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MCQs based on the recently issued circulars by the Bank (up to March 2013)

1. Which of the following is not a pre-requisite for using IMPS facility by an active M-
Connect User
a. !eneficiary"s account nu#ber
b. !eneficiary !an$"s I%S co&e
c. !eneficiary"s MMI'
&. (ll the above
e. a) b * c woul& be sufficient
+. !an$ has intro&uce& ,web-base& centralise& solution" for cre&it #onitoring for the
following accounts -
a. (&vance account with %! * .%! e/posure of 0s.11 Cr an& above
b. (&vance account with %! e/posure of 0s.11 Cr an& above
c. (&vance account with %! * .%! e/posure of 0s.2 Cr an& above
&. (&vance account with %! e/posure of 0s.2 Cr an& above
e. (&vance account with %! * .%! e/posure of 0s.1 Cr an& above
3. (s per revise& targets of Priority Sector classification in MSM4) 516 of total
a&vances un&er #icro * s#all 7#fg8 shoul& go to #icro 7#fg8 having invest#ent in
Plant * Machinery up to 0s.99999 an& #icro 7service8 having invest#ent in
equip#ent up to 0s. 999999
a. 0s.2 lacs * 0s.+ lacs
b. 0s.11 lacs * 0s.5 lacs
c. 0s.+2 lacs * 0s.11 lacs
&. 0s.11 lacs * 0s.2 lacs
e. .o such ceiling of 516
5. (s per revise& targets of Priority Sector classification in MSM4) +16 of total
a&vances un&er #icro * s#all 7#fg8 shoul& go to #icro 7#fg8 having invest#ent in
Plant * Machinery above 0s.999999 an& up to 0s.99999 an& #icro 7service8 having
invest#ent in equip#ent above 0s.999999 an& up to 0s. 999999
a. (bove 0s.2 lacs) up to 0s.+2 lacs * above 0s.+ lacs) up to 0s.11 lacs
b. (bove 0s.11 lacs) up to 0s.21 lacs * above 0s.+ lacs) up to 0s.+2 lacs
c. (bove 0s.11 lacs) up to 0s.+2 lacs * above 0s.5 lacs) up to 0s.11 lacs
&. (bove 0s.2 lacs) up to 0s.11 lacs * above 0s.+ lacs) up to 0s.2 lacs
e. .o such ceiling of +16
2. Which of the following is one of the changes that have ta$en place in !:!0(M
cre&it rating wor$flow
a. Co#pany creation * User I' creation will happen within !:!0(M
b. Status up&ation utility for past assess#ents
c. MIS capabilities vi;. 0ating over&ue report) Search pen&ing cases) case
status report
&. Sub#ission of 0ating to 0:<=:<!CC pool instea& of in&ivi&ual User
e. (ll the above
>. Which of the following of our overseas territories has not been i&entifie& for
opening of .04<.0: S! accounts un&er Centralise& Processing
a. U(4 b. ?enya c. Ugan&a &. South (frica
e. all the above countries have been i&entifie&
@. Which one of the following changes that has ta$en place recently in case of 44%C)
0%C * 'ia#on& 'ollar account
a. custo#er can #aintain 1116 of fore/ receive& by hi# in these accounts
b. :nly e/porters against accepting fore/ can open these accounts
c. Custo#ers having these accounts can access to fore/ #ar$et only after
utili;ing fully the available balances in these accounts
&. custo#er can #aintain @26 of fore/ receive& by hi# in these accounts
e. none of the above
A. What is the #ini#u# contribution by each beneficiary un&er .PS Bite Sche#e
a. 0s.111<- b. 0s.211<- c. 0s.1111<- &. 0s.+11<- 0s.21<-
C. Dhe Savings as well as Current account shoul& be treate& as inoperative<&or#ant if
there are no transactions for over a perio& of 99999999
a. + years b. 1 years c. 3 years &. > #onths e. none of the above
11. Current an& Savings account which are not operating for last 999years are unclai#e&
a. 11 years b. 1+ years c. 2 years &. 12 years
e. no such concept in C!S environ#ent
11. %or the purpose of classifying an account as ,inoperative") #onthly an& quarterly
interest on ter# &eposit cre&ite& to &eposit accounts are consi&ere& 9999999
a. syste# in&uce& b. custo#er in&uce& c. syste# generate& &. either
e. none of the above
1+. If a %i/e& 'eposit 0eceipt #atures an& procee&s are unpai&) the a#ount left
unclai#e& with the ban$ will attract 99999999 rate of interest if (uto 0enewal
facility at the ti#e of placing the &eposit was specifically refuse& by the custo#er.
