or the stock market are

described in Section 40'0 5!! other data remain the same, as does the methodo!og. in testing the
;+? 5ro&lemati2ation
The /irst ob&ious prob!em ith the methodo!og. described abo&e is that o/ autocorre!ation0 This
prob!em is tack!ed as described in Section @0' b. the use o/ Cee.#"est standard errors0 8oe&er
the prob!em is not comp!ete!. reso!&ed0 There a!so e-ist some prob!ems ith endogeneit. since
there might be a number o/ parameters in the error term o/ especia!!. the !i1uidit. and &o!ati!it. data0
It can a!so be assumed that a !ot o/ other /actors corre!ate ith these to parameters in times o/
The choice o/ Sharpe ratio as the risk#ad>usted return measure /or the purpose o/ the case
stud. can a!so be 1uestioned, and se&era! other measures e-ist, such as the Tre.nor ratio and the
7odig!iani risk#ad>usted per/ormance /rameork GR56H0 Sharpe ratio as chosen o&er the Tre.nor
ratio since the !atter on!. takes into account market risk G[H0 The R56#/rameork has some
ad&antages o&er the Sharpe ratio, main!. that it 1uanti/ies the risk#ad>usted return as percentages,
hoe&er it as re>ected since the Sharpe ratio has a stronger connection ith the theoretica!
/rameork presented0 2urthermore, the R56#/rameork is partia!!. deri&ed /rom the Sharpe ratio0
5nother criticism o/ the Sharpe ratio is the scepticism o/ the e-istence o/ a risk#/ree rate0
8oe&er, /inance theor. re!ies on the e-istence o/ a risk#/ree rate and this prob!em i!! a!a.s be
present no matter hich risk#ad>usted measure that is chosen0


?+ /es'lts
This section i!! present the resu!ts obtained /or the h.potheses and the case stud.0 The discussion
and interpretation o/ these /indings i!! be presented in Section )0 5n initia! i!!ustration o/ the
returns on the di//erent asset c!asses /rom '()@ to 2,'3 is shon in 2igure ', and it is c!ear that the
stock market outper/ormed the other asset c!asses in terms o/ returns during the '((,s, !osing some
o/ this outper/ormance during the 2,,,s0
?+1 "onstant correlation test res'lts
2o!!oing the ca!cu!ation o/ three di//erent mo&ing corre!ation indos, the graphica! resu!ts o/ the
24 month corre!ation indo beteen the stock and bond markets and the stock and commodities
markets are presented in 2igures 2 and 4 respecti&e!.0 The ro!!ing '2 month corre!ation indos in
1uestion are presented in 2igures 3 and B respecti&e!.0 The graphs match up e!!R the main
di//erence is that the ro!!ing indos sho sharper sings due to /eer obser&ations0 3raphica!
i!!ustrations o/ the resu!ts /rom the @ and @, month mo&ing indo can be /ound in the 5ppendi-0
The corre!ation beteen the stock# and high .ie!d bond markets di&erges in corre!ation /rom
the stock# and in&estment grade bond markets in the 2,,,s, e-hibiting consistent!. higher !e&e!s o/
corre!ation0 2rom this graphica! i!!ustration, it appears as i/ the corre!ation beteen the stock and
bond markets is not particu!ar!. stab!e o&er time0
The corre!ation beteen the stock# and commodities markets e-hibits a higher rate o/
&ariabi!it. than the stock# and bond market, and a!so a genera!!. !oer !e&e! o/ corre!ation0 5s in the
case o/ the stock# and bond markets corre!ation, it supports a re>ection o/ the h.pothesis that
corre!ation is in /act constant o&er time0
These graphica! i!!ustrations o/ a non#stab!e corre!ation are supported b. the descripti&e
statistics in Tab!e ', hich e-hibit a high !e&e! o/ &ariance in the corre!ation coe//icients, ith
ma-imum !e&e!s o/ corre!ation being &er. high /or a!! assets, and a!so strong!. negati&e !e&e!s o/
corre!ation as a minimum0
Running regression @020' ith Cee.#"est standard errors shos that some .ears ha&e
signi/icant!. stronger e-p!anator. e//ects than others on each o/ the corre!ations, signi/icant on a B
T !e&e!, as presented in Tab!e 20

This test together with the graphical investigation leads us to re0ect 1ypothesis ) and to conclude that correlation is
neither constant nor stable over time.

?+2 The effect of crises periods on correlation
5s corre!ation as pro&en to &ar. signi/icant!. o&er time, the /ocus is no shi/ted toards
corre!ation changes in times o/ crisis0 The resu!ts /rom Regression @030' ith Cee.#"est standard
errors that inc!uded the three c!ustered dumm. &ariab!esD I$risisA, I6re#crisisA and I6ost#crisisA are
presented in Tab!e 30 The stock market corre!ation ith in&estment grade bonds remains at !o
!e&e!s o&er the crises, and it e&en shos that corre!ation i!! decrease in times o/ crises, and in the
post#crisis period, that the corre!ation decreases e&en /urther, as the in&estment grade bonds do not
/o!!o the stock market in the bu!! market reco&er. /o!!oing the crises0 This is i!!ustrated in 2igure
'0 5!! resu!ts /rom the in&estment grade bond market are signi/icant at the ' T !e&e!0
The high .ie!d bond market i!! becomes increasing!. corre!ated ith the stock market
during times o/ crisis, hoe&er the signi/icance is !oer G'* TH0 In times a/ter crises the corre!ation
dec!ines, but at a !e&e! that is not as statistica!!. signi/icant0 8oe&er, this presents a pattern that
suggests that during crises the corre!ation increases as the returns on both the high .ie!d bond# and
stock market are negati&e0 Thus a di//erence beteen the bond markets, here in&estment grade
bond corre!ation decreases ith the stock market during and a/ter crises is obser&ed, hereas the
high .ie!d bond corre!ation appears to increase during crises0
"TI#$rude %i! shos !itt!e to no signi/icance in e-p!aining corre!ation di//erences o&er
periods o/ crisis, hereas go!d decreases its corre!ation ith the stock market during crisesR hoe&er
this is on!. signi/icant at the 'B T !e&e!0
Tab!e 4 shos the regression resu!ts /rom regression @0302 and pro&ides more detai!ed
in/ormation /or the speci/ic crises0 5round the 9otcom crisis the corre!ation beteen the stock
market and in&estment grade bonds decreases during the actua! crisis period, a resu!t that is
signi/icant e&en be!o the ' T !e&e!0 This is a!so &isua!ised in 2igure @0 5round the Subprime crisis,
the corre!ation increases s!ight!., but it remains at !o !e&e!s throughout the crisis c.c!e0 2igure )
shos ho the corre!ation decreases in the beginning o/ the crisis, be/ore it increases toards the
end o/ the period, decreasing again a/ter the crisis0
The high .ie!d bond market shos di//erent resu!ts, ith a strong increase in corre!ation
during both the Subprime and So&ereign debt crisis, as there is a strong increase in corre!ation,
signi/icant at the ' T !e&e! in both cases, as disp!a.ed in Tab!e 40 2igure ) shos ho there is an
aggregate increase in corre!ation during the Subprime crisis0
3o!d shos a strong decrease in corre!ation during the So&ereign debt crisis hich is
signi/icant be!o the ' T !e&e!0 9uring the Subprime crisis the corre!ation a!so decreases, hoe&er at

