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The Mass can be roughly divided into four sections which can be summed up in one word

1. Come - We come together in Mass as one Body, gathering before our ord
!. Listen - istening to the Bible readings, the Word of our ord and "omily
#. Do - $raying and participating in the %ucharist, becoming &ne with "im
'. Go - The sendoff where we bring this message to all the world
Entrance Procession: $riest, deacon, altar servers and lectors enter the church or
designated place for celebration of the liturgy.
Entrance Hymn/Song or Gathering Hymn: The song(music which ta)es place during
the entrance procession.
Veneration of the Altar: The reverencing of the altar with a )iss by the bishop or priest
who presides at the service followed by the other bishops, priests and deacons, and the
optional use of incense.
Greeting: The celebrant greets all present at the liturgy, announcing the presence of the
ord to the assembled community.
Penitential Rite: * general admission of sinfulness by the entire assembly, accompanied
by re+uests for ,od-s mercy and forgiveness.
Gloria: *ncient hymn of praise to glorify ,od. .t is used on all /undays 0outside of
*dvent and ent1 and solemn celebrations. The te2t originates from the 3hristmas
narrative in the ,ospel of u)e 0u)e !:1'1.
Opening Prayer: This prayer by the celebrant e2presses the general theme of the
Liturgy of the or!: The iturgy of the Word consists of /cripture readings that are
proclaimed and reflected upon. 4sually, there are three readings: an &ld Testament
selection, a 5ew Testament selection 0from the boo)s other than the ,ospels1, and the
,ospel reading. * responsorial psalm occurs between the &ld and 5ew Testament
Responsorial Psalm: Between the first and second readings, a psalm is spo)en or
sung by the entire assembly. The response is repeated after each verse. .f sung, a cantor
or choir sings the verses of the psalm.
Alleluia Acclamation: This acclamation of praise to ,od follows the second reading and
prepares the assembly for the ,ospel.
Homily: The homily 0sermon1 is a reflection by the celebrant or other minister on the
/cripture readings and the application of the te2ts in the daily lives of the assembled
Profession of "aith: The assembly together recalls and proclaims the fundamental
teachings of the 6oman 3atholic faith. The $rofession of 7aith, also referred to as the
3reed, is used on all /undays and "oly 8ays. The $rofession of 7aith may be either the
5icene 3reed or the *postles- 3reed.
General #ntercessions: $rayers of intercession for the 3hurch, civil authorities, those
with various needs and for the needs and salvation of the world. The celebrant invites all
to pray, another minister proclaims the prayers of petition and the assembly responds by
as)ing ,od to hear and to grant their re+uests.
Liturgy of the Eucharist: The iturgy of the %ucharist is the section of the celebration
when the gifts of bread and wine are prepared and the %ucharistic $rayer is proclaimed
by the celebrant, and the Blessed /acrament 0%ucharist, 3ommunion1 is distributed to
the assembly.
Preparation of the Gifts: The bread and wine to be used in the celebration are brought
to the celebrant, usually by representatives of the faithful.
Offertory Hymn/Song: Music used during the presentation of gifts to the celebrant and
as the altar is prepared for the iturgy of the %ucharist.
ashing of Han!s: This is an e2pression of the desire for inward purification. The
celebrant washes his hands in symbolic cleansing to prepare himself 9ust as the gifts
have been prepared as an offering to the ord.
Prayer O$er the Gifts: The prayer by the celebrant as)ing that the gifts to be offered
be made holy and acceptable in the eyes of the ord.
Preface Dialogue: The introductory dialogue between the celebrant and assembly in
which all are invited to 9oin in prayer and than)sgiving to ,od called the /anctus or "oly,
"oly, "oly. The community responds to the preface and continues the general theme of
praise and than)s.
Eucharistic Prayer: The prayer of than)sgiving and sanctification. .t is the center and
high point of the celebration. 8uring the %ucharistic $rayer, the 3hurch believes that the
bread and wine become the Body and Blood of :esus 3hrist. .ncluded in the %ucharistic
$rayer are the:
Consecration: The prayer and blessing during which the bread and wine become the
Body and Blood of :esus 3hrist.
%emorial Acclamation: The $riest declares the mystery of faith and the congregation
#ntercessions: * series of prayers for the 3hurch, the world, the $ope, the clergy and
the laity, and the dead.
"inal Do&ology: * final prayer of praise of ,od.
Amen: *lso called the ,reat *men. .t is the acclamation by the people e2pressing their
agreement with all that has been said and done in the %ucharistic prayer.
'he Lor! (s Prayer )Our "ather*: The prayer of petition for our needs and forgiveness
of our sins.
Do&ology: The response of the people acclaiming the sovereignty of ,od.