a. Savings !an$ b. :ne year c. .o interest &. perio& selecte& at the
ti#e of placing the &eposit e. none of the above
13. (n account of a person who has been #issing for the last 99999 years or #ore can be
treate& in the sa#e way as of the account of a &ecease& person.
a. 2 years b. @ years c. 11 years &. +1 years e. no such provision
15. Dhe threshol& li#it for settle#ent of clai#s where a person is #issing for the last @
years an& #ore where &eclaration<certificate fro# court shoul& not be insiste& upon-
a. 0s.1 lac b. 0s.+ lacs c. 0s.21)111<- &. none of these e. can not be waive&
12. Pay#ent of ta/es through e-#o&e will earn 0s.99999 per challan.
a. 0s.1+<- b. 0s.31<- c. 0s.52<- &. 0s.21<- e. 0s.>1<-
1>. Collection of ta/es through physical challan will earn 0s.99999 per challan.
a. 0s.1+<- b. 0s.31<- c. 0s.52<- &.0s.21<- e. 0s.>1<-
1@. In case of financing by #ore than one secure& cre&itors or in Eoint financing of
financial assets the consent of secure& cre&itors of 999999 6 in value of the
a#ount outstan&ing will be require& for ta$ing any action stipulate& as per
S(0%(4SI (ct.
a. 216 b. >16 c. @26 &. A16 e. .one of these
1A. Di#e perio& for respon&ing to the borrower"s representation against enforce#ent of
security un&er S(0%(4SI by the !an$s -
a. @ &ays b. 11 &ays c. 12 &ays &. 31 &ays e. none of the above
1C. Dransaction charges for use of (DMs of .%S #e#ber ban$s by !aro&a ?isan 0upay
Car& hol&ers -
a. 0s.+1<- per transaction
b. 0s.+1<- per cash with&rawal
c. 0s.1><- per cash with&rawal F 0s.><- per non financial transaction
&. 0s.12<- per transaction
e. .o transaction charges 7fully waive&8
+1. Un&er ,0aEiv Gan&hi 4quity Savings Sche#e" what are the criteria for giving ta/
a. new retail investors who invest up to 0s.21)111<- an& whose gross total annual
inco#e is less than or equal to 0s.11 lacs.
b. (ny in&ivi&ual who has not opene& a &e#at account an& has not #a&e any
transactions in the &erivative seg#ent as on the &ate of notification of the Sche#e
i.e. +3.11.+11+H
c. (ny in&ivi&ual who has opene& a &e#at account before the notification of the
Sche#e but has not #a&e any transactions in the equity seg#ent or the &erivative
seg#ent till the &ate of notification of the Sche#eH
&. (ny in&ivi&ual who is not the first account hol&er of an e/isting Eoint &e#at
account shall be &ee#e& to have not opene& a &e#at account for the purpose of
this Sche#e.
f. (ll the above.
+1. (t which place the inauguration of I0 share& Services Pilot !ac$ :ffice has ta$en
place recently in our !an$
a. Buc$now b. Mu#bai c. !aro&a &. .ew 'elhi e. Jaipur
++. !an$"s career portal has been bran&e& with the the#e -
a. !aro&a b. Dalent c. %irst &. Career e. .one of these
+3.What is the #ini#u# a#ount of &eposit for our K!aro&a 'ouble 'ha#a$a %'
a. 0s.1)111<- b. 0s.2)111<- c. 0s.11)111<- &. 0s.+)111<- e. .one of these
+5. (s per revise& gui&elines of Intersol Dransfer transactions) where either payee or
&rawer has account with the branch) what are the passing powers of Scale III an&
IM 7not wor$ing as Jt Manager<!ranch Iea&8
a. 0s.21)111<-
b. 0s.1.11 lacs
c. 0s.+.11 lacs
&. .o restriction
e. .one of the above
+2. (s per revise& gui&elines of Intersol Dransfer transactions) where either payee or
&rawer has account with the branch) what are the passing powers of Scale I an& II
a. 0s.21)111<-
b. 0s.1.11 lacs
c. 0s.+.11 lacs
&. .o restriction
e. .one of the above
+>. which of the following case is not eligible un&er K!aro&a Io#e Boan Group Personal
(cci&ent Insurance PolicyL
a. Io#e Boan borrowers sanctione&<&isburse& on or after 11.1C.1+
b. K(((L Boan borrowers whose Io#e Boans were sanctione& before 11.1C.1+
c. .0I<PI: Io#e Boans sanctione&<&isburse& on or after 11.1C.1+
d. 7a8 an& 7c8
e. (ll a) b an& c are eligible.