a !ess signi/icant !e&e!, '@ T0 2igure ( shos ho the corre!ation beteen go!d and the stock market
trends donards going into the Subprime crisis, and ho the corre!ation seems to increase a/ter
the crisis0
The changes in corre!ation during times o/ crisis /or "TI#$rude %i! and the stock market
shos a !ack o/ signi/icance in Tab!e 4, and /rom 2igure * and 2igure ( no c!ear trend can be
2rom these results, we re0ect 1ypothesis # in the sense that correlation is unaffected during crises for investment grade
and high yield bonds as well as gold. 2or 3T4-Crude (il, we cannot re0ect 1ypothesis #.
?+3 The effect of market parameters on correlation
2o!!oing the resu!ts /or 8.pothesis 2, it is shon that in&estment grade bonds decreased its
corre!ation ith the stock market during and a/ter the 9otcom crisis, and resisted the increase in
corre!ation during the Subprime crisis that high .ie!d bonds e-perienced0 3o!d decreased in
corre!ation ith the stock market during the Subprime and So&ereign debt crises, and these resu!ts
!ead us to /ocus 8.pothesis 3 toards those to asset c!asses, to understand h. there ha&e been
di&ersi/ication bene/its /rom in&estment grade bonds and go!d0
The resu!ts /rom regression @040' are presented in Tab!e B0 9uring the 9otcom crisis the
!i1uidit. !e&e! has a signi/icant e//ect on the corre!ation beteen the stock market and both asset
c!assesR hoe&er the e//ect is much stronger on in&estment grade bonds0 This indicates that as
!i1uidit. is reduced in the market, the corre!ation decreases, and /o!!oing 8.pothesis 2 it is seen
that the corre!ation decreases beteen the stock market and in&estment grade bonds during the
9otcom crisis0
The changes in &o!ati!it. do not ha&e an. e-p!anator. e//ects during the same crisis0 9uring
the Subprime crisis the dominant e//ect stems /rom the changes in the market &o!ati!it. !e&e!, and as
the &o!ati!it. increases in the market, the corre!ation decreases beteen the stock market and the
asset c!asses, the e//ect being higher /or go!d than /or in&estment grade bonds0 This decrease in
market !i1uidit. Gor the increase in the !i1uidit. premiumH positi&e!. a//ects the in&estment grade
bond marketAs corre!ation ith the stock market during this crisis, and the opposite is true /or the
corre!ation beteen go!d and the stock market0
2rom these results, we re0ect 1ypothesis + as both li5uidity and changes in volatility significantly affects the correlation
during crisis periods6 however there are differences in the effects between the different crises.

?+6 "ase st'd! res'lts
2o!!oing the re>ection o/ 8.pothesis 2 /or a!! asset c!asses apart /rom "TI#$rude %i!, the /ocus
no shi/ts toards the actua! bene/its o/ di&ersi/ication during the 2B .ear#period '()* + 2,'2 in
order to understand hether there is a direct e//ect on in&estment management /rom changes in
corre!ation0 5t /irst the summar. statistics are presented, be/ore getting into ho the optima!
port/o!io &aries in composition0 It is then e-p!ored ho the di//erent port/o!ios per/ormed at the
onset o/ crises in genera! and during the speci/ic crises in particu!ar0
?+6+1 S'mmar! statistics
I/ an in&estor cou!d per/ect!. anticipate changes in the /inancia! markets and then position himse!/
according!., it ou!d be possib!e to achie&e the optima! Sharpe ratio each .ear0 The descripti&e
statistics o/ a!! port/o!ios are presented in Tab!e @, the .ear!. Sharpe ratios o/ a!! port/o!ios are
presented in Tab!e * and the .ear!. composition o/ the optima! Sharpe ratio is presented in Tab!e )0
The optima! port/o!io under short#sa!e and borroing constraints shos an a&erage Sharpe ratio o/
30'@0 The port/o!io reba!anced each .ear a!ong the optima! eights in the pre&ious .ear .ie!ds an
a&erage Sharpe ratio o/ ,0)@, hich is simi!ar to the passi&e port/o!io that ho!ds a di&ersi/ied set o/
assets that a&eraged a ratio o/ ,0)B0 8oe&er, the &ariation in the di&ersi/ied port/o!io is the !oest
o/ a!! port/o!ios0 It is a!so shon that the a&erage optima! port/o!io is a di&ersi/ied port/o!io, ith
ho!dings in each o/ the di//erent asset c!asses, hoe&er ith the !oest ho!dings in the Stock
The highest Sharpe ratios among the passi&e port/o!ios is /ound in the bond markets, here
the high .ie!d port/o!io .ie!ded the highest Sharpe ratios on a&erage G'0B,H, but ith a high &ariation0
The in&estment grade port/o!io pro&ed to be much sa/er, and sti!! pro&ided Sharpe ratios on a&erage
abo&e '0, G'0,4H0 The e1ua!!. eighted bond port/o!io per/ormed e!!, ith the sa/et. /rom the
in&estment grade bonds !imiting the donside, and the high .ie!d bonds pro&iding higher upsides,
.ie!ding an a&erage Sharpe ratio o/ '03,0
The stock market had a good decade in the '((,s, G'0B3H but crashed rather hard in the
2,,,s G,0'*H resu!ting in an a&erage Sharpe ratio o/ ,0**0 2or the broad e1uit. in&estor, it is pro&en
that there are strong gains to be made b. in&esting B, T o/ the port/o!ioAs &a!ue in the bond
port/o!ioD this strateg. sti!! outper/ormed the strong stock market in the '((,s, and !anded much
so/ter in the 2,,,s, .ie!ding Sharpe ratios o/ '0*3 and ,0@2 respecti&e!., /or an a&erage o/ '0,*0
$ommodities had the !oest Sharpe ratios on a&erage, much due to the high standard
de&iation in the returns0 3o!d had a particu!ar!. bad decade in the '((,s, but reco&ered in the 2,,,s,

ith Sharpe ratios o/ +,0)4 and ,0(' respecti&e!., /or the !oest a&erage o/ ,0,40 %i! per/ormed
second orst, ith an a&erage Sharpe ratio o/ ,02* o&er the samp!e period0
?+6+2 The portfolios performance d'ring crises in general
5s the case stud. as carried out on a .ear!. basis, the crisis de/initions /o!!o the speci/ication in
Section @040 In the pre#crisis periods, the best per/orming port/o!io as the di&erse and passi&e
port/o!io, ith e1ua! eights in a!! o/ the /i&e asset c!asses0 The in&estment grade bonds per/orm
rather bad!. during the pre#crisis periods, and the on!. to port/o!ios ith a negati&e Sharpe ratio
are the in&estment grade bonds and the e1ua!!. eighted bond port/o!io0 This hoe&er changes
dramatica!!. ith the onset o/ an actua! crisis period, here the re!ati&e per/ormance o/ the
port/o!ios changes substantia!!.0 The resu!ts sho that the orst per/ormer in pre#crisis periods
becomes the best per/ormer during crisis periods, as the in&estment grade bonds per/orm the best,
ith the high a&erage Sharpe ratio o/ '03B Gcomparing this ith the a&erage stock per/ormance ith
a ratio o/ +,0@*, puts this ratio into perspecti&eH0 Thus, there appears to be a !agging e//ect /rom the
bad per/ormance o/ the bond market into the stock market0 The second best per/ormance is shon
in the one#.ear reba!ancing port/o!ioR hoe&er this is due to the !arge ho!ding o/ in&estment grade
bonds during the 9otcom crisis in the optima! port/o!io Gsee Tab!e )H0
In post#crisis periods, the high .ie!d bonds are the best per/ormer, ith a &er. high a&erage
Sharpe ratio o/ 30'(, /o!!oed b. the a&erage optima! port/o!io and the e1ua!!. eighted bond
port/o!io0 Coticeab!e is the /act that a!! port/o!ios in the stud. sho Sharpe ratios abo&e '0, during
this reco&er. period0
?+6+3 $i%ersification &enefits d'ring the $otcom crisis
In the to#.ear period be/ore the 9otcom crisis, both the in&estment grade and high .ie!d bond
markets ere underper/orming compared to the stock market0 9uring the crisis period, this
re!ationship is re&ersed and the in&estment grade bond market is the best per/ormer0 This is
consistent ith the resu!ts /rom 8.pothesis 2, that the corre!ation decreased beteen the stock
market and in&estment grade bonds0 8ence, this corre!ation decrease is pro&en to direct!. a//ect the
per/ormance o/ the port/o!ios0 5s as a!so shon in the resu!ts /or 8.pothesis 2, the high .ie!d
bond market corre!ation ith the stock market increases during a crisis, hich ho!ds true a!so in this
stud. as the Sharpe ratios remain be!o ,0 This shos that in&estment grade bonds ere the best
possib!e di&ersi/ication during the 9otcom crisis in terms o/ reard#to#risk0 The period a/ter the
crisis is a time here the high .ie!d bond market takes o//, e&en more than the stock market, again in

