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Terms and Conditions
The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible
in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does
not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are
aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(
)hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in
this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$
omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(
An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations
are unintentional(
In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no
&uarantees o# inome made( -eaders are autioned to re"l' on their
o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to at
This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$
aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies
o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane
.ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(
- / -
Table O# Contents
Cha"ter 11
2anner Ad 2asis
Cha"ter 21
Choose A Great Punh Line
Cha"ter /1
3a,e 4ure .ou 5ave Great Co"'
Cha"ter 61
7se Attention )ords Li,e 0ree And Ne%
Cha"ter 81
Inludin& Lo&os And 7rls
Cha"ter 91
7se Attention Grabbin& Gra"his
Cha"ter :1
5o%2anner Ads Can Advane .our Net 3ar,etin&
)ra""in& 7"
- 6 -
- 8 -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;2anner-Generator-Pro
- 9 -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Godadd'
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;5ost&ator
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;NameChea"
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;4oialAdr
- : -
One o# the more "o"ular tools that is urrentl' ma,in& %aves in the
advertisin& arena over the internet is the banner ads tool( The banner
ads are a ne% #orm o# advertisin& that has "roven its %orth in terms
o# its a"abilit' in reahin& the masses e##etivel'(
2anner Ad 2omb
Learn 5o% To 7se 2anner Ads To >ro" The Com"etition In Its
Cha"ter 11
- ? -
2anner Ad 2asis
2ein& a #ast &ro%in& entit' %ith #ar reahin& "ossibilities the internet
mar,etin& "lat#orm has been able to suess#ull' launh and sustain a
lot o# businesses over the 'ears(
)ith this &ro%th there omes a need to "rovide various
om"limentin& and ustomer #ous advertisin& am"ai&ns( These
am"ai&ns o#ten re@uire the assistane o# various internet tools to
ensure its tar&et audiene is reahed and suess#ull' om"elled to
beomin& lo'al "urhasin& ustomers(
- A -
The 2asis
The banner ad tool is not neessaril' and eB"ensive #orm o# internet
advertisin& not does it have man' "rohibitin& #eatures and this ma,es
it an attrative "ro"osition to use es"eiall' #or the smaller business
The abilit' o# banner ads to brin& in ne% tra##i to the site is another
reason to use this tool as it e##etivel' "rovides the neessar' interest
in the site that #eatures it(
5o%ever it should be noted that banner ads are not somethin& that
should be randoml' hosen *ust #or the sa,e o# advertisin& the
"rodut or servie intended #or the tar&et audiene(
Care#ul thou&ht should be &iven to the st'le and ontent o# the banner
ad as it is the #irst "hase o# the ontent matter the "ros"et is &oin& to
be eB"osed to(
There#ore the desi&n should be done in an attention &rabbin& manner
to not onl' to attrat the attention o# the tar&et audiene but to hold it
An im"ortant #eature to inlude in the banner ad "ostin& is to o##er
somethin& #or #ree or at a disount( This is a ver' @ui, and e##etive
%a' o# &ettin& the attention o# the vie%er(
- 1C -
Cha"ter 21
Choose A Great Punh Line
3ost banner ads re@uire a "unh line to drive home the "oint o# the
ad or to ma,e a statement that %ould ade@uatel' &et the overall
messa&e aross( These "unh lines should be %ell desi&ned and
are#ul thou&ht should be &iven to its ontent( The "unh line is the
element that is &oin& ontribute to the "ros"et %antin& to eB"lore