+@. What is the #argin stipulate& for K!aro&a (&vance against gol& orna#ents<
Jewellery<Gol& coins where the li#it is #ore than 0s.3.11 lacs
a. 126 b. +16 c. 316 &. +26 e. 35%
+A. What is the new na#e given to our K!aro&a .agri$ !achat ?hataL
a. !aro&a !asic Savings !an$ 'eposit (ccount Sche#e
b. !aro&a .o %rills (ccount
c. !aro&a =ero !alance S! (ccount
&. !aro&a (&vantage S! (ccount
e. .o such change
+C. Which one of the following is not a revise& feature of K!aro&a !asic Savings !an$
'epositL as in the earlier ,.agri$ !achat ?hata"
a. Mini#u# &eposit a#ount #a&e .IB fro# the earlier 0s.21<-
b. .u#ber of w<& allowe& in a #onth are 5 as against 3 earlier
c. .u#ber of cheque leaves allowe& free in a year - 21
&. SI<4CS<Internet !an$ing<'ebit Car& allowe&
e. Dhere is no ceiling on the a#ount &eposite&
f. (ll the above
31. :fficers above the age of 99999 years will be e/e#pte& fro# the Inter ;onal
transfers) if such officers &o not opt for further pro#otions.
a. 22 b. 21 c. 23 &. 2@ e. none of these
31. :fficers above the age of 999999 years will be e/e#pte& fro# Inter-0egion
a. 22 b. 21 c. 23 &. 2@ e. no e/e#ption for Inter-0egion
3+. Which of the following transactions co#es un&er the purview of phishing policy
a. Internet !an$ing b. #obile ban$ing c. (DM
&. any transaction that ta$es place in the !ranch
e. a) b * c above
33. ( cap of #a/i#u# 99999 per transaction has been place& on in&ivi&ual re#ittance
un&er the recently launche& Money Dransfer service sche#e in tie up with M<s
Western Union.
a. US' +211 b. US' +111 c. US' 2111 &. US' 1111 e. .one
35. I##e&iate cre&it of local<outstation cheques facility will be available for the
instru#ents upto 0s.9999999 in the satisfactorily con&ucte& accounts.
a. 0s.12)111<- b. 0s.+1)111<- c. 0s.+2)111<- &. 0s.2)111<- e. none
32. I##e&iate cre&it of local<outstation cheques facility will be available for the
instru#ents upto 0s.9999999 in !aro&a Pre#iu# Current (ccount.
a. 0s.+2)111<- b. 0s.21)111<- c. 0s.1)11)111<- &. 0s.@2)111<- e. none
3>.I##e&iate cre&it of local<outstation cheques facility will be available for the
instru#ents upto 0s.9999999 in !aro&a Pre#iu# Privilege Current (ccount-
a. 0s.1)11)111<- b. 0s.1)21)111<- c. 0s.21)111<- &. 0s.@2)111<- e. none
3@. I##e&iate cre&it of local<outstation cheques facility will be available for the
instru#ents upto 0s.9999999 in !aro&a Centenary S! account-
a. 0s.+2)111<- b. 0s.+1)111<- c. 0s.12)111<- &. 0s.11)111<- e. none
3A. Cheques presente& for collection to any four #aEor Metro Cities 7. 'elhi) Mu#bai)
?ol$atta * Chennai8 an& payable at any other three centre - shoul& be collecte&
within a #a/i#u# of-
a. 3 &ays b. @ &ays c. 11 &ays &. ne/t &ay of presentation e. none
3C. Cheques presente& for collection at Metro Centres * State Capitals - shoul& be
collecte& within a #a/i#u# of -
a. 3 &ays b. @ &ays c. 11 &ays &. 12 &ays e. 15 &ays
51. Cheques presente& for collection at the centres other than Metro * State Capitals -
Shoul& be collecte& within a #a/i#u# of -
a. 3 &ays b. @ &ays c. 11 &ays &. 15 &ays e. 12 &ays
51. Dhe #a/i#u# perio& for affor&ing cre&it into the account for cheques &rawn on
foreign countries -
a. 31 &ays b. +2 wor$ing &ays c. +2 wor$ing &ays or 1 calen&ar #onth
whichever is higher 7subEect to holi&ays in these countries8 &. 31 &ays e/clusive
