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Line Traps

Basic Function of Line Traps
Pow er Line C arrier (PLC ) is a
com m on m ethod of Pow er System
C om m unication, such as telepro-
tection, voice and data com m uni-
cation, etc. It has developed the
reputation of being one of the
m ost econom ical and reliable form s
of com m unication and versatile in
its application. Fig.2 show s a basic
PLC system consisting of three
distinct com ponents:
signal carrying m edium (H V
transm ission line)
com m unication apparatus
(transm itters, receivers and
associated com ponents)
coupling/blocking equipm ent
such as coupling capacitors, line
tuners (coupling devices) and
Line Traps.
Line Traps are connected in series
w ith H V transm ission lines. The
m ain function of the Line Trap is to
present a high im pedance at the
carrier frequency band w hile
introducing negligible im pedance
at the pow er frequency. The high
im pedance lim its the attenuation
of the carrier signal w ithin the
pow er system by preventing the
carrier signal from being:
dissipated in the substation
grounded in the event of a fault
outside the carrier transm ission
dissipated in a tap line or a
branch of the m ain transm ission
Line Traps
W ith over 40 years of successful
field experience Trench is the
recognized w orld leader in the
design and m anufacture of air-
core dry-type inductors for electric
utility applications. The unique
custom design approach, along
w ith fully integrated engineering
and m anufacturing facilities in
both N orth A m erica and Europe
have enabled Trench to becom e
the technical leader for high
voltage inductors w orld w ide.
Line Traps for Pow er Line C arrier
(PLC ) com m unication system s
represent a significant application
segm ent for high voltage
Fig. 1
Post mounted
Line Traps
Design and Construction
Line Traps are designed to m eet
A N SI standard C 93.3, IEC stan-
dard 353 or other international
The m ajor com ponents of a Line
Trap are the m ain coil, tuning
device and protective device
(see Fig. 3).
Fig. 4
Suspension mounted
Line Traps
Fig. 2
Principle scheme of a
Bird Barrier (Optional)
Since Line Traps are series connec-
ted w ith the H V transm ission line,
they m ust be designed to w ith-
stand the high m echanical forces
generated by the short circuit (s/c)
current associated w ith the H V
transm ission system .
Fig. 3
Line Trap
1 C oupling C apacitor 2 Line Tuner 3 Transm itter/Receiver
Line Trap Line Trap
Station A Station B
Main Coil
The m ain coil of a Line Trap is an
air-core dry-type pow er inductor.
Trench offers Line Traps w ith either
of tw o w ell established w inding
Encapsulated design (E-design)
O pen style design (O -design).
Both technologies fully com ply
w ith pow er system and PLC
requirem ents and are therefore
applied over the full range of com -
m only specified m ain coil ratings.
H ow ever, in the upper lim its of
inductance and current ratings the
encapsulated design is the
preferred concept (see Fig.5).
The w inding of the encapsulated
design utilizes alum inum w ire or
cable, w hereas the open style
w inding em ploys alum inum flat-
bar conductor. A ll pow er current
carrying com ponents utilize
w elded connections.
H igh m echanical strength of the
w inding is either achieved by resin
im pregnated, fiberglass reinforced
encapsulation (E-design) or by
fiberglass spacers w hich are resin
bonded betw een turns (O -design).
The w inding is term inated at both
ends on a system of alum inum
bars, denoted as the spiders w hich
are tensioned together by fiber-
glass ties (E-design) or fiberglass
rods (O -design). These spiders are
additionally used for
the electrical connection to the
Line Trap by term inal pads or
providing the hardw are for
lifting (lugs), m ounting (pede-
stals) and corona protection (bells,
connecting the tuning and
protective device across the
m ain coil.
Trench can provide the com plete
range of standard ratings
(inductance, continuous and s/c
current ratings, system voltage) in
accordance w ith IEC 353 or A N SI
C 93.3 standards (see Fig.5).
C ustom ized units are also available
to m eet specific custom er require-
m ents, such as specific inductance,
current (s/c or continuous), low
loss requirem ents, etc.
