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WALLS Version 1.

3 Reference Manual
AutoCAD and AutoLISP are registered trademarks of AutoDesk, Inc.
--------------------------------< Notice >--------------------------------
The Walls utilities (see list of files) are being introduced as shareware
software for use with AutoCAD. You may copy and distribute these files
freely providing a) no fee is charged and b) all of the files are
distributed together in their original, unmodified form. Please use
WALLS.ARC file for uploading to bulletin boards and such.
If you like Walls and find it useful, your $15 registration fee would be
greatly appreciated. Registration form is at end of document. Registered
owners will receive bug fixes and will be notified of revisions. Updates
of Walls will be made available to all registered owners for the cost of
materials, shipping and handling (i.e. $3) or difference in list price.
Please observe that Walls is not 'freeware'. If you use Walls, you must
register. The trial period for corporate users is limited strickly to two
Learning institutions (AutoCAD training centers, vocational techs, public
schools, etc...) who own at least one registered copy of Walls may apply
for a site license (max. 10 copies). To qualify, attach a letter with the
registration form giving information about the institution (name, address,
etc.), instructors name, department head, number of stations and number of
students. Be nice since site licenses will be awarded on a generosity
basis (i.e. send candy, too).
You may reference the Walls routines from within your own AutoCAD menus
observing the following a) the copyright notice is left intact b) Walls is
not distributed in whole or in part in any manner with any other package,
-----------------------------< Introduction >-----------------------------
This is now the third revision of Walls. It started out as two simple
wall generation routines and a powerful wall cleanup routine. The
original routines were created because there were no other good wall
generation routines at the time.
Since its creation, WALLS has been enhanced and expanded. Most of the
changes have been inspired by users who said "Wouldn't it be nice if...?"
User feedback has been important to the developement of Walls and will
continue to be in the future.
Walls is basically intended for architectural floor plans. Although WALL3
and WALL4 can also be used in any application that needs to draw parallel
Take a little time to play with Walls just to get a feel for how useful
they really are. This is made easy to do with the ACAD.MNU included with
Walls. AutoCAD users with even a just little bit of experience will find
that Walls is easy to use.
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WALLS Version 1.3 Reference Manual
----------------------------< Installation >------------------------------
You will need to have all of the Walls files in the Alacrity directory
where they can be found. Create a directory named C:\ALACRITY.
Assuming that all of the Walls files are on drive A:, copy all of the
Walls files into C:\ALACRITY.
The LISPHEAP and LISPSTACK environment variables must be set (From a batch
file or by hand) before entering AutoCAD.
Edit the a drawing in AutoCAD.
Option: 2 [ENTER]
Drawing name: <FILENAME> [ENTER]
Load the ACAD menu included with Walls.
Command: MENU
Walls is included in the pull down menus and the screen menu areas. You
must select [Select Me First!!] to load the WALLS.LSP file. The WALLS.LSP
file must be loaded before the other Walls routines will run.
Now Walls should be ready for use. Below is the command reference for all
of the Walls routines.
-----------------------------< Reference >--------------------------------
---< Glossary >---
The following terms are defined to reduce confusion when referring to
wall segment - parallel lines that make a segment of a wall
line segment - individual line within a wall segment
line offset - offset from the index line of a line segment
index line - line specified by user, used as a base for line offsets
width - distance between line offsets in WALL1 and WALL2
walltype - definition of a wall segment; has layer, linetype, color
and offset specifications for each line segment.
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WALLS Version 1.3 Reference Manual
---< WALL1 >---
The WALL1 routine draws wall segments consisting of two line segments, one
along the index line and the other to the side of the index line at a
specified width. The series of prompts for WALL1 are shown below. The
prompt "Which side?" allows the user to point to which side of the index
line to draw the second line segment. WALL1 has three command options:
Side, Width and Close. Side changes the side of the wall used as the index
line. Width prompts the user for a new wall width. Close completes the
wall by drawing a wall segment from the current wall segment to the first
wall segment.
Command: WALL1
Width: <number>
From point: <point>
To point: <point>
Which side? <point>
To point: <point>
To point: [ENTER]
When changing the Side and Width during the same segment, change the Side
first to prevent any inaccuracies. Lines are drawn on the current layer
using the current linetype and color. Corners are automatically cleaned
up. [ENTER] ends the command.
---< WALL2 >---
The WALL2 routine draws wall segments consisting of two line segments,
both offset at half the specified width to either side of the index line.
The series of prompts for WALL2 are shown below. WALL2 has two command
options: Width and Close. Width prompts the user for a new wall width.
Close completes the wall by drawing a wall segment from the current wall
segment to the first wall segment.
Command: WALL2
Width: <point>
From point: <point>
To point: <point>
To point: [ENTER]
Lines are drawn on the current layer using the current linetype and color.