of holi&ays in these countries e. +1 &ays
5+. Interest payable for &elaye& collection of instru#ents within In&ia) if the &elay
beyon& @<11<15 &ays -
a. S! 0ate of Interest for the &elaye& perio& b. S! 0ateF+6 for &elaye&
perio& c. S! 0ateF+6 for the whole perio& fro# the &ate of sen&ing for collection
&. Der# 'eposit 0ate e. .one
53. Interest payable for &elaye& collection of instru#ents within In&ia) if the &elay
beyon& 15 &ays but upto C1 &ays -
a. S! 0ate of Interest for the &elaye& perio& b. S! 0ateF+6 for &elaye&
perio& c. S! 0ateF+6 for the whole perio& fro# the &ate of sen&ing for collection
&. Der# 'eposit 0ate for the respective perio& e. .one
55. Interest payable for &elaye& collection of instru#ents within In&ia) in case of
e/traor&inary &elay) ie) &elays e/cee&ing C1 &ays -
a. S! 0ate of Interest for the &elaye& perio& b. S! 0ateF+6 for &elaye&
perio& c. %' 0ateF+6 for the correspon&ing Der# 'eposit 0ate
&. Der# 'eposit 0ate e. .one
52. What is the 0ate of Interest applicable w.e.f. 11.15.13 for the custo#er having a
PP% account
a. A.116 b. A.+16 c. A.@16 &. A.216 e. A.@26
5>. What is the 0ate of Interest applicable w.e.f. 11.15.13 for the custo#er having a
Senior Citi;en Savings Sche#e 7SCSS) +1158 account
a. C.+16 b. A.+16 c. A.@16 &. C.216 e. A.@26
5@. %ro# the year +111-1+ onwar&s) which of the following is the assess#ent for# of
:fficers in our !an$
a. 4P0% b. 4PMS c. (P(0 &. P(S(S e. :PMS

5A. What are the pre-requisites for availing our !an$"s :nline tra&ing facility 7K!aro&a
a. S!<C( b. 'e#at (ccount c. :nline Dra&ing (<c with our !an$
&. :nly 7a8 an& 7b8 e. (ll the 7a8 7b8 an& 7c)
5C. (s for flow of Cre&it to MSM4 Sector) !an$ is un&er 0egulatory obligation for the
following -
a. ( #ini#u# growth of +16 on y-to-y basis un&er SM4 cre&it
b. ( #ini#u# growth of 116 in nu#ber of a<cs in #icro sector
c. ( #ini#u# growth of +26 on y-to-y basis un&er SM4 cre&it
&. 7a8 an& 7b8 above
e. 7c8 an& 7b8 above
21. !aro&a ?isan 0upay Car& can not be issue& in following !?CC accounts -
a. In case account beca#e .P(
b. In case of over&ues in the account
c. If the account is over&ue for 0eview
&. If &ocu#ents have e/pire& or B(' is &ue
e. (ll the above
21. What is the criteria for classifying an entity as MI' Corp
a. gross turnover of #ore than 0s.121<- Crores an& upto 0s.211<- Crores
b. gross turnover of #ore than 0s.111<- Crores an& upto 0s.+21<- Crores
c. gross turnover of #ore than 0s.121<- Crores an& upto 0s.311<- Crores
&. gross turnover of #ore than 0s.111<- Crores an& upto 0s.211<- Crores
e. gross turnover of #ore than 0s.121<- crore without any #a/i#u# ceiling
2+. (n entity has less than 0s.521 Cr turnover as per last year au&ite& !alance Sheet an&
showing a proEecte& turnover of 0s.>11 Crores for the current year. Where &o we
a. SM4 .on 0egulatory b. Mi& Corporate c. Barge Corporate
&. SM4 0egulatory e. to be &eci&e& between SM4 * Wholesale !an$ing

23. Un&er MSM4) which seg#ents will be classifie& as Priority Sector Ben&ing
a. Micro 4nterprises
b. S#all 4nterprises
c. Me&iu# 4nterprises
&. 7a8 an& 7b8
e. 7a8) 7b8 an& 7c8
25. Boans to in&ivi&uals up to 0s.9999 in Metropolitan centres with population above 11
lacs an& 0s.9999 at other centres for purchase<construction of &welling unit will
be classifie& un&er PS.