Rated Currents Rated Inductance
IEC 353 IEC 353
C ontinuous Short-tim e
A Series 1 m H at 100 kH z
kA /1sec
100 2,5 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
200 5 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
400 10 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
630 16 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
800 20 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
1000 25 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
1250 31,5 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
1600 40 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
2000 40 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
2500 40 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
3150 40 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
4000 63 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
C ontinuous Short-tim e
A Series 2 m H at 100 kH z
kA /1sec
100 5 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
200 10 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
400 16 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
630 20 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
800 25 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
1000 31,5 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
1250 40 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
1600 50 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
2000 50 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
2500 50 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
3150 50 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
4000 80 0,2 0,25 0,315 0,4 0,5 1,0 2,0
Rated Currents Rated Inductance
ANSI C93.3 ANSI C93.3
C ontinuous Short-tim e
A kA /2sec
m H at 100 kH z
400 15 0,265 0,53 1,06 1,59 2,12 2,65
800 20 0,265 0,53 1,06 1,59 2,12 2,65
1200 36 0,265 0,53 1,06 1,59 2,12 2,65
1600 44 0,265 0,53 1,06 1,59 2,12 2,65
2000 63 0,265 0,53 1,06 1,59 2,12 2,65
3000 63 0,265 0,53 1,06 1,59 2,12 2,65
4000 80 0,265 0,53 1,06 1,59 2,12 2,65
N ote:
A ll ratings available
w ith E-design
Shaded ratings not
available w ith O -design
Fig. 5
Values of continuous
current, short time current
and inductance
Tuning Device
The tuning device, connected
across the m ain coil, form s a
blocking circuit w hich provides
high im pedance over a specified
PLC -frequency range.
D epending on the type of tuning
(see below ) the tuning device
consists of capacitors, inductors
and resistors, all having relatively
low pow er ratings, com pared to
the m ain coil. For environm ental
protection these com ponents are
m ounted in one or m ore fiberglass
housings. The tuning device is
installed inside the m ain coil.
To m eet changing PLC frequency
requirem ents the tuning device is
easily accessible for replacem ent
or field adjustm ent (if applicable).
The bandw idth of a Line Trap is
that frequency range over w hich
the Line Trap provides a certain
specified m inim um blocking im pe-
dance or resistance. M inim um
blocking resistance should be
specified if the potential exists for
the reactive com ponent of the
Line Trap im pedance to resonate
w ith the substation im pedance.
The achievable bandw idth can be
expanded by increasing the m ain
coil inductance.
D ifferent types of tuning m ay be
expanded by increasing the m ain
coil inductance.
D ifferent types of tuning m ay be
Single Frequency Tuning
If narrow blocking bands are
required single frequency tuning is
the sim plest and m ost econom ical
type of tuning available. Fig.6
show s a typical schem atic and
blocking characteristic. W ithin this
narrow band, how ever, high
blocking im pedance can be provi-
ded, resulting in excellent PLC
signal isolation.
D ouble Frequency Tuning
The double frequency tuning
arrangem ent blocks tw o relatively
narrow bands of frequencies.
O therw ise, the blocking characte-
ristic is sim ilar to single frequency
For proper operation and isolation
of the tuned bands a m inim um
frequency separation m ust be
m aintained betw een the peak
tuning frequencies. This is 25 kH z
or 25 % of the upper tuning
frequency peak, w hichever is
greater. Fig.7 show s a typical
double frequency schem atic and
blocking characteristic.
Single frequency tuning
Double frequency tuning
Wideband tuning
Z Blocking im pedance
R Resistive com ponent
f C arrier frequency
Resonant frequency
(G eom etric M ean Frequency
G M F)
Frequency lim its of
blocking im pedance
Frequency lim its of
resistive blocking im pedance
Selftuned Line Trap
blocking characteristics
W ideband Tuning
W ideband tuning is the m ost
com m on type of tuning as it
efficiently utilizes the m ain coil
inductance. W ideband tuned Line
Traps are suitable for m ulti-chan-
nel applications, since relatively
constant im pedance is obtained
over a broad frequency range. This
type of tuning provides high band-
w idth flexibility for future changes
or expansion of PLC frequencies.
PLC channels can be placed
anyw here w ithin the blocked
bandw idth.
Fig.8 show s a typical w ideband
frequency Line Trap schem atic and
blocking characteristic.
Selftuned Line Traps
Selftuned Line Traps do not require
the use of tuning devices. The
blocking characteristic as show n in
Fig.10 is achieved by sim ply utili-
zing the self-capacitance of the
m ain coil w inding. The inductance
of a selftuned Line Trap is higher
than that of a tuned Line Trap.
Fig. 9
Suspension mounted 380 kV,
1.0 mH, 2100 A Line Trap
Protective Device
The protective device is a surge
arrester connected in parallel w ith
the m ain coil and the tuning
device. It protects the m ain coil
and the tuning device by reducing
the transient overvoltages to levels
corresponding to distribution
voltage class insulation.
The insulation level of the m ain
coil and tuning device is coordinated
w ith the surge arrester protective
Trench Line Traps are equipped
w ith advanced m etal-oxide type
surge arresters having a discharge
current rating of 10kA . Surge
arresters w ith higher discharge
current or high energy dissipation
arrangem ents are also available on
specific request.
Mounting and Connection
Trench Line Traps can be m ounted
in several configurations. Suspen-
sion m ounted Line Traps are
available w ith either single pointor
m ulti-point suspension brackets.