Corners are automatically cleaned up. [ENTER] ends the command.
---< WALL3 >---
The WALL3 routine draws wall segments consisting of unlimited line
segments. The line offsets are specified by the user the first time that
WALL3 is used. WALL3 maintains the line offsets until they are redefined.
The line offsets can be redefined each time WALL3 is used. Two examples of
using WALL3 are shown below. When specifying line offsets, WALL3
continues to prompt until [ENTER] is hit. The prompt "Which side?" allows
the user to point to which side of the index line is positive. WALL3 has
the command option Close, which completes the wall by drawing a wall
segment from the current wall segment to the first wall segment.
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WALLS Version 1.3 Reference Manual
Command: WALL3
Line offset #1: 5 [ENTER]
Line offset #2: 15 [ENTER]
Line offset #3: [ENTER]
From point: <point>
To point: <point>
Which side? <point>
To point: <point>
To point: [ENTER]
Command: WALL3
Redefine line offsets? Yes/<No>: NO [ENTER]
From point: <point>
To point: <point>
Which side? <point>
To point: <point>
To point: [ENTER]
Lines are drawn on the current layer using the current linetype and color.
Corners are automatically cleaned up. [ENTER] ends the command.
---< WALL4 >---
The WALL4 routine uses walltype definitions, made with the WALLTYPE
command, to draw wall segments. The series of prompts for WALL4 are shown
below. The prompt "Which side?" allows the user to point to which side of
the index line is positive. WALL4 has the command option Close, which
completes the wall by drawing a wall segment from the current wall segment
to the first wall segment.
Command: WALL4
From point: <point>
To point: <point>
Which side? <point>
To point: <point>
To point: [ENTER]
The layer, linetype, color and offset for each line segment is defined
using WALLTYPE. Corners are cleaned up automatically. [ENTER] ends the
command. Error checking on a walltype is done in WALLTYPE and not in
WALL4. WALL4 will not run until a walltype is loaded.
---< WALLTYPE >---
The WALLTYPE routine is used to list, create and load walltypes. A
walltype definition allows each line segment of a wall to have a specified
layer, linetype, color and offset from the index line. The WALLTYPE
command has three command options: ? (List), Create and Load.
The ? option lists the walltype definition file (i.e. ACAD.WAL). This is
to allow the user to ensure that a walltype exists before loading. The
default file to store the walltype definitions is ACAD.WAL.
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WALLS Version 1.3 Reference Manual
?/Create/Load: ? [ENTER]
File to list <\ALACRITY\ACAD>: [ENTER]
The format of the walltype definition file is:
WALLTYPE? is the name of the walltype (asterik prefix is just a file
delimiter and not a part of the name). LAYER is a valid layer name.
LINETYPE is a valid linetype. COLOR is a valid color. OFFSET is a real or
integer (positive or negative) offset from the index line. Each wall
segment must have all four components.
The Load option loads a walltype from a file. You are asked for the name
of the walltype to load and the file to search. If the file cannot be
found the message 'File not found.' will appear. If the walltype cannot
be found the message 'Walltype not found.' will appear. Loading a
walltype makes it the current walltype. A walltype must be loaded before
using the WALL4 command.
?/Create/Load: L [ENTER]
Walltype to load: NAME [ENTER]
File to search <\ALACRITY\ACAD>: [ENTER]
Walltype NAME loaded.
The Create option allows the user to define a new walltype and save it to
a file. The series of prompts for the Create option are shown below. An
existing layer name and nil are valid layer specifications. An existing
linetype name, "BYLAYER" and nil are valid linetype specifications. The
number of a color, the name of a color, "BYLAYER" and nil are valid color
specifications. A positive or negative number (real or integer) is a valid
offset specification. The "BYLAYER" specification forces the line segment
to assume the linetype and/or color of the layer upon which it is drawn.
The nil specification forces the line segment to assume the current layer
and/or linetype and/or color settings. Any other specification overrides
the current settings.
?/Create/Load: C [ENTER]
Name of walltype to create: NAME [ENTER]
Line offset #1
Layer: <layer>
Ltype: <linetype>
Color: <color>
Offset: <offset>
Enter the value that is desired for each specification. To enter a nil,
hit [ENTER]. To terminate definition enter a nil for the offset. The
number of line offsets that you may define is unlimited. After defining a
walltype you may save it to a walltype definition file.
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WALLS Version 1.3 Reference Manual
Walltype NAME is now current.
Save NAME to file No/<Yes>: YES [ENTER]
File to save walltype <\ALACRITY\ACAD>: [ENTER]
Walltype successfully saved.
Whenever a walltype is created or loaded, it is checked to ensure that it
is valid. Error messages that you may see are:
Line offset <line offset definition> is invalid.
Layer <layer> is invalid.
Layer <layer> not found.
Layer <layer> is OFF or Frozen.