Sign of Peace: Before sharing the Body of 3hrist the members of the assembly are
invited to e2press their love and peace with one another, usually through sha)ing hands
or a )iss.
+rea,ing of the +rea!: The celebrant carries out the gestures of 3hrist at the ast
/upper when he bro)e the bread to give to his disciples. The action signifies that in
communion the many are made one in the one Bread of ife which is 3hrist.
Lam- of Go! )Agnus Dei*: *n invocation during the brea)ing of the bread in which the
assembly petitions ,od for mercy and peace.
Holy Communion. *fter saying a preparatory prayer, the celebrant 0or other designated
ministers1 gives communion 0the consecrated bread and wine which has been changed to
the Body and Blood of :esus1 to himself and the other ministers at the altar, and then
communion is distributed to the congregation.
Communion Song. The music that is sung as the consecrated bread and wine - the
Body and Blood of 3hrist - is distributed to the faithful.
Prayer After Communion. The final prayer by the celebrant in which he petitions that
the /acrament be beneficial for all.
Conclu!ing Rite. The brief rite which consists of the celebrant-s greeting to all present,
final blessing and dismissal; followed by a concluding song and the concluding
The Book of Revelation as a model for the Mass
The Boo) of 6evelation is ama<ing. *s well as containing many prophetic statements, it
contains a very accurate vision of the Mass as it-s ta)ing place in "eaven. The 3atholic
Mass is an echo on earth, of this beautiful ceremony.
%ass Stuff
E&ample 'e&t
The *ltar
6ev =:>, ?:#,
@; >:1#,
11:1, 1':1?,
*nother angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood
at thealtar. "e was given much incense to offer, with the
prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the
6ev #:@,
#:1?, ':',
A:1#, 1',
CThese in /hite ro-esDwho are they, and where did
they come fromEC... Therefore, Cthey are before the
throne of ,od and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over
3andles 6ev ':@ Before the throne, seven lamps were bla<ing.
.ncense and
$rayers of
the /aints
6ev @:?, ?:#,
...and the twenty-four elders fell down before the amb.
%ach one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls
full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. 06ev
Blood of the
6ev A:1@
...they have washed their robes and made them white in
the-loo! of the Lam-.
"oly, "oly,
6ev ':?
%ach of the four living creatures had si2 wings and was
covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. 8ay
and night they never stop saying: C"oly, holy, holy is the
ord ,od *lmighty, who was, and is, and is to come.
6ev. !:@, 1=,
!1; #:#;
6emember, therefore, what you have received and
heard; obey it, and repent.
/ilent prayer
6ev ?:1 ...there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
.nvo)ing 6ev @:11 Then . loo)ed and heard the voice of many angels,
numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand
times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the
living creatures and the elders.
6ev 1:=, ':>,
11, @:1!,1#,
A:1!, 11:1#,
1':A, 1@:'
Then . heard every creature in heaven and on earth and
under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them,
singing: CTo him who sits on the throne and to the amb
be praise and honor andglory and power, forever and
/ign of the
6ev A:#-',
11:1, 1':1,
8o not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put
a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our ,od. 06ev
A:#1 ... 1'',GGG who had his name and his 7ather-s
name written on their foreheads.01':11
6ev 1>:1, #,
', =
CHallelu0ahF /alvation and glory and power belong to
our ,od ... The twenty-four elders and the four living
creatures fell down and worshiped ,od, who was seated
on the throne. *nd they cried: C*men, Hallelu0ahFC... .
CHallelu0ahF 7or our ord ,od *lmighty reigns.
6ev @:1 the right hand of him who sat on the throne a
scroll with writing ...
amb of ,od 6ev @:1!
CWorthy is the amb, who was slain, to receive power
and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and
glory and praiseFC ...
6ev !:1A
"e who has an ear, let him hear what the /pirit says to
the churches. To him who overcomes, . will give some of
the hidden manna. 05ote: *n entire article on the
%ucharist is here1
Mary 6ev 1!:1-1A
* woman ... crown of twelve stars on her head...
pregnant ... gave birth to a son, a male child, who will
rule all the nations ... *nd her child was snatched up to
,od and to his throne...Then the dragon was enraged at
the woman and went off to ma)e war against the rest of
her offspringDthose who obey ,od-s commandments
and hold to the testimony of :esus. 0note: a full
e2ploration of Mary in /cripture is here1
6elics of
/aints under
6ev =:> . saw under the altar the souls of those who had been
slain because of the word of ,od and the testimony they
the *ltar had maintained.
Bible references for the Catholic Mass
0/ee Mass references in the Boo) of 6evelation1
#1'ROD2C'OR3 R#'ES