- 11 -
Get Attention
5ere are some reommendations that should be onsidered %hen
desi&nin& "unh lines1
D Punh lines hosen should have a onnetive re#erene to the
sub*et matter o# the banner ads( -andom one-liners %ill not
serve the "ur"ose o# the overall ad %ell thus de#eatin& the main
"ur"ose o# &ettin& the ad reo&ni+ed( The vie%in& audiene
should be able to have a "oint o# re#erene #rom the "unh line
to the banner ad bein& vie%ed(
D Punh lines should not be desi&ned to be obsure %here onl' a
small "erenta&e o# the vie%in& audiene %ill be able to relate to
it( The idea o# banner ads is to reah a %ide tar&et audiene and
not a #oused #e%( I# the "unh line hosen an be understood
randoml' then the orret hoie %as made(
D Punh line should be brie# as len&th' ones %ill &et lost in
translation( )hen the vie%er is not able to instantl' ath on
then the "unh line has not been %ell "hrased( Punh lines an
also ontain %itt' remar,s$ sound e##ets$ #aial eB"ressions and
voie in#letions( These an be added to reate the eBitement
- 12 -
enhanin& #ator that %ill &et the desi&ned messa&e aross more
D The desi&n o# the "unh line should also #it the demo&ra"his
and the tehnial a"abilities o# the tar&et audiene( >esi&nin&
material that is on#usin& and uninterestin& to the audiene
based on their understandin& a"aities %ill eventuall' render
the banner ads null and void in its @uest to be %ell reeived(
- 1/ -
Cha"ter /1
3a,e 4ure .ou 5ave Great Co"'
Althou&h banner ads are an ideal #orm o# advertisin& "lat#orms #or
the internet mar,etin& arena there should be some serious thou&ht
"ut into the eBerise o# desi&nin& these ads( Eisibilit' and @ualit' are
somethin& that should &et onsideration in ma,in& a o"' that %ould
be both attrative and attention &rabbin&(
- 16 -
)hat .ou 4a'
3a,in& a &reat o"' %ould entail #ousin& on some im"ortant
elements and the #ollo%in& are *ust some reommendation to
D Eisibilit' o# the banner should ideall' also onsider the si+e
as"et o# the desi&n( 4eletin& the best si+e that %ould reate
the desired im"at on the vie%er is ho% the "o"ularit' o# the
banner ads is hei&htened( Ideal si+e banner ads are #ull si+e
%hih should be about 69? B 9C "iBels$ vertial banner ads
should be about 12C B 26C "iBels and the button si+e banner ad
should be about 12C B AC or 12C B 12C "iBels(
D 0lashin& banner ads are more li,el' to ath the attention o#
the vie% as om"ared to still ones( It %ould be better to ma,e
use o# the (&i# ima&es to ma,e the #lashin& and rollin& %ell
"laed to ensure the vie%er is not irritated b' the less than
ae"table standards( Also havin& #e%er #rames im"roves the
loadin& time thus &ivin& the vie%er a more e##iientl' run
D Addin& #ooter lines at the bottom o# the banner ads is also
reommended as it hel"s add the sites to 7-L( Choosin& to add
some ath' notes at the bottom o# the ads is also a &ood idea(
- 18 -
The messa&e ontent should be sim"li#ied %hile usin& the
ombined teBt and visual data(
D Posin& @uestions in a visible and om"etition st'le desi&n %ill
reate a &ood and interestin& o"' #or the banner ads(
D 3ost banner ads toda' rel' heavil' on animations as this seems
to be an e##etive attention &rabbin& tool(
- 19 -
Cha"ter 61
7se Attention )ords Li,e 0ree And Ne%
Attention &rabbin& is the main aim o# banner ads and i# this is not
e##etivel' evident then the banner ad has not mana&ed to
suess#ull' ontribute to its "ur"ose( The banner ads are su""osed to
the #ront line dra% to the atual siteFs ontent and so usin& %ords that
%ould ma,e this dra% more e##etive is %orth eB"lorin&(
- 1: -
Pea, Interest
7sin& %ords suh as #ree and ne% are some o# the more "o"ular
hoies to ma,e as these %ords "la' on the minds o# the vie%er
ri&ht #rom the start o# the vie%in& "roess(
An'thin& that is touted to be #ree is onsidered attrative and thus
om"ellin& the vie%er to eB"lore #urther into the site visited( )ith