!ine ith ear!ier tests, and the Sharpe ratio o/ the in&estment grade bonds dec!ine, hoe&er sti!! being
at positi&e !e&e!s0 The commodities markets sho a dec!ine in per/ormance during the crisis period,
indicating that the di&ersi/ication bene/its ere not as good as in the case o/ in&estment grade
bonds0 The month!. returns during the 9otcom crisis /or in&estment grade bonds, go!d and the
stock market are i!!ustrated in 2igure ',0 The &o!ati!it. in returns o/ in&estment grade bonds is
shon to be much !oer than /or go!d during this crisis0
?+6+6 $i%ersification &enefits d'ring the S'&prime crisis
:e/ore the crisis, the best per/ormance is /ound in the e1ua!!. eighted and di&ersi/ied port/o!io and
the a&erage optima! port/o!io0 The high .ie!d bond market a!so per/ormed e!!0 The pattern
pre&ious!. mentioned, ith negati&e Sharpe ratios on in&estment grade bonds in pre#crisis periods,
a!so ho!ds true /or the Subprime crisis0 5!though during the actua! crisis, the per/ormance o/
in&estment grade bonds increased, hoe&er there as sti!! a s!ight!. negati&e Sharpe ratio G#,0'@H as
the corre!ation ith the stock market did not decrease as much as during the 9otcom crisis, hich is
consistent ith the /indings o/ 8.pothesis 20 2o!!oing 8.pothesis 2, the best per/ormer shou!d be
go!d, as the corre!ation as shon to decrease during the Subprime crisis, something that pro&es to
ho!d, ith an a&erage Sharpe ratio o/ '0,B0 The orst per/orming port/o!ios are the stock# and high
.ie!d bond port/o!io, /indings that are a!so consistent ith the resu!ts /rom 8.pothesis 2,
high!ighting an important connection beteen the to asset c!asses0 The on!. port/o!ios that sho
positi&e Sharpe ratios during this crisis are the commodities and di&ersi/ied port/o!ios0 The period
a/ter the Subprime crisis is characteri?ed b. high and positi&e Sharpe ratios across a!! port/o!ios Ga!!
abo&e '0,H0 The month!. returns during the Subprime crisis /or in&estment grade bonds, go!d and
the stock market are i!!ustrated in 2igure ''0 E&en though go!d had the higher Sharpe ratio during
this crisis, the &o!ati!it. in returns on in&estment grade bonds ere sti!! !oer than /or go!d0
This Case study supports the findings in 1ypothesis #, and highlights the importance of correlation changes on
investment management. 4nvestment grade bonds provided the best diversification during the -otcom crisis, and also
performed better than the stock market during the Subprime crisis. 7old provided the best diversification benefits
during the Subprime crisis, and it can be concluded that a strategy that rebalances on a yearly basis on the best
performance in the previous year is not an appropriate strategy from a diversification standpoint.


?+7 /o&'stness test res'lts
5s this stud. in&estigates the time#& corre!ation beteen the stock market and the
bondNcommodities markets to assess the bene/its o/ cross#asset c!ass di&ersi/ication, the pro-. /or
the stock market as a!tered /rom the S;6 B,, to the Casda1 composite inde- and the 7S$I#US
In&estab!e inde-, to test the robustness o/ the resu!ts presented in Sections *02 and *030
Tab!e '' shos the 7S$I#US In&estab!e inde-As corre!ation ith the other asset c!asses at
the onset o/ a crisis, and it is shon that high .ie!d bonds sho a stronger, more signi/icant increase
in corre!ation during crises0 The in&estment grade bonds sho a stronger negati&e change in
corre!ation ith the period /o!!oing crises, and a signi/icant negati&e change during crises0 Thus the
use o/ the 7S$I#US In&estab!e inde- amp!i/ies the resu!ts /rom the bond markets0 This is hoe&er
not the case /or commodities, here oi! is not at a!! signi/icant, and go!d shos a !ess signi/icant
decrease in corre!ation during crises than ith the S;6 B,,, signi/icant at the 2' T !e&e!0 5na!.sing
the crises in more detai! as in Tab!e '3, the resu!ts shos a genera! support /or the ear!ier /indings0
Using the Casda1 composite inde- as the stock market pro-., Tab!e '2 a!so shos that high
.ie!d bonds increase in corre!ation ith the stock market during crises in genera!, but /or in&estment
grade bonds it on!. shos signi/icant decreases in corre!ation in the period a/ter crises0 8oe&er
hen 2igure '@, there is a c!ear donards trend in corre!ation beteen in&estment grade
bonds and the stock market, e&en i/ the regression resu!ts are !ess signi/icant than ith other stock
market pro-ies0 Tab!e '4 shos the resu!ts /rom regression @0302, hich is in !ine ith pre&ious
resu!ts0 The graphica! i!!ustrations sho that the resu!ts /rom the robustness test are in !ine ith the
/indings /rom 8.pothesis 20
The robustness test o/ 8.pothesis 3 is presented in Tab!e 'B, herein it is possib!e to see
that the chosen market /actors ha&e the same e//ect hen using both the Casda1 composite inde-
and the 7S$I#US In&estab!e inde- as hen the S;6 B,, is used0 The same coe//icients are
signi/icant and the. ha&e simi!ar &a!ues0 This i!! strengthen the conc!usions in the ana!.sis as e!! as
the presented resu!ts0


:+ #nal!sis
In this Section, the resu!ts presented in Section * are ana!.sed and discussed0 The aim is to put the
/indings /rom this thesis into perspecti&e b. connecting the resu!ts ith pre&ious !iterature, and to
discuss the imp!ications /or in&estment management, as e!! as suggesting areas /or /urther research0
5t /irst this stud. aimed to cha!!enge the assumption o/ the 76T that corre!ation is constant
o&er time0 This as pro&en to be rong b. the /irst tests here it as possib!e to see that
corre!ations &ar. distinct!. o&er timeR &o!ati!it. can be obser&ed both graphica!!. and /rom the
regression resu!ts0 This supports the /indings o/ $oaker G2,,@H, and as corre!ation does &ar. o&er
time, this brings both opportunities and signi/icant risks to in&estors0 I/ corre!ation beteen asset
c!asses ere constant, it ou!d be possib!e to ho!d an optima! risk. port/o!io0 It pro&es that it can be
pro/itab!e to di&ersi/. and it cou!d be crucia! in times o/ crisis, but the 1uestion remains as to hoS
It as shon ith statistica! signi/icance that in&estment grade bonds ha&e pro&ided good
di&ersi/ication bene/its in times o/ crises, as corre!ation beteen the stock market and in&estment
grade bonds tends to decrease during crises, as pro&en b. the regression resu!ts in Tab!e 3 and
2igures @ and )0 This indicates that there is a E/!ight#to#1ua!it.F e//ect as described in the /indings o/
:aur and Luce. G2,',H0 This is the nature o/ in&estment grade bondsD the. pro&ide a sma!!er
predictab!e return e&er. .ear compared to stocks and the. are sub>ect to di//erent risks Gsee 2igures
', and ''H0 It as a!so shon ith statistica! signi/icance that corre!ation kept decreasing in the
period a/ter the crisisR this cou!d re/!ect that as con/idence returns to the /inancia! markets, there is a
re&ersed /!ight#to#1ua!it. e//ect, !eading to a se!!#o// in the sa/er bond markets, and a return to riskier
3o!d shos a decrease in corre!ation ith the stock market during the Subprime and
So&ereign 9ebt crises, indicating that go!d is sti!! considered a sa/e in&estment hen the /inancia!
markets are unstab!e0 :O.OkPahin et a! G2,,)H conc!uded that di&ersi/ication bene/its /rom
commodities eroded during the Subprime crisis, hoe&er the. did not stud. the indi&idua!
commodities, but instead a broad commodit. inde-0 It might e!! be that go!d is a good
di&ersi/ication in times o/ se&ere /inancia! crises, but commodities in genera! are not0
It is conc!uded that the high .ie!d bond market pro&ides a eak a!ternati&e /or
di&ersi/ication, as it tends to increase its corre!ation ith the stock market in times o/ crises,
particu!ar!. seen /or the Subprime and So&ereign debt crises, hich is !ine ith $oaker G2,,@H and
Rei!!. and "right G2,,'H0 8oe&er it can be seen in the case stud. that high .ie!d bonds pro&ide a
good a!ternati&e /or e1uit. in&estors, as it has outper/ormed the stock market in terms o/ higher