LType <linetype> is invalid.
LType <linetype> not loaded.
Color <color> is invalid.
Offset <offset> is invalid.
Many times a message stating that a linetype is not loaded will appear.
Note that linetypes will automatically load from ACAD.LIN, so unless the
linetype is not in ACAD.LIN this message can usually be ignored.
WALLTYPE in conjunction with WALL4 will allow nearly any type of wall to
be drawn. For example, a walltype is needed as follows: a line segment
with an offset of 4.0 from the index line that is drawn on the current
layer using bylayer for linetype and red for the color; and another line
segment offset 8.0 from the other side of the index line drawn on layer
"0" using a "HIDDEN" linetype and the current color. Call this walltype
DEMO. Note that the current color is not necessarily bylayer.
?/Create/Load: C [ENTER]
Name of walltype to create: DEMO [ENTER]
Line segment #1
Layer: [ENTER]
Color: RED [ENTER]
Offset: 4.0 [ENTER]
Line segment #2
Layer: 0 [ENTER]
Color: [ENTER]
Offset: -8.0
Line segment #3
Layer: [ENTER]
LType: [ENTER]
Color: [ENTER]
Offset: [ENTER]
Walltype DEMO is now current.
Save DEMO to file No/<Yes>: NO [ENTER]
Note that saving a walltype simply appends that walltype to the definition
file. If the newly created walltype has the same name as a previously
defined walltype, it will not overwrite the old walltype (like the
LINETYPE command does).
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WALLS Version 1.3 Reference Manual
It is possible to edit the walltype definition file. Although, using
WALLTYPE ensures that the walltype definition is correct and will alert
the user to any potiential errors.
---< WALLLOAD >---
The WALLLOAD rountine is a stripped down version of the WALLTYPE routine.
It is can be used within menu macros for automatically loading a walltype.
The syntax is: (wallload <walltype> <file>). An example macros is below.
that WALLLOAD does no error checking on the walltype. WALLLOAD will not
reload a walltype if it is already loaded.
[Sample1:]^C^C(if (null wallload) (load "/ALACRITY/ACAD"));+
(wallload "SAMPLE1" "/ALACRITY/ACAD");+
(if (null C:WALL4) (load "/ALACRITY/WALL4"));WALL4
---< NEAT >---
The NEAT routine cleans up parallel line intersections, such as crossing,
tee, and corners. For visual examples of what NEAT can do, view the
NEAT.SLD. When specifying the intersection to clean with the NEAT routine,
make the window larger than the intersection, to ensure that it selects
all of the lines. Occasionally NEAT won't clean an intersection properly.
Try to remedy the problem by ZOOMing in or specifying the selection window
differently (i.e. switch corners). Note: some intersections are too
complicated for NEAT to sort through and it may be necessary to clean the
intersection a bit at a time.
Command: NEAT
First corner: <point>
Other corner: <point>
---< DOOR >---
The DOOR routine breaks apart a wall and generates a door symbol. The
series of prompts for DOOR are shown below. The prompt "Point on wall:"
allows the user to point to approximately where the hinge of the door is
located. The prompt "Distance from endpoint:" allows the user to specify
the distance from the end of the wall to the door. Simply hit return to
use the approximate point. The prompts "Touch opposite side of wall:",
"Width of door:" are self evident. The prompt "Which side?" allows the
user to point to which side of the hinge point the door will be generated.
The prompt "Angle of door:" allows the user to specify the angle of
opening for the door. The prompt "Thickness of door:" allows the user to
specify the thickness of the door. Specifying a thickness of zero
generates a single line.
Command: DOOR
Point on wall: <point>
Distance from endpoint: <number> (or [ENTER])
Touch opposite side of wall: <point>
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WALLS Version 1.3 Reference Manual
Width of door: <number>
Which side? <point>
Angle of door <90d0'0">: <number>
Thickness of door: <number>
---< WINDOW >---
The WINDOW routine breaks apart a wall and generates an exterior window
symbol. The series of prompts for WINDOW are shown below. Most of the
prompts are similiar to the prompts for the DOOR routine and operate in
the same manner. The prompt "Width of ledge:" allows the user to specify
the width of the ledge. The inside line of the wall (window sill) will be
BREAKed but not erased. The ledge drawn will be as a polyline (easier to
Command: WINDOW
Point on wall: <point>
Distance from endpoint: <number> (or [ENTER])
Touch opposite side of wall: <point>
Width of window: <number>
Which side? <point>
Width of ledge: <number>
---< RELITE >---
The RELITE routine breaks apart a wall and generates an interior window
symbol. The series of prompts for RELITE are shown below. Most of the
prompts are similiar to the prompts for the DOOR routine and operate in
the same manner. The prompt "Remove wall?" allows the user to specify
whether or not the window sills will be removed. The lines are broken if
they are not removed.