a. 0s.+2 lacs * 0s.12 lacs
b. 0s.+2 lacs unifor#ly
c. 0s.+1 lacs * 0s.11 lacs
&. 0s.+1 lacs unifor#ly
e. .one of these
22. Boans for repairs to the &welling units<ho#e i#prove#ent loan up to 0s.999 in 0ural
* Se#i urban areas will be classifie& as Priority sector len&ing.
a. 0s.1 lac b. 0s.+ lacs c. 0s.2 lacs &. 0s.3 lacs e. .one
2>. Boans for repairs to the &welling units<ho#e i#prove#ent loan up to 0s.999 in
Metro * Urban areas will be classifie& as Priority sector len&ing.
a. 0s.1 lac b. 0s.+ lacs c. 0s.2 lacs &. 0s.3 lacs e. .one
2@. What is the per &ay cash with&rawal li#it of 0upay 'ebit Car& at (DMs
a. 0s.+2)111<- b. 0s.11)111<- c. 0s.+1)111<- &. 0s.12)111<-
e. none of these
2A. 0upay 'ebit Car& can be issue& un&er the following -
a. :' against !an$"s :wn 'eposit
b. Staff :'
c. :' against .SC) ?MP) BIC etc.
&. 7a8 an& 7b8 only
e. 7a8 7b8 an& 7c8
2C. (nnual training Cre&it targets have been intro&uce& as per ProEect Sparsh for both
the officers * Cler$s. (ccor&ingly) a full &ay progra##e will be worth 999 cre&its
an& an half &ay progra##e will be worth 999 cre&its.
a. 11 * 2 b. +1 * 11 c. 21 * 31 &. 11 in all the cases e. none
>1. (nnual Draining Cre&its targets for :fficers * Cler$s will be respectively 99999
a. +1 * 11 b. 31 * +1 c. 21 * 31 &. 111 * >1 e. none
>1. Dra&ing Units of non-custo#ers having less than 99999 years establish#ent #ay be
consi&ere& un&er Dra&ers Boan with the prior approval of 0:.
a. 1 year b. + years c. 3 years &. 2 years e. none
Many MCQs can be !ra"ed i! you understand the belo# tables
Marious li#its for SM4 70egulatory8 Classification -
Activity Micro
Small Enterprises Medium
(investment in P& M
Not Exceeding
Above `25lakh up
to `5cr
Above `5cr not
exceeding `!cr
"ervice (investment
in E#uipments$
Not Exceeding
Above `!lakh up
to `2cr
Above `2cr not
exceeding `5cr
In respect of .ew ProEects whether Mfg) Services) Infrastructure etc) Dotal ProEect cost
woul& &eter#ine the classification as un&er -
Activity SME Mid Corp. Large Corp.
%eal Estate Pro&ects ' 5! (r 5!)25! (r * 25! (r
+ther than %eal Estate Pro&ects ' !! (r !!)5!! (r * 5!! (r
$%&' (% )*+,' -
1. In !aro&a Jeevan Sura$sha S! account) (uto Sweep<0everse Sweep facility can be
#a&e as :ptional if custo#er requests.
+. Special Interest benefit to staff can not be e/ten&e& in case of staff opening a
!aro&a Jeevan Sura$sha S! account.
3. Interest 0ate benefit for the staff can be e/ten&e& in !aro&a Da/ !enefit %i/e&
5. :nline tra&ing account 7:BD8 un&er !aro&a etra&e is currently available to &o#estic
resi&ents only.
2. Dhe ,#a$er-chec$er" concept in !aro&a General Da/ 0e#ittance through C(-11A is
Centrali;e& at !aro&a Connect Dea#) Mu#bai only
>. %acility for accessing to the CI!IB 0eports for assessing the new borrowers" cre&it-
worthiness is given to (&#inistrative offices) Boan %actories an& so#e of the
selecte& Barge branches only.
@. Dhe classification of SM4) Mi&-Corp or Barge Corp borrower woul& be 4ntity wise
an& not Group wise.
A. (n e#ployee can no#inate hi#self for so#e of the Draining progra##es through
C. 216 of the #ar$s is #an&atory for an e#ployee in the test con&ucte& at the en& of
every training progra##e con&ucte& by the !an$"s Draining Syste#. :therwise) only
216 of the training cre&its will be awar&e&.
11. (s per Dra&ers Boan Sche#e) Boan #ay be consi&ere& for a tra&er for purchase of
Shop also as a Der# Boan un&er Dra&ers Boan.
Wish you all Goo& Buc$) &ear !aro&iansOO..
Co#pile& by -
M. Suresh ?u#ar) %aculty) DC) Chennai

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