Line Traps can also be pedestal
m ounted directly onto coupling
capacitors (CCs), capacitive voltage
transform ers (C VTs) or station post
insulators. Trench offers several
types of m ounting pedestals:
single insulator support pedestal
m ulti-insulator support pedestal
insulated pedestal
O ther than the insulated pedestal,
all pedestals are electrically
connected to the low er term inal
of the Line Trap, and as such can
be used as both the electrical and
m echanical connection to the C C
or C VT (see Fig.11a). Should it be
necessary to utilize the upper Line
Trap term inal as the connection to
the C C or C VT, a pedestal insulated
from the bottom end (bottom
spider) of the Line Trap m ust be
used in conjunction w ith a special
insulated connection rod supplied
by Trench (see Fig.11b).
A ll pedestals can be custom m ade
to suit custom er requirem ents.
Term inals supplied on the Line Traps
can be either pad or stud type.
Each type is m anufactured to
m eet the applicable IEC or N EM A
In addition, term inals can be
located on virtually any spider arm, ensu-
ring total flexibility to meet individual re-
quirements. Terminal details and termi-
nal orientation are shown in Fig.12 and
Fig. 11a Fig. 11b
C oupling
C apacitor
C oupling
C apacitor
Line Trap connection
Fig. 12
Term inal orientation
(by special request m ay be situated
at any spider arm location.
N um ber of spider arm s is obtained
from actual quotation draw ing,
typically 4, 6 or 8)
: is used to define the top
term inal location, at centre or at
any of the spiders.
: is used to define the bottom
term inal location; at centre or at
any of the spider arm s.
Fig. 13
Standard term inal types plated or
bare alum inum
N ote:
U nless otherw ise specified, flat
term inal pads w ill be vertically
oriented to reduce eddy current
heating. (ie. term inals oriented so
that the coils axis is in the plane
of the term inal.)
Top view
C alculation of tapping loss (A
and blocking attenuation (A
= C haracteristic im pedance of
the line
The im pedance of substation Z
assum ed to be 0 O hm s.
C enter Frequency (f
is the m ean frequency of
the blocked bandw idth lim it
frequencies (f
, f
Definiton of Blocking
The blocking requirem ent of a
Line Trap is dependent on the
characteristic im pedance of the
transm ission line w here Pow er
Line C arrier is to be applied. The
Line Trap blocking requirem ents
can be specified in term s of:
Blocking Im pedance (Z
is the com plex im pedance of
the com plete Line Trap w ithin a
specified PLC frequency range.
Blocking Resistance (R
is the value of the resistive
com ponent of the blocking
im pedance, w ithin a specified
PLC frequency range.
Tapping Loss (A
, also know n as Insertion
Loss, is a m easure of the loss
of pow er sustained by a carrier
frequency signal due to the
finite blocking ability of the Line
Trap. The tapping loss of an
ideal Line Trap should be very
low and approach zero.
Blocking A ttenuation (A
is a m easure of the relative
transm itted carrier frequency
signal w hich enters the trapped
circuit section of netw ork. The
blocking attenuation of an ideal
Line Trap should be infinitely
Equ.I A
(dB) = 20 log
10 (
Equ.II A
(dB) = 20 log
10 (
1,0 mH Line Trap
0,315 mH Line Trap 0,2 mH Line Trap
0,5 mH Line Trap
Trench A ustria G m bH
Paschinger Strasse 49, Postfach 13
A -4060 Linz-Leonding/A ustria
Phone +43.732.6793-0
Fax +43.732.6713 41
E-M ail sales@ TrenchA
Trench Brasil LTD A
Via Expressa de C ontagem , 2685
C EP 32370-485
C ontagem , M G - Brasil
Phone 55. 31. 391-5959
Fax 55. 31. 391-1828
E-M ail
Trench Lim ited
C oil Product D ivision
71 M aybrook D rive, Scarborough
O ntario, C anada M 1V 4B6
Phone (416) 298-8108
Fax (416) 298-2209
E-M ail sales@
Trench Lim ited
Instrum ent Transform er D ivision
390 M idw est Road, Scarborough
O ntario, C anada M 1P 3B5
Phone (416) 751-8570
Fax (416) 751-6952
E-M ail sales@
Trench France S.A .
16, rue du G nral C assagnou
B.P. 70
F-68302 St-Louis C edex/France
Phone +33.3.89 70 23 23
Fax +33.3.89 67 26 63
E-M ail sales@
Trench G erm any G m bH
N rnberger Strasse 199
96050 Bam berg/G erm any
Phone +49.951.1803-0
Fax +49.951.1803-224
E-M ail sales@
Trench Sw itzerland A G
Lehenm attstrasse 353
C H -4028 Basel/Sw itzerland
Phone +41.61.315 51 11
Fax +41.61.315 59 00
E-M ail sales@
Subject to change w ithout notice
E 231

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