Command: RELITE
Remove wall? No/<Yes>: <YES or NO>
Point on wall: <point>
Touch opposite side of wall: <point>
Width of relite: <number>
Which side? <point>
---< OPENING >---
The OPENING routine breaks apart a wall. The series of prompts are shown
below. The prompts are similiar to the prompts for the DOOR routine and
operate in the same manner.
Command: OPENING
Point on wall: <point>
Touch opposite side of wall: <point>
Width of opening: <number>
Which side? <point>
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WALLS Version 1.3 Reference Manual
---< WALLS.LSP >---
The WALLS.LSP file has all of the necessary routines used by the Walls.
The Walls utilities will not run if WALLS.LSP is not loaded. WALLS.LSP can
be loaded everytime the user wishes to use Walls, as in ACAD.MNU. Or
WALLS.LSP can be integrated into the ACAD.LSP file (usually in the same
directory as AutoCAD). ACAD.LSP is loaded automatically everytime the user
enters the drawing editor. If there is not an ACAD.LSP, simply rename
WALLS.LSP to ACAD.LSP and place it in the AutoCAD directory.
---< ACAD.MNU >---
The ACAD.MNU file has example menu macros for using Walls. All of the
selections load the routine if it is not already loaded. [Select Me
First!!] must be picked first. This will loads WALLS.LSP. The [Sample1]
through [Sample4] selections load the those walltypes (found in ACAD.WAL)
before running WALL4. The Walls ACAD.MNU can be integrated into your own
---< ACAD.WAL >---
The ACAD.WAL file is used to store the walltype definitions. This file
can be located in any directory. The AutoLISP symbol 'file' (set in
WALLS.LSP) holds the name of the walltype definition file (including
pathname). A .WAL extension is assumed.
---------------------------< What's New? >--------------------------------
Walls 1.1 new features:
- better error handling
- offsets and widths have to be greater than zero
- 'Invalid input...' error for accidental [ENTER]s
- adds standard *error* function to cut screen garbage
- Default values for offsets and widths
- Allows entry in current units format
- Displays defaults in current units setting
- more logical prompting on WALL1 and WALL2
Walls 1.2 new features:
- RELITE for interior windows
- WINDOW changed to reflect exterior windows
- DOOR angle can be changed
Walls 1.3 new features:
- WALL1 and WALL2 are faster
- Side, Width and Close options for WALL1
- Width and Close options for WALL2
- WALLS.MNU for example menu macros
- WALLS.LSP to initialize enviroment
- Offset from endpoint option for OPENING, DOOR, WINDOW and RELITE
- Thickness for DOOR
- All routines require AutoCAD 2.6 or later.
Copyright 1988 Alacrity Page 9 of 10

WALLS Version 1.3 Reference Manual
--------------------------< List Of Files >-------------------------------
WALLS.DOC ......... This file
WALLS.ARC ......... For giving to your friends
WALLS.MNU ......... Sample menu macros
WALLS.LSP ......... Routines required by Walls utilities
WALLS.DWG ......... A drawing file with WALLS as the menu.
WALL1.LSP ......... Generates wall with line offset to one side
WALL2.LSP ......... Generates wall with line offsets to both sides
WALL3.LSP ......... Generates wall with multiple line offsets
WALL4.LSP ......... Generates wall from defined walltype
WALLTYPE.LSP ...... List, Create, Load walltypes
WALLLOAD.LSP ...... Simplified loading of walltypes
ACAD.WAL .......... Walltype definition file
NEAT.LSP .......... Cleans up wall intersections
NEAT.SLD .......... Examples of what NEAT can do
DOOR.LSP .......... Generate door symbol in wall
OPENING.LSP ....... Generate opening in wall
RELITE.LSP ........ Generate relite window in wall
WINDOW.LSP ........ Generate window in wall
---------------------------< Stay In Touch! >-----------------------------
The setting up of your AutoCAD enviroment is very personal, everybody
likes things a little bit different. I won't set up your AutoCAD
enviroment for you, but I will help you. If you have trouble getting
Walls to work just right for you, please contact me through CompuServe or
write to me. You can try to call me, but there is no garantee that you
will be able to reach me.
Ciao, Jason Osgood
12405 SE 25th St
Bellevue WA 98005
CompuServe ID: 73417,1756
Copyright 1988 Alacrity Page 10 of 10

------------------------< Registration Form >-----------------------------
To register ownership of Walls 1.3, print out and complete the following
form. Include a check or money order for $15 per copy (US dollars,
Washington residents add 8.1% sales tax) and mail to:
12405 SE 25th St.
Bellevue WA, 98005
Name: _______________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________
Company: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________
Phone: (______) _______________ Date: ________________________
AutoCAD version/machine type: __________________________________
Number of copies: _____
How did you here about Walls 1.3: ______________________________
End Of File

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