E S'A1D 2P
.n the name of the 7ather, and of the /on, and of the "oly
The grace of our ord :esus 3hrist and the love of ,od and the
fellowship of the "oly /pirit be with you all.
An! also /ith you4
%t 56.78
# Chron 79.:9
## Cor 7:.7:
PE1#'E1'#AL R#'E
My brothers and sisters, to prepare ourselves to celebrate the
sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our sins:
# confess to almighty Go!; an! to you; my -rothers an!
sisters; that # ha$e sinne! through my o/n fault in my
thoughts an! in my /or!s; in /hat l ha$e !one; an! in
/hat l ha$e faile! to !o4 An! l as, -lesse! %ary; e$er
$irgin; all the angels an! saints; an! you; my -rothers
an! sisters; to pray for me to the Lor! our Go!4
May almighty ,od have mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life.
ord, have mercy.
Lor!; ha$e mercy4
3hrist, have mercy.
Christ; ha$e mercy4
ord, have mercy.
Lor!; ha$e mercy4
<ames =.79
Rom 75.79> <ames :.9
# 'hes =.5=
Re$ =.77; 9.8
Re$4 5.=;79;57> :.:>
# <n 7.8

'o-it 6.?> # 'im 7.5>Psm
Glory to Go! in the highest;
an! peace to his people on earth4
Lor! Go!; hea$enly @ing; almighty Go! an! "ather;
/e /orship you; /e gi$e you than,s;
/e praise you for your glory4
Lor! <esus Christ; only Son of the "ather; Lor! Go!;
Lam- of Go!;
you ta,e a/ay the sin of the /orl!; ha$e mercy on us>
you are seate! at the right
han! of the "ather; recei$e our prayer4
"or you alone are the Holy One;
you alone are the Lor!;
you alone are the %ost High;
<esus Christ; /ith the Holy Spirit
in the glory of Go! the "ather4 Amen4
This prayer, said by the priest, is different in each single mass.
Whe he finish we answer: Amen
W% T*H% * /%*T
L,4 5.7?
Re$ 78.9
Re$ 55.8> Eph =.5A> Re$
## <n :> Phil 5.77> <n

Rom 6.:?
L, ?.:?> L, 7.:5
<n 7?.59
L#'2RG3 O" 'HE ORD
The Word of the ord ( 'han,s -e to Go!
The Word of the ord ( 'han,s -e to Go!
ALLEL2#AW% /T*58 4$
The ord be with you.
An! also /ith you.
* reading from the holy gospel according to...
Glory to you; Lor!. ) GOSPEL *
This is the gospel of the ord.
Praise to you; Lor! <esus Christ4
HO%#L3 W% T*H% * /.T
W% /T*58 4$
'e&t relate! to the
rea!ings of the Day
Ol! 'estament / Acts of
the Apostles
1e/ 'estament
## Cor 7.5
Gospel- E&planation of
Deut 9.? Gen 7?.78 Gen
<n :.79 Acts 5.:9
L, 7.:=
%att 7.55C5:
<n 78.7C5, 7BC78
# Pe :.76C78
# Cor 7=.:C?
%, 79.78
Acts 7A.?54 ## 'im ?.7
Acts 5.7B Rom =.=
%t4 79.764 Rom 75.=
Re$ =.7; B.8; 55.=; 5A
<n 5A.5:
Rom 6; 77
# 'im 5.7C5
L#'2RG3 O" 'HE E2CHAR#S'
W% T*H% * /%*T
PRESE1'A'#O1 O" G#"'S
Blessed are you, ord, ,od of all creation. Through your
goodness we have this bread to offer, which earth has given
and human hands have made. .t will become for us the bread
of life.
+lesse! -e Go! for e$er.
Blessed are you, ord, ,od of all creation. Through your
goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and wor)
of human hands. . will become our spiritual drin).
+lesse! -e Go! for e$er4
$ray, brethren, that our sacrifice may be acceptable to ,od,
the almighty 7ather.
%ay the Lor! accept the sacrifice at your han!s for the
praise an! glory of his name; for our goo!; an! the goo!
of all his Church4
W% /T*58 4$
This prayer, said by the priest, is different in each single mass.
Whe he finish we answer: Amen4
The ord be with you.
An! also /ith you.
ift up your hearts.
e lift them up to the Lor!.
Acts ?.:= C ## Cor 8.75C
Eccl :.7? Sirach 7B