this "romise o# somethin& #ree the initial intention o# &ettin& the
"ros"et to beome an atual vie%in& "artii"ant is ahieved(
This is es"eiall' bene#iial to the host i# the #ree "romised is
ta&&ed to a "urhase or an' other t'"e o# #irm ommitment(
There#ore usin& the #ree element to a@uire all this is indeed an
area %orth "ursuin&( 5o%ever the #ree item should be somethin&
use#ul and not somethin& that the vie%er %ould eventuall' deem a
%aste o# time and e##ort as this %ill eventuall' ause the adverse
e##ets to our(
This is ver' im"ortant to ensure the banner ads are not loo,ed
u"on as some sort o# s"am %hih is de#initel' an una""reiated
7sin& the term ne% also "la' a similar role in the @uest to entiin&
the visitor to ma,e a ommitment or "urhase(
3ost "eo"le en*o' bein& able to a@uire the latest or ne%est o#
- 1? -
an'thin& available$ thus b' im"l'in& that it is "ossible to do so *ust
b' vie%in& the banner ads then it %ould not be too di##iult a tas,
to #ollo%(
- 1A -
Cha"ter 81
Inludin& Lo&os And 7rls
)hen &ettin& the attention o# the vie%er is to" "riorit' then usin& the
lo&os is a &ood %a' to start( Ideall' lo&os are sim"le and in#ormative
throu&h their desi&n ima&e and also almost al%a's easil'
This ma,es it a &ood aess "oint to the site( This is #urther enhaned
%hen the eBerise o# embeddin& a 7-L is added into the e@uation(
The embedded 7-L %hih is more ommonl' re#erred to as lin,in& is
done then the lo&o is saved as an ima&e and the use o# 5T3L
beomes more aessible(
- 2C -
4"ie It 7"
There #ollo%in& are some &uidelines %hih an be used in the @uest to
&et the banner ads vie%in& o"timi+ed1
D 7"loadin& the lo&o ima&e #ile %hih b' this "oint should be
suitabl' desi&ned to re#let the overall site ontent an
ommene( This is done or ta&&ed to the intended %ebsite(
D Then the "roess o# o"enin& the 5T3L #ile o# the %eb"a&e
%here the lin, is to be embedded is the neBt ste"( 2oth "lain
teBt and 5T3L editor an be used(
D The #ollo%in& should be t'"ed into the intended area the lin,
lo&e is to a""earG((Ha hre#IJhtt";;%%%(%ebsite(omJL
re"lain& the %%%(%ebsite(om %ith the 7-L that is best suited
to lin, the lo&o(
D Then t'"e the #ile name #or the lo&o into the ima&e ta& usin& the
#ollo%in& route Him& srIhtt"1;;%%%(%ebsite(omMlo&o(*"&;L
re"lain& it %ith the lo&o ima&e "reviousl' u"loaded(
D Then lose the lin, ta& %ith H;aL the #ull 5T3L ode %ill
- 21 -
a""ear as #ollo%s - Ha hre#Ihtt"1;;%%%(%ebsite(omLHim&
D 7"loadin& the %eb "a&e to the %eb server an ommene(
To ensure all is "ro"erl' done one should he, the u"loaded "a&e to
ensure the lin,ed lo&o is dis"la'ed "ro"erl'( These are the tehnial
assistane side o# the "roess but su##ie to sa' that %ithout the %ell
desi&ned lo&o &ettin& the vie%er to identi#' %ith the site ma' ta,e a
lon&er "eriod o# time b' om"arison(
- 22 -
Cha"ter 91
7se Attention Grabbin& Gra"his
4ta'in& om"etitive re@uires the individual to eB"lore various %a's to
&rab the attention o# the vie%er and sustain it lon& enou&h #or a
"ositive im"ression to be made( 7sin& attention &rabbin& &ra"his is
one %a' o# doin& this(
- 2/ -
Previousl' this ma' not have been suh a viable o"tion$ as most users
%ere onl' able load ima&es throu&h muh slo%er dial u" internet
aess ho%ever %ith the advanement o# hi&h s"eed internet
onnetions this is no lon&er an issue #or the masses(
There#ore it %ould not be in the interest o# the individual to overloo,
the advanta&es o# inludin& this tool into the desi&nin& o# an' site$ as
usin& &ra"his %ill allo% the individual to sta' one ste" ahead o# the
"at in the @uest to &rab and en&a&e the attention o# the vie%in&
tar&et audiene(
2ein& able to o"timi+e a small area o# s"ae is one o# the hallen&ed
"resented %hen usin& the &ra"his st'le to &ettin& attention(
There#ore the individual should onentrate on desi&nin& elements
and balane them as "er#etl' as "ossible( The visual im"ressions that