Sharpe ratios during the chosen time span0 8oe&er it is important to take transaction costs and
market access into account hen it comes to the high .ie!d bond market0 5ccess to the market can
be di//icu!t, but it has been more accessib!e due to a number o/ ET2s in recent .ears0 8oe&er this
is something that /urther studies needs to e-amine0
The ne-t part o/ the stud. in&estigated i/ changes in an. o/ the market /actors !i1uidit.
andNor &o!ati!it. had an. e-p!anator. e//ects on the corre!ation beteen the stock market and the
in&estment grade bonds, and the corre!ation beteen the stock market and go!d0 This is interesting
as the. re/!ect the c!imate o/ the /inancia! markets and might pro&ide an indication /or in&estors
hen it is time to reba!ance their port/o!ios0 9uring the 9otcom crisis the !i1uidit. premium
a//ected the corre!ation beteen the stock# and in&estment grade bond market negati&e!., hich
supports the E/!ight#to#sa/et.F e//ect, hoe&er this e//ect as s!ight!. re&ersed during the Subprime
crisis, as it became s!ight!. positi&e0 5s pre&ious!. discussed, this shou!d be due to the di//erent
nature o/ the Subprime crisis as compared to the 9otcom crisis0 The change in &o!ati!it. !e&e!s had
!itt!e impact during the 9otcom crisisR hoe&er it is the dominant /actor during the Subprime crisis,
here &o!ati!it. reached unprecedented !e&e!s0 This negati&e!. a//ects both assetsA corre!ations ith
the stock market0 The negati&e asset corre!ations indicates a /!ight to sa/et. since the return on the
chosen assets sta. positi&e due to higher demand, hoe&er the e//ect appears to come /rom
&o!ati!it., and not as much /rom !i1uidit.0
In an attempt to 1uanti/. the actua! bene/its o/ di&ersi/ication o&er the past 2B .ears, a case
stud. as conducted that compared the Sharpe ratio o/ an a!!#e1uit. in&estor ith the Sharpe ratio
/or a set o/ di&erse acti&e I$onstant#7i-A port/o!ios, passi&e port/o!ios and an acti&e port/o!io that
reba!ances e&er. .ear according to pre&ious .earAs optima! port/o!io0 The choice o/ the Sharpe ratio
as based on its sound theoretica! /rameork, !inking returns to risk e//ecti&e!. determined b. the
assetsA corre!ation, its common usage in the industr. and as it as used b. :!it? and K!iet G2,,)H,
hose resu!ts ere ke. in moti&ating our research0
The price /or an a!!#e1uit. in&estor to ignore di&ersi/ication has been high, as the Sharpe
ratio /or that port/o!io is signi/icant!. !oer on a&erage than an. di&ersi/ied port/o!io or an a!!#bond
port/o!io0 This stud. shos that the highest a&erage Sharpe ratios occurred /or the bond port/o!ios,
and it con/irms the /inding that in&estment grade bonds pro&ide high di&ersi/ication bene/its, as it is
the optima! port/o!io during the 9otcom crisis, and one o/ the best port/o!ios during the Subprime
crisis0 5nother interesting /inding on in&estment grade bonds is that the. per/ormed orst in the
period before crisesD this cou!d imp!. that the bond market is an indicator that the stock market is

about to tumb!e, hoe&er this is an area this stud. does not address and ma. indeed be due to
se&era! /actors0 %ne possib!e e-p!anation is that interest !e&e!s tend to be higher be/ore crises in
order to coo! don the econom., but this is an area hich e strong!. recommend /urther research0
The high .ie!d bond port/o!io as the best per/ormer on a&erage, but it a!so had the highest
&ariabi!it. and its strong corre!ation ith the stock market !ead to its orst per/ormance occurring
during crises periodsD thus it is not a good a!ternati&e /or di&ersi/ication, but gi&en the on a&erage
high Sharpe ratios it remains an interesting in&estment a!ternati&e0
3o!d pro&ed to be the best di&ersi/ication &ehic!e during the Subprime crisis, ith a Sharpe
ratio /ar e-ceeding its a&erage o&er the 2B#.ear period0 %n a&erage, the per/ormance o/ the
commodities is !oest, main!. due to high standard de&iations in their returns0 The bene/its /rom
di&ersi/.ing into go!d during the Subprime crisis cou!d be due to the nature o/ the crisis as suchR it
as not on!. a stock market crash, the entire /inancia! s.stem as threatened0 5s the /inancia!
s.stem is threatened, this is bound to a//ect the bond market, but not necessari!. go!d Gor other
ph.sica! assetsH0 E&en though commodities on their on do not ha&e attracti&e Sharpe ratios, a risk#
a&erse in&estor ou!d sti!! ha&e bene/itted /rom di&ersi/.ing into commodities, as the &ariabi!it. is
the !oest in the port/o!ios that as the most di&ersi/ied across a!! the asset c!asses0
6erhaps surprising!., the o&era!! per/ormance o/ the e1ua!!. di&ersi/ied port/o!io did not
match those o/ the bond port/o!ios, e&en though &ariabi!it. as !ess0 The acti&e!. reba!anced
port/o!io based on !ast .earAs optima! port/o!io per/ormed rather poor!. compared to the others,
and hen taking transaction costs into account, this ou!d ha&e been a cost!. strateg., not pro&iding
the returns one might ha&e e-pected /o!!oing the reasoning behind momentum strategies,
especia!!. draing /rom :!it? and K!iet G2,,)H, ho /ound a signi/icant momentum e//ect in cross#
asset c!ass in&estments0 8oe&er, the. used actua! returns to rank the highest .ie!ding assets,
hether this port/o!io se!ected the assets that created the optima! Sharpe ratio, and there is
apparent!. a big discrepanc. beteen these to methods0
2igure ', and 2igure '' cha!!enges the notion o/ go!d as a sa/e di&ersi/ication a!ternati&e
during times o/ crisis0 It shos that e&en i/ go!d ere to ha&e positi&e returns, the &o!ati!it. ou!d be
1uite high resu!ting in a !oer Sharpe ratio on a&erage compared to in&estment grade bonds0 5n
in&estor there/ore has an a!ternati&e in times o/ crisis, to choose an abso!ute return that is more
/re1uent!. the case ith in&estment grade bonds or choose specu!ation on higher returns ith go!d0
In&estment grade bonds o/ten resu!ts in higher Sharpe ratios, but it a!! comes don to the in&estorAs
risk a&ersion0

9+ "oncl'sion
This thesis pro&ides e&idence that corre!ation &aries distinct!. o&er time, and that di//erent asset
c!asses are a//ected di//erent!. o&er the crisis c.c!e0 In&estment grade bonds decreases in corre!ation
ith the stock market during periods o/ crisis in genera!, and the case stud. pro&es that these
corre!ation changes can be direct!. trans!ated into di&ersi/ication bene/its, gi&en the high re!ati&e
Sharpe ratios pro&ided b. an in&estment grade bond port/o!io during a crisis0 3o!d is shon to
decrease its corre!ation ith the stock market under se&ere /inancia! crises such as the Subprime
crisis, and conse1uent!. it pro&ided the best di&ersi/ication bene/its in terms o/ Sharpe ratios during
that crisis0 It is hoe&er conc!uded that the &o!ati!it. in returns /rom go!d is much higher than that
o/ in&estment grade bonds during crises0 2urthermore it supports pre&ious research regarding the
corre!ation increases beteen the stock market and high .ie!d bonds during crisesR this is supported
b. the case stud. here the high .ie!d bond# and stock port/o!ios ere the orst per/orming
port/o!ios during crises0 "TI#$rude %i! as not a//ected b. crises ith an. statistica! signi/icance0
The di&ersi/ication bene/its that arise /rom in&estment grade bonds and go!d /rom the
changes in corre!ation are partia!!. due to a E/!ight#to#sa/et.F e//ect0 It is a!so shon that a e!!#
di&ersi/ied port/o!io has not bene/itted /rom higher Sharpe ratios than those .ie!ded b. the bond
markets, but it has had !oer &ariabi!it. according to the same stud., hich is !ine ith the 76T0
9+1 S'ggestions for f'rther research
9uring the case stud. it as /ound that the e-cessi&e return on the in&estment grade bond port/o!io
as negati&e in the times immediate!. preceding crisis periods, hich might imp!. that negati&e
in&estment grade bond returns indicate a /uture stock market crash, or /inancia! turmoi!0 This e//ect
is something that as not considered at the commencement o/ this thesis, thus no /urther emphasis
as put on this particu!ar area0 2urthermore, it ou!d be bene/icia! /or the in&estment# and risk
management pro/essions to use economic mode!s ithout assuming constant corre!ation, a!!oing
mode!!ing risk and returns in a a. that re/!ects rea!it.0 5 rea!it. in hich corre!ations are time#


10+ Fig'res and Ta&les


January 1987 January 1995 January 2004 January 2013
Investment grade High yield
S&P 500 Gold
WTI-Crude Oil
Asset returns 1986 - 2013
Fig're 1

January 1995 January 1986 January 2004 January 2013
Correlation IG Correlation HY
24 months moving window
1986 - 2013
Correlation between stock and bond markets
January 1986 January 1995 January 2004 January 2013
Correlation IG Correlation HY
12 months rolling window
1986 - 2013
Correlation between stock and bond markets
Fig're 2
Fig're 3

January 1986 January 1995 January 2004 January 2013
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
24 months moving window
1986 - 2013
Correlation between stock and commodities markets
January 1986 January 1995 January 2004 January 2013
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
12 months rolling window
1986 - 2013
Correlation between stock and commodities markets
Fig're 6
Fig're 7

January 1998 January 2000 January 2002 January 2004
Correlation IG Correlation HY
12 months moving window
Dotcom crisis
Correlation between stock and bond markets
January 1998 January 2000 January 2002 January 2004
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
12 months moving window
Dotcom crisis
Correlation between stock and commodities markets
Fig're ;
Fig're ?

January 2005 January 2007 January 2009 January 2011
Correlation IG Correlation HY
12 months moving window
Subprime crisis
Correlation between stock and bond markets
January 2005 January 2007 January 2009 January 2011
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
12 months moving window
Subprime crisis
Correlation between stock and commodities markets
Fig're :
Fig're 9

$escripti%e statistics

7a- ,0)3,' ,0(24@ ,04('3 ,0B)B)
7in #,04*3) #,02,(* #,0)'3* #,0*)B@
7ean ,02',3 ,0B@@@ #,0,B'3 #,0,*22
Std0 9e&0 ,033'3 ,0243' ,02))3 ,03,'2

Ta&le 2 < (/egression ;+2+1)

"orrelation coefficients o%er time( @earl! &asis

$orre!ation I3 $orre!ation 8V $orre!ation 3o!d $orre!ation %i!
19:? ,0,@B' ,0*,B)[ ,0''@3[ ,04',)[
19:: ,0,4(@ ,0@,,,[ ,0,')2[ #,0'2)'
19:9 ,0B3B@[ ,044,'[ ,0,44*[ ,0223,[
1990 ,0@,@@[ ,0@'4*[ ,0'4@3[ #,04@@B[
1991 ,0@*,([ ,0BB@3[ #,0434( #,0B('@[
1992 ,0@,(@[ #,0,(3)[ ,02@B4[ #,032*'[
1993 ,0'4** ,02*,*[ #,02,** #,02'2@
1996 ,0*3@'[ ,0@),([ ,022)'[ #,0,'3*
1997 ,0B3@,[ ,0@**B[ ,0,*'4[ ,03@*,[
199; ,02*B ,0B2(,[ ,0,'2([ ,0,*(2[
199? ,0@*(3[ ,0*2@ #,0,*)@[ ,023)3[
199: ,033)) ,0@@(B[ #,0,,4'[ #,02'2'
1999 ,03(2) ,0B222[ ,0'(2([ #,0'3B*
2000 ,03',( ,0'423[ ,032'4[ ,0,@@3[
2001 ,0,B3B[ ,03((4[ ,0,B,B[ #,04@(3[
2002 #,03*@*[ ,0@232[ #,02,4*[ #,03@4([
2003 #,02'4*[ ,0443)[ #,02)*3 #,04@),[
2006 ,0,22([ ,0333B[ #,0,'('[ #,023'3
2007 #,0'3(2[ ,0B44@[ ,02*,2[ ,0'')'[
200; ,0,3@4 ,0@''3[ #,03@'4 #,03,))[
200? #,0,442[ ,0@3)'[ #,0'@43 #,02244
200: ,0'2B' ,0)*B) #,024( #,0'B''
2009 ,0B*3B[ ,0*4@B #,0'2(4[ ,04@)([
2010 ,0'42B ,0@@'4[ #,0,',)[ ,0'*3@[
2011 #,0,B'([ ,0)')) #,0'B@ ,0',4@[
[ Signi/icant at the B T !e&e!

Ta&le 1

Ta&le 3 < (/egression ;+3+1)

"orrelation *ith the onset of crises periods
6re $risis $risis 6ost $risis Wcons
"orrelation ,A
$oe//icient #,032BB #,03@') #,0443' ,04@@B
t#&a!ue G#3034H G#304)H G#40,,H #*04@
$on/idence !e&e! ,T ,T ,T ,T
C#" std0err ,0,(*B ,0',4' ,0'',* ,0,@2@
"orrelation 8@
$oe//icient ,0,B*B ,0'32) ,0,3)B ,0B,)*
t#&a!ue #,0( #'03( #,04* #(0'@
$on/idence !e&e! 3*T '*T @4T ,T
C#" std0err ,0,@3@ ,0,(B4 ,0,)'3 ,0,BB@
"orrelation Aold
$oe//icient #,0,'3 #,0'4B' #,0',42 ,0,,(3
t#&a!ue G#,0''H G#'043H G#'022H #,0'*
$on/idence !e&e! ('T 'BT 22T )@T
C#" std0err ,0''B) ,0','4 ,0,)BB ,0,B3'
"orrelation -il

$oe//icient #,0,(34 #,0,*(B #,0,,'* #,0,B(3
t#&a!ue G#'0,,H G#,0*BH G#,0,'H G#,0)'H
$on/idence !e&e! 32T 4BT ((T 42T
C#" std0err ,0,(3' ,0',@ ,0'B,) ,0,*3'


Ta&le 6 < (/egression ;+3+2)

"orrelation d'ring the specified crises and the periods &eforeBafter
6re 9otcom 9otcom 6ost 9otcom 6re Subprime Subprime 6ost Subprime So&ereign Wcons
"orrelation ,A
$oe//icient #,0''3( #,04@'' #,0@,33 #,0B,'( #,02)(4 #,02@B2 #,02@B) ,04@*(
t#&a!ue G#'03BH G#304,H G#@04@H G#B0@*H G#'0@(H G#'0*'H G#20@(H G#*0BBH
$on/idence !e&e! ')T ,T ,T ,T (T (T 'T ,T
C#" std0err ,0,)42 ,0'3BB ,0,(34 ,0,))B ,0'*'B ,0'BB ,0,()* ,0,@2
"orrelation 8@
$oe//icient ,0,B) #,0'2@@ #,0,(2' ,0,*'* ,03,@@ ,02,3B ,033)@ ,0B,*)
t#&a!ue G,0*BH G#'02,H G#'02)H G'0'2H GB0,(H G3033H GB0@2H G(02BH
$on/idence !e&e! 4BT 23T 2,T 2@T ,T ,T ,T ,T
C#" std0err ,0,**3 ,0',B2 ,0,*2' ,0,@3) ,0,@,3 ,0,@' ,0,@,2 ,0,B4(
"orrelation Aold
$oe//icient ,0',B4 ,0,44 #,0'@*2 #,0'3(2 #,0'2,3 #,0,4*3 #,04(B* ,0,''3
t#&a!ue G#'042H G,03(H G#'0(H G#,0)'H G#'043H G#,04BH G#4032H G,022H
$on/idence !e&e! '@T *,T @T 42T '@T @@T ,T )2T
C#" std0err ,0,*4B ,0''2' ,0,)*) ,0'*2@ ,0,)43 ,0',@' ,0''4@ ,0,B,2
"orrelation -il
$oe//icient #,0,)B@ #,02'B3 #,02(2' #,0,*,B ,0,2** ,0333B ,0,,4B #,0,@'B
t#&a!ue G#'0,,H G#'0@(H G#20'(H G#,0B)H G,0')H G30')H G,0,BH G#,0)@H
$on/idence !e&e! 32T (T 3T B@T )@T ,T (@T 3(T
C#" std0err ,0,)B) ,0'2*4 ,0'332 ,0'2' ,0'B2' ,0',4) ,0,(4 ,0,*'@


Ta&le 7 < (/egression ;+6+1)

Effect of changes in market factors d'ring the specific crises and the periods &eforeBafter
6re 9otcom 9otcom 6ost 9otcom 6re Subprime Subprime 6ost Subprime
"orrelation ,A

"hange in Ci3'idit! le%el -0+2229 -0+0?1: -0+00?6 -0+:3?3 -0+067; -1+627?
t#&a!ue #G'0@)H #G'0((H #G,03(H #G,0(2H #G20'3H #G40,3H
$on/idence !e&e! ',T @T *,T 3*T BT ,T
C#" std0err ,0'33' ,0,3@' ,0,')( ,0('33 ,0,2'4 ,03B34
"hange in olatilit! le%el -0+2: -2+379 6+109 1+619 -3+932 7+037
t#&a!ue #G'0(2H #G,0)2H #G20'BH #G'02BH #G40B@H #G204(H
$on/idence !e&e! @T 42T 4T 22T ,T 2T
C#" std0err ,0'4@ 20))B '0('4 '0'3* ,0)@2 20,24
D"onst -0+0:2 0+009 0+10? -0+032 0+292 -0+007
t#&a!ue #G,0@*H #G,0,)H #G'0B*H #G,04@H #G20,BH #G,0,4H
$on/idence !e&e! B,T (4T '3T @BT BT (*T
C#" std0err ,0'23 ,0''4 ,0,@) ,0,@( ,0'43 ,0''3
"orrelation Aold
"hange in Ci3'idit! le%el 0+020: -0+0:09 0+016: 7+617: -0+03;6 1+22?7
t#&a!ue G,0'*H #G20('H G,0@2H G20(@H #G402H G20B@H
$on/idence !e&e! )*T 'T B4T 'T ,T 2T
C#" std0err ,0'23' ,0,2** ,0,24' '0)2( ,0,,)* ,04),3
"hange in olatilit! le%el -2+6:29 -3+7?66 7+036; -0+?021 -1+:;;2 -2+26;;
t#&a!ue #G20*(H #G'0B@H G204(H #G,02*H #G204'H #G'0(3H
$on/idence !e&e! 'T '3T 2T *(T 3T *T
C#" std0err ,0))() 202('' 20,244 20@334 ,0**4( '0'@@@
D"onst 0+129 0+0;;1 -0+007 -0+23;3 -0+069; -0+01;2
t#&a!ue G30BBH G,0*@H #G,0,4H #G'0B(H #G'0'2H #G,023H
$on/idence !e&e! ,T 4@T (*T '2T 2*T )2T
C#" std0err ,0,3@3 ,0,)*3 ,0''32 ,0'4)B ,0,44' ,0,@(3

From this page follo*s the "ase st'd! res'lts
Ta&le ;

$escripti%e statistics Sharpe ratios

' .ear
9i&erse and
passi&e Stock E1ua! bond I3 8V
Stock and
:ond 3o!d %i!
5&erage 30'@ ,0)@ ,0)B ,0** '03' '0,4 '0B, '0,* ,0,4 ,02* '023
(,Xs 5&erage 30B4 ,0(, ,0*3 '0B3 '0@3 ,0(4 20,@ '0*3 #,0)4 #,0,* '02@
,,Xs 5&erage 30'B '023 '0,@ ,0'* '02* '024 '032 ,0@2 ,0(' ,0B' '04'
7a- *04B 404, 30*B @03B B0@, 303B @0@2 @0), 20*, 204( 404,
7in ,0'' #20'* #202) #'0(B #20,B #202* #20'* #'0@3 #202( #'0** #'033
Std09e&0 20,* '0@3 '03@ '0B@ 20', '04* 203( '0*) '02* '02' '0B2
Cr o/ negati&e , ) * @ ) @ ', * '3 '' )
Cr abo&e '0, 2' '3 '2 '2 '2 '3 '3 '3 * * 'B

Ta&le ?

Sharpe ratio of the different portfolios(

@ear %ptima!
' .ear
9i&erse and
Stock E1ua! bond I3 8V
Stock and
3o!d %i!
19:: '0)4 #'04' #,0' '022 ,0)( ,0') '0)4 '0') #'04' #,0' ,0'
19:9 ,0(* #20'* ,0') ,04' #,0(2 ,04) #20'* ,0'' #,0)4 ,0( #,02@
1990 ,0BB ,04' ,0,( ,0,4 #,042 ,0B2 #,0)3 #,0,( #,0*@ ,034 #,0,*
1991 *04B '0'( ,03@ '0*' B0@ 20B' 40@ 20'B #'0B4 #'02' 303@
1992 40,2 302@ '02' '0,2 302( 203@ 30** 2022 #'0,( #,0'' 204(
1993 @0@3 30@* ,0*) '0B' 404( 2043 @0@2 20B* ,0(* #'0** 2
1996 ,0)* #'03' #,0,' #,032 #'044 #'04' #'03 #,0* #,0*( ,0)* #,0B'
1997 @0)B ,02* 20@B @03B 4043 303B 40)3 @0) #,0(2 ,02* 302*
199; 2043 '042 '04* '0)2 ,03( #,042 '0(3 '0@2 #'044 '0' '0'(
199? 2042 '043 #,0) '042 '0( '034 2042 '0B* #202( #'0@* #,0'
199: '0@@ #,02@ #,024 '033 ,0'4 ,0() #,02@ '0'( #,03* #' #,032
1999 20B2 #'0' '0*( ,04' #20,B #202* #'02 , #,023 204* '03'
2000 '0@2 #,0'3 #,03@ #,04* ,0'@ '0@2 #,04( #,03B #'0,4 #,0,3 #,02'
2001 '022 '022 #202) #'0' #,0,4 '022 #,0B #,0(( #,0'3 #'02@ #'02(
2002 30* '0@B '034 #'02@ ,04( '0@B #,0,( #,0(4 '0*4 '0*@ '03@
2003 B0B* '0BB 204 '0)4 20(( '0'3 404@ 30) '02' ,0' 30,2
2006 20,( '034 '02) ,04' '0B ,0) 20,B ' ,02( ' '0B'
2007 20(B ,04( 203( ,0*2 #,0,* #,0B2 ,02( ,0B3 '0'2 '034 202@
200; 30B' ,0)' ,0*' '03* '02@ #,0,B 20(3 '04( ,0(3 #,0') ,0(@
200? 203 #,0BB '0(' #,0** #,0B4 ,04 #,0)B #,0*( '0() 20,2 '0@
200: ,0'' #,0B( #'042 #'0(B #,0() #,0*2 #'0,' #'0@3 ,0'' #'0,( #'033
2009 B0(2 '02@ 30*B '04) 40,( 3034 4 2042 '02@ 204( 404
2010 B0,4 404 20') '0,@ 20B '0( 2024 '04@ 20* ,0BB 20*'
2011 20@( '0B2 ,0)* ,0'2 '0,( 20,) ,0B3 ,042 ,03) ,02* '03B
2012 40'( 30,4 '0,* ,0*B 40,B 3022 30B) '0@' '024 #,032 '0()


Ta&le :

"omposition of the optimal portfolio
@ear Stocks I3 8V 3o!d %i!
19:: ,T ,T ',,T ,T ,T
19:9 ,T @'T ,T ,T 3(T
1990 '3T *3T 2T 4T (T
1991 ,T 3,T B*T 3T ',T
1992 ''T ,T )2T ,T *T
1993 ,T ,T ',,T ,T ,T
1996 ,T ,T ,T ,T ',,T
1997 B,T 2)T '4T )T ,T
199; ',T ,T )3T ,T *T
199? ,T ,T ',,T ,T ,T
199: 2,T (2T ,T ,T ,T
1999 3*T ,T ,T ,T @3T
2000 ,T ',,T ,T ,T ,T
2001 ,T ',,T ,T ,T ,T
2002 4T *,T ,T 2'T 4T
2003 4,T 'T 43T @T ',T
2006 ,T ,T ()T ,T 2T
2007 2,T B,T ,T '(T ''T
200; ,T ,T (4T @T ,T
200? ,T ,T ,T @BT 3BT
200: ,T ,T ,T ',,T ,T
2009 ,T B3T 24T 23T ,T
2010 2T @(T ,T 2@T 4T
2011 )T ),T ,T '2T ,T
2012 ,T 43T B4T ,T 3T
5&erage (T 34T 34T '2T '2T
[ The a&erage port/o!io eights act as the basis in the 5&erage optima! port/o!io Y$7Z


Ta&le 9

Sharpe ratios d'ring the onset of crises
6re $risis $risis 6ost $risis
%ptima! port/o!io 20B 202@ 40@@
' .ear reba!ance #,02) ,0)) 20'4
9i&erse and passi&e '0,4 ,0'@ 204
Stock ,0B( #,0@* '02
E1ua! eight bond #,03 ,0@ 20**
I3 #,024 '03B '0*(
8V ,0'B ,0'* 30'(
Stock and :ond ,04* #,03) 20'*
3o!d ,0B) ,0@' '03*
%i! ,0)3 ,0'( '0,4
5&erage optima! ,0)) ,04( 20('


Ta&le 10

#%erage Sharpe ratios conditioned on the specified crises periods

6re 9otcom 9otcom 6ost 9otcom 6re Subprime Subprime 6ost Subprime So&ereign
%ptima! 20,( 20') 30)3 3023 '02 B04) 3044
' .ear reba!ance #,0@) ,0(' '04B ,0@B #,0B* 20)3 202)
9i&erse and passi&e ,0*) #,043 '0)4 '0BB ,02B 20(@ ,0(*
Stock ,0)* #,0(4 '0'3 '0,B #'03@ '02* ,044
E1ua! bond #,0(@ ,02 202B ,0B( #,0*@ 302( 20B*
I3 #,0@B '0B ,0(@ #,02( #,0'@ 20@2 20@B
8V #,0*3 #,03@ 302@ '0@' #,0(3 30'2 20,B
Stock and :ond ,0@ #,0*@ 204 '0,' #'02' '0(4 '0,'
3o!d #,03 ,0'( ,0*B '0,3 '0,B '0() ,0)'
%i! ,0*3 ,0'@ ,0BB ,0B) ,04@ '0B2 #,0,3
5&erage optima! ,04( #,0,B 202* '0@' ,0'3 30B@ '0@*
5&erage ,02 ,024 '0)) '0'B #,0'* 20*) '0@2
5&erage e-c!0 %ptima! ,0,' ,0,4 '0@) ,0(4 #,03' 20B' '044


Fig're 10

Fig're 11


July 2007 January 2008 July 2008 January 2009 July 2009
Investment grade Stock market
Monthly returns during the Subprime crisis

January 2000 July 2000 January 2001 July 2001 January 2002 July 2002
Investment grade Stock market
Monthly returns during the Dotcom crisis

From this page follo*s the /o&'stness test res'lts
Ta&le 11

"orrelation changes d'ring the onset of crises(
4S", ES ,n%esta&le inde1 'sed as a pro1! for the stock market
6re $risis $risis 6ost $risis Wcons
"orrelation ,A

$oe//icient #,02@** #,02)@' #,03)33 ,04,)'
t#&a!ue G#2032H G#203)H G#20(BH G40@3H
$on/idence !e&e! 2T 2T ,T ,T
C#" std0err ,0''BB ,0'2,2 ,0'3,, ,0,))'
"orrelation 8@

$oe//icient ,0,4*) ,0'BB) ,0,2)2 ,0B3@3
t#&a!ue G,0*'H G'0)BH G,032H G)0B(H
$on/idence !e&e! 4*T @T *BT ,T
C#" std0err ,0,@@( ,0,)4 ,0,)*( ,0,@24
"orrelation Aold

$oe//icient #,0,,@* #,0'2B4 #,0,))2 #,0,'3@
t#&a!ue G#,0,@H G#'024H G#'0,'H G#,023H
$on/idence !e&e! (BT 2'T 3'T )2T
C#" std0err ,0''B) ,0',,) ,0,)*' ,0,@,3
"orrelation -il

$oe//icient #,0,))4 #,0,@32 ,0,,,4 #,0,@,B
t#&a!ue G#,0*3H G#,04(H G,0,,H G#,0B*H
$on/idence !e&e! 4@T @2T ',,T B*T
C#" std0err ,0'2,4 ,0'2)2 ,0'*42 ,0',@)

Ta&le 12

"orrelation changes d'ring the onset of crises(
=asda3 "omposite inde1 'sed as a pro1! for the stock market
6re $risis $risis 6ost $risis Wcons
"orrelation ,A
$oe//icient #,0,@(@ #,0''3B #,034@4 ,02B(2
t#&a!ue G#,0B(H G#'0,)H G#20(2H G#30B'H
$on/idence !e&e! B@T 2)T ,T ,T
C#" std0err ,0'') ,0',4@ ,0'')B ,0,*3(
"orrelation 8@
$oe//icient ,0,*)3 ,02'@B ,0,2B) ,04@*3
t#&a!ue G'023H G30''H G,024H G)02'H
$on/idence !e&e! 22T ,T )'T ,T
C#" std0err ,0,@3( ,0,@(@ ,0',** ,0,B@(
"orrelation Aold

$oe//icient ,0,,B4 #,0',)2 ,0,2,B #,0,3)4
t#&a!ue G,0,BH G#'02@H G,02*H G,0('H
$on/idence !e&e! (@T 2'T *(T 3@T
C#" std0err ,0',,* ,0,)B@ ,0,*@) ,0,42'
"orrelation -il
$oe//icient #,0,**3 ,0,42' ,0'B2* #,0'*BB
t#&a!ue G#,0*(H G,03)H G,0()H G#202*H
$on/idence !e&e! 43T *,T 33T 2T
C#" std0err ,0,()' ,0'',B ,0'B@4 ,0,**2


Ta&le 13

"orrelation d'ring crises( 4S", ES ,n%esta&le as pro1! for the stock market

6re 9otcom 9otcom 6ost 9otcom 6re Subprime Subprime 6ost Subprime So&ereign Wcons
"orrelation ,A
$oe//icient #,0,4(2 #,03B3( #,0B3@' #,04@3* #,02244 #,02'*) #,02B*) ,04,)'
t#&a!ue G#,04)H G#20'H G#40*(H G#40B@H G#'02'H G#'02*H G#20,@H G40B(H
$on/idence !e&e! @3T 4T ,T ,T 23T 2'T 4T ,T
C#" std0err ,0',2* ,0'@)3 ,0''') ,0','@ ,0')BB ,0'*22 ,0'24( ,0,))(
"orrelation 8@
$oe//icient ,0,434 #,0,B32 #,0''*4 ,0,B'@ ,02('* ,0')B( ,03,2' ,0B3@3
t#&a!ue G,0B)H G,0@3H G'03*H G,0*2H G403BH G20*(H G404'H G)0B2H
$on/idence !e&e! B*T B3T '*T 4*T ,T 'T ,T ,T
C#" std0err ,0,*B4 ,0,)B' ,0,)B@ ,0,*'3 ,0,@*' ,0,@@* ,0,@)B ,0,@2(
"orrelation Aold
$oe//icient ,0'2'@ ,0,@B' #,0'B*4 #,0'2'* #,0,(B2 #,0,'33 #,042@( #,0,'3@
t#&a!ue G'0B(H G,0@2H G#'0*3H G#,0@(H G#'0,3H G#,0'2H G#303BH G#,022H
$on/idence !e&e! ''T B4T (T 4(T 3'T ('T ,T )2T
C#" std0err ,0*@@ ,0',B@ ,0,(' ,0'*B* ,0,(2) ,0''') ,0'2*3 ,0,@,)
"orrelation -il
$oe//icient #,0,),) #,0'*@) #,03,2) #,0,(B2 #,0,'3* ,032)) ,0'2(* #,0,@,B
t#&a!ue G#,0*,H G#'0'2H G#'0))H G#,0@4H G#,0,)H G204(H G,0''H G#,0B@H
$on/idence !e&e! 4(T 2@T @T B2T (4T 'T ('T B)T
C#" std0err ,0''@' ,0'B*2 ,0'@'2 ,0'4) ,0'*(* ,0'32 ,0'')2 ,0',**


Ta&le 16

"orrelation d'ring crises( =asda3 composite inde1 as pro1! for the stock market
6re 9otcom 9otcom 6ost 9otcom 6re Subprime Subprime 6ost Subprime So&ereign Wcons
"orrelation ,A
$oe//icient ,0'*(3 #,0'@4@ #,0B2'@ #,02(2( #,0,*B' #,0'B@B #,0,)33 ,02B(2
t#&a!ue G#'0*)H G#'0'2H G#@0',H G#30'2H G#,04)H G#'0,'H G#,0@2H G304)H
$on/idence !e&e! )T 2@T ,T ,T @3T 32T B4T ,T
C#" std0err ,0',,@ ,0'4@3 ,0,)BB ,0,(3( ,0'B4( ,0'BBB ,0'34* ,0,*44
"orrelation 8@
$oe//icient ,0'2'' ,0,(2' #,0')') ,0,3(( ,02@@@ ,02B,* ,033*2 ,04@*3
t#&a!ue G'0)'H G'03)H G#'0@)H G,0B@H G30@4H G30('H G404H G)0'@H
$on/idence !e&e! *T '*T (T B)T ,T ,T ,T ,T
C#" std0err ,0,@* ,0,@@( ,0',) ,0,*'B ,0,*33 ,0,@4' ,0,*@* ,0,B*3
"orrelation Aold
$oe//icient ,0,'4) ,0,*BB #,0,(@) #,0,,3' #,0,@B3 ,0'4*B #,04'3) #,0,3)4
t#&a!ue G,032H G'0B3H G#'03(H G#,0,2H G#,0*2H G'0*3H G#30@,H G#,0('H
$on/idence !e&e! *BT '3T '*T ((T 4*T (T ,T 3*T
C#" std0err ,0,4B( ,0,4(3 ,0,@(@ ,0'*(' ,0,(' ,0,)B3 ,0''B ,0,423
"orrelation -il
$oe//icient #,0,@'* #,0,*@3 #,0'42' #,0,('3 ,0'@2, ,04*2' ,0,*)' #,0'*BB
t#&a!ue G#,0*BH G#,04)H G#'0,3H G#,0@@H G,0(@H G30)4H G,0)*H G#202@H
$on/idence !e&e! 4@T @3T 3,T B'T 34T ,T 3(T 3T
C#" std0err ,0,)2* ,0'B** ,0'3*) ,0'3(3 ,0'@)B ,0'23 ,0,)(* ,0,***


Ta&le 17

Effect in crises of market parameters on correlation0 ro&'stness test

9otcom GS;6 B,,H 9otcom GCasda1H 9otcom G7S$IH Subprime GS;6 B,,H Subprime GCasda1H Subprime G7S$IH
"orrelation ,A

Ci3'idit! le%el -1+23:0 -1+27;1 -1+63?3 0+7110 0+2;7: 0+7120
t#&a!ue #G)0*2H #G*032H #G*0(3H G3023H G'0@,H G30')H
$on/idence !e&e! ,T ,T ,T ,T '3T ,T
C#" std0err ,0'42, ,0'*'* ,0')'3 ,0'B)3 ,0'@@2 ,0'@,(
"hange in olatilit! le%el 0+0;60 1+3?9: 0+3;:7 -1+;6:3 -2+;?03 1+?7?7
t#&a!ue G,0,4H G,0*BH G,02'H #G2023H #G303@H #G203BH
$on/idence !e&e! (*T 4@T )4T 4T ,T 3T
C#" std0err '04)) '0)332 '0**4 ,0*3( ,0*(4@ ,0*4(
D"onst 0+30?; 0+3::9 0+6011 0+0736 0+1;7? 0+0;11
t#&a!ue GB0)'H GB0*,H GB0)(H G,04(H G'04@H G,0B@H
$on/idence !e&e! ,T ,T ,T @3T '@T B)T
C#" std0err ,0,B3, ,0,@)2 ,0,@)' ,0',), ,0''3B ,0',(3
"orrelation Aold

Ci3'idit! le%el -1+010; -0+1:17 -0+:?;9 -0+1?70 0+00;7 -0+17?9
t#&a!ue #G@0'@H #G30,3H #G@03@H #G'0(4H G,0,(H #G'0*'H
$on/idence !e&e! ,T 'T ,T *T (3T ',T
C#" std0err ,0'@4, ,0,B(( ,0'3), ,0,(,, ,0,*B* ,0,(2'
"hange in olatilit! le%el -0+3969 -0+?9?; -0+?071 -2+29:0 -2+:?66 -2+60;6
t#&a!ue #G,023H #G,0B,H #G,04,H #G402@H #G@0,BH #G402(H
$on/idence !e&e! )2T @2T *,T ,T ,T ,T
C#" std0err '0@(B2 '0B)2' '0**(' ,0B3(3 ,04*4( ,0B@,(
D"onst 0+306; 0+0:?9 0+2?0: 0+00?; -0+031? 0+0070
t#&a!ue GB0)(H G30(@H G*042H G,0'@H #G,0*(H G,0''H
$on/idence !e&e! ,T ,T ,T ))T 44T (2T
C#" std0err ,0,B'* ,0,222 ,0,3@B ,0,4)4 ,0,4,3 ,0,4*4


Fig're 12

Fig're 13

January 1998 January 2000 January 2002 January 2004
Correlation IG Correlation HY
12 months moving window
MSCI US Investable index used as a proxy for the stock market
Stock and bond markets correlation: Dotcom crisis
January 1998 January 2000 January 2002 January 2004
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
12 months moving window
MSCI US Investable index as a proxy for the stock market
Stock and commodities markets correlation: Dotcom crisis

Fig're 16

Fig're 17

January 2005 January 2007 January 2009 January 2011
Correlation IG Correlation HY
12 months moving window
MSCI US Investable index used as a proxy for the stock market
Stock and bond markets correlation: Subprime crisis
January 2005 January 2007 January 2009 January 2011
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
12 months moving window
MSCI US Investable index used as a proxy for the stock market
Stock and commodities markets correlation: Subprime crisis

Fig're 1;

Fig're 1?

January 1998 January 2000 January 2002 January 2004
Correlation IG Correlation HY
12 months moving window
Nasdaq composite index used as a proxy for the stock market
Stock and bond markets correlation: Dotcom crisis
January 1998 January 2000 January 2002 January 2004
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
12 months moving window
Nasdaq composite index as a proxy for the stock market
Stock and commodities markets correlation: Dotcom crisis

Fig're 1:

Fig're 19

January 2005 January 2007 January 2009 January 2011
Correlation IG Correlation HY
12 months moving window
Nasdaq composite index used as a proxy for the stock market
Stock and bond markets correlation: Subprime crisis
January 2005 January 2007 January 2009 January 2011
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
12 months moving window
Nasdaq composite index used as a proxy for the stock market
Stock and commodities markets correlation: Subprime crisis

:aur, 9030 ; Luce., :070 2,',, \Is 3o!d a 8edge or a Sa/e 8a&enS 5n 5na!.sis o/ Stocks, :onds
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Qegadeesh, C0 ; Titman, S0 '((3, \Returns to "inners and Se!!ing LosersD Imp!ications /or
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Longin, 20 ; So!nik, :0 '((B, \Is the $orre!ation in Internationa! E1uit. Returns $onstantD '(@,#
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Longin, 20 ; So!nik, :0 2,,', \E-treme $orre!ation o/ Internationa! E1uit. 7arkets\, ,ournal of
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<akamou!ine, K0 ; =oekebakker, S0 2,,(, \6ort/o!io 6er/ormance E&a!uation ith 3enera!i?ed
Sharpe RatiosD :e.ond the 7ean and Kariance\, ,ournal of 9anking and 2inance, &o!0 33, no0 *, pp0
<i&ot, E0 ; "ang, Q0 2,,3, Modeling financial time series with S-Plus, 8eide!berg and Ce VorkDR


:e!o /o!!os some additiona! /igures and e1uations hich is not inc!uded in the resu!ts section, but
hich support the c!aims and /indings o/ this thesis0
$ifferent mo%ing *indo*s that s'pports the 'se of 26 months in the res'lts(

January 1986 January 1995 January 2004 January 2013
Correlation IG Correlation HY
60 months moving window
1986 - 2013
Correlation between stock and bond markets
January 1986 January 1995 January 2004 January 2013
Correlation IG Correlation HY
6 months moving window
1986 - 2013
Correlation between stock and bond markets

"alc'lation of the "itigro'p Ci3'idit! inde1(
(Swoption pricc)
Rotc Swops
Swop SprcoJs
II uturcs
January 1986 January 1995 January 2004 January 2013
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
6 months moving window
1986 - 2013
Correlation between stock and commodities markets
January 1986 January 1995 January 2004 January 2013
Correlation Gold Correlation Oil
60 months moving window
1986 - 2013
Correlation between stock and commodities markets

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