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Business-Inform on RemaxAsia Expo 2014

On October 15-18, 2014 an international conference Its !ime " Rt Ima#in# $ummit %&u&ai
'2014 an( t)o ex&ibitions, RemaxAsia Expo 2014 an( i*rint Expo 2014, too+ place in %&u&ai
,-&ina./ !&e or#ani0er of all t&ree e1ents )as Rec2clin# !imes 3e(ia -orporation ,-&ina./ 454
companies from (ifferent countries participate( in t&ese e1ents/ Accor(in# to t&e or#ani0ers
(urin# t&e t&ree (a2s t&e e1ent )as 1isite( b2 more t&an 14500 people from 85 countries/ It is
t&e first time t&at t&e ex&ibitions are bein# &el( at %&u&ai Ex&ibition -enter/
Russian informational a#enc2 Business-Inform too+ part in t&e e1ent alrea(2 for t&e t&ir( time,
for t&e first time &a1in# its o)n boot&/ !&e aim )as to present to forei#n companies specialists
t&e A#enc2s pro(ucts ,ma#a0ines, catalo#s, 4(-printers, (atabases, mar+etin# researc& results.,
as )ell as a Russian Office E5uipment, *rintin# $upplies, an( *arts International Ex&ibition
Business-Inform 2015 an( Business-Inform Informational *ro6ect in full ,boot& E440./
Accor(in# to t&e participants of t&e -&inese expos, Business-Inform presentation )as 5uite
successful/ !&e 1isitors of E440 boot& t&orou#&l2 stu(ie( an( e1aluate( A#enc2s pro(uction,
t&e structure of Business-Inform ex&ibition an( pro6ect, learne( about Business-Inform 2012,
2014, 2014 report pro#rams an( basic results, expresse( interest in participation in Business-
Inform 2015 International Ex&ibition ,3osco), All-Russia Ex&ibition -enter ,7(n+&., 3a2 18-
21, 2015./
7isitors an( participants of t&e -&inese ex&ibitions )ere #reatl2 intereste( in t&ree reports
re#ar(in# t&e specifics of Russian printin# e5uipment an( supplies mar+et ma(e b2 Information
A#enc2 9Business-Inform: ;eneral <irector, mr/ 3alins+2 $tanisla1/ !&e first report calle(
9!&reats an( Opportunities in Russia: )as presente( at Its !ime " Rt Ima#in# $ummit %&u&ai
'2014 conference or#ani0e( b2 Rec2clin# !imes 3e(ia -orp/ ,-&ina. on October 15 in
=oli(a2 Inn %&u&ai &otels conference &all/ 212 specialists from more t&an 80 countries, )&o
too+ part in t&e e1ent &i#&l2 ran+e( t&e report, )&ic& (emonstrate( t&e ne#ati1e conse5uences of
lo) 5ualit2 ne) compatible cartri(#es mass s&ipments into Russia/ !&e spea+er also
(emonstrate( t&e potential t&reats of patent )ars to t&e Russian mar+et, notin# t&at t&ere )ill be
no )inners in t&ese )ars/ !&e ne#ati1e conse5uences of patent )ars )ill impact not onl2 t&e
s&ipments of compatible cartri(#es into Russia, but t&e )&ole Russian mar+et of printin#
Besi(es t&e report re#ar(in# Russian mar+et t&e Its !ime " Rt Ima#in# $ummit %&u&ai '2014
conference sa) t&e presentation of a ne) Business-Inform Re1ie), Issue for *rofessionals
ma#a0ine, prepare( b2 Information A#enc2 9Business-Inform: an( Rec2clin# !imes 3a#a0ine
especiall2 for Russian professionals in t&e fiel( of printin# e5uipment an( supplies sales an(
usa#e/ !&e main sections of t&e ma#a0ine are> 3ar+etin#, *rintin# Outsourcin#, *atents an(
Intellectual *ropert2, Office E5uipment an( *rintin# !ec&nolo#ies, *rintin# $upplies, Business-
Inform *ro6ect, an( Rec2clin# !imes 3e(ia -orporation ?e)s/ $tartin# from 2015 t&is
ma#a0ine )ill be publis&e( in Russia on 5uarterl2 basis/
!&e secon( an( t&e t&ir( reports )ere presente( b2 mr/ 3alins+2 on 1@ an( 18 of October )it&in
t&e frame)or+ of RemaxAsia Expo 2014 seminar pro#ram/ !&e first report, 9Russian *rintin#
$upplies 3ar+et> 3a6or !ren(s an( *rospects: (emonstrate( t&e basic statistical (ata re#ar(in#
t&e 1olumes of printin# e5uipment an( supplies sales (urin# 2004-2014, explaine( t&e main
ten(encies in (etail, ma(e a forecast for Russian mar+et (e1elopment on 2015-201@/ !&e spea+er
s&o)e( a serious concern )&ile (emonstratin# to t&e au(ience t&e statistics of Russian bu2ers
(issatisfaction )it& a lo) 5ualit2 of ne) compatible cartri(#es for laser printin#, &e explaine(
t&e reasons for t&is (issatisfaction an( its possible impact on t&e Russian supplies mar+et in
2015-201@/ !&e spea+er also anal20e( t&e possible impact of political sanctions on t&e Russian
mar+et in 2014-2015, especiall2 notin# t&at a necessit2 of import substitution pro(uction
(e1elopment in Russia )ill pro1i(e t&e Russian printin# e5uipment mar+et )it& certain stabilit2/
In t&e final part of t&e report mr/ 3alins+2 in1ite( e1er2one present to participate or simpl2 1isit
Business-Inform 2015 International Ex&ibition t&at )ill be &el( in 3osco), on 18-21 of 3a2,
!&e t&ir( report, 9=o) to increase cartri(#e sales in mo(ern con(itions in Russia:, presente( b2
Information A#enc2 9Business-Inform: on RemaxAsia Expo 2014, )as (e(icate( to t&e anal2sis
of t&e (2namics of t&e main factors influencin# t&e (ecision of t&e Russian bu2er procurin#
printin# cartri(#es, an( also to t&e c&an#es, )&ic& are necessar2 to intro(uce into pro(ucts
presentation an( promotin# in Russia/ !&e spea+er, mr/ 3alins+2, (i(nt onl2 anal20e t&e main
factors influencin# t&e bu2ers c&oice of laser cartri(#es but also mentione( t&e most common
mista+es ma(e b2 -&inese suppliers )&en presentin# t&eir #oo(s in Russia, (emonstrate( t&e
1ariants of correct solutions for informational support of -&inese pro(ucts presentation in
Russia, usin# t&e options of Business-Inform Informational *ro6ect/
On t&e )&ole, t&e participation in RemaxAsia Expo 2014 an( i*rint Expo 2014 in %&u&ai left
Business-Inform specialists )it& 5uite positi1e impressions/ ?umerous ne) contacts )it&
-&inese, Aorean, Bapanese, an( American companies )ere establis&e(, some of t&ese companies
alrea(2 offere( to cooperate/ !&e experience recei1e( from participation in a lar#e international
ex&ibition )ill surel2 be useful for Russian specialists in or#ani0in# Business-Inform 2015
International Ex&ibition/

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