the &ra"his use "rovides an reate the onnetion bet%een the
vie%er and the "roduts or servies bein& o##ered at the site(
Puttin& the &ra"his at the to" hal# o# the la'out %ould ensure
maBimum visibilit'( 7sin& a sin&le lar&e desi&n rather than several
smaller ones %ill be a better attention &rabbin& o"tion$ ho%ever i# the
need to use several smaller one is im"ortant to the ontent then the'
should be &rou"ed to #orm one sin&le messa&e(
- 26 -
The &ra"his desi&n hosen should be able to &enerate the messa&e
and "resent it in a lear and NreadableJ #ashion other%ise even the
most e'e athin& desi&ns %ould be lost in translation i# the atual
messa&e is not #orth omin&(
The ima&es ontent should also be limited to a #e% onise messa&es
rather than bombardin& the vie%er %ith a lot o# on#usin& matter(
- 28 -
Cha"ter :1
5o%2anner Ads Can Advane .our Net 3ar,etin& Inome
2anner ads have been ,no%n to "rovide &reat advanta&es throu&h its
use and as suh it should be eB"lored #or the o"timi+ation o# the net
mar,etin& inome( The banner ads serve mainl' three basi #untions
%hih inludes buildin& brand a%areness$ sellin& somethin& and
drivin& as muh tra##i as "ossible to a site(
- 29 -
The 3one'
As the latter t%o #untions are be tra,ed is a measurable "lat#orm
o# sorts the #irst ma' "rove to be rather di##iult to tra, in a
measurable %a'$ ho%ever this does not "resent itsel# as a
disadvanta&e as it &ives the individual dome room to ma,e
ad*ustments "eriodiall' to enhane the e##orts to reated the
desired e##ets(
2anner ads have the "otential to o##er unlimited tar&etin&$ tra,in&
and measurabilit' to the individual that ma,es the %ise deision to
"i, this o"tion as the %a' to reah their tar&et audiene(
In order to desi&n the best banner ads the individual needs to
deide %hat the "ur"ose the banner ads are &oin& to serve$ as
%ould be @uite an im"ortant #eature to onsider %hen the initial
sta&es #or the "lannin& is bein& dealt %ith(
- 2: -
)ra""in& 7"
Throu&h the use o# banner ads the individual is better able to diret
the desired tar&et audiene to the site thus in the "roess &arnerin&
"otential ustomers(
This is mainl' due to the #at that the hoie made as to %here the
banner ads %ill a""ear is le#t almost entirel' u" to the individual( Also
there is the advanta&e o# hoosin& the a##iliate sites it %ill a""ear in(
The &ist o# the in#ormation about the "roduts or servies an be
vie%ed easil' thus ma,in& it a onvenient #orm o# &ettin& in#ormation
aross in a shorter s"ae o# time$ and this is bene#iial to both the host
and the vie%er(
- 2? -
- 2A -
-eommended -esoures
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Godadd'
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;5ost&ator
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;NameChea"
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;4oialAdr
- /C -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Tra##i)ave
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;2anner-Generator-Pro
- /1 -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Imnia3ail
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;2anner-Generator-Pro
- /2 -
Cli, 5ere1
Cli, 5ere1
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Oa++leCreateCustomTshirts4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Oa++leCustomi+eItAll4tore
Cli, 5ere1
- // -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Oa++leGraduationInvitations4tore
Cli, 5ere1
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Oa++leiPhone9CasesPreorder4tore
Cli, 5ere1
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Oa++le4aveThe>ate3a&nets4tore
- /6 -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Oa++le)ra""edCanvas4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Oa++leGi#tCenter4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;Oa++le4ho"AndCreateIn74A

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