<n 9.:=
Psm 96; :9
L, 55.7BC76
Psm 96.:9

He- 75.56

Psm =A.5:

'e&t relate! to the
rea!ings of the Day

## Cor 7.5
Lam :.?7
Col :.7B
Col 7.:

#s 9.: 4 Re$ ?.6

%, 77.8C7A

et us give than)s to the ord our ,od.
#t(s right to gi$e him than,s an! praise.
7ather, it is our duty and our salvation ...
... *nd so we 9oin the angels and the saints in proclaiming your
glory as we sing 0say1:
Holy; holy; holy Lor!4 Go! of po/er an! might4
Hea$en an! earth are full of your glory4
Hosanna in the highest4 +lesse! is he /ho comes in the
name of the Lor!4 Hosanna in the highest4
W% H5%% 8&W5
ord, you are holy indeed, the fountain of all holiness.
et your /pirit come upon these gifts to ma)e them holy,
so that they may become for us the body I and blood of our
ord, :esus 3hrist.
Before he was given up to death, a death he freely accepted,
he too) bread and gave you than)s. "e bro)e the bread, gave
it to his disciples, and said:
Ta)e this, all of you, and eat it: this is my Body which will be
given up for you.
When supper was ended, he too) the cup. *gain he gave you
than)s and praise, gave the cup to his disciples, and said:
Ta)e this, all of you, and drin) from it; this is the cup of my
Blood, the Blood of the 5ew and %verlasting 3ovenant. .t will
be shed for you and for all men so that sins may be forgiven.
8o this in memory of me.
et us proclaim the mystery of faith.
Christ has !ie!; Christ has risen; Christ /ill come again .
W% /T*58 4$
.n memory of his death and resurrection,
we offer you, 7ather, this life-giving bread, this saving cup. ....
...Through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the "oly
/pirit, all glory and honour is yours, almighty 7ather,
for ever and ever.
## %ac 7?.:9

Phil 5.6 <n 7A.7BC76
%, 7?.55C5= %t 7?.55C
5= L, 55.78C5A4 # Cor
Acts 5.5:C5? / # Cor 7=;
Re$ 55.7B 55.5A
<n 9.=7
# Cor 7A.7B
Eph 9.76
## %ac 75.?=C?9
# Cor 7=; 5AC5:4 58C:A
5 'es 7.?C=4
Re$ B.8C7=
He- 8.7=
# Cor 75.75C7:
Re$ B.75
R#'E O" CO%%21#O1
et us pray with confidence to the 7ather in the words our
%t4 9.8C7:

/aviour gave us:
8eliver us, ord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our
day. .n your mercy )eep us free from sin and protect us from
all an2iety as we wait in 9oyful hope for the coming of our
/avior, :esus 3hrist.
"or the ,ing!om; the po/er; an! the glory are yours;
no/ an! fore$er4
ord :esus 3hrist, you said to your apostles: C. leave you
peace, my peace . give youC, loo) not on our sins, but on the
faith of your 3hurch, and grant us the peace and unity of your
)ingdom where you live for ever and ever.
The peace of the ord be with you always.
An! also /ith you4
Lam- of Go!; you ta,e a/ay the sins of the /orl!;
ha$e mercy on us4
Lam- of Go!; you ta,e a/ay the sins of the /orl!;
ha$e mercy on us4
Lam- of Go!; you ta,e a/ay the sins of the /orl!;
grant us peace4
This is the amb of ,od who ta)es away the sins of the world.
"appy are those who are called to his supper.
Lor!; # am not /orthy to recei$e you;
-ut only say the /or! an! # shall -e heale! .
W% ,& T& 6%3%.B% 3&MM45.&5
*t the moment of communion the priest or the minister will
say: 'he -o!y of Christ.
We must answer:Amen4
W% 6%T465 T& &46 $*3% *58 W% T*H% * /.T T& $6*J
W% /T*58 4$
PRA3ER A"'ER CO%%21#O1

<n 7B.7=

Re$ =.75C7:

<n 7?.5B

<n 5A478

Rom 79.79
<n 7.58

Re$ 78.8
%at 6.6

'e&t relate! to the
rea!ings of the Day

## Cor 7.5
This prayer, said by the priest, is different in each single mass.
Whe he finish we answer: Amen

The ord be with you.
An! also /ith you4
May almighty ,od bless you, the 7ather, and the /on,
and the "oly /pirit.
,o in the peace of 3hrist.
'han,s -e to Go!4
7.5* /&5,

L, 5?.=7

L, B.=A
## Cor 8